Bulletin may 1, 2016 - St. Paul`s Catholic Church


Bulletin may 1, 2016 - St. Paul`s Catholic Church
St. Paul’s Catholic Church
Office: 1515 8th Street South, Nampa, ID 83651
Church: 510 W. Roosevelt, Nampa, ID 83686
Tel: 466-7031 Fax: 466-7203
May 1, 2016
6th Sunday of Easter / 6 Domingo de Pascua
Whoever loves me will keep My word,
and my Father will love him...
El que me ama, cumplirá Mi palabra
y mi Padre lo amara...
Saturday / Sábado:
Monday / Lunes:
5:00 PM English, Nampa
8:00 AM English
7:00 PM Español, Melba
Tuesday / Martes:
Sunday / Domingo:
8:00 AM English
9:30 AM English, Nampa
9:30 AM Englsih, Melba
Wednesday / Miercoles:
12:00 PM Español, Nampa
8:00 AM English, Hospital
5:00 PM English, Nampa
6:00 PM Español, Iglesia
7:00 PM Español, Nampa
Thursday / Jueves:
8:00 AM English
Friday / Viernes:
8:15 AM English, Old
Confessions / Confesiones
Wednesdays / Miercoles 5:00-6:00 PM
Saturdays / Sábados 3:30-4:30 PM
Baptisms / Bautismos
1st & 3rd Saturday of month 9:30 AM
1er y 3er Sábado del mes 10:30 AM en Español.
Marriages / Matrimonios
Contact the Parish Office at least 4 months prior to wedding.
Contactar a la oficina parroquial por lo menos 4 meses antes
de la boda.
Anointing of the Sick / Unción de los Enfermos
Any time. Contact the priests at the Parish Office
A cualquier hora. Contacte a los sacerdotes de la parroquia
Segundo sábado del mes, 10:00 AM.
Christian Initiation for None Catholics (RCIA)
Interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about your faith?
Contact Deacon Mike 466-7031
St. Paul’s / San Pablo
Envelopes & Loose Collection / Sobres y dinero efectivo
Children’s Collection……………. $512.00
Colecta de los Niños
St. Joseph’s / San Jose
Envelopes & Loose Collection…. $1,162.38
Sobres y dinero efectivo
Parochial Vicar:
Retired Priest:
Children Religious Ed.:
Youth Minister:
School Principal:
Business Manager:
Administrative Secretary:
Nampa: Kaysie Jolley
Nampa: Ricardo Salgado Garcia †
Nampa: Pro-Populo
Nampa: Della Hernandez †
Nampa: Fidelia Arteaga †
Nampa: Fr. Jairo Restrepo
Nampa: Edith Irigoyen †
May 1 9:30 am
9:30 am
12:00 pm
5:00 pm
7:00 pm
May 2 8:00 am
May 3 8:00 am
Wednesday May 4 8:00 am
6:00 pm
Thursday May 5 8:00 am
May 6 8:00 am
May 7 5:00 pm
7:30 pm
Pastoral Council, St. Paul’s:……….. Nancy Harmon
Pastoral Council, St. Joseph’s:……. Chan Cabalo
Parish Finance Council:……………. Kurt Batey
St. Paul’s School Board:…………….Rusty Bengoa
Mt. Calvary Cemetery Board:……….Ted Rush
Comite Latino:………………………...XXXXXXX
Perpetual Adoration Coordinator :… Chris Johnson
Homebound…………………………..Judy Kimbrough
Vocations Committee:……………….Judy Kimbrough
Knights of Columbus:………………..Romel Reyna
Catholic Daughters of America:…….Barbara Marrone
Jr. Catholic Daughters of America:.. Mary Ann VandeBrake
Catholic Women’s League:…………Vickie Holbrook
Saint Vincent de Paul Society:……..Jim Daniels
Father Caleb Vogel
Father Carlos Rosero
Father William Taylor
Michael Collins
Jose Luis Granados
Marisela Linan
Mari De Leon
Randy McCormick
Morrie Berriochoa
Gina Urquidi
Carol Amador
Patricia Hernandez
José Rodriguez
Email: cvogel@stpaulsnampa.org
Email: mlinan@stpaulsnampa.org
Email: mdeleon@stpaulsnampa.org
Email: rmccormick@stpaulsnampa.org
Email: mmberriochoa@stpaulsnampa.org
Email: gurquidi@stpaulsnampa.org
Email: camador@stpaulsnampa.org
Email: phernandez@stpaulsnampa.org
Idaho Catholic Bishop keynote speaker for
Mayor’s Community Prayer Breakfast set for May 5
The public is invited to join Nampa Kiwanis Club
and Mayor Bob Henry for the Mayor’s Community
Prayer Breakfast, Thursday, May 5, at 7 a.m.
Cost for the breakfast buffet is $10.
Keynote speaker is the Most Rev. Peter F. Christensen, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of
Boise. He was installed as the Gem State’s eighth
bishop of the Catholic Church in Idaho on Dec.
14, 2014. Bishop Christensen, 63, will speak on the topic of “Living
Out the Golden Rule.” He was ordained as a priest in 1985 and as a
bishop in 2007. He came to Idaho from the Cathedral of Saint
Paul in St. Paul, Minn.
The nondenominational prayer breakfast is
presented by the Nampa Kiwanis Club. Sponsors
include: Good News Community Church, Richard
& Judi Rawlings, Landco Inc.,and Skaug Law PC.
Songs of religious faith will be
performed by Nampa Christian High
School Combined Varsity Choir. A
breakfast buffet will be served. Tickets
may be ordered by calling 468-5555 by
2 p.m. Monday, May 2. For questions or
for more information contact David Palumbo
at davidepalumbo2013@hotmail.com or call
him at 440-1736.
St. Paul’s Catholic Church
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St Paul’s is beginning a Respect Life Ministry. We believe it's important to have a visible Pro-life presence in our parish and to provide parishioners with opportunities to practice this important part of
our faith. Pro-life means respecting life from conception until natural
death and our ministry will reflect all facets of what it means to be Pro
-life. Anyone who wishes to participate is welcome. You can also get
more information by emailing respectlifenampa@gmail.com.
All are invited to participate in a Cursillo. The women's Cursillo is
scheduled for May 12-15 at the Nazareth Retreat Center, Boise. The
Men's Cursillo is scheduled for June 23-26 at Our Lady of the Rosary, Boise. It's not too early to submit an application. Information
on where to submit the form is included on the application. Applications may be found in the main entrance of the Church.
The Society of St Vincent de Paul food pantry served 6007 people
during the months of January, February and March. We gave out
1432 boxes of food to needy families in our community. The food
bank relies on St Vincent de Paul's Thrift Store , St Paul's church and
other contributions to keep our shelves full. Thank you for supporting
God's work to feed the hungry. Please remember that food needs are
year round.
Many adult Catholics who are active in their faith have
nonetheless never been confirmed. During this Year of
Mercy, Bishop Peter is delegating to pastors and administrators the general faculty to confirm all adult Catholics
seeking the Sacrament of on one of two dates: Pentecost Sunday on May 15th; and the Feast of Christ the
King on Sunday, November 20th. This allows adult Catholics to be
confirmed without undergoing the lengthy process more appropriate
to catechumens or teens. If you are an adult Catholic who was never
confirmed and would like to receive that sacrament on either of those
dates, contact your pastor for instructions and join your parish community in celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation with your pastor!
Adults who may have impediments to confirmation (e.g., marriage
irregularities), should seek confirmation on the second date, Christ
the King, so that they have time to address these issues, if able to do
CWL sends a big thank you to all who supported our last rummage
sale. Thanks for your donations of items for us to sell--thanks for
shopping and buying and inviting your friends. We appreciate it so
much.. A very special thanks to all the volunteers who helped set
up.sell and put away after the sale--you are the very BEST and appreciated so much for all you do. Our next sale is June 25.
The Knights of Columbus Council 2014 is offering scholarships to the
children of registered St. Paul Parishioners who will attend Bishop
Kelly High School for the 2016-2017 school year. In order to qualify,
the applicant's mother, father or immediate family member must be a
current member of the Knights of Columbus, CDA, or the CWL. Applications are due by May 14, 2016. applications can be found in the
narthex, or you can contact Henry Atencio at hdjatencio@hotmail.com or 573-0914 to receive an application .
Here is the details on Flocknote: You can text to join by texting the
word VOGEL to 84576 – this will add you to the EVERYONE group.
You will receive a welcome note and a link to add the rest of your
information. Each organization will be able to create their own
“group” .It is easy to use; if needed there are tutorial available
at :flocknote.com/article/60-flocknote-training-videos. Your email and/
or cell phone will be kept private. When people receive an email or
text, they cannot see who else is on the distribution list.
St. Paul’s Catholic School is accepting applications for a part time
middle school teacher for the 2016-17 school year. Qualified candidates will have a teaching background in possibly one or more of the
following subjects, Spanish, social studies, language arts. Applications are available at nampacatholic.school
May is the month chosen by the Church to honor the Virgin Mary.
Consequently, St. Paul's Respect Life Ministry will be saying the Rosary a half hour before each of the weekend Masses to pray that all
life—from conception until natural death—is valued. Please join us,
and if you would like to lead a Rosary please email:
The parish is hiring a part-time receptionist for the parish office. They
are looking for a practicing Catholic who is fully bilingual, kind and
welcoming. To apply or for more information contact Morrie Berriochoa at mmberriochoa@stpaulsnampa.org or call him at the parish
office 466-7031.
Bishop Peter invites all couples celebrating their 10th, 25th, 40th,
50th or 60th wedding anniversary in 2016 to the Wedding Jubilee
Mass and Celebration. It will be held Sat., June 18 at Holy Apostles in
Meridian. Registration forms are available online at
ShowMyEvent.com. The deadline to register is Mon., May 30th.
For more info contact Jay Wonacott, Diocesan Director of Marriage
and Family Life (JWonacott@RCDB.org 208-350-7535)
Did you know that original Divine Mercy image—that was painted
under the direction of Saint Faustina—was missing for decades?
Come see the new documentary film, The Original Image of Divine
Mercy, to find out about more about it’s fascinating history. Salt &
Light Radio is sponsoring showings on May 9th at the Overland Park
Cinemas, 4pm/7pm; May 11 at the Nampa Reel, 7pm; and May
12th at Nampa Reel for a Spanish showing, 7pm. Tickets are $5. Get
your tickets at the parish office, Reilly's Bookstore in Boise, the radio
station in Boise (5601 Cassia Street), or email your parish ambassador at RespectLifeNampa@gmail.com.
During the summer ,Catholic Women's League will be hosting coffee
and donuts on the first Sunday after 9:30 a.m. Mass. Come and enjoy a donut and fellowship.
St. Paul’s Catholic Church
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St. Paul’s Catholic School
Enroll your child at St. Paul’s Catholic School.
Find out how your child can be a part of our great
educational experience.
St. Paul’s Catholic School is enrolling students for the 2016/2017 academic year.
You can now enroll on our new website:
Don’t miss providing your child with an exceptional Catholic education.
85% of our students score at or above grade level. Our class sizes average 14
students and provides extensive one-on-one support for your child.
Ask about our tuition assistance.
Vacation Bible School
A summer kids’ event called Cave Quest
will be hosted at St. Paul’s June 13th –
16th 5:30-8:30pm. Registration have
started you may continue to register at
parish office during regular hours. Registration fee is $20/child. If you register before May 6th, the early registration fee
Youth Ministry
St. Paul’s Catholic Church
Page 6
Our pews are starting to get scratched up in spots. Sometimes our
wallets, jeans and belts have a lot of metal on the outside and when
we sit, they can scratch the pews.
If you are receiving them and not using them, please contact the
Parish Office to have your subscription cancelled. If, on the other
hand, you would like to receive them and are not – again, please
contact the Parish Office 466-7031.
23rd Annual Camp. The only contact camp for Optimist age players.
For players in grades 3rd – 8th for the 2016-2017 school year
June 27th – 30th 2016. Camp includes; Football fundamentals, Helmet, Camp Shirt, Insurance and lots of FUN. For applications and
online registration; www.bkfootballcamp.com or Contact Camp Director Tim Brennan :tbrennan@bk.org or 208-949-3907
All parents and godparents are invited to participate in the pre baptismal classes on May 17 at 7:00pm in the Church.
Please let people who are not able to attend Mass know that our
Sunday and Holy Day liturgies can all be watched on our website:
www.nampacatholic.church. It’s very easy to do. Scroll down on our
homepage and click on “Watch Live”. You can also watch archived
Masses. So if you open the website on Sunday at 2:00pm you can
watch the 9:30am Mass for that day. It’s a great way to stay connected.
Mass in Oreana will be celebrated on May 28 at 10:00am. All are
May is the month chosen by the Church to honor the Virgin Mary.
Consequently, St. Paul's Respect Life Ministry will be saying the
Rosary a half hour before each of the weekend Masses to pray that
all life is valued. Please join us, and if you would like to lead a Rosary please email respectlifenampa@gmail.com.
To St. Joseph's existing altar servers and those interested in becoming a server, a training is scheduled for May 22 after the 9:30 Mass. To become an
altar server requires you have received "First Holy
Communion." If you have any questions, please contact Maria Richards or Cathy Cabalo.
St. Paul’s looking to hire a bilingual person 20 hours per week to
administrate the Sacramental Preparation Program for our middle
school and high school youth. This includes overseeing the Confirmation program, registration and sacramental paperwork, and general youth ministry administration. There are others who will run
youth group. This is primarily an administrative position and being a
liaison with parents and youth.
If you or a loved one is unable to attend Mass because of illness or incapacity to travel and would like to have a Eucharistic minister bring the
Eucharist to you at home or in the hospital or nursing facility, please
notify the parish office or call Judy Kimbrough at 249-5511. We will be
happy to make arrangements with you. Spanish speaking is available.
If you have not already offered your pledge to this year’s ICA, please do
so. We are counting on you to respond to this year’s theme,
Follow Me. It reminds us to share our gifts for the benefit of our brothers
and sisters in Christ who need your assistance. Funds provided through
the ICA help to bring Christ’s comfort and support for the many pressing
needs and priorities that cannot be addressed individually or by one
parish alone. To date, 9.4% of our parishioners have contributed
$69,160.00.If you have not made your gift
yet, it is not too late. Please use the pledge
envelope in the gathering area and drop it
into the collection basket. You may also
make a pledge online at
Strings and flute players wanted. We would like to add flute and strings
to our 5 pm Sunday mass. We are looking for players of intermediate to
advanced skill level, violin, viola, cello, flute. For more information, contact Mike Schaller, 697-8236.
St. Paul’s Catholic School will once again have a raffle for a chance to
win $500!!!! Tickets are $5 and the drawing will be held on Thursday,
May 5, 2016. Stop by the school to buy your ticket today.
Congratulations to this year's St. Paul's Educational Foundation
The Foundation received over 30 applications for scholarships this
spring. It was a daunting task to select the top recipients especially
since all of the applications were so well done. Thank you to all who
applied. Monetary awards will be mailed to each student. The following
are this year's recipients:
8th Grade entering Bishop Kelly:
Continuing Education:
Bailey Johnson
Olivia Remmerden
Robert Reeping
Gabriel Schrag
Peter Quarve
Martha Escarzaga
Continuing Bishop Kelly :
Dakotah Pavelek
Emily Corisis
Sarah Paulin
Garrett Ford
St. Paul’s Catholic Church
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Muchos católicos adultos que están activos en
su fe nunca han sido confirmados. Durante
este Año de la Misericordia, el Obispo Peter
está delegando a los párrocos y administradores la facultad general de confirmar a todos los
católicos que están buscando el Sacramento
en una de las dos fechas siguientes: el 15 de
mayo, Domingo de Pentecostés; y el 20 de
noviembre, Fiesta de Cristo Rey. Esto permitirá que los católicos
adultos sean confirmados sin tener que pasar el largo proceso
más apropiado para los catecúmenos o adolescentes. Si usted es
un adulto católico que nunca ha sido confirmado y le gustaría recibir este sacramento en cualquiera de esas dos fechas, comuníquese con su párroco para las instrucciones y únase a su comunidad parroquial en la celebración del Sacramento de Confirmación.
Los adultos que tengan algún impedimento para la confirmación
(ejemplo: irregularidades en el matrimonio,) deberán buscar la
confirmación en la segunda fecha, Cristo Rey, para que puedan
tener tiempo de solucionar estos asuntos, si son capaces de hacerlo.
Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial Los invita a vivir una experiencia
católica, privada y personal entre esposo y esposa donde se nos
enseña una nueva técnica de comunicación.. próximo fin de semana : Agosto 5, 6, y 7 del 2016 Mas información llamar a :
Francisco y Angélica Molina 208-800-9236
Alberto y Mercedes Aguirre 208-890-7983
¿Sabía usted que la imagen original de la DIVINA MISERICORDIA
– pintada bajo la dirección de Santa Faustina – estuvo extraviada
por décadas? Lo invitamos a ver el nuevo documental, La Imagen
Original de la Divina Misericordia, para aprender más de esta fascinante historia. Radio Católica Sal y Luz está patrocinando la
presentación de esta película el día lunes 09 de mayo (en inglés)
en los cines Overland Park a las 4:00pm y a las 7:00pm; el miércoles 11 de mayo (en inglés) en los cines de Nampa Reel a las
7:00pm; y el jueves 12 de mayo se presentará en español en los
cines de Nampa Reel a las 7:00pm. Los boletos cuestan $5 dólares. Usted puede comprar sus boletos en la librería Reilly’s en
Boise, en las oficinas de Sal y Luz radio ubicadas en el # 5601 de
Cassia Street en Boise, o compre sus boletos en las oficinas de la
iglesia de San Pablo.
Les invitamos a todas las mujeres de esta comunidad, a ser parte
de una maravillosa experiencia de oración por nuestros esposos,
hijos y comunidad. todos los miércoles 10 am en la oficina 1515 8th
Street South, Nampa Idaho 83651. mayor información María Villalobos 208-571-6560. El Señor tiene un nuevo Camino en tu vida y
tu Matrimonio.
Padres y padrinos que desean bautizar próximamente están invitados a participar en las clases pre bautismales el día 10 de Mayo a
las 7:00pm en la Iglesia.
Si aún no se ha comprometido a donar a la Campaña Católica del
Diezmo de este año, por favor hágalo hoy. Contamos con usted
para responder al tema de este año, Gratitud, Pasión y Esperanza.
Nos recuerda que debemos compartir nuestros dones para el beneficio de nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo que necesitan
su ayuda. Los fondos proporcionados a través de la Campaña Católica del Diezmo ayudan a llevar el consuelo y apoyo de Cristo
para las muchas necesidades y prioridades urgentes que no se
pueden abordar de forma individual o por una sola parroquia. Continuar la misión y el ministerio de Jesús con eficacia exige un esfuerzo conjunto de los católicos a lo largo de nuestra iglesia diocesana. Hasta la fecha, el 9.4% de nuestros feligreses han contribuido con $ 69,160.00. Gracias a todos los que ya se han comprometido. Si usted no ha hecho aún su contribución, no es demasiado
tarde. Por favor tome y llene un sobre de
compromiso ubicado en la entradas de la
Iglesia y colóquelo en la canasta de la colecta. Usted también puede hacer una donación en línea en www.catholicidaho.org
El obispo Peter invita a todas las parejas que celebran su 10º, 25º,
40º, 50º o 60º aniversario de boda en el 2016, a la Misa Jubilar de
Bodas y su celebración. Se realizará el sábado 18 de junio en Holy
Apostles en Meridian. Los formularios de registro están disponibles
en la oficina parroquial o puede registrarse en línea en
ShowMyEvent.com. La fecha límite para registrarse es el lunes 30
de mayo. Para obtener más información favor de contactar a Jay
Wonacott, Director Diocesano de Matrimonios y Vida Familiar
(JWonacott@RCDB.org 208-350-7535)
Mount Calvary Cemetery
Adver ser of the Week
Mount Calvary Cemetery is a Catholic Cemetery located at the corner of Powerline and
To purchase a plot at Mount Calvary Cemetery please contact: Danny Jacobson
(208) 442- 8171
Mexican Restaurant
Please support these vendors who make our
bulleƟn possible.