Knucklebusters` News May 2015


Knucklebusters` News May 2015
Knucklebusters’ News
May 2015
From our President
Hi everyone,
lebusters Motor Club is very fortunate to have very, very
The red wing black birds are back, along with robins,
good people as members and these people often have
goldfinches and many other varieties of birds. At our
many other things that require their attention and time. It
house that means that it’s spring! Hooray! Although the
seems as we age, there are more demands on our time,
winter was cold, all that snow in February and March
family which now includes extended family, work, commade it seem like winter was lasting forever…now just a
munity service and then scraping out enough time for hobmemory (unless like us, you have a few piles of snow still bies and relaxation. It can be overwhelming, I understand.
in the shadows).
That being said, there are many things that members can
At the April meeting, it was great to hear folks talking
do to support the event. If you know someone, even yourabout getting their cars out and the plans for this sumself, that has a talent or a business that can donate somemer’s changes and improvements their ‘toys’. The cruis- thing for the door prizes it would be very helpful. A gift
ing season has begun, albeit slowly.
card to Dunkin’ Donuts or for gas
Speaking of the meeting, it was great to
(certainly everyone could use that!), the
see so many of you attending. Our
dollar amount is not important, you
club is one of the few that cruise all
know how everyone enjoys ‘free’ gifts!
year, when possible. As a group we’ve
If you build, sew, craft or ‘recycle’
been able to see many, many places in
gifts…everything is welcome.
Maine and New Hampshire, beautiful
Saturday, April 25, Deb & I will be
vistas, museums, points of interest and
attending the first of a few meetings for
hidden gems (aka restaurants). It’s althe Togus Picnic 2015. The picnic will
ways better when the experiences can
be held on Saturday, June 27 this year
June meeting will be
be shared with friends. Although, as a
from 10 to 2. We will have more inforSaturday, the 20th!
club, we’ve been to the W. W. & F.
mation to share at the May club meeting
Tent set up first at Hodgman’s,
then meeting/cookout
Railway before, there’s always another
and there’ll be more information in the
at Dave & Deb's.
project that they’re undertaking, more
June newsletter regarding the particulars
info that’s been uncovered and now the
for the day.
rails will soon be set to ride on even
On another note, the L/A Veterans
further on their spring ‘work weekend’
Council is organizing a Memorial Day
on the 16th and 17th , the weekend after we visited. All of parade and ceremony scheduled for Saturday, May 23,
this made the April trip very enjoyable for the newbies
beginning at 9:30 a.m. They are inviting participants
and the more seasoned railroad fans.
from Boy & Girl Scouts, horse riders, antique/classic cars
April 12, at the Popham Beach kite fly, was a beautiful
(that’s us!), veterans (that’s some of us!), military and fraday. Allen says, “The day was warm and sunny with a
ternal organizations, ROTC and others. I’ll talk to some
good flying wind”, yes, that’s true. But that wind could
of you before our meeting date, but if you’re interested in
blow right through you! It was a great time, Diane Akers participating, and don’t hear from me before then, please
and her grandson, were able to get their kite up first try!
call me. Some Knucklebusters have participated in the
Allen Wheeler is the seasoned ‘flyer’, so his was up in a
Greene Days parade and Turner’s annual parade. It’s a lot
jiffy, flying high and even I was able to ‘fly’. A wonder- of fun and the crowds really enjoy seeing our ‘toys’.
ful time with friends and some new ones made as well.
Looking forward to seeing many of you at Cole Farms
Deb & I are looking forward to going again next year.
on May 9…the season has begun! I got the Vette out on
I urge as many people as possible, attend the May 9
the road today for the first time.
meeting. It will be just over a month to our Father’s Day
Cruise In and it’s important for all members to be part of
the process. I’m not particularly expecting members ‘to
207-782-7895 (h) or 207-240-6794
do’ things that require a commitment of time for the cruise
in, I realize, not everyone’s schedule allows for it. Knuck-
Date changed!
Breakfast Meeting
Secretary’s Report
Date & Time: April 11, 2015 9:00 a.m.
Place: Jillson’s Farm and Sugar House, Sabattus
Attending: Steve & Diane Akers, Wayne & Mary
Anderson, Dave Barrett, Dan & Claire Caron, Deb
Desjardins, Bill Etheridge, John & Diane Kirby, Don
Moore, Stan & Cheryl Page, Norm & Sue Remillard
and Allen & Jane Wheeler.
Guests: Allen & Jane’s grandson, Joshua.
The meeting was brief, we didn’t want to continue
to take up tables inside, and it was quite breezy and
chilly outside. There was a general follow-up about
our Club’s plans for summer events, Father’s Day
Cruise-In on Sunday, June 21 and the Togus Picnic
2015, Saturday, June 27. The June meeting date is
being changed to Saturday, June 20. It will start
with setting up the tent at Hodgman’s and then everyone, hopefully, will go to Dave & Deb’s for the now
annual June Cookout. There might be a cruise on the
third Saturday, June 20, but no decision has been
made at this time.
Likely the Club will be at Dollar Tree in Auburn,
for the second year, Saturday, June 6, if the store
manager can give us the green light for another fund/
food raiser for the Togus Picnic. Several Club members have volunteered and anyone else that’s interested, please contact Dave at 207-240-6794 or I at
207-782-7895. It was fun last year, you only volunteer for 1 or 2 hours between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
May meeting will be Saturday, May 9; Allen’s info is
elsewhere in the newsletter.
The meeting was adjourned and members headed
off to the W.W. & F. Railway for another interesting
and fun excursion.
Respectfully submitted,
Deb Desjardins, Secretary
Thank you to everyone that has paid their 2015 dues.
Welcome to our new members, we're sure you'll enjoy cruisin' with us this year!
For anyone that hasn't yet paid please remit $17
(individual) or $22 (family) to:
Knucklebusters Motor Club,
46 Jennings Road, Leeds, Maine 04263
Or bring to any club function!
May 9, 2015
Cole Farms Restaurant,
Gray Maine
Lewiston Rd, (Rt. 202 & 100 South) on the left
Meet there at 9:00 a.m.
We will be doing the buffet and will be seated in
the lounge area. The buffet is $6.95. Following the
meeting we'll take a mystery cruise to a local attraction.
How is that for short and informative?
Questions? Call Allen at 524-5591 or 312-4677
Last Ride April 4, 2015
On Saturday, April 4, 2015 our good friend and traveling companion took her last ride. Maggie was one who
would rather ride than eat and she did it every chance she
got. She joined us in October
of 2005 as the age of 5 and
spent the next nine and a half
years on the road. Maggie
went to car shows, cruise ins,
annual trips to Vermont and
every day errands. If a car
was leaving she wanted to be
in it. Many "car people" got to know her over the years,
and she them. This was Maggie at a Toys for Tots cruise
in. We brought her our own lawn to that one. Cruise on...
Allen & Jane Wheeler
The Knucklebusters Organization
Dave Barrett—782-7895 or 240-6794
Jackie Lothrop—782-2502
Deb Desjardins—782-7895
Jane Wheeler — 524-5591
Club Photographer: Diane Akers — 268-4285
Board of Directors: Allen Wheeler — 524-5591
Steve Akers—268-4285
Terry Sturtevant—
Editor: Deb Vines — 539-4213
Club elections are held yearly at our January business meeting. All
current members are entitled and encouraged to run for any available
office and vote.
This section is free and for club members only.
Please remember to contact me when your item(s) sell so I can
remove your ad(s).
1969(ish) Chevy 292 C.I. straight six cylinder engine that was running when removed about 3 years
ago, but was believed to have a bad valve. Will need
repair. These earlier "large spark plug" models are
becoming rare and desirable for accurate restoration
or projects needing monster usable torque. Engine is
mostly complete. The intake and exhaust manifolds
and carburetor are removed but are included with the
sale. This engine has been in dry indoor storage since
removed and turns over freely. Asking $175.00 firm.
Call Tom Wilson at 650-7369 for more information.
Rattlin’ about…
Great news! Kathy Morris has been given the all clear
from her doctor! I guess that means that she'll have
to help Don with all the heavy stuff
around the house :-)
Steve Akers has a new hobby to keep him busy...see
picture elsewhere.
Dave Barrett has been planning a Remembrance
Cruise, the date has been set! Saturday, August 8 with
a rain date of Saturday, September 5. More info in
future newsletters.
ENGINE: 1960s Chevy six cylinder 270 in line
$300.00. Please call 207-474-5596 OR 207-4742611 during the day.
1950 Chevy Super Sport Coupe, Original 216 cu in
Stove Bolt 6, three on the tree, split manifold, dual
carbs, windshield visor with prism on dash, includes
continental kit. $18,000 or BRO. Call 207-474-5596
OR 207-474-2611
1964 Lincoln Continental 4 door Convertible, V8,
430 cu in, 4-B Carb, light blue, tan top, CCPG value
$23,000/ Reasonable offers considered. Please call
during the day for more information 207-474-5596
OR 207-474-2611.
1978 Corvette, 350 CID w/ 4 barrel, 4 speed manual
transmission. Call 207-782-7895 or 207-240-6794
Tonneau Cover: Black, like new. Fits full size GM
pickup 1973-87. $150 OBO. Call Tom 539-4213
during the day and leave message.
Chevy V-6 engine 262 C.I. (4.3L) from a 1986(?)
Chevy C-10. Running well when removed several
years ago. In dry indoor storage since then. Was relatively low mileage vehicle (80K) and engine is complete minus starter (might be able to find starter).
Turns over freely and has compression. Great economy of operation, size and weight for hot rod or rat
rod. Asking $225.00 firm. Call Tom Wilson at 650- Club member Steve Akers' new hobby while waiting for
7369 for more information.
good cruising weather. (...and quite successful at it!)
Please send your check or newsletter material to:
Knucklebusters Motor Club
46 Jennings Rd
Leeds, ME 04263
It was a breezy and chilly day, but in Knucklebusters
stalwart tradition...lunch was served & shared at Popham
Beach Kite Fly. Lots of fun, sun & friends.
Diane Akers and grandson, Joshua, successfully raising
their kite! Good job!
Follow Up
April Breakfast
Cruise (4/11)
Kite Fly (4/12)
Saturday, April 11, we met at Jillson's Farm for
breakfast and a meeting. Following the meeting,
some of us "cruised" over to the W.W. & F. Railway
Museum for a train ride. These included Dave Barrett & Deb Desjardins, Steve & Diane Akers, Wayne
& Mary Anderson and Allen & Jane Wheeler, with
grandson Josh.
Sunday, April 12th, was Popham Beach kite flying
day. While not a "club function" we were joined this
year by Dave Barrett & Deb Desjardins, Steve &
Diane Akers, with grandson Joshua, and Norm &
Sue Remillard. We had our grandson Joshua
also. Yup that's two kids named Josh. The tide was
out and many walked out to the island. The day was
warm and sunny with a good flying wind. The day
ended with visits to Fort Baldwin and Fort Popham.
We watched a seal, fishing off Fort Popham.
The Anderson's came prepared to cruise!
Respectfully submitted by
Allen Wheeler
Club members finishing breakfast at Jillson's. Cheryl Page
is talking about the trip she & Stan will be making to
Route 66!
Waiting for the train...
Jane Wheeler and grandson, Josh, riding in the coach.
May and early June events
If you’re planning on going, double check info. Not all events
are listed. FMI check the following sites:, or Or call Dave 207-240-6794.
Car Shows & One Time Events—MAY
Saturday, 2:
8 to 1 p.m., Wells 6th Annual Spring Car Show, Messiah
Christian Church, 2700 Post Rd, Wells, $10 to show, $5 admission, breakfast & lunch available FMI 207-985-9287 or
Sunday, 3:
Motor Menders 5th Annual Swap Meet, 5 a.m. to noon for
vendors, spectators at 6 a.m., Topsham Fairgrounds, $25 for
vendors, $5 for spectators, breakfast and lunch available. Rain
date: May 10. FMI 207-386-0484
14th Annual Cruisin’ to Graduation Car Show, Medomak
Valley High School, Waldoboro. Rain or shine. FMI 207-6918402 or
Bentley’s First Car Show of the Season, 3 to 6 p.m., Bentley’s Saloon, Arundel. FMI 207-985-8966 or
Sunday, 10:
Maine Swap Meet at Motorland, 2564 Portland Rd, Arundel.
7 a.m., Classic car corral and automotive flea market, spaces
only $10. Second Sunday of each month through Nov. 9. FMI
207-710-6699 or
Saturday, 16:
Cruise In Car Show & Community Yard Sale, cruise in
starts at 10 a.m., yard sale at 8 a.m. both end at 2 p.m., 68
Church Rd, Brunswick. Hosted by Region 10 High School &
Region 10 SkillsUSA. FMI 207-729-6622 X219 or
Sunday, 17:
36th Annual Bonny Eagle Car Show 7 to 3 p.m., , Car regis-
tration 7-10 a.m., show cars can enter at 6 a.m. , $10 fee for
1 vehicle and 1 person. Pre-registration suggested. FMI
Friday, 22:
10th Annual Livermore Falls History Night and Cruise In,
downtown Livermore Falls 4 to 8 p.m., . Food, live music, vendors, tractor rides & historical display. No admission fee. FMI
207-779-0367 or
Saturday, 23:
9:00 a.m. until everyone goes home, open house at North
Windham Hot Rod Shop, fabricator of hot rods, 971 River
Road, rear, Windham, Maine. There will music, food, raffles
and giveaways. FMI Bob 207-894-8487
Sunday, 24:
Damariscotta Mills Fish Ladder Festival Car Show 10:30 to
2:30 p.m., no fee. Festival May 23 & 24. FMI 207-563-2739 or
Thursday, 28:
4th Annual Cruise In, behind the Mexico Fire Station and
Town Hall 5 to 8 p.m., . Sponsored by the Mexico Fire Fighters
Relief Assn & Tired Iron Cruizers Car Club. Food, profits going to local charities, door prizes & music. Dash plaques for the
first 100 cars. Rain date: Friday, 29. FMI 207-357-6589 or
Saturday, 30:
Hampden VFW Car Show, Cole Land Transportation Museum, Bangor. FMI 207-990-3600 or
Moody’s Collision Benefit Car & Bike Show w/ L/A Harley
& United Bikers of Maine, 8 to 2 p.m., Moody’s Collision,
Lewiston. Donations welcome, benefitting local cancer patients
& The Dempsey Center. FMI 207-344-2500 or
Spring Auto Show at Owls Head, Owls Head Museum, Rockland 9 to 3 p.m., . Pre-1955 cars, trucks & planes (weather permitting). Featuring Lincoln owners on tour. Admission: $16
show & museum. FMI 207-594-4418 or
(Many start in May or as otherwise stated.)
Monday Nights:
5 to 8 p.m., Topsham Fair Mall, yes it’s still on! Music &
50/50. FMI 207-240-6794; Uptown Cruizahs, Tractor Supply, Oxford (Starting May 18). Music, food & 50/50. FMI
207-890-0870: 5 to 7 p.m. Town Fair Tire, Auburn (Starting
June 1) FMI 207-225-2531
Tuesday Nights:
Cancelled due to permit issues, The Red Barn, Augusta; 6 to 9
p.m. until Oct. 13, Strictly Street Car Club Cruise Night,
Motor Supply, Augusta. FMI 207-441-0197 or ; 5 to 8 p.m., Bentley’s Tuesday Night
Car Show (until Sept. 22), Arundel. FMI 207-985-8966 or ; Cumberland Classic Cruise
Night, Copp Motors, Cumberland. Music, food, door prizes,
50/50 begins June 2. FMI ask your friends.
Wednesday Nights:
5 to 8 p.m., Fast Eddie’s, Winthrop. Music, food & 50/50. FMI
207-377-5550 ; MOALS Cruise Night, Mack’s Place, Bridgton. Food (10% discount for participants), music, 50/50 +.
(May 20 to Sept. 16). FMI 207-935-3548; 6 to 8 p.m.,
Denny’s, Auburn. Starting June 8. Music & 50/50. FMI 207225-2531
Thursday Nights:
5 to 8 p.m., Ainslie’s Market, Gardiner. Music & food. FMI
207-582-4463 ; Breau’s Too Cruise In, Bryant Pond. 5:30
to 7:30 p.m., May 21, June 18, July 16 and Aug. 20. FMI 207665-2554; 5 to 7 p.m., begins June 4. TJ’s Pizza, Biddeford.
FMI 207-284-6133
Friday Nights:
5 to 8 p.m.: Blast from the Past, East Waterboro; Roy’s All
Steak Hamburgers, Turner Rd, Auburn. Food & 50/50. FMI
207-782-2801 or Face Book: Roy’s All Steak Hamburgers &
Golf Center; Loose Wheels, Waterville. May 1 to Sept. 25.
FMI 207-314-6898
8 to 11 a.m., Cars, Coffee and Donuts, Pep Boys, Auburn; 3
to 7 p.m., Twisted Iron Motorcycle and Muscle Cars Ride
In, 424 Bath Rd, Wiscasset. May 23, July 18, August 29, Sept.
26 & Oct. 4. FMI 207-687-8023 or