Parent Handbook - Manor High School
Parent Handbook - Manor High School
Parent Handbook Welcome to Manor High School Dear Parents/Carers, On behalf of the staff, students, governors and myself, we would like to extend a warm welcome to Manor High School. Those of you who have already worked with us will know that our school is built around four core values: Excellence, Inspiration, Respect and Care. These underpin all aspects of life in our school. We are popular and over-subscribed and we benefit from our location in a desirable residential area on the edge of the Leicestershire countryside. At the same time, we benefit from our proximity to the vibrant city of Leicester. Our children are well prepared for learning by their primary schools and they succeed through their excellent attitudes to learning. Above all else, Manor High is a happy, caring and friendly school. We have supportive parents and willing learners. Students feel safe at Manor High and this is something that was commented upon in our most recent Ofsted inspection. We listen to all of our stakeholders and we believe very strongly in the importance of good communication. You will find the information enclosed in this booklet very helpful and if there are any further questions, please feel free to contact the school using the details included within. We very much look forward to working closely with you over the coming years. Liam D Powell Headteacher Contents: Page 1 Core Values How to Contact the School Communications Home Important Dates 2015-2016 Page 2 Parents’ Evenings 2015-2016 Reporting Cycle 2015-2016 Page 3 Expected Progress and Attainment Page 4 Assessment and Reporting Page 5 & 6 Marking and Feedback Policy Page 7 Uniform Lost Property Page 8 Attendance Information for Parents/Carers E-Card and ParentPay Page 9 Free School Meals Pupil Premium Page 10 & 11 Care and Support Within School Page 12 Travelling To and From School Timetable Curriculum Page 13 School Houses Tutor Time Student Planner Student Personal Data Page 14 Break and Lunchtime First Aid Page 15 Homework Extra-Curricular Clubs School Library Page 16 Achievement and Rewards Behaviour and Sanctions Mobile Phones and Other Devices School Council Page 17 Good Practice and Safe Use of ICT Agreement Page 18 Privacy Notice – Data Protection Act 1998 – for Parents/Pupils Page 19 Contact List 2015-2016 Core Values Manor High School’s ethos and culture is built around the core values: Excellence Inspiration Care Respect These inspire and guide all those within the school in all they do. How to Contact the School Reception is manned from 8am-4pm Monday to Friday. For absence reporting you can leave an answerphone message or email us at the address below: General enquiries: Email: Reporting absence: Email: Website: 0116 2714941 (Option 3) 0116 2714941 (Option 1) Communications Home Our main means of communication from school to home is by email. All letters, newsletter and notifications will be sent in this way so please ensure you supply us with your current email address. Information about trips and clubs will often be sent home by letter as we may need parental reply and/or consent. In the event of an emergency, for instance if the school was forced to shut at short notice, we will text parents. Important Dates 2015-2016 Autumn Term Start of Term Mid Term Break Last Day of Term Tuesday 1 September 2015 Monday 19 - Friday 23 October 2015 Friday 18 December 2015 Spring Term Start of Term Mid Term Break Last Day of Term Tuesday 5 January 2016 Monday 15 - Friday 19 February 2016 Friday 24 March 2016 Summer Term Start of Term May Day Mid Term Break Last Day of Term Monday 11 April 2016 Monday 2 May 2016 Monday 30 May - Friday 3 June 2016 Friday 15 July 2016 School closed for staff training Autumn Term Spring Term Thursday 27 August 2015 Friday 28 August 2015 Friday 16 October 2015 Monday 4 January 2016 1|Page Parents’ Evenings 2015-2016 We have improved the format for parents’ evenings, which we hope gives a better experience for all. Subject evenings happen once a year for each year group and allow parents to speak to the subject teachers about their child’s progress. Tutor evenings provide opportunities for parents to meet the tutor and to discuss the experiences that their child has had at Manor and their overall development. We feel the combination of both allows parents a thorough overview of how their child is progressing as they go through the school. Autumn Term Thursday 8 October Year 6 Tutors Thursday 29 October KS2/SATs Information evening Thursday 12 November Year 9 Subjects – Bradgate & Clarendon Thursday 19 November Year 9 Subjects – Knighton & Watermead Thursday 3 December Year 7 Subjects – Bradgate & Clarendon Thursday 10 December Year 7 Subjects – Knighton & Watermead Spring Term Thursday 28 January Year 6 English & Maths – Bradgate & Clarendon Thursday 4 February Year 6 English & Maths – Knighton & Watermead Monday 14 March Tutors – Bradgate Tuesday 15 March Tutors – Clarendon Wednesday 16 March Tutors – Knighton Thursday 17 March Tutors –Watermead Summer Term Thursday 14 April Year 8 Subjects – Bradgate & Clarendon Thursday 21 April Year 8 Subjects – Knighton & Watermead Reporting Cycle 2015-2016 We report on progress five times a year in addition to the annual tutor report (TR) to parents. Reports will be sent home on the dates below for next academic year. Autumn Term Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 28 October 16 December 14 October 9 December Spring Term 18 March (TR) 10 February 11 March (TR) 22 January (TR) 24 February 15 January (TR) Summer Term 4 May 13 July 27 April 6 July Although there is always the temptation for schools and businesses to go ‘paper free’ we feel that there is huge benefit in students having ownership of their results. For this reason we give students a paper copy of their report, which they can review and discuss with their tutor, before bringing it home to you. If you need any duplicate copies, or need copies for someone at a different address, please contact the admin office, on 0116 2729799, who will be happy to help. 2|Page Expected Progress and Attainment At Manor High School we have high expectations of our students and expect them to work to the best of their ability. We strive to help students succeed and make good progress throughout their time here. As part of the government reforms to the national curriculum, the current system of ‘levels’ used to report children’s attainment and progress will be removed from September 2015. By removing levels, teachers will have greater flexibility in the way that they plan and assess students’ learning. The programmes of study within the new National Curriculum (NC) set out expectations at the end of each key stage, and all maintained schools will be free to develop a curriculum relevant to their pupils that teaches this content. The curriculum must include an assessment system which enables schools to check what pupils have learned and whether they are on track to meet expectations at the end of the key stage, and to report regularly to parents. At Manor High, we have developed an evolving curriculum that is broad and relevant to our learners’ needs. Our emphasis is on progress. We are dedicated to encouraging and helping all children to make expected progress from their individual starting point, either their KS1 or KS2 results. For some students they will exceed this level of progress. KS2 – Year 6 New KS2 tests will be in place for May 2016 and these tests will assess children's attainment against the new curriculum. KS2 test outcomes will be reported as a scaled score, where the expected “secondary ready” score is 100. Although students may stay on the same grade throughout their time at the school, this would indicate expected progress. Internal school tracking systems will enable us to identify any students who need additional support or interventions. KS4 Manor High School has elected to implement a system that allows us to ascertain where on the new 9-1 scale students are throughout their time here. This will inform us from entry in Year 7, the grade we would expect students to gain at GCSE and allow us to monitor progress throughout their time with us. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U Year 9 A grade 4 or higher will be achieved by the same proportion of pupils who currently attain a grade C or higher. The proportion achieving at grades 7, 8 or 9 will be the same as those who were awarded A or A* in the last year of current GCSE examinations. Approximately half of the proportion awarded A* will achieve a grade 9. Year 8 A new grading scale of 9 to 1 will be used or GCSE’s from 2017, with 9 being the top grade. This will allow greater differentiation between students and will help distinguish the new GCSEs from previous versions. Year 7 KS3 – Years 7, 8 and 9 Baseline test At Manor High School we will track attainment and report to parents if students are working at, above or below the expected level. Internal school tracking systems will enable us to identify any students who need additional support or interventions. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U U U 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U U U U 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U U Exceptional progress More than expected progress Expected progress Less than expected progress To illustrate this new system, a student joining us in Year 7 and gaining a grade 5 in their baseline test would be expected to achieve a grade 5 at GCSE. Every effort would be made by the school for all students to achieve or make more than expected progress. 3|Page Assessment and Reporting Parental engagement and support is very important. This is why we report on progress five times a year in addition to the annual tutor report to parents. Targets are set at the beginning of each school year and are designed to be both aspirational and achievable. They are reviewed at the beginning of the spring term to ensure they are still challenging to our students. We use a predictive grade system, which shows parents where their children will end the year, based on their current performance. This system enables us to put in early interventions if there is a danger of underachievement. It also enables us to evaluate the impact of the interventions. Manor High School students aspire to be independent learners who actively participate in the learning process and take responsibility for their own learning. This is recognized in the A2L scale: A2L 8 A highly motivated learner with a high level of curiosity and initiative. A reflective individual who learns from, and acts upon, past experiences. Asks good questions and contributes to class discussions. Enjoys learning tasks and frequently supports others in their learning. A2L 7 Is objective, shows curiosity and initiative. Is persistent, learning from, and acting upon, experience. Asks good questions and makes contributions to class discussions. Enjoys learning tasks and supports others in their learning. A2L 6 Shows curiosity and works well when provided with clear instructions. Work is always completed to the satisfaction of the teacher. Advice is readily accepted resulting in clear progress in subsequent assessments. Enjoys individual and group learning tasks. A2L 5 Works well when provided with clear instructions from staff. Work is usually completed to the satisfaction of the teacher. Advice is heeded and further progress occurs as a consequence. The learner has a positive influence on the behaviour of others they work with. A2L 4 Working well but with occasional lapses of concentration. Work is sometimes completed to the satisfaction of the teacher. Attends lessons correctly equipped and uses planner correctly. Occasionally distracted and should engage more fully in the learning process. A2L 3 Has some curiosity for learning but has frequent lapses of attention. Repeats mistakes by not acting on advice from previous experience. Mostly arrives at lessons with correct equipment and uses planner sometimes. Is prone to being distracted and needs to engage more fully in class activities and discussions. A2L 2 Shows little curiosity for learning. Rarely acts on advice or draws from previous experience. Rarely has the correct equipment for lessons and/or rarely uses planner correctly. Is frequently distracted and/or participates little in learning activities. A2L 1 Shows little or no curiosity for learning. Frequently repeats mistakes by not acting on advice and previous experience. Often forgets materials and is not equipped for lessons. Does not participate in the learning process. We have found students’ A2L scores have a direct correlation on their progress and attainment. It is monitored closely by students’ tutors and Heads of House. Strategies are used to improve student’s A2L if it is below average 4|Page Marking and Feedback Policy Our Marking and Feedback Policy aims to help students to reach or exceed their full academic potential. To achieve this aim, there must be a uniform approach across the school. Students should all be aware of: Their level for the section of work; Their successes with the section of work; How to improve the section of work. We have a number of initiatives to ensure that marking and feedback is understood by all students. These include: Making Marking Matter Effective feedback will ensure students make good or better progress as it will ensure students can make improvements to their work. Marking will be summative or formative and should be used to inform planning. In order to support progress, marking should be differentiated, allowing a meaningful dialogue to form between teacher and student. In all subject areas marking should support the development of wider skills such as literacy or numeracy, and it is our expectation that students will take responsibility, with the direction of staff, for checking the accuracy of their work before handing it in. Senior leaders will be responsible for ensuring consistency across the school, whilst subject leaders will support, monitor and moderate within their subject area to ensure best practice. They will update and maintain their QA processes half termly to reflect findings. When marking students’ work, teachers will Making Marking Matter by: Providing formative written and verbal feedback that helps students make progress and gains in knowledge. Providing students with the opportunity to reflect and respond to what has been marked so that it informs the next stage of their learning. Planning to include sufficient DIRT (Dedicated Improvement and Reflection Time) to ensure students can respond to marking. Aiming for a common approach through marking for literacy to ensure consistency of understanding. Ensuring language used is differentiated so that it meets the individual needs of students; this applies to both verbal and written feedback. Making use of WWW and EBI so that students know work is valued and they know what their next steps in learning are. Marking work in a timely fashion according to the sequence of lessons to ensure students can build on prior learning. Commenting on the quality of the presentation of students’ work Students will Make Marking Matter by: Checking work before handing it in, to ensure that, as far as possible, it is correct. Making sure that work is presented neatly and shows that you take pride in your work. Reading and acting upon feedback in DIRT time given in lessons to make sure you improve that particular piece of work and to remember not to make the same mistakes in future pieces. Use a purple pen to check work through before handing in, and when responding to feedback. 5|Page Purple Pen of Progress Teachers and students use purple pens within the marking of work to prompt students to act on feedback and improve learning: Marking and Feedback Bookmarks Students are given a bookmark which reminds them of their responsibilities and explains the marking codes they may find on their work. These are: Students will: Check work before handing in to ensure that, as far as possible, it is correct. Make sure that work is presented neatly and shows that you take pride in your work. Read and then act upon feedback, using purple pen to make improvements. Remember not to make the same mistakes in future. WWW EBI Sp P // or NP Cross out ^ ? 6|Page What went well? Even better if… Spelling Punctuation error New paragraph Not needed Something missed out Meaning is unclear Uniform As you will see if you visit the school, our students wear the Manor High uniform with pride. The uniform is a vital part of the school’s identity and image within the community. We ask that students wear their uniform correctly at all times. The uniform consists of: White formal shirt with buttons to neck, long sleeve or short sleeve Grey v-neck knitted jumper with the Manor logo Manor striped clip on tie in House colours Formal black skirt no more than 5cm above the knee, or Formal tailored black trousers A plain (black, grey or navy blue) headscarf may be worn for religious reasons Plain white or black socks Plain nude, black or grey tights Formal school shoes (i.e. they can be polished) E-card and House lanyard – for use in the library and for the purchase of lunch/snacks Only one pair of small stud earrings and a watch is permitted The Manor uniform (jumper, tie and PE kit) can be ordered online from; all other items can be purchased anywhere. Please place your orders for Uniform for the new school year by Friday 7 August. Due to increased demand at this time of year, delivery can take between 2-5 days and exchanges if needed, between 7-10 days. Please ensure you choose your home address for deliveries. We highly recommend that all uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name and tutor group so if it’s ever misplaced it can be safely returned. Coats and school bags are the students’ choice but should be suitable for the school environment, as will be carried throughout the day. Makeup and nail varnish are not permitted. PE Kit Essential: Blue Manor polo shirt Blue Manor shorts Blue Manor football socks Trainers (not fashion shoes) Additional items: Football: Football boots and shin pads Football boots and mouth guard Rugby: Shin Pads Hockey: Students are allowed to wear a Manor High School PE fleece and tracksuit bottoms over the top of their kit when outdoors. No tracksuits or fleeces are allowed to be worn indoors. However, specific adaptations to the PE kit are permitted for religious requirements. Full details of the uniform, including the PE kit, and how to purchase it can be found at: Lost Property Any lost property found in school will be displayed in the Lost Property container. This will be accessible to students are certain times of the day. Any small items (glasses, keys, etc.) are handed into reception. Please ensure all personal belongings are named with your child’s full name so they can be returned if handed in. Any unclaimed lost property is donated to charity at the end of each school year. Please note that school cannot accept responsibility for any personal property bought into school. This includes mobile phones, musical instruments and jewellery, which should be insured on your house policy before they are brought into school. The school is not responsible for any items of value (even if they have been handed in for safekeeping). 7|Page Attendance Information for Parents/Carers Manor High School expects students to be at school on time, every day the school is open, unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable. Every half day absence has to be classified by the school, as either authorised or unauthorised. This is why information about each cause of absence is always required, preferably in writing. We respectfully ask that parents/carers do not arrange holidays/leave of absence during term time. However, if it is unavoidable you must apply for leave of absence in term time to the Headteacher. This is not an entitlement and only in exceptional circumstances will the Headteacher allow leave. Request forms are available from reception or the school website: What to do if your child will be absent If your child is going to be absent, please notify the school as early as possible. You can: Call: 0116 271 4941 and select option 1 to leave a message at any time of night or day, or Email: Please provide the name and form of your child, the reason for absence and your relationship to them. You need to call/email every day they will be absent, before 8.30am. If you need to take your child out of school during the school day, we require an adult to meet them at reception. We are unable to release students unless an adult is present. If your child is late to school due to medical appointments (e.g. doctor, dentist, hospital) we require either a telephone call from parents/carers, appointment card displaying your child’s name or a note from parents/carers. Students who arrive late to school must sign in at the front office before going to lessons. If your child has problems with attendance Sometimes, children are reluctant to attend school for a number of reasons. It is never a good thing to cover up a child’s absence or to give in to pressure to excuse them from attending. This gives the impression that attendance does not matter and may make things worse. If you have any concerns, please speak to us. Our Head of Houses and pastoral staff are always available to help work with parents/carers and the child to resolve any issues. E-Card and ParentPay At Manor we have an e-card system which means that your child does not pay for their lunch or break time snacks with cash. Their e-card is also their library card. They will be given an e-card at the beginning of term, which they must keep safe and carry with them at all times during the school day. The card has a chip which is personal to them and their details are held on the school computer. No details are held on the card, so it is safe. To top-up the card they can either: Bring money in and use one of the two machines; one is located in the foyer near reception and the other in the Viking Building, or Credit their account via ParentPay If they lose or damage their card we can replace it but there is a charge of £4. These can be purchased from reception. ParentPay is an online system that allows you to credit your child’s e-card for school meals and pay for visits/trips via a secure server. You will be given a user ID and password at the beginning of term to enable you to use this system. The website address is: or you can access this from the schools homepage: 8|Page Free School Meals We are keen to encourage all eligible families to take up their entitlement to free school meals. Even if you do not wish to access the actual free school meals, this will still qualify your child’s school for additional pupil premium funding. This means that more money comes to the school to provide extra support, interventions or financial help with educational activities such as trips or booster classes. We are committed as a school to ensuring that all pupils achieve their full potential and so it is important that all pupils who qualify for pupil premium funding take up this entitlement. Our school meals are cashless and so there is no identification to other pupils of who is accessing this provision. If you get any of the following support payments your child may be entitled to receive free school meals: Income Support Income-based Jobseekers Allowance Income-based Employment and Support Allowance Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit Child Tax Credit, provided the annual taxable income, as assessed by the Inland Revenue is not in excess of £16,190. Families who also receive an award of Working Tax Credit do not qualify to claim for free school meals Children who receive a qualifying benefit in their own right are also allowed to receive free school meals. Children under the compulsory school age who are in full time education may also be entitled to receive free school meals. An application form is available from the local authority School Food Support Service. You can apply by: Website:, Phone: 0116 3056588 or 0116 3057093 Email: You will also need to ensure that you are able to produce any documentary proof of the support you are receiving. Pupil Premium The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools so that they can support their disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers. The Premium is allocated to schools on the basis of the number of children who are either known to have received Free School Meals in the last six years, those who are or have been in care for a period of six or more months and children of members of Her Majesty’s Forces. Pupils at Manor eligible for the Premium Pupils at Manor who qualify for the Premium do well. Unlike those youngsters in some other schools, ours are neither characterised by poor attainment and progress nor by unsatisfactory attendance or behaviour. Premium pupils can be found at all ability levels and are encouraged and enabled to perform at least as well as their peers. How does Manor High School intend to spend the Pupil Premium? We believe that the keys to a successful secondary education are sound literacy and numeracy skills. To enable our students to make the most of the full range of subjects on offer we endeavour to ensure that as many students as possible achieve the expected levels at KS2 and make better than expected progress thereafter. In order to achieve this we plan to provide 1:1 and 1:3 tuition, in English and Maths for all those students in need of extra support. In addition, we also ensure that in English those students who need the most support are taught by a member of staff especially skilled in supporting them. Research evidence shows the power of properly planned homework activities. In Maths a regular on-line scheme is used which allows teachers to track progress. Pupil Premium is also used to provide challenging opportunities as rewards as part of our student achievement scheme. 9|Page Care and Support Within School If your child needs help or support, we have many people they can talk to. Their tutor is usually their first point of contact but the flowchart below, gives a brief outline of others they can speak to: Tutor We have built our school day around a daily tutorial session. This enables your child’s tutor to know and understand them personally and to nurture and guide them on an individual basis. Their tutor will help your child to fulfil their potential by discussing their progress in all subjects and areas of school life. If your child needs help or support, their tutor is your first point of contact. We welcome you to contact your child’s tutor if you have any questions or concerns about their progress or welfare, or if you wish to inform us of a home or medical situation which may affect your child’s behaviour, progress or attendance/punctuality. To get in touch with your child’s tutor you can either make a note in their planner or contact the school by phone or email to arrange a meeting. Head of House Our tutors are supported by a strong, caring and encouraging pastoral leadership team, who oversee each student’s development and well-being. Along with the tutor, they will encourage your child to strive for their best, help them develop positive relationships and gain excellence in their learning. Academic Support Your child’s targets will be something to aim for and they will be achievable. They are set in September and reviewed in January. Each student is expected to know their target for every subject and they can discuss these with their tutor. If it is deemed beneficial, students may be assertively mentored by someone other than their form tutor. SEN and Pastoral Support Our SEN team is strong and proactive and is very engaged with the community and the local family of schools to ensure inclusion, support and fairness for all learners. We have a dedicated pastoral support worker, Mrs Dhinsa, who provides care and guidance not just for students but, if needed, for families as well. 10 | P a g e Whisper Whisper is an anonymous reporting service for students, families and the local community that allows you to send an email or text to a confidential school account where staff, experienced in responding to issues, will receive it. We understand that coming into school to tell us about any concerns is not always an easy thing to do. Sometimes, it can be a subject that you need to bring to our attention without wanting to identify yourself, but that you feel we need to know, particularly if it involves your or another student’s well-being. Clicking on the Whisper button on our website or the Intranet in school, will take you to an online form where you can leave your message. You can choose to send it anonymously or, if you want us to get back to you, you can leave your contact details. You can also send an anonymous text, type: MNA1 plus "your message" to 07860 021584. Whisper will not store any personal information if you use this service. Zero Tolerance to Bullying As our core values of Respect and Care indicate, we do not tolerate any type of bullying. We will act to stop bullying if you or a student tells us about it, whether it is happening to your child or someone they know. We are proud to announce that on Wednesday 22nd April 2015 Manor High School was awarded 'The Beyond Bullying Award'. This is a local award run in conjunction with Leicestershire County Council. In order to achieve the award, each school must produce a portfolio showing a strong commitment to anti-bullying, that incorporates involvement from all aspects of the school community. As a school we have made huge progress in such a short space of time. All students must do is remember STOP Bullying is when something is done Several Times On Purpose to harm or upset and it must S T O P Bullying can occur in many ways. It may be: Hitting, kicking, hiding your things or touching you Name calling, insults or threats Not talking to you or writing about you Spreading stories about you on the internet or by mobile phone There are lots of people at school who will know what to do if students talk to them about being bullied. We urge students to Start Telling Other People. Students will learn in their PHSE lessons how to cope if this happens to them or if they see it happening to others. They’ll learn that they must tell someone because it must S T O P. If you have any concerns or notice any signs of distress or changes in your child’s behaviour, please contact us immediately to discuss the matter. Together we can make sure the bullies never win. SMILE Team Peer Support team, SMILE (Smile Makes Intolerable Life Easy) is a group of students who are trained to help, listen and suggest solutions to other students with any problems they may have. Students can go to them with important issues such as study skills, health and relationships, peer pressure and personal safety. They discuss situations sensitively and the conversations will not go beyond the peer mentor unless they think someone or themselves are under threat of abuse or harm. This Support team is supervised and over seen by Miss Clitsome. 11 | P a g e Travelling To and From School Students come from near, and far, to attend Manor High School and there are a number of travel options available. To encourage a health and fitness, we recommend that, wherever possible, children walk or cycle to and from school. Secure cycle sheds are available for students use at the rear of the building, which are locked during the day. However, we do advise bringing a lock for additional security. The number 31 bus service passes Manor High School, linking us to the city centre and Grange estate. This service is operated by Arriva buses. For timetable enquiries call Traveline on 0871 200 22 33. Parking near the school is very limited, so if travelling by car, please respect our neighbours and community by parking with care and consideration. When moving around the school, especially in corridors, we encourage students to be careful and considerate of others. This also applies before and after school when travelling, whether by foot, cycle, public transport or car. Timetable We request that all students are on site by 8.30am at the latest each day. Students go straight into lessons and a learning environment at the start of the day so it is essential they arrive to school promptly. The timings of the school day are as follows: Homework club 7.45-8.30am in the library Arrival on school site by 8.30 am Lesson 1 8.40am 9.40am Lesson 2 9.40am 10.40am Tutorial/Assembly 10.40am 11.00am Break 11.00am 11.20am Lesson 3 11.20am 12.20pm Lunch 12.20pm 1.10pm Lesson 4 1.10pm 2.10pm Lesson 5 2.10pm 3.05pm Homework club 3.10-4.30pm in the library A registration is taken at each lesson. Your child needs to arrive on time to all their lessons or they may be given a FINE detention at break. We run a two week rolling timetable – Week A and Week B. This allows a full and varied curriculum to be studied across a two week period. Curriculum Manor High offers a relevant and varied curriculum. In Year 6 there is a greater time allocation for English and Mathematics as it is the final year of Key Stage 2. However, our Year 6 are taught by a range of subject specialists in Science, PE, French, Creative Arts, History, Geography, RE, ICT and Design Technology. This provides a solid platform from which the students make great progress in Years 7, 8 and 9 (Key Stage 3). There is a greater balance of subjects in these years with opportunities to choose an option in Y9. The students in Key Stage 3 enjoy a range of enrichment opportunities and these include the chance for a sizeable number to take an early GCSE in Statistics each year. Our aim is to provide a sound basis for Key Stages 4 and 5 to enable all of the learners to fulfil their potential. 12 | P a g e School Houses The school has four houses named after local parks. They compete throughout the year in a variety of ways to gain the highest number of House Points and also to raise the most for their chosen charity. Prizes will be given out by the Heads of House to high achieving students each year. House Name House Colour Head of House House Charity Bradgate Purple Mrs Hill Rainbows Clarendon Red Miss Jenkins Wishes4kids Knighton Green Mr Handley British Heart Foundation Watermead Blue Ms Rock Water Aid Each House consists of nine tutor groups, which are made up from students across all years. Tutor Time Our school day is centred round our Tutorial time. We value this time as a good opportunity to look at the whole child and not just their academic ability. From student feedback, choosing friendships can create unnecessary strain. To help with this and encourage pupils to have a wider circle of friends, in all year groups, we have an inclusive and progressive system of tutoring. This gives great scope and opportunity to develop the support and encouragement students are able to provide for each other for the 20 minutes of pastoral time each day. Student Planner We are a friendly, welcoming and open school. Above all else, we are a happy school. School life is focused around our core values to ensure the best learning environment possible. An important aid to your child’s learning is this planner, which has been designed to help students: Organise their homework Record their achievements and targets Remember important messages Keep parents/carers informed We appreciate your support in making this book a useful aid. It is good practice to check and sign the weekly homework page. By looking at and, if you like, commenting on your child’s homework, it will keep you up to date with the topics they are studying in each subject. This book is a good means of communication between you and your child’s tutor and subject staff. Just note any questions/concerns in the book and the relevant member of staff will contact you. For more urgent enquiries, please contact your child’s Tutor or Head of House. Important correspondence will be sent home with your child and our regular newsletters are sent out by email. Student Personal Data As you will appreciate, it is essential that students’ details are kept up to date in case of an emergency or illness. Each year we send out a data collection form which details the information we hold on your child. Please ensure this form is signed and returned with any amendments/updates marked clearly. At any time of the year, please inform the school if there are any changes to your contact details or your child’s medical conditions. This can be done by emailing: or calling 0116 2714941. 13 | P a g e Break and Lunchtime It is important for students to be well nourished and hydrated during the day to optimise their performance. We have an excellent catering team that produce high-quality, freshly made meals everyday at break and lunch. We encourage students to bring bottled water to school and there are various drinks machines and water fountains available for them to use. At break, snacks are served at the kitchen. Students can spend time either in the hall or outside, where they can enjoy the fresh air and activities such as table tennis. At lunch, school dinners are served from the kitchen and eaten in the hall. There are different sittings which are organised by rotation for fairness. The rotation will be publicised each week. Packed lunches can be eaten in the hall or outside. Students are required to dispose of any litter in the bins provided. Sample main course menu: Chicken Curry / Quorn Curry (v) Served with rice, naan bread and crackers ~~~ Pizza, served with hash brown and sweetcorn ~~~ Tomato Pasta Homemade Chicken Pie / Cheese & Onion Pasty (v) Served with new potatoes, peas and gravy ~~~ Panini and salad ~~~ Tomato Pasta Spaghetti Bolognaise / Macaroni Cheese (v) Served with garlic bread and salad ~~~ Chicken Burger served with coleslaw and salad ~~~ Jacket Potato Roast turkey / Quorn Toad in the Hole (v) Served with roast potatoes, stuffing, vegetables and gravy ~~~ Cheesy Beans on Toast ~~~ Tomato Pasta Students are expected to remain at school for both break and lunchtimes, unless they go home for lunch. First Aid We have a team of trained first aiders within the school who are available throughout the day to deal with students’ illnesses and accidents. Students can contact them via reception. If students need to take medication during school hours, please hand it in to reception, fully labelled with their full name, tutor group, instructions on the dosage and times required. It will be stored securely until needed. Your child will administer the medication themselves under the supervision of a first aider. If students require an EpiPen® or inhaler these must be supplied from home. EpiPens® are stored securely by school but it is your responsibility to ensure they remain in date. Inhalers should be carried with students at all times. 14 | P a g e Homework At Manor High, we believe that homework should be set to enhance and further learning and to set a pattern for future studies. Homework is set when appropriate by the subject teacher. Each department will ensure a consistent approach within its team of teachers. Tutors will keep track of homework across all subjects, and will be able to offer support where needed. It is good practice for parents/carers to monitor homework. You can comment in the communications section of the planner, if you have any questions/ concerns, and sign it weekly. In order to provide students the opportunity to complete homework, they can study in the library at break and lunchtime plus every day there are supervised Homework Clubs before and after school in the library. Extra-Curricular Clubs There are many interesting and varied clubs on offer at Manor High School, both during lunchtimes and after school. An up to date list can be found on our website but activities include: Music clubs Singing club Homework club Gujarati club Drama club Rocket club (by invitation only) The Green club Beading club MHS Orchestra A variety of sporting clubs Students who are in the sports clubs may be selected to represent the school at competitive sports fixtures. Students and parent will always be informed in advance. For away fixtures return transport is often provided but occasionally the help of parents is needed. School Library Manor High has an outstanding library and resource area available to students during lessons, break and lunch. Services available within this facility are: A wide variety of fiction and non-fiction books available for students to borrow; they can borrow up to two fiction (story) books and up to two non-fiction (subject) books at a time. There are no fines for overdue books but students will need to replace lost or damaged books. Magazines and newspapers are available to read but these cannot be lent out. There are a number of computers are available for use in the library during Homework Clubs, break and lunch. They are available on a first come first served basis. Homework always takes priority so playing games is not permitted. Laptop computers are also available for use in lesson time. It is used widely within lessons to supplement learning and encourage reading. We have a dedicated librarian who is always on hand to offer advice and assistance to students. 15 | P a g e Achievement and Rewards At Manor, we like to celebrate the success of young people so our focus is on praise and rewards for achievement. At the beginning of each week students will be allocated one House Point for each lesson. These can be added to in many ways: outstanding work, consistently high performance, exemplary behaviour, attendance, representing the school, musical and drama performances or contributing to the school community. As well as being able to earn additional House Points, students can also lose them if receiving sanctions. At the end of each term there will be certificates and rewards issued to the high achievers in each House. Those who exceed a predetermined amount of points and a set level of attendance will be invited on the end of term trips (i.e. cinema, Alton Towers, etc.). At the end of the school year all points will be combined to see which House will be awarded the House Cup. Behaviour and Sanctions Manor High School is committed to excellent behavioural standards built around our core values. Those who fall short of these standards will face sanctions in line with the severity of the transgression and within the school’s behavioural policy. Consequences are given for: C1 C2 C3 C4 Low level disruption or misbehaviour leading to warnings and possibly a FINE detention during break Persistent disrespectful behaviour or chewing gum Serious non-compliant and unreasonable behaviour Unacceptable and/or offensive behaviour leading to more serious sanctions -1 HP -2 HP -3 HP -5 HP FINE detentions involve the loss of a break time for Failure In Normal Expectations. Receiving a C4 will result in a lunchtime detention and a letter home. Mobile Phones and Other Devices Mobile phones ownership is widespread but we discourage students from bringing them into school as we believe they are a distraction from learning. The school does not accept any responsibility for damage or theft of mobile phones or other devices. However, we are concerned for student safety and understand that parents and carers may wish to be able to contact students on their way to or from school. Unless given specific instruction to do so, mobile phones must not be used during the course of the school day. If they are heard or seen, then staff may confiscate them until parents come in to pick them up. . We greatly appreciate the support of parents and carers in maintaining our high standards. School Council The School Council continues to flourish at Manor High School. At the commencement of every academic year, willing pupils stand for election from each form group. Through a democratic process the School Council is formed. There are 36 form representatives, one member from each tutor group, and the House Captains. Tutor groups can raise issues with their form representative at any point and these issues would be considered by the council at monthly meetings. The school council is effective and vibrant and gives pupils the opportunity to raise current issues at monthly meetings. They have successfully campaigned to the local council to improve Road Safety, for which they were awarded the Diana Award. They are very much part of the decision making process in the school and have bought about many positive changes within the school. They are involved in the recruitment of new staff by taking part in a pupil panel; a very valuable role. As well as the Headteacher being present at every meeting, other staff also attend to get direct feedback on issues raised by the pupils. 16 | P a g e Good Practice and Safe Use of ICT Agreement We are active in ensuring students use school and home ICT in a safe and secure way. To ensure all students are aware of our expectations and how to manage their ICT use, we ask them to sign the following agreement in their planner at the beginning of the school year. The rules below are good advice, if students follow them at home and at school they will keep themselves safe and make sure that the ICT system is safe for others. You are able to access your school files from home via the internet. Log on via the school’s website using the username and password issued to you. You may only use your own username for access to the system; you must keep your password secret, even from your best friends. You must never pretend to be anyone else, not even for a joke. When you are using the internet or e-mail, never disclose your name, address or phone number to a contact. If a contact makes offensive or threatening suggestions, break off the contact and report the incident to a teacher. In lessons, only use the parts of the system that your teacher tells you. If you wish to use other facilities to extend your work you must ask first. Do not assume that your My Documents folder is secret; other users will not be able to access it but members of staff can. Regular checks will be made on the content of files and emails. Out of lessons you may only use the system when there is a teacher present. You may also book a machine in the resource area of the library. You must not install any software on the system or make changes to the set-up of hardware and software. You must not use any text, graphics or other material that could be offensive to others. If you discover any offensive material whilst you are using the system, you should note the location and report it. As a simple guide, ask yourself, “Would I get in trouble if I showed this to Mum or Dad?” If you are not sure, don’t do it. You must realise that in some cases breaking these rules is a criminal act. The school would always report such cases to the police. If you ignore these rules whilst you are using the school system, you may have your access to the network withdrawn. Access to Hotmail, MSN, Social Networking Sites, many websites and chatrooms are blocked by the school and should not be used under any circumstances. The school cannot be responsible for MSN or Facebook bullying occurring from home computers and we advise you to print off the evidence and inform the police. In most cases you have to be 13 years old to register on these sites. Offensive personal comments about any staff employed at Manor High School will be regarded as a serious offence. If you are not sure about any of this please see your ICT teacher. There is a short cut from our intranet site to a student site for further information about how to protect yourself from cyber abuse. Its web address is 17 | P a g e Privacy Notice - Data Protection Act 1998 – for Parents/Pupils We, Manor High School, are a data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act. We collect information from you and may receive information about you from previous schools and the Learning Records Service. We hold this personal data and use it to: Support your teaching and learning; Monitor and report on your progress; Provide appropriate pastoral care, and Assess how well the school is doing. This information includes your contact details, national curriculum assessment results, attendance information1 and personal characteristics such as ethnic group, any special educational needs and relevant medical information. Once you are aged 13 or over, we are required by law to pass on certain information to providers of youth support services in your area. This is the local authority support service for young people aged 13 to 19 in England. We must provide both your and your parent’s/s’ name(s) and address, and any further information relevant to the support services’ role. However, until you are aged 16 or older, your parent(s) can ask that no information beyond your name, address and date of birth (and their name and address) be passed on to the youth services provider. This right transfers to you on your 16th birthday. We will not give information about you to anyone outside the school without your consent unless the law and our rules allow us to. We are required by law to pass some of this information to the Local Authority and the Department for Education (DfE). If you want to see a copy of the information we hold and/or share about you please contact either Miss Alison Dawes or Mrs Gurmit Bhogal at Manor High School. If you require more information about how the Local Authority (LA) and/or DfE store and use this information, then please go to the following websites: If you are unable to access these websites we can send you a copy of this information. Please contact the LA or DfE as follows: Leicestershire County Council County Hall Glenfield Leicestershire, LE3 8RF Telephone: 0116 232 3232 Public Communications Unit Department for Education Sanctuary Buildings Great Smith Street London, SW1P 3BT Website: Email: Telephone: 0370 000 2288 1 Attendance is not collected for pupils under 5 at Early Years Settings or Maintained Schools as part of Censuses for the Department for Education. 18 | P a g e Contact List 2015-2016 We welcome contact from parents, so if you have any questions or concerns please contact staff via reception on: 0116 2714941. If the staff member is unavailable/teaching you will be able to leave a message on their voicemail. Alternatively, you can email: and your message will be forwarded on to the relevant person. Senior Leadership Team Headteacher Deputy Headteachers Mr L Powell Mr S Greiff Mrs V Mehta Assistant Headteachers Business Manager Mr A Watson Mr I Wilson Mrs C Payne Heads of Houses Bradgate Clarendon Mrs C Hill Miss C Jenkins Knighton Watermead Mr N Handley Ms S Rock Heads of Departments English Maths Science Humanities Art and Design Mrs B Heathcote Mr B Patel Mr M Stokes Mr J Pollard Mr S Tara Computer Science MFL PE Creative Arts Mr A Mehta Mrs C Penfold Miss L Foulds Ms J Boddison SEN and Pastoral Team SENCO Pastoral Manager Miss R Ramrekha Mrs K Dhinsa Support Team Reception Attendance Admissions and Reports Miss A Dawes Finance Mrs M Gill Exams, Free School Meals and Clubs Mrs G Bhogal Premises Officer Mr P Clarke Useful Numbers Leicestershire County Council Admissions Free School Meal Transport entitlement School nurse Traveline 0116 2714941 (option 3) 0116 2714941 (option 1) 0116 2729799 0116 2729721 0116 2729797 0116 2729725 0116 3056684 0116 3056588 0116 3050002 0116 2883707 0871 200 22 33 Printed on: 14 May 2015 19 | P a g e How to get in touch: Telephone: Email: Website: 0116 2714941 Manor High School Copse Close, Oadby, Leicestershire, LE2 4FU
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