Remember your parish in your will.
Remember your parish in your will.
111 ERHARDT DRIVE PITTSBURGH, PA 15235 WEBSITE: EMAIL: PHONE: 412-242-3374 FAX: 412-242-1488 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Monday, Thursday, Friday: 10:00 a.m. (no Mass on Tues, Wed, or Sat) Holy Days (Vigil): 6:00 p.m. Holy Day: 10:00 a.m. RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:30–4:15 p.m. SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 23 & 24, 2015 PASTORAL STAFF Priest Director, Rev. Albert Zapf Parish Life Collaborator, Sr. Dorothy M. Pawlus, Csfn, ext. 30 Sacramental Minister, Rev. Philip Przybyla Pastoral Minister, Sr. Loretta Topper, SC, ext. 14 PARISH PERSONNEL Office Manager/Bookkeeper, Melissa Busbey, ext. 10 Maintenance, Gary Caskey, ext. 26 Weekend Secretary, Ginny Beck, ext. 12 Safe Environment Coordinator, Donna Lamanna, ext. 12 RELIGIOUS ED. PERSONNEL • 412-242-7207 Colleen Ford CRE and Youth Group SCHOOL DIRECTORY Office: 412-242-2511 • Fax: 412-242-8317 Website: Email: Principal, Ms. Harmony Shaw, ext. 3 MISSION STATEMENT Saint Bartholomew Catholic Parish of Penn Hills, in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, is a visible family of faith welcoming all who desire to deepen their relationship with God and one another in keeping with the Father's plan. We, as the body of Christ, joined in Baptism and inspired by the grace of the Holy Spirit, strive to serve the spiritual, physical and social needs of the community within and beyond the parish. Extended Day, ext. 5 Cafeteria, 412-731-1386 Child Abuse Hotline ......................................800-932-0313 Diocese Victim Hotline-Rita Flaherty ..........888-808-1235 Prayer Line ....................................................412-242-3374 Remember your parish in your will. PENTECOST SUNDAY REFLECTION "'Rivers of living water will flow from within him who believes in me.' He said this in reference to the Spirit." Rivers of living water. What does this image make us think of? Something active. Something dynamic and changing, yet constant and dependable. A river with living water is not stagnant; it is not silent, but rather it speaks. This river is not mucky or full of algae. This river is clear, beautiful, refreshing, and life -giving. It draws people to its banks by providing the kind of water that sustains life and the kind of scenery that is a joy to behold. Those who believe in Jesus will be like this river. Through the Spirit of Christ, which first came upon Christian believers at Pentecost and which came upon us at our baptism, we become a source of "living water." Instead of being motionless, dull, murky, unproductive people, we are strengthened by God's power to be dynamic, refreshing, and lifegiving. This isn't automatic, however. We must cooperate with the Spirit that has been given to us. Those of us who have received confirmation have been sacramentally gifted with the fullness of the Spirit, but that doesn't mean that the living water is flowing at full speed. As St. Paul wrote in his second letter to Timothy, we need to "stir into flame the gift of God" (1:6). The flame may be there, but if we don't fan it through prayer, virtuous living, spiritual formation, and frequent reception of the sacraments, then it will never burst forth with the full power that it could have. But let us take heart! Even this process of "fanning" is made easier when we call upon the Holy Spirit to help us. For St. Paul reminds us today that "the Spirit too comes to the aid of our weakness." PAGE 2 Sister Dorothy Remembering Fallen Soldiers So often on this day of memory of those who have given that "last full measure of devotion" to their country as Abraham Lincoln said, I also think of a poem by Walt Whitman. In his poem "Dirge for Two Veterans," he pays tribute to a duet of fallen soldiers, son and father. Today we remember with love all our veterans. Dirge for Two Veterans (1867) Walt Whitman The last sunbeam Lightly falls from the finished Sabbath, On the pavement here, and there beyond it is looking, Down a new-made double grave. Lo, the moon ascending, Up from the east the silvery round moon, Beautiful over the house-tops, ghastly, phantom moon, Immense and silent moon. I see a sad procession, And I hear the sound of coming full-keyed bugles, All the channels of the city streets they're flooding, As with voices and with tears. I hear the great drums pounding, And the small drums steady whirring; And every blow of the great convulsive drums, Strikes me through and through. For the son is brought with the father, (In the foremost ranks of the fierce assault they fell; Two veterans, son and father dropped together, And the double grave awaits them.) Now nearer blow the bugles, And the drums strike more convulsive; And the daylight o'er the pavement quite has faded, And the strong dead-march enwraps me. In the eastern sky up-buoying, The sorrowful vast phantom moves illumined; ('Tis some mother's large, transparent face, In heaven brighter growing.) O strong dead-march, you please me! O moon immense, with your silvery face you soothe me! O my soldiers twain! O my veterans, passing to burial! What I have I also give you. The moon gives you light, And the bugles and the drums give you music; And my heart, O my soldiers, my veterans, My heart gives you love. ST. BARTHOLOMEW PARISH 4:30 PM Mass—May 30, 2015 Altar Servers: J. & E. Nichols, J. Suvak Lector: K. Brinzer E. M.: T. Cardinal, M. K. Fiore, C. Cerniga, R. M. Curran, B. Nichols, P. Nigro, Sr. Dorothy 8 AM Mass—May 31, 2015 Altar Servers: C. & B. White, B. Kusk Lector: S. Kusk E.M.: L. Plunkett, J. Roth, S. Bucci, B. Ford, L. McGuire, K. Regan, J. Talotta 10:30 AM Mass—May 31, 2015 Altar Servers: J. & H. Socash, J. Fitzpatrick Lector: D. Lamanna E.M.: T. Stanton, J. Depner, B. & T. Fitzpatrick, L. Irr, T. Merola, D. Parrendo Readings for the Week of May 24, 2015 Sunday: Acts 2:1-11/Gal 5:16-25 or 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15 or Jn 20:19-23 Monday: Sir 17:20-24/Mk 10:17-27 Tuesday: Sir 35:1-12/Mk 10:28-31 Wednesday: Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17/Mk 10:32-45 Thursday: Sir 42:15-25/Mk 10:46-52 Friday: Sir 44:1, 9-13/Mk 11:11-26 Saturday: Sir 51:12cd-20/Mk 11:27-33 MARRIAGE MOMENTS “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, selfcontrol.” (Galatians 5:22-23) Which of these is your beloved’s strongest quality? Sure, he/she may have many, but pick one and share it. OFFERTORY COLLECTION Week of 5-17-15 — $6,390.00 Ascension—$1,218.00 Budgeted Collection Amount $8,100.00 PAGE 3 Monday, May 25, 2015 Weekday—Memorial Day 9 AM—St. Gerard Majella 9 AM—St. Joseph Tuesday, May 26, 2015 Saint Philip Neri 8:00 AM St. Irenaeus 9:00 AM St. Joseph Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Saint Augustine 8:00 AM St. Irenaeus 9:00 AM St. Gerard, St. Susanna Thursday, May 28, 2015 Weekday 10:00 AM Helen Damp (Ralph & Mary Lou Botta) Friday, May 29, 2015 Weekday 10:00 AM James A. Testa (Testa Family) Saturday, May 30, 2015 Vigil, The Most Holy Trinity 3:30 PM Confessions 4:30 PM William Drusky (Family) Sunday, May 31, 2015 The Most Holy Trinty 8:00 AM Dorothy Gionta (Al & Til DiTommaso) 10:30 AM People of the Parish SANCTUARY CANDLE The Sanctuary Candle is lit this week in memory of James A. Testa from the Testa Family ST. BARTHOLOMEW PARISH SCHOOL NEWS Congratulations to Alaina Peeler! Alaina, a 6th grader, represented St. Bartholomew last week in the Diocesan Spelling Bee. She competed in 21 rounds and placed 4th overall. We are so proud of her! PAGE 4 PARENTING POINTERS "We are inhabitants of Egypt...Libya...Rome...Arabs, yet we hear them speaking in our own tongues." (Acts 2:8-11) As we increasingly become a global community, how much do your children know about other cultures. Pick one. Google it. Learn at least one new word in a foreign language this weekend. FAMILY PERSPECTIVE Last week the 8th graders competed in a "Crab Walk" Race. This race raised money for the school to purchase books from the Book Fair. All of the 8th graders were great sports and enjoyed being cheered on by the student body. The best part is that the school will now be able to buy $106 of brand new books for the library! The annual "Fun Day" is planned for Wednesday, May 27, 2015. Representatives from the FROGGY 98 radio station will join us for a fun-filled dance party! Keep your fingers crossed for a dry day so we can boogie outside! This is also a half day (noon) dismissal. A special thank you to our volunteer school nurses, Jan Yanko and Dolores Stairs. We appreciate all you do for our school! Today, on Pentecost, we remember Christ has given us the Holy Spirit to assist us in raising our family and he expects us to use this personal gift. Let’s turn-off the noise, apps, and distractions in our lives and let the Holy Spirit “guide us to the truth.” THE SOCIAL DIMENSION OF EVANGELIZATION “The planet belongs to all humankind and is meant for all humankind: the mere fact that some people are born in places with fewer resources or less development does not justify the fact that they are living with less dignity. Pope Francis ST. BARTHOLOMEW PARISH Page 5 INVITATIONS Villa Maria-thon 5-K Run and 2-Mile Walk The online giving program that we began last year has been very successful. It is extremely easy to sign-up and avoids the hassle of writing checks or carrying cash. Please call the rectory if you are interested in participating in this program. Reasons to sign up for Electronic Giving: √ No need to write checks or bring cash to church. √ Peace-of-mind knowing that the church is receiving your contribution even if you are unable to attend. √ More secure than checks. √ All contributions are recorded for you on your bank statement with date of settlement. √ It costs you nothing! √ The church will not incur the price of monthly envelopes. Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center will sponsor its sixth annual Villa Maria-thon 5-K Run and 2-Mile Walk on Saturday, June 6th, 2015 at 9 a.m. at Villa Maria Community Center in Villa Maria, Pa. The event includes activities for the entire family! Go to for registration and additional information. All proceeds from this event benefit the Center’s youth and children’s programs. LADIES OF CHARITY WANTED GENTLY USED PURSES St. Bartholomew's Ladies of Charity are collecting GENTLY USED PURSES to be given to POWER and women in their community outreach program. Gently used purses may be dropped off in the back of church the weekends of May 30May 31 and June 6-June 7. Thank you for your support. MAINTENANCE TIP OF THE WEEK If your faucet is spritzing all over or if you have a trickle of water, the problem may be your aerator. Remove the aerator rinse it out and reinstall. St. Bart’s Office will be closed on Monday, May 25, 2015. Penn Hills Parade Will begin in St. Bartholomew Parking lot at 11:30 AM on May 25, 2015.