Two-mode networks and multiplication
Two-mode networks and multiplication
Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores Introduction to Network Analysis using Pajek 7. Two-mode networks and multiplication 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Vladimir Batagelj Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects University of Ljubljana Phd program on Statistics University of Ljubljana, 2016 1 / 65 Outline Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects Josh On: They rule 2004 Other derived networks EU projects e-mail: wiki: version: March 1, 2016 2 / 65 Two-mode networks Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections In a two-mode network N = (U, V, L, P, W) the set of vertices consists of two disjoint sets of vertices U and V, and all the lines from L have one end-vertex in U and the other in V. Often also a weight w : L → R ∈ W is given; if not, we assume w (u, v ) = 1 for all (u, v ) ∈ L. A two-mode network can also be described by a rectangular matrix A = [auv ]U ×V . ( wuv (u, v ) ∈ L auv = 0 otherwise Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects Examples: (persons, societies, years of membership), (buyers/consumers, goods, quantity), (parlamentarians, problems, positive vote), (persons, journals, reading), (papers, keywords, is described by), etc. 3 / 65 Deep South Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Classical example of two-mode network are the Southern women (Davis 1941). Davis.paj. Freeman’s overview. Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects 4 / 65 Approaches to two-mode network analysis Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections The usual approach to analyze a two-mode network is to transform it to a one-mode network and use standard methods on it. For direct analysis of two-mode networks we can use the eigen-vector approach – a two-mode variant of Kleinberg’s hubs and authorities. The weight vector (x, y) on U ∪ V is determined by relations y = Ax and x = AT y. Network/2-Mode Network/Important Vertices Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects There are also special methods for clustering and blockmodeling in two-mode networks. In this lecture we will present two additional direct methods: two-mode cores and 4-rings. 5 / 65 Internet Movie Database Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects 12th Annual Graph Drawing Contest, 2005. The IMDB network is two-mode and has 1324748 = 428440 + 896308 vertices and 3792390 arcs. 6 / 65 Two-mode cores Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects The subset of vertices C ⊆ V is a (p, q)-core in a two-mode network N = (V1 , V2 ; L), V = V1 ∪ V2 iff a. in the induced subnetwork K = (C1 , C2 ; L(C )), C1 = C ∩ V1 , C2 = C ∩ V2 it holds ∀v ∈ C1 : degK (v ) ≥ p and ∀v ∈ C2 : degK (v ) ≥ q ; b. C is the maximal subset of V satisfying condition a. Properties of two-mode cores: • C (0, 0) = V • K(p, q) is not always connected • (p1 ≤ p2 ) ∧ (q1 ≤ q2 ) ⇒ C (p1 , q1 ) ⊆ C (p2 , q2 ) • C = {C (p, q) : p, q ∈ N}. If all nonempty elements of C are different it is a lattice. 7 / 65 Algorithm for two-mode cores Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects To determine a (p, q)-core the procedure similar to the ordinary core procedure can be used: repeat remove from the first set all vertices of degree less than p, and from the second set all vertices of degree less than q until no vertex was deleted It can be implemented to run in O(m) time. Interesting (p, q)-cores? Table of cores’ characteristics n1 = |C1 (p, q)|, n2 = |C2 (p, q)| and k – number of components in K(p, q): • n1 + n2 ≤ selected threshold • ’border line’ in the (p, q)-table. 8 / 65 Table (p, q : n1 , n2 ) for Internet Movie Database Two-mode V. Batagelj Network/2-Mode Network/Core/2-Mode Border Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects 1 1590: 1590 1 | 16 39: 2 516: 788 3 | 17 35: 3 212: 1705 18 | 18 32: 4 151: 4330 154 | 19 30: 5 131: 4282 209 | 20 28: 6 115: 3635 223 | 21 26: 7 101: 3224 244 | 22 24: 8 88: 2860 263 | 24 23: 9 77: 3467 393 | 27 22: 10 69: 3150 428 | 29 20: 11 63: 2442 382 | 32 19: 12 56: 2479 454 | 35 18: 13 50: 3330 716 | 36 17: 14 46: 2460 596 | 39 16: 15 42: 2663 739 | 42 15: 2173 2791 2684 2395 2216 1988 1854 34 31 35 34 33 33 29 28 678 995 1080 1063 1087 1087 1153 39 38 52 57 61 65 70 76 | 44 | 46 | 49 | 52 | 56 | 62 | 66 | 72 | 96 | 119 | 141 | 186 | 247 | 1334 | 14: 13: 12: 11: 10: 9: 8: 7: 6: 5: 4: 3: 2: 1: 29 83 29 94 26 95 16 79 34 162 31 177 29 198 22 203 7 114 6 137 8 258 3 186 2 247 1 1334 9 / 65 (247,2)-core and (27,22)-core Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Survivor Series Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects Royal Rumble Zhukov, Boris (I) Wright, Charles (II) Wilson, Al (III) Wight, Paul Wickens, Brian White, Leon Warrior Warrington, Chaz Ware, David (II) Waltman, Sean Walker, P.J. von Erich, Kerry Vaziri, Kazrow Van Dam, Rob Valentine, Greg Vailahi, Sione Tunney, Jack Traylor, Raymond Tenta, John Taylor, Terry (IV) Taylor, Scott (IX) Tanaka, Pat Tajiri, Yoshihiro Szopinski, Terry Storm, Lance Steiner, Scott Steiner, Rick (I) Solis, Mercid Snow, Al Smith, Davey Boy Slaughter, Sgt. Simmons, Ron (I) Shinzaki, Kensuke Shamrock, Ken Senerca, Pete Scaggs, Charles Savage, Randy Saturn, Perry Sags, Jerry Ruth, Glen Runnels, Dustin Rude, Rick Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau Jr., Jacques Rotunda, Mike Ross, Jim (III) Rock, The Roberts, Jake (II) Rivera, Juan (II) Rhodes, Dusty (I) Reso, Jason Reiher, Jim Reed, Bruce (II) Race, Harley Prichard, Tom Powers, Jim (IV) Poffo, Lanny Plotcheck, Michael Piper, Roddy Pfohl, Lawrence Pettengill, Todd Peruzovic, Josip Palumbo, Chuck (I) Page, Dallas Ottman, Fred Orton, Randy Okerlund, Gene Nowinski, Chris Norris, Tony (I) Nord, John Neidhart, Jim Nash, Kevin (I) Muraco, Don Morris, Jim (VII) Morley, Sean Morgan, Matt (III) Mooney, Sean (I) Moody, William (I) Miller, Butch Mero, Marc McMahon, Vince McMahon, Shane Matthews, Darren (II) Martin, Andrew (II) Martel, Rick Marella, Robert Marella, Joseph A. Manna, Michael Lothario, Jose Long, Teddy LoMonaco, Mark Lockwood, Michael Levy, Scott (III) Levesque, Paul Michael Lesnar, Brock Leslie, Ed Leinhardt, Rodney Layfield, John Lawler, Jerry Lawler, Brian (II) Laurinaitis, Joe Laughlin, Tom (IV) Lauer, David (II) Knobs, Brian Knight, Dennis (II) Killings, Ron Kelly, Kevin (VIII) Keirn, Steve Jones, Michael (XVI) Johnson, Ken (X) Jericho, Chris Jarrett, Jeff (I) Jannetty, Marty James, Brian (II) Jacobs, Glen Jackson, Tiger Hyson, Matt Hughes, Devon Huffman, Booker Howard, Robert William Howard, Jamie Houston, Sam Horowitz, Barry Horn, Bobby Hollie, Dan Hogan, Hulk Hickenbottom, Michael Heyman, Paul Hernandez, Ray Henry, Mark (I) Hennig, Curt Helms, Shane Hegstrand, Michael Heenan, Bobby Hebner, Earl Hebner, Dave Heath, David (I) Hayes, Lord Alfred Hart, Stu Hart, Owen Hart, Jimmy (I) Hart, Bret Harris, Ron (IV) Harris, Don (VII) Harris, Brian (IX) Hardy, Matt Hardy, Jeff (I) Hall, Scott (I) Guttierrez, Oscar Gunn, Billy (II) Guerrero, Eddie Guerrero Jr., Chavo Gray, George (VI) Goldberg, Bill (I) Gill, Duane Gasparino, Peter Garea, Tony Funaki, Sho Fujiwara, Harry Frazier Jr., Nelson Foley, Mick Flair, Ric Finkel, Howard Fifita, Uliuli Fatu, Eddie Farris, Roy Eudy, Sid Enos, Mike (I) Eaton, Mark (II) Eadie, Bill Duggan, Jim (II) Douglas, Shane DiBiase, Ted DeMott, William Davis, Danny (III) Darsow, Barry Cornette, James E. Copeland, Adam (I) Constantino, Rico Connor, A.C. Cole, Michael (V) Coage, Allen Coachman, Jonathan Clemont, Pierre Clarke, Bryan Chavis, Chris Centopani, Paul Cena, John (I) Canterbury, Mark Candido, Chris Calaway, Mark Bundy, King Kong Buchanan, Barry (II) Brunzell, Jim Brisco, Gerald Bresciano, Adolph Bloom, Wayne Bloom, Matt (I) Blood, Richard Blanchard, Tully Blair, Brian (I) Blackman, Steve (I) Bischoff, Eric Bigelow, Scott ’Bam Bam’ Benoit, Chris (I) Batista, Dave Bass, Ron (II) Barnes, Roger (II) Backlund, Bob Austin, Steve (IV) Apollo, Phil Anoai, Solofatu Anoai, Sam Anoai, Rodney Anoai, Matt Anoai, Arthur Angle, Kurt AndrØ the Giant Anderson, Arn Albano, Lou Al-Kassi, Adnan Ahrndt, Jason Adams, Brian (VI) Young, Mae (I) Wright, Juanita Wilson, Torrie Vachon, Angelle Stratus, Trish Runnels, Terri Robin, Rockin’ Psaltis, Dawn Marie Moretti, Lisa Moore, Jacqueline (VI) Moore, Carlene (II) Mero, Rena McMichael, Debra McMahon, Stephanie Martin, Judy (II) Martel, Sherri Laurer, Joanie Keibler, Stacy Kai, Leilani Hulette, Elizabeth Guenard, Nidia Garca, LiliÆn Ellison, Lillian Dumas, Amy ’WWF Smackdown!’ ’WWE Velocity’ ’Sunday Night Heat’ ’Raw Is War’ WWF Vengeance WWF Unforgiven WWF Rebellion WWF No Way Out WWF No Mercy WWF Judgment Day WWF Insurrextion WWF Backlash WWE Wrestlemania XX WWE Wrestlemania X-8 WWE Vengeance WWE Unforgiven WWE SmackDown! Vs. Raw WWE No Way Out WWE No Mercy WWE Judgment Day WWE Armageddon Wrestlemania X-Seven Wrestlemania X-8 Wrestlemania 2000 Survivor Series Summerslam Royal Rumble No Way Out King of the Ring Invasion Fully Loaded Taylor, Scott (IX) Van Dam, Rob Matthews, Darren (II) LoMonaco, Mark Hughes, Devon Huffman, Booker Heyman, Paul Hebner, Earl McMahon, Stephanie Keibler, Stacy Wight, Paul Simmons, Ron (I) Senerca, Pete Ross, Jim (III) Rock, The Reso, Jason McMahon, Vince McMahon, Shane Martin, Andrew (II) Levesque, Paul Michael Layfield, John Lawler, Jerry Jericho, Chris Jacobs, Glen Hardy, Matt Hardy, Jeff (I) Gunn, Billy (II) Guerrero, Eddie Copeland, Adam (I) Cole, Michael (V) Calaway, Mark Bloom, Matt (I) Benoit, Chris (I) Austin, Steve (IV) Anoai, Solofatu Angle, Kurt Stratus, Trish Dumas, Amy 10 / 65 (2,516)-Hard core Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects Hot Tight Asses 6 Hot Tight Asses 20 Hot Sweet Honey Hot Shots Hot Nights at the Blue Note Cafe Hot In the City Hospitality Sweet Hooter Heaven Honey Buns Hollywood Starlets Hollywood Exposed 2 Holly Does Hollywood Holiday for Angels Hindlick Maneuver, The Hienie’s Heroes Hidden Obsessions Hershe Highway 4 Herman’s Bed Heads and Tails Head Games Head Clinic Hawaii Vice Part III: Beyond the Badge Hawaii Vice 6 Hawaii Vice 5 Hawaii Vice 2 Harlequin Affair Hard to Handle Hard Rider Hard as a Rock Happy Endings Guilty by Seduction Greatest American Blonde Grand Opening Graduation from F.U. Gorgeous Good Girls Do Going Pro Goin’ Down Slow Goddess of Love Gluteus to the Maximus Glen or Glenda? Glamour Girl 5 Give Me Your Soul... Girls’ Club, The Girls Who Love to Suck Girls of the Double D 9 Girls of the Double D 13 Girls of the Double D 11 Girls of the A Team, The Girls of Paradise Girls of Cell Block F Girl with the Heart-Shaped Tattoo, The Ginger’s Private Party Ginger’s Greatest Boy/Girl Hits Ginger Then and Now Ginger Snacks Ginger On the Rocks Ginger Lynn: The Movie Ginger Lynn Non-Stop Ginger Lynn and Co. Ginger in Ecstasy Ginger Effect, The Ghost Town Gettin’ Ready Gang Bangs II Gang Bangs Gang Bang Wild Style 2 Gang Bang Nymphette Gang Bang Jizz Queens Gang Bang Jizz Jammers Gang Bang Girl 22 Gang Bang Girl 20 Gang Bang Girl 17 Gang Bang Girl 13 Gang Bang Girl 12 Gang Bang Face Bath 4 Gang Bang Face Bath 3 Gang Bang Face Bath 2 Gang Bang Face Bath Gang Bang Cummers Games Couples Play Future Voyeur Full Throttle Girls 1: Boredom Pulled the Trigger Full Nest Full Moon Fever Friends and Lovers: The Sequel Fresh Meat French Doll Forbidden Cravings Forbidden Bodies For Your Thighs Only For the Money 1 Fluffer, The Flesh Shopping Network Flashback First Annual XRCO Adult Film Awards Firm Offer Firefoxes Fire in the Hole Fine Art of Cunnilingus, The Film Buff Filet-o-Breast Femmes Ørotiques, Les Femme Vanessa, La Fast Girls Farmer’s Daughter 2 Fantasy Inc. 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TV DØj Vu Dreams of Candace Hart Dreams in the Forbidden Zone Dream Machine, The Dream Lust Dragon Lady 4: Tales from the Bed 3, The Double Penetrations 7 Double Penetrations 6 Double Penetrations 2 Double Penetration 5 Double Penetration 4 Double Penetration 2 Double Penetration Dirty Prancing Dirty Pictures Dirty Movies Dirty Looks Dirty Dreams Dickman and Throbbin Diamond in the Rough Diamond Collection Double X 74 Diamond Collection Double X 10 Diamond Collection 79 Diamond Collection 67 Diamond Collection 64 Diamond Collection 61 Dial F for Fantasy Dial a Nurse Dial A for Anal Devil Made Her Do It, The Devil in Miss Jones 5: The Inferno, The Devil in Miss Jones 4: The Final Outrage Devil in Miss Jones 3: A New Beginning, The Desktop Dolls DeRenzy Tapes Delinquents On Butt Row Deeper, Harder, Faster Deep Throat Girls Deep Obsession Deep Inside Victoria Paris Deep Inside Vanessa del Rio Deep Inside Traci Deep Inside Shanna McCullough Deep Inside Samantha Strong Deep Inside Racquel Darrian Deep Inside P.J. Sparxx Deep Inside Nina Hartley Deep Inside Missy Deep Inside Kelly O’Dell Deep Inside Ginger Lynn Deep Inside Brittany O’Connell Deep Inside Barbii Deep Inside Ariana Deep In Angel’s Ass Deep Cover Deep Cheeks 3 Decadence Debutante, The Dear Bridgette Darker Side of Shayla, The Darker Side of Shayla 2, The Curse of the Catwoman Cumshot Revue 5 Cumshot Revue 3 Cumshot Revue 2 Cumming of Ass Cumback Pussy 9: Your Ass Is Mine! 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Samantha! Pink Pussycat, The Piece of Heaven Physical II Photo Flesh Perverted Passions Perverted 1 Perks Perfect Fit Peggy Sue Passionate Heiress Passionate Angels Passenger 69 Passages 2 Passages 1 Party Doll A Go-Go, Part 1 Party Doll A Go-Go 2 Party Doll Paradise Lost Paler Shade of Blue, A Overtime: Oral Hijinx Oval Office, The Outrageous Orgies 5 Outlaw, The Out of Love Orgies Oral Majority 9 Oral Majority 8 Oral Majority 7 Oral Majority 4 Oral Majority 3 Oral Majority 10 Oral Majority Open Up Traci Only the Very Best On Video Only the Best of the 80’s One Night Stand On the Loose On Golden Blonde Office Girls Obsession Nurse Nancy Nurse Fantasies Norma Jeane Anal Legend Nobody’s Looking No Tell Motel Nightbreed Night Temptress Night Tales Night Deposit New Wave Hookers 4 New Wave Hookers 2 New Wave Hookers Never Say Never Naughty Thoughts Naughty 90’s Nasty Nymphos 3 Nasty Lovers Naked Truth, The Naked Ambition Naked and Nasty Mystic Pieces Mystery of the Golden Lotus Muff ’n’ Jeff Motel Sex More Than Friends Moonstroked Model Wife Miscreants Mirage 2 Mirage Mind Shadows 2 Mind Shadows Midslumber’s Night Dream Midnight Pink Midnight Hour, The Megasex Matter of Size, A Masque Mark of Zara Marilyn Whips Wallstreet Manbait 2 Manbait Man Who Loves Women, The Make My Wife, Please Make My Night Make Me Want It Magic Shower, The Lust in the Fast Lane Lust College Lust Bug, The Lust at the Top Luscious Lucy in Love Lucky Break Lovin’ USA Lovers, The Love Lessons Love Ghost Love Bites Loose Morals Loose Ends III Loose Ends II Loose Ends Loads of Fun 4 Little Romance Like a Virgin Life and Loves of Nikki Charm Let’s Play Doctor Legend of Barbi-Q and Little Fawn, The Laying the Ghost Latin Lust Last Temptation, The Lascivious Ladies of Dr. Lipo, The Laid Off Lady in Red, The KSEX 106.9 Kiss, The Kiss My Asp Kinky Vision 2 Kinky Couples Kinky Keyhole Video #114: Christy Canyon Special Kascha and Friends Just Another Pretty Face Juicy Sex Scandals Juicy Lucy Jezebel Jaded Love It’s My Body Interactive Insatiable Inferno Indecent Itch Indecent Exposures Inches for Keisha In Search of the Golden Bone Immaculate Erection Images of Desire I Want It All I Touch Myself I Like to Be Watched I Dream of Christy Hunger, The House On Chasey Lane House of the Rising Sun House of Sleeping Beauties 2 House of Sleeping Beauties House of Blue Dreams Hottest Ticket Hothouse Rose Part 1 Hotel Sodom Hotel Paradise Hotel Fantasy Hot Wired Hot Tight Asses 9 Hot Tight Asses 8 Young Nurses In Lust Young Girls in Tight Jeans Young and Naughty Year of the Sex Dragon, The XTV 2 XTV 1 X-rated Bloopers and Outtakes X-rated Blondes X Dreams Wrapped Up WPINK-TV 3 Woman in Pink, The Within and Without You With Love from Susan With Love from Ginger Witching Hour, The Wire Desire Wings of Passion Willing Women Wild Women 61: Rachel Ryan Wild Women 32: Summer Rose Wild Women 11: Tanya Foxx Wild Weekend Wild in the Wilderness Wild Buck Wild Bananas On Butt Row Wild and Wicked 3 Wicked Whispers Wicked Ways #2 Wicked One Wicked As She Seems Whore, The Whore of the Worlds Whore House Who Killed Holly Hollywood? White Bunbusters Whispered Lies Where the Sun Never Shines What Gets Me Hot! Wet Dreams Reel Fantasies West Coast Girls We Love to Tease Way They Were, The Wacky World of X-Rated Bloopers Voyeur, The Voyeur’s Favorite Blowjobs and Anals 8, The Voodoo Lust: The Possession Visions of Desire Virgin Dreams Video Tramp Victoria and Company Vegas: Snake Eyes Vagina Town Up Your Ass 5 Up ’n Coming Unforgivable Unchain My Heart Unbelievable Orgies Turnabout True Legends of Adult Cinema: The Modern Video Era True Legends of Adult Cinema: The Erotic 80’s Trashy Lady Tracie Lords Toys 4 Us 2 Touch of Mischief Touch Me Torrid Without a Cause Top It Off Top 25 Adult Stars of All Time, The Too Good to Be True Tomboy To the Rear Tits Ahoy Tip of the Tongue Tight Squeeze Tight Ends in Motion Thrill Street Blues Three-way Lust Three by Three Those Lynn Girls This Is Your Sex Life Texas Crude Terms of Endowment Terminal Case of Love Temptation Eyes Teasers Tease, The Tawnee Be Good Taste of Victoria Paris Taste of Tawnee, A Taste of Ariel Tarnished Knight Talk Dirty to Me, Part III Talk Dirty to Me 9 Takin’ It to the Limit Take My Wife, Please! Take Me Tailspin 1 Tails of Perversity 3 Tails of Perversity 2 Tails of Perversity Tailiens 2 Tailiens Tailhouse Rock Tailgunners Swedish Erotica 74 Swedish Erotica 56 Swedish Erotica 54 Surfside Sex Superstars of Sex: Racquel Darrian Super Tramp Super Groupie Sunny After Dark Summer Break Sugarpussy Jeans Suburban Swingers 2 Street Walkers Strange Sex in Strange Places Stiff Competition 2 Stiff Competition Starting Over Starr Star, The Star Cuts 4: Ginger Lynn Star Cuts 39: Trinity Loren Star Cuts 37: Buffy Davis Star 85 Splendor in the Ass Splash Shots Spies Spermbusters Spellbound Spectacular Orgasms Sorority Pink 2: The Initiation Sophisticated Lady Sodomania: The Baddest of the Best Sodomania: Slop Shots 1 Sodomania 18 Sodomania 13 Snatched Smart Ass, The Smart Ass Returns, The Slumber Party Sloppy Seconds Slip of the Tongue Slip Into Ginger and Amber Slightly Used Sleeping with Everybody Slave to Love Sky Foxes Skin Games Sister Dearest Sindy Does Anal Again Simply Kia Simply Blue Shot From Behind Sheila’s Deep Desires Shayla’s Gang Shaved Pink Shane’s World Sexy Secrets N 1 Sexy and 18 Sexual Fantasies Sextectives Sexpertease Sex Toys Sex Stories Sex Sluts in the Slammer Sex Shoot Sex Plays Sex Maniacs Sex Fifth Avenue Sex Busters Sex Beat Sex Appraisals Sex Academy 2: The Art of Talking Dirty Sex 3: After Seven Sensual Exposure Seeing Red Seducers, The Secret of Her Suckcess Secret Life of Nina Hartley, The Secret Fantasies 4 Secret Fantasies 3 Screaming Rage Scarlet Woman, The Scarlet Bride, The Savanah Unleased Satyr Satin Seduction Sabotage Ruthless Affairs Royals: Ginger Lynn Roll-x Girls Rocky Porno Video Show, The Rising, The Rise of the Roman Empress 2 11 / 65 IMDB cores / Pajek commands Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks See How to deal with very large networks? Options/Read-Write/Read-Save vertices labels [Off] Read/Network [] 1:40 Info/Memory Network/2-Mode Network/Core/2-Mode Review Network/2-Mode Network/Core/2-Mode [27 22] Info/Partition Operations/Network+Partition/Extract Subnetwork [Yes 1] Network/2-Mode Network/Partition into 2 Modes Network/Create New Network/Transform/Add/Vertex Labels/ from File(s) [IMDB.nam] Draw/Network+First Partition Layers/in y direction Options/Transform/Rotate 2D [90] EU projects 12 / 65 k-rings Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods A k-ring is a simple closed chain of length k. Using k-rings we can define a weight of edges as wk (e) = # of different k-rings containing the edge e ∈ E 2-mode cores Since for each eadge e of a complete graph Kr , r ≥ k ≥ 3 we have wk (e) = (r − 2)!/(r − k)! the edges belonging to cliques have large weights. Therefore these weights can be used to identify the dense parts of a network. The k-rings can be efficiently determined only for small values of k – 3, 4, 5. 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects Complete graph K5 On the k-rings we can also base the notion of short cycle connectivity which provides us with another decomposition of networks. 13 / 65 4-rings and analysis of two-mode networks Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks In two-mode network there are no 3-rings. The densest substructures are complete bipartite subgraphs Kp,q . They contain many 4-rings. There are p q 1 = p(p − 1)q(q − 1) 2 2 4 4-rings in Kp,q ; and each of its edges e has weight w4 (e) = (p − 1)(q − 1) EU projects Network/Create New Network/with Ring Counts.../4-Rings/Undirected 14 / 65 Directed 4-rings Two-mode V. Batagelj There are 4 types of directed 4-rings: Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects cyclic transitive genealogical diamond In the case of transitive rings Pajek provides a special weight counting on how many transitive rings the arc is a shortcut. Network/Create New Network/with Ring Counts/4-Rings/Directed 15 / 65 Simple line islands in IMDB for w4 Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects We obtained 12465 simple line islands on 56086 vertices. Here is their size distribution. Size Freq Size Freq Size Freq Size Freq -------------------------------------------------------2 5512 20 19 38 4 59 2 3 1978 21 18 39 3 61 1 4 1639 22 15 40 2 64 1 5 968 23 9 42 2 67 1 6 666 24 13 43 3 70 1 7 394 25 12 45 3 73 1 8 257 26 6 46 4 76 1 9 209 27 6 47 5 82 1 10 148 28 5 48 1 86 1 11 118 29 6 49 2 106 1 12 87 30 3 50 2 122 1 13 55 31 6 51 1 135 1 14 62 32 5 52 2 144 1 15 46 33 3 53 1 163 1 16 39 34 1 54 2 269 1 17 27 35 5 55 1 301 1 18 28 36 4 57 1 332 2 19 29 37 7 58 1 673 1 -------------------------------------------------------16 / 65 Example: Islands for w4 Charlie Brown and Adult Two-mode V. Batagelj Morgan, Jonathan (I) Kesten, Brad Direct methods Brando, Kevin Robbins, Peter (I) Shea, Christopher (I) Altieri, Ann 2-mode cores Ornstein, Geoffrey 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Dough, Jon Sanders, Alex (I) North, Peter (I) Michaels, Sean Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown Mendelson, Karen Horner, Mike It’s Magic, Charlie Brown Dryer, Sally Melendez, Bill You’re a Good Sport, Charlie Brown Drake, Steve (I) It’s a Mystery, Charlie Brown It’s an Adventure, Charlie Brown Byron, Tom Silvera, Joey It’s Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown Play It Again, Charlie Brown Momberger, Hilary EU projects Voyeur, Vince Reilly, Earl ’Rocky’ Charlie Brown Celebration You Don’t Look 40, Charlie Brown He’s Your Dog, Charlie Brown Making of ’A Charlie Brown Christmas’ You’re In Love, Charlie Brown It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown Charlie Brown’s All Stars! Life Is a Circus, Charlie Brown Boy Named Charlie Brown Other derived networks Davis, Mark (V) Hauer, Brent Projections Collaboration Boy, T.T. Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show Charlie Brown Christmas Stratford, Tracy Schoenberg, Jeremy West, Randy (I) Is This Goodbye, Charlie Brown? Charlie Brown Thanksgiving There’s No Time for Love, Charlie Brown Jeremy, Ron You’re Not Elected, Charlie Brown Snoopy Come Home It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown Wallice, Marc Savage, Herschel Thomas, Paul (I) Shea, Stephen Pajek Pajek 17 / 65 Example: Islands for w4 Mark Twain and Abid Two-mode Sergeant Madden V. Batagelj Honky Tonk Sawak nus el lail Hoodlum Saint, The Roaring Twenties, The Direct methods 2-mode cores Soltan, Hoda Malak el zalem, El Rostom, Hind Unconquered Union Pacific Phelps, Lee (I) Flavin, James Big City Star Is Born, A 4-ring weights Dunn, Ralph Multiplication Tarik el saada Hub fil zalam San Quentin You Can’t Take It with You Vogan, Emmett Chandler, Eddy Flowers, Bess Hamama, Faten O’Connor, Frank (I) Kinship relations Hamdi, Imad Whole Town’s Talking, The Ard el ahlam Sullivan, Charles (I) Nancy Drew... Reporter Dust Be My Destiny Projections Sarhan, Shukry Port Said Riad, Hussein Saum, Cliff Wells Fargo Shawqi, Farid Meet John Doe Holmes, Stuart Baad al wedah Massiada, Al Asrar el naas Baba Amin Beyt al Taa Haked, El Osta Hassan, El Ibn al ajar Ana bint min? Murra kulshi, El Mohtal, El Zalamuni el habaieb Ashki limin? Ana zanbi eh? Castle on the Hudson Valley of the Giants Collaboration Racket Busters Kid Galahad Go Getter, The Other derived networks They Made Me a Criminal Women in the Wind Mower, Jack Man Who Talked Too Much, The Naughty But Nice Yankee Doodle Dandy EU projects Kid From Kokomo, The King of the Underworld They Drive by Night Secret Service of the Air Bad Men of Missouri Adventures of Mark Twain, The Knockout Fatawa, El El Dekn, Tewfik Smashing the Money Ring Sittat afarit, alFatat el mina Hareb min el ayyam Abu Hadid Elf laila wa laila Souk el selah Nashal, El Maktub alal guebin Fatawat el Husseinia Amir el antikam Abid el gassad Ghaltet ab Abu Dahab Aguazet seif Hamida Batal lil nehaya Namrud, El Ebn el-hetta Nassab, El Zoj el azeb, El Abid el mal Cass el azab Ghazal al-banat Rasif rakam khamsa Laab bil nar, El Iskanderija... lih? Imlak, El Matloub zawja fawran El-Meliguy, Mahmoud Abu Ahmad Pajek 18 / 65 Example: Island for w4 Polizeiruf 110 and Starkes Team Two-mode Maranow, Maja Starkes Team, Ein V. Batagelj Starkes Team - Eins zu Eins, Ein ’Affre Semmeling, Die’ Direct methods 2-mode cores Starkes Team - Kollege Mrder, Ein Starkes Team - Sicherheitsstufe 1, Ein Martens, Florian Starkes Team - Erbarmungslos, Ein 4-ring weights Starkes Team - Das Bombenspiel, Ein Polizeiruf 110 - Ein Bild von einem Mrder Polizeiruf 110 - Kopf in der Schlinge Polizeiruf 110 - Zerstrte Trume Polizeiruf 110 - Angst um Tessa Blow Polizeiruf 110 - Rosentod Starkes Team - Blutsbande, Ein Polizeiruf 110 - Doktorspiele Starkes Team - Tdliche Rache, Ein Polizeiruf 110 - Jugendwahn Starkes Team - Der Mann, den ich hasse, Ein Polizeiruf 110 - Heikalte Liebe Multiplication Kinship relations Starkes Team - Kindertrume, Ein Starkes Team - Mrderisches Wiedersehen, Ein Lansink, Leonard Starkes Team - Auge um Auge, Ein Schwarz, Jaecki Starkes Team - Lug und Trug, Ein Starkes Team - Der letzte Kampf, Ein Polizeiruf 110 - Todsicher Polizeiruf 110 - Der Spieler Polizeiruf 110 - Mordsfreunde Starkes Team - Kleine Fische, groe Fische, Ein Projections Starkes Team - Roter Schnee, Ein Starkes Team - Der Todfeind, Ein Starkes Team - Mordlust, Ein Collaboration Other derived networks Winkler, Ein Wolfgang Starkes Team - Das groe Schweigen, Starkes Team - Der schne Tod, Ein Bademsoy, Tayfun Starkes Team - Der Verdacht, Ein Starkes Team - Trume und Lgen, Ein Polizeiruf 110 - Kurschatten Polizeiruf 110 - Tote erben nicht Polizeiruf 110 - Der Pferdemrder Polizeiruf 110 - Henkersmahlzeit Starkes Team - Bankraub, Ein Starkes Team - Verraten und verkauft, Ein EU projects Starkes Team - Braunauge, Ein Starkes Team - Im Visier des Mrders, Ein Starkes Team - Die Natter, Ein Lerche, Arnfried 19 / 65 5-rings Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods In the future we intend to implement in Pajek also weights w5 . Again there are only 4 types of directed 5-rings. 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks cyclic transitive ???? ???? EU projects 20 / 65 Two mode networks from data tables Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects A data table T is a set of records T = {Tk : k ∈ K}, where K is the set of keys. A record has the form Tk = (k, q1 (k), q2 (k), . . . , qr (k)) where qi (k) is the value of the property (attribute) qi for the key k. 21 / 65 . . . Two mode networks from data tables Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Suppose that the property q has the range 2Q . For example: Authors(SNA) = { S. Wasserman, K. Faust }, PubYear(SNA) = { 1994 }, Keywords(SNA) = { network, centrality, matrix, . . . }, . . . If Q is finite (it can always be transformed into such set by partitioning the set Q and recoding the values) we can assign to the property q a two-mode network K × q = (K, Q, E, w ) where (k, v ) ∈ E iff v ∈ q(k), and w (k, v ) = 1. ... Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects ... GenCores Islands ESNA2 IFCS09 SNA ... Bata gelj Faust 1 1 1 1 de Nooy Kej žar Kore njak Mrvar Wasse rman Zaver šnik ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Single-valued properties can be represented by a partition. We can always transform the partition into corresponding network. 22 / 65 Record from Web of Science Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects PT J AU Dipple, H Evans, B TI The Leicestershire Huntington’s disease support group: a social network analysis SO HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE IN THE COMMUNITY LA English DT Article C1 Rehabil Serv, Troon Way Business Ctr, Leicester LE4 9HA, Leics, England. RP Dipple, H, Rehabil Serv, Troon Way Business Ctr, Sandringham Suite,Humberstone Lane, Leicester LE4 9HA, Leics, England. CR BORGATTI SP, 1992, UCINET 4 VERSION 1 0 FOLSTEIN S, 1989, HUNTINGTONS DIS DISO SCOTT J, 1991, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL NR 3 TC 3 PU BLACKWELL SCIENCE LTD PI OXFORD PA P O BOX 88, OSNEY MEAD, OXFORD OX2 0NE, OXON, ENGLAND SN 0966-0410 J9 HEALTH SOC CARE COMMUNITY JI Health Soc. Care Community PD JUL PY 1998 VL 6 IS 4 BP 286 EP 289 PG 4 SC Public, Environmental & Occupational Health; Social Work GA 105UP UT ISI:000075092200008 ER WoS2Pajek 23 / 65 Records from BiBTEX Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects @Article{int:Mizuno1, author = "S. Mizuno", title = "An ${O(n^{3}L)}$ algorithm using a sequence for linear complementarity problems", journal = "Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan", volume = "33", year = "1990", pages = "66--75", } @InCollection{int:Vorst1, author = "{J. G. G. van de} Vorst", title = "An attempt to use parallel computing in large scale optimisation", booktitle = "Logistics, Where Ends Have to Meet~: Proceedings of the Shell Conference on Logistics in Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, November 1988", editor = "{C. F. H. van} Rijn", year = "1989", pages = "112--119", publisher = "Pergamon Press", address = "Oxford, United Kingdom", } 24 / 65 Two mode networks from data tables Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects For data from the Web of Science (Knowledge) we can obtain the corresponding networks using the program WoS2Pajek: • citation network Ci: works × works; • authorship network WA: works × authors, for works without complete description only the first author is known; • keywords network WK: works × keywords, only for works with complete description; • journals network WJ: works × journals; • partition of works by the publication year; • partition of works – complete description (1) / ISI name only (0); Similar programs exist also for other bibliographic sources/formats: Scopus, BibTEX, Zentralblatt Math, Google Scholar, DBLP, IMDB, etc. 25 / 65 Multiplication of networks Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects To a simple (no parallel arcs) two-mode network N = (I, J , A, w ); where I and J are sets of vertices, A is a set of arcs linking I and J , and w : A → R (or some other semiring) is a weight; we can assign a network matrix W = [wi,j ] with elements: wi,j = w (i, j) for (i, j) ∈ A and wi,j = 0 otherwise. Given a pair of compatible networks NA = (I, K, AA , wA ) and NB = (K, J , AB , wB ) with corresponding matrices AI×K and BK×J we call a product of networks NA and NB a network NC = (I, J , AC , wC ), where AC = {(i, j) : i ∈ I, j ∈ J , ci,j 6= 0} and wC (i, j) = ci,j for (i, j) ∈ AC . The product matrix C = [ci,j ]I×J = A ∗ B is defined in the standard way X ci,j = ai,k · bk,j k∈K In the case when I = K = J we are dealing with ordinary one-mode networks (with square matrices). 26 / 65 Multiplication of networks Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods i 2-mode cores j ai,k 4-ring weights bk,j Multiplication k Kinship relations Projections I A K B J Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects ci,j = X ai,k · bk,j k∈NA (i)∩NB− (j) If all weights in networks NA and NB are equal to 1 the value of ci,j counts the number of ways we can go from i ∈ I to j ∈ J passing through K. 27 / 65 Multiplication of networks Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections The standard matrix multiplication has the complexity O(|I| · |K| · |J |) – it is too slow to be used for large networks. For sparse large networks we can multiply much faster considering only nonzero elements. for k in K do for (i, j) in NA− (k) × NB (k) do if ∃ci,j then ci,j := ci,j + ai,k · bk,j else new ci,j := ai,k · bk,j Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects Networks/Multiply Networks In general the multiplication of large sparse networks is a ’dangerous’ operation since the result can ’explode’ – it is not sparse. 28 / 65 Multiplication of networks Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects From the network multiplication algorithm we see that each intermediate node k ∈ K adds to a product network a complete two-mode subgraph KN − (k),NB (k) (or, in the case I = J , a A complete subgraph KN(k) ). If both degrees degA (k) = |NA− (k)| and degB (k) = |NB (k)| are large then already the computation of this complete subgraph has a quadratic (time and space) complexity – the result ’explodes’. If at least one of the sparse networks NA and NB has small maximal degree on K then also the resulting product network NC is sparse. If for the sparse networks NA and NB there are in K only few vertices with large degree and no one among them with large degree in both networks then also the resulting product network NC is sparse. 29 / 65 Kinship relations Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects Anthropologists typically use a basic vocabulary of kin types to represent genealogical relationships. One common version of the vocabulary for basic relationships: Kin Type P F M C D S G Z B E H W English Type Parent Father Mother Child Daughter Son Sibling Sister Brother Spouse Husband Wife The genealogies are usually described in GEDCOM format. Examples family, Bouchards. Paper 30 / 65 Calculating kinship relations Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects Pajek generates three relations when reading genealogy as Ore graph: F: is a father of M: is a mother of E: is a spouse of Additionally we must generate two binary diagonal matrices, to distinguish between male and female: L: is a male / 1-male, 0-female J: is a female / 1-female, 0-male F ∩ M = ∅, L ∪ J ⊆ I, L∩J=∅ 31 / 65 Derived kinship relations Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects Other basic relations can be obtained using macros based on identities: is a parent of P = F ∪M is a child of C = PT is a son of S = L∗C is a daughter of D = J ∗C is a husband of H = L∗E is a wife of W = J ∗E is a sibling of G = ((F T ∗ F ) ∩ (M T ∗ M)) \ is a brother of B = L∗G is a sister of Z = J ∗G is an uncle of U = B ∗P is an aunt of A = Z ∗P is a semi-sibling of Ge = (P T ∗ P) \ I and using them other relations can be determined is a grand mother of M2 = M ∗ P is a niece of Ni = D ∗ G 32 / 65 Relative sizes of kinship relations in genealogies Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects Kin Type P-Parent F-Father M-Mother C-Child D-Daughter S-Son G-Sibling Z-Sister B-Brother E-Spouse H-Husband W-Wife U-Uncle A-Aunt Ge-Semi-sibling n mE = Spouse mA = Parent Turks Ragusa 1.000 1.000 0.514 0.532 0.486 0.468 1.000 1.000 0.431 0.384 0.569 0.616 1.250 0.943 1.135 0.746 1.366 1.140 0.205 0.215 0.205 0.215 0.205 0.215 1.920 1.789 1.750 1.143 1.473 1.155 1269 407 1987 5999 2002 9315 Loka 1.000 0.504 0.496 1.000 0.480 0.520 1.019 0.983 1.055 0.208 0.208 0.208 1.200 1.190 1.128 Silba 1.000 0.519 0.481 1.000 0.469 0.531 0.811 0.760 0.861 0.230 0.230 0.230 1.181 1.097 0.932 Royal 1.000 0.540 0.460 1.000 0.427 0.573 0.767 0.707 0.828 0.306 0.306 0.306 0.927 0.798 0.905 47956 14154 68052 6427 2217 9627 3010 1138 3724 33 / 65 Two-mode network analysis by conversion to one-mode network Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks Often we transform a two-mode network N = (U, V, E, w ) into an ordinary (one-mode) network N1 = (U, E1 , w1 ) or/and N2 = (V, E2 , w2 ), where E1 and w1 are determined by the P (1) T . Evidently matrix W(1) = WWT , wuv = z∈V wuz · wzv (1) (1) wuv = wvu . There is an edge (u : v ) ∈ E1 in N1 iff (1) N(u) ∩ N(v ) 6= ∅. Its weight is w1 (u, v ) = wuv . The network N2 is determined in a similar way by the matrix W(2) = WT W. The networks N1 and N2 are analyzed using standard methods. EU projects Network/2-Mode Network/2-Mode to 1-Mode/Rows 34 / 65 Normalizations Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects The normalization approach was developed for quick inspection of (1-mode) networks obtained from two-mode networks – a kind of network based data-mining. In networks obtained from large two-mode networks there are often huge differences in weights. Therefore it is not possible to compare the vertices according to the raw data. First we have to normalize the network to make the weights comparable. There exist several ways how to do this. Some of them are presented in the following table. They can be used also on other networks. In the case of networks without loops we define the diagonal weights for undirected networks P as the sum of out-diagonal elements in the row (or column) wvv = u wvu and for directed networks as some mean value P of the row P and column sum, for example wvv = 12 ( u wvu + u wuv ). Usually we assume that the network does not contain any isolated vertex. 35 / 65 . . . Normalizations Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods Geouv = Inputuv = Minuv = MinDiruv = 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections wuv √ wuu wvv wuv wvv wuv min(wuu , wvv ) ( wuv wuu ≤ wvv wuu 0 sicer GeoDeguv = wuv p degu degv Outputuv = wuv wuu Maxuv = MaxDiruv = wuv max(wuu , wvv ) ( wuv wuu ≤ wvv wvv 0 sicer Collaboration Other derived networks After a selected normalization the important parts of network are obtained by line-cuts or islands approaches. EU projects Network/2-Mode Network/2-Mode to 1-Mode/Normalize 1-Mode/ Reuters Terror News: GeoDeg, MaxDir, MinDir. Slovenian journals and magazins. 36 / 65 MinDir of Slovenian journals 2000 Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects Over 100000 people were asked in the years 1999 and 2000 about the journals they read. They mentioned 124 different journals. (source Cati) 37 / 65 GeoDeg normalization of Reuters terror news network Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects 38 / 65 Co-authorship networks Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects Let WA be the works × authors two mode co-authorship network; wapi ∈ {0, 1} is describing the authorship of author i of work p. X ∀p ∈ W : wapi = outdegWA (p) = # authors of work p i∈A Let N be its normalized version X npi ∈ {0, 1} ∀p ∈ W : i∈A obtained from WA by npi = wapi / max(1, outdegWA (p)), or by some other rule determining the author’s contribution. 39 / 65 Some transformations of networks Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Binarization b(N ) is a network obtained from the N in which all weights are set to 1. Transposition N T or t(N ) is a network obtained from N in which to all arcs their direction is reversed. AW = WAT , KW = WKT , . . . (Out) normalization n(N ) is a network obtained from N in which the weight of each arc a is divided by the sum of weights of all arcs having the same initial vertex as the arc a. For binary networks Projections Collaboration n(A) = diag( Other derived networks EU projects 1 )i∈I ∗ A max(1, outdegWA (i)) N = n(WA), WA = b(N) 40 / 65 First collaboration network Two-mode V. Batagelj Co = AW ∗ WA Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects coij = X wapi wapj = X 1 p∈N − (i)∩N − (j) p∈W coij = the number of works that authors i and j wrote together It holds: coij = coji . Using the weights coij we can determine the Salton’s cosine similarity or Ochiai coefficient between authors i and j as cos(i, j) = √ coij , coii cojj for coij > 0 41 / 65 Cores of orders 20–47 in Co(SN5) Two-mode Network SN5 (2008): for "social network*" + most frequent references + around 100 social networkers; |W | = 193376, |C | = 7950, |A| = 75930, |J| = 14651, |K | = 29267 V. Batagelj WASSERMA_S DOREIAN_P KRACKHAR_D FAUST_K Direct methods KALICHMA_S SNIJDERS_T FERLIGOJ_A MCAULIFF_T VANDUIJN_M PETRESCU_M BATAGELJ_V KELLY_J 2-mode cores BUTTS_C STEVENSO_L 4-ring weights Multiplication MAJ_M ZWEBEN_A Kinship relations MALANGON_C MAGLIANO_L STOUT_R FIORILLO_A DEROSA_C LONGABAU_R WIRTZ_P Projections RYCHTARI_R CONNORS_G KADDEN_R Collaboration LITT_M Other derived networks ATKINSON_J MCCUTCHA_J WASSERMA_L STRAITST_K EU projects ZISOOK_S PATTERSO_T GRANT_I NEWMAN_V SEMPLE_S 42 / 65 Pajek Papers by number of authors Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores Problem: The Co network is composed of complete graphs on the set of work’s authors. Works with many authors produce large complete subgraphs and are over-represented, thus bluring the collaboration structure. 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects outdeg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 frequency 2637 2143 1333 713 396 206 114 65 43 24 10 outdeg 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 26 41 42 48 frequency 8 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 paper Pierce et al. (2007) Allen et al. (1998) Kelly et al. (1997) Semple et al. (1993) Magliano et al. (2006) Doll et al. (1992) Snijders et al. (2007) 43 / 65 Snijders et al. (2007) Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects Snijders et al.(2007): Snijders, T.A.B., Robinson, T., Atkinson, A.C., Riani, M., Gormley, I.C., Murphy, T.B., Sweeting, T., Leslie, D.S., Longford, N.T., Kent, J.T., Lawrance, T., Airoldi, E.M., Besag, J., Blei, D., Fienberg, S.E., Breiger, R., Butts, C.T., Doreian, P., Batagelj, V., Ferligoj, A., Draper, D., van Duijn, M.A.J., Faust, K., Petrescu-Prahova, M., Forster, J.J., Gelman, A., Goodreau, S. M., Greenwood, P.E., Gruenberg, K., Francis, B., Hennig, C., Hoff, P.D., Hunter, D.R., Husmeier, D., Glasbey, C., Krackhardt, D., Kuha, J., Skrondal, A., Lawson, A., Liao, T. F., Mendes, B., Reinert, G., Richardson, S., Lewin, A., Titterington, D.M., Wasserman, S., Werhli, A.V. and Ghazal, P.. Discussion on the paper by Handcock, Raftery and Tantrum. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A - Statistics in Society, 170 (2007), pp. 322-354. 44 / 65 pS -core at level 20 of Co(SN5) Two-mode KHOURSIN_R DEROSA_C AMIRKHAN_Y STEVENSO_L V. Batagelj GRANT_I KALICHMA_S MCAULIFF_T MAGLIANO_L ZISOOK_S DIFRANCE_W MALANGON_C KABAKCHI_E Direct methods KELLY_J VASSILEV_S STRAITST_K FIORILLO_A ZWEBEN_A KADDEN_R LONGABAU_R CONNORS_G WIRTZ_P LITT_M RYCHTARI_R 2-mode cores ATKINSON_J MAJ_M EVERETT_M STOUT_R MCCUTCHA_J PATTERSO_T BORGATTI_S SEMPLE_S 4-ring weights Multiplication KRACKHAR_D POTTERAT_J MUTH_S DOREIAN_P VINDING_H NILSSON_L FERLIGOJ_A BJARNASO_O BUTTS_C BATAGELJ_V SNIJDERS_T Kinship relations PETRESCU_M WOODHOUS_D SANDLUND_M WASSERMA_S BENGTSSO_A FAUST_K Projections HANSSON_L SORGAARD_K ROTHENBE_R VANDUIJN_M MIDDELBO_T CURTIS_R MERINDER_L JOSE_B MCINTOSH_B DESJARLA_D Collaboration ROMEO_R JOYCE_T EMERSON_E Other derived networks SHELLEY_G BERNARD_H GOLDSTEI_M KNAPP_M ELLIOTT_J NEAIGUS_A HATTON_C ROBERTSO_J FRIEDMAN_S LATKIN_C SWIFT_P TOWERS_C EU projects ILDEFONS_G SANDERSO_H ROUTLEDG_M OAKES_P KILLWORT_P JOHNSEN_E CELENTAN_D KRINJEN-_E KNOWLTON_A MANDELL_W MCCARTY_C OZIEMKOW_M VLAHOV_D Pajek 45 / 65 Second collaboration network Two-mode Cn = AW ∗ N V. Batagelj cnij = Direct methods X wapi npj = X npj p∈N − (i)∩N − (j) p∈W Multiplication cnij = contribution of author j to works, that (s)he wrote together with the author i. X X X It holds wapi npj = outdegWA (p) and cnij = indegWA (i) Kinship relations cnii = 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects j∈A Xj∈A j∈A npi is the contribution of author i to his/her works. p∈N(i) cnii outdegWA (i) Collaborativness: Ki = 1 − Si XX X cnij = indegWA (i) = mWA Self-sufficiency: Si = i∈A j∈A i∈A To compute the table we prepared a macro in Pajek. 46 / 65 The ”best” authors in Social Networks Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 author Burt,R Newman,M Doreian,P Bonacich,P Marsden,P Wellman,B Leydesdorf,L White,H Friedkin,N Borgatti,S Everett,M Litwin,H Freeman,L Barabasi,A Snijders,T Valente,T Breiger,R Skvoretz,J Krackhardt,D Carley,K Pattison,P Wasserman,S Berkman,L Moody,J Scott,J cnii 43.83 36.77 34.44 30.17 29.42 26.87 24.37 23.50 20.00 19.20 16.92 16.00 15.53 14.99 14.99 14.80 14.44 14.43 13.65 12.93 12.10 11.72 11.21 10.83 10.47 total 53 60 47 41 37 41 35 33 23 41 31 21 20 35 30 34 20 27 25 28 27 26 30 15 15 Ki 0.173 0.387 0.267 0.264 0.205 0.345 0.304 0.288 0.130 0.532 0.454 0.238 0.223 0.572 0.500 0.565 0.278 0.466 0.454 0.538 0.552 0.549 0.626 0.278 0.302 i 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 author Latkin,C Morris,M Rothenberg,R Kadushin,C Faust,K Batagelj,V Mizruchi,M [Anon] Johnson,J Fararo,T Lazega,E Knoke,D Ferligoj,A Brewer,D Klovdahl,A Hammer,M White,D Holme,P Boyd,J Kilduff,M Small,H Iacobucci,D Pappi,F Chen,C Seidman,S cnii 10.14 9.98 9.82 9.75 9.72 9.69 9.67 9.00 8.89 8.83 8.50 8.33 8.19 8.03 7.96 7.92 7.83 7.42 7.37 7.25 7.00 7.00 6.83 6.78 6.75 total 37 20 28 11 18 20 15 9 21 16 12 11 19 11 17 10 15 14 13 16 7 12 10 12 9 Ki 0.726 0.501 0.649 0.114 0.460 0.516 0.356 0.000 0.577 0.448 0.292 0.242 0.569 0.270 0.532 0.208 0.478 0.470 0.433 0.547 0.000 0.417 0.317 0.435 0.250 47 / 65 Third collaboration network Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Ct = NT ∗ N ctij = the total contribution of collaboration of authors i and j to works. It holds ctij = ctji and XX npi npj = 1 Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks i∈A j∈A The total contribution of a complete subgraph corresponding to the authors of X a work p is 1. X ctij = npi = the total contribution of author i to works from j∈A p∈W W. EU projects XX ctij = |W | i∈A j∈A 48 / 65 Components in Ct(SN5) cut at level 0.5 Two-mode V. Batagelj Network SN5 (2008): for "social network*" + most frequent references + around 100 social networkers; |W | = 193376, |C | = 7950, |A| = 75930, |J| = 14651, |K | = 29267 Jackson_M Kogovsek_T Direct methods 2-mode cores Park_J Mrvar_A Ferligoj_A Batagelj_V Rothenbe_R Leinhard_ Newman_M Kilduff_M Zenou_Y Barabasi_A Gastner_M Potterat_J Holland_P Watts_D Balkundi_P Willer_DHummon_N 4-ring weights Krackhar_D Calvo-Ar_A Moore_C Woodard_K Doreian_P Muth_S Demeneze_M Albert_R Leinhard_S Girvan_M Fararo_T Mccarty_C Jeong_H Parker_A Shelley_G Multiplication Galaskie_J Skvoretz_J Faust_K Kinship relations Cross_R Anderson_C Borgatti_S Litwin_H Knowlton_A Bowling_A Bernard_H Latkin_C Iacobucc_D Teresi_J Shiovitz_S Sokolovs_J Browne_P Everett_M Cohen_C Projections Hopkins_N Collaboration Steinhau_H Bonacich_P Bjorkman_T Metzke_C Bienenst_E Hansson_L Konno_N Sundquis_J Ennett_S Wellman_B Johnson_C Johansso_S Bauman_K Hampton_K Barer_B Mandell_W Boyd_J Holmes_D Masuda_N EU projects Chou_K Chi_I Jolly_A Yang_H Banks_D Tang_J Farmer_T Rodkin_P Morris_M Kretzsch_M Grabowsk_A Kosinski_R Suitor_J Hawkins_J Braha_D Pillemer_K Fraser_M Bar-Yam_Y Boyack_K Laumann_E Ostergre_P Klavans_R Wylie_J Carley_K Grundy_E Davey-Ro_M Breiger_R Other derived networks Hua_W Wasserma_S Robins_G Pattison_P Landau_R Farquhar_M Killwort_P Sherman_S Hanson_B Marsden_P Foster_B Seidman_S Carter_W Feld_S Fingerma_K Birditt_K Stauffer_D Leydesdo_L Weisbuch_G Vandenbe_P Gronlund_A Vespigna_A Bell_D Berkman_L Degenne_A Newton_J Wallace_D Wallace_R Keeling_M Neaigus_A Feiring_C Krause_N Shaw_B Weisner_C Ohtsuki_H Lindstro_D Lin_N Kimura_M Saito_K Solomon_P Draine_J 49 / 65 Holme_P Schneide_J Borlund_P pS -core at level 0.75 in Ct(SN5) Two-mode V. Batagelj JOLLY_A CERRITO_P Direct methods LATKIN_C PILLEMER_K JOHNSEN_E KILLWORT_P BONACICH_P LEVI_I WYLIE_J ROTHENBE_R LAUMANN_E HOPKINS_N FRIEDKIN_N 4-ring weights Multiplication BARNES_G MCCARTY_C SHELLEY_G HAMPTON_K 2-mode cores SUITOR_J WELLMAN_B VLAHOV_D MUTH_S STROGATZ_S GALASKIE_J IACOBUCC_D MARSDEN_P LEWIS_M CAIRNS_R BIENENST_E Kinship relations CHOU_K Projections CHI_I CAIRNS_B NEWMAN_M ANDERSON_C ROBINS_G KNOWLTON_A WATTS_D LIND_P WASSERMA_S XIE_H FEIRING_C PARK_J PATTISON_P FAUST_K GONZALEZ_M FARMER_T BREIGER_R BALKUNDI_P BATAGELJ_V CROSS_R Collaboration Other derived networks MANDELL_W POTTERAT_J BERNARD_H PARKER_A BOYD_J BARABASI_A FERLIGOJ_A WILLER_D SKVORETZ_J WOODARD_K JEONG_H VANACKER_R DOREIAN_P MRVAR_A KILDUFF_M PEARL_R ALBERT_R HUMMON_N KRACKHAR_D MASUDA_N KONNO_N BORGATTI_S STAUFFER_D CARLEY_K HOLMES_D FOSTER_B METZKE_C BAUMAN_K EVERETT_M EU projects RODKIN_P HERRMANN_H FARARO_T JOHANSSO_S ENNETT_S WEISBUCH_G SEIDMAN_S STEINHAU_H LEINHARD_ TERESI_J COHEN_C SUNDQUIS_J FARQUHAR_M HOLLAND_P OSTERGRE_P SOKOLOVS_J LEINHARD_S HANSON_B FRASER_M FINGERMA_K HANSSON_L KOSINSKI_R HAWKINS_J BIRDITT_K BJORKMAN_T GRABOWSK_A GRUNDY_E BOWLING_A 50 / 65 Some line islands [5,20] in Ct(SN5) Line islands at size [K5 GO] in Ct HSNKL Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods BAERVELD_C CUMMINGS_J NOWICKI_K MCPHERSO_J POPIELAR_P SNIJDERS_T Analysis of Bibliographic Networks on ISocial NetworksI CROSS_R KOSKINEN_J 4-ring weights PARKER_A SCHWEINB_M DUQUENNE_V KOGOVSEK_T EVERETT_M SMITHLOV_L BOYD_J Multiplication WOODARD_K BORGATTI_S FREEMAN_L DUCHARME_F HUMMON_N Monika Cerinšek5 Vladimir Batagelj WHITE_D DOREIAN_P Projections FERLIGOJ_A CARPENTI_N FARARO_T Collaboration WILLER_D BREIGER_R Other derived networks MUNCH_A VANDUIJN_M 2-mode cores Kinship relations DROBNIC_S KIESLER_S HIGGINS_M ZIJLSTRA_B BATAGELJ_V SKVORETZ_J PATTISON_P ROBINS_G MRVAR_A KENIS_P Sunbelt XXXIII5 May G_th GORT5 Hamburg BRANDES_U FAUST_K WAGNER_D EU projects ERLEBACH_T WASSERMA_S IACOBUCC_D HOPKINS_N ANDERSON_C SCHANK_T CORNELSE_S FLEISCHE_D GALASKIE_J 51 / 65 Authors’ citations network Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores i was,i 4-ring weights s Multiplication cis,t Kinship relations t Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects j A WAT wat,j A W Ci W WA Ca = AW ∗ Ci ∗ WA is a network of citations between authors. The weight w (i, j) counts the number of times a work authored by i is citing a work authored by j. 52 / 65 Islands in SN5 authors citation network Two-mode Network SN5 (2008): for "social network*" + most frequent references + around 100 social networkers; |W | = 193376, |C | = 7950, |A| = 75930, |J| = 14651, |K | = 29267 V. Batagelj LIN_N LAZEGA_E ROBINS_G FRIEDKIN_N VAPNARSK_V LAI_G LEVOT_P STRAUSS_D MERTON_R HOLLAND_P LYNCH_E FRANTZ_P DEYRIS_E ALAKARE_B COLEY_J GERGEN_K VANDUIJN_M GALASKIE_J AALTONEN_J LEMOIGNE_M SCHWARTZ_N BURT_R MAILLARD_J PATTISON_P Direct methods SHOTTER_J BARAN_M GULATI_R WHITE_H LEINHARD_S SNIJDERS_T ATRAN_S MUSSAT_M MARECHAL_M ANDERSEN_T EK_E BOORMAN_S FAUST_K SEIKKULA_J DEPOMPER_M SELVINIP MIZRUCHI_M CORP_E ROSS_N MEDIN_D LEMOY_A DELALAUR_L COLEMAN_J MCGORRY_P ANDERSON_C BREIGER_R GRANOVET_M ANDERSON_H TIMURA_C LEBEAU_E ALANEN_Y KILDUFF_M WASSERMA_S 2-mode cores BRASS_D FIENBERG_S LAUMANN_E DOREIAN_P IACOBUCC_D MATTOSO_J ARRUDA_M MARSDEN_P FARARO_T HURLBERT_J 4-ring weights GIRVAN_M SKVORETZ_J COHEN_A DOROGOVT_S BALKUNDI_P FREEMAN_L IBARRA_H EVERETT_M BATAGELJ_V STEDILE_J COSTA_L BENJAMIN_C MORENO_Y KIM_D GRABOWSK_A HUMMON_N BOCCALET_S BIONDI_A BARTHELE_M FERLIGOJ_A BOFF_C LESBAUPI_I MOORE_C WHITE_D MILLER_M KRACKHAR_D Multiplication PARK_J COOK_K CARLEY_K STROGATZ_S WILLER_D TRINDADE_H GRONLUND_A NEWMAN_M PINAUD_J AMARAL_L MARKOVSK_B VLAHOV_D NEAIGUS_A GONCALVE_R MOLLOY_M WATTS_D JEONG_H Kinship relations BONACICH_P KLOVDAHL_A HOLME_P ALBERT_R MASUDA_N VANDIEN_S BORGATTI_S DESJARLA_D LATKIN_C BIENENST_E BURGARD_A BARABASI_A MANDELL_W MAHADEVA_R ROGERS_E RODKIN_P POTTERAT_J CRICK_N CELENTAN_D KLINKE_D ESPELAGE_D XIE_H BROADBEL_L FRIEDMAN_S FAMILI_I MUTH_S LEUNG_M VALENTE_T Projections ROSSI_M CASSIRAM_A GIULINI_G LATUADA_S BELTRAMI_L MAGNUSSO_D CAIRNS_R GEST_S CAIRNS_B MAVROVOU_M BELGIOJO_A GUILINI_G ZOTTI_S ARRIGONI_P BIANCONI_C FARMER_T D’AMIA_G MORRIS_M ANNONI_A ROMUSSI_C AMATI_C FEDORA_P NIELSEN_R FRANCHET_G VERCELLO_V GOFORTH_J HOLLOWEL_J ROTHENBE_R KELLY_J VACANI_C KANNES_G Other derived networks DARROW_W UNKNOWN GATTIPER_M REGGIORI_F SABORNIE_E THOMPSON_J GOODHART_K HOYME_H GOZZOLI_M MAY_P VILJOEN_D MERIGGI_M BUCHANAN_L PELLEGRI_A ADLER_P WEISNER_C CHIZZOLI_G SCOTTI_A MEZZANOT_G DISHION_T HYMEL_S KRETZSCH_M HIGGINS_C LUCCHELL_G PAPAGNA_P CATTANEO_C ASPARI_D GARIEPY_J SUMATHI_R RICCI_G VALLI_F BECCARIA_G MONTALTO_R PATETTA_L VANACKER_R CADWALLA_T COIE_J PFAENDTN_J HONEGGER_A PIZZAGAL_F KINDERMA_T CURTIS_R AMIRKHAN_Y PEARL_R ESTELL_DNECKERMA_H CLEMMER_J Collaboration KNOWLTON_A WOODHOUS_D SCHILLIN_C TRUJILLO_P GOLDOLI_E MATZGER_H DELUCCHI_K DALLAJ_A SANDRI_M MEZZANOT_P KALBERG_W ABEL_E WHITE-CO_M KASKUTAS_L GOSSAGE_J DECOTEAU_S EU projects LESAGE_A OZEL_S WALKER_B WESTLEY_F AYDIN_I BREWIN_C BROWN_G MARASCO_C HELD_T CARPENTE_S JANSSEN_M MACCARTH_B FARRELL_M HUNT_J ZILELI_L EREN_E BERKES_F ADGER_W DEROSA_C SOLOMON_P FOLKE_C BRUGHA_T WING_J OZCURUME_G BASOGLU_M GAMBOA_G REEVE_H HAHN_T BEBBINGT_P SCHEFFER_M DAPPORTO_L RAU_P MALANGON_C LALE_T MAGLIANO_L FIORILLO_A JEANNE_R OSTROM_E HOLLING_C HENDERSO_S LEWIS_G GUNDERSO_L JENKINS_R MELTZER_H OLSSON_P ROSELER_P GUARNERI_M FADDEN_G TURILLAZ_S PALAGI_E TASKINTU_N KILIC_C MORGAN_Z MAJ_M STARKS_P STRASSMA_J KURT_G WESTEBER_M Pajek 53 / 65 Bibliographic Coupling Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods In WoS2Pajek the citation relation means pCiq ≡ work p cites work q. Therefore the bibliographic coupling network biCo can be determined as biCo = Ci ∗ CiT 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations bicopq = # of works cited by both works p and q. bicopq = bicoqp . Again we have problems with works with many citations, especially with review papers. To neutralize their impact we can introduce a normalized measure such as Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects biCon = 1 (n(Ci) ∗ CiT + Ci ∗ n(Ci)T ) 2 It is easy to verify that biconpq ∈ [0, 1] and biconpq = biconqp (symmetry). It also holds: biconpq = 1 iff the works p and q are referencing the same works. 54 / 65 Co-Citation and others Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods The co-citation network coCi can be determined as coCi = CiT ∗ Ci 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects cocipq = # of works citing both works p and q. cocipq = cociqp . The weight w (a, p) in the author citation network ACi = AW ∗ Ci counts the number of times author a cited work p. The author co-citation network can be obtained as ACo = b(ACi) ∗ t(b(ACi)) Authors using keywords AK = AW ∗ WK. 55 / 65 The cited co-authorship network Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods Quattrociocchi W. et al. (2011): Selection in scientific networks. Soc. Netw. Anal. Min. proposed the cited co-authorship network: the weight of two collaborating authors equals to the sum of numbers of citations to co-authored works 2-mode cores AW ∗ diag(indegCi (p)) ∗ WA 4-ring weights Multiplication where indegCi (p) is number of citations to work p. Normalized: Kinship relations Projections Cc = AW ∗ diag( Collaboration Other derived networks XX EU projects i∈A j∈A waip XX i∈A j∈A indegCi (p) ) ∗ WA outdegCi (p)2 indegCi (p) awpj = indegCi (p) outdegCi (p)2 ccij = X indegCi (p) = |ACi | p∈W 56 / 65 EU projects on simulation Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections For the meeting The Age of Simulation at Ars Electronica in Linz, January 2006 a dataset of EU projects on simulation was collected by FAS research, Vienna and stored in the form of Excel table (SimPro.csv). The rows are the projects participants (idents) and colomns correspond to different their properties. Three two-mode networks were produced from this table using Jürgen Pfeffer’s Text2Pajek program: Collaboration • – P = [idents × projects] Other derived networks • – C = [idents × countries] EU projects • – U = [idents × institutions] |idents| = 8869, |countries| = 60. |projects| = 933, |institutions| = 3438, 57 / 65 EU projects – derived networks Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Since all three networks have the common set (idents) we can derive from them using network multiplication Nets/Multiply First*Second several interesting networks: Multiplication • – W = [projects × institutions] = PT ∗ U Kinship relations • – S = [countries × countries] = CT ∗ C Projections • – Q = [institutions × institutions] Collaboration Other derived networks = WT ∗ W • ... EU projects Network/2-Mode Network/2-Mode to 1-Mode/Rows Network/2-Mode Network/2-Mode to 1-Mode/Columns 58 / 65 Analysis of Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores For identifying important parts of we first computed the 4-rings weights and in the obtained network we determined the line islands 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks Network/Create New Network/With Ring Counts .../4-Rings/Undirected Network/Create Partition/Islands/Line Weights[Simple] [2,200] We obtain 101 islands. We extracted 18 islands of the size at least 5. There are two most important islands: aviation companies and car companies. In labels we used the option \n. EU projects 59 / 65 Analysis of Two-mode ARMINES PSI FUR PRODUKTE UND SYS.E DER INFORMATIONSTECH. BICC GENERAL CABLE V. Batagelj 25525 BAE SYSTEMS 29817 DASSAULT AVIATION C. R. FIAT S.C.P.A. NL ORG. FOR APPLIED SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH - TNO BARTENBACH 501084 POLYMAGE SARL ROSENHEIMER GLASTECH. ENK6-CT-2002-30023 RUDOLF BRAUNS AND CO. KG SHERPA ENGINEERING SARL 502889 CENTRE DE RECH. METALLURG. 506503 MECALOG SARL 506257 INST. NAT. DE RECHERCHE SUR LES TRANSPORTS ET LEUR SCURIT INST. SUPERIOR TECNICO G4RD-CT-2002-00836 G4MA-CT-2002-00022 STICHTING NATIONAAL LUCHT OFFICE NAT. DETUDES ET DE REC. AEROSPATIALES BRPR987001 G4RD-CT-2000-00178 502896 G4RD-CT-2001-00403 G4RD-CT-2002-00795 MSO CONCEPT INNOVATION + SOFTWARE 7215-PP/031 EA TECH. LTD EUROCOPTER S. 502842 AIRBUS FRANCE SAS ALENIA AERONAUTICA SPA TRUMPF-BLUSEN-KLEIDER WALTER GIRNER UND CO. KG 7210-PR/163 Multiplication VOLKSWAGEN AG SNECMA MOTEURS SA AIRBUS DEUTSCHLAND 502917 502909 NAT. TEC. UNIV. OF ATHENS BARCO NV 4-ring weights AIRBUS UK LIMITED IST-2000-29207 TESSITURA LUIGI SANTI SPA INST. FUER TEXTIL UND VERFAHRENSTECH. DENKENDORF KBC MANUFAKTUR, KOECHLIN, BAUMGARTNER UND CIE. AG DAIMLER CHRYSLER AG BUURSKOV DE ZENTRUM FUER LUFT UND RAUMFAHRT E.V. EADS DE LMS UMWELTSYS.E, DIPL. ING. DR. HERBERT BACK 2-mode cores ESI SOFTWARE SA CHALMERS TEKNISKA HOEGSKOLA MTU AERO ENGINES FRAUENHOFER INST. FUER PRODUKTIONSTECH. UND AUTOMATISIERUNG Direct methods TQT SRL 28283 COLOPLAST A/S G4RD-CT-2000-00395 7210-PR/233 Kinship relations INST. DE RECHERCHES DE LA SIDERURGIE FR T3.2/99 EVG3-CT-2002-80012 THYSSENKRUPP STAHL A.G. DISENO DE SISTEMAS EN SILICIO CENTRE FOR EUROP. ECONOMIC SMT4982223 ILEVO AB 7210-PR/095 Projections Collaboration CATALYSE SARL VOEST-ALPINE STAHL FONDAZIONE ENI - ENRICO MATTEI IST-2001-35358 CSTB JERNKONTORET UNIV. DER BUNDESWEHR MUENCHEN LANDIS & GYR - EUROPE AG OESTERREICHISCHER BERGRETTUNGSDIENST IFEN GES. FUER SATELLITENNAVIGATION JOE3980089 WYKES ENGINEERING COMPANY IST-2000-30158 ENEL.IT UNIV. PANTHEON-ASSAS - PARIS II SSAB TUNNPL¯T 7215-PP/034 LH AGRO EAST S.R.O. EU projects T3.5/99 HELP SERVICE REMOTE SENSING CINAR LTD. INST. CARTOGRAFIC DE CATALUNYA LESPROJEKT SLUZBY S.R.O. BAYER. ROTES KREUZ RESEARCH INST. OF THE FINNISH ECONOMY QLK6-CT-2002-02292 TECHNOFARMING S.R.L. Other derived networks HPSE-CT-2002-00108 CHIPIDEA - MICROELECTRONICA, S.A. BUILDING RESEARCH THE AARHUS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS MEFOS, FOUNDATION FOR METALLURGICAL RESEARCH HPSE-CT-2002-00143 ENERGY RESEARCH CENTRE NL IST-2000-28177 BRITISH STEEL UNIV. OF MACEDONIA 7210-PR/142 JOR3980200 FRAUENHOFER INST. FUER AGRO-SAT CONSULTING MATERIALFLUSS UND LOGISTIK DATASYS S.R.O. UNIV. OF ABERDEEN ENK5-CT-2000-00335 ORAD HI TEC SYS. POLAND CENTRE DE ROBOTIQUE FRIMEKO INT. AB CRE GROUP LTD. MJM GROUP, A.S. INOX PNEUMATIC AS BBL DFA DE FERNSEHNACHRICHTEN AGENTUR TPS TERMISKA PROCESSER AB PROLEXIA KOMMANDITGES. HAMBURG 1 A.S.M. S.A. ZAMISEL D.O.O IST-1999-56418 FERNSEHEN BETEILIGUNGS & CO INGENIORHOJSKOLEN HELSINGOR TEKNIKUM DPME ROBOTICS AB GATE5 AG 511758 INDUSTRIAS ROYO LKSOFTWARE SPORTART YAHOO! DEOSAUHING EETRIUKSUS BRST985352 UAB LKSOFT BALTIC IST-2000-30082 WISDOM TELE VISION ALBERTSEN & HOLM AS ASM - DIMATEC INGENIERIA FFT ESPANA TECH. DE AUTOMOCION, EDAG ENGINEERING + DESIGN SVETS & TILLBEHOR AB SUPERELECTRIC DI CARLO PAGLIALUNGA & C. SAS IST-1999-57451 OK GAMES DI ALESSANDRO CARTA ENERGITEKNIK HEATEX AB BROD THOMASSON GUNNESTORPS SMIDE & MEKANISKA AB UNIV. DE ZARAGOZA Pajek 60 / 65 Analysis of Two-mode Kazakhstan V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores Tunisia Jordan Canada EU projects Network/Create New Network/ Transform/Sort lines/ Line values/Ascending Algeria United Kingdom Italia The Netherlands Russian F. Finland Turkey Greece Germany Portugal Spain Switzerland Turkmenistan Cyprus Sweden Denmark Thailand Austria Slovakia USA Belgium Poland Croatia Latvia Malta Israel Estonia Luxembourg Other derived networks Lebanon France China Multiplication Collaboration Ecuador Iceland Belarus Armenia Moldavia Projections Morocco Liechtenstein India Uzbekistan 4-ring weights Kinship relations To obtain picture in which the stronger lines cover weaker lines we have to sort them Afghanistan Japan Azerbaijan Georgia Norway Slovenia Ireland Bulgaria Czech R. Lithuania Ukraine Serbia-Montenegro Macedonia Hungary Romania For dense (sub)networks we get better visualization by using matrix display. In this case we also recoded values (2,10,50). Albania To determine clusters we used Ward’s clustering procedure with dissimilarity measure d5 (corrected Euclidean distance). The permutation determined by hierarchy can often be improved by changing the positions of clusters. We get a typical center-periphery structure. Pajek 61 / 65 Analysis of Pajek - shadow [0.00,4.00] V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects Pajek - Ward [0.00,4785.14] Ecuador Thailand Armenia Turkmenist Uzbekistan Moldavia Japan Kazakhstan Azerbaijan India Macedonia Albania Liechtenst Serbia-Mon Iceland Canada Estonia China Belarus Georgia Tunisia Lebanon Jordan Algeria Malta Morocco Afghanista Luxembourg Croatia Latvia Lithuania Cyprus Turkey Bulgaria Ukraine Slovenia Romania Slovakia USA Portugal Denmark Poland Finland Switzerlan Austria Czech R. Ireland Norway Hungary Israel Russian F. Sweden Greece Belgium Spain The Nether France United Kin Germany Italia Ecuador Thailand Armenia Turkmenist Uzbekistan Moldavia Japan Kazakhstan Azerbaijan India Macedonia Albania Liechtenst Serbia-Mon Iceland Canada Estonia China Belarus Georgia Afghanista Morocco Malta Tunisia Lebanon Jordan Algeria Croatia Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Cyprus Turkey Bulgaria Ukraine Slovenia Romania Slovakia USA Russian F. Israel Hungary Ireland Czech R. Norway Poland Finland Portugal Denmark Switzerlan Austria Sweden Greece Belgium Spain The Nether Italia France United Kin Germany Ecuador Thailand Armenia Turkmenist Uzbekistan Moldavia Japan Kazakhstan Azerbaijan India Macedonia Albania Liechtenst Serbia-Mon Iceland Canada Estonia China Belarus Georgia Afghanista Morocco Malta Tunisia Lebanon Jordan Algeria Croatia Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Cyprus Turkey Bulgaria Ukraine Slovenia Romania Slovakia USA Russian F. Israel Hungary Ireland Czech R. Norway Poland Finland Portugal Denmark Switzerlan Austria Sweden Greece Belgium Spain The Nether Italia France United Kin Germany Two-mode 62 / 65 Analysis of Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores U.A.S.ZITTAU/GOERLITZ U.THE AEGEAN MIT-MANAGEMENT INTELLIGENTER TECH.N U.PARIS-DAUPHINE OTTO VON GUERICKE MAGDEBURG U. COVENTRY U. FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENG. FED.UNITARY ENTERPRISE FL-SOFT V/JENS DAEDALUS INFORMATICS LTD ALL-RUSSIAN SCIENTIFIC CENTER OESTERGAARD U.PARIS VI PIERRE ETJOERGEN MARIE CURIE BELIMO AUTOMATIONU.LA LAGUNA SOFIISKI U.SVETI KLIMENT OHRIDSKI THE U.COURT OF THE U.OF ABERDEEN SENTIENT MACHINE RESEARCH B.V. SIEMENS BUILDING TECH.S AG AS.CONOCIMIENTO U.OULU I.OF INFORMATION TECH.S STICHTING NEURALE NETWERKEN DATAMED HEALTHCARE INF.SYS. NOTTINGHAM TRENT U. U.E DE COIMBRA T.U.CLAUSTHAL MOMATEC U.CRETE CITY U.LONDON U.ULSTER GOETHE U.FRANKFURT AM MAIN U.WIEN ALLOGG AB RAUTARUUKKI OY SOFTECO SISMAT U.WALES, ABERYSTWYTH DE MONTFORT U. I.DALLE MOLLE DI STUDI SULLIA U.JYVASKYLA BULGARIAN ACAD. U.ZAGREB U.CYPRUS OF SCIENCES U.OF CHEMICAL TECH. BOURNEMOUTH U. ASS.RECH.SCIENTIFIQUE AND METALLURGY KINGS COLLEGE LONDONENTE PER LE ELITE EUROP.LAB NUOVE TECNOLOGIE STICHTINGTECH. U.NYENRODE FOR INTELLIGENT I.NAT.POLITEC.DE TOULOUSE I.FUER NATURSTOFF-FORSCHUNG E.V. U.AMSTERDAM U.GIRONA U.GENT AUSTRIAN I.AI START ENGINEERING JSCO 4-ring weights ENERGY RESEARCH C.NL U.GRANADA TEKNILLINEN KORKEAKOULU T.U.DELFT I.NAT.DE RECHERCHE SUR LES TRANSPORTS ET LEUR SECURITE HELSINKI T.U. NAT.U.IRELAND,MAYNOOTH U.TWENTE TSS-TRANSPORT SIMULATION SYS.S.L. U.KLINIKUM AACHEN KATHOLIEKE U.LEUVEN Multiplication Kinship relations Projections U.BRISTOL FRIEDRICH-SCHILLER-U.JENA CONSEJO SUP.DE ERASMUS U.ROTTERDAM DEP.OF ENVIRONMENT, QINETIQ INVEST.CIENTIFICAS AABO AKADEMI U AND THE REGIONS GKSS TRANSPORT - FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM GEESTHACHT JOZEF STEFAN I. U.P.MADRID MANNESMANN VDO AG U.MARIBOR EUROP.SPACE AGENCY U.PAUL SABATIER DE TOULOUSE III U.PAISLEY TECHSOFT ENGINEERING S.R.O. TECNOLOGIAS CAE AVANZADAS S.L. U.STRATHCLYDE U.VALLADOLID U.P.CATALUNYA U.LEEDS U.S.GENOVA U.NOTTINGHAM C.SVILUPPO MATERIALI HERMSDORFER I.FUER TECH. PT.TORINO PT.BARI U.MANCHESTER OXFORD BROOKES U. DAIMLER CHRYSLER AG U.DORTMUND U.S.PADOVA SAFE TECH. BAE SYSTEMS LOUGHBOROUGH T.U. NOKIA MOBILE PHONES LTD CZECH T.U.PRAGUE AVIO S.P.A. FOKKER SPACE BV BRITISH TELEC. NAT.T.U.ATHENS T.U.V KOSICIACH ANAKON I.SUPERIOR TECNICO NCODE INT. U.SHEFFIELD FUNDACION LABEIN POLISH ACAD.OF SCIENCES FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS LTD. RISOE NAT.LAB TUN ABDUL RAZAK RESEARCH C.LTD. U.GREENWICH DANMARKS T.U. PRINCIPIA INGENIEROS CONSULTORES U.C.LOUVAIN FUNDACION INASMET STAVANGER U.COLLEGE CRANFIELD U. SULZER MARKETS AND TECH.AG, IFP SICOMP AB SULZER INNOTEC CHALMERS TEKNISKA HOEGSKOLA DAMT LTD SKF R&D COMPANY B.V. CAESAR SYSTEMS LTD U.S.NAPOLI A.U.THESSALONIKI Collaboration C.INT.LENGINYERIA NL ORG.FOR APPLIED SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH-TNO C.R.FIAT S.C.P.A. Other derived networks C.NAT.DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE EU projects INTES - INGENIEURGES. FUER TECH.SOFTWARE U.DURHAM U.S.TRIESTE CAD - FEM MSC SOFTWARE QUEENS U.BELFAST NAFEMS LTD. ENGIN SOFT TRADING SRL MARITIME HYDRAULICS AS INBIS TECH.LTD FEMSYS LTD SOFISTK AG ABS CONSULTING ALTAIR ENGINEERING NLSE VERENIGDE SCHEEPSBOUW BUREAUS B.V. SAMTECH SA MERITOR HEAVY VEHICLE LEUVEN MEASUREMENTS AND SYS.INT.NV BRAKING CREA CONSULTANTS LTDSYS.- UK LTD TRL PD&E AUTOMOTIVE B.V. ACCESS E.V. NEW TECH.ENGINEERING LTD ROCKFIELD SOFTWARE LTD. U.NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE BEHR &CO. AIRBUS FRANCE SAS NAT.NUCLEAR CORP.LTD. U.GLASGOW FEMCOS INGENIEURBUERO MBH ST MECANICA APLICADA S.L. GERMAN AEROSPACE CENTRE FRAUENHOFER I.FUER INGENIEURBUERO FUER BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING TRAGWERKSPLANUNG KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL SINT-LIEVEN ROYAL I.OF TECH. DUNLOP STANDARD AEROSPACE GROUP U.HANNOVER GIFFORD AND PARTNERS LTD. MECAS S.R.O. VOLVO AERO CORP.AB ATOS ORIGIN ENG. LULEAA T.U. STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY CORK I.OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENTS LTD HAHN-SCHICKARD-GES. NORUT TEKNOLOGI A.S. WS ATKINS CONSULTANTS LTD. EASI ENGINEERING U.E DO MINHO NUMERICAL ANALYSIS U.SPLIT AND DESIGN&CO KG ADVIESBUREAU N.V. WILDE AND TECHNISCH PARTNERS LTD INTEGRATED DESIGN & RANDOM LOADINGANALYSIS DESIGN CONSULTANTS LTD FEGS AWE PLC D C WHITE&PARTNERS LTD MERKLE UND PARTNER DR THELLEN EATEC LTD To identify the most important institutions we first computed pS -cores vector and use it to determine the corresponding vertex islands. We got essentially one large island. Again the corresponding subnetwork is very dense. We prepared also a matrix display. 63 / 65 Analysis of V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects ALLOGG AB AS. CONOCI ASS. RECH. AUSTRIAN I BELIMO AUT COVENTRY U DAEDALUS I DATAMED H FACULTY OF FED. UNITA FL-SOFT V/ INST. OF I GOETHE UNI MIT-MANAGE MOMATEC NAT. UNIV. NOTTINGHAM POLITECNIC SENTIENT M SIEMENS BU SOFIISKI U START ENGI STICHTING STICHTING THE UNIV. UNIV. DE L UNIV.SKLIN UNIV. DE G UNIV. PARI UNIV. OF A UNIV. OF C UNIV. OF C UNIV. OF W UNIV. OF Z INST. DALL RAUTARUUKK UNIV.E DE UNIV. OF U SOFTECO SI UNIV. GENT TSS - TRAN UNIV. DE G UNIV. DE V UNIVERZA V UNIV. PAUL TECH. UNIV UNIV. WIEN UNIV. VAN ENERGY RES TEKNILLINE DE MONTFOR CITY UNIVE UNIV. OF J AABO AKADE RISOE NAT. KINGS COLL UNIV. DORT FRIEDRICHUNIV. OF C INST. NAT. BULGARIAN ENTE PER L LOUGHBOROU HELSINKI U CRANFIELD UNIV. CATH OTTO VON G UNIV. DEGL UNIV. OF O UNIV. OF T ELITE EURO ERASMUS UN INST. FUER UNIV. PARI BRITISH TE BOURNEMOUT UNIV. OF B UNIV. OF S DANMARKS T DAIMLER CH INST. NAT. INST. SUPE POLITECNIC POLISH ACA UNIV. POLI NAT. TEC. CONSEJO SU KATHOLIEKE UNIV. TWEN TECH. UNIV UNIV. POLI CENTRE NAT TEC. UNIV. UNIV. OF P FUNDACION JOZEF STEF CZECH TECH UNIV. OF N UNIV. OF S BAE SYSTEM UNIV. OF M ABS CONSUL ALTAIR ENG ANAKON ATOS ORIGI AWE PLC BEHR & CO CAESAR SYS CORK INST. CREA CONSU D C WHITE DAMT LTD DEP. OF E DR THELLEN DUNLOP STA EASI ENGIN EATEC LTD FEMSYS LTD FOKKER SPA FORSCHUNGS GIFFORD AN HAHN-SCHIC HERMSDORFE INBIS TECH INGENIEURB INTEGRATED KATHOLIEKE MANNESMANN MARITIME H MECAS S.R. MERITOR HE MERKLE UND NAFEMS LTD NCODE INT. NLSE VEREN NEW TECH. NOKIA MOBI NORUT TEKN NUMERICAL OXFORD BRO PD & E AUT RANDOM LOA SAFE TECH. SKF R & D SOFISTK AG ST MECANIC STAVANGER STRUCTURAL SULZER MAR TECHNISCH TECHSOFT E TECNOLOGIA TUN ABDUL UNIV.E DO UNIV. OF S WILDE AND FRAUENHOFE GKSS - FOR NAT. NUCLE UNIV. OF D ENGIN SOFT FEGS IFP SICOMP INTES - IN UNIV. DEGL PRINCIPIA FINITE ELE ROCKFIELD WS ATKINS ROYAL INST UNIV. HANN UNIV. DEGL UNIV. OF G UNIV. OF N CAD - FEM C. SVILUPP TRL LEUVEN MEA A. UNIV. T GERMAN AER CENTRE INT UNIV. DEGL QINETIQ UNIV. OF L FUNDACION ACCESS E.V EUROP. SPA UNIV. OF G SAMTECH SA VOLVO AERO AVIO S.P.A MSC SOFTWA LULEAA UNI QUEENS UNI AIRBUS FRA C. R. FIAT NL ORG. FO CHALMERS T Pajek - shadow [0.00,6.00] ALLOGG AB AS. CONOCI ASS. RECH. AUSTRIAN I BELIMO AUT COVENTRY U DAEDALUS I DATAMED H FACULTY OF FED. UNITA FL-SOFT V/ INST. OF I GOETHE UNI MIT-MANAGE MOMATEC NAT. UNIV. NOTTINGHAM POLITECNIC SENTIENT M SIEMENS BU SOFIISKI U START ENGI STICHTING STICHTING THE UNIV. UNIV. DE L UNIV.SKLIN UNIV. DE G UNIV. PARI UNIV. OF A UNIV. OF C UNIV. OF C UNIV. OF W UNIV. OF Z INST. DALL RAUTARUUKK UNIV.E DE UNIV. OF U SOFTECO SI UNIV. GENT TSS - TRAN UNIV. DE G UNIV. DE V UNIVERZA V UNIV. PAUL TECH. UNIV UNIV. WIEN UNIV. VAN ENERGY RES TEKNILLINE DE MONTFOR CITY UNIVE UNIV. OF J AABO AKADE RISOE NAT. KINGS COLL UNIV. DORT FRIEDRICHUNIV. OF C INST. NAT. BULGARIAN ENTE PER L LOUGHBOROU HELSINKI U CRANFIELD UNIV. CATH OTTO VON G UNIV. DEGL UNIV. OF O UNIV. OF T ELITE EURO ERASMUS UN INST. FUER UNIV. PARI BRITISH TE BOURNEMOUT UNIV. OF B UNIV. OF S DANMARKS T DAIMLER CH INST. NAT. INST. SUPE POLITECNIC POLISH ACA UNIV. POLI NAT. TEC. CONSEJO SU KATHOLIEKE UNIV. TWEN TECH. UNIV UNIV. POLI CENTRE NAT TEC. UNIV. UNIV. OF P FUNDACION JOZEF STEF CZECH TECH UNIV. OF N UNIV. OF S BAE SYSTEM UNIV. OF M C. R. FIAT NL ORG. FO CHALMERS T SAMTECH SA VOLVO AERO AVIO S.P.A MSC SOFTWA LULEAA UNI QUEENS UNI AIRBUS FRA CAD - FEM C. SVILUPP TRL LEUVEN MEA A. UNIV. T GERMAN AER CENTRE INT UNIV. DEGL QINETIQ UNIV. OF L FUNDACION ACCESS E.V EUROP. SPA UNIV. OF G UNIV. DEGL UNIV. OF G UNIV. OF N FINITE ELE ROCKFIELD WS ATKINS ROYAL INST UNIV. HANN FRAUENHOFE GKSS - FOR NAT. NUCLE UNIV. OF D ENGIN SOFT FEGS IFP SICOMP INTES - IN UNIV. DEGL PRINCIPIA ABS CONSUL ALTAIR ENG ANAKON ATOS ORIGI AWE PLC BEHR & CO CAESAR SYS CORK INST. CREA CONSU D C WHITE DAMT LTD DEP. OF E DR THELLEN DUNLOP STA EASI ENGIN EATEC LTD FEMSYS LTD FOKKER SPA FORSCHUNGS GIFFORD AN HAHN-SCHIC HERMSDORFE INBIS TECH INGENIEURB INTEGRATED KATHOLIEKE MANNESMANN MARITIME H MECAS S.R. MERITOR HE MERKLE UND NAFEMS LTD NCODE INT. NLSE VEREN NEW TECH. NOKIA MOBI NORUT TEKN NUMERICAL OXFORD BRO PD & E AUT RANDOM LOA SAFE TECH. SKF R & D SOFISTK AG ST MECANIC STAVANGER STRUCTURAL SULZER MAR TECHNISCH TECHSOFT E TECNOLOGIA TUN ABDUL UNIV.E DO UNIV. OF S WILDE AND ALLOGG AB AS. CONOCI ASS. RECH. AUSTRIAN I BELIMO AUT COVENTRY U DAEDALUS I DATAMED H FACULTY OF FED. UNITA FL-SOFT V/ INST. OF I GOETHE UNI MIT-MANAGE MOMATEC NAT. UNIV. NOTTINGHAM POLITECNIC SENTIENT M SIEMENS BU SOFIISKI U START ENGI STICHTING STICHTING THE UNIV. UNIV. DE L UNIV.SKLIN UNIV. DE G UNIV. PARI UNIV. OF A UNIV. OF C UNIV. OF C UNIV. OF W UNIV. OF Z INST. DALL RAUTARUUKK UNIV.E DE UNIV. OF U SOFTECO SI UNIV. GENT TSS - TRAN UNIV. DE G UNIV. DE V UNIVERZA V UNIV. PAUL TECH. UNIV UNIV. WIEN UNIV. VAN ENERGY RES TEKNILLINE DE MONTFOR CITY UNIVE UNIV. OF J AABO AKADE RISOE NAT. KINGS COLL UNIV. DORT FRIEDRICHUNIV. OF C INST. NAT. BULGARIAN ENTE PER L LOUGHBOROU HELSINKI U CRANFIELD UNIV. CATH OTTO VON G UNIV. DEGL UNIV. OF O UNIV. OF T ELITE EURO ERASMUS UN INST. FUER UNIV. PARI BRITISH TE BOURNEMOUT UNIV. OF B UNIV. OF S DANMARKS T DAIMLER CH INST. NAT. INST. SUPE POLITECNIC POLISH ACA UNIV. POLI NAT. TEC. CONSEJO SU KATHOLIEKE UNIV. TWEN TECH. UNIV UNIV. POLI CENTRE NAT TEC. UNIV. UNIV. OF P FUNDACION JOZEF STEF CZECH TECH UNIV. OF N UNIV. OF S BAE SYSTEM UNIV. OF M C. R. FIAT NL ORG. FO CHALMERS T SAMTECH SA VOLVO AERO AVIO S.P.A MSC SOFTWA LULEAA UNI QUEENS UNI AIRBUS FRA CAD - FEM C. SVILUPP TRL LEUVEN MEA A. UNIV. T GERMAN AER CENTRE INT UNIV. DEGL QINETIQ UNIV. OF L FUNDACION ACCESS E.V EUROP. SPA UNIV. OF G UNIV. DEGL UNIV. OF G UNIV. OF N FINITE ELE ROCKFIELD WS ATKINS ROYAL INST UNIV. HANN FRAUENHOFE GKSS - FOR NAT. NUCLE UNIV. OF D ENGIN SOFT FEGS IFP SICOMP INTES - IN UNIV. DEGL PRINCIPIA ABS CONSUL ALTAIR ENG ANAKON ATOS ORIGI AWE PLC BEHR & CO CAESAR SYS CORK INST. CREA CONSU D C WHITE DAMT LTD DEP. OF E DR THELLEN DUNLOP STA EASI ENGIN EATEC LTD FEMSYS LTD FOKKER SPA FORSCHUNGS GIFFORD AN HAHN-SCHIC HERMSDORFE INBIS TECH INGENIEURB INTEGRATED KATHOLIEKE MANNESMANN MARITIME H MECAS S.R. MERITOR HE MERKLE UND NAFEMS LTD NCODE INT. NLSE VEREN NEW TECH. NOKIA MOBI NORUT TEKN NUMERICAL OXFORD BRO PD & E AUT RANDOM LOA SAFE TECH. SKF R & D SOFISTK AG ST MECANIC STAVANGER STRUCTURAL SULZER MAR TECHNISCH TECHSOFT E TECNOLOGIA TUN ABDUL UNIV.E DO UNIV. OF S WILDE AND Pajek - Ward [0.00,1376.93] Two-mode 64 / 65 Temporal network and Levels of analysis Two-mode V. Batagelj Direct methods 2-mode cores 4-ring weights Multiplication Kinship relations We can also transform the citation network (and other WoS networks) into temporal network using the partition of works by publication year. Using the time slices also the temporal sequences of corresponding derived networks can be obtained. Note that most of the obtained derived networks are one-mode networks. To analyze them standard SNA methods can be used. In the analysis of the obtained networks the comparability of units could/should be considered. Projections Collaboration Other derived networks EU projects Pajek allows analyses on different levels specified by a partition of the corresponding set of units and obtained using the shrinking of classes. For example: partition of authors by institutions, or partition of institutions by countries, partitions of authors by discipline/ field/ subfield, etc. Using the extraction of selected classes we can reduce the network to the area of our interest. 65 / 65
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