May 24, 2015 - Mary Star of the Sea Parish
May 24, 2015 - Mary Star of the Sea Parish
Mary Star of the Sea Parish Established 1889 870 W. 8th Street San Pedro, CA 90731 Tel: (310) 833-3541 Fax: (310) 833-9254 Pentecost Sunday May 24, 2015 Like us on Facebook! Like us on Instagram! @MaryStarSanPedro OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday - Saturday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Sunday Closed. MASS SCHEDULE Monday—Saturday 8:00 am and 5:15 pm Sunday 7:30 am (English) 9:00 am (English) 10:30 am (Spanish) 12:00 pm (English) 1:30 pm (Croatian) 5:00 pm (Life Teen) 6:30 pm (Italian) Holy Days of Obligation 5:15pm evening before 8:00 am 12:00 noon 5:15pm MORNING PRAYER Monday-Friday 7:45 am EVENING PRAYER Monday-Friday 5 pm RECONCILIATION (Confessions) Thursday and Friday: after 5:15pm Mass Saturday: after 8 a.m. Mass and 4—5 p.m. PASTOR Rev. Fr. M. Harrigan NORBERTINE FATHERS Serving our High School (310) 521-1930 ASSOCIATE PASTORS Padre Manuel Leon Bravo CROATIAN MINISTRY Rev. Kaspar Reddy Udumala Rev. Ivan Gerovac MARITIME MINISTRY Rev. Freddie Chua DEACON William Garcia SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH OF CLUNY DONATE ONLINE! Parish Convent (310) 834-5431 STELLA MARIS BOOKSTORE (310) 519-8661 marystarofthesea Pastor’s Corner Dear Mary Star of the Sea Parishioners: May our Blessed Lord Bless you on this Special Day when we celebrate our Unity within our Diversity as a Church. We come from many different places, yet we are one family in Christ. Below is a brief teaching on the meaning of Pentecost. I hope you enjoy it. Have a Blessed Week. Fr. Harrigan Pastor What is the Christian Celebration of Pentecost All About? This coming Sunday, Christians across the world will celebrate Pentecost. Pentecost is not as well-known or as popular as the Christmas and Easter, though it commemorates a watershed event in Christian history. It many ways, Pentecost is the birthday of the church. In today’s post I am going to answer several frequently asked questions about Pentecost. Tomorrow I’ll have more to say about its spiritual significance. Shavuot was the second great feast in Israel’s yearly cycle of holy days. It was originally a harvest festival (Exod 23:16), but, in time, turned into a day to commemorate the giving of the law on Mt. Sinai. This day became especially significant for Christians because, seven weeks after the resurrection of Jesus, during the Jewish celebration of Shavuot/Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out upon his first followers, thus empowering them for their mission and gathering them together as a church. What actually happened on that day of Pentecost? This event is recorded in the New Testament book known as The Acts of the Apostles. Chapter 2 begins, “And when the day of Pentecost [ten hemeran tes pentekostes] had come, [the first followers of Jesus] were all together in one place” (2:1). All of a sudden, a sound came from heaven, like a strong wind, filling the house where the people had gathered. Something like tongues of fire rested on their heads. “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit gave them the ability to speak” (2:4). (Notice the tongues of fire on the heads of the people in the painting by Restout.) The languages spoken by the early Christians were intelligible (not other worldly) and were heard by thousands of Jewish What is Pentecost? pilgrims who had come to Jerusalem to celebrate Shavuot. The content of the miraculous messages had to do with God’s mighty For Christians, Pentecost is a holiday on which we works (2:11). Many who heard these messages in their own commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit on the early languages were amazed, though others thought the Christians followers of Jesus. Before the events of the first Pentecost, which were just drunk (2:12). came a few weeks after Jesus’ death and resurrection, there were followers of Jesus, but no movement that could be meaningfully At some point, Peter, one of the leading followers of Jesus, stood called “the church.” Thus, from an historical point of view, up and preached his first sermon. He interpreted the events of Pentecost is the day on which the church was started. This is also that morning in light of a prophecy of the Hebrew prophet Joel. true from a spiritual perspective, since the Spirit brings the In that text, God promised to pour out his Spirit on all flesh, church into existence and enlivens it. Thus Pentecost is the empowering diverse people to exercise divine power. This would church’s birthday. be a sign of the coming “day of the Lord” (Acts 2:16-21; Joel 2:28-32). What does the word “Pentecost” mean? Peter went on to explain that Jesus had been raised and had poured out the Spirit in fulfillment of God’s promise through Joel (2:32-33). When the crowd asked what they should do, Peter urged them to turn their lives around and be baptized in the name of Jesus. Then they would be forgiven and would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (2:37-39). Acts reports that about 3,000 people But Christians did not invent the phrase “fiftieth day.” Rather, were added to the church that day (2:41). Not a bad response to they borrowed it from Greek-speaking Jews who used the phrase Peter’s first sermon! to refer to a Jewish holiday. This holiday was known as the Festival of Weeks, or, more simply, Weeks (Shavuot in Hebrew). This name comes from an expression in Leviticus 23:16, which instructs people to count seven weeks or “fifty days” from the end of Passover to the beginning of the next holiday (pentekonta hemeras in the ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Scripture). The English word “Pentecost” is a transliteration of the Greek word pentekostos, which means “fifty.” It comes from the ancient Christian expression pentekoste hemera, which means “fiftieth day.” 2 May 24, 2015 Today’s Readings First Reading — They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in different tongues (Acts 2:1-11). Psalm — Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth (Psalm 104). Second Reading — There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13) or Galatians 5:16-25. Gospel — As the Father has sent me, so I send you: Receive the Holy Spirit (John 20:19-23) or John 15:26-27; 16:12-15. Treasures from Tradition Marriage is ideally a parish event today, but in the first three centuries of the church’s history, it was a household celebration guided by civil law and pagan customs. Changes happened quickly after the Peace of Constantine in 312, and the fresh air after long persecution brought some creativity. The speech that the father of the groom’s family gave before dinner or the veiling or crowning of the bride (or even the spouse’s arrival at the honeymoon suite) attracted a prayer of blessing. With amazing rapidity, worship was propelled out of the intimate setting of house churches to large public gathering spaces, and some parts of the marriage ceremony began to migrate with the growing community to the new spaces. In Rome, the veiling of the bride with the customary daily headgear of a married woman became the central liturgical act, accompanied by a biblical prayer for her integrity and fruitfulness. There were no vows as such (just as there are no vows to this day in the Orthodox marriage rite). In the liturgy, after hearing John’s Gospel account of the wedding at Cana, the bride was veiled and blessed, and the priest gave the kiss of peace to the husband, who then gave it to his bride. The liturgy of Rome traveled far, and everywhere it went, marriage became a church celebration. Important Announcements There will be no Italian 6:30 pm Mass TODAY due to Confirmation. Please note, there will also be no Croatian 1:30 PM, Teen 5 PM, or Italian 6:30 PM Masses. All are invited to attend our other services at 7:30 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM, or 12 Noon, multicultural Mass. There will be a reception following the 12 Noon Mass in the Auditorium in honor of Pentecost. Laughing is the Best Type of Medicine The secret to a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and to have the two as close together as possible. - George Burns May 24, 2015 Prayers for the Sick Please pray for all of the sick of our community , that they may find healing and comfort in Christ, especially: Joe Cruz Anthony Misetich Richard Anderson Darby Torres Maureen Vittorio Mary Amalfitano Joanna Valadez & Baby Jacqueline Velazquez Della Accetta Michael Martinez Margaret (Mills) Louis Pagano Schuyler Julio Arroyo Ciara Shout & her Unborn child Janelle Fanning Sergio Baraja Ben Luja Brigida Grammatico Paul Kmezovich Ecija Zanki *Names stay on the sick list for 3 weeks, if you would like them to continue please call the parish office to have the name added again. Please notify us of any changes. In Memoriam In remembrance, let us pray for all who have gone before us to rest in eternal life in heaven: Betty Spralja Sister Andrew Crean Mary Star's bereavement support group meets Saturdays at 3:30 pm in the MGPC Round Room. For more information, call Paula Mazzarino at (310) 547-2103 Prayer Intentions of the Holy Father UNIVERSAL: Care for the Suffering: That, rejoicing the culture of indifference, we may care for our neighbors who suffer, especially the sick and the poor. EVANGELIZATION: Openness to Mission: That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be open to proclaiming Jesus. Quote of the Week A PRAYER TO THE SPIRIT Holy Spirit, who sent Christ Jesus to carry the Good news to the poor, we pray to you: Help us to continue your work by serving the poor, our brothers and sisters. —From Come, Lord Jesus by Lucien Deiss, CSSP, copyright © 1976, 1981, Lucien Deiss. Published by World Library Publications. p.181 Newly Baptized Please welcome the newly Baptized to our community! Marcelo Benjamin Morales Kylie Marie Balov 3 NEWS & EVENTS Memorial Brick Campaign Pave the way to continued success at MSSE. Buy a memorial brick to honor a graduate, beloved family member or fellow parishioner. All Proceeds will be used to enrich the academic programs and improve the physical plant at MSSE. Be part of the 100 year celebration. Leave your legacy today. Go online to place your order now at: Please call the school office at (310) 831-0875 for more information! Don’t Miss this Special Musical Event IN CONCERT LYRA – THE VOCAL ENSEMBLE OF ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA Sunday June 14, 2015, 7:30 pm St. Lawrence Martyr Church 1900 S. Prospect Ave., Redondo Beach The hour-long program will feature Sacred Music of Russian Orthodox Church & Russian Folk Songs A freewill offering will be taken For more info, contact René Ayala, 310-316-0090, Attention Eucharistic Ministers Our annual training and retreat will be on Saturday, June 6, 2015. Be sure to mark this date in your calendar. It is very important that you attend. All lectors and liturgical ministers are also invited to attend. If you want to be a Eucharistic minister contact Robert Hohman Jr. at 310-935-9318 before the retreat, a formation program and answer to your questions will be addressed. Program will run from 9:00 am. to 3:00 pm. with breaks for refreshments. Holy Hour In order to convert America and save the World what we need is for every parish to come before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in Holy Hours of prayer ( Blessed Mother Teresa) Every Wednesday there is a Holy Hour in the church from 6-7 pm. Within the hour, there is a rosary with beautiful reflections, time for silent reflection, and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, concluding with Benediction. Please come and spend 1 hour with Jesus. This is a special time of abundant blessings for all! Bingo Night! RSVP: 4 Please Join the St. Anne Society for an Evening of Fun! Help raise money for our society activities! Hot dogs, Popcorn, Desserts and lots of Bingo Fun! May 27th. 6:30 pm Knights of Columbus Room, Mary Star of the Sea Carol Lauro: (310) 614-6347 Delight Hernandez: (310) 831-6214 Stella Maris Catholic Books & Gift Store (310) 519-8661 Store Hours: Wed. 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sun. 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Announcements: We will close on Sunday, 5/24 for Memorial Day. Bookstore will be closed on Wednesdays during summer beginning on June 3rd. We honor Mary Star of the Sea Elementary & High School Scrip! Together in Mission Goal: $84,000.00 Amount pledged: $49,000.00 Donate a Magnificat In memory of a loved one, in honor of, in your name or remain anonymous. Share the Power of Prayer. Information available in the Parish Bookstore: Stella Maris Books (310) 519-8661 I.C.F. Casino Bus Trip The Italian Catholic Federation Branch #115 is planning a turnaround trip on Tuesday, June 30, 2015 at the Pechanga Indian Casino. Price $23.00 per person. I.C.F. members will receive $3.00 discount. Casino will give $5.00 playing credit. For reservations call Pauline Iacono at 310-832-0563. Please note, the Parish Office will be closed Monday, May 25th and will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, May 26th. Thank you. May 24, 2015 Did You Know? Safety is an important part of summer fun Summer is almost here. School is almost out, and many new opportunities for recreation and relaxation await. Maybe you are sending your children to a music or sports camp? Or maybe they have been invited by their friends to go camping in the mountains or at the beach? Whatever the situation, it is important to remember that parents have the responsibility of controlling access that new people will have to their children. If your child will attend a summer camp, insist that counselors or anyone else who might have access to your children have undergone an application process that includes a criminal background check and reference checks. Learn more here: Save the Date: 2015 Parish Fiesta Come join us for the 68th Annual Parish Fiesta Friday, Saturday, and Sunday July 17th, 18th, and 19th. Main Grand Prizes are: $20,000 in cash or a new 2015 Chevy Cruze or a 2015 Chevy Sonic (winner’s choice). Second Prize: 3-Night Princess Baja Cruise for Two Third Prize: 2-Night Las Vegas Trip for Two Fourth Prize: 2-Night at J.W. Marriott Palm Desert for Two Main raffle tickets are $1.00 each or a full book of 30 tickets for $30.00. Drawing will be held on Sunday night, July 19th at 10 PM. All parish families will be mailed raffle tickets in early June. Please support our annual event by purchasing a book of main raffle tickets. Fiesta Queen Contest Come out and support our FIVE Fiesta Princesses. Each candidate will have their individual bake sale after all Masses starting in the middle of June. This year’ candidates are: Celine Duenas, Caeli Campolo, Allison Castagnola, Michelle Mersman, Danielle Svorinich. Each candidate will be selling raffle tickets to receive your vote. For each and every ticket a candidate sells, she will receive one vote per ticket. A Message from our Adoration Coordinator “TEMPORARY OPENINGS! I NEED HELP AGAIN! I have several TEMPORARY openings for the months of May & June because of people leaving for vacations. “ I am here, Lord, because I know I need You. I want to be healed of anything that keeps me from being the person You created me to be.” The hours to be filled are: Sundays 5-6 p.m. Mondays 1-2 p.m. Tuesdays 2-3 p.m. Tuesdays 3-4 p.m. Fridays 3-4 p.m. Saturdays 7-8 p.m. Saturdays 8-9 p.m. Please help if you can. I appreciate it! Thank you, Barbara West / Coordinator I can be reached at 310/548-1693” May 24, 2015 Full-time Logistics/Food Service Position Under the general supervision of the Kitchen Supervisor the Logistics/Food Service Worker is responsible for logistics needed for event setups, basic handyman duties and the general functions for the cleanliness, upkeep and maintenance of the kitchen. Qualifications and Education Requirements: Minimum of High School diploma or equivalent. Active (Serve Safe) State sanitary certification and minimum two hours of job related continuing education per year. Must be able to speak, read, write, and understand the English language at a high school level $10.00 per hour. Guaranteed 29-32 hours a week. If interested please email a copy of your resume to and we will contact you to schedule an interview. 5 FAITH FORMATION Come Holy Spirit Fill the hearts of the faithful Today we celebrate the feast of the coming of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and disciples who were gathered in the upper room in prayer. Our prayer today is that we, too, be filled with that same Spirit who will strengthen us to be faithful disciples. Vacation Bible School has been cancelled for this year. NEWS: Confirmation Registration is still OPEN!! Please register ASAP! Registration Forms are available in the back of the church. Turn them into the main Rectory Office or the Youth Ministry office. All 1st year Confirmation Candidates need to re-register More information is available at A Significant Day “And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were” (Acts 2:2). The Holy Spirit’s arrival on that first Pentecost was signaled by a rush of wind. We all know what it’s like when our windows are open just as a summer storm rises up. Curtains fly, papers become airborne, house plants shudder, dust is scattered. A rush of wind disrupts the orderliness of our home. The coming of the Holy Spirit, as celebrated each year at Pentecost, can also disrupt ways that have become comfortable and orderly. The Church always needs Pentecost. We need the breath of God’s Spirit to blow away any complacency or malaise that has settled into our faith. Jesus breathes on his disciples and they receive the Holy Spirit. With that reception comes the power to share the Good News of salvation. Today, this is no less true for us. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 6 CRS Rice Bowls: Thank you for all your contributions to the Rice Bowls during the season of Lent. The children made many sacrifices and contributed a total of $615:00 which is going to make a big difference in children's lives in Haiti. Recycling: We continue to do our little bit to save the earth by recycling and teaching the children the importance of doing so. If you need further information on any of the above programs please call Sister Mary or Carmen at 310833-3641 ext. 221, 222 BAPTISMS We welcome infants and young children to the Sacrament of Baptism. Visit the parish office for a Baptism Information package and to schedule an appointment. We ask parents, when coming to register for infant Baptism, to please bring the baby’s birth certificate. Please check our website for necessary information to be brought to the interview for scheduling a Baptism. May 24, 2015 OUR SCHOOLS Mary Star High School News MSHS News: Mary Star is offering Summer School for remediation and enrichment for grades 9 -12. We are offering a new class this summer: Introduction to PhotoShop! Summer school is open to public and private high school students. Summer school information has already been mailed home to Mary Star students however public school students may contact the Main Office (310-547-1138) or visit for Summer School registration forms. The deadline to enroll students for remediation and/or enrichment is Friday, June 12. Mary Star Elementary School News Dear Mary Star Parishioners, On Monday 5/18, the students in grades Kindergarten – 8th grade boarded 5 buses and made the journey to Mary Star High School. This is the 3rd annual Marion Celebration and Field Day where all of our students from the littlest Stars in Kindergarten to our seniors in High School spend a day together. The day began with Mass and the crowning of Our Blessed Mother. After Mass, the students enjoyed barbecued hot dogs, chips, and popsicles. The students played croquet, fished for prizes, had a water balloon toss, made giant bubbles, played chess, and a variety of games on the upper field. Thank you to Ms. Dever, Father Nicholas, Mrs. Andrie, Student Council, and all of the MSHS faculty and students who brought us together! The school and office will be closed on Monday, May 25 in honor of Memorial Day. Tuesday, May 26th and Wednesday, May 27th have early dismissals for underclassmen at 1:31 p.m. due to graduation practice for seniors. Friday, May 29th also has an early dismissal at 10:30 a.m. for underclassmen in anticipation of the graduation activities for seniors. Please pray for our seniors this week as they approach the “Final” final exams of their high school career! We also honor the Class of 2015 with their Baccalaureate Mass, Luncheon and Graduation Ceremony at the Parish this Friday, May 29th. Admission to the Luncheon and evening ceremony is by ticket reservation only. Upcoming Events: General Parent Athletic Meeting on Tuesday, June 2nd at 7 p.m. Final Exams for freshmen, sophomore, and juniors, June 8-10, 2015 May 24, 2015 REGISTRATION IS OPEN FOR THE 2015 – 2016 SCHOOL YEAR! CALL, TOUR, JOIN THE FAMILY God Bless You, Noreen Maricich Principal Mary Star of the Sea Preschool Registration is now OPEN for the 20152016 school year for 3-5year olds who are fully potty trained. Our preschool program is year round, part time and full time. Come on over and take a tour! No appointments necessary! We have a safe environment with qualified, caring teachers who instruct faith development and age appropriate hands-on activities in Creative Art, Kindergarten Readiness, Math Concepts, Science Exploration, Multicultural Exposure, Music/ Movement Activities, Dramatic Play, Outdoor Activities and Character Development. For more information about our preschool program please call (310) 833-3541 ext. 228 and ask for Beth Castagnola, Director, email at or visit 7 Saturday, 8:00 a.m.— 5:15 p.m.— May 23, 2015 Saturday, Pietro Russo by Rosa Colonna † Victor & Giuseppina by son, Carmine Tuberosi & Family † Sunday, 7:30 a.m.— 9:00 a.m.— 10:30 a.m.— 12:00 p.m.— 1:30 p.m.— 5:00 p.m.— 6:30 p.m.— May 24, 2015 Vincenza Camello by Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Mattera & Family † For All Parishioners of Mary Star Multilingual Mass—Pro Populo Alex Marinkovich by Joseph’s Bakery † No Croatian Mass Bibiana Santillan & Opiniano Jr. Santillan † No Italian Mass Monday, 9:00 a.m.— Tuesday, Memorial Day Priest Intention 9:00 3:00 3:30 7:00 May 23, 2015 a.m.—Families of Nazareth—MGPC Chapel p.m.—NO Baptisms p.m.—Bereavement Support Group—MGPC Round Room p.m.—Spanish Prayer Group—MSB 111, 215 Sunday, May 24, 2015 12:00 p.m.—Pentecost Multicultural Mass—Church 1:00 p.m.—Pentecost Reception—AUD Monday, May 25, 2015 Memorial Day: Office Closed 9:00 a.m.—Memorial Day Mass—Church 5:45 p.m.—Perpetual Adoration Devotion—Church May 25, 2015 Tuesday, May 26, 2015 5:45 p.m.—Perpetual Adoration Devotion—Church 7:30 p.m.—Prayer Group—MGPC Chapel May 26, 2015 Wednesday, May 27, 2015 5:45 p.m.—Perpetual Adoration Devotion—Church 6:00 p.m.—Cub Scouts—MSB 213-218 6:00 p.m.—Holy Hour—Church Wednesday, May 27, 2015 6:30 p.m.—St. Ann’s Society Fundraiser—K of C 8:00 a.m.— Katica & Toma Fistonich by Antica Fistonich & 7:00 p.m.—Hispanic Group Practice—MSB 111 Family † 5:15 p.m.— Libera Guglielmo by Josephine, Emma & Family † Thursday, May 28, 2015 5:45 p.m.—Perpetual Adoration Devotion—Church Thursday, May 28, 2015 7:00 p.m.—Bible Study—MGPC Chapel 8:00 a.m.— Jack Donato by wife, Nancy † 7:00 p.m.—Fiesta Queen Meeting—MSB 210 5:15 p.m.— Theresa Gay by Andrea & Richard Berkson & Family † Friday, May 29, 2015 11:00 a.m.—MSHS Baccalaureate Mass—Church Friday, May 29, 2015 3:00 p.m.—Club Trappeto General Meeting—K of C 8:00 a.m.— Mihovil & Stosija Longin by Franceska Longin † 5:45 p.m.—Perpetual Adoration Devotion—Church 5:15 p.m.— Ante Duzich by Olga Stame & Family † 6:45 p.m.—MSHS Graduation Ceremony—Church 7:00 p.m.—Croatian Rosary—MGPC Chapel 8:00 a.m.— 5:15 p.m.— Saturday, 8:00 a.m.— 5:15 p.m.— Sunday, 7:30 a.m.— 9:00 a.m.— 10:30 a.m.— 12:00 p.m.— 1:30 p.m.— 5:00 p.m.— 6:30 p.m.— Vlado & Anka Pavlakovic by Nikola & Cvjetka † John & Frank Mattera by Family † May 30, 2015 Saturday, May 30, 2015 9:00 a.m.—Families of Nazareth—MGPC Chapel 3:30 p.m.—Bereavement Support Group—MGPC Round Room 7:00 p.m.—Maritime Ministry Concert—Church May 31, 2015 7:00 p.m.—Spanish Prayer Group—MSB 111, 215 Eduardo Lopez by Chadwick Family † Sunday, May 31, 2015 For All Parishioners of Mary Star No events on this day. Joaquin & Victoria Qrqiuan by Teresita O. Lim † Thomas & Maria Yelovich by daughter, Antonette For a detailed map of our campus go to our website & son-in-law, Milutin † and click on “About Our Church” All Parish Tina & Frano Mihoc by Veronika, Franka, & Zdenko & Family events must be approved by Maria C. Palacios, the Parish Felix Srecko Duhovic by wife & children † Secretary, before they appear in the bulletin. To add or change an All Deceased Members of I.C.F. Branch 115 by event please call Maria at (310) 833-3541 ext 201 or email her at Italian Catholic Federation Leo Crochetiere by Fe De Ono † George Pesce by daughter, Rosa Tuberosi & Family † †=deceased 8 AUD…...Auditorium REC…….Rectory K of C….(Old Weight Room) MGPC….Msgr. Gallagher Parish Center MSB……Msgr. Scott Building (old H.S.) YM……..Youth Ministry Room (old Library) May 24, 2015 Parish Office: (310) 833-3541 Fax: (310) 833-9254 Business Administrator: Josephine Frka Ext: 205 Parish Secretary: Maria C. Palacios Ext. 201 Bulletin Editor: Vanessa A. Romo Ext: 203 Bulletin Deadline: Saturday by 3 pm to Adult Initiation Sister Mary (310) 833-3541 Email: Christian Care Richard and Pat Hildebrandt (310) 548-1645 853 W. 7th St., San Pedro Maritime Ministry Fr. Freddie Chua Ext. 208 Mary Star of the Sea Elementary 717 S. Cabrillo Ave. San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 831-0875 Website: Principal: Noreen Maricich Youth Ministry & Confirmation George Vasquez Ext: 220 Email: Bereavement Support Group Paula Mazzarino 310-547-2103 Bible Study (evenings) Deacon Garcia 310-831-9839 Bible Study (mornings) Holly Oldenburg 310-547-3507 Gene Terrazas 310-548-0255 Croatian Catholic Family Guild Mario Juravich 310-547-3870 Croatian Choir Jospi Mardesic 310-548-0450 Daughters of Isabella Tina Giles 310-519-7786 Divine Mercy Group Madelyn Walker Virginia Pagan 310-872-8129 Environment Lu Barbieri 310-833-3541 Families of Nazareth Holly Oldenburg 310-547-3507 May 24, 2015 Mary Star of the Sea High School 2500 N. Taper Ave San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 547-1138 Website: Principal: Rita Dever Mary Star of the Sea High School Development Office (310) 833-3861 Email: Email: Music Ministry Jelil Romano Ext: 224 Religious Education Sr. Mary Glynn , Carmen Garske Ext: 222 Email: Sacristan & Altar Servers Nick Vilicich Ext: 225 St. Vincent de Paul Celia Bremer Ext: 223 Vocation Discernment Website: Fr. Manuel L. Bravo (310) 833-3541 Email: Fiesta Committee Neal DiBernardo 310-833-3541 ext. 203 Filipino Community Danny Vinluan Eslava 424-210-4450 Guadalupanos Maricela Delgado 424-263-1358 Grupo de Oracion Amadeo Escobar 323-841-4497 Hispanic Group Jorge Malca 424-224-0071 Hospitality/Mary & Martha Josephine Frka 310-833-3541 Homebound Eucharistic Ministries Sister Ena Maguire, SJC 310-834-5431 Italian Catholic Federation Branch #115 Neal DiLeva 310-833-9444 Jr. Altar Society Michelle Downes Vanessa Romo 310-833-3541 Knights of Columbus Nick Vilicich 310-833-4537 Lectors—Ministry of the Word Bob Costales 310-570-5743 Perpetual Adoration Barbara West 310-548-1693 Prayer Group Edna Gonzalez 310-548-5053 Respect Life Katie Clark 310-514-1493 St. Anne Altar Society Delight Hernandez 310-831-6214 St. Joseph Table Josephine Accetta 310-519-0289 San Pietro Society Grace Ciolino 310-548-8447 Club Trappetto Sal Cracchiolo 310-548-1228 Velike Gospe Society Dorothy Bonacich 310-521-8606 Virtus Nick Vilicich 310-833-3541 ext. 225 9