

Unique Opportunity for NAMPA members only!
Do you wish to have your publication professionally critiqued
by an experienced, nationally known, design consultant?
If yes, then make plans now to attend the 2015 NAMPA national convention!
Kevin Slimp, a nationally known publication consultant, will be the keynote speaker at our 2015 NAMPA national
convention. He has also agreed to review copies of NAMPA member publications. If you have questions about this
unique opportunity, please contact:
Gary Calligas, NAMPA Executive Director at 1-877-466-2672 or email
1. Each NAMPA member is kindly requested to mail copies of three (3) separate issues of your publication
by July 15, 2015 to the following address:
NAMPA member publication review
c /o Kevin Slimp
625 Market Street, Suite 1100
Knoxville, TN 37902-2219
2. Also, please inform Gary Calligas, Executive Director of NAMPA if you have mailed copies to Mr. Slimp and
mail Gary a copy of this completed form to: NAMPA, P. O. Box 19510, Shreveport, LA 71149-0510
3. Mr. Slimp will review all of the NAMPA publications received and present a summary of his findings as
part of his keynote presentation. In addition, he will meet with individual publishers and/or their staff
who are in attendance at the convention to give them a more in depth review of their individual
publications. (NOTE: NAMPA member publications should submit copies of their publications even if they
decide not to attend the 2015 NAMPA national convention.)
4. There is no cost to the NAMPA members for this review, but is a valued added benefit for members who
attend the 2015 NAMPA national convention. NAMPA is covering the costs of the keynote presentation as
well as a limited number of private review meetings between the NAMPA member publication staff and
Mr. Slimp during the convention. However, advance reservations are required for these private meetings,
which will be no longer than 30 minutes. Due to time limitations, publications will be able to have a
private meeting with Mr. Slimp during the NAMPA convention on a first-come, first-served basis.
5. A representative from your publication must attend the 2015 NAMPA national convention to obtain your
publication’s critique during the private meeting with Mr. Kevin Slimp.
Do you wish to reserve a private meeting with Kevin Slimp to discuss your publication? YES ____ NO____
May Mr. Slimp include in his keynote presentation comments about your publication? YES ____ NO____
Publication: _______________________________________________________________________
Publisher/Contact Person: ____________________________________________________________
Email address: ______________________________________________________________________
Cell Telephone:____________________________ Publication’s Website_________________________________