6-inwestycje spoleczne raport capgemini PL


6-inwestycje spoleczne raport capgemini PL
We invest in good ideas
We invest in good ideas
We invest in good ideas
Report from the 4th edition of the grant programme
for Capgemini employees
We invest in good ideas
We invest in good ideas
Report from the 4th edition of the grant programme
for Capgemini employees
We invest in good ideas
Why a Grant Programme?
Why a Grant Programme? 5
Range and authors of activities 6
Impact on the local community 8
Talent Works, Genius Creates
Give Angels the Wings! Angels on the Way to Adulthood 10
Rainbow Fun 14
Tag, You're It! – The Never Ending Fun 16
A Collective of Ideas
The SORO Rainbow 20
Many Voices of the Library 22
RoboCap 24
Tomorrow starts Today! 26
Let's Draw the World Together! Bene vale (Latin "be well") 28
All Paws on Board - Get off the Couch 32
Child-friendly Classroom 34
Hands and Crafts! 36
The Garden of Integration 38
Computer & Sports Workshops for a Foster Family Home I Can Do It (Too) – Equal Opportunities
Other Capgemini initiatives in Poland in 2015 44
The “We invest in good ideas” Grant Programme is a response to numerous
bottom-up initiatives of company employees who notice and regularly point
out to important social problems in their environment and want to become
involved in solving them. The mechanism is simple – employees who present
the most interesting projects for local communities can receive funding for their
implementation. The company provides financial, content-related and organisational
support to 15 best projects. Each employee can take part in the contest – the basic
challenge is a good plan of activities and the capacity to involve other people in their
implementation. The programme is not only about short-term aid, but also about
building responsible attitudes both on the part of the persons directly involved in the
project as well as the directors, managers, parents or volunteers from beneficiary
facilities. The framework of the programme is defined by guidelines. Beneficiaries of
the programme are broadly understood local communities (e.g. a kindergarten, an
orphanage, a senior citizens' club, an animal shelter).
Basic documents that should be
familiar to all persons submitting
the projects:
• Rules and Regulations
of the Programme
• Participant's Vade Mecum
– a step-by-step guide
• Application – on-line
• Declaration on joining the
Projects submitted to the programme should:
• solve important social problems,
• aim at increasing social participation,
• strengthen social organisations in Poland,
• build citizenship both among beneficiaries,
and the project implementers as such.
Projects implemented within the
programme reflect the company's
seven core values:
• team spirit
Additional points are awarded for the so called competence volunteering, i.e. sharing
your skills, knowledge and competence. It is not possible to pay the grant directly to
the bank account of the selected social organisation or a person in need.
Every Capgemini employee can participate in the programme, regardless of their
position, department or the type of contract they have. It is important to note
that only teams can take part in the project, no individual persons are allowed.
A project team must consist of at least three Capgemini employees. People from
outside the company: family, friends, colleagues from other companies or social
organisations can be invited to participate in the project (and it is even advisable
to do so). The team shall be led by a project leader who must be a Capgemini
employee. Project leaders are responsible for proper implementation of the project
(in content-related and financial terms).
Projects are selected by the programme jury which consists of persons of public
trust, CSR experts, social activists, academics, Capgemini representatives.
Participants familiarise themselves with the assessment criteria beforehand.
The programme is an element of the
CSR strategy, i.e. the corporate social
What characterises leaders
and participants of the projects
implemented under the
Capgemini Grant Programme
"We invest in good ideas"?
• openness to other people
• new ideas and methods of action
• curiosity of the world
and optimism
We invest in good ideas
Range and authors of activities
In 2015 Capgemini employees already for the fourth
time took the opportunity to apply for a grant in the
Capgemini programme "We invest in good ideas".
As many as 38 teams consisting of at least three
Capgemini employees took up the challenge and
wrote a project in which the authors presented
their ideas to conduct for a maximum of 2000
PLN workshops, meetings, repairs etc.
In 2015, 18 projects received a grant:
8 initiatives were carried out in Kraków,
5 in Katowice, 3 in Wrocław, one in
Świerklany and one in Myślenice.
Edyta Beśka, Świerklany
At various workshops employees have shown to children
that each of them has talent and should believe
in their abilities.
Number of persons involved in the projects
implemented under the 4th edition of the
Capgemini Grant Programme.
SSC (office
in Wrocław)
Justyna Syposz, Katowice
The leader conducted two projects for the charges of
“The Guardian Angels' House” association. Young people
participated workshops related to starting working life
and development of interests. During summer dance
workshops the group had the opportunity to learn the
basics of zouk dance, integrate and learn the basics
of control over one's own body. Children participated in
sensory development activities.
Infrastructure Services
(office in Katowice)
Business Services
(offices in Kraków and Katowice)
Persons from outside Capgemini
involved in the projects
Initiatives planned by the employees were addressed
to different persons, however most often they were
participated by children and young people – this was
a group of as many as 636 people. Recipients of a part of
projects were also whole families and local communities
– it was a group of 755 people. In the 4th edition of the
programme there was one project, thanks to which as
many as 60 pets from the shelter received aid.
8 projects Kraków
5 projects Katowice
3 projects Wrocław
1 project Myślenice
1 project Świerklany
125 employees-volunteers representing different
Capgemini departments got involved in activities
for the sake of others. More than half of them
(69) were from Business Services department,
which is the most numerous department in the
company. 36 employees of Infrastructure Services
constituted 29 percent of all people from the
company engaged in the activities. Whereas 16
percent of Capgemini employees implementing
projects for the benefit of others were employees
from Wrocław representing SSC in the number of 20.
Also families and friends of employees get involved
in the projects under the programme. In 2015
this was a very large group of 204 persons.
and young
and local
Karolina Nowosiad, Kraków
The effect of activities of Capgemini employees was
creation of a beach on the patio of the Special School
and Education Centre no. 3 in Kraków and introduction
of maritime climate there.
Tomasz Patoła, Wrocław
Once again Maślice District at the outskirts of Wrocław
was the place where Capgemini employees carried out
their activities, organising meetings and workshops. At the
workshops ecological furniture was built, and the youngest
had the opportunity to build their little robots.
Marta Karnia, Katowice
As part of the Rainbow project Capgemini employees
conducted a series of integration events for disabled
children and children in foster care.
What remains unchanged is the fact that women more
readily get involved in the implementation of initiatives.
In the last edition of the programme, they accounted for
almost three quarters of all people taking part in it, and
women were team leaders in as many as 13 projects.
Katarzyna Żołna-Boroń, Kraków
Thanks to the project nine novellas by Adolf Dygasińskiego were
recorded and they were made available under a free license
to the blind and partially sighted. In this way, it was possible to
present somewhat forgotten works of the eminent author to
people who have limited access to literature in their everyday life.
Łukasz Łaszkiewicz, Piotr Smyk, Wrocław
Capgemini employees managed to conduct workshops
on programming and robotics for children.
Children created their first small robots on their own.
Percentage of women and men
in project teams
Joanna Firla, Katowice
Extremely creative art workshops brought joy and
smile to children in the Upper Silesian Child Health
Centre in Katowice.
Klaudia Stefańska-Paszek, Myślenice
Thanks to the project the Myślenice community learnt more
about the problems of the disabled and witnessed
their success during artistic performances.
Katarzyna Włodarczyk, Kraków
The aim of the project was to provide support to women
living at the single mothers' home. Capgemini employees
helped them write CV, learn foreign languages and seek
necessary information.
Paweł Bednorz, Katowice
Capgemini employees turned the children's attention to the
problem of homelessness among animals and promoted
adoption of shelter pets. Together with the children they
visited places where animals are kept, and got involved in
the work on the calendar with slogans promoting adoption.
Anna Kachel-Zastawny, Kraków
Thanks to the work and enthusiasm of employees one of
the classes in the primary school in Kraków was renovated,
graphics and a magnetic board were painted, parquet was
restored and class equipment was bought.
Krzysztof Sarna, Kraków
The project was to enrich the offer of cultural activities for
children, to diversify their leisure time and encourage them
to nurture local traditions, to develop artistic skills and
knowledge sharing.
Anna Szczygieł, Wrocław
Capgemini employees conducted a series of integrating
activities for parents, teachers, and schoolchildren at the
Vocational Training School for the Disabled. The effects of
these joint efforts is a new, beautiful garden.
Agata Przechrzta, Kraków
Under the project, the children from the foster family home
received a new computer, expanded their knowledge on
Office functions, learnt English. In their spare time they
went on trips, they spend a lot of time outdoors, playing,
among others, badminton.
Tomasz Skotnicki, Kraków
Thanks to language lessons conducted by the employees
children got to know the culture and cuisine of other
nations. They learnt how to use a computer and free
programs to learn mathematics or foreign languages.
Marta Kichewko-Ciuraszkiewicz, Kraków
The aim of the project was to teach the children from the
Our Home Association how to manage time and project,
look for work and communicate with others.
We invest in good ideas
Impact on
the local
The effects of the programme are visible in many places:
orphanages, community centres, schools, kindergartens,
NGOs, local communities and - naturally - in the company.
The results of individual projects are presented on the
following pages of the report. In the 4th edition of the
programme 1451 direct recipients benefited from the
activities initiated by employees-volunteers. The
aid was targeted at them in the first place. Additionally,
2500 people were indirect recipients. This is just an
estimate, as dozens or hundreds of other people will for
a long time benefit from the results of joint work, such as
refurbished class or provided audio books.
Dozens of people supported our project financially or by in
kind donations. In this way we managed to collect more than
1300 PLN, of which 500 PLN came from a project funded
by Coca-Cola, and the rest was collected by Capgemini
employees and friends. In addition there are dozens of bags
with clothing, equipment (including two washing machines,
gas heater, pushchair), books and cosmetics. The facility also
had the opportunity to buy for a nominal fee two laptops from
our company, which will allow to organise computer courses
in the future. We had the opportunity to support mums on
their way to independence. We organised some equipment
for them, which made their start easier.
Katarzyna Włodarczyk
67 partnerów
Employees-volunteers were supported by their
relatives and also by social partners. In the 4th edition
of the programme 67 persons, institutions and social
organisations shared their knowledge, equipment and time.
A lot of organisations that were recipients of the projects
focused not only on receiving help, but to the best of their
ability supported the activities and can confidently say that
they were partners of the projects. Employees could
consult their ideas with persons who every day work with
children or people with disabilities. This was the case for
instance during the implementation of the project "Many
voices of the library", in which the employees consulted
recording audio books for the blind and visually impaired.
Partners gave tips to the originators of the projects which
facilitated their work and allowed them to gain confidence
in activities conducted in a previously unknown area.
Employees-volunteers involved in the projects often had
to show flexibility and openness. Many times they had to
change assumptions, give up some plans for the sake of
others. It was a challenge to match the dates of activities
and workshops or to find a suitable space in which they
could be held. Occasionally there were also problems with
attendance at meetings, sometimes there were difficulties
in establishing the first contacts with recipients of the
projects. In the case of some projects beneficiaries changed
already after the announcement of the winners of the grant
competition, one team had to abandon the project.
Total amount provided
for grants 35 930.40 PLN
It is rarely possible to implement the project exactly as
implied by the description in the application. Beneficiaries'
needs often change, and cooperation in the first months
suggests volunteers a better scenario for action. We agree
to a lot of changes, because every collaboration requires
flexibility. It sometimes takes months to build trust between
volunteers and beneficiaries. These relations and reaching
deeper into the needs of the selected communities enable
us to better understand complicated social issues and our
help can make more sense.
Additional amount collected
by employees3904.90 PLN
Karolina Długosz
CSR manager in Capgemini
Thanks to activities of partners, collections of funds
or fairs it was possible to obtain additional financial
and material support.
In December, at a meeting summarizing the 4th edition
of the programme, Marcin Nowak commented on the
employees' reports from the implemented activities
in the following words:
Each of your statements was exceptional. I looked through
projects when they were still on paper, and now I heard
how they were implemented. I listened with interest to what
you said, and I see that you are a negation of stereotypical
corporate employees – who do not go beyond the imposed
frames, act as in a treadmill. You prove that it is possible
to show initiative, to pursue one's own original ideas.
All of you had to contend with difficulties, but no one
withdrew, you were motivated. You use the power of the
corporation in a unique way, you support others, you use
your strengths. You show your joy to the world and share
it with others. Congratulations! The world notes that it is
necessary to do more than just live in a world of numbers.
Every spring I reserve in my calendar a couple of hours
to read grant applications subject to my assessment.
I am very impressed by the level of employee involvement
in social issues, as well as their passion and desire to
change the surrounding reality. At the same time I know
that this programme is for those most active who want
to take matters into their own hands. I am convinced that
such form of employee volunteering not only supports
responsible and thoughtful social action, but also builds
valuable relationships in local communities. I particularly
value the projects in which our employees share their
competence and knowledge and the projects that create
long-term involvement.
Marek Grodziński
Capgemini Business Process Outsourcing in Poland,
Centre Director
Marcin Nowak
Capgemini Infrastructure Services Eastern Europe,
Managing Director
The digital revolution that took place at the turn of the 20th and the 21st centuries, made the sharing
of knowledge and experience as natural as sharing a sandwich at school or a cigarette in the
military. In this way such icons of digital common good as Wikipedia and Linux were created. This
sharing of knowledge and experience is equally important for employee volunteering. Thanks to it
various individuals, organisations can receive knowledge which constitutes for them a great value
and the base for inspiration. It is worth building a culture of sharing within organisations, however it
is not easy. Therefore, programmes that prepare individuals to the natural functioning in such culture
should be implemented already at school level and then continue at every stage of life – also at
work. They should be based on team work and volunteering. It is important
that they be motivated by the motto: "You will not do much alone!"
A fragment from the rules of Wikipedia may serve us as a clue on how to share knowledge:
a.Respect your fellow Wikipedians even when you may not agree with them.
b.Be civil.
c.Avoid making personal attacks or sweeping generalizations.
d.Find consensus.
e.Avoid wars.
Review of
f. Act in good faith and assume good faith on the part of others.
g.Be open.
the projects
Paweł Łukasiak
Academy for Development of Philanthropy in Poland
in 2015.
We invest in good ideas
Talent Works, Genius Creates
The "Talent Works, Genius Creates" project was inspired by one of UNICEF
reports, revealing that every fourth child in Poland feels insecure about their
strengths and abilities. This problem has been also recognised at Ludwik
Holesz Primary School No 1 in Świerklany. At various workshops employees
have shown to children that each of them has talent and should believe in their
abilities. Pupils participated in workshops with successful people and were able
to find out what skills you need to develop in order to become an employee
of the bank, an athlete, a dancer. Theoretical and practical classes with
athletes, reflections from the road to success, the struggle with difficulties, the
development of talent, training, periods of injury, learning, which should always
go hand in hand with sports, enjoyed enormous popularity.
The conclusion of the project was a Talent Show during which pupils
from Świerklany presented their skills before the audience. The magical
atmosphere, music, dance, sports challenges and applause made the children
feel special, they were overjoyed that this time they were able to share their
passion with others. Teachers were proud of the involvement of their pupils
and are now enthusiastic to take further action.
Other employees involved
in the project (2):
Magdalena Bara
Anna Palka
Edyta Beśka
project leader
The only difficulty we encountered was arranging dates with
the artists and successful people. Aligning their schedules
with pupils' school plans required flexibility and dedication
of each party.
Working for Capgemini for over eight years, currently as a team manager
in the French ITICS (IS) team in Katowice. Helping others, discovering new
talents, meetings with remarkable people give her a lot of satisfaction, joy
and smile. Everyone without exception has a talent and it is worth sharing
your passion also with the youngest, because passion has many names.
I liked learning French, clay modelling, Belgian dance classes.
We had a very nice time, we learnt something new.
Talent Works, Genius Creates
Project partners:
Chwila Nieuwagi music group
Szkolna Kasa Oszczędności
(School Savings Association)
Bank Polski
Agnieszka Bryja
Katarzyna Ciesielska
Katarzyna Kosior
Anna Oleksy
Magdalena Pieszko
Bogumiła Szmidt-Kruk – teachers
from Ludwik Holesz
Primary School No 1 in Świerklany
Katarzyna Bochenek-Igielska
Bartosz Konsek
Maciej Małkowski
Jolanta Pastuszka
We invest in good ideas
Give Angels the Wings!
Angels on the Way to Adulthood
The Guardian Angels' House in Katowice-Załęże has several groups of charges,
including young people belonging to the youth club and pre-school children
in the daily support facility – therapeutic community centre. Both groups were
beneficiaries of activities under two Justyna's projects. A group of 15 children
participated in the sensory development activities, whereas the youth – in
a series of workshops related to the start of their careers and development of
interests. During summer dance workshops the group had the opportunity to
learn the basics of zouk dance, integrate and learn the basics of control over
one's own body. These workshops, conducted by a volunteer from Capgemini,
contained elements of dance therapy, assuming human contact, building
relationships and trust.
The majority of project beneficiaries were teenagers from the
youth club of the Guardian Angels' House in Katowice-Załęże.
This is a former industrial district, where unemployment and
poverty are a sad reality. Children and young people are
often left to themselves, when it comes to the development
and education, as well as emotions and social development.
By inviting them to workshops, we wanted to "infect" them
with passion, show them a different world.
Justyna Syposz
project leader
Working for Capgemini for almost two years, at present as a knowledge
management system senior specialist at the IS department in Katowice.
Her idea concerning volunteering activity at the Guardian Angels' House
is the combination of knowledge transfer with sharing of passion: for
cooking delicious food, learning foreign languages, dance and everything
that makes life wonderful.
Other employees involved
in the project (2):
The joint project has opened up new possibilities for us and
brought new experiences to our work with children – we
aroused children's interest in therapy, and thanks to the
funds we could buy, among others, sensory path and tunnel
needed for activities developing gross motor skills. Moreover,
we encouraged parents to participate in the project – to go
to the pool, visit the horse stable. In this way they could break
away from dull reality for a while and spend time with their
children in a constructive, attractive way.
Teacher of the therapeutic community
centre for pre-school children
Give Angels the Wings! Angels on the Way to Adulthood
Przemysław Paszek
Michał Wiśniowski
Project partners:
Hair and Beauty Salon
Beauty Atelier
Plons.pl Dance School
Sylwia Ziętarska
We invest in good ideas
Rainbow Fun
Daily life of children in the oncological ward at Child Health Centre in Katowice
is difficult – children during treatment can not meet with their peers, and the
main attraction are activities in the common room.
This is another consecutive year in which Joasia from Capgemini office in
Katowice won funding for consistent implementation of workshops in the
hospital. The main aim of the Rainbow Fun project is again to bring joy and
smile through art to the children from the Upper Silesian Child Health Centre
in Katowice. Arts activities help children forget about the reality of hospital life.
Previous years have proven that those of them who participated in the activities
were happier, more cheerful. This year, the children had the opportunity to
decorate Christmas cards, paint pictures and decorate frames. Last, sweet
activities consisting in gingerbread glazing were held in both hospital common
room and Capgemini office, where employees with children also appeared.
Joanna Firla
project leader
Working for Capgemini for 5 years now, at present as a senior IT
infrastructure specialist at the IS department in Katowice. Working with
children gives her a lot of fun and she always finds time for it. She loves
to travel, explore the world and meet people from different cultures.
Our project is really going on uninterruptedly for three years.
We are constantly developing and from the initial six meetings
during the year we want to make a regular meetings every
two weeks, maybe even every week. This year we did not
wait for the announcement of the results who has been
awarded a grant, and the first activities were held already
in March. Next year we want to continue activities from
January, using inexpensive materials, such as advertising
papers or used CDs.
Every year we try to conduct activities in the best possible
way, all the time we have new plans and we listen to the
needs and expectations of our recipients. We do not give
up ideas that proved successful – e.g. we already used felt
to make brooches, one year later – handbags, and this year
– covers for mobile phones.
Everyone has some talent and everyone can present
something new, that is why we invite willing volunteers from
outside Capgemini to our activities. This year we invited
the ladies who showed us how easily you can decorate
Rainbow Fun
Other employees involved
in the project (9):
Małgorzata Fugiel
Anna Gorol
Justyna Gutowska
Elżbieta Janowska
Robin Klein
Aleksandra Kłoda
Weronika Korzeniowska
Beata Poliwczak
Karolina Powała
Project partners:
Fundacja Mam Marzenie
(„I Have a Dream” Foundation)
Sklep tekstylny Garczarek Sabina
Krystyna Fugiel
Lucyna Kośla
Mariola Pietrzik
Bożena Zielińska
We invest in good ideas
Tag, You're It! – The Never Ending Fun
The patio at the Kornel Makuszyński Special School and Education Centre no.
3 in Kraków is currently used by the entire community of this facility, i.e. about
100 people. This is another project carried out for the benefit of this unique
place. Volunteers created on their own a playground for children, where you can
enjoy the atmosphere of a seaside beach. The walls of the building surrounding
the patio were covered with a mural depicting sea creatures which stimulates
the imagination. The playground is equipped with two sandpits and decorated
with elements related to the sea, such as bells made of seashells, fishing nets
or flags. There is also a place to play hopscotch. The culmination of the project
was an interactive performance "The Adventure of the world of fantasy," in which
the whole community of the School and Education Centre took part. Almost 70
charges participated in the performance.
Other employees involved
in the project (13):
Karolina Nowosiad
project leader
Construction works were completed in one day. They were
preceded by several weeks of preparations, collection and
purchase of appropriate materials, consultations with the
management of the centre. Thanks to a careful plan of the
action and positive attitude of participants we managed
to achieve the objectives of the project very smoothly.
Participants were divided into teams according to their
abilities and preferences. The joint work and creative ideas
brought a wonderful effect – the smiles of children who on
1 September after returning from school found the
completely altered yard.
Working for Capgemini for two and a half years as a
finance and accounting specialist in the Veritiv project.
Helping others gives her a lot of satisfaction. She enjoys
spending her time walking in the mountains.
Will you visit us again? When will you come?
I want to sing with you again.
13 years old, charge.
Tag, You're It! – The Never Ending Fun
Bernadetta Bukowiec
Zuzanna Ceklarz-Gołąb
Aneta Dudek
Elżbieta Ekiert
Rafał Gołąb
Magda Kaczówka
Ewelina Łabas
Anna Orszulak
Katarzyna Paśnik
Bożena Śliwa
Katarzyna Świniarska
Sylwia Turek
Mateusz Zych
Project partners:
Creative studio
Arenda – Arkadiusz & Kajetan
Michał Batkiewicz
Klaudia Bogacka
Klaudia Dzwonek
Marcelina Gawron
Maciej Kłos
Sylwia Niemiec-Elanany
Tomasz Nowosiad
Mateusz Pitala
Piotr Pitala
Paweł Potoczek
Joanna Tarnowska
Kajetan Tarnowski
Julia Zarycka
We invest in good ideas
A Collective of Ideas
Capgemini made another visit to Maślice District at the outskirts of Wrocław to
proceed with the project developed by its employees. Summer in this place was
spent on open meetings and workshops for the local community. Already in
June, 15 team members built ecological furniture, which served the residents of
the estate for the rest of the holiday. The place of recreation became equipped
with two tables and six large seats, all protected and decorated with decoupage
technique. In August, nearly 70 residents – mostly with children – met at
a picnic "Farewell to Summer". Moreover, during the next months of the project
initiators provided a lot of activities for parents with children: cycling tour, culinary
workshops or classes in robotics. Classes in robotics were participated by 15
children from the primary school and conducted by Capgemini employees. In
addition to Lego classes and make bot sets children had the opportunity to build
their own robots from toothbrushes and batteries. In autumn children planted
flower bulbs on the urban lawns – now everyone is waiting for the results which
appear in spring! The project covered almost 150 people.
Other employees involved
in the project (5):
Wojciech Jóźków
Radomir Mucha-Kruczyński
Bartosz Paździur
Michał Polański
Wojciech Toś
Tomasz Patoła
project leader
I am very pleased that we gathered in a group of a few
people and we want to continue this adventure for some
time. The only negative thing was that the Urban Greenery
staff, when cleaning up after the picnic "Farewell to Summer",
also took our furniture...
Working for Capgemini since 2007, at present
as a senior programming architect at the
NSC unit in Wrocław. A father, social activist,
bookworm, handyman.
Milenka has just constructed her first minirobot
on a wine cork.
A Collective of Ideas
Project partners:
Maślice Housing
Estate Council (Wrocław)
Public Library in Wrocław,
Branch No. 7
We invest in good ideas
The SORO Rainbow
One day in Capgemini office in Katowice a good supply of homemade pastries
opened exceptionally tasty fundraising – that is how volunteers, working on
a daily basis in a team that supports a French company, decided to start their
project. They managed to gather additional 1500 PLN thanks to the Sweet
Capgemini Fair. Then for many weeks they organised meetings and integration
trips for disabled children and children from the orphanage. They got involved
famous people in the project, for example Kinga Paruzel, "Marsterchef" finalist
and a musician Andrzej Lampert. There were sports activities (including
swimming lessons), culinary, soap-making, theatre workshops and singing
lessons as well as music therapy. Thanks to additional fundraising kids went to
the Wrocław zoo. The project covered directly with its activities 90 children.
We can proudly say that we managed to accomplish all
assumed objectives. What pleases us most is that we made
children's dream come true concerning a trip to the Wroclaw
zoo. We did not plan this, but we also managed to fulfil
the wishes from the letters to Santa Claus. Moreover, we
showed the children how to creatively spend their free time.
At the workshop the kids met people who have had success
in life. With their stories their instilled in children a passion
for their professions: a cook, singer, athlete. In addition,
workshop participants proved that it is worth fighting for
dreams because they do come true, even if we do not have
a considerable financial contribution to start.
Marta Karnia
project leader
Working for Capgemini for over eight years, currently as an operations
manager at IS in Katowice. Meetings with children are for her a perfect
escape from daily responsibilities and an opportunity to spend time
in a unique group. Planning and organisation of activities for kids is
a teamwork, and the grant programme is also an opportunity to work
with creative and committed colleagues.
The SORO Rainbow
A trip to the zoo was an unusual event. For a lot of kids it is
not possible to go on such trips – for instance for financial
reasons. At the same time all the initiatives under the project
were a unique opportunity to stimulate the development of
different spheres of the child, to encourage children to take
action, overcome fears and barriers, strengthen knowledge
and experience. Also, we – the staff from the Specialist
Non-Public Education and Rehabilitation Preschool
– would like to greatly thank you for remembering,
for heart and great commitment.
Magdalena Frączczak
Specialist Non-Public Education
and Rehabilitation Preschool
Other employees involved
in the project (18):
Anna Bugaj
Alicja Ciupa
Elwira Dominiec
Izabela Dzierżek
Katarzyna Gizdoń
Magdalena Kaszek
Marta Kępa
Anna Kopeć
Agata Kukułka
Małgorzata Liszka
Ewelina Mola
Katarzyna Moroz
Patrycja Olszówka
Monika Rajca
Elżbieta Stewesand
Agnieszka Wielek
Izabela Woszczak-Majtyka
Karolina Ziębińska
Project partners:
Hotel Silesian
Kraków Opera
Neptun swimming school
Radocha Association
"Wesołe Mydełko"
Wrocław Zoo
"Żywe Maskotki" team
Katarzyna Jurkowska
Andrzej Lampert
Kinga Paruzel
We invest in good ideas
Many Voices of the Library
As part of the grant seven Capgemini employees recorded nine stories by Adolf
Dygasiński. Until now, novellas of this writer were not issued in the form of audio
books or Braille. Amateur readers spent about 30 hours in a studio recording
almost 200 pages of the text. The task was a real challenge for them – they
had to pay attention to diction and pronunciation, intone correctly and interpret
texts, control the breath and work the entire body. Fortunately, the sound
engineer kept his finger on the pulse and the ambitious goal was achieved. The
recordings can be heard on the website of the Managers of the Future "Moffin"
Foundation, which supports Capgemini in the project consisting in employing
people with disabilities (www.moffin.eu).
I realized how important diction and voice are in the work
of a reader. Also, how much work is required from a sound
engineer to make a clean and good quality recording.
project leader
Working for Capgemini for 10 years, from the beginning in Business
Services in Kraków. She takes care of generating demand for
services of the company. For many years she has been engaged
in helping others – leading Theatre Project, supporting WWF, helps
colleagues use grants... and finally she decided to start with her
own project. She loves mountains, music and food.
For me, the biggest difficulty was the text – we chose
Adolf Dygasiński novellas, written in the early twentieth
century. Language was specific, topics were serious. Another
problem was that during the recording you hear how you ...
munch.I could not forget about it, which was terribly stressful.
Fortunately, Krzysiek from the Voice Studio was very
patient and understood that sometimes I had to read
one sentence even 17 times.
It seemed to be easy: I come, I read, I leave. Nothing of that!
45-minute recording lasted two hours, and I felt really tired.
However, Chris – a professional reader who recorded us
– took care to ensure that everything is correct, so in the end
I left the studio satisfied and happy that I made a good job.
Many Voices of the Library
Other employees involved
in the project (6):
Michał Czerniakowski
Karolina Długosz
Alicja Jasińska
Teresa Juszczak
Agnieszka Pirowska
Wojciech Zieliński
Project partners:
Managers of the Future
"Moffin” Foundation
Special School and Education
Centre for
Blind and Visually Impaired
Children in Kraków
Voice Studio
We invest in good ideas
The idea which inspired the creation of the initiative RoboCap, i.e. volunteer
workshops on programming and robotics for children, is popularization of new
technologies among children who do not have contact with them every day.
Volunteers wanted to show children through fun that what at first glance may
seem complicated, is not necessarily such. Classes were to sow the seeds of
inspiration which will surely pay off in the future. What distinguished this initiative
is the aim to reach particularly difficult environments, where such an injection of
self-esteem is especially needed.
The beneficiaries of the project were 15 pupils of the Care, Education and
Adoption Centre in Wrocław (WCOW). During the workshops children built their
own robots. Each robot got its name, for example Stephen the Fist. Creativity
did not leave the participants for the whole class, and despite the fact that each
group started classes with the same knowledge, the end result in each group
was different. Participants were not discouraged by instructions, creativity took
over. Constructed, programmed, controlled by remote control robots performed
a variety of tricks and dominated the floor in the room where classes were held.
Presentations of projects closing the workshops evoked a lot of excitement and
undisguised pride in the achieved results in all participants.
It was a day full of positive emotions. Involvement of children and
instructors made us forget about the passing time and suddenly
it turned out that the workshop is finished. We were leaving the
Care, Education and Adoption Centre strongly convinced that
this is not the last time we conducted workshops there.
Łukasz Łaszkiewicz
Piotr Smyk
project leaders
The project awarded
in the global Capgemini
competition for Social
Involvement projects
in the category
– volunteering.
Piotr Smyk – working for Capgemini for 11 years, currently
as a project manager in the Software Solutions Center
department in Wrocław. He can not sit still for long time in
one place. He likes to spend his time learning new things.
I did not know whether they would like the workshops,
because usually children participated in various theatre,
artistic workshops, and the boys enjoyed every moment
spent on kicking the ball. And here such a surprise! It turned
out that programming attracted the attention of the younger
and the older, boys and girls. Children returned after the
meeting charged with positive energy and expectations for
the next such meetings. We are very grateful to the whole
team RoboCap for such valuable workshops and above all
a wonderful approach to our charges. It's very important
for us, that someone looks at them through the prism of
misfortunes that they suffered, but sees in them ordinary
children, who can develop their talents, learn and believe
in their own abilities. Ms Mariola
teacher in charge of WCOW projects
Other employees involved
in the project (9):
Jacek Cząstkiewicz
Łukasz Gadomski
Marek Lis
Łukasz Łaszkiewicz
Tomasz Łaszkiewicz
Marcin Motowidło
Zuzanna Pacholczyk
Marek Puchalski
Krzysztof Sobkowiak
Project partners:
Care, Education
and Adoption Centre
in Wrocław
Geek Girls Carots
Women in Technology
We invest in good ideas
Tomorrow starts Today!
The project "Tomorrow starts today!" was to a direct response to the needs
of children from the Children's Home of the Our Home Association. During the
workshop its initiators wanted to share with young people their knowledge and
experience and tell how to look for work, communicate with others, manage
time and projects, as well as how to use social media. Ultimately, however,
the beneficiary partially changed and the Kornel Makuszyński Special School
and Education Centre no. 3 in Kraków got involved in the project. Volunteers
conducted workshops in a group of people with intellectual disabilities. Each
subsequent class was held in an atmosphere of growing trust. The project
resulted also in the creation of a "Toolbox" to which the young people will be
able to refer in the future.
Being a team leader at a time when the target group is
falling apart, and the schedule planned well in advance is
completely changed, is complicated. Especially when it
comes to maintaining the motivation to complete the
project despite the difficulties. Finally, however, we were
able to bring the project to completion. As a leader
I am pleased with the final result.
project leader
Working for Capgemini for almost two years as an executive
assistant in Business Services in Kraków. She helps others
because she can. And she believes that the good returns.
In her spare time she runs and learns Spanish.
Tomorrow starts Today!
With each subsequent meeting the group took part in
the workshops with ever greater commitment. This was
evident even among those whose interest is very difficult
to arise. The participants are young people with intellectual
disabilities aged between 20 and 22, who will finish their
school education in two or three years and will be faced
with the problem: what to do next. Education at this stage
is focused on preparing students for adult life, including,
among others – or even predominantly – on preparing
them to take up independent or assisted work.
We are very grateful for this initiative.
Ms Barbara
Kornel Makuszyński
Special School and Education Centre no. 3 in Kraków
Other employees involved
in the project (9):
Marta Cichoń
Lidia Cygan
Jolanta Czech-Sierak
Beata Halama
Katarzyna Kowalska
Magdalena Lis
Urszula Sławińska
Katarzyna Tlamacz
Sylwia Zając
Project partners:
Children's Home of the
Our Home Association in Kraków
Kornel Makuszyński Special
School and Education
Centre no. 3 in Kraków
We invest in good ideas
Let's Draw the World Together!
project leader
Working for Capgemini for four years. She spends every
moment with her two children and at the moment this is her
greatest passion. And when the "greatest passion" sleeps,
she likes to rest, she reads books, watches films and
sometimes helps others.
Let's Draw the World Together!
The assumption of the project "Let's Draw the World Together!" was to foster
the idea of integration of persons with disabilities and their families with the
local community. Capgemini employees once again supported the "Treasures"
Association of the Disabled of the Myślenice Commune. With joined forces
they organised a lot of activities. There were music workshops, during which
charges of the association were preparing for a special performance with the
use of bum bum tubes (a simple musical instrument), as well as art competitions
and exhibition during the integration picnic. The project was a continuation of
activities undertaken in the last year and directly targeted 30 people.
Once again I am impressed by how you can contribute to
the creation of something important for relatively little money.
The second musical review and integration family picnic
were events awaited by the participants and the audience,
which largely consisted of people with disabilities and their
carers. Once again, it has been confirmed that people with
disabilities do not have many opportunities to spend time
and have fun together, and every opportunity to go out of the
house is accepted with great joy. People with disabilities also
welcome the opportunity to present their skills in front of an
audience. There are good chances that the musical review
will become a major event and that it will be a fixed position
in the local calendar of events with the participation of people
with disabilities.
Other employees involved
in the project (7):
Katarzyna Chałupczak
Agnieszka Dwojak
Jolanta Górecka
Maria Kowalska
Dominika Serafin
Monika Targosz
Ewelina Ziach
The project has grown since last year. During the musical
review it turned out that there is not enough space, and
a band from Tarnów unexpectedly appeared. Next year
we must organize a festival!
Katarzyna Maślak
President of the "Treasures" Association
of the Disabled of the Myślenice Commune
Project partners:
Firefighter's House in Myślenice
Middle School No. 2 in Myślenice
Culture and Sport
Centre in Myślenice
ITV Myślenice
We invest in good ideas
Bene vale (Latin "be well")
The Bene vale (Latin "be well") initiative has been initiated to bring longterm and multi-faceted assistance to women staying at the home for single
mothers run by the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth. The house can
accommodate eight mums at one time – and they were the recipients of the
project. Volunteers organised classes in resume writing, culinary, artistic and
soap-making workshops. Meetings of volunteers with the mothers lasted
six months – during this time the two groups slowly build trust and learnt
more about each other. Thanks to the classes the girls realised their talents,
became more confident, opened themselves to new experiences. The project
also allowed to provide the basic equipment necessary for daily, smooth
functioning of the centre: hot water urn, dehumidifier, blender, two couches,
two laptops – items that remain in the house for the use of future residents.
We all learned from each other. Through this initiative, we
saw how many possibilities there are to provide aid and
how much power human kindness and selflessness have.
This can not be converted into hours nor measured by any
measure. Certain situations have taught humility, flexibility,
others have shown that the project can be improved.
And we ourselves realized that we need to learn new skills,
so that we can help in the future more effectively.
project leader
Such meetings allow us to break away from everyday
life and to forget about problems.
resident of the home
Working for Capgemini for over four years. Agrees
with the statement that volunteering opens the mind,
and the mind is like a parachute – it does not work
when it is closed. She loves to cook in her spare time.
Other employees involved
in the project (12):
Łukasz Czarnik
Małgorzata Daniel
Katarzyna Duda
Marlena Flasza
Aleksandra Kalbarczyk-Biela
Justyna Kotarba
Anna Kralka
Natalia Makowska
Jakub Skalski
Agnieszka Spytek
Katarzyna Swałdek
Ewelina Ziach
I don't know how you did it, but I can not believe it.
Sister Estera
Bene vale (Latin "be well")
We invest in good ideas
All Paws on Board - Get off the Couch
The aim of the project was to support the animals from the Municipal Shelter
for Homeless Animals in Katowice by drawing children's attention to the
problem of homelessness among pets and promoting adoptions from the
shelter. Persons involved in the project invited to cooperation the "Gniazdo"
Foundation for People who Need Help in Katowice, Municipal Shelter for
Homeless Animals in Katowice and the "Przystanek Schronisko" Foundation,
working closely with the shelter.
The project included weekly visits of children from the "Gniazdo" foundation
in the shelter. During joint walks its staff presented to the kids the principles of
adoptions of dogs and cats, and ways to help animals in need. The initiative
allowed to collect more than 80 kg of food, including special veterinary food
assisting convalescence of the pets. During the meetings a photo shoot was
also held of children and volunteers with dogs and cats, which resulted in the
calendar for 2016, promoting adoption slogans. The undeniable success of
the project is the fact that many pets found their new home.
Paweł Bednorz
project leader
Working for Capgemini for four years, currently as a finance and accounting
specialist in the Business Services department in Katowice. He is interested
in veterinary medicine, cosmetology and dietetics. He likes to spend his free
time with his cats, as well as running in the park or training in a sports club.
He often experiments in the kitchen, using new, unusual ingredients.
I am convinced that the results of our cooperation with the
shelter will be felt for a long time by each party, because
children from the "Gniazdo" foundation, and me myself
caught the bug of working with dogs. We will definitely visit
this place more than once. Calendars, which we were able
to print, will promote our project and the campaign "Adopt
a pet" during the entire year – in any place which they reach.
All Paws on Board - Get off the Couch
Magdalena Kozłowska
Karolina Orkisz
Agnieszka Ryba
Karolina Ziebińska
"All Paws on Board - Get off the Couch" has been another
exciting adventure offered by Capgemini. The project has
allowed our charges to discover their previously unexplored
layers of sensitivity, tenderness, unfettered zeal to do good
for the needy pets. We would like to thank Capgemini that
once again we could change the world with them.
Marek Mierzwa
"Gniazdo" Foundation for People who Need Help
Other employees involved
in the project (4):
Project partners:
"Gniazdo" Foundation
for People who Need Help
"Przystanek Schronisko"
Municipal Shelter
for Homeless Animals
in Katowice
We invest in good ideas
Child-friendly Classroom
Pupils from class 1b of the Tadeusz Kościuszko Primary School no. 58 in
Kraków impatiently awaited return to their school duties after the summer
break. It is not surprising – every student wants to start the school year in
a place that not only teaches, but also creates unique conditions for the
development of creativity. As in September the children returned to the newly
renovated classroom which will serve them for the next two years. Such
gift was the idea of participants of the initiative "Child-friendly Classroom".
The project was implemented in two stages. The first included the complete
refurbishment of the walls, which was taken up by the students' parents. The
second part of the activities included preparation and painting on the wall of
professional graphics, painting of a magnetic board, parquet renovation and
purchase of interior components. Thanks to the cooperation of parents and
employees of Capgemini it was possible to perform most of the work related
to graphics, practically during one day. The level of commitment of participants
surpassed the boldest expectations of the originators. No wonder, therefore,
that the end result in the form of the renovated classroom was really surprising.
Once again we proved that work and fun often go hand in
hand, especially if you meet such committed and creative
team. Amazing level of energy and desire to help others
allowed us to leave our mark for the next few years.
Anna Kachel-Zastawny
project leader
It's cool that I could leave my handprints on the wall.
It will be a reminder of me, when I go to the fourth grade.
Other employees involved
in the project (10):
Daria Cygan
Paweł Czaplak
Mateusz Górecki
Magdalena Kurek
Katarzyna Kwiatek
Sylwia Mrowca
Jakub Muchajer
Agnieszka Pirowska
Wojciech Zieliński
Katarzyna Żołna-Boroń
1b class student
In Capgemini for 12 years, currently as a project
manager in the PMO team (Business Services,
Kraków). She loves to see the effects of a well
done job, especially if it brings benefit to others.
She spends her free time with her family and
with a good book in hand.
Beautiful wall, now we have the prettiest classroom at
school. It is so nice that our children have a great learning
environment. Perhaps the director will allow our little ones to
stay in this classroom until the end of the sixth grade?
Child-friendly Classroom
Project partners:
Decor Prest – Paweł Suder
Studio RB – Rafał Cwykiel
We invest in good ideas
Hands and Crafts!
Capgemini employees involved in the project have set themselves the goal
of helping a group of 30 charges the community centre run by the Sisters of
Charity. Their task was to diversify the forms of spending free time by children,
as well as to collect additional funds for holidays for them.
The project consisted of two parts. The first of these consisted in performing
art workshops during which young people learnt to make Christmas tree
ornaments using different techniques. The result of this four-day session were
different figurines made of salt mass, Christmas cards, Christmas balls and
Christmas gingerbread, baking of which was the biggest fun for the kids.
Children were excited, rolling out the dough, cutting the forms and decorating
their gingerbread cakes with icing and other sweet decorations. The second
part of the project was the Christmas market in the village Bieńkówka near
Krakow. Almost all of the products were sold and the collected amount has
been allocated for the annual holiday trip for children.
We also managed to retrofit the common room, buying such equipment as
a paper shredder, metal forms for cakes, stationery supplies.
Other employees involved
in the project (3):
Wojciech Dynda
Monika Rosiak
Magdalena Sarna
Krzysztof Sarna
project leader
Working for Capgemini for three years now,
at present as a senior finance and accounting
services specialist in the Syngenta project
(Business Services, Kraków). Most of his free
time he spends on running, making shorter
and longer distances, including the marathon.
Everything went smoothly, although there were difficult
moments, especially when the children tried to take over
the initiative, which introduced a little chaos. Fortunately, the
crew was well-integrated and experienced, so they managed
to control the situation. For myself it was a new experience.
Until then, I have known volunteering only from the stories
of friends. Now I can say that one should engage in this
type of activities. Even for this one, sincere smile on the
faces of these children whose lives have not been easy. It is
worth doing, because in a world where we are chasing after
promotions, money and striving to grow in the eyes of others
at all costs, we simply forget about what's important.
Hands and Crafts!
Project partners:
Association of Graduates
We invest in good ideas
The Garden of Integration
The aim of education in the vocational training school is the comprehensive
development of students adapted to their individual potential and preparation
for everyday life so that they can participate in social life. Educational
achievements of children largely depend on the good cooperation and
partnership between parents, teachers, and children, which are
important elements of such education. This is especially important
for children with disabilities.
The project organisers decided to revitalise the garden and adapt it to make
it a place where people can spend their free time, so that it could become
a place of integration and regular meetings. The direct beneficiaries of the
programme were the children from the Special Vocational Training School
in Wroclaw. Under the programme, participants cleaned the garden area,
assembled a house for tools and garden furniture, and attended classes in
horticulture, floristry and the carpentry. The culmination of the project was
an integration picnic for the entire school community.
The project was a great idea to integrate parents and
children. Everyone had a great time testing their technical
capabilities and making something out of nothing.
Anna Szczygieł
project leader
Interesting idea, I really liked the furniture – I will make such
furniture myself.
Other employees involved in the
project (5):
Michał Bartusiak
Wojciech Jóźków
Tomasz Patoła
Bartosz Pochwat
Mateusz Prącik
student's parent
Working for Capgemini for over four years, at
present as a junior application consultant in the
PBS department (SSC, Wrocław). Observing
the joy and smiles on the faces of people whom
she helps, gives her a lot of satisfaction.
I had no idea that you can create small works of art out of
a few ordinary wooden pallets, which we typically see in
The Garden of Integration
Project partners:
Evangelical Centre of Diaconia
and Education
Special Vocational
Training School
We invest in good ideas
Computer & Sports Workshops
for a Foster Family Home
The foster family home in Kraków at ul. Bochenka is a place run by nuns.
They give all of their time and heart to their charges to take care of their
development and give them a safe family home filled with love. Children also
need contact with lay people who could become for them an additional role
model in school and working life. To help introduce children to the world of
science and physical activity, the employees arranged computer and sports
activities, combined with trips to exceptional places in Kraków.
Under the project, the children were given a laptop and a badminton set.
They learnt the basic functions of MS Office and developed knowledge of
English. Language workshops were held in a pleasant form of quizzes and other
games, which enabled the children to get to know the language from a new,
more interesting perspective. Children form the foster family home had the
opportunity to combine the pleasant with the useful, as sports activities were
also organised, which were conducted by a physical education teacher.
The real adventure for children were two trips in Krakow. In the Park of Aviators
the kids watched breathtaking air shows, came on aboard of a helicopter
and gave vent to their energy in the amusement park. In the zoo they had the
opportunity to admire a lot of species of animals and even feed some of them.
Agata Przechrzta
project leader
Thanks to the project, the children developed their language
skills, learnt to better handle the computer and improved
their physical fitness. They had a lot of fun too! Trips and
workshops have also contributed to inspire new interests,
e.g. aviation. The boys eagerly use the received computer
as a teaching aid. The project was for us a joyful breeze in
our daily routine.
Other employees involved
in the project (2):
Ewa Piechula-Popiołek
Katarzyna Sawińska
Working for Capgemini for almost a year and a half. She works in the CSS
department (Business Services, Kraków) as a senior contract legal service
specialist. She tries to live in accordance with the conviction that concern
for the welfare of the other person extremely enriches and gives you
a different perspective on everyday life, that it is worth giving at least a bit
of yourself to others. In her free time likes to walk in the mountains, she
plays the transverse flute and learns to dance tango.
It was super! It was the first time I have seen so many
different, large aircraft! How is it possible that this huge
machine did not fall, twisting in the air?
charge at the foster family home
Computer & Sports Workshops for a Foster Family Home
We invest in good ideas
I Can Do It (Too) – Equal Opportunities
Learning can be fun – persons conducting the project, "I Can Do It (Too) – Equal
Opportunities" tried to reinforce such message. The programme covered about
50 children from the kindergarten Słoneczne Nutki.
As part of the project they managed conduct a series of computer classes for
older kids, as well as activities related to language education and introducing
the cultures of other nations. While playing, children learnt the ins and outs of
a computer and practised manual skills related to the use of a mouse. They
also learnt the basics of several languages – they learnt the alphabet, basic
phrases and names of colours. The aim of language classes was also to provide
information about the culture of a given nation. To acquire new knowledge,
the children solved logic puzzles. As part of language and culture classes they
managed to arrange a meeting with volunteers from Spain, who told the children
about the Spanish traditions and customs, whereas preschoolers in preparation
for the meeting learnt a simple Spanish song. The culinary workshops and film
screenings were undoubtedly an additional attraction.
Activities for children have become an impulse for the development of a part of
the kindergarten staff. Three teachers have benefited from the 45+ Programme
of the National Training Fund. In the framework of this programme they have
improved their English language skills and are preparing for the exam at the B2
level. Three other teachers started to attend additional individual English classes.
Learning turns out to be a pleasure not only for children.
We learnt the names of colours and numbers. It was easy
and fun. Others have strange letters which we do not have.
Tomasz Skotnicki
project leader
Other employees involved
in the project (2):
Aleksandra Michalik-Czuż
Sabina Sękowska-Wiśniewska
I am very grateful to the initiators and originators of the
project. Thanks to their commitment our children developed
their computer skills, which was especially beneficial for
children from families who do not have it yet. Children found
out that the computer in addition to its play value – games
– can also help you learn.
kindergarten headteacher
In Capgemini for over 11 years, currently in the Product
and Deal Structuring department in Business Services
in Kraków. During the projects implemented under the
Capgemini programme he learnt that help, commitment
and passion can be contagious, and hopes that for
a long time no one will invent any medicine for this.
This is a fantastic idea to designate for instance one day in
a month to be spent in the kindergarten under the flag of one
of the European countries. As a result, our children get to
know the culture and traditions of other nations.
I Can Do It (Too) – Equal Opportunities
Project partners:
Language School
Verbum Witold Chomnicki
We invest in good ideas
Other Capgemini initiatives
in Poland in 2015
The Project Theatre – an exceptional
charity show performed solely by
Capgemini employees. In 2015,
“A history of a certain object” was made
available to visually impaired people
owing to audio description.
December 2015
Diversity Week – a cycle of short meetings
and talks with employees about selected
aspects of diversity and its advantages.
March 2015
another taste of
A unique Capgemini cookbook containing Christmas
recipes from around the world, created by employees
of different origin working at Capgemini in Poland.
December 2015
Blood collection in Krakow and Katowice.
June 2015
– a platform for share-rides
for Capgemini employees
We invest in good ideas
Development of the report
from the 4th edition of the
Capgemini grant programme
"We invest in good ideas".
Karolina Długosz – Capgemini Sp. z o.o.
Renata Aderek-Zielińska – Inwestycje Społeczne Sp. z o.o.
Editing and proofreading:
Dominik Wódz
Michał Łepecki
Graphic design and DTP:
Konrad Grajner
Would you like to share your
opinion about the report?
Would you like to find
out more about Capgemini
actions for local communities
and the environment?
Write to
Please contact:
Karolina Długosz
Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Manager
We invest in good ideas
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With more than 180,000 people in over 40 countries, Capgemini is
one of the world's foremost providers of consulting, technology and
outsourcing services. The Group reported 2015 global revenues of EUR
11.9 billion. Together with its clients, Capgemini creates and delivers
business, technology and digital solutions that fit their needs, enabling
them to achieve innovation and competitiveness. A deeply multicultural
organization, Capgemini has developed its own way of working, the
Collaborative Business ExperienceTM, and draws on Rightshore®,
its worldwide delivery model.
Learn more about us at www.capgemini.com.
Rightshore® is a trademark belonging to Capgemini