the newsletter


the newsletter
NPS News
October 2015
A proud member of:
I Can Do It Award Winners!
Important Notices
 Oct. 23 Atco theater
presentation @ 9am
 Oct. 24 Movie night
@ 7pm
 Oct. 27 No school
staff meeting day
 Oct.29 FCSS Halloween Howler @ 68pm
 Oct. 31 Hot lunch
baked spaghetti
 Halloween parade
at 1:30 class room
party after
 Assembly @ 3pm
 Nov. 10 No school
 Nov. 11 No school
Remembrance Day
Back Row:
Krista Ollenberger, Mackenzie Carey, Ricky Wiebe and
Lourence Santos
Front Row:
Page Hebert, Rebekah Warkentin, Aja Courtorielle,
Kristy Wiebe, Anthony Braim, Jaydyn Mackenzine,
missing is Brooklyn Cramm
Congratulations to all the winners!
Our Kindergarten Class
Page 2
News From ECS
The first month of ECS has been exciting and eventful. We have started learning our ABCs, we are math whiz, and enjoy music class-especially when we
sing and dance to Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed! The ECS class of
Nampa has attended a few presentations such as, choices, hand washing and
fire safety, where Miss Ketsa dressed up in the firefighting gear. The ECS students are bright, outgoing and we can expect a great deal from them in the future!
Miss Ketsa
School Council News
Congratulations! to all the new Student Council member, Mrs. Rollheiser and Mrs. Velie
will help run the meetings this year.
President: Brandon Biglow
Secretary: Krista Ollenberger
Social Rep: Mackenzie Carey
Sports Rep: Adrien Poirier
Grade 1/2 Rep Tyson Carey
Grade 3/4 Rep: Billy Wiebe
Fire Prevention
Thank you to Dave LeBlanc and Julien Bergeron the fire prevention officers for Northern Sunrise County.
What a great presentation for our students. Thank you Miss Ketsac for
dressing up as our firewoman.
Phone numbers for our two bus drivers
Route # 56 Sylvianne Pinard (780)-323-4587
cell # (780)-618-4764
Route # 51 Aimee Monette (780) 322-2510
cell # (780)-837-0991
Bus Safety
Thank You Nancy Blayone for coming to our
school and showing our students how to safety
exit and enter the bus.
Winners of the healthy
lunch draw
A reminder to all parents that the
days are getting chillier so please
sent a jacket or sweater with your
child. All text book rental is due
please make arrangements at the
school for payment.
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NPS News
Superintendent’s Message
Did you know that research shows that children experience higher
levels of success when their parents are involved in their school and
education? Parental involvement looks different for every family
and is based on many factors.
In elementary school it seems there is no shortage of ways parents
can be involved. Volunteering in the classroom, reading to your
child at home, attending school events, parent/teacher interviews, helping with field trips, being a
member of School Council, school assemblies, and helping with homework are a few examples. As
children move from elementary to junior high or middle school, the opportunities to be involved
seem to diminish, life gets busier for families and the natural order of children becoming more
independent with age plays a factor.
In reality, the types of opportunities for involvement may change but the one thing that stays
the same is the importance of communication. Being connected with your child’s school experience
is important and equally important is that your child see, feel and know through both action and
conversation that you are keeping connected. Whether that means attending parent teacher conferences, emails with staff, attending a School Council meeting or becoming a member of School
Council, reviewing school correspondence, attending events or following the school website and social media, being involved demonstrates to your child that you care.
We believe that PARENTS MATTER and that is why Peace River School Division declared a week
to celebrate the important work you do. Students told us during an online discussion that they
appreciated the contributions of their parents/guardians whether providing a healthy breakfast,
helping with homework and the overall love and support their parents/guardians provide. In response to their input PRSD has declared a week every year to celebrate PARENTS. Please join us
this year from November 17-21 for PARENTS MATTER Week. All schools in the division will be
hosting various events and activities that provide ways for students to show their appreciation to
their parents for their involvement.
Thank you for your important contributions – our doors are always open.
Paul Bennett,
PRSD Superintendent of Schools
Nampa Public School is looking for Parent Volunteers to help out with various activities in our school. If you are interested or would like more information please contact the school or fill out the attached form.
One of our goals for this school year is to increase the number of parent volunteers that come into the school on a regular basis to assist the staff and students. If you are interested, please complete the following questionnaire and return
it to the school as soon as possible.
I would like to be interested in work in the following areas (check the appropriate boxes) :
Working with students (reading, assisting, etc.)
Preparing classroom materials (photocopying, laminating, etc.)
Library work (cataloguing, sorting, etc.)
Other (please specify)
What day(s) of the week are you available?
What time(s)?
What classrooms or work areas interest you?
If you can’t come in on a regular basis, would you be able to volunteer for special occasions?
If so, please specify:
Nampa Public School is a proud member of the Peace River Division
Contact Us!
Our Vision
Our community, parents, staff, and students will
work together to achieve high academic success
for each child. With the involvement of all these parties and an “I can do it!” attitude, we will
maximize learning for all.
9712—100th Street
Box 210
Nampa, AB
T0H 2R0
Phone: 780-322-3940
Fax: 780-322-2838
It’s All About Learning!
Our Values
I will have high expectations and will create rich
learning experiences where everyone actively
pursues their full potential.
I will maintain a healthy, safe environment that
has mutual respect and honesty.
Friends of Nampa Public School
Our community is what makes Nampa Public school such a great place for kids. Without your support we
couldn’t offer many of the things we do. These local businesses and organizations go above and beyond
helping out our school and we would like to say a big THANK YOU to all of them.
Boucher Bros.
Elbow River
Nampa Foods
Nampa FCSS
Village of Nampa