Maskwa Minutes – Apr 13 2015 Present: Dan Wincey, Mary Negulic


Maskwa Minutes – Apr 13 2015 Present: Dan Wincey, Mary Negulic
Maskwa Minutes – Apr 13 2015
Present: Dan Wincey, Mary Negulic, Jon Pike, Patti Card, Dan Dugie, Bruce Piercey, Ian
Scott, Stephanie MacFarlane, Mark Peachey, Geoff Morse, Brian Toole, Mel Simons, Shauna
Wilson, Ciara Jerrett, John Moore, Kate Giles, Angela Jessop, Rick Davis.
Regrets: Anne Webster, Todd Cranston, Joanne Ward-Jerrett, Dave Waters
1. Review of previous minutes: March 9 2015. Anne Webster suggested correction.
Under swim program, comment was that she had said Maskwa charges for books
which people do not use. Anne clarified that this was not what she said, but that Dan
had proposed Maskwa include the charge for books in the charge for the swimming
lessons at the Bronze level. Anne clarified that what she said was often people had
their own books, etc and therefore, Maskwa should charge for them separately
rather than including them in the lesson fee.
Geoff motioned to accept minutes with this correction and Mel seconded motion.
Minutes passed with above correction.
2. Executive Reports:
a. Commodore's Report - Page 5: Dan summarized highlights from his
attached report.
Registration: He advised we were ahead this year for funds collected for
summer program. U11 boys and U13 boys were getting close to reach their
caps. High performance athletes were behind with registration, most likely
due to just getting back from Florida. Masters registration is live and very
few masters have registered. Questions about where we have been
advertising about registration. Rick answered we had targeted Facebook
advertisements. U 11 and U13 girls are low. It was suggested maybe have a
female elite athlete such as Hannah or Alexa or Jessops visit schools.
Action: Dan and Rick will monitor registration, and if #'s are low by end of
April, then will look at advertising such as going to schools. The will request
assistance as required.
Strategic Plan: Document from Tracey was circulated. Dan advised it was a
working document. Proposed that one regular Board meeting be dedicated
to discussing Strategic Plan. Dan requested everyone review it and give
feedback. Will discuss this in further detail next meeting.
Action: Patti to circulate strategic planning document one week prior to next
BoD mtg.
Florida: A big thank you from the Board to Jon and Genny for all their hard
work and also to the chaperones. Next year anticipate more athletes going
and therefore will likely have to have two homes. Need to start planning
Maskwa Minutes: April 13 2015
Action: Geoff to organize a 'debrief' session to obtain feedback from Florida
from this year to help plan for next year.
Open Forest Day: Dan and John Moore met with DNR for the open forest
day discussed in his report. Could be opportunity for fundraising. As
volunteers are required, Board felt targeted fundraising (i.e. for Florida) may
be easier to organize and have more volunteers. Everyone voted in favour of
supporting this event.
Action: Dan to write a letter of intent for DNR stating Maskwa is interested.
Big + little swim: This is the event for fundraising for Brigadoon. It is swim
from NB to PEI. Small change it could be held at Maskwa if rain delay. There
were other possibilities such as a little swim. Big swim would require less
volunteers but would have income for rental and canteen. Little swim would
require more volunteers and sharing boats. Board somewhat hesitant about
little swim given it will require many volunteers during busy summer
season. Board voted for letter of intent to be sent for big swim. Board voted
for letter of interest be sent for little swim with request for specific
guidelines as to what they would require from Maskwa.
Plan: Dan to discuss with Anne and Kara. Dan to write letters of interest and
AED: Received as donation. Requires training. Discussed who would
complete the training. Board felt coaches would be most appropriate as well
as some Board members. Question arose as to whether could do a train the
train session.
Plan: Dan to find out further information about training, including length of
time, what is involved, who does it, timelines and whether can train the
Open House: Board decided it would be Saturday May 9 2015. God willing
there will be no ice on the lake but highly doubtful. Discussed where to
advertise: e-mail will be sent out to members, Allstate to advertise, will
advertise on website, will put floating sign in lake.
Plan: Dan and Shawna to discuss volunteers. John Moore and Ian to discuss
gravel issues.
b. Financial Report: Page 9: Rick hit the highlights which mainly included
Maskwa is well ahead of last year. Florida $ is still finalizing budget, it is very
close to being balance but not sure of end results. Rick reported Jeff Clark is
still going payroll so a big thank you to Jeff.
c. Paddling Report: Page 12: Bruce thanked Dan for completing a ton of
paperwork for Lucie. Main paddling issue is looking for water for the
athletes to get back on the water. Bruce, Jon and Brian Toole are exploring
options. Jon and Bruce emphasized safety for cold water. Bruce also
discussed $3500 required to repair war canoes. Board voted to approved
this money. Paddling coaches from last year are expressing interest for this
year. Discussed certifications required, canoe kids course is required.
Register online for free. Course takes place at the ADCKC..
 Bruce, Jon and Brian Toole are exploring options for areas for the
athletes to paddle.
 Mark to send out cold water forms.
 Bruce and Dan Dugie to arrange for the repairs to the war canoes.
Maskwa Minutes: April 13 2015
Bruce to organize inspection of every boat owned by Maskwa to
make list of what repairs are required.
d. Swimming Report: Page 13: Anne's report is attached. Dan stated he has
received positive feedback about swim from last year, including that the
lifeguards were friendlier and more approachable.
3. Updates from Committees:
a. Program: Page 14: Dan: Still confirming Mike as Masters Coach. Re-instating
lifeguards competition. Will have analytics this year on pass/fail of lessons.
Some concern that some swimmers may be passed to improve outcome
b. Volunteer: Shawna: Committee to meet after BoD mtg to talk about
upcoming season and brainstorm ideas. Will look at social events for summer
and breakdown tasks.
c. Safety: Page 16: Mark Peachey: He has met with Jody who has the swim
lanes. Will drop off swim lanes when ice disappears.
d. Travel & Logistics: Geoff: Have not had committee meeting. For upcoming
trials in Montreal, Angela is looking at university residences. Require firmer
idea of who is going. Lake Placid regatta has possibly been cancelled and may be
held in Atlantic Canada. Nothing official. For Nationals in Ottawa at end of
August, hotel has been given us until August 4 2015 to confirm. As noted above,
Geoff to organize a Florida de-brief meeting.
e. Facilities: Mark: Mark is coordinating date for repairs of docks, gravel for
driveway. Discussed spring clean up but this is dependent upon when the snow
goes away. He will coordinate with Shawna for volunteers.
f. Social: Ciara: Tried to have committee meeting but hasn't been successful.
Would like to attend orientation day to discuss social events and importance of
coaches sending out e-mails. Wants to coordinate with coaches about
advertising with their respective group.
g. Fundraising: Stephanie and Brian: Stephanie stated the main focus at this
point is twofold- one is to get someone to help with the greenspace
ahead of summer programs. They will be meeting with a landscaper this
week to pitch him doing it pro bono for us. Two is to get Maskwa
sponsorship packages out in front of “relevant” businesses (i.e.: ones
that have ties in some way to the club either as parents of paddlers, have
locations in the area, live on the lake, etc.).
Question about BBQ's at Banook Regattas as we turned down opportunity last
year to have a BBQ. These opportunities are sent out by Tracey.
Action: Dan to follow up on this and grab a good opportunity.
-Brian stated he is waiting for confirmation about the truck from Steele Ford.
Dave Macritchie, CFO at Steele ford is the contact. He is meeting with Mr.
Macritchie on Wednesday April 22 2015. Brian stated they were definitely
committee about the vehicle but it was used during winter for snow ploughing.
Brian is also lining up potential corporate sponsorships but they need specific
events, such as buying a boat, Gord's Green Brian is having active discussions
with BMO, Armour group, Bell Aliant, RBC, IBM and Sobeys. Currently on hold
pursuing further until we can identify the specific initiatives we want them to
help us fund.
Action: Brian to discuss with Dan regarding initiatives.
Maskwa Minutes: April 13 2015
h. Communication: Ian: Getting newsletter ready. Will have a volunteer
recognition section and will try to get legacy members involved. Looking at the
contact communication system.
Action: Ian and Rick to meet to discuss constant contact system. Ian and
committee to update various webpages.
i. Human Resources: Patti advised the committee was in process of
standardizing hiring procedures. Summer hirings are also being finalized. Patti
will be rotating off the committee as chair and Sheila Thomas, an actual HR
person, will be rotating on as the new chair.
j. Governance: No report. Committee has not met.
1. BMBCL Update: John advised the draft policy for the trail is with the government.
There will be another public meeting in mid-May. Would like to get Mark's trail
going. They have applied to Community Grant's program. Forest school is making
progress. Dan is coordinating with Forest school about logistics and this is an
ongoing discussion. Hike is April 25 at 10 am with the Ecology Action Centre. DOGS
WELCOME. Ecology action centre advertising for the event.
2. Maskwa Dog Policy: Much discussion around this issue but everyone agreed the
policy is not enforced and it is not followed. The main reason why a dog policy is
needed is because people are afraid of dogs. Need a clear dog policy which is
enforceable. Tania's lease needs to be addressed as she takes her dog with her into
the Cross Fit room and the dog also roams through other areas of the club.
Action: Dan to review Tania's lease. Dan to talk to safety committee to discuss
3. Singlets: Much discussion around this hot topic. It was decided new singlets were
required for better fabric and fit. Need to determine which supplier to use. Dan
spoke to Prodigy sports and contract could be entered with Adidas. There will be no
colour changes but logo size will be increased. From ordering, there is a turnaround
time of approximately 7 weeks. Hoping to have them for nationals at the latest.
People will order their own, don't want to have an inventory. Will need to decide on
whether will have some available for sale on regattas, etc. Cost to be confirmed but
will be between $40 to $60.
Action: Ian to discuss with Chronicle Herald and respond by April 17 to advise if
they could source the singlets.
Update: Ian confirmed Herald cannot supply the team wear line. Dan, Geoff and
Bruce are now actively getting prices from First Choice, Prodigy and Nova Trophy.
Deadline for quotes is Monday, April 26 2015.
4. Maskwa Bar: Discussion around having a beer during regattas as it was identified
by a Maskwa member that this would be a good fundraiser. However, majority of
Board voted down having beer tent at Regattas but everyone was interested in
exploring other options such as Friday night pizza and beer after work when people
pick up their kids.
Action: Ciara to address with social committee.
5. Date of next meeting: May 11, 2015
Maskwa Minutes: April 13 2015
2015 Summer Registration
Summer registration is well ahead of schedule. Due to the fact that we are capping
registrants in 2015, registration payments are significantly up… Our treasurer’s report will
show that we are close to 900% above last year’s dollar figure. This change has had a
significant result in other areas as well…
 Compared to last year we are not in overdraft, which reduces our banking fees
 We are spending far less time manually managing cash, cheques, etc. for deposit
drops and ledger entries
 As the spring unfolds, registration volumes should be clear far earlier than in
previous years, which will allow for better planning in both the Paddling and Swim
Simple Analytics…
Maskwa Minutes: April 13 2015
Strategic Plan
Tracy from the ADCKC has submitted her notes and formulated them into a draft strategic
plan. It is a good starting point…and with thank Tracy for her wonderful help thus far.
Next Steps
 Determine timeline for the following…
o Everyone review the current document and provide feedback /
additional detail
o Generate better alignment of goals with pillars
o Create Maskwa’s Mission / Vision & Values
 Finalize document
Florida Camp 2015
The 2015 Florida Camp has concluded with all our coaches, athletes and chaperones
returning from what has been identified as a successful trip. On behalf of the Board, I
would to thank Jon and Lucie for running such a great Camp. As well, I would like to thank
those parents who travelled to Florida as chaperones…I heard some very positive
This year’s camp can be identified as being a transition year…as it is anticipated we will
have an even larger contingent in 2016. That being said, we will undoubtedly be too large a
contingent for our current accommodations.
What I suggest we do is we have a Florida debrief to identify….
 Our successes
 Issues/processes identified to improve upon
The session would be designed to clearly outline a blueprint we can use for 2016.
Open Forest Day
John Moore and I met with a group from the Department of Natural Resources to discuss the
possibility of holding Open Forest Day on the Maskwa property this year. There would be
up to 30 exhibitors stationed on the trail system in back of the club. The proposed date
would be Saturday, October 24th from 10AM-3PM. The expected turnout would be upwards
of 1000 people. The benefits to Maskwa can be, but are not limited to…
 Fundraiser – we are being offered to supply all food to the exhibitors and
participants. This could be significant
 2 First Aid responders are required. This could be an opportunity for our
lifeguards to pick up some extra cash.
 Facilities rental – they will be having speeches and other events with
dignitaries in and around the property. They would rent the facility for the
 Exposure – an opportunity for additional exposure for Maskwa. As well,
depending on weather we could offer some information sessions or provide
dragonboat paddle on the lake (ie. be an exhibitor)
With every opportunity there are typically some logistical challenges to work out…
 Parking – Although they would supply a shuttle service from overflow areas,
parking will be an issue.
 Volunteers – we would need people to work the canteen, BBQ?, parking, etc.
They also talked about boxed lunches…of which could cater in if necessary.
Maskwa Minutes: April 13 2015
The Big Swim…Maskwa style
I have been in contact with Heather McGrath with the Big Swim.
She wants
Maskwa/Kearney Lake to be the contingency/rain date location for the Big Swim. The rain
date would be Sunday, September 6th. Heather is contacting the city to determine what
permits or access is required/involved in holding the event start at the public beach on
Hamshaw. Maskwa’s involvement would be that swimmers would use our race course for
the event, and spectators would be on location and the Big Swim would pay a rental fee for
the use our grounds/facility for spectators. It could be an opportunity for us again to
fundraise if we are to hold a BBQ and open the canteen.
In addition to that, I have asked her if her group was interested in having another event
scheduled during the summer. She said that her group always wanted to hold a “dry-run”
for the Big Swim. This could be a great opportunity for Maskwa to create a new event that
could generate interest in the Club and provide some exposure to our Swim Program. If
coordinated in conjunction with the Big Swim, we could call it the Little Swim…and maybe
have a tiered race…one for adults that would be 12K, and then a shorter distance for
younger athletes. If the Board is interested, further contact can be made with Heather to
discuss options and next steps to make this happen.
Bookkeeper Position
Robert Johnson was hired as the new bookkeeper. Treasurer Rick Davis is providing him
the necessary training, setting expectations and defining workflow.
Seasonal Manager Position
The advertisement was placed on Kijiji and the Job Bank. Additionally, an Email was sent to
the membership. To date, 24 resumes have been received…and on Saturday the HR Cmte
began the process of identifying those to be interviewed. The intention is to have a
manager in place by May 10th or earlier.
As everyone likely remembers, the Heart & Stroke Foundation has generously donated
AED’s across Canada to not-for-profit recreation and fitness facilities.
Maskwa was
awarded an AED and a training session for the necessary staff/Board members. The AED
has arrived, and SOS Emergency Response Technologies of Toronto will be coordinating the
training with a qualified local company. So, first we need to identify the date for the
training session. Once identified, training session will be need to be identified and then
communicated to the Board and our staff.
Maskwa Open House
Annually, Maskwa’s Open House is a Saturday morning evening held in early to mid-April.
With the snow and ice still prominent on our grounds, it makes sense to delay our Open
House until later in April or early May this year. So, we need to identify…
 Date for the event
 Marketing – ad?, floating sign?
 Driveway grading
 Volunteers to work registration table, inventory sales
 Volunteers to provide tours to new members
 Mary Negulic is busy working on the buns
 Additional supplies needed?
 Communication to sponsors (Chronicle Herald, Allstate, Clayton Park
Physiotherapy, Chapman Auto)
Maskwa Minutes: April 13 2015
Refreshments – sponsorship for event?
Ops/Events Calendar – up to Board meeting on May 11
Maskwa Minutes: April 13 2015
Please find a quick year to date recap of revenue vs expenditures for YTD 11.01.14 –
03.31.15 vs same period last year. Not much explanation is needed in the results of our
focus thus far.* *Note in 2014 people had to the option to pay after registration and
revenue was not allocated to proper months (see Paypal) so this obviously skews the
revenue picture by month.
The Florida clearing account is still 1.3k credit to the paddlers. It looks like final tally of this
account will be less than $1000 either way so a hats off to the folks who put this together.
Maskwa Aquatic Club
Comparative Income Statement
Sales Revenue
Member Programs
CKC Fees Collected
Capital Campaign Donations
Boat Storage
Regatta Expenses Collected
Corporate Donations
Rental - Contract
Rental - Event
General Club Sales
CKC HP Grants
Special Event Revenue
Net Sales
Paddling Program s
Wages and Benefits - Paddling
Maintenance, Repairs, Supplies
Boat Gas
Total Paddling Program s
Maskwa Minutes: April 13 2015
Sw im m ing Program s
Wages and Benefits - Sw im
Total Sw im m ing Program s
Wages and Benefits - H&G
House and Grounds
Repairs and Maintenance
Waste Removal
Snow Removal
Club Inventory Purchases
Total Club Inventory Expenses
Total House and Grounds
Club Inventory Expenses
Employee Healthcare
Banquets and Aw ards
Interest & Bank Charges
Office Supplies
Miscellaneous Expenses
Registration System and Website
Florida Clearing Acct
Total Corporate Expenses
Special Event Expenses
Bank Balances March 31, 2015
Maskwa Minutes: April 13 2015
Line of Credit 00010
Operating 00011
Bank Balances March 31, 2014
Line of Credit 00010
Operating 00011
Maskwa Minutes: April 13 2015
Paddling Report – April 2015
Assistant Coach: Lucie Radonova: All the paperwork for Lucie is approved and we
officially have our new assistant coach.
Florida 2015: Jon was extremely pleased with the performance of our athletes both on and
off the water. From pictures and reports, the lodgings were beautiful but tight, something
we, as a club will have to look at as we continue to grow. Thank you to Jon, Genny and Lucie
for all the behind the scenes work, driving, shopping for food and meal planning. Thank you
also to the chaperones for their time and all their efforts supervising all these athletes.
Search for water: With a February and March for the shoveling ages, we are still ice bound
on Kearney Lake. Jon is currently looking for alternative places for the athletes to paddle.
Finding water is just the start. Getting boats to the site, storage for them and the safety
boats are other logistics that need to be worked out.
The ice and snow also puts our Spring Paddling into a delay mode. Instead of a May/June
eight week program, we are looking at possible alternatives (for example - 2 weeks of
dryland training and 6 weeks on water OR 6 weeks of on water work)
Boat Repair
Dan Dugie met with Scott from Dagleys Boats regarding some much needed overdue repairs
of our larger club boats. Our warcanoes, the backbone of the summer program, are in need
of such repairs. Below is a list of the repairs and the associated costs.
The two fiberglass C15’s
 Repair and replacement of footboards
 Repair and touch up nose of one
 Repair aft deck where support missing in one
 Repair thwarts as required on both
 Repair/tighten side rails as required
750.00 for each - $1500.00
Older Wooden C15
 Repair gorge in bottom
 Repair hull section that was pushed through
 Repair side rails
 Repair multiple scratches/scrapes over hull
 Repair nose section and fill top where nose is rotting
 Repair aft deck where loose
Wooden K4
 Repair broken cockpit/deck at 3rd seat
 Repair small break on second cockpit
Wooden C2
 Repair hole in rear
 Repair nose
Maskwa Minutes: April 13 2015
New C15
 Replace thwart brackets
 Repair front fairing
 Touch up repairs as needed
Subtotal - $3105.00 HST $465.75
Total - $ 3570.75
Once the ice goes, the course will need some maintenance and repairs as well.
Jon has sent emails out to our paddling coaches from last year to see who is interested in
working at Maskwa again this summer. The response has been very good with ten coaches
planning to return. We have begun the process of building our summer staff.
Georgia Trials
After a few well deserved days of vacation, Jon will be joining some of our elite Maskwa
athletes to support them at the upcoming Sprint Team Trials on May 2nd and 3rd in Georgia.
Best of luck to Mark, Andrew, Alexis, Alex and Hannah!
Respectfully Submitted by B. Piercey
Swim Program Report – April 13, 2015
Summer Swim Program:
Dan Wincey (Commodore), Cara McCallum (Head Lifeguard) and Anne Webster (Swim
Program Director) met as a sub-committee of the Program Committee on March 20, 2015 to
discuss a number of issues related to the Swim Program. The discussion concerning: 1)
coordination and communication between Swim Program and the Paddling Program: 2)
swim program registration; 3) scheduling of lifeguard services; 4) possible new initiatives
and 5) infrastructure/equipment is summarized in the Program Committee Report.
As of April 12, 2015, seven out of eight lifeguards have indicated a desire to return to work
at Maskwa this summer. Applications for employment have been received from several
additional lifeguards. Interviews will be held the weekend of April 25.
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Webster
Maskwa Minutes: April 13 2015
Program Committee Report
Feb 21, 2015
Attendance – Mark Peachey, Kate Giles, Bruce Piercey, Dan Wincey
Regrets – Anne Webster, Jon Pike
 Mike Jessiman is expected to be the Masters coach for 2015. He indicated
interested last fall...
 Bruce Piercey has indicated he will help Mike with the program where necessary for
this year.
 Program will run 3 days / week - Tuesday/Thursday evenings and Saturday
mornings. Sue will continue to work her dryland practices until the summer
program commences, and then will become an athlete. Action - Kate will follow up
with Mike on being coach.
Spring Programs
 Spring Jumpstart Program (May/June) - specifically geared to Intro to HP paddlers
who did not register for the Winter/Spring Program. Program will run similar to
that in the fall with Ryan Stacey as coach.
Action – specs on program to be
developed by Bruce and Jon. Registration to start mid-April.
 FUNdamentals - quite popular last fall...geared to U11 paddlers. Program will run
the month of June and pricing will be in line with we offered last fall. Action –
Registration to start mid-May.
Summer Program
 Capping U11 and U13 at 75 per gender, however, we will accept all registrations
from returning members...and that could potentially mean exceeding the cap.
 Goal will be to maintain a ratio of 15:1 (paddlers/coaches)
 Incorporate report cards to summer program
 Orientation session will be more comprehensive this year...could be up to a full day,
which could include explaining contracts to how to start our outboards. A clear
definition of process will be outlined, and will be provided opportunity to set
expectations. As this is an HR issue, direction on Orientation Day will need to come
from the HR Cmte with input from the Manager, Head Coach and Head Lifeguard.
 Incorporating swimming as an alternative to dryland...not just swim lessons, but
swimming as an activity. This would require coordination with lifeguards. This
would give a short breather to coaches, and maybe provide activity to lifeguard
stand. Action – Jon and Cara to coordinate paddlers to swim lessons during
dryland training, which will require greater communication between lifeguards and
Kiddie Kayak
 Program gets 20-30 kids / week
 Similar to last year, define structure for each week
 Possible coordination with Forest School for children aged 5-7. Action – Kate will
reach out to Sally at the Forest School to see what she has in mind for partnering
with Maskwa.
Adventure Day Camp
 Program itself needs very little tweeking.
Maskwa Minutes: April 13 2015
 Provider better communication to parents registering to help set expectations and
avoid disappointment (ie. time on water, actual paddling instruction, etc.)
School Program
 Growing interest over the last 2 years.
 Can accommodate up to 45 children under current structure, which includes 2
coaches and 1 lifeguard for a 3-4 hour visit. Groups would be split in 3, where 1
group of 15 goes to the beach; 1 in a dragonboat; 1 in smallboats (kayaks)
 Propose charging $10 / child in 2015, which equates to $450 / full session.
 Action - Dan to Email Bruce with template used in previous years, and Bruce is to
contact all P-6 schools before March Break.
 The Dragonboat program generated $230 in net revenue in 2014.
 Chris Haley has run the program the last 3 years... Action - Bruce will reach out to
him to determine interest in running in 2015. Update – Dan connected with Chris
and he will again manage the program.
 The Dragonboat could be another opportunity...possibility for corporate
outings/team building/conferences but a dragonboat session needs to be tied
back to the clubhouse somehow...either in the form of a conference/meeting or a
BBQ or social.
Program Committee Report
March 20, 2015
Attendance – Anne Webster, Cara McCallum, Dan Wincey
Swim Program
 Integrate closer with paddling and increase communication between the Swim and
Paddling programs. Want to coordinate all athletes registered for swim lessons
directly with coaches to ensure attendance during dryland sessions.
 If we have the School Program in June again this year, we want to make sure the
swim docks are installed and the grass is mowed. Last year, the swim docks were
not in and grass was long…was a bit embarrassing to the lifeguards and also made
us look unprepared. Action – schedule swim docks to be installed earlier and
ensure grounds are groomed before program starts.
Swim Program Registration
 This year, Bronze classes and Junior Lifeguard will be charged nominal fees.
 Until two years ago, Maskwa participated in a Junior Lifeguard meet at Risser’s
Beach at mid-summer. Maskwa was unable to participate in this meet the last two
years due to the scheduling of regattas. As the scheduling of regattas will be
changed this summer, Maskwa will revive its involvement in the swim meet.
 It was suggested to provide a link to a conversion chart of Lifesaving Society swim
lessons to Red Cross swim lessons on the Maskwa website for the swim
program Action – this link can be added
to our Swim Program webpage.
Lifeguard Schedules
 Its been identified that children being dropped off at 8AM are often interested in
potentially going into the water, however lifeguards are currently scheduled in
at 9AM. It is proposed that a lifeguard be present as early as 8:30AM to allow
Maskwa Minutes: April 13 2015
children the opportunity to swim before paddling, and also provides supervision of
children down in the beach/dock zone.
To make the weekday hour change cost neutral, it has been suggested to reduce
hours on weekends by 1 hour each weekend day. Lifeguards would reduce hours
from 12PM-5PM to 12:30PM-4:30PM
Signage for lifeguard hours will need to be updated
 Discussed the possibility of having a swim event at Maskwa. This could involve the
Triathlon group that swims the lake or possibly a sanctioned event through Swim
Nova Scotia. Update – Dan spoke with Heather McGrath from the Big Swim.
Heather would like Maskwa and Kearney Lake to be the storm date to the Big
Swim. Date would be September 6th. Dan also asked if a separate event could be
held at Maskwa…and Heather indicated she would like to see a dry-run type event
to the Big Swim (12K)...maybe called the Little Swim. This could be an opportunity
for Maskwa to develop an annual swim event at the club. Action – with Board
support, Dan will follow up with Heather again to garner interest from her group.
 Another possibility would be hold a junior lifeguard event at Maskwa. Would need
to get the support of Swim Nova Scotia. Action – Cara is to contact Swim Nova
Scotia to determine what would be involved to hold such an event and if there
would be the possibility of holding such an event on Kearney Lake.
Infrastructure / Equipment
 Cara says will need more flutterboards/noodles and Red Cross books for
this summer. Action - Cara will identify how many to purchase from
Aquam by next meeting.
 The new swim lanes were purchased from Dalhousie University. Action –
Dan will follow up with Jody to see where the lanes are and when they can
be expected at Maskwa. Update – Jody says they are still at Dal…needs to
coordinate pickup with Ian after snow melts to be able to deliver to old
 Cara asked if the back storage room in the old boathouse could be converted
into a staff room for Lifeguards and counsellors that work down
there. Action - Dan says that the old furniture from the office can be
relocated to the old boathouse once snow has melted…and a few small
appliances (coffee machine, toaster, etc) can be purchased.
Submitted by: Dan Wincey
Safety Committee:
- reviewed the running guidelines, reiterated that athletes are not to wear head phones
while running. All to run in single file along Saskatoon due to narrower than usual road
width. Discussion around larger than normal snow banks, and narrow sidewalks and being
seen by others and the motoring public. Upcoming, send out cold water paddling policy to
all who will be paddling once the lake has opened up (emphasis on all athletes under 18 are
required to wear a certified life jacket).
Submitted by: Mark Peachey