Music Giveaway -
Music Giveaway -
1j!IAnjeio·"i Titan Great Grand Opening Weekend Giveaways! 2525 Wycliff • Dallas, Texas Houston - Saturday, September 14 at 11p.m. Dallas - Sunday, September 15at 9 p.m. • &:e 1 j Music Giveaway \)~~ Courtesy S'Qec\'3.\~ of BMG Distributors Free Phone Cards ~\\ l' ~ee~e{\U.· Courtesy of Metrocruise .Free Online Service Courtesy Tony & Titan will perform live and sign autographs of Diamond On-Line Fridav, September 13 Preliminllries to the ClltIIlinll Model Sellrch Complimentary £ •• Valet Parking Saturday, September 14 Live in Concert Livin' Joy per{orminll "Drellmer" Complimentary Valet Parking Sunday, September 15 ClltIIlinll Model Sellrch Emceed by Chi-Chi Larue. Winner guaranteed a part in a Catalina Video. Special performances by STEVE RAMBO and SAM CROCKETT, stars of Catalina's new video "Cat Men Do". Complimentary Valet Parking. Free Catalina products! To enter Model Search, call 214-520-2525. 18 & Over Alwavs· Details 214-520-2525 Don't Mi~~thi~Ixdtina Ivent! Be Reody! Be There! ~o[Q)jf'~wm - _rru AUSTIN MIDTOWNE SPA 5815 AIRPORT BLVD. (S11) 301-9696 (NEXT TO HIGHLANO MALL) DALLAS MIDTOWNE SPA 2509 PACIFIC (114) 811-8989 HOUSTON MIDTOWNE SPA .......-- 3100 FANNIN (713) Sll-U79 ....--.-.rn __ CONTENTS VOLUME 22, NUMBER 28 SEPTEMBER 13 - 19, 1996 Every Wednesda Absolut Martini 12 GAYMEDIA 29 FRESH BEATS Winx, Robi-Rob's Clubworld by Jimmy Smith The Latest in Video, Books, TV and Film by Bruce Williams 37 CURRENT EVENTS 47 BACKSTAGE 50 ON OUR COVER Zachary "Killing Me Softly" . -, Scott in Austin Opens Season with A.R. Gurney's Nathan Sylvia Davis Photos by James Franklin 53 HISTORY Remembering 57 STARSCOPE 67 SPORTS Oak Lawn Tennis Association 68 TEXAS NEWS Houston Gay Caucus 73 SNAPSHOTS Mercury and Yet Another the Right's Lies by Phil Johnson Goes Direct This Week, Clearing Up Communications Seeking Women Players Endorses General Election Candidates Last Splash Festivities in Austin 75 TEXAS TEA Dallas Tavern Guild's Big Event Carnival This Sunday 83 CLASSIFIEDS 92 OBITUARIES 93 GUIDE TWT (This Week In Texas) is published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co.. at 3300 Reagan Street In Dallas, Texas 75219 and 811 Westheimer In Houston, Texas 77(X)6,Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWTor of Its stoff. Publication of the nome or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in lWT Is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $79 per year, $40 per half year. Bock Issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1996 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWTis specifically prohibited by federal statute. THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay & Lesbian Publication Since DALLAS OFFICE 3300 Reagan Street Dallas, Texas 75219 Dallas Fax (214) 520-8948 (214) 521-0622 Gary Laird, C. Lichtenstein, Steven Houston Angelle, Bang, Franklin, SALES DIRECTOR. Steve Victor Perea Don Baker, Robert C. Lindsey, Susan McDonald, James Robert Miles. 20,000 HOUSTON OFFICE COMPTROLLER STEVE MILES WRITERS Donnie STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS NATIONAL Circulation: 811 Westheimer. Suite 111 Houston, Texas 77006 Houston Fax (713) 527 -8948 (713) 527-9111 EDITOR RICHARD HEBERT ART DEPARTMENT Richard CONTRIBUTING 1975 • Weekly PUBLISHER ALAN GELLMAN David Bois, Phil Johnson, Parnell, Miller, Jerry Stevens, (214)521-0622 Jimmy Smith, Bruce Tio, Albert Williams Tovar • FAX 520-TWIT Advertising rates are available on request from the salesperson In your nearest city. Austin - Bruce Williams (512) 473-7180 • Dallas / Fort Worth - Steve Miles (214) 521-0622 / Galveston - Steve Nally (713) 527-9111 • San Antonio / Corpus Christi - Jimmy Smith (210) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • Dallas Chase Gutierrez. Houston David TWT © 1996 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company SHANE RUFF, PRESIDENT / CEO / DIRECTOR ROY KLAUS / CO-DIRECTOR Parnell/Brian Keever 754-5837 Believe it or not out President matters! This year there will be no excuses, so... * Do the right Exercise your right to vote ... DONNA DAY • WHITNEY PAIGE • CELESTE MARTINEZ CHINA BLUE • MAYA DOUGLAS • VALERIE LOHR and VICTORIA WEST welcome ••• or be left behind. 1430 N. MAIN. SAN ANTONIO· (210) 225-7330· 210-227-2468 OR 22-SAINT! DEVA SANCHEZ September 14 & 15 Miss Gay Texas USofA ERICA ANDREWS September 21 & 22 September 19, Mr. Gay USA! FEATURING, D'ANDRE, MR. GAY USA 1996. 3911 Cedar Springs, Dallas, Texas 214.380.3808 hat's' (!J~U f Interes O~Gays all esbians he best magazine we've seen out on the newsstands lately is the Sept. 17 issue of The Advocate, the biweekly's Fall Preview Issue on what's hot and gay in entertainment for the remainder of 1996. The best quote we've heard lately comes from that same issue, as Valerie Bertinelli discusses her role as a lesbian mother in Two Mothers for Zachary, a made-for-TV film to be shown on ABC on Sunday, Sept. 22. (A timely program, that, what with all the recent anti-lesbian and -gay court decisions in child custody battles.) Bertinelli's quote, which opens the article: "We're all human beings, and we're all supposedly equal. ... So why can't we all be treated the same? I really don't get this country anymore. I don't get the hate that some people feel for someone they don't even know." You go, girl! ... Yes, we've been seeing a lot of things in the media and the arts recently that make us think, that set the stage for dialogue and reflection on correcting inequities and wrongs. That's great; that's what films, books, theatre, etc. should do. Then it's up to us to listen, learn and take it from there .... The smash Broadway musical Rent is now out as a two-hour, two-disc sound- T BY BRUCE WILLIAMS track. A ten-song sampler from the Tony Award-winning tale of struggling young artists (many of them with AIDS) in Manhattan was distributed in late August to National Public Radio and adult-alternative stations nationally. Whether any of the tunes from Jonathan Larson's play will become another "Memories" remains to be seen .... New York columnist Liz Smith said a straight female movie director friend told her, "Hollywood's new not-so-dirty secret is that women with women is now all the rage. If Mel Gibson or Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt up and announced they were gay, it would possibly ruin them as romantic box-office idols .... lf Sharon Stone or Sandra Bullock or Jodie Foster were to say they were gay, their careers would not be affected. I think they might even find themselves more popular." Hmmm .... Hollywood columnist Janet Charlton reported that Bullock and Matthew Mc- Conaughey were spotted dining at Pappadeaux's Cajun restaurant in Stafford outside Houston, and McConaughey played footsie with Sandra's bare leg under the table. "When Sandra got up to go to the ladies' room," Charlton said, "girls didn't TWT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1996 mob Matthew - they stampeded after her!" Double hmmm .... Back in the world of made-for-TV films, former Saved by the Bell teen heartthrob Mario Lopez has won the role of Olympic diving champion Greg Louganis in Breaking the Surface: The Greg Louganis Story. The USA Network began filming Aug. 15, and the film is expected to air early next year .... On stage, HealthWorks Theatre in Chicago is gaining a lot of positive attention for developing and producing plays about AIDS and other health issues. Its repertoire currently includes The Wizard of AIDS, a musical parody of L. Frank Baum's classic that emphasizes prevention of HIV/AIDS, and Break It Down, a play written for urban high school audiences. More information on HealthWorks is available from (312)929-4260. Closer to Texas, the cast of Miss Saigon (now playing through Oct. 19 at Dallas' Fair Park Music Hall) will do a variety show Sept. 30 at the Majestic benefiting the AIDS Resource Center's Education AIDS program and the Dallas Summer Musicals Guild. For more info, call (214)521-5124 or (214)373-2380 .... The New York Times had a nice article recently about Network 0: Out Across America, a news program that focuses on gay Americans and is just beginning its second season on nine public television stations scattered across the country none of them in Texas, alas .... CBS is starting a new cable channel on March 31, 1997, called "Eye on People." The network says it'll use all its resources for programming about "the entire range of individual human experience, people caught up in the events that have shaped our lives." Wonder if there'll be any show like Network 0 included on CBS's "entire range" channel? .. Yes, friends, we do sometimes get irked at inconsistencies and stupidities. What purpose did it serve for sportswriter Skip Bayless to spend several pages of his Dallas Cowboys book Hell-Bent rumormongering about quarterback Troy Aikman's sexual orientation? Why do Howard Stern and Dennis Rodman feel compelled to dress in drag to hype the sales of their books? A study reported in the August edition of The Journal of Abnormal Psychology concludes that heterosexual men who say they hate gays are likely to have homosexual leanings themselves. PAGE 14 High praise has greeted the publication of Noel Coward, Philip Hoare's entertaining and revealing look at the life and times of the man who for several generations was the personification of wit, glamour and elegance. Hoare received cooperation from the Coward Estate and interviewed dozens of the legendary playwright's contemporaries in researching this book, which is also billed as the first to deal openly with Coward's homosexuality .... Lambda Award winner Katherine V. Forrest returns with a new installment in her popular Kate Delafield mysteries. Liberty Square sends the lesbian homicide detective and ex-Marine to WaShington DC, where murder and a 25th reunion of those she served with in Vietnam force Delafield to confront her past and seek out the truth .... Our nominee for book of the month may be Dichotomy, a folio of male nudes by noted Hollywood photographer Blake Little. Contradictions in each image make us TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 question perceptions of sexuality and machismo. This one, out in November, is published by State of Man, a division of Colt Studio, which also produces desk calendars, greeting cards and wall calendars. Call (800)445-2658 for more info .... George magazine lists lesbian California Assemblywoman Sheila Kuehl - who starred in the old TV show The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis - as one of "The 20 Saturday, September 14 • 10pm MISS GOLDEN GIRLS PAGEANT Open to Female Impersonators 40 Years of Age or Older Bpm Deadline on the Patio Applications available at the club. Friday, September 27 • llpm Imperial Court de Fort Worth/Arlington SUPER SHOW Hosted by Hillary Hunter MONDAYS' Dart Tournament 8:30pm • Cash Prizes TUESDAYS • Karaoke 10:30pm WEDNESDAYS Over The "Edge" with Bob THURSDAYS Stella's Star Search with emcee Stella Welfelt • Tlpm FRIDAYS Caress & Friends with emcee Caress Riata • Llpm SATURDAYS Welfelt Productions Super Show with emcees Stella Welfelt and Caress Riata • Tlpm SUNDAY Dance Night with Mickey Open 7 Days A Week Monday-Friday 4pm-2am Saturday & Sunday 2pm-2am 1851 W. DIVISION ARLINGTON, TEXAS (817)275-9651 PAGE 16 Most Fascinating Women in Politics" in the monthly's September issue. The 55-yearold Kuehl is her state's first openly gay legislator, and she's won the respect and admiration of many of her political peers. Kuehl admits to having thoughts about running for state senator in 2000; the profile on her makes a nice read .... We'll close where we began. Again, a quote. Again, we're left shaking our head in frustration, as folk-punk musical sensation Ani DiFranco tells the September issue of Details (concerning her bisexuality): "If I'm out with a girl, the gay community will throw me a parade. If I'm with a boy, I feel like they want to take me into an alley and beat me up." ~ ••. LEATHER! ~ "~ . " i~~1P~. ~mm g'COMPAN.Y ~ ~ ~ 3014 Throckmorton Dallas, Texas 214.380.3808 Th. Offici. I R. GAY USA 1996 Con'•• , Tony DiAngelo Mr Gay USA 1991 and Todd Wentz, Mr Gay USA 1990 i~"\r:;.;;:~~f.,.Ot ~~.:;~~: .t:f. ,::f•• ~IF1'f.I"Pllf";}1;1t:~t. t. This 0unday, Rascals is proud to present A Celebrity Impressionist Extravaganza This star-studded spectacular ParLon (9 Patsy Cine Jessice Blair .. 6Lal'riIl8, "Iso 6LarrillS Paivi Lee Love, buba Join us [or an C\'elliI13 oleter trenslorm leatures themselves Qascals own fJil'ccL [rom Carnival JILlJOQD~1Ni as Dolly La Ca8e, La 'IliaudliR JaJd..-wau (9 Mdkdcy. (9 Jd JoIluIl\lW'mJ Gazin8 when these talented into A(lI"~ ~uch::Js Tina Thrner. Neil Diamond. performers barbra 6Lreisand. Belle Midler. Nancy &inatra. Cher (?J Ace Ventura. WaLch as Lhe sLars come ouLi 6how be8ins el 9:00 pm 6unday. 6epLember •I;.~ <t· ••• ,.'.,•••• .. ". • • • • .!J;t. U 15Lh. Preliminary Nights Thursday & Friday Sept. and your 19 & 20 Emcee SHADY LADY tnAt.slunday, e. pi .,,&& ~VI"ol~AA;se~"{Q sel"ol~ YQ\..t\I"oI~t\M;ss lJ,.t\y "{e,Xt\s ~Q~\..~ "', "{Q "{~e M;ss lJ,.t\y ~~\..~ Vt\lJ,.et\N"{ ;N C\<!t\R.,US"{QI"oI, ~es"{ ViR..lJ,.;N;t\,QC"{Q~ER., 2-6, 1996. 11Io SVN~I\YI SEV'EM~ER-. 1'7 • ~QQR-.S 7V, ~~ YQ\.AN~A t\\..SQ t\VVEt\R..r~1J,. MiSS ~cl!'S 1991 ~A""~E~NE ".,YQ~~ ,- ~QQ QVR.t\~ ~EMAAAQ ~n..\..,,~,~,:~~ t\\..\.. Mt\\..i 1U~ ..• ~I • t\ ~t\~ 1\ ~.QQ ~QNt\'1'i'QN 1\'T 'T~~t>QQ~ A\..So AVVEAI~.;·N~ / s,M V\" Y (;),Vr'NE/ \..A"~II / \..A -rEM:.i / ~E\.. / R.E6r-NA (;)ANi / / ~A -rIolER;Ni / / ~AAA ~ / ~\I~~A -rAAA Me! Norma Kristie, Inc. presents The Twenty-Fourth Annual • .---. ay age an' SEPTEMBER 25-26-27 Preliminaries Wednesday & Thursday • Finals Friday OVER $5,000 IN OVER $4,000 IN GUARANTEED CASH PRIZES ~'I~g"UULl BOOKINGS! AND AWARDS! ~."---.---"~ Starring Former Miss Gay Texas Titleholders NAKOMA SHAYE • DONNA DAY • LINDSY LOVE and CELESTE MARTINEZ What Some Dealers Think Professional Leasing Is! Experience The PROLEASEDifference! Full Service Independent Lease Consultant: We work for you to save you money. Any make, any model! No Dealer Affiliation: We pass on the fleet purchase power to you! Multiple Lenders: We find the best package for you! plus Miss Gay America 1996 KERRI NICHOLS and Miss Gay Texas 1996 LAUREN TAYLOR For more information, call (512)276-7326 or (501)666-690 Ba:rnboleo '8 5027 LEMMON AVE. • DALLAS • (214)520-112 PRO LEASE ...... yo lI..r A. .1I t.o L ease p rofes.'.s.'.I.·..o na I s.'...I r »;tJ (j) 1"1 :> ~.=~..~,,'~Z .... ;> ~. ILl -~" '""& Ul C "'"' ILl 0 . !PMtry lwJ[~ PQOL~ ~ Sj\r ~~~SQ~1"i :~1~Pl\1 c ) .J ~ ')'\(' j: d [ \// l'll r~r"\ ,,",\'1 (, ~Jll; [~( I) 11(1<. UI) ~Weekly~oeciafs~ . _4:00Pm' -.IMidnigh~ ~: ILies. 1/2 Pnce Rooms Z III -I ~ Weel. 1/2 Ptrk~eLockers ~ l!J TIll Irs, "8lJDDY ~IIGHT" ~ J Youbuy a room and buddie ge~ a locker for free! 0 @ WATER VOLLEYBALL ;tJ I.L. HOT MEN, MUSIC & FUN! :J i Try your hand OPEN 24 HRS 365 DAYS*: PAGE 25 enerally the end of summer marks the end of hi-NRG season as well. But this year, thanks to a new friend at Florida's Max Records, we'll have plenty of NRG releases to carry us through the winter. This week I received four trinkets from the girls at Max (three of them covers) and they're all pretty cute. Let's start off with yet another "Killing Me Softly" cover (this one makes six). By now yOU definitely know how the song goes, so I'll just say that, with the exception of Miss Flack's version on Atlantic, this one by BTF offers a good dose of hi-NRG for purists on its 8-side Euro Mix. And check out the House Mix on side A. See, all covers aren't thrown together. Next up is another redo of the Cranberries' smash "Zombie." I know, we've heard that song enough as well, but Ororo has given us four new mixes to play with. All of them are super fast and very Euro but give them a try. This one's a nice substitute if you're having trouble finding the ADAM. release featuring Amy. The M.K. Project gives us a phenomenal remake of dance diva Shannon's original hit "Let the Music Play." There's a very strong import buzz on this poppy house track, and it's beginning to get radio play as well. With Latin-flavored music doing so well in the dance music arena, and given the G fact that Max is located in Miami, it's to be expected that one of these releases would be in Spanish. Find a copy of "Nirvana" by Viva. This L.A.-based bombshell has already gone to #1 in Spain and done very well in other European countries. The domestic release also sports a new U.S. mix done by Trip Hot producer Stony Hill - fabu! I'd like to tell you about a label that's really cooking up some wonderful house diShes lately, King Street Sound. King Street releases are among the best dance has to offer. They're those sweet, melodic records full of soul and real vocals that leave you screaming for more. Now you can have more, as King Street's new com~EPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 BY JIMMY SMITH pilation is now available in stores. The CD is mixed by one of the gods among deejays, Tony Humphries, and truly gives you "great bang for your bucks." While we're on compilations ... Epic has put together a rather tasty E.P. entitled Dancin' Divas. There are four tracks Melanie Williams' "Not Enough"; "Rasputin (La-Di-Da)" by Kremlins featur- • • ,. +,.,..6.."'11(/ . T~· ~ /\.~ T.. "*> ...1\+.~'" /\.~/...••V.•... T••. t•••IJ.TA ••• 113AGLII3 ~ AL ••••• 1902 McCullough Avenue, San Antonio, TX 78212 (210) 733-1516 L'ET'I'lfE qooo 'l1'MPS MONDAYS --+ TUESDAYS --+ WEDNESDAYS THURSDAYS C01l'11JV7YE - - WI'I'J{ O'lJ1J{ ff';4.LL ([)tFJ'N7(SCJXECI;4.LS $1.00 longnecks/$1.75 ALL DA Y/NIGHT! $1.75 longnecks/wells ALL DA Y/NIGHT! wells --+7Sct wells/$1.75Iongnecks ALL DA Y/NIGHT! --+ $1.75 longnecks/wells ALL DA Y/NIGHT! FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS ~ $1.00 wells ALL DA Y/NIGHT! SUNDAYS --+ $1.00 longnecks ALL DA Y/NIGHT! ing Elaine Thomas; Pauline Henry's version of "Love Hangover"; and M People's "ltchycoo Park." You've gotta hand it to the Epic girls for putting out some great music, but that art department needs to get it together. How about those ugly feet on the record jacket? Anyway, someone at Epic was on their toes when they decided to put out dance mixes of Celine Dion's "It's All Coming Back to Me Now." The mixes were done by Love to Infinity and Tony Moran and are absolutely breathtaking. From the album Falling Into You. The new Tori Amos dance mixes of "In the Springtime of His Voo 000" are out this week. Talk about lovely! Versions by Vinny Vero and Steve Donato, along with fabulous production and those oh-so-beautiful keyboards, should take Tori all the way to #1 for the second time this year. Unlike "Professional Widow," "Voo 000" makes use of Amos' demure vocals to give us another in a long line of masterpieces from Atlantic. You must have a copy of the new Winx record, "You Are the One." The style is so different from past Winx efforts, and producer Josh Wink has truly outdone himself here, folks. He's gone and given us a "pretty" record for a Change. The OJ Sneak and King Britt mixes are quite the deal as well. This one's available on Sorted/Nervous Records. A few weeks ago, I told you about dance Wunderkind Robert Clivi lies' new project, Robi-Rob's Clubworld. Well, the triple pac is now available in stores. There are four mixes of "Shake That Body" plus allnew '96 mixes of "Boriqua Anthem" _ gotta love it! And .. .from time to time a down-tempo R&B record will find its way into our little space, but it must be exceptional. You've ·•••••••• • ••••.• ·•<O • .•~,@Jlr•~~n.~~5J. • roW( ~Q~~·•~fC~~llT···~ •• ..~llPJt ••.. r~9~~·~.· ••• ;••••••••• ;, F.t'''I.IIIII•••T ••i3iISl •. SlI.TI3I •• ~) _J .. ~ ~w barsthis week_ The Gay Men's Chorus of Houston can offer you many "happy hours." Come hum a few bars with us as GMCH begins rehearsing for the 1996-97 season Oil Thursday, Sept. 19, from 7 to 10 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church, 2515 Waugh. Wemeet there each Thursday night, and new members (singing and non-singing) are always welcome. No auditions or formal music training is required, and we won't ask to see Y0ll' I.D. at the door! P.S. Check out the chorus in advance! loin us for coffee and conversation at Crossroads Market on Wednesday, Sept. 18, from 7:30 La 9:30 p.m. We won It be singing that night, but the store will be playing our CD. For more info, callS21-SINC. We hope to see you there! • In Memoriam Of Our Founder, HIV+? Cecil Ray deLoach ;~ (1952-1991) cf\.eachOut and [gt The Medical Escrowtiodetl~ JIelp Jlo ~ Cash Now for your life insurance through our Advance Cash Benefits Program . ~ Our bidding process ensures the Highest Cash Settlement ~ The Medical Escrow Society ••. J lere Today, JorYour TOlllonVil'! ~ ~ A personal ~p'~p'ntative ~4 y. Hours a ~~~,_assist '1)1funding LS is available and help you policies for clients with up to 1·800·422·1314 Founding member 01bolh the Nationat Viatical Association and the Viatical Association of America • PAGE 33 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ If you are coping with financial pressures, you know best what you need: the highest amount for your Life Insurance... ~ ~ Our name says it all. We care about the individual. ~ ~ ~ '96-t97 ~ ~ SEASOII OPEIiERt ~ As an independent resource, we charge no fees while we negotiate for you the greatest possible benefits. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8:00 PN OC,.OBER 6AMD 9, 1996 NOR,.O. H. NEYERSO. SYMPHOIIY CEII,.ER ~ ~ ~ ~ F 0 ~ TI eKE T~S CALL ~ RT T I X ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (871-2787) Since 1992, we've helped hundreds of people realize the value from their life insurance, including FEGLI. SEASON SPONSORS ~ 11JAAIV m~t;ilJal1a% 1iIJlrning ~thr% A~ AmericanAirlines" TACA • CITY OF DALLAS • THE GRAND KEMPINSKI DALLAS • MAJESTIC MOTORCARS TEXAS COMMISSION ON THE ARTS • THE FIVE HUNDRED INC. Viatical Association member 0/ America PAGE 35 IJF YOU ARJI;: III AND MONJI;:Y IBIA§ JBJI;:COMJI;:A CONCJI;:RN We understand the financial dij'j'iculties that occur when living with a lite threatening illness. (VBF) secures purchasers for your life insurance policy, providing you with the funds you need today. We simplify the entire process, creating the least amount of stress on you. Our clients peace of mind and well being is our NUMBER ONE CONCERN. We are committed to securing the absolute highest possible purchase price for your policy, while maintaining the utmost in confidentiality. We are family concerned about the well being and security of all other families. ~~~.V JBI£WI£~Tf§ JF OUWDAll'[OW. IWc. Gay Owned and Operated out Youth Austin will hold volunteer training this Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 14 and 15 at its offices at 1117 Red River. Helpline training is also scheduled on three successive Tuesdays starting Sept. 17. For times and more info, call (512)7081234. The next dinner in AIDS Services of Austin's 1996-97 Red Ribbon Dinner Series is Monday, Sept. 16, at Sfuzzi, 311 W. 6th SI. Dinner starts 7 p.m., and the cost is $100, of which 75 percent goes directly to ASA. For reservations and more info, call (512)406-6175. PFLAG/Austin holds its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 17 in the downtown hall of Grace United Methodist Church, 205 E. Monroe St. For more info, call (512)302-FLAG. Please call for more information 24 HOURS Fl LAUDERDALE PHOE~IX • CLEVELAND • CAMDEN Learn more about our free Physicians Hotline, Available to all Viatical Benefit Foundation clients, Along with our 1J.i Hr. Crisis Intervention Hot Line, Staffed by certified HIV counselors. Planned Parenthood will host Peer Education Training for Women on HIV and Reproductive Health Sept. 19-21 at the Aubrey Center for Sexuality Education, 302 W. 13th St. Sessions will run from 6-9 p.rn. Thursday and Friday and 10 a.m.4 p.m. Saturday. For more info, call (512) 476-4610. The 1996 Metropolitan Community Church of Austin Women's Retreat is Friday evening, Sept. 20, through noon Sunday, Sept. 22, at Mo Ranch near Hunt, Texas. A und has been established to cover retreat xpenses. For more info, call (512)708819. DALLAS ~e Dallas chapter of the Design Indusnes Foundation Fighting AIDS [DIFFA] fOlds a Sidewalk Sale next to Crossroads arket this Saturday, Sept. 14 from 10 II PAGE 36 AUSTIN AIDS Walk '96 is still seeking volunteers and sponsorships for the big event, which will be held Oct. 27 starting and ending at Waterloo Park in Austin. Persons wanting to get involved can call (512)452-WALK; pledge brochures should now be available at all area H.E.B. stores. An Outreach Committee meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 17, at the ASA offices, 825 53Y2 St., to continue Walk planning. 1-800-871-9440 [A'HCAL . TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1 SEPTEMBER 13· SEPTEMBER 19 1996 a.m.-4 p.m., and again on Sunday, Sept. 15 from noon-s pm. The sale will feature several costumes and wardrobe items. For more info, or to shop by appointment, call the DIFFA office at (214)748-8580. The Gay & Lesbian Community Center presents "Gay and Lesbian History: Ancient Greece to Stonewall" on Wednesday, Sept. 18 from 7-9 p.m. at the GLCC, 2701 Reagan St. at Brown. For more info or to reserve space, call (214)528-9254. The Dallas Tavern Guild will hold "The Big Event," a carnival to raise money for the Sept. 29 Alan Ross Texas Freedom Parade, this Sunday, Sept. 15 from 2-6 p.m. in the Central Park Parking Lot, 3009 Throckmorton. Prime Timers D/FW, a support group for mature gay men, holds a general meeting from 3-5 p.m. this Sunday, Sept. 15 at the GLCC, 2701 Reagan at Brown. Beth EI Binah holds a Yom Kippur Rehearsal from 7:30-8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 19 at the GLCC, 2701 Reagan at Brown. Sin Fronteras, Texas' gay Latino radio Show, has changed times. It is now broadcast every Sunday from 10 p.m.-midnight on KNON FM 89.3. HOUSTON The Houston Antiques Dealers Association presents its Antiques Show & Sale Sept. 19-22 at the George R. Brown Convention Center. Antique furniture, silver, glass, porcelain, primitives, orientalia, jewelry, linens and more will be featured. Hours are 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday and noon-5 p.m. Sunday. Admission is $7; proceeds benefit the Bering Community Service Foundation. PAGE 37 The address by noted author, theologian and lecturer John Bradshaw to the recent Dignity/USA Biennial Convention will be featured at the next meeting of Cross. roads, at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 21. The preview of Bradshaw's speech is a prelude to a half-day workshop the group will have Oct. 19. For location of meeting and more info, call (713)681-9082. WE LOVEQUESIIONS. Kroger Share Cards can be obtained for The Assistance Fund, giving the cardholder the opportunity to donate a percentage of each purchase to the agency. For more info, call (713)529-4788. How to sell your life insurance if you are HIV-positive or have AIDS is the topic of the next free workshop to be presented by attorney Mitchell Katine and social worker Roseann Houseman, on Friday, Sept. 27 from 6-8 p.m. at OnCol Medical Associ ates, 4140 SW Frwy. Seating is limited; to reserve space, call (713)961-7100. Why is there so much pressure to stay friends with ex-lovers? That's the topic ofl discussion at the next meeting of Round· table, the Houston Philosophy Forum, on Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 7 p.m. at Caf Artiste, 1601 W. Main. The Houston Museum of Natural Sc ence seeks volunteers for a variety areas, interests and schedules. Training provided to all volunteers. For more inf call (713)639-4656. The Gay Men's Chorus of Houston b gins weekly rehearsals for its 1996season next Thursday, Sept. 19 from 7-1 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church, 251 Waugh. Auditions and formal musical trai ing are not required. Non-singing membe are also welcome. Potential new membe can meet the chorus in advance during get-acquainted social at Crossroads Mal ket, 1111 Westheimer, from 7:30-9:30 p. For more info, call (713)521-SING. Dr. Kristin K. Anderson, Ph.D. will t about how the physical and mental selv playa role in one's enjoyment of life at t next meeting of LiB, on Friday, Sept. 20 7 p.m. at the Innova Bldg., Greenw Plaza. Organizers say Anderson's addre will include something of interest for women. Cost to attend is $3 for membe $5 for guests. PAGE 38 TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1 Get the facts before selling your policyl Call for our FREE guide at 800-932-0050 or visit ••• ••••• TM ~ NATIONAL VIATOR REPRESENTATIVES, INC. WE ARE HERE WHEN YOU NEED US! Dedicated Resources has been converting LIFE INSURANCE INTO CASH for people living with HIV/AIDS since J 989. As an experienced. fully funded. viatical settlement company. we understand your need for respect. honesty. and professional service. For a confidential evaluation of your life insurance policy. CALL TODAY T T T T Life expectancies up to 4 years Up to 85% cash settlement Quick 48 hour turn around time Never a fee DEDICATED ~ RESOURCES A NATIONAL VIATICAL SETTLEMENT COMPANY 1.800.677.5026 PAGE 39 t i Southwest Infectious Disease Associates t .1 c. Nicholaos Board CertiFied 5 pee i a I j z i n~jn in InFectious Bellosl Disease ..+ Int"+,,aIMe'i:licine In Fectio u s D i s e es e s , Trop i c~l + Anonymous Dru'g~.tH4ies M.D. Me~ic i ne + Hly III nesses Our home HIV test will save you a trip to the doctor. It could also save your life. HIV T~stin9/2~~rid(;n~ 2 1 4. 8 9 0 • 7 94 3 Phone Insurance Filed 8226 Answered·2·4 + Most Douglas Hours Insura ..nce Avenue, Suite + House Accep,ted 311 Calls + Visa, + Dallas, Available Mastercard, Texas Amex 75225 STATSCRIPT pt-l.A..~~.A..C::;"t"" tfo«P' P~e.fe~{btl(J1( I(J~ p(J~/tiu-e[11I'1ir! Larry Harrison, R. Ph. 4101 Greenbriar, Suite 235 Houston, TX 77098 (713) 521-1700· Fax (713) 521-5855 Douglas L. Dowling, R. Ph. 3818 Cedar Springs, Suite 106 Dallas, TX 75219 (214) 522-4006· Fax (214) 522-4110 Anna Galvin, R. Ph. 8226 Douglas Avenue, Suite 331 Dallas, TX 75225 (214) 373-3494· Fax (214) 373-3495 Introducing the new Home Access Express" HIV-l test system. h's fast, confidential and greater than 99.9% accurate. associated with test results, and results cannot linked to purchase. The day has finally come when you can get tested for HlV in the comfort of your own home. Presenting the Home Access Express HIV-I test system. It's totally anonymous, extremely easyand every bit as reliable as the tests used by doctors and hospitals. The Home Access Express HIV-I test system is also surprisingly affordable. For just $49.95 (plus $5.00 shipping and handling), you receive everything you need, mailed in a plain brown container to ensure confidentiality. Here's how it works: You collect your own blood spot specimen (done by a simple finger stick). Then you send the sample to our lab using the express shipping envelope we provide. Your results are available within three days (excluding Sundays and holidays) and are by phone 24 hours a day, seven that time, you'll have the option counseling sessions, regardless results. easily retrieved days a week. At of personal of your test What's more, YOll have our guarantee of absolute anonymity. No names are ever be No matter why you've hesitated getting tested (or retested) for HIV, it's time you learned about the home testing system that's clinically proven-and safe to use. 2 ways to buy: .fL\I. HOME 1-800-HIV- TEST Call today. Or send your check or money orcler to: Home Access, P.O. Box 419276, Kansas City, MO, 64141-6276. (Be sure to include a return address where you'd like the kit shipped.) ACCESS HEALTH Home Access Health Corporation, HotTman Estates, IL 60195-5200 ::::::::::========------------------------------1~~S~EFP~~~MMB~ERR~133-~~~P~~M~BE8R~lK9~1~Nfl~P~MBER13-~P~MBER191W6 ~ ::=::::~~~~~~~~------------------------------------------PPA~GGEE4411 M ain Street Theater in Houston opens the new season at its Chelsea Market space, 4617 Montrose, with the first Southwestern run of Arcadia, Tom Stoppard's comedy about truth and time and the disruptive influence of sex. In 1809, 13-yearold Lady Thomasina Coverly banters with her tutor, Septimus, while in the present, Bernard Nightingale is trying to uncover a scandal said to have taken place when the poet Byron stayed at the house. Arcadia plays through Oct. 20, with performances on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays at 8 and Sundays at 4 (no show this evening, Sept. 13). Tickets are $10 and $15; for reservations, call (713) 524-6706. The first production of the newly formed Theatre of Instant Gratification in Houston is The Point, an original work by Travis Ammons (who also directs) described as a taut and compelling drama that recreates Jason Photo Set N-8 Jays Photos & Model Agency "Photography of the Cutest Boys in tile World" Name _ Address _ City/Zip, _ Sign here to verify your at least 21 years of age Signature, _ Jason Photo Set N-8 ($25), _ Contalins Five 416 High QUlliltyColor Prints of JlllOn. The Best of Jason(SIOO),,--c:--,--,,--,-- __ .Contllin!J Forty Color Print!' of Our POlluhlr Model Jason. Jays Nude Flyer(SIO) eonuinl Availll.blePrinll _ of Our MOjt Popular 18-20 Models! Make CheckIMoney Order To: Jay. Model Agency P.O. BOl 75716 Oklahoma City,OK 73147 [-Mlllil Ull at Visit Our Web Page's on the Internet! httpllwww.icon.netl-jaysmag/index.html All Nude Models at LUlt 18 Ye.n Diego Villarreal evening (Sept. Houston. of Age or Older. Proof on File. at SIMON ATTO RN KNESEK 1 EYS L.L.P. AT LAW Areas of Concentration • • • • • YVONNE KNESEK* & RUSSELL SIMON 'Board CertiJied· Consumer BankruplCy Law,Texaliloard ofLegal SpecialiL1tion Ywme R. Knesek· Board CertiAed. Consumer Bankruptcy law - Texas Board 01 Legal Specia~latlon. Russel PAGE 46 C, Simon· Bankruptcy Personal Injury Business Litigation Wills & Probate Employment Discrimina tion 2323South Shepherd • Ste. 1012 • Houston 77019 Telephone: (713)524-6000 Not Certified By the Te.QI Board of legal Specialization In any other areas of pecuce. Not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 Garcia stars in The Point, which opens this in 13.) at the Theatre 01 Instant Gratilication - through the eyes of a drug addict living in a modern and violent America - the last days of the friendship between Jesus and Judas. Heroin addiction and the Second Coming are just two of the topics dealt with in this one. Shows start this evening (Sept. 13) and run Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. through Oct. 19; for tickets ($12; $10 for seniors and students) or more info, call (713)869-5295. The Theatre of Instant Gratification is located at the 711 William Street Art Gallery. Zachary Scott Theatre Center opens its 1996-97 season with Sylvia, a new A.R. Gurney comedy centered around the addition of a Lab-poodle mix to a New York City couple's household. A half-price preview is at 8 p.m. tonight (Sept. 13) at Zach's Arena Stage, 1510 Toomey Rd. in Austin, and then the show runs Sept. 14-0ct. 20 with iWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 performances at 8 p.m. Thursdays-Saturdays and 2:30 p.m. Sundays. Tickets are $18 Fridays and Saturdays and $15 Thursdays and Sundays, with discounts for students, seniors and groups. For reservations or more info, call (512) 476-0541. VORTEX holds auditions for Julius Caesar by appointment this Sunday, Sept. 15 at Planet Theatre, 2307 Manor Rd. in Austin. Rehearsals will start in December, and the play opens Jan. 31. Actors of all colors, ages, experiences, cultures and both sexes are sought; only the Antony and Caesar roles have been pre-cast. For an appointment or more info, call (512) 478-LAVA. Theatre Arlington, 305 West Main St., presents Godspell Sept. 19-0ct. 19. Featuring music and lyrics by Stephen SChwartz, this exciting and boisterous musical telling of "The Gospel According to St. Matthew" is a favorite among theatre audiences worldwide. Show times are Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m, and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets ($14-$16) are available through the box office at metro (817)261-9628. The Dallas Poets Community (in conjunction with the Writer's Garrett) presents "The Rainbow Reading," a poetry reading by local gay male poets in honor of Pride Month. The event takes place on Thursday, Sept. 19, at 8 p.m. at the MAC Gallery, 3120 McKinney. For more details, call the MAC at (214)953-1212 or DPC at (214) 994-7733. The Actors' Theatre of Dallas presents Giants Have Us in Their Books: Six Naive Plays through Sept. 21 at the Bath House Cultural Center, 521 E. Lawther. These six short plays are written as if we humans were the subject of stories told by giants. Shows are Wednesday-Saturday at 8 p.m., with a Saturday matinee on Sept. 14 at 2 p.m. For tickets or info on special discount nights, call the reservations line at (214)760-2273. ~ PAGE 47 NATHAN DAVIS This week's cover man is 23year-old Nathan Davis of San Antonio. An Alamo City native, Nathan is a student at a local college. In his spare time, he enjoys bike riding, swimmming, dancing and socializing with his friends. One of South Texas' hottest dancers, you can catch him this weekend at The Saint, Siver Dollar and The Pegasus. PHOTOS BY JAMES FRANKLIN ...II~II ~.'.~" r~ rill' . ~ i."~.~. t·~.II·.•• of '-he rilht 1806 Clovis Rd. • Lubbock 806-740-0006 New Managamanl Naw BJ's • Naw Bours Naw AIDluda Now Playing Dance, Country, Tejano & Disco Doors Open at 7 p.m .• Tuesday - Sunday SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 8PM Mr. Prime Choice '96 Robert Harwood presents STAR SEARCH '96 benefiting . The Colt 45's AIDS TroubleFund THURSDAYS Hamburgers & Turkey Patties on the Patio with John • 6-9pm followed by Dance Lessons with Scott Special Drink Prices until Ilpm BRAZOS RIVER BOTTOM 2400 Brazos • Houston • (713)528-9192 PAGE52 ---~---------------------TTWTwrSiSEEFP;nTE~MAiBiEERRl'133-::SE5EP'PTTEENMiBBE8Ri"lK9i'ili99996I ,n January 1985, psychologist Dr. Paul Cameron told Houston City Council that all homosexuals should be quarantined. That was necessary, he said, to protect them and the public from the spread of AIDS, which disproportionately afflicts homosexual men. For his testimony, Cameron was paid $4,000 by the Austinbased Foundation for Traditional Morality and $1,600 by the Committee for Public Awareness (which circulated petitions forcing a referendum in Houston on that city's addition of "sexual orientation" to a list of groups protected against job discrimination, a referendum gays lost). Cameron, who holds a doctorate from the University of Colorado, has served as an "expert" anti-homosexual witness in many court cases and legislative hearings, usually for a fee of $1,000 a day. In the Baker v. Wade effort to overturn Section 21.06, the Texas law that forbids private, consensual sodomy between gay adults (for straight adults, consensual sodomy is legally protected), Cameron offered an affidavit claiming that the two pro-gay experts had committed fraud in their testimony. This prompted a stinging rebuke from U.S. District Judge Jerry Buchmeyer, who reaffirmed that the two experts were "very credible witnesses and their qualifications were impeccable." The judge further stated that Cameron "has himself made misrepreSentations to this court." Among examples Cited: "Homosexuals are 43 times more apt to commit crimes than is the general population." "Homosexuals abuse children at a proportionately greater rate than heteroseXuals." According to Buchmeyer, Carner- lWTsEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 BY PHIL JOHNSON Dallas Gay and Lesbian Historic Archives on's statements were "based on distorted data and directly contrary to other evidence presented at the trial." (While Buchmeyer ruled in our favor, an appeals court reversed his decision.) * * * Cameron is far from alone. There have been many who've made a profession of inciting hatred of gays. It's quite profitable. At a large conference for religious fundamentalists, a speaker advised his audience, "If you really want to fill your collection plates, preach against homosexuality." Well, that's the fundies for you. Granted, we are all biased to a degree. But one would think that a psychologist, of all people, would attempt to set aside his prejudices. Not Cameron! He once told the story of a little boy who had been enticed into a public restroom where a gay man bit the boy's penis off. Hardly a credible tale, but nevertheless one eagerly believed by those who love to hate. Well, of course, some angry citizens of Lincoln, Nebraska wanted to know what the police were going to do about this horrific crime. The police were puzzled. If a little boy's penis had been bitten off, wouldn't someone have reported it? Calls to area hospitals couldn't confirm the crime either. Surely a little boy with an amputated penis would have been rushed to a hospital to stop the massive bleeding. He would have been, wouldn't he? Later that same year in Dallas, Cameron was a guest on a religious radio broadcast. Realizing that some caller might question the psychologist's credentials, the host asked Cameron to explain why he was no PAGE53 longer a member of the American Psychological Association, Cameron angrily denied that he had been kicked out of the organization for unprofessional comments, that he had instead resigned. That's true. He also denied that he had resigned so he wouldn't be kicked out. Hmmm. Despite the fact that telephone calls to the show were being screened, a pro-gay caller did manage to get through and brought up the story of the little boy and his penis. "That was a pretty big lie, don't you agree?" Cameron shot back, "Well, I only repeated what I was told." Suddenly the program took a commercial break. When it resumed, Cameron tried to expand on his explanation, only to be stopped when the host said, ''The caller is no longer there. He's gone." Again true. That's because the host had hung up on the caller. No point and counterpoint allowed. Well, that's the fundies for you. Although that happened many years ago, should we forget? Or should we always be vigilant? Need this writer remind readers that the religious right is very well organized and very rich? And there are elections coming up! ~ ICII~I~~\A\ \\\fI~Jllr 2130 SOUTH CONGRESS AUSTIN (512) 442-5719 OPEN 7 DAYS 9:00 AM - 7:00 AM TWO THEATERS ALL MALE THEATERS SUNDAY THROUGH FRIDAYI AUSTIN'S BESTSElECTION VIDEO RENTALS & SALES The Gay Live Network reminds you to atways practice safer sex, inctudinQ the use of latex oondoms. Gl,N donates 5% of proceeds to benem AIDS education and awareness. We do not pre-screen callers, and we will not be hetd liable for who you may meet on this servloe. Callers must be 18 years of age or older. iio TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1 C1~~ 1»~I'~~~q) "'~ Quar\e't~ • All rooms with private baths and TV • Heated swimming pool and jacuzzi • Continental breakfast • 1/2 block from the beach Sit back. relax and enjoy your drinks by the pool. 120 E. Atol St. • P.O. Box 2309 South Padre Island, TX 78597 For Reservations, Call or Fax (210)761-5953 Fax (210)761-4288 EXPLOSIVE EROTIC FANTASIESI 1-900I-GET- HIM 'EVENING OF TENNIS' FOR WOMEN ONLY DALLAS - In an ongoing effort to get more women involved in tennis, the Oak Lawn Tennis Association is hosting an eveningof tennis this Saturday, Sept. 14 from 69 p.rn. at the Samuell Grand Tennis Center. specifically targeting women tennis players, the women of OLTA are hoping to generate interest in the lesbian community and continue a monthly tennis sporting event. The focus of 1996 for the Oak Lawn TennisAssociation was to encourage women tojoin the group. With a small core of women players,over 15 women have visited the tennis group. This year, the Texas Open 96, hosted by OLTA, is offering women's play in all divisions - Open, A, B, C and D. A small fee of $1 and a can of tennis balls will cover the cost of the courts. For more info, call Sheila at (214) 276-0329 or Judy at (817)469-9326. MONTROSE SOFTBALL HOUSTON - The Montrose Softball League held their annual fall meeting last Sunday, choosing officers for the new season. Stephen Haddock was elected Commissioner; Jackie Gilbert, Competition Coordinator; Gary Gano, Public Relations; and Bruce Metsger, Fund-raising and Sponsorship. Also filled were the Treasurer's and Assistant Commissioner's spots. The opening date of the Montrose Softball League's Fall Fun League has been pushed back one week, to Sunday, Sept. 22. The league said the postponement was made necessary by a high level of interest and the large number of late registrations. (4-6) meet Anita Wynn (7-3) at Chain Drive, while at Rainbow it's Sharks (10-0) vs. Arrows (0-10) and It Don't Matter (4-6) vs. Bad Boys (7-3). The matches for Labor Day, Sept. 2, were rescheduled for Oct. 7. The league also decided to donate excess money in its kitty at the end of the season to charitable organizations. A 301 tournament will be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, at Chain Drive; call (512)266-9314 for more info, or to get involved with next season's cricket league. 'DRAG DISCO' SKATE HOUSTON - You can skate to your favorite disco hits with the Lambda Rollerskating Club when the group hosts a "Drag Disco" night next Wednesday, Sept. 18 from 8-10 p.m. at Starlite Skating Rink, 8075 Cook Rd. Admission is $5, $1.25 for skate rental. The first 50 skaters will receive free whistles. All ages are welcome. For more info, call (713)933-5818. AUSTIN DARTS AUSTIN - Anita Wynn won the final three games to pull out a 4-3 victory in their match with Bad Boys on last Monday and move into a tie for second with their victim in the Austin Cricket League. Also that night at Chain Drive, the leagueleading Sharks stayed perfect with a 5-2 win over It Don't Matter. Over at Rainbow Cattle Company, Stud Muffins edged Desperados and Porno Stars nipped Arrows, both by 4-3 tallies. This Monday (Sept. 16), Porno Stars (4-6) face Stud Muffins (4-6) and Desperados iWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 HOUSTON BILLIARDS HOUSTON - Si Como No (Pastime), Nellie Times (Cousins) and Underdogs (EJ's) are the top three teams after eight weeks of play in the Independent Billiard League. The top three players are Bob James (Mary's/Suicide Squad), Carlos Romero (Pastime/Si Como No) and Billy Lea (OutpostIYo Mama's). '*' PAGE 67 TEXAS SENATORS JOIN DECISIONS FOR DOMA, AGAINST ENDA Gay Activists Condemn Votes, But Say Defeats Will Not Stand. WASHINGTON, DC - The cause of civil rights for gay and lesbian people suffered two defeats in Congress on Tuesday, but activists insisted the votes would not stop the march of progress. The Senate - which, like the House of Representatives, is controlled by the Republicans - voted 85-14 to pass the Defense of Marriage Act, a bill that would allow states to ignore same-sex marriages performed in other states. DOMA, which has been condemned by gay activists and others as an election-year ploy by rightwing and fundamentalist Christian groups, passed the House by a similarly lopsided margin in July. In another setback, the Senate also defeated - though by the razor-thin margin of 50-49 - the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, a bill that would outlaw workplace discrimination against gay people. Gay and lesbian activists condemned the votes, but said they were heartened that gay issues were at last being dealt with in a major way by Congress. "We are saddened by today's vote and believe that it underscores why we must stay focused and engaged this election year and elect a Congress that supports treating people equally and fairly," Elizabeth Birch, Executive Director of the Human Rights Campaign, said in a statement issued Tuesday. But Birch put a positive spin on the ENDA result. "The U.S. Senate, for the first time in the history of this country, debated and voted on a major piece of civil rights legislation for gay people," she said. "Though the consensus is not what we had hoped, it lays a strong foundation for work in the next Congress." "DOMA is bogus," Melinda Paras, Executive Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, said. "It neither strengthens American families nor marriages between men and women. Instead, it draws a circle around gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people and proclaims that our families do not deserve recognition and our loving relationships PAGE 68 are indecent .... The passage of DOMA and the defeat of ENDA may be roadblocks on our journey to equality, but they will not turn us back .... " Texas Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison and Phil Gramm, both Republicans, joined the majorities voting for DOMA and against ENDA. By coincidence, Tuesday was also the first day of a trial in Hawaii that has become the focus of the marriage debate. After three gay couples sued over being denied marriage licenses, Hawaii's Suo preme Court ruled in 1993 that the state's ban on same-sex marriages was unconstltutional and sent the case back to a lower Circuit Court. An appeal to the Hawaii Supreme Court is expected regardless of the lower court's decision. The Defense of Marriage Act has been seen as an attempt by opponents of samesex marriage to "pre-empt" a possible progay decision by the Hawaii court, but some observers believe DOMA would not stand up to constitutional scrutiny if it becomes law. President Bill Clinton has angered gay supporters by saying he will sign the bill if it lands on his desk. SAN ANTONIO LESBIAN & GAY FILM FESTIVAL CELEBRATES 5 YEARS 'Out at the Movies' Screens Sept. 25-28 at Guadalupe Theater; Schedule Includes More Features, New Program of Mexican Works. SAN ANTONIO - The San Antonio Lesbian & Gay Media Project and the Esperanza Center are presenting "Out at the Movies: San Antonio's 5th Annual Festival of Lesbian & Gay Films," Wednesday through Saturday, Sept. 25-28. Organizers say this year's festival is the strongest yet, and includes more feature-length works than earlier shows. Highlights of this year's festival include Stonewall; Bruce La Bruce's Hustler White; Toilers & the Wayfarers; two films from Cuba, Gay Cuba and Butterflies on the Scaffold; and Bound, starring Jennifer Tilly (Bullets Over Broadway) and Gina Gershon (Showgirls). Also featured will be "Texas I.D.," an annual program of filmS and videos by Texas filmmakers, and -to TWT SEPTEMBER 13 _ SEPTEMBER 19 19961 que el viento se lIev6/Gone with the Wind," a groundbreaking first-time program of productions from Mexico. "This is our fifth year and our strongest," festival coordinator Dennis Poplin said last week. "We have commissioned the first program of films and videos by Mexican filmmakers. Several of them will be attending the festival and talking to audiences at Duane Boutte [ei stars as Bostonis with the divas in Stonewall, one of the features in this year's San Antonio Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. the Saturday morning panel discussion." "We are showing more features than ever before," Poplin said. "There are so many good ones, audiences will not be disappointed. Directors we began showing with short films are now making features. It's wonderful to see." All screenings are at the Guadalupe Theater, 1300 Guadalupe St. Evening programs begin at 7 p.m., with a Saturday afternoon screening at 2 p.m. Tickets are $5. Opening night premiere tickets are $10. The Saturday morning panel with Mexican and Cuban filmmakers is free. For more information, call the Esperanza Center at (210)228-0201. For recorded information, call the Media Project at (210)641-8123. NEW COMMITTEE FORMS TO GET OUT DALLAS GAY VOTE Group Will Focus Its Efforts In Oak Lawn Area. DALLAS - Even though all elections are important to minority groups hoping to 1WT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 make positive Changes in government and society, voter turnout is often low in these communities. The newly formed commUNITY Vote '96 was created to maximize voter turnout among the gay and lesbian community. Co-chairs Christy Kinsler and Michael Milliken say the group will focus on, but not limit itself to, the Oak Lawn area. Kinsler is an activist for the Democratic Party, a precinct chair, and was previously a co-chair of the Lesbian/Gay Political Coalition. Milliken has been active in various gay political groups and is the current Democratic Chair of Oak Lawn's Precinct 1191. The initial step to ensuring a good turnout is registering people to vote. Registration tables will be set up at Crossroads Market, events like the Alan Ross Texas Freedom Parade and Life Walk, and area organizations and churches. A major political rally is being planned for Sept. 27 in the Oak Lawn area. "Our first goal is to help everyone register to vote," said Kinsler. "Our second is to get people to vote for candidates who will work for us in Austin and in Washington." Milliken pointed out that the courts are where issues like same-sex marriages and the status of gays and lesbians in the military are decided. "Several judges are over 70 years old and will retire in the next four years," Milliken stated. "We need a president that will appoint people to the federal courts that counterbalance the extremists in Congress [and] sufficient votes [are needed] in the Senate to confirm those appointments. That can happen only when we elect people who are our friends." Kinsler doesn't want people to think that their vote won't count. "They need to realize that it takes only one vote more than 50 percent to win an election. That one vote could be theirs." Voter registration forms must be postPAGE 69 marked or walked in downtown by Oct. 6. Early voting begins on Oct. 16. DANCE PROJECT'S INITIAL ENDEAVOR BENEFITS AUSTIN'S CHRISTOPHER HOUSE Organizer Bruce Wood Promises To Celebrate Gayness, Diversity. AUSTIN - Bruce Wood laughs as he recalls he once was nicknamed "Fat Sissy Bitch." He's had the last laugh, as he's gone on to choreograph and perform worldwide and now is taking the next step as an independent dance company director, dedicated to emphasizing and celebrating the gay community. The Bruce Wood Dance Project debuts with performances at 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20 and Saturday, Sept. 21 at the Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress Ave. in Austin. The opening night has been designated a benefit for Christopher House, an Austin therapeutic care facility designed to offer high-quality medical care in a homelike environment for people with AIDS. Over lunch recently, Wood and partner Joe Groves II ("We're both desperately single now!" Groves laughed, as the two's personal relationship has turned strictly professional) discussed plans for the Project, which they said will be highly different from the acclaimed annual Austin Festival of Dance. "It showcases different dance companies on their own; we're having members of companies dance together, in compilation," Groves said. "There are a lot of really talented people in Austin," Wood continued, citing major companies like Austin Contemporary Ballet, Ballet Austin, Sharir Dance Co. and Tapestry Dance Co. "There's really not a place for them to come together .... The idea of the project was actually to create an umbrella. People with really great ideas could come to it, and we could produce. The possibility of what we can create is immense; I'm not locked into anything" other than celebrating gayness and diversity, Wood is quick to note. "This show is very queer. Overtly! I make no bones about it. That's my life. I had a lot of flack from some people in the business, saying it's not smart. I listened to PAGE 70 them a while, then decided it (compromising his expression) wasn't worth it." The Project's initial performance will include "Rumors of a Big Wave," "Intercession of Grace" and "Lighten Up." "It's about humanity: 'Here we are. Lighten up. It's okay," Groves said. "The show sort of runs the whole gamut of human emotion. It's real; there's not much room for interpretation. People will leave smiling, feeling better than they did when they arrived. Our tag line is 'Not your everyday experience." Tickets for performances are $15 and $18. For reservations or more information, call (512)477-6060 or (512)472-5411; for more information on the Bruce Wood Dance Project, call (512)469-9212. HOUSTON CAUCUS ISSUES ENDORSEMENTS IN Nov. ELECTIONS Thirty Democrats, One Libertarian Win HGLPC's Support for National, State and Local Races. HOUSTON - Few surprises were the order of the evening when the Houston Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus held the first of two candidate endorsement meetings on Wednesday, Sept. 5. The group voted to support President Bill Clinton for reelection, and also endorsed Victor Morales in his run to unseat incumbent Sen. Phil Gramm. Further down the ballot, other candidates earning the Caucus' support were Hector Uribe for Texas Railroad Commissioner; Alma Allen, State Board of Education, Place 4; and Rema Lou Brown, State Board of Education, Place 7. Candidates receiving support in judicial races were Patrice Barron, Supreme Court, Place 1; Eileen Flume, Supreme Court, Place 2; Frank Maloney, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 1; Cynthia Owens, Chief Justice of the 14th Court of Appeals; George Ellis, 1st Court of Appeals, Place 1; Dalia Stokes, 14th Court of Appeals, Place 1; Carolyn Day Hobson, 61st Civil District Court; Jana Ivey, 129th Civil District Court; Elinor Walters, 215th Civil District Court; Cynthia Rayfield, 338th Criminal District Court; Dale Gorczynski, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1, Position 1; and Reggie Fox, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Position 1. TWT SEPTEMBER13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 In Harris County races, Bruce Marquis is being supported for Sheriff; Jack Abercia, Constable, Precinct 1; Victor Trevino, Constable, Precinct 6; A.B. Chambers, Constable, Precinct 7; Sylvia Garcia, County Attorney; Ronnie Harrison, County School Trustee #7; and Fred Stockton, County Commissioner, Precinct 3. State Sen. John Whitmire, District 15, was endorsed for reelection, as were state House candidates Scott Hochberg, District 132; Debra Danburg, District 137; Ken Yarbrough, District 138; Diana Davila, District 145; Garnet Coleman, District 147; and Jessica Farrar, District 148. All but one of the candidates endorsed by HGLPC are Democrats, the lone exception being Flume, who is a Libertarian. Caucus President Pat Gandy said last Thursday that no Republicans had replied to the letter her group sends out inviting candidates to seek its support. The next HGLPC endorsement meeting, which will consider candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives, is Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 7:30 p.m. at 2700 Albany, third floor. NEW GAY TV SHOW PREMIERES THIS FALL IN DALLAS Locally Produced 'GTV' Will loin Local Public Access Line-Up. DALLAS - If history repeats itself this fall TV season, it's very likely that the only gay characters or story lines on the schedule will be limited to wacky "must-see" sitcom episodes in which one of the heterosexual characters is mistaken for gay, or a "very special" episode where someone is gay-bashed or diagnosed with AIDS. Fortunately for customers of TCI Cable in Dallas, Tony Johnson is out to change the way gays and lesbians are seen and portrayed on television. Last Sunday, Johnson held a meeting to recruit volunteers and brainstorm ideas for a gay and lesbian public access show on Dallas Community Television [DCTV], TCI's public access station. "It was a great meeting," Johnson said. "It was a big surprise when 13 people Showed up interested in crew positions in one form or another. Everyone was very enthusiastic and looking forward to the experience." I TWr SEPTEMBER13 - SEPTEMBER19 1996.... Johnson and the group finalized the basic concept for the monthly one-hour GTV. He hopes the "G" in the title is selfexplanatory. "We're going to cover a lot. It's going to be a lot more like Entertainment Tonight than the local news," Johnson said. "Our main mission is to provide entertainment and portray a positive image of the gay and lesbian community." Johnson hopes to find a man and a woman to co-host the show, which will include previously taped segments of community events and topics of interest to gays and lesbians. "We even came up with a great idea for a sitcom and maybe even a Gay 'NeWlywed Game." It will take at least a month to train a crew to run the studio, so Johnson hopes to have the first episode ready to air some time in mid-October. 'There are a lot of events coming in September and October that we hope to include in the first show. There's the [Alan Ross Texas] Freedom Parade, the Coming Out Day festivities at the State Fair, the Black Tie Dinner and the AIDS Walk to keep us busy," he stated. GTV is being sponsored by the Dallas Gay & Lesbian Alliance. Johnson hopes to have additional funding in the future, but he is extremely grateful to the DGLA for their help with such a new project. The time slot and channel for GTVare still up in the air because the first show must be produced before DCTV will make its decision. "Fortunately, DCTV decides who goes on and when based on the technical quality of the show, not the content. And since we are determined to make this a very professional show, we should get a decent time slot." However, should GTV get stuck in a 3:30 a.m. slot for a while, Johnson reminded viewers to set their VCRs. "It's going to be a lot of fun and the more the merrier. We can always use more people, especially if we eventually do a weekly half-hour Show, which is what we hope to do." Anyone with an interest in helping with GTV may call Johnson at (214)357-9880. Suggestions for topics or features can also be mailed to "GTV" c/o Outbound Productions; P. O. Box 543101; Dallas, TX 75354-3101. Information about auditions for hosts and other on-air talent will be announced soon. PAGE 71 I1IIII LAST SPLASH WEEKEND IN AUSTIN Stressed? Depressed? Sfrung Out? Burnt Out? lln. Up A Good Time. Steam celeb~ates its fi~st . a/l\/I\lve~sa~l' Sa+('\l"daYI Sep+embel" 14 FREE T-St-IJRTS TO FJRST 100 QUESTS Steam After Hours Montrose Houston,Texas 402 Lovett at Taft W-Su 1:30 - ? (713) 521-1450 LAKE TRAVIS AND RIP'D '96 PAGE 72 TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 I lWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 PAGE 73 AUSTINteaCIOUS - They had a little going-away party at 'Bout Time on Sept. 5 for Daddy Wayne, caught schmoozing with the northern bar's big boss Lady Pam [above, l-r], He was officially resigning the following day from his duties at brother bar Charlie's downtown. Daddy will still be around, he promised, especially when it comes time to cook up his annual Thanksgiving and Christmas feasts for the community. Enjoy the easy life, big guy, you deserve it! Tuesday Night Prizes are back, with drawings at 10 p.m. ($50), 11 p.m. ($50) and 12:30 a.m. ($100) as a way of saying thanks to 'Bout Time's loyal customers.... At Charlie's, there's something for everyone. This Sunday's show, at 11:30 p.m., features guest emcee Celeste Martinez plus Jordan Scott, Kelly Kline and the men of Pees Unlimited. Don't forget "An Imperial Starlight Extravaganza" at 10 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, hosted by Lord Gregg Eastand Lady Jamie Lea Shea in conjunction with the United Court of Austin. And the Men's Best Body Contest ($300 in prizes) continues Mondays .... We caught Michael and Todd [above, 1_ rl enjoying the view under the stars on the 5th Street Station patio; they're just friends. Everybody's so friendly at Miss Cynthia's palace, which now features all kinds of music from Floyd Kramer to Pink Floyd to listen and dance to. Speaking of dancin', we could watch Karl Thomas shake his thing all night long; he was a hit as special guest at last Sunday night's show, and really got the crowd's full attention! He'll lWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 be back in October. Thursday's karaoke shows are amazing: everybody wants to show their skill, and last week they kept going into the wee hours. The TGRA is hosting a benefit show at 9 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18. This Sunday, catch special guest Whitney Paige.... They're making plans for a huge Halloween spooktacular at Chain Drive, our favorite hangout for leather, levis, latex and love. The gang from the Texas Gay Rodeo Association did some amazing things with the burgers at last Sunday's cookout on the patio; come see who's doing the honors from 4-9 p.m. this Sunday. The Heart ofTexas Bears have their next quarterly contest at 10:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20; lots of prizes for the contestants and fun for the audience! ... Oilcan Harry's is still the hotspot of Guytown, the Warehouse District, and Edward and Kelly have some big surprises planned for their special Happy Hour Party on Tuesday, Sept. 17 - y'all better come! Sundays are still nonstop fun, with drink specials in the afternoon, Miss H playing the hottest dance mixes and Joe Rivera cooking out on the patio from 6-8 p.m. and those hot hunks shaking their moneymakers from 6-8 p.m. and again from 10:30 p.m.-1 a.m. The magical secret phrase this week is a secret.. .. They're all excited at Blue Flamingo over the big show coming up Saturday, Sept. 21 - which is also barboy Ken's birthday. Headlining are the Motards, joined by the Chumps, Bulemics and Bludgeans. This Saturday the 14th includes MS Jesus, Nuclear Choir (from L.A.) and F.M.P.Mondays are KVRX Night, and Mata Hari and Blort play Thursday the 19th. Duchess Laura says come by at 10 a.m. for breakfast.. .. FOOT-LONG NOTES: Today (Sept. 13) is the grand opening of Proteus' Upstairs party area, with new sound, new lights, PAGE 75 Iii ~Iil new attitude and lots of surprises.... Biss Mitch Mooney [below, I], shown running things at Momma's Diner with Talitha [c) and Don Irl. is host of the aGLIFF Awards Party today (Sept. 13) at Saengerrunde Hall, 1607 San jacinto. The festivities start at 9 p.rn., and Biss Mitch promises an unforgettable evening. Entertainment includes Elias Haslanger's quartet, Paris Chanel and the Lennon Brothers and Sisters.... Daring Don says preparations for the opening of The Forum and The Cuff in October are coming along nicely. DALLASTEA - When asked to say the first thing that comes to mind when Moby Dick is mentioned, most people would say "hot men," "great music," or "terrific view of Cedar Springs." just ask bartender Steve [above) to mix up one of his specialties while you sit back and experience all (or most) of the above. Stop by tonight for a Bacardi Limonade or a super cheap light beer. If you get there early enough, enjoy the fabulous happy hour buffet. Cheer Dallas will premiere their new marketing video and will also air the video from the San Francisco Gay Pride Week Parade at Moby Dick nextThursday, Sept. 19, at 8 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend this premiere .... This Friday the 13th, enjoy the Best of Bamboleo's Pageant, hosted by Vanessa Duvall, with special guests Sweet Savage and Carmen del Rio. Stop by and watch as past Bamboleo's winners battle it out for the crown. This weekend will be especially festive with the Diez y Seis celebration in full swing. Don't forget that the official Miss Gay Texas Pageant is booked into the club on September 25,26 and 27 .... PAGE 76 Do people say you oughta be in pictures? Well, if they mean porn pictures, you're in luck. As part of its Grand Opening Weekend festivities, 2525 is hosting the preliminaries to the Catalina Model Search on Friday the 13th. Then, on Sunday, those left in the running will compete for a guaranteed part in a Catalina Video. At the very least, you're guaranteed to see a little Chi-Chi ... LaRue, that is. She'll be on hand to host the excitement, which includes performances by Catalina men Steve Rambo and Sam Crockett. Sandwiched in between these two hot nights is the ultra-talented Livin' joy performing "Dreamer" live on Saturday night. So stop by and help jay and the gang celebrate the official grand opening of their great new dance club .... As Hillary says, "It takes a Village." Surely she meant Village Station, because there's no place like it for a good time. Shea Sisk and Lazer Trevino [above, I-r) are proof of that. The Village is very excited about the exclusive premiere of the Pet Shop Boys' newest single and video release "Se A Vida E" from the Bilingual Album. (Yes,you may need your pocket translators.) It's all happening on Sept. 21, with giveaways all night long. But don't wait until then; the Village is sure to be hoppin' this weekend, too. Drop in to the Rose Room tonight and wish Maya Douglas a happy birthday .... Union jack's 25th anniversary celebration is underway and their customers are the winners. Stop in now and save 25% off all Y.M.L.A. merchandise through this Thursday and 25% off all Fossil merchandise, too. Say hi to owner Richard, manager Kim and the gang and you'll know why this fantastic store has been so successful for so long .... At the Throckmorton Mining Company, Wanda is ready to watch you break your balls in the aptly named "Break Your Balls" Pool Tournament on Monday, Sept. 16. TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 You've heard about it for weeks, so go see what all the hoopla is about. It's a charity event, too, so you won't feel guilty on Tuesday morning for staying out all night long .... Low FARES FROM DALLAS: $200 OAK NEW YORK $198 EWR DENVER $168 CHICAGO $248 NEW ORLEANS $199 Los ANGElES $238 SNA SAN FRANCISCO The Heatwave block party on Labor Day weekend was a smashing success. While "Fran" was gaining momentum in the Atlantic, the JR.'sbartenders were creating a frenzy of their own with their special Hurricanes. There were a lot of festive people around acting like they didn't have to go to work on Monday, like Don Magby, Chuck Reynolds and David Parr [above, 1rl. It was definitely worth stopping by. Now jump up in the air, form a pyramid and do the splits. This'll be incredibly easy if you're a member of Cheer Dallas (or even a former member). That's right, if you've ever been a part of Cheer Dallas, JR.'sis looking for you. They're hosting a special Reunion party on Sept. 28 for all you peppy people out there .... Prices are roundtrip and are not guaranteed. Restrictions do apply. Taxes and PFCs not included. GAY OWNED AND OPERATED. MEMBERS IGTA HOURS 8AM TO 10PM 8AM TO 8PM FRI M THRU & TH SAT 1 800 400-5905 • The Round-Up always manages to rustle up a few good men ... and even more great men. The CRUISE CAMERA caught two of the latter at the Round-Up's Labor of Love show recently. Manager Carl Kidd and Raul Hernandez [above, l-r]. They're just two reasons to stop by the club for the best in country music night after night. With free dance lessons on Thursdays and Sundays, you'll be line dancing with the best of 'em in no time .... If you can make it there, you'll make it anywhere. Yes, Ice Factory is going metropolitan as the excitement of the Big Apple comes to town tonight with New York circuit party deejay Julian Marsh. There's no cover until 10 p.m. After that, you'll have TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 PAGE 77 to deal with Ruben and Brent [below, I-r]. On second thought, maybe it would be worth paying just to get "manhandled" by one of these sexy guys! It's your decision .... Crews Inn continues to rake in the dough for good causes. Their recent benefit for the [an Barton AIDS Assistance Fund raised over $3,000. What a night! Pictured above enjoying the event are Gary Chevalier, [an Barton and Michael Boarse. Don't forget, when they're not busy doing good deeds for our community, they're busy delivering the goods - the hottest dancers every night and terrific drink specials .... If you've been looking for something to do after Melrose Place on Monday nights, try stopping by the Dallas Eagle. They're now open on Mondays, and things will never be the same. Catch Monday night football on the tube, or sit back and chat the evening away with Greg and Miss Ellie [above]. They'll make you feel right at home. The Dallas Eagle is also proud to announce that a recent event helped raise $506 for the travel fund for Don Woods. He's going to San Francisco soon to compete in the International Drummer '96 competition. Good luck, Don .... Now here's a story on the lips of everyPAGE 78 one at Parkland Hospital. It seems that crazy Stormy of Zippers accidentally fell on a glass at his birthday bash. Hundreds of laughs - and ten stitches - later, he's back in action around the bar at Zippers. If you want him to join you for a frosty beverage, just don't ask him to sit down .... The Trestle is resurrecting a theme party from the past entitled "Cold Drinks and Hot Leather" set for Friday, Sept. 27. The men atThe Trestle will definitely be partying hard with all the State Fair visitors in town and they're definitely the closest club to the Fairgrounds.... The Big Event is finally here! The Dallas Tavern Guild Carnival is planned for this Sunday, Sept. 15 from 2-6 p.m. at the Central Park Parking Lot, 3009 Throckmorton at Cedar Springs. There'll be a raffle drawing for a $500 travel certificate from Advance/Damron Vacations, games, and free beer. It's a fund-raiser for all the food, floats and fabulousness that make up the Sept. 29 Alan RossTexas Freedom Parade.Join the fun this Sunday. HOUSTON TEA - Rascals is drawing people from everywhere. Jack Bingham of San Antonio and New York hairdresser-tothe-stars Leon [above, I-r] certainly enjoyed the club's unique atmosphere. They encourage you to join the multitude of folks who are sure to be on hand tomorrow evening for Rascals' official grand opening celebration beginning at 6 p.m. On Sunday, Jill Jordan hosts a Celebrity Impressionist Extravaganza starring Lawanda Jackson, Jessica Blair, Paivi Lee Love and Jeff Johnson. Every Thursday, get down with Retro Rewind and specially priced vodka drinks .... Have you got your tickets yet? You better hurry because the 28th annual Miss Camp America Pageant is tomorrow night at the Music Hall. San Francisco comedian Danny Williams will be the master of ceremonies for this year's extravaganza. Tickets are available at all TicketMaster locations or by calling (713)227-ARTS .... 1WT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 Every Saturday, friendly and popular Heaven bartenders Leo Scott and Lynn Selzer [below, I-r] invite you to check out ,-.-- Underground House featuring the music of deejay Shawn Byrne, reduced price well drinks until 11 p.m. and gorgeous go-go boys all night long. This weekend, the Super Sunday Show starring hostessesKofi and Kourtney Van Wales welcomes special guests Donna Day and Lauren Taylor. All this and more is waiting for you at the video dance club on the cutting edge.... Last week, we told you about the steady stream of super sexy male dancers that appear at JR'sseven night a week. To prove our point, here's former TWT cover man Tony Singleton [above] strutting his stuff for your viewing pleasure. Speaking of delicious dancers, Kofi and Lindsy Love host JR'sMan of the Month Wet Jockey Shorts Strip Finals next Tuesday, Sept. 17. NextThursday, Sept. 19, JR'sand The Houston Press present "Fall in Love," an end-of-summer soiree dedicated to the pursuit of happiness.... Every weekend at the BRB, doorman John Scott [above] greets those of the Wrangler and Roper set on their way to the best boot scootin' in town. This Sunday, 1WT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 Mr. Prime Choice Robert Harwood presents "Star Search '96" benefiting the Colt 45's AIDS Trouble Fund. Every Tuesday, gallop over to the Brazos for Trash Country and Dumpster Disco with deejay Jimmy Dale .... Tonight, in honor of Friday the 13th, Pacific Street is having a Hard Luck Party. Doors open at 7 p.m. with no cover until 9 p.m. While you're there getting lucky, say hello to handsome doormen Eddie Pavelek and Ken Kollasch [above, I-r]. The club's weekend party planner climaxes with Leather and Flesh Fantasy Night on Saturday and Sunday Overload. All week long, cheap drinks will cool you off while the club's sinsational dancers, throbbing dance music and steamy laser-lit dance floor make you sweat all over again .... This Sunday at 9 p.m., Rich's hosts a fantastic fund-raiser for their very own Miss Gay TexasWorld Yolanda on her way to the Miss Gay World Pageant in Charleston, West Virginia. The festivities will include hot male dancers and a bartender auction, as well as appearances by Tasha Kohl, Katherine York, Oprah DeMarro and many, many more. On the subject of exciting entertainment, we found this photo of Rich's general manager Lonnie Allsbrook [above, I] enjoying the company of adult video star Scott Baldwin [r]. Be on the lookout for more incredible events coming soon to the downtown hotspot. ... Tomorrow night at 11 p.m., the Midtowne Spa is going to double your fun with the special appearance of adult video starsTony DiAngelo and Titan. These two PAGE 79 hunks will perform a sensationally sensual show and sign autographs afterwards. Don't miss this dynamic duo .... Summer is almost over, but Gentry continues to sizzle with male strip contests every Sunday and Wednesday and Bad Boy dancers every night of the week. In fact, we caught Sunday night hostess Black Velvett [below, I] getting cozy with recent winner Anthony [r]. This Sunday, Miss TGRA candidate jamie Roberts presents "Swingin' Doors," an evening of lovin' and leavin' songs benefiting Soiree Aubergine. Don't forget about the club's Boxer Mondays with Sean and Mike and the Gentry Social Club with special drink prices until 7 p.m. every day.... Tomorrow night, Steam celebrates its first anniversary as Montrose's premiere after hours club. There'll be free souvenir T-shirts for the first 100 guests. The club opens at 1:30 a.m. as usual; see you there. SAN ANTONIO TEA - There's always a party at the Wild Corner and with this being Diez y Seis weekend, the clubs will be pulling out all the stops, ensuring everyone a blast. Get there early on Friday and Saturday to take advantage of those wicked drink specials from 9-11 p.m. at Woody's and ReBar.And round out your weekend on Sunday, when the Wild Club presents its special Diez y Seis show at midnight. Cash in by entering ReBar's pool tournaments on Tuesdays,Wednesdays and Fridays, and if you think you've got it, enter the amateur strip-off, which is held every Thursday at 11 p.m. It's high camp with your hostess Cortney Balboa, shown [above] with staffers Seth, Robert, joey and Mike. There's something for everyone at the corner. ... Show this week as Ariel Andrews and Sweet Savage make an appearance .... It's finally here! Tomorrow night, the Bonham throws its annual jungle Party, an event not to be missed. Throw on your favorite "George of the Jungle" drag and head downtown! HOT TEA wishes owner Kenneth a happy Friday the 13th birthday .... Let the games begin! Eagle Mountain Saloon hosts dart tournaments every Monday and Wednesday and pool on Mondays and Thursdays. join in on the fun and win big! Don't forget, EMS opens daily at 4 p.m. for happy hour and Thursdays are "Community Unity" nights, when the club donates 10% of revenue to local AIDS charities. New manager Rusty [above] informed HOTTEA that summer specials were going so well that they'll continue them throughout the fall. TGRA candidate Destiny Harper invites everyone out for her Diez y Seis benefit this Monday .... '~@]®@UITU©D Open 10 am - 10 pm Mon.· Sat. • Noon- 9 pm Sun. 8546 BROADWAY AT CHEEVER (210)821·5345 • SAN ANTONIO 25% OFF All Books & Magazines! See Store For Details AND INSIDE: ZIIRA'I 1216 EUCLID AT LOCUST (210)472·2800 • SAN ANTONIO PAGE 80 Over at the Saint, everyone's preparing for the shower of hot men who'll be competing for Mr. Gay USA next week at the show palace. Preliminaries will be Thursday and Friday, Sept. 19 and 20, and finals are Sunday, Sept. 22. News Flash: Saint owner Raphael has gone mad and dropped drink prices on Tuesdays for Talent Night. Now you can enjoy a spectacular show plus save big on well and longnecks! Saint partiers Reubin and Arnold [above] were all smiles upon hearing the news. Make sure to check out the Super Sunday 1WT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 Giddy-up and trail over to the Silver Dollar, which offers fabulous specials all week long: Sunday Trash Disco, Wednesday Tejano Night, Super Happy Hour seven days a week; and hot male dancers for an extra added bonus. Our CRUISE CAMERA caught up with patrons lose and "Norm" [above] enjoying a few cold ones at happy hour prices, which go all day and night Monday through Thursday at the club .... As summer draws to a close, "Bullfrog" reminds everyone that there's still plenty of time to get some sun at Pegasus' pool and beach. The club opens seven days a week lWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 at 2 p.m, for one of the gayest happy hours around. In fact, on Tuesdays,Wednesdays and Thursdays you can enjoy happy hour prices all day and night. Mondays continue to be "the bomb" at Pegasus,where Monday Madness keeps packing 'em in with super low prices and the newest underground/house music all night long .... Don't forget, Gay Fiesta is only two weeks away! The party takes place on Sunday, Sept. 29 at La Villita. There'll be food, games, dancing, great shows and, as always, music by deejay Mark Montez. Get ready, boys and girls! TARRANT TEA - "No, I want to be Blanche!" "But you'd make a much better Sophia!" If these phrases have been heard around your house lately, then you're most likely planning on entering the Miss Golden Girl Pageantfor female impersonators over 40 (at least let's hope so). That's right, Arlington 651 is hosting what's sure to be an event to remember at 10 p.m. this Saturday, Sept. 14. You have until 8 p.m. to sign up, so grab that cheesecake and head on over to Arlington. It's like nothing you'll ever see at Six Flags, that's for sure.... Drop by Fort Worth's 651 Club and wish Scott jones a happy birthday. Monday night dance lessons have resumed at the club, so if you need to brush up on your two-steppin', or even if you don't, come and get in on all the fun .... Fort Worth Community Festivals presents Fall Fest'96 at The Corral's North 40, the space adjacent to the club on Hemphill St. The fun gets underway at 4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28 and will feature arts and crafts, food, dancing and lots of live entertainment in more than 20 booths. For more information, or to reserve a booth, call (817)335-0196 .... HOT TEA welcomes Square Room to the Fort Worth scene and encourages all our readers to drop in and see the fabulous entertainment lined up to appear at this alternative jazz club. Tonight, Friday the 13th, check out Hank Hankshaw & Bruton Sumpter, tomorrow it's Renee Russell while on Wednesday you can enjoy the Danielle Alexander Trio. Next Friday, you won't want to miss the AI Malacara Trio. The music is live and the joint's jumping all night long. They're open seven days a week at 2308 W. 7th Street. w.v PAGE 97 Dallas. OAK LAWN $475+ (214)522-9957 Newly decorated, large deluxe 1 & 2 bedrooms. Established Oak Lawn neighborhood. 2606 Shelby #116. Dallas. OAK LAWN $395 (214)559-4119 Large deluxe 1 bedroom flat & townhouses, some with fireplaces and 600 + large deluxe 2 bedroom. All central air. Large renovated 1 bedroom-2 bedroom, secure parking. 2612 Throckmorton (214) 559-4119. FOR RENT Austin. 2-1 duplex, no common walls, ceramic tile, custom wallpaper, private courtyard, pets okay. Very nice. $795. (512)416-0243. Austin. Carlton Properties. Live where your lifestyle is appreciated. Two apartment communities in Austin. (512)444-1229. Dallas. Beautiful refurbished 1 bedroom studio apartments in the heart of Oak Lawn. 4023 N. Hall, $625/mo. Call V.M. (800)656-0480. Dallas. Spacious 2 and 1 Yo studio with wetbar and two balconies, pool, controlled access, attractive, well-maintained property. $650. All bills paid. (214) 526-4990. Fort Worth. Fort Worth 2 bedroom garage apartment, new carpet, drapes and appliances, water pal-id, $300 with $200 deposit (817)926-9447. Fort Worth. GO WEST - LIVE THE GOOD LIFE WITH US! AT WESTRIDGE APARTMENTS. Live in parklike setting, beach volleyball, pool and beautiful clubhouse. 1 BR-1 BA EFF., from $285, 1 BR-1 BA from $330, 1 BR-1 BA LOFT from $375, 2 BR-2 BA from $480. FP, vaulted ceilings, some WID connections. WESTRIDGE APARTMENTS, 8841 Avril Ct. (off Portales), (817) 244-3680. Dallas. OAK LAWN $500+ (214)528-7993 Large, deluxe, 1 & 2 bedrooms. Small gated complex with pool in prestigious Oak Lawn neighborhood. 4335 Cedar Springs #109. Dallas. OAK LAWN $475+ (214)522-8693 Beautiful older stately building. Deluxe 1 & 2 bedrooms, newly decorated. 2817 Shelby. Dallas. OAK LAWN $475+ (214)599-9234 Small, quiet complexes, north of Lemmon. Newly decorated one bedrooms. 4227 Bowser #104. Dallas. "Now Showing" MELROSE PLACE Rich R. Rangnow, Director Starting at $380 Plush New Carpet Controlled Access Gates Eff., One & Two Bedrooms Sparkling Water Volleyball Pool Cute Tropical Landscaped CourtyardS Seconds to Cedar Springs, Tollway & 1-35 L 2816 Lucas> (214)526-3473 Dallas. 1-1 in Oak Lawn, 2429 Reagan. All bills paid. $400/mo. Call Laurie at (214)520-2497. Dallas. OAK LAWN $475 (214)526-3387 Large deluxe 1 bedroom/2 bedrooms, new decor. All bills paid. 2707 Shelby. • • • • • • i· PAGE 82 Dallas. OAK LAWN $425 (214)559-4999 Large deluxe efficiency, 1 bedroom, 2 bedrooms, and some townhouses and hardwood. 2610 Knight St., #102. Dallas. OAK LAWN $395 (214)528-5056 Large deluxe efficiency, 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom immaculate, new decor. 4301 Hartford #124. Dallas. THETECALI 4533 Cedar Springs (214)521-3674 In the heart of Oak Lawn. Offering 24 unique floorplans. Unusual landscaping with towering trees. Equal Housing Opportunity. Dallas. "ALL NEW" KINGS QUARTER 2 BR TOWN HOMES/OAK LAWN • Beautiful landscaped grounds • Free washer/dryer in apartment • Free covered parking • Private access gates • Near Cedar Springs, Tollway & 1-35 • Free y, month off rent move-in bonus • Open weekdays until 7 p.m. for your convenience • Saturdays 10-6 / Sunday 1-6 (214)521-8881 Dallas. HONDO PARK 2544 Hondo Avenue (214)522-8436 1-1 studios, lofts, flats, bills paid, controlled access, skyline views, pool, spa, quiet lifestyle complex and caring management. Dallas. • • • • • THE ESTABLISHMENT APTS. "Quiet Courtyard Living" Unique floor plans Individual heat/air conditioning 2 swimming pools On-site management/maintenance Oak Lawn (214)528-3531 Dallas. Downtown professionals: upscale t-bedroom condo. All amenities, including waSher/dryer, microwave, fireplace, pool. Quiet on-site management, $450/month. Call John (214)824-1520. Dallas. THE CONSTANTINE FREE SERVICE FIND IT FIND IT APARTMENT LOCATORS-REALTY DALLAS CALL HOUSTON CALL (214)520-2300 (713)266-1460 (800)947-7086 (800)259-8558 TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 Drag! Haute Couture Gowns Sizes 14 and 16. Ferragamo footwear size 9Y, narrow. Appointments only. Cash only. (713)862-8548. Heights area. 3210 Carlisle (214)651-0666 One and two bedroom residences in prestigious Turtle Creek. A community where your lifestyle is appreciated. Equal Housing Opportunity. Houston. 1842 Richmond (713)523-3100. Realtor. Houston. Memorial/Shepherd 1-1 ALL BILLS PAID, dishwasher, on site-laundry, pool. $425. Great location. Olympus/Nelson Property Management (713)622-4805. Houston. Free locating (713)523-3100. Houston. Roommate to share large home. includes shared utilities. Gary (713)524-4343. offers (800) Houston. Quiet professionat seeks GWM to share nice Montrose house. Own bdrm, bath, den. No smOking, no drugs. $500 bills paid. (713)524-8508. Houston. Male sharing 4-2 house, on-street parking, near 1-45 between Almeda/Baybrook malls. $225 bills paid, including maid! No srnokinq, drugs, pets. Little alcohol. Larry, (713)922-9222. 5-9 p.m. HELP WANTED Houston. Woodland Heights, near Downtown: Two bedrooms, $525. One bedroom, $425. EffiCiency, $300. Central air/heat, pool, sauna, ceiling fans, cable, laundry. (713)999-9991, (713)864-6450. Houston. Fully equipped 3-station hair $1,000/month. Call Joe at (713)526-7535. salon. Houston. Montrose garage apt. Bills paid, deposit. (713)523-8487, (713)522-2263. Dallas. EARN UP TO $1,000+ PER WEEK! By working a few hours a couple nights part time . This is FUN work and no experience is necessary. Call Don Dallas. 'GARAGE SALE Men's Clothes, Furniture, Books Collectables, Household Items Saturday, Sept. 14 from 8 AM to 6 PM 13424 Shahan, North Dallas Dallas. North Dallas. Midway/Northwest Hwy. area, 3/3/2cp, pool, sunroom, den, gazebo, secluded paradise, garden, hardwoods, 3000-plus SF, security gates. $198,000. (214)352-7511. 1WT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 1-800-919-2200 Dallas/FW Metrop/ex. NEED A CAREER? Become a Certified Nurse's Aide in just two short weeks. Classes forming now. For more information CALL (817)517-7180 OR (214)528-8346 Dallas. GWM 38 Y/O employed OTR trucker looking for experienced coast to coast codriver. Age 25-38. Height/weight proportional. MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE. CALL (214)328-89751 Dallas. Male dancers. Oklahoma City engagements. Randall (817)560-3908. Houston. Great deal! 2 bedroom, all bills paid unit, WID in quiet complex. (713)688-8845 or pgr. (713)765-9673. FOR SALE I i Great location surrounded by new conLow deposits and student discounts. Club, 904 Wescott (713)864-7312. Houston. Montrose: one bedroom apartment, $395. Central air, ceiling fans, cable, locked gates, covered parking. (713)999-9991, (713)864-6450. $400 Houston. 2901W 43rd area - Gay couple looking to share 3/2 house with pool. $300/month plus Yo uti I. Nonsmoker. (713)690-5954. Houston. Small complex near downtown/Med Center. Efficiency, plus dining area, hardwoods, spacious rooms, fresh paint. $325. Olympus/Nelson Property Management. (713)622-4805. Houston. struction. Memorial Eckman Houston. Montrose 2 bedroom, 2Y, bath townhouse in small complex. (713)522-8021. Houston. Greenway Plaza area 1/1. Small complex, covered parking, spacious rooms. $375. Two weeks free rent! Olympus/Nelson Property Management (713)622-4805. Houston. Westbury Square, 11550 Chimney Rock at West Bellfort, 2/2Yo townhome, over 1400 s/f, fresh paint, free cable TV and Showtime, door-todoor trash collection, more. Unit is located on lovely courtyard. $750 bills paid, $750 deposit. Also a 1/1 downstairs corner unit condo, over 800 sf, gray carpeting. Available Oct. $495 bills paid. Ken (713) 729-7077. $149,000. Dallas. Oak Lawn. Roommate wanted. 2/1 y, townhouse, $350. All bills paid. (214)522-1501. Agent. Houston. Apartment locator: Olympus/Nelson fast, free, friendly service. (713)622-4805, 677-8690. - ROOMMATES Houston. Museum $425, Montrose $350, high rise $700 bills paid, River Oaks $440. Free service. Eckman (713)523-3100 Agent. Dallas/Houston. Dallas: Leasing or buying-we do both. We have two-bedrooms, $600 and up; one-bedrooms, $430; efficiency, $325. Houston: We have two-bedroom studios, $500 bills paid; one-bedrooms, $400; efficiency, $300; some with washer/dryer, alarms, pool, microwave. Dallas. FOR SALE OR LEASE, 1006 Grigsby at Swiss, Renovated Historic E. Dallas 4/3 1/2/4LA, Minutes to Deep Ellum, Lower Greenville, Cedar Springs and Downtown. Will owner finance $158,900 or $1.400/mo. (214)520-7757. Houston. , Dallas. Male dancers needed 7 nights a week at Crews Inn. Call David Moore at (214)824-4749 for appointment. Dallas. If you are a male stripper or want to be one, contact Junior at Another Bar, (214)520-1366. Dallas. Crews Inn and Zippers have immediate openings for BARBACKS. Call David at (214) 824-4749 for information. I Dallas. Nightclub Personnel. Join the winning Team ... Applications for Moby Dick and Ice Factory now being accepted THURSDAY ONLY at: Ice Factory, 4117 Maple Avenue, 1 p.m. All applicants should show up promptly at 1 p.m. to see Jan for an interview. Recent photo required. NO PHONE CALLS ACCEPTED. PAGE 83 Texas. Houston. Saturday, Sept. 21 SEAHORSE INN Register to win a pair of table tickets to !:'!~2~92~~~~}O Your Semi-Tropical Island Retreat M~~~m~~i~! Heaven In the wild dunes of Mustang Island beside the Gulf of Mexico secluded European Charm & Atmosphere Drawings at midnight and 1 am 810 Pacific 713.521.9123 Houston. • Affordable Rates * Kitchens' Cable TV • • Private Pool' Trained Pets Welcome' Welcome to Yolanda's Insanity Sunday, Sept. 15 Port Aransas, Texas with Special Guest Tasha Kohl plus 20 other Special Performers Don't Miss the Bartender Auction $5 Donation and the Door Rich's· 2401 San Jacinto· Houston (713)759·0132 (210)734-2130 1830 Creole Cottage. Walk to French Quarter. Sleeps up to seven. Reasonable rates. (800)238·1577, Skypage (800)759·7243, PIN# 14391. New Orleans. Guest house Deja-Vu, New Orleans. Houston. B&W Courtyards Friday, Sept. 20 Boys, Bears & Boxers (800)585-5731 Retro Disco Blowout $1 wen- $2 Domestic· $3 Call 'San Diego. TRAVEL National. CARIBBEAN KASA KORBET - SAN DIEGO ESCAPE Discover the Wonderful Gay Resort on Beautiful St. Croix. Summer Packages Including Car $595 for Two Persons. Free Brochure (800)524·2018. Rooms, Suites, Continental Breakfast, Spa "Where A Guest Is At Home" (619)291·3962. ~DALLAS* F.RE;E: (i'4~ ,<:'1I·4T 2111-7116-6q6q j\LL 'LI'YI' "~ON~' l .. ' 'NNN" TEXAS tiUY!i l-QOO-666- TEXX 89+ i.lve C9NNeC+19NS 8~lIe+IN899rll W•.•.NNA~Jf,s &N'IJ~:mJf~,s·~.:. VISAIMC/AMEXIDISCOVER. ..214- 720-9876 800 Access # & PIN Issued 79¢/min. ·lst minute billed at 99¢ PAGE 90 Bed &Breakfast Private entrances and baths. Lush courtyards. 18+ ONLY. (800)757·KASA T u Trixie Larue Trixie Larue died Sunday, Aug. 25 in Houston. Trixie was a longtime resident of Houston, where she worked and performed in different clubs. Most recently, Trixie helped raise funds for Houstonarea charities as a member of the Royal, I I Sovereign and Imperial Court of the Single Star. She is survived by her brothers, Marvin and Gilbert of Bronston, Kentucky, and a host of friends she preferred to refer to as her children. Trixie's friends will gather in the sanctuary of the Metropolitan Community Church of the Resurrection on Thursday, Sept. 19 at 7 p.m. for a celebration service of Trixie's life. In keeping with Trixie's wishes, for those who desire, donations may be made to the R.S.I.C.S.S.; P.O. Box 980444; Houston, TX 77098-0444, in her name to benefit local AIDS charities. Willard L. "Roy" Smith Willard L. "Roy" Smith died peacefully at Cabrini Medical Center in New York City after a sudden illness Sept. 1, 1996. Roy lived in Dallas from 1986 to 1994 before spending his last two years in New York City. He was an artful hairdresser known for his keen sense of wit and flamboyancy, but mostly for his underlying sensitivity. He fulfilled his every dream in his short life. He is survived by his mother, Lanelle, and brother, Randy, of Wichita Falls. He will be missed by many. Roy knew no strangers. Victor Toledo Born July 10, 1961 Died Aug. 27, 1996 In memory of the one who has spun his way into my heart, Victor Toledo. Victor was the type who would always think of others before himself. He donated much of his time to many charities and organizations throughout his life, including helping PWAs, working with the Catholic Charities of Houston and just being that friend that everyone needs now and then. He is survived by his mother, Minnie; a brother and sister, Sonny and Norma; two aunts, Millie and Alice; and his lover and friend of nine years, A R • E s Randy. He could make any room a happy place with his music. He spun at Pacific Street for the past seven years. His many friends will miss the times he would spin a crazy mix and he would say, "Oops! Sounded like a train wreck... " To my love who I will meet again some day, and thanks for all the wonderful memories, I will love you forever. I love you, baby, Randy On Monday, Sept. 16 at 9 p.m., there will be a celebration of his life at Pacific Street. Join us in a farewell to one of Houston's best. Charles C. Mays III Jan. 20, 1950 July 16, 1996 Chuck was born in Clifton Forge, Virginia but grew up near Toledo, Ohio. He moved to Houston in 1979. He was preceded in death by his mother and his stepmother. He is survived by Bill Bissey, his life partner of 16 years, and by his father and his sister and her family. Chuck served in the U.S. Navy for four years and worked for Dow Chemical Co. for 15 years. He always kept a positive attitude during his lengthy illness and never gave up until the very end. Services were held in Houston on July 19 and in Clifton Forge, Virginia on Aug. 18. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him. Sammy Wayne Minica Sammy Wayne Minica, 22, of Dallas, Texas was killed Aug. 10, 1996 by an accidental gunshoot wound. Wayne was born Oct. 29, 1973 in Mullin, Texas. Wayne worked as a process server for Marion Ward & Assoc. Wayne attended the Court Reporting Institute of Dallas and was listed on the President's Honor Roll. Wayne is survived by his companion, Brian Wehrenberg; his mother and stepfather, Tyline and Tommy Green; two sisters, Regena and Sabrena Green; his father, Larry Minica; grandparents, Rene Minica, John and Ima Jean Smith and Alene Green; great-grandmothers, Edna Wasserman and Cora Bible; and many other family members and friends. Wayne's infectious smile will be truly missed by all who knew him. He will live on in the hearts of those who loved him. A W'EEKLY CITY-BY-CITY LISTING OF TW'T"S SUPPORTERS AND ADVERTISERS ACROSS TEXAS TEXAS ORGANIZATIONS Ace Social Group 01 Mineral Wells. . (817)325.0325 Byzantine Calholic Church 01Amenca (210)520.8213 Siale TGRA Inlo . . P.O. 1801731AuSiin .................. 78718·0173 (512)835,5314 THRF AIDS legal Resource Projecl. ......... 815 Brazos 1801178701. 1-8(JO.828·8417 V~lical AssiSiance Corp 1.801).892.1282 TEXAS GROUPS BASED IN AUSTIN (AC: 512) Amly Inl'l Mbrs lor UG Concerns ... 837·159611", 836.9715 B.O.A.I P.O. 1357178767 472.3333 Ecumenical Calh~. Church (Texas Deanery) .. .............. P.O. 915971767()9.1597 ..... 292·8065 Gay Service Network/Roommate Service . ................ P.O. 2565178768 445·7270 lesbianfGay Righls lobby. . . P.O. 2579178766 ··············· 474·5475 log Cabin Repu~"ns of TX " P.O. 50484178783 .... 467·9797 Positive Threads Newslener .. , 478-9218 Texas AIDS Net PO. 2395176766 447.6667 Texas Freedom Network P.O. 1624178767 ...................................... 322·0545 Texas Human Righls Foundalion .. 615 Brazos 1801178701 ·· 479·847311·800·626·8417 TEXAS GROUPS BASED IN DALLAS (AC: 214) AIDS Maslery P.O. 36125175235 526.lIFE lambda Amaleur Radio Club P.O. 35343175235 .................. 522·1456 lesbianfGay Democrats 01 Texas P.O. 224424 ............................... 521·5342, e~. 229 Texas Republicans lor Equalily & Pnvacy . .................. P.O. 191033 520-6655 TEXAS GROUPS BASED IN FORT WORTH (AC: 617) Texas Gay Velerans clo TClGA . 3327 Winlhrop, Suile 243176116 .. 763·5544 TEXAS GROUP BASED IN SAN ANTONIO (AC: 210) Texas Gay Rodeo Inlo 7:J5.4106 COMPUTER BULLETIN BOARDS (modem) The Apollo Zone 512.322.9391 AI Miswil's End (lesbian BBS) 512.442.1565 Bare Facts (1iIineS/14.4) 6171264·25511214.673-6184 The Bear's Den 713-550-9243 Coyole's Den 214.351-1629 DABBS - HIVIAIDS Inlo Service. ..214·351.0007 FirslTime (42 lines). . . 214.231.5250 FirslTime (DIFW Melro) 214-697.3565 Auorescenllgloo. . . 713-524.7342 Gay Malchmaker (chaV20 lines) (Melro)617.355.66oo Houslon FirslTime (16 lines) 713.522.1170 Inner Cily Communily (32Iines/chaVI4.4) 214.350.6656 JAXBBS· 214·823-1579 last Call. 713-523-6366 ~SI boys ...........•............... 713-975.7643 Male 2 Male 512.369.2467 Mandale 214·526·1616 Man's Counlry ................•..... 214.521J.8599 Momma's Place 214-339-7450 The Old Poop's WoIId 214·613-6900 The Park (Waco) 817.752.1939 The Pink Flamingo 214.559.3994 Pokeys Place .............•.......... 214-31],]695 Rainbow Room Qine I) IHS)617.849-1207 Rainbow Room Qine 2) IHS)617·849.6560 Sancluary 713.602.9106 San Anlonio Malchmaker 211J.224.6966 Stevie Ray's Place 817-631.1011 Talyn's lair (adulls) 214-352.2484 Tenninus (14.4) (Melro)617.543-1I11 The Walenng Hole 713.895.8356 Xenon Cale 512.708.0044 1WT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 ABILENE CHURCHES (AC: 915) Covenanl 01 Hope Communily Church. ................. 142 Grape SI. .. 677·7654 Exodus·MCC P.O. 2473179604 672.7922 ABILENE CLUB (AC: 915) JuS! Friends 201 S. 141h . .672.9318 ABILENE ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 915) Big Counlry AIDS Resources 3909 S. 71h SI179605 ... 691J.9559 AIDS Holline (M-F, 4-IOp) 667.AIDS IC.H.D. STIllAIDS Clin •.............. 317 Pecan SI. ·················· 676·7625 AMARILLO ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 806) Amanllo lesbianfGay Alliance P.O. 9361179105 ...................................... 373-5725 MCC 01Amelillo 372.4557 Panhandle AIDS Suppolt Organization 372.1050 Texas AIDS Project 711 S. ,",ginia 371-9110 Texas Gay Rodeo Associalion 355.2666 ANGLETON ORGANIZATION (AC: 409) Gull CoaSi Cenler (HIV case manage.) ... 2512 N. Velasoo ........................... 649-23111(713)489·0545 ARLINGTON CHURCHES (AC: 617) ChnSiian Gays in FeliowshipiEC P.O. 120611176012 ...................................... 446·1555 lulherans Concamed·Fort WortlVAriingion . . 2800 W. Boyce 924·3966 Tnnily MCC 609 Truman (Melro)265.5454 ARLINGTON CLUB (AC: 617) Artinglon 651 1651 W. Division 275.9651 ARLINGTON ORGAN./HELPLINES (AC: 617) AIDS Oulreach Center 401 W. Sanford, Su~e 1100 ................................. 275-3311 Alpha House, Inc P.O. 2031176004.2031 Crossdressers (TVs) Helpline .. ............ clo Della Omega, P.O. 1021 284·7103 Tarranl Counly Gay Pnde Week Assoc P.O. 3459 · '" Fort Worth, TX 76113 Tarranl Counly lesbian/Gay Alliance .. · 3327 Winlhrop, Suile 243176116 .. 763·5544 UT GayJles. Assoc P.O. 19346-77 794.5140 ATHENS ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 9(3) Parenls, Families & Fnends of les. & Gays ..... 675·8326 AUSTIN ADULT THEATER (AC: 512) Cinema Wesl. 2130 S. Congress 442·5719 AUSTIN BUSINESSES (AC: 512) Brown Disliibuling Co. (Budweiser) 411 Ch<onl76702 · 476·9353 lealher Chesl 5041'Oliow 478.2261 N6 1014·B N.l.marI76703 476.3446 36lh Sireel Phannacy 711 391h SIR6705 ...................................... 456-3764 AUSTIN CHURCHES & RELIG. ORGAN. (AC: 512) Affirmanon (MelhodiSl) 451.2329 All Saints Ecumenical Catholic Church . . P.O. 91597176709·1597 292·8065 AIDS Inlertailh Alliance 444.0767 Dignily/Auslin P.O. 2666 467.7906 Flrst Unilanan Church 452.6168 Grace United Melhodsl Church 205 E. Monroel78704 .442·5944 Inlegnly (E~sc.) P.O. 4327 . ········ 445-6184/478·2494(TTY) Inlerta~h AIDS Care Teams (InlerACT) 472.4934 The Kingdom Seekers (chansmalic) 443.5940 live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church .. ............ 13276 Research Blvd. 1109 . .. 219·9006 MCCA 425 Woodward. .706·6002 Mishpachal Am Echad (Jewish) .. . P.O. 9591 .. 451·7016 SI. Andrew's Presbylenan Ch ..... 14311 Wells Portl76726 ··························· 251·0696 Stluke's Uniled Melhodsl Church 1306 W. Lynn ................................... 476·8184 Texas Regional AIDS Inlert.ilh Net (TRAIN) 451-0991 Tnnily United MelhodiSi Church 600 East 51h ..................................... 459-5635 AUSTIN CLUBS (AC: 512) Blue Flamingo 617 Red River 469.0014 'BoulTime 9601 N. 1·35 832.5339 Chain Dnve 504 Willow 461J.9017 Chartie's 1301 lavaca 474.8461 51h Sireel Staton 505 E. 51h 476-8065 Kansas 213 W. 4Ih 46IJ.TOTO Oilcan Harry's 211 W. 41h 320.8623 PrOieus 611 E. 61h 472.6922 AUSTIN ORGANIZATIONS/HELPLINES (AC: 512) AA AUSIin (Uve and lei live) . .......... 2700 W. Anderson In #412178757 .. 327.3666 Advenluring Outdoors P.O. 2332176768 ...................................... 452·5656 AIDS Deal IT. Y. .. 459-DEAF AIDS legal Resource Project 615 Brazos #1000176701 .479·6473 AIDS SeIVices of Austin . . P.O. 4874176765 ...... 451·2273 Amty Inl'l Mbrs for UG Concerns ... 837·159611ax 636-9715 Auslin les~anlGay Polil ca , Caucus P.O. 622 ····················· 474·0750 AuSiin lalinola les. & Gay Organ 472.2001 ASA Informalion line 456-AIDS Auslin Babnsl Women 442.8415 Austin Gay Nudisls P.O. 664101176766.4101 NAMES Project P.O. 14176767 365.3094 Auslin Radical Faeries (voice mail)703-8952 Auslin Sionewall Chamber 01 Commerce 707.3794 Austin VD Clin •....... 15 Waller 469-2070 Bisexual Network P.O. 6439176713 371J.9573 Bound by Desire (women's S&M support group) .. 473-7104 Capilal Cily Men's Chorus P.O. 50062 ............. 477·7484 CARE Free HIV Test .. 1633 E. 2nd 473-CARE ................................... fax 476-0217 Cenlex Rainbow Sociely of Deaf. P.O. 2555176766 Chrislopher House (Inlermediate Care) 479·0257 Classic Chassis Car Club P.O. 12553176711 Comerslone QesbianigayAli. commuoily center) . .............. 1117 Red River178701 706·1515 Couples·Auslin·Texas P.O. 694413178766 .990·0162 E.C. Wood Foundalion .. . . P.O. 606176767·0606 ........... 451·9607 From All Walks 01 life 452·WAlK FronlRunners.. .. 473-8334 Gamblers (bowling) 345·7311 Gay Falhers of Auslin 451·5635 Gay, lesbian, Siraighl Teachers Network . P.O. 3803176784 .. 323-2329 Heart of Texas Bears .. . P.O. 664391176766 ........ 707·3737 Helping Hands lor Ufe, Inc 476·1210 HIV Denial ProjectJSansing Clinic. . .479-6633 HIVSludyGroup 450-1666 HIV Wellness Cir clo SI. George's E~s. Church ................ 4301IH·35176722 467·0086 Informe SIDA (informaci6n de AIDS en espan~) .. 472·2001 KO.OP Radio P.O. 49341l176765.. . .. 472·1369 lesbianfGay Pnde Commissoo of Austin ...... P.O. 402064176704 479·6431 lC/ACT-lulherans Concerned (David Auslin) . .. 832·4159 PAGE 93 Log Cabin Republicans of Austin ... P.O. 2585178768-2585 .. .. .. .. .. 916-3236 Men of All coors Together P.O. 7161178713 ...... .928-2590 Nal. Leather Assoc .. P.O. 49801178765. . . . 703-8927 Out Youth (gay, les. and~. teens) P.O. 3253178764 ........................ 7Q8.1234lHel~ine 416-6075 Parents, Families & Friends of Les. & Gays. ................ P.O. 9151178766.. .. 302-FLAG People's Community Clinic. . . . 478-8924 Plide Heafih Fest Club. . ... 4805 A Teri Rd. .................. 707-9070 Prime TImers.. . ... P.O. 14892178761-4892 Project Transfions, Inc.. . . .. P.O. 4826178765 · 454-8646 David Powell HIV Assessment & Treat. Clinic 479·6121 Round.Up allhe Ranch. ...11900 FM 812 ... Del Vallel78617.. . .. 243-2608 Sex and Love AddictsAnonymous. .440·1494 Southem Count~ .. P.O. 13151178711 243-1578 Team Austin. .. P.O. 161701178716 · . . .. . . .. 447-64081450-0230 Texas Gay Rodeo Assodation.. .. P.O. 1511178767 ................. 837-8732 United Coort of Austin, Inc P.O. 43255178745 Watertoo Coonseling Center. . . . 2525 W~lingwood .. Bldg. 15, Suite 1500178746 .... 329-9922 BASTROP ORGANIZATION (AC: 512) Rural AIDS Servo Pro .. 1002 Chestnut 303-1403 BEAUMONT CHURCH (AC: 409) Spindletop Unn"an Church 1575 S~ndlelop Rd. ....... m05l0136. .. ..... 833-6883 BEAUMONT CLUBS (AC: 409) Copa . .. 304 Orteans 832-4206 Sundowner . . . 497 Crockett 833-3989 BEAUMONT ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 409) Lambda Group AA.. .6300 College 835-1508 Triangle AIDS Network. . . 2544 Broadwayl77702 .................. 832-8338 BROWNSVILLE ORGANIZATION (AC: 210) AIDS Inlormation Une 1-800-333-7432 BRYAN/cOLLEGE STATION CLUB (AC: 409) The Club 308 N. Bryan Ave 823-6767 BRYAN/cOLLEGE STATION ORGAN, (AC: 409) AIDS BeMces of Brazos Valley. ... 1702-B S. Texas Ave. .... Suite 202ffiryan 260-AlDS Gay, Lesbian and Bisexu~ Aggies. . 847-0321 Lambda AA .. .. MHMR Coffeehouse · (S. B~an and Sims). . 846-3390 Parents, Families & Friends of Les. & Gays 694-2617 Planned Parenthood (HIV testing/STD screening) .. .4001 E. 29th 1103IB~an ..... 260-1061 Speakers Bureau. .. . 847-0321 CARROLLTON CHURCHES & RELlG, ORGAN, (AC: 214) Cathedral of Ught 2040 N. Denton 245-6520 Seventh·Day Adventist Kinship. . .. P.O. 110116175011 .................... 416-1358 COMMERCE ORGANIZATION (AC: 903) ANGLSJAssociation for the Needs of Gay and Lesbian Stu. at East Texas State Univ. . . 886-5205 CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCHES (AC: 512) Metropolitan Community Church of Corpus Christi . ............... 1315 Cr~g St178404 882-8255 Sodety of Friends (Quakers) P.O. 3296178463 ...................................... 993-1207 CORPUS CHRISTI ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 512) Coa~~ Bend AIDS Foundation 527 Gordon ................. 814-2001 Gays Gelling Together P.O. 331394178463- 1394 ..... 882-6550 Spoonfut P.O. 3534178404 863-n63 The Passege (AIDS care residence) P.O. 1454178403 ................................... 887-7042 DALLAS ACCOMMODATIONS (AC: 214) Comfort Inn ..... 14975 landmark Blvd.. .701-0881 DALLAS ADULT THEATER (AC: 214) Allematives 1720 W. Mockingbird 630-7071 DALLAS APARTMENT COMMUNITY (AC: 214) Plantation House 2625 Hudnall. 522-0060 DALLAS AnORNEYS (AC: 214) Kowalski, John 3210 Oak lawn 526-9699 Oak lawn Bar Associatioo (referrals) 523-9023 Stewart, Charles l. 3500 Oak lawn 1400 · 521-3804 DALLAS BUSINESSES/SERVICES (AC: 214) Aardvark, Elc.. . .... veterina~ services/grooming · 2525 Wydiff, Sune 103 520-8835 Apothecary Shop II 3434 S•••ss Ave175024 PAGE 94 .823-4520 Apolheca~ Shop 12 Aston Center-Uf Med. Clr. ......... 5303 Har~ Hinesl75235 ..... 688-2422 Orossroads Markel. 3930 Cedar Springs .................... 521-8919 Eagle Hooda (Jack Averitt) 5311 lemmoo Ave. .................. 904-3324 Ewing & Assoc. (insurance) 866-8445 Iron Press Cleaners.. . 3818 Cedar Springs ... 443-9936 lambda Pages 3100 Cartis~.. . 86().7577 leather by Boots. 2525 Wyclm, Sune 124 528-3865 Ufe Benetaetors (John lochner) 254-1603 Mardi Gras Male Dancers . . 839-3993 ............................. 691-8300 Rice, Keith l., CPA 16051 Addison 1216 .................................... 387-5533 Simple Elegance Florist 4028 Cedar Springs ...................................... 559-6171 Sir Tuxedo 3400 Oak lawn 520·TUXS Stat Script Pharmacies.. .1-800-829-3044 .3818 Cedar Springs 1t06 522-4006 . . . 8226 Douglas 1331 373-3494 Un~n Jack 3920 Cedar Springs 528-9600 Uptown Re~tors 979-0007 Zebra Printing & Graphics. . . 4054 McKinney, 1103 .............................. 599-9264 DALLAS CHURCHES & RELlG, ORGAN, (AC: 214) Affinnation (Melhoclst) 528-4913 Calhedral of Hope MCC. .. . 5910 Cedar Springs ............. .... Congregation Beth Et Binah P.O. 191186175219 ................................. 497-1591 Bethany Presb~erian Church. . . . ... 528-4084 Community Church of Relig. Science .. 2829 W. N.W. H~ .... 358-3992 DignitylDalias (Catholic gaysnesbians) . P.O. 190133175219 · 521-5342, ext. 832 Disciples of Christ gaylesbian support (GLAD) .. ................ P.O. 190181175219 946-2184 First Unitarian Church of Dallas 4015 Nonnandy ...................................... 528-3990 Friends Full Gospel. . 5427 Phillip Ave 821 -4332 Gay People in Christian Science P.O. 2878 .522-3086 Grace Fellowship .. 5029 lemmon Ave 528-2811 Ho~ Trinity Community Church. .4402 Roseland .................................... 827-5088 Honesty (Baptists). . . ... P.O. 190869175219 .......................... 521-5342, e~. 233 Daltas Center for A Course in Mirades 943-6298 51. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church .. · 6525 t.nwooc Rd 352-0410 Seventh·Day Adventist Kinship P.O. 38454 ...................................... 416-1358 Universal Creator's Community Church . . 690-0683 White Rock Community Church . .. 722 Tenison Memorial Rd.. .. . 320-0043 White Rock Friends HIV Support 320-0106 DALLAS CLUBS (AC: 214) Anchor Inn 4024 Cedar Springs 526-4098 Another Bar 4020 Maple Ave 520- 1386 Bamboleo's 50271emmonAve 520-1124 Big DaddYs 4024 Cedar Springs 528-4098 Buddies II 4025 Maple Ave 526-0887 Crews tnn 3215 N. Fitzhugh 526-9510 D~las Ea~e.. . 25151nwooc Rd.1t07.. .357-4375 Hidden Docr 5025 Bowser 526-0620 Hideaway 4144 Buena Vista 559-2966 Ice Fact~ 4117 Map~ Ave 521-2024 JR's 3923 Cedar Springs 380-3808 Jugs. .3810 Congress. .. 521-3474 The Melro 2204 Elm 742-2101 Moby Dick 4011 Cedar Springs 52()'MOBY Numbers. . 4024 Cedar Springs 559-4098 Round·Up Saloon. 3912 Cedar Springs 522-9611 Sue Ellen's. . . .. 3903 Cedar Springs. . .. 380-3808 TMC 3014 Throckmorton 380-3808 Trestle 412 S. Haskell. ...826-9988 2525 2525 Wycliff 520-2525 Village Slat ion 3911 Cedar Springs 380-3808 Zippers 3333 N. Fitzhugh. ..526-9519 DALLAS COUNSELING (AC: 214) Bedrick, Dianna M. Ph.D., l.P.C.. . 223 S. Montclair Ave. .................... 75208 . .. ... 948-5557 legacy Counseling Center . · 4054 McKinney, Suite 212175204 .. 520-6306 Oak lawn Community Services 4300 MacArthur . 52()'8108 ~~~ DALLAS DOCTORS (AC: 214) Bellos, Nicholaos C., M.D .... 8226 Douglas Ave., Sune 311 .. (24 hoors) 890-7943 Coats, Andrew Gordon (chilO.) . ..... 3303 lee Parkway, Suite 350 ... 528-6292 Comprehensive Care Center. . . . 27081nwooc .................. 351-3936 Diamooc, Susan M., M.D ... ............. 8226 Douglas 1311 . 891H943 Netson·T_ Community Clin~ ..... 4012 Cedar Springs . P.O. 190869175219-0669 ..... 528-2336 Swanson, Jan, D.O.. . ... 1244 S. R~ge C1.1t03, Hur~ ............. (817)285-0600 Watson, Ter~ R., D.O. . . 3618 Fairmount .. 52()'72oo DALLAS FITNESS CENTERS (AC: 214) The Club. .. 2616 Swiss .. 821-1990 Midtowne Spa. . 2509 Pacific 821-8989 DALLAS ORGANIZATIONS/HELPLINES (AC: 214) ACT·UPIDalias . . 521-5342, ext. 224 Addicare ,>Jcohol & Drug Crisis Une 824-6503 African·American HIVIAIDS Support Group.. ..941-7696 African·American lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Coalition . . 521-5342, e~.828 AtDS ARMS ... 4300 MacArthur 1160, lB5 .... 521-5191 AtDS ClinicJPartdand Hosp~ .. ............ 5201 Har~ Hines Blvd. 16B 590-5632 AtDS Funding Assodation . . . 522-3722 AIDS Hotline. . . 559124371t-600-924-AIDS AIDS tnfo Une (24 hrs). . . . 1-890-299-2437 AIDS Interfaith Network (Oak Cliff) 941-7696 AIDS Maste~ . . 521-5342, e~.325 AIDS Prevention Project (free and anon.) 905-2190 AIDS ProgramS/OlCS. . 2017 Cedar Springs ........................ 520-8108 AIDS Resource CenterlFHU 2701 Reagan 51. .. P.O. 190869175219-0869 521-5124 AIDS Services of DallaS/PWACD P.O. 4338 .. 941-0523 AIDS Update (ARC newsletter) 521-5342, ext. 220 Alliance for Progress 3102 Oak Lawn, Suite 700 ........................ 52()'2205l1-8oo-520-4AFP Alliance of Design Protesslonals P.O. 565112 .... 526-2085 ARC Client Services. . . 521-5444 ARC fax line.. .522-4604 Asans & Friends. . P.O. 9142175209 460-5906 Asan Gay M~s: Dragon Flies P.O. 190669175219 . . . . . . . 521 -5342, ext. 852 Assoc. for Gay, lesbian & Bisexual Educators ... 824-5924 Big D longhoms Square Dance Club .. P.O. 190669175219 ................ 521 -5342, e~. 272 Bryan's House. . 559-3946 Buddy Projact 52()'8108 Cheer Dallas .. 3027 Routh 51., Suite 200 922-9229 Classic Chassis Car Club P.O. 7703175209 Client Services fax line.. ..521-3859 Codependents Anonymousllambda 520-8108 CoupleS/Melro Dallas P.O. 803156175380 .......... 521-5342, ext. 464 Crosscressers (TVs) Helpline 264-7103 DIFW Big Man's Club. . . . 264-2449 DIFW MAN. (Metro Area Nudists) P.O. 612813175261 ......... 933-4334 DIFW Young Naturists Club P.O. 802815175380 Daire Center (adult day care for PWAs) . . 522-4365 Dal. Co. Deal AIDS Task Force P.O. 835546 . RichardSOl1f75063 . .... 516-54421516-5443(TDD) ~tas Bears do FHU, P.O. 190869 .75219-0869 . ....... (holline)521 -5342, e~.860 Detas Gay & lesbian Alliance P.O. 190712 ............... 528-4233 DtVA (volleyball) P.O. 190869175219-0669 ................ 521-5342, 804 D.I.C.D.I (Dal. Invit. Columbus Day Tm. Bowling Org.) . ................ 240-8351 Dallas legal Hospice 370 W. 7th 941-2600 Dallas NAMES Projact 823-3899 Dallas Silver Sabres. . 3230 Adbritain Dr175211 .467-3474 Dallas Tavern Guild . .3300 Reagan St175219 .. 521-0638 Deal Adion Center.. .. 521 -0407 DIFFA .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 748-8580 Easffield lambda Studenl .oJliance. . 324-7185 Feder~ Club P.O. 191153175219 699-5889 Feder~ GLOBE of Texas, Inc P.O. 50961175250 en TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 ..................................... 264-2800 Firedancers (Ieatherle" club) ... P.O. 190869175219-0869 Fir~ Gay & lesbian Credit Union P.O. 191324 ............... 2701 Reagan 599-l1602 Food Pant~ 521.3390 Foundation for Human Understanding 528-0144 Friends Assodating & Relating328-6749 Gay and lesbian Gardeners P.O. 190552175219 ················ 557-2188 Gay and lesbian Community Center. 2701 Reagan SI. ..................................... 528-9254 Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition International .. .......... PO. 1540321, tMng/75015-4031 .. 259-9862 Gay & lesbian Switchboard 528.0022 Gayilesbian Info. line (OlCS) .. P.O. 191069 .520-8781 Gayilesbian Young Adults .. .2701 Reagan SI. .... 521-5342, ext 260 Gay Married Men's Support Group 558-1696 Gaymsters Bridge Club P.O. 190856175219-0856 ................... 526-8376 GLAADlDalias P.O. 190869175219-l1869 .............................. 521 -5342, ext 260 HIV Anoo. Testing & Counseling 92()'7916 HtV Testing (AtDS Resource Center) 528-2338 HIV Testing & Counseling 819.1980 Hands to Hearts (sodavsin~es) 699-5763 Housing Opportunities for PWAs (HOPWA) 819-1828 Immunoelse (aerobics). . . 522-0650 Imperial Sover~gn Royal Coort de Dallas .. ................ P.O. 190464175219. .. .. 521-8446 Kyro Pr~.lnc. (KYRO News) P.O. 214223 ................................ 526-KYRO (5976) lambda Amateur Radio Club PO. 35343175235 ···················· 522-1458 lambda Bowling (men and women) .. (Metrol81 1)267-9055 lambda Car Club .. P.O. 710271175371 521-7309 lambda Codependents Anonymous 520-8108 lambda Meeting/Sex & love Addicts Anon 241-5442 lambda Overeaters Anonymous 488.3301 lambda Weekly (radio program) P.O. 35031175235 ...................................... 823-8930 lambda AA 2727 Oak lawn 522.6259 leadership lambda Inc P.O. 190226175219 ·················· 712-6430 A league of Our Own (bowlingliSteve) 372-6337 leather Knights P.O. 190111175219 521-3239 lesbian Book Club 331-5513 lesb~l'iGay PoIn~al Coalition of Daltas P.O. 227273175222 ··················· 504-6724 lesbian Momsand Gay Dads 526-5088 Lesbian Resource Center., 821-3999 lesbian IIsionaries P.O. 190712 .. 521-5342, e~. 844 life Walk 443.WAlK Men of All Colors Together P.O. 190611175219 ··················· 521-4765 Metro Gay Mensa P.O. 191223175219 ··················· 337-2399 log Cabin/Metroplex Republicans P.O. 191033 ...................................... 520-6655 NAMES Projecl. P.O. 190869175219 520·SEWS Narcot~s Anooymous (24 hrs.) 699.9306 NelsOil-Tebedo Community Clinic 4012 Cedar Springs ...................................... 528-2336 Nal. leather Assoc P.O. 7597175209 · 521 -5342, ext 820 North Texas Assoc. of Physicians for Human Rights . · 12222 Colt Rd 233-3100 Northem UghtsAitematives 871.1611 Oak lawn Band P.O. 190973175219 993-6997 Oak lawn Bowling Assocaiioo 871-l1809 Oak lawn Community Services P.O. 191069175219 ............... 4300 MacArthur 1200 52()'8108 Oak lawn Soccer Club 834 S. Mootclair Ave175208 .. ··· .. ·· .. ·· .. ··· .. ·· 942-9537 Oak lawn Tennis Assoc P.O. 224605175222.4605 .739-2726 Oak lawn Writers Workshop. .522-2148 OAStS Recovery Program/OlCS .. . 4300 MacArthur ...... 520-8108 O.U.I (Over & Under Thirty) c/o Gay & les. Comm. Ctr. · P.O. 190869175219-0869 Parents, Families & Friends of las. & Gays ..... 348-1704 Parents Support Group (PWA) 262-84791248-2721 Pegasus Softball Assoc P.O. 191075 ......................... 358-0002 Pentam~ine Mi~ Treatments 529-23381521-5124 People Uke Us [PlUS,j. . . 521-5444 TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 Phil JohnSOll AIDS Research library 521.5124 Phil Johnsor Gay & lesbian Ubra~ 528-9254 PWA Coalition of Dallas. P.O. 4338 941-l1523 Police Harassment Reporting.. . , 528.4233 Posdse-Personals 521 -5342, e~. 250 Presb~erians for lesbian/Gay Concems 823-2317 Prime TImers P.O. 191101175219 504.6886 Queer Natioo'lJ~tas . . P.O. 64091175206 ··················· 504-8720 Rainbow Flyers PilotsAssoc.. . P.O. 190990175219 .............................. 521-5342, e~. 840 Rainbow Skydi"ng Club. . . 357.9880 Respact All Youth (gIIIb youth) 521-5342, exl. 288 Rice Gay & lesbian Alumni AssocJDFW Chapter .. . ..... 834 S. Montclair Ave175208-5856 . ... (Michael) 942-9537 Sin Fronteras (radio program) P.O. 190922175219 ............ 826-8869 Stonewall (Narc. Anon.) 5415 Maple, Suite 120175235 Stonewall Dive Club. . P.O. 227031175222 Stonewall Professional and Business Association. ................ P.O. 191343175219 526-6216 Suicide & Crisis Center. . 828.1000 TGRNDalias P.O. 191186175219-8188 526-1115 Team Dalaa.. . P.O. 190869175219-l1869 . 521-5342, ext. 800 Team D~tas Aquatics 941.0631 Texas Fathers for Equal Rights P.O. 50052 ................ One M~n PI. SIal 741-4800 The Texas Motorcyde Ctub P.O. 9186175209 ............................... 528-5692 IR.U.S.I (adotescent children of gays and lesbians). ··············· 528-9191 Turtle Creek Chorale 526.3214 Umoja Hennanas (lesbians of color) .. 943-87501946-7108 United Court of lhe lone Star Empire P.O. 190865 .............................. 522-28231559-2806 Women's Health Project 4012 Cedar Springs ··············· 521-5131 Women's Spirituality Group 5008 Homer 51. .. · · 826-9213 DENISON CLUB (AC: 903) Gooc TIme lounge .. 2520 H~ 91 N 463-9944 DENTON CLUB (AC: 817) Bedo's 121SE. University 566-9910 DENTON ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 811) AIDS Services of Denton 381.1501 CourageJUNT Student Group 565-6110 Harvest Metropolitan Community Church . ................. 1-35 at Exit 460 321-2332 Parents, Families & Friends of les. & Gays 387- 1491 EL PASO CLUBS (AC: 915) Old Plantation 219 S. Ochoa 633-6055 San Antonio Mining Company 800 E. San Antooio ................................. 533-9516 U·GoHt. .. 216 S. Ochoa 633-9310 EL PASO ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 915) AIDS Info.. . Eng.-543-3574 Span.-543-3575 HIV & STD te~ing 222 S. Campbell 543-3560 lambda line (helplineJswitchboardl24 hrs.) 562-GAYS lambda Services. . ..... P.O. 31321179931-0321 MCC EI Paso 916E. Yandell 591.4155 Parents, Families & Friends of les. & Gays 591-4664 Southwest AIDS Comm.. . 1505 Mescalero ........... 772-3386 FORT WORTH BUSINESSES (AC: 817) Casa Maiiana Theatre 3101 lancaster ..332-CASA D.J.'s Re~aurant .... 1308 Sl.lo,"s . ... 927-7321 Debmaster, Inc.. . (688)678-3328 . (Metro)498-3864 Hayes Discount Phannacy 426 S. Hendersonl76104 ·············· 338-7281 FORT WORTH CHURCHES & RELlG, ORGAN, (AC: 817) Agape MCC 4615 S.E. loop 820 535-5002 Celebration Community Church. . 1959 Sandy In. ·· .. · 469-8995 Fellowship of love .. 711 Gambrell 51. 921-5683 Honesty (Baptists). .. 924.4159 Lutherans ConcernedIFort Worth/Arlington . .. 2800 W. Boyce 924-3966 Special Invitation Ministries 1520 Hemphill FORT WORTH CLUBS (AC: 817) Copa Cabana 1002 S. M~n.. .. . 336-8911 Corral Club 621 Hemphill 335-0196 D.J.'s 1306 51. louis 927-7321 Magnolia Station 600 W. Magnolia 332-0415 The 651 Club 651 S. Jennings 332-l1745 FORT WORTH DOCTORS (AC: 817) Swanson, Jan, D.O 1244 S. Ridge CI.1t03, Hurst ...................................... 285-{)8OQ FORT WORTH ORGAN,/HELPLINES (AC: 817) AIDS Awareness Clinic 2825 E. Rosedate .......... ··· .. ·· .. · 534-CARE AtDS Het~ine 87()'7346 AIDS InfOlmation Une 336.0086 · (outside Tarrant Co.) . 1-800-836-0086 AIDS Interiaith Network . · 603 W. Magnolia Ave., Sune 207 .. 927-2437 AIDS Outreach Center 1125 W. Peter Smith ··························· 335-1994 Alliance News (TClGA) 877.5544 Assoc. 01 GayilesJBi. Educators 329-34 15 Bridge the Gap, Inc (HIV/AIDS testing, educ.) · 2825 E. Rosedalel76105 531-0223 Co-Dependents Anonymous 517.5847 Couples wlgay or bisexual partner 338.4551 Cowiown leathermen 536-8051 Crisis/Suicide Interventioo (24-hr. help) 927.5544 Diversity 689.7925 Family Viofence Counseling 282.2211 Fort Worth Fonnal . . 877.5544 Fort Worth Gay Pride Week Assoc P.O. 345917611 3 Fort Worth Men's Chorus P.O. 101464 .731-0122 Future Fort Worth·ArtinglOll . .5736 Pershing ··················· 323-9031 GAlAIGay and lesbian Assoc. of TCJC .. . TCJC Student Ad. Bldg 828 Harwooc .... HursV/6054 768-8644 Gayilesbian youth 338.4551 Health Depl. STD tnfo 871-7357 Heallh Education learning Projecl 332.7722 HIV Anonymous Group 292.9494 Imperial Court de Fort WortiVArtington 654.9114 Imperial Privy Council P.O. 365176101 Institute for Teen AIDS Prevention P.O. 136116176136 ...................................... 237-0230 lambda AA 1700 8th Ave.176110 921.2871 lambda Alanon 737.7681 leadership luncheon Forum. . 877.5544 lesbial'iGay Political Coalition 37()'0460 lone Star Bowling league . 338-l1706 looe Star Charity Rodeo Assoc 338-7927 looghom Bowfing Assoc. (TOllY) 283-8295 NAMES Projecl. 33-NAMES Over the Hill, Inc. (HIVIAIDS testing center) . ............... 2001 S. Frwy176104 922-9955 Parents, Families & Friends of les. & Gays 498-5607 Respect-TCJC NE Campus 281-7860 Ryan Avenue AA 3144 Ryan Ave. Samaritan House 2200 Ephriham 626-9398 ................................... lax 626-8289 Second Saturday (gay male socials).. .795-1376 Second Tuesday (lesbian socials) 795-1376 Sex Addicts Anonymous 347.4711 Sexuality Education Center 338-4551 Spiritual AIDS Minist~ 535-5002 Survivors of Incest , , 335·4330 Tarrant County lesbian/Gay Alliance .. 1219 6th Ave176104 ............................ 877-55441fax 877-1626 Tarrant Coonty Tavern Gui~ 877-4419 IC.M.E.R.F. Drug Treatment Ctr 900 Southland Ave. TCU Triang~ Student Group 921-7160 .. 336-54541336-1978 .. ........... HIV clinic 534-2273 Teen Pr~act Holline 332-8382 Texas AIDS Network (Thomas B.) 335-1994 Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc P.O. 786176101 ...... 731-2143 Texas Gay Veterans. . . 877·5544 TVITS Support Group. . . (214)264-7103 Women's Singles. . 249- 1622 GALVESTON BUSINESS (AC: 409) Ufe Benefactors 744-3200 GALVESTON CLUBS (AC: 409) Kon·TIki 315 23rd (Tremont). . 763-6264 longfellow's 2405 Po~office 763-8600 GALVESTON ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 409) AIDS Coalition of Coastal Texas, Inc 1419 Tremont .................... 763-AIDS Gaivestoo Tennis Network (Jerry) 765-5071 Gull CoaSI Center (HIV case management) . . 1721 Tremonl (23rd) 762-5935 lambdaAA 684-21401(713)489-1573 Silk Sloc~ng B~I .. . David Bump, P.O. 5295177554 ... 737-3122 PAGE 95 HAftLiNGEN CLUB (AC: 210) Co~rs... .. .. 2107 Haine Dr.. .412-1281 HOUSTON ACCOMMODATIONS (AC: 713) The Lovett Inn. . . . . 501 Lovett. . . . 522-5224 The Monlrose Inn 408 Avondale 520-0206 HOUSTON ADULT BOOKSTOftES (AC: 713) After Dark News. .. . . . 1431 W.181h Big Cily News & VKIeo . .. . 10105 GuMFrwy Gas Ughl News. . 3519 Bell~re Richmond News & Video (24 hrs.) .' ... 4330 Richmond HOUSTON ADULT THEATEft (AC: 713) French Quarter 3201 Louisiana 527·0782 HOUSTON APARTMENT COMMUNITY (AC: 713) Chaleaux Oijon ... 5331 Beverly Hill Ln.. . . .. 626-3660 HOUSTON AnORNEYS (AC: 713) Archer, Danna K. . . . 524-1273 Green, Bill (24 hrs.) . .266-1004 Hurder, Richard. .871-0731 Milledge, Samuel L. . . ... 465-3385 Ritchie & Glass (24 hrs.) . .. 521-9216 R~I, Randolph Ea~ . .869-7933 Simon & Knesek . . ... 524-6000 WaJker, Jim.. .552-1117 HOUSTON BUSINESSES/SERVICES (AC: 713) AdvanceiDamron . 10700 N.w. Frwy1l160 682-2650 Basic Brothers 1232 Westheimer 522-1626 creAll'ive.. . .. .. 2014 Sui Ross. .. . 526-5190 Crossroads Market.. lltl We~h~mer .' .942-1l147 Dramatika . . ... 3804 S. Shepherd. . . .. 528-5457 Expo,ure Prints by:~.. .619-1968 Houston GaylLesbian Yellow Pages. . . .... 942-0084 Jack Roach Ford 2727 S.W. Frwy... .525-7400 Lealher by Boots 807 Fair/iew . . . .... 526-2668 Leather by Boots .. 715 FaiMewIRipoord.. . 526-1l444 Life Benefadors Janet Cohen . . 800-330-5281 . . . . 409-744-3200 Lile Today . . .... 892-5433 Musees In Action (C.J. Harrington). . .965-9917 PostNet. . . . 2620-B S. Shepherd 528-7678 Rice Pharmacy. .527-8339 Stat Script Pharmacy. .4101 Greenbriar 1235 ..... 1-800-829-3044.521-17001521-5855 Suzanne Anderson Properties . . ... 529-8484 TWT Graphics (a~, design, ~pesetting) . . 527-9111 Tuxedo Gallery 1214 W. 43 . . 688-3199 ...... S. Cherry Park. . . 345-8959 USA Pageantry . . ... 523-5293 HOUSTON CHURCHES & RELlG, ORGAN, (AC: 713) Bering Me~rial United Me~odist Church .... 1441) Har~ . 526-1017 Communi~ Gospel .... 4305 Lillian . . ... 880-9235 Community of the Reconciling SeNanl , . · (Presb~eria",Reformed) .... 462-7154 Covenant Baptisl Church. . ... 6610 Alder SI. .. .. 666-8830 Dawn of F~ Christian Church ... 8405-K Almeda-G~ ..... 991-6766 Digni~ (gay Calholics) . . 1307 Yale, Suite H ..... 680-2872 First Unitari&n Church . 5200 Fannin. . . 526·5200 Grace Lutheran Church. . .2515 Waugh .526-7708 Hou. Mission Church .. 1505 Nevada. . . ... 529-8225 Integrity (EpisropaJians and Iriends) . · P.O. 6600Bn7266-6008 ..... 432-0414 Jewish Family SelVices . . .... 4131 S. Braeswood .667-9336 Kingdom Communily Church . . 4404 Blossom .. 862-7533 Kolbe House.. .1509 FaiMew .. · P.O. 66669177266-6669.. .522-8182 Lulherans ConcemediHouston. . . . 869-4218 MCGR. . . .... 1919 Decatur. . . .... 861-9149 Marana~ Fel~wship MCC 3400 Monlrose, #600 · P.O. 667032177266-7032 ..... 526-8756 Mishpachat Alizim (gay and lesbian Jews) . · P.O. 980136177298-1l136 748-7079 Pentecostal Family of Montrose. . . 4305 Lillian .. .. .. 880-9235 Presb~ery of New Covenant. . . 41 Oakdale ... 526-2585 Rothko Chapel 1409 Sui Aoss . .524-9389 Seventh-Day Adventist Kinship. . P.O. 301047177230 SI. Stephen's Episcopal Church 1805 W. Alabama Unitarian Men's Group. . 526-5200 HOUSTON CLUBS (AC: 713) Brazos Aiver Bottom .. 2400 Brazos. . .. . .. ..528-9192 Briar Patch .. 2294 W. Holoombe at Greenbriar .. 665-9678 EJJ's 2517 RaJph SI. 527-9071 PAGE 96 Gentry.. .. 2303 Richmood.. . .. 520-1861 Heaven.. . Pac ffic at Grant. .521-9123 The Hill .. .12726 N. Frwy. .. ... 873-8810 Inoognito. . . . .. 2524 McKinney. . . . .. 237-9431 Inergy . .5750 Chimney Rock. . .666-7310 JR's ... .808 Padtic.: .521-2519 Lazy J .. .. .. 312 Tuam. .. ... 528-9343 Mary's.. .. .. 1022 We~heimer.. .. .. 527-9669 Montrose Mining Co .... 805 Pacific. . . .. 529-7488 Outpost.. .. .. 1419 Richmond.. .520-8448 Pacific Sireel.. .710 Pacific.. .. 523-0213 ors. .. 534 Westheimer.. .. 529-8813 Rascals. . 1318 We~heimer . .. 942-CLUB Rich's. . . 2401 San Jacinto. . . 759-9606 Aipoord. . 715 Pairview.. .. ... 521-2792 Sanla Fe Bar & Patio .. 804 Pacif~. . . . . . 521-2519 611 Club. .611 Hyde Park. .. ... 526-7070 Sleam (after hOUri) . . 402 Loven. . . 521-1450 Venlure-N . . . .. 2923 S. Main. . . . 522-0000 HOUSTON COUNSELING (AC: 713) Edd, Nicholas, Dr., Psy.D. . . 493-9984 Monlrose Counseling Cenler . . . 701 Richmood .. 529-1lO37 Ostrin, Oli~a, M.Ed., L.P.C. . . .... 493-9984 HOUSTON DOCTORS/DENTISTS (AC: 713) OnCol Medical Group.. . ..... 961-7100 Smith, Bruce W" D.D.S.. . . . .. 529-4364 HOUSTON FITNESS CENTERS (AC: 713) The Club. . .... 2205 Fannin. . . . 659-4998 Midtowne Spa. . .. 3100 Fannin. . ..... 522-2379 HOUSTON HEALTH CLUB (AC: 713) Fitness Exchange ... 3930 Kirby #300. . ..... 524-9932 HOUSTON ORGANIZATIONS/HELPLINES (AC: 713) Alrican-American Les~a",Gay Alliance. P.O. 130818177219 ... 864-2242 AIDS Alliance of the Bay Area ... ....... 17511 EI CaminoReaJ#159 .... 488-4492 AIDS Foundalion Houston. . .3202 Weslayan ... 623-6796 AIDSIHIV Info. Line (referrals) . . ..... 902-2231 AIDS Hotline (9a-9p) . . . 524-AIDS AIDS Intertaijh Council of Houston. . . .... 882-5995 AIDS Legal Hotline. . . . 528-7702 AIDS Mastery . . .... 524-AIDS American Civil Uberties Union. . . 942-8146 Anti-Homophobia Alliance . . .... 659-8181 Asians & Friends ... P.O. 740346177274 . . .772-3757 The Assistance Fund. . . .... 1116 Jackson Blvd. ..... 7700611210 . . . . . 529-4788 Astro Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf, Inc .. ....... P.O. 66138177266-6136 AVES, Inc .... 4126 S.W. Frwy, Suite 1717 .... 626-2837 Bayou City Boys Club. . P.O. 131284177219 Bering Care Center ... 1440 Harokf . . .... 520-7070 Bering Community Service Foundation .. . P.O. 540517177254 529-6071 Bering Denial Clinic ... 1440 Harold. . . . 524-7933 BiNel Houston . . .... 467-4380 Bisexual Network of Houslon . . . 861-9149 ~ PositiveIHou .. 1475 W. Gray #176 524-2374 Brazoria Coun~ Friends P.O. 15961Be1~ire 77402 Brothertlood of Pain. . . .. P.O. 66524177266-6524 .942-8402 Bunnies on the Bayou, Inc. . . ... PO. 68832177266 Chain Gang Bicycling Club. .863-1860 Classic Chassis Car Club. . . P.O. 981102177098 Codependenls Anonymous. . . ..... 529-3211 Coh 45's, InclAIDS Trouble Fund. . . P.O. 66804177266 ..... 526-6077 Crisis Holline . . 228-1505 Diana Foundalion .. P.O. 66523177266. . . ... 639-2000 DIFFAlHouston. . . . . . 5120 Woodway, Suile 279 . P.O. 131605177219-1605 ... . 552-94451 fax 552-1671 Discriminalion-Free Zone Project. . . P.O. 66664177266 .... 861-8238 Dizinger Foundation . . ... 3701 Monlrosel77006 .. 522-8660 Drug Abuse Hotline. . . . . ..... 1-800-662-HELP Executive and Professional Association of Houston .. ........ P.O. 130227177219-0227 F.I.S.T. IFem~es In Search o!Trouble).... .772-5826 FronlAunners (runners, joggers). . . ... 522-8021 Fundaci6n Latino Americana Contra el SIDA, Inc .. .. P.O. 773305177215-3305 . .995-6862 Garden Party. . P.O. P.O. 66693177266-6693 Gay FathersiFalhers First of Houston (John) .. P.O. 981053 ... 861-6181 Gay & Lesbian People in Medicine. . . .. 523-4700 Gay & Lesbian Swijchboard P.O. 664Ban7266-6469 ..... 529-3211 GaysA.esbians of Rice. . . .... 527-8101 Gay Men's Chorus. . .... P.O. 541004177254-1004 Gay Men's Network. . .. 529-3211 Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Alliance at U of H . . P.O. 314177204-3650. . 743-5180 Gay, Lesbian & Bi. Veterans of AmericalHou 951-9925 Good Sports (college footbalinlaskeibailians) 523-9000 Greater Houston Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce .... 1109 Hyde Parkl77006 ..... 523-7576 Grealer Houston Pocket Billiards League (PJ) .. 863-6462 Grey Party. . P.O. 130773177219 Gull Coa~ Transgender Communily P.O. 66843177266 .780-4282 Hate Crimes Hotline. . . P.O. 66469177266-6469 .529-9615 Heallh Depl. AIDS Hotline. . . ..... 794-9020 Heartsong (women's chorus) .... P.O. 980243177098-0243 Herpes H.E.L.P. Hotline. .879-1142 HIV Counseling. . . 701 Richmood . . .. 529-8037 Houstoo 'lea Bears. P.O. 66443177226. . . . . 867-9123 Houston Area Teen CoaImon of Homosexuals ... 942-7002 Houston Black Tie Dinner. . .523·9611 Houston Gay & Lesbian Parents. . . . . ... 666-8260 Houston Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus. P.O. 66664177266 .... 521-1000 Houston LesbianlGay Pride Week '96 .. . P.O. 66071177266-6071 529-6979 Houston Metropol~an Billiards League. . . .. 299-8969 Houston Ouldoor Group. . . .. KAMP-OUT Houston Pride Band .. 309 StraHord #4. . . . 524-0218 Houston Professional Men's Association 866-4079 Houston Professionals. . . P.O. 38401Humble .... 821-7126 Houston Tennis Club . . 875-2891 Houston Triangle Scuba Divers. ..10727 HazerV77072 .530-7822 Houston Wednesday Nighl Mixers Bowling 522-9612 Houston Women's SoftbaJl League. . P.O. 70668177270 .... 721-6854 Houslon Wresiing Club. . .. P.O. 131134177219-1134 .... 453-7406 Imperial Cou~ of Ihe Single Star .. P.O. 980444177098-1l444 .... 587-5428 Inner Loop Sunday Bowling. .522-9612 Jewish Family SeMces . .. 4131 S. Braeswood .667-9338 Ju~ for Us Iteens with gaynes. parenls) . . .. 666-8260 Krewe of OlympustTexas. . . ..... P.O. 920794177292 KPFT Radio . .. 419 Lovett.. . .. . 526-4000 Lambda Center AA ... 1201 W. Clay .... (office) 521-1243 (Io,by) 528-9772 Lambda Rrnlerskating Club .... 7414 Puerto Vallartal77083 Larry Garrett FOUIld., Inc. (loa-Bp) .... 11525 Burdine #421 .1303177035 . .. ... 729-7077 LesblGay StudentslUH Clear Lake .. 2700 Bay Areal77058 LIB.. .. ... 529-8077 Lesbians Over Age 50. P.O. 980601 .. ...661-1482 Log Cabin Houston.. . P.O. 131104177219-1104 .. 529-9100 Lone Star Nudi~ Group . . .... P.O. 66821177266 .. 866-8642 Lone Slar VrnleybaJl Association. . . . . ... 878-4629 MCC Library (Gay & Lesbian Archives). ... .861-9149 Miss Camp America Foundalion .. P.O. 7421Bellaire 77402 ..... 940-STAR Monday Night Women's Bowling. . .437-62181862-3630 Monlrose Clinic ..... 215 Westheimer. . . .... 520-2000 Montrose Counseling Center . . ... 701 Richmood .... 529-8037 Montrose Ice Picks . P.O. 6645007266 .. . .... 522-3687 Montrose Monday Night Men's Bowling. . .. 641-5424 Montrose Softball League P.O. 541954177254-1954 .867-3913 The Movie Club. . 867-9454 NAIMES Project .... 2410 Woodhead. . 52-NAIMES Narcolics Anonymous (24-hr. helpline) . . 661-4200 Nal. Leather Assoc P.O. 66553177266-6553 ....... 527-9666 Neartown Association. . .. 1413 WestheimermOO6 Nooh Mootrose Civic Assoc P.O. 130164177219-0184 Omega House, Inc 602 Branard 523-1139 Oulrage, Inc .... 1436 W. Gray #279177019 706-2508 Parenls, Families & Friends of Les. & Gays 867-9020 Pet PatroL.......................... .522-1954 Presidents Club (HGLPC past, pres.) P.O. 68644 Prime Timers ... P.O. 960612177098-1l612 867-3903 PWA CoaJ~oo .. 3400 Monlrose, Suite 106.. ..522-5428 TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 o Patrrn.. .. ..... 528-SAFE (7233) Rainbow Aanglers Dance Club. 3115 Houslon AvemOO9 ........ 880-0670 Rice U. Gay and Lesbian Alumni Assoc. (Rice GALA) .. .. (Neal Tannahill) 526-6718 Safer Sex House Parties (AFH). . 623-6796 Soulheast Texas LegaJ Clink:. . (HIVAerm. ill. ~~ clin,,) .......... 3400 Montrose, Suite 203177006 .. 523-7852 Soulhem Counlry Houston. . . P.O. 1502177252 ............................... 648-9340 Spectrum '95 526-2853 SI. Michael's AIDS Support Group 1801 Sage ..................... 621-4370 Sleven's House 522-5757 Slone Soup (AFH) . .. 623-6796 Team Houston P.O. 66405177266-6405 935-1060 Texas Gay Rodeo Association ... P.O. 130585177219-0585 ... 777-1444 Texas Invitational Bowling Tournament. .. (Andrea) 447-8133 ... (Tom) 522-9612 Texas Riders-Houston P.O. 66545177266-6545 Thai's Whal Friends Are ForI. . . P.O. 35786177235 .................... (10a-6p) 729-7077 TLC House (HIV-posilive shelter) 902-2231 TV-TG-TS Helpline 780-4282 Uniled Stales Mission (res. shelter program) .. 810 Branard ..................................... 942-0355 V.ffing Nurse Association . .. 520-8115 Wedneeday Nighl Mixers Bowling (Tom) 522-9612 Women's Info. and Referral 528-2121 Women for Sobriety (Pat). . . 520-1501 Women's Cenler 528-6798 HOUSTON RESTAURANTS (AC: 713) Jack Laurenzo's 5589 Richmood 266-4191 Mauvofeum Cefe 411 We~imer.. . 526-4646 HUNTSVILLE ORGANIZATION (AC: 409) Planned Parenlhood (HIV counseling) . . . 2405-C Ave. I ...................................... 295-6396 IRVING AnORNEY (AC: 214) Kow~ski, John (Metrol214)445-4149 UKE CHARLES, U, CLUB (AC: 318) The Ryan SI. PUb 723 Ryan St 436-9524 UREDO OftGANIZATIONS (AC: 210) AIDS Galeway Communi~ Health Center .... 200 W. Lyon ...... 718-5780 City Health Depl. HIV Projecl 722-2437 LONGVIEW CHURCH (AC: 903) Church With A ~sion 420 E. Conon SI. 753-1501 LONGVIEW CLUBS (AC: 903) O<>cisions 2103 E. Marshal 757-4884 Lifestyles 446 N. Easlman 758-8082 LONGVIEW ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 903) Special Heallh Resources/Serv. & Iest 1-800-526-0669 American Red Cross/AIDS support group 753-2091 Lambda AA 906 Padon 753-4167 LUBBOCK CHURCH (AC: 606) MCC Lubbock. . . 5501 341h SI. 792-5562 LUBBOCK CLUB (AC: 806) The Metro 1606 C~~s Ad 740-0006 LUBBOCK ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 806) GayJtesb~n Student Assoc P.O. 4310, SOS office 18 .................. 745-9207 Lambda AA 828-3316 LUG.A P.O. 4310n9464 766-7184 Oulreach ANAlanon .. 102 N. Ave. S 866-4360 PFLAG P.O. 94493179413-4493 799-5466 Soulh Plains AIDS Resource Center ..... P.O. 6949/79413 ......................... 796-7068i!l01line 792-7783 LUFKIN ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 409) EaslTexas AIDS Projecl. . . 569-8240 Planned Parenthood (HIV counseling). . . . 1404 Frank ........... 634-9446 McALLEN CLUBS (AC: 210) P.B.D.'s Lounge Ware Rd. at Daffodil 682-8019 1~ Avenue 1820 N. 1~. . .. 682-7131 McALLEN ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 210) Casa dela Merced (HIV SUpporVseMceS) 686-6047 Comfort House (AIDS hospice) . . 687-7367 Corazones Unidos (HIV carelserliees).. ..668-1155 Gay & Lesbian Bowling League . . . .. 971-8894 Nombres de la Frontera (AIDS Omtt) . . ..... 565-5437 Proyeclo Salud (HIV education) . . . 630-4309 MIDUND/ODESSA CHURCHES (AC: 915) Holy Trini~ Comm. Church. . .... 402 E. Gist ..... 570-HTCC(4822) Prodigal Minislries Communijy Church (Odessa) .. .............. 1500 E. Murphy 580-7328 MINERAL WELLS ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 817) TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1996 Ar;e SociaJ Group. . . . . . . . . . 325-1l3251328-1799 Friends of Jesus (Quakers) 1404 SE 131h St176067 ................................... 325-0325 NACOGDOCHES ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 409) Ea~ Texas AIDS Project P.O. 631346 .569-8240.. .. testin!jl569-2021 Gay & Lesbian Studenl AssocJStephen F. Au~in . .............. SFA Stalion 7121175962 ..... 569-2413 ODESSA/MIDUND/PERMIAN BASIN ORGAN, (AC: 915) Free and Clean Lambda AA (Odesse) 580-7328 Wesl Texas Gay Alliance 1500 E. Murphy/Odessa ..................................... 580-7328 PORT ARANSAS ACCOMMODATIONS (AC: 512) Sea Horse Inn 1423111h SI.. 749-5221 RIO GRANDE VALLEY ORGANIZATIONS GayJtesbian Alliance of Ihe Rio Grande Valley. ............................... (210)428-6800 Rio Grande Valley Gay & Lesbian Bowling League .. ............................ (210)971-8894 UT at Pan American Gay and Les. Siudeni Organ .. .................. (210)381-2260 ROSENBERG ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 713) Counlry Cousins... .. P.O. 94177471 Ou in Fort Bend 344-0638 SAN ANGELO CLUB (AC: 915) Silent Partners 1819 S. Harrison 949-9041 SAN ANGELO ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 915) Lambda AA 1121 S. Bryant 949-0662 San Angelo AIDS Foundalion . . . P.O. 62474176906 ...................................... 658-3634 SAN ANTONIO ACCOMMODATIONS (AC: 210) Elmira Molor Inn 1126 E. Elmira 222-9463 Painted Lady . . .. 620 Broadway . . . 220-1092 SAN ANTONIO BUSINESSES (AC: 210) Encore Vdeo. . . 8546 Broadway. . . .. 821-5345 Encore vceo Too 1216 E. Euclid 472-3004 Our Travel. . .. 15600 San Pedro 496-1776 Shocking Gray 1216 E. Euclid 472-2800 Zebra'z (gifts) 1216 E. Euoid 472-2600 SAN ANTONIO CHURCHES & RELlG, ORGAN, (AC:210) Dignity (gay Cathrnics).. . P.O. 12484 ...................................... 558-3287 Firsl Unilarian Church. 7150 IH 10 W. .. . .... 344-4695 Infant Jesus of Prague Chapel .. 3442 W. WoodlawrV78228 ... 432-2510 MCCSA 1136 W. Woodlawn 734-8048 Nativily of Jesus Byzanline Cath. Ch. 01 Amer. Calhedral . .............. 9539 Bowen Dr178250 520-8213 River Cily U~ng Church. . . 202 Holland ...................................... 822-1121 SI. Sergios & SI. Bacchos O~hodox Mission .. ................ P.O. 17232178217 697-3264 SAN ANTONIO CLUBS (AC: 210) Bonham Exchange 411 Bonham 271-3811 Cowboys . . 622 Roosevelt Ave 532-9194 Eagle Mountain .. 1902 McCullough Ave 733-1516 EI Jardin. . .. 106 Navarro. .. 223-7177 Mick's Hideaway . 5307 MoCuliough Ave 828-4222 The Pegasus. . . 1402 N. Main.. . 299-4222 ReBar 826 San Pedro 271-9663 The Saint 1430 N. Main.. .. . 225-7330 Silver Dollar 1418 N. Main 227-2623 Sparks 8011 Webbles 599-3225 2015. . . . 2015 San Pedro 733-3385 Wild Club 820 San Pedro 226-2620 WoodYs 826 San Pedro at W. Laurel 271-9663 SAN ANTONIO DOCTOR (AC: 210) Douglas, Albert H., M.D 5018 San Pedro ...... 826-2311 SAN ANTONIO FITNESS CENTERS (AC: 210) Aft. Clubs, A.C.1. 827 E. Elmira. . . .223-2177 Exeoulive Spa 703 Ave. B 225-8807 SAN ANTONIO ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 210) AIDS Information. . 225-4715 AIDS Resource Ctr 800 Lexington 222-2437 Alamo Business Council (prof.lsocial). . P.O. 15481178212 Alamo Cijy Men's Chorale P.O. 120243178212 .................. 979-7308 Bexar Co. Bears. P.O. 17232178217-1l232 377-7308 Bexar Men (gay nudisl) P.O. 12342178212-0342 casa Marlin ... 132 W. Grayson St178212 ..... 227-5968 Chain of Command. . 2807 Westview Dr. . Canyon Lake, TXI78133-4418 .. ............... 733-64751899-7879 RSI Cou~ of the Ala~ Empire P.O. 120123178212 ..... 735-8657 Crisis Helpline (24 hours) 227-4357 Gay & Lesbian Community Cenler. . 923 E. Mi~lel0e/78212 ...................................... 732-4300 Gay Switchboard (bar inlo). . 734-2833 Happy Foundalion 411 Bonham 227-6451 Hispanic AIDS Committee .... 132 W. Grayson St178212 ......... 224-7330 Lambda AA .... 8546 Broadway, Suije 255 .... 824-2027 Lesbian InfoIS.A P.O. 12327.. . .. 828-L1SA MHMR.. .402 Austin " 225-4227 NAMES Projecl 818 E. Grayson 225-4715 Parents, Families & Friends of Lesb. & Gays . ............. 121 W. WoodlawrV78212 822-4135 River Ci~ Pool League 734-3630 Ryan White o<>ntal Clinic. . . .. 818 E. GraysorV7B208 · 224-8950 San Antonio AIDS Foundalion 818 E. Grays0rv78208 .225-4715 San Antonio Equal Rights Political Caucus. . P.O. 12571178212 828-2723 San Antonio Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Vets of America . . P.O. 33397178265-3387.. .. 554-9918 San Antonio Gay Swilchboard P.O. 120402 ......... 733-7300 San Anlonio Lambda Students Alliance . P.O. 12715178212 .......... 736-4329 San Anlonio Men's Chorus 102 Wickes SI. " 226-2324 San Anlonio NOW .. P.O. 12874178212 673-8800 San Anlonio Tavern Gui~ P.O. 12712178212 Soulh Texas Oulreach Program for AIDSIUT Health Sci. Cnt · 301 S. Frio 1278 270-4621 Tejas Motorcycle Club 917 BrOOklyn Ave. ...................................... 223-6620 Texas Gay Rodeo Associalion. . . ..... P.O. 12651 ...................................... 349-8478 Unijed States Mission of Tx. (res. shelter program) .. ............... 626 E. QuincyI78215 299-1318 Wellness Connection .. 106 Warren. . . 732-3111 Young Men's Health Project IYMHPj .. · 104 Babcock Rd178201 736-2244 SAN MARCOS ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 512) LambOaiGay, Les~an Bi Student Assoc. (SWTU). 396-4317 GLSA of GLSA. . .. 754-0948 Rural AIDS SeMce Program 142 Jackson Ln . ............... P.O. 74Bn8667-0748 754-6628 SHEftMAN CLUB (AC: 903) Good Tsne Lounge .. 2520 Hwy 91 N 463-9944 SHERMAN OftGANIZATION (AC: 903) A.R.C.O.T.. . P.O. 367175091 813-1272 S, PADRE ISUND ACCOMMODATIONS (AC: 210) Upper Deck Hotel/Crews Quarters Bar ... P.O. 2309178597 ...................................... 761-5953 TEXAftKANA ORGANIZATION (AC: 501) Texarkana AIDS Project 773-1994 TEXAS CITY ORGANIZATION (AC: 409) Gulf Coasl Center (HIV case manage.) .... 6510 MemoriaJ .. 935-0506 TYLER CHURCH (AC: 903) SI. Gabriel Communi~ Church. 13904 Cr. 1193175703 .581-6923 TYLER/SMITH CO, MEDICAL (AC: 903) Planned Parenthood. . . . .. 3500 E. Soulh Broadway ...................................... 581-6923 WACO CHURCH (AC: 817) MCC 1601 Clay 752-5331 WACO CLUB (AC: 817) Davi~s. . . . 507 Jellerson al51h 753-9189 WACO ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 817) Court of the Central Texas Empire . · P.O. 20761176702 754-2060 GLACT P.O. 9081176714. .741-1428 Parenls, Families & Friends of Lesb. & Gays .... 750-7211 WEATHERFORD/PARKER CO, ORGAN, (AC: 817) Parker Counly HIVIAIDS Support Group .. .............. P.O. 16B3iWealhertord . . .. 596-3022 WICHITA FALLS CHURCH (AC: 817) MCC. .1014 Wichita.. . ..... 322-4100 WICHITA FALLS ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 817) AIDS Support Center 405 Galveslon, Suite 10 ... 322-9122 Diversity (gay!esb. sludenls at Midweslem State Univ .. ............... 3410 Taft B1vd112806 692-4968 WOODLANDS ORGANIZATION (AC: 713) Northwoods HIVIAIDS Support Group. .367-4083 I ~ I PAGE 57 LIVE LOCAL TALK LINE I "fELL MEDOft YOURnRS' tiME" FOR WCAl NAMES AND NUMBERS IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, CAll: 1-900-CUTE BOYS