March 2015 - Marine Corps League - Det. 1009


March 2015 - Marine Corps League - Det. 1009
Commandant: Jeff Bruce
March 2015
Monthly League Meeting
Third Thursday of every month at 1930
McHenry VFW
3002 W. Route 120
McHenry, IL 60050
3 march - Winter Blues Tournament shoot
See Shooting Team News for info
12 march - Friend or Family shooting day
See Shooting Team News for info
14-15 Mar - The Shawnee Detachment will be hosting
Department 3rd Staff at the Hampton Ill, 2175 Reed Station
Rd., Carbondale, IL (1 866 460-7456 for reservations.)
Room rates will be $113.85 including tax. Please call Jack
or Sue Whitlock at 1 618 549-3763 for details.
Events at
Detachment Officers
Commandant: Jeff Bruce
Sr. Vice: Daniel Boucek
Jr. Vice: Scott Bawinkel
11 April – Flag Day Fundraiser need volunteers to sign up
for locations. See Fundraising article.
Paymaster: Mike Ruffner
18 April – Flag Day Fundraiser need volunteers to sign up
for locations. See Fundraising article.
Adjutant: Mike Breslin
9-12 April - The Four Lakes Detachment of the Department
of Wisconsin will be hosting the 2015 Central Division
Conference at the Concourse Hotel, 1 W. Dayton St.,
Madison, WI. Contact Brian Yount 608-449-8601 Refer:
Events at
Judge Advocate: Joe McLachlan
31 May - Heart Of A Marine Foundation 8th Kevin Clarke
Memorial Ride Tinley Park, IL
Sgt. At Arms: Marty Lenzen
18 July - MCL/VNC joint picnic & Fishing Derby
Rich Young
Thom Gillespie (2014 Commandant)
Jerry Havens
10-15 June -The Illinois Valley and Lincoln Detachment will
be hosting our 4th Staff meeting and 71st Annual
Department Convention in Galesburg, IL at the Best
Western Premium Hotel, Refer: Events at
Chaplain: Ken Hauser
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Welcome Aboard New Members!
The Marine Corps prides its self in long standing traditions and the highest military standards. It is these
traditions and standards that fuel the brotherhood of our Corps. Whether you’re a Marine, Marine Corps
League Auxiliary, or an Associate member applicant, acceptance to our membership reflects great credit
upon yourself. Marines maintain the highest level of military professionalism. We have a range of
members from many backgrounds and life experiences. It is the brotherhood and professionalism that
enables us to be a cohesive team and deliver above all others.
It is with great pride I write this letter to you. Our Detachment has built homes for members in need, over
recent years provided over 100,000 toys for needy children, honored nearly 100 Eagle Scouts, paid final
respects with honors to some of the most highly decorated Marines and their loved ones, supported
numerous veterans groups, assisted with scholarships for family members of Marines and much more.
The value to you, of your membership, is what you put into it. It is up to you to take the initiative and
participate in our activities. We have many committees and events where help is needed. To name a few
are: Habitat for Humanity, Fishing trips, color guards, Toys for Tots, Marksmanship and shooting, Marine
Corps Ball, Fund Raising, Scholarships, Newsletter, Facebook, Website, 5k runs. Should you have an
idea or passion that supports the camaraderie and fellowship of our Detachment, I strongly encourage you
to speak up.
We ensure you have a Sponsor. Please meet them for coffee and ask: Why the League? What do you like
about it? How can I help? What should I know about the League and the Detachment? Great rewards are
fond in being a part of something greater than ourselves and seeing what working together can
accomplish in peace and war. But we have to pull together to realize ours goals and to, in turn, experience
the camaraderie and sense of accomplishment. If our colors or a brother falls, the next Marine in line will
pick them up and carry on. Thus the meaning of Semper Fidelis. The League picks up where our
enlistment left off. We are a proud group. We are Marines!
Jeffrey W. Bruce
MCL McHenry Detachment # 1009
Semper Fi!
Useful links:
Marine Corps League, National:
Semper Fi Store (for uniform items) 1-800-MCL-1775,
Marine Corps League, Department (State level):
For cover lettering, patches sewn on uniform shirts, etc: Linda Showens,,
Detachment website:
Detachment Facebook:
McHenry County MCL#1009 Newsletter Page 2 of 11
Thoughts from the Jr. Vice:
Thanks to all for your assistance as we begin to grow
our ranks this year. We will be adding one and
maybe two new Marines in February. We are on
pace for 12-15 new members this year, outstanding!
We are going into budget time in the Detachment.
My number one favorite charity is without doubt the
Semper Fi Fund (previously called the Injured Marine
Semper Fi Fund). This group gets an A+ rating from
CharityWatch, which is not easy to accomplish. SFF
distributes roughly 95% of donated funds directly to
recipients, this is efficiency! Wounded Warriors in
comparison, with a huge advertising campaign,
scores a D rating with about 58% efficiency. Think
about this when you pull out your own checkbooks as
well. SFF background from ‘Crossroads of the Corps’
“The Semper Fi Fund was formed by six wives of
Marines who were fighting in the first Battle of
Fallujah in April 2004, when there were more
wounded Marines than at any time since the Battle
for Hue City in 1968. These Marine wives formed the
SFF to help families be bedside as their Marines
recovered from their wounds.
Volunteers need to sign up for Spring Flag Day in
April. The following stores need team leaders and
volunteers from 0900 to 1300.
April 11
Harvard - Walmart
Woodstock – Walmart, Jewel
McHenry – Angelos, Jewel
Crystal Lake – Jewel
April 18
Algonguin – Joe Caputo & Sons
Crystal Lake - Joesph’s
Contact Mike Rein for futher information
February Bowling 50/50
Committee thanks the Auxiliary and Detachment
members that participated in the efforts that made
the Bowling events a smashing success
The scope of support provided is truly amazing. In
addition to family-support grants, the Fund helps
wounded service men and women in ways no other
charity will do. For example, a wounded who loses
limbs may need a specially modified vehicle. These
vehicles typically cost more than $40,000. The VA
will only provide $27,000, telling the wounded to get
a loan. But to get a loan, a Veteran needs a job, to
get a job the Veteran needs a vehicle. Semper Fi
Fund will pay the difference.”
Since its inception in 2004, Semper Fi Fund has
issued more than 82,000 grants totaling more than
$99 million in assistance to over 13,000 of our heroes
and their families. In my opinion there can be no
charity that better embodies the mission of the
Marine Corps League than the Semper Fi Fund.
Scott E. Bawinkel
Jr. Vice Commandant
Semper Fidelis!
L Robbins 3D Bowl
Rich Young Kingston
Bowl Fund Raiser
Patriot Run
Volunteers for Event coordinator and subcommittee
are needed to support this event. Volunteers contact
Mike Rein at
McHenry County MCL#1009 Newsletter Page 3 of 11
Eagle Scout Court of Honor
Detachment Correspondence:
Please send detachment correspondence for
distribution to
Ruffner's personal email should NOT be used for
detachment business.
Mailing address is: Paymaster / McHenry County
1009, PO Box 311, Woodstock, IL 60098
Business Card Ads 1 year $50
Membership renewals Go to and do it online!
Annual Dues are $35.00
Life Membership Dues
As of
GROUP 01/01/2014
0 - 35
36 - 40
41 - 50
51 - 64
65 - Over
Volunteers needed to participate in the Eagle
Scout Court of Honor ceremony on behalf of the
McHenry County Detachment #1009 For more
information, please call Ed Peters, Marty Lenzen, or
Rich Young
Upcoming ceremonies
April 18th - Lake in the Hills Village Hall
------------------------------------------------------------------Communication Committee:
Committee will meet for 10-15 minutes prior to or
after our regular meeting. This includes but is not
limited to WebAdmin, WebSgt, Newsletter Editor,
MCLA member(s). This may also include our
Paymaster and anyone that maintains and/or
distributes MCL & AUX info (or has any interest in the
positions or regarding communications within and
outside of our detachment)
We have so much to say and do. Your input is a vital
aspect of how we communicate as a group and as
Contact Anna or Daniel.
Does anyone remember the old AT&T
slogan”Reach out and Touch Someone!” –
contact the paymaster if you have time to check up
on some of our members in your town to see how
they are doing, especially our More Mature
Members (how’s that for being PC).
Redhat Express- Interested in Carpooling to the
meeting? contact the paymaster
McHenry County 1009
PO Box 311
Woodstock, IL 60098
Newsletter content is needed from the membership
to make information of value to members. Please
submit articles a minimum of seven days prior to the
publishing month. Write us with your comments and
Please include your full name and mailing or e-mail
Address. Letters may be edited for brevity and clarity.
All submissions are subject to approval.
Write to:
Newsletter Editor
McHenry County MCL#1009 Newsletter Page 4 of 11
Consider the Marine Corps League as a recipient for
end of year donations. Our Detachment is a 501(c)4
organization, which means donations are tax
Do you need uniform items? Visit the Marine Corps
Ships Store at website or call 1-800MCL-1775. Shirts and embroidered items are done
thru Artistic Embroideries(See their Advertisement)
----------------------------------------------------------------Fishing Events
MCL/VNC joint picnic will be held on July 18 from
1200 until 2000.
The event will take place at Lake Julian in Cary.
There will be several activities including a fishing
derby for all and especially kids/grandkids.
Since this is normally a fundraising event for the VNC
we will also participate in fund raising. This will
include a 50/50 raffle and running of at least 2 events
such as the shooting gallery and dunk tank. By
working these events we should be able to easily
cover our costs for food, drinks and fishing. Anyone
interested in helping out give Tom a call.
Disabled/disadvantaged Vets fishing derby at Three
Oaks Lake in Crystal Lake is tentative for mid to
late June. We hope to have Dave Kranz from Dave's
Bait andTackle and Steve Sarley(Northwest Herald
outdoorwriter) fishing with us. We have held this
event twice in the last 3 years and all have had a
great time.We will be looking for members with some
skills to act as guides for this event, Again,if
interested,give me a call.
Fishing trip to Lake Shelbyville in early to mid
May. As it stands now with the boats that we have
available we have room for 3 more.This event will
most likely be on our own dime and I figure the total
cost to be about $250 per man.
Shooting Team News
February’s detachment shoots had two components:
one focusing on skills and drills, followed by a minitournament using the MCL slow pistol course of fire.
A 50/50 prize was awarded to the winner of the
shoot. Detachment 1009’s own Rick Prescott won on
3 February, while Bob Stack from Detachment 801
claimed victory for the 12 February shoot.
In all, the Detachment earned $62.50 between the
two shoots.
A “Winter Blues Tournament” will take place on the 3
March shoot, utilizing the MCL pistol course of fire.
The entry fee to participate will be $10, on top of the
$20 range fee. Targets and score sheets will be
supplied for you.
To improve the chances of winning, a handicapping
system will be employed based on one’s average
points from three prior MCL shoots. Those who don’t
have such a history will be given a default handicap
The prize will be a 50/50, split with the Detachment.
The purse for the top three will be divided as follows:
First – 42%, Second – 33%, and Third – 25%.
For the 12 March shoot, we will have a “Friend or
Family” shoot, whereby participants can bring a new
shooter with them. As of this article’s writing, a
course of fire is still under development. Cost to
participate is $20 per person. Targets will be
supplied. If you don’t have a firearm, the range has
them available for rental. Illinois residents need to
provide a FOID in order to rent and purchase ammo.
Arrive at On Target in Crystal Lake at 17:30 to
discuss administrative matters, with shooting starting
at 18:00 and concluding at 19:45. We generally
reconvene at Sud’s down the road for a post-shoot
Space is limited for both events, so please RSVP to
John Serrano @
RSVP: to John Serrano at
Contact: Jeff Bruce/Mike Breslin
Semper Fi, Tom Gillis 708-417-3388
McHenry County MCL#1009 Newsletter Page 5 of 11
This Month in History
Selected March Dates of Marine Corps
Historical Significance
2 March 1867: Jacob Zeilin, Colonel Commandant of
the Marine Corps from 30 June 1864, was this date
promoted to the rank of Brigadier General
Commandant, the first time Congress authorized this
rank for the Marine Corps. The statute, however, was
repealed in June 1874 so that the rank of
Commandant would again revert to colonel upon
Zeilin's retirement.
8 March 1965: The 9th Marine Expeditionary Brigade
landed at DaNang, Republic of Vietnam as the first
U.S. ground combat troops to be committed to that
conflict. The 3,500 men arrived both across the beach
with Battalion Landing Team 3/9, and at DaNang
Airfield with Battalion Landing Team 1/3.
11 March 1778: Marines participated the action when
the Continental Navy frigate Boston, enroute to
France, sighted, engaged, and captured the British
merchant ship Martha. As the drum of the Boston beat
to arms, John Adams seized a musket and joined the
Marines on deck until the frigate's captain, Samuel
Tucker, sent him below for safety.
13 March 1943: The first group of 71 Women Marine
officer candidates arrived at the U.S. Midshipmen
School (Women's Reserve) at Mount Holyoke College
in South Hadley, Massachusetts. The Navy's
willingness to share training facilities enabled the
Marine Corps to begin training Marine Corps Women's
Reserve officers just one month after the creation of
the MCWR was announced.
17 March 1967: The first woman Marine to report to
Vietnam for duty, Master Sergeant Barbara J.
Dulinsky, began her 18-hour flight to Bien Hoa, 30
miles north of Saigon. MSgt Dulinsky and the other
officer and enlisted Women Marines that followed
were assigned to the Military Assistance Command,
Vietnam (MACV) based in Saigon. Most worked with
the Marine Corps Personnel Section providing
administrative support to Marines assigned as far
north as the DMZ, but two Lieutenant Colonels, Ruth
Reinholz and Ruth O'Holleran, served as historians
with the Military History Branch, Secretary Joint Staff,
25 March 1945: After 35 days of bitter fighting, the
amphibious assault on the rocky fortress of Iwo Jima
finally appeared over. On the night of 25 March,
however, a 300-man Japanese force launched a
vicious final counterattack in the vicinity of Airfield
Number 2. Army pilots, Seabees and Marines of the
5th Pioneer Battalion and 28th Marines fought the
fanatical Japanese force till morning but suffered
heavy casualties --more than l00 killed and another
200 American wounded. Nearly all of the Japanese
force was killed in the battle.
27 March 1953: The 5th Marines, supported by the 2d
Battalion, 7th Marines, in the first full day of fighting
after the Chinese assault the previous evening of
Outpost Vegas on Korea's western front,
counterattacked to regain enemy-held positions.
Companies E and F of 2/7 , down to only three
platoons between them, managed to regain partial
control of Outpost Vegas that day.
31 March 1801: On this date, LtCol Commandant
William W. Burrows rode with president Thomas
Jefferson to look for "a proper place to fix the Marine
Barracks on." President Jefferson was a personal
friend of the Commandant, and deeply interested in
the welfare of the Corps and accompanied Burrows
on horseback on the morning of 31 March. They
chose a square in Southeast Washington, at 8th and I
streets, because it lay near the Navy Yard and was
within easy marching distance of the Capitol.
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Hello ladies and gentlemen,
It is my hope that this Newsletter finds you all doing well and that you have all survived the multiple
“Alberta Clippers” that have visited us this winter which feels as though it will never end. On the plus side,
we are on the downside of this cold climate and will soon be swapping it for much warmer temperatures.
Luckily, these temps have not put a damper on our Auxiliary spirit. We have continued to do what we
do…. Sending coupons to our military wives stationed around the world, continued to assist with League
fundraisers, taking care of our Marine families.
This past weekend, I had the honor of attending the 10th Annual Hearts of Valor Ball hosted by The Heart
of a Marine Foundation. The Heart of a Marine Foundation was founded by a Gold Star family after their
son, a Marine, was KIA in Iraq in 2004. They wanted to make a difference, to help others. Originally it
started our as an organization which took care of Marines. The organization has grown beyond that and
now helps men and women across all our services. Heart of a Marine, as of March 2012, has donated
over $150,000 in Aphasia rehabilitative software as well as desktop and laptop computers to VA Hospitals
& civilian facilities that treat veterans nationwide. They have donated over 5,000 ergonomically sculptured
canes to any military member in need. The Foundation has supported many care package projects,
making sure those men and women stationed overseas received a little piece of home. They also award
scholarships every year to those who exemplify the spirit of The Heart of a Marine Foundation ideal:
Honor, Patriotism, Loyalty, Respect, and Concern for others. And finally, they are partnered with Salute,
Inc and the Allen J. Lynch Medal of Honor Veterans Foundation to provide individual assistance to those
veterans in need. The Ball that was held this last weekend is a major fundraiser for the Foundation. If you
have never been able to attend, please consider doing so next year. It is always held in February of each
year. It is guaranteed, an awesome event!!
Please keep our Veteran, active duty Military (wherever they are), and their families in your thoughts and
prayers as they all work toward completing their mission, regardless of what it may be.
Respectfully submitted,
Deb Sosnowski
Unit 419 President
Photos Courtesy of :
Available Veterans Resources
Lake-McHenry Veterans and Family Services
Lake-McHenry Veterans and Family Services (LMVFS) is a program that provides free and confidential
services to anyone who serves or has served in the U.S. Armed Forces, their family members and their
loved ones. This is a community-based program staffed by veterans and family members of veterans
offering peer-to-peer support.
Our Vision is to embed 100% free and confidential care for Lake County Veterans, Reservists, Guardsmen
and their Families regardless of their discharge status into the community through a network of Veteran
volunteers, Veteran peer-to-peer specialists, and critical community resources
1. Reduce the time it takes for a warrior to ask for help.
2. Provide 100% free and confidential services to Military, Veterans, Reservists, Guardsmen and their
Families with war-related issues through a strong peer support network regardless of their discharge
3. Educate and counsel families supporting Veterans or military personnel through trauma informed care.
4. Raise competency in trauma informed care.
5. Reduce Veteran hospitalizations.
6. Provide a safe environment for those in need to reduce the stigma associated with their needs.
Peer-to-Peer Support
Links to services such as emergency
housing and food
Screenings, clinical assessments and
Individual, family and group counseling
Case management
Crisis intervention
Suicide prevention education
Veteran and family support and
discussion groups
The LMVFS has three locations:
121 E. Grand Ave., Lake Villa, IL
3010 Grand Ave., Waukegan, IL
and a Drop-In Center with computer access, events, workshops, and gatherings at 5330 W. Elm St.
(Rte. 120), McHenry, IL
They can also be reached by phone at 847.377.VET6 (8386), on Facebook, or on their website
One of the really great Marines around in Red Blazer, With a heavy Heart I'm letting everyone know that
Marine/Friend/Brother of Marine Corps League Lake County Detachment 801 has passed away tonight at
around 1900. He was the Department of Illinois Eagle Scout Chairman and MCL Lake County 801 Eagle
Scout Chairman as well. George W. Everitt, 78, a resident of Round Lake Beach, IL passed away
Wednesday, February 25, 2015.
R.I.P. Marine George Everitt. You will be missed. Marine George Everitt's
Marty Snappy Smith III
Wake : Sunday, March 1st 3:007:00pm
Strang Funeral Home
410 E. Belvidere Rd (rt 120)
Grayslake, IL
70th Anniversary of U.S. Marine Corps Iwo Jima Flag Raising, February 23rd
Chain O'Lakes Brewing Company, Photos courtesy of Marty Snappy Smith III
Raffle Drawing Winner James Caliendo, Mike Ruffner, Jeff
Bruce, Scott Bawinkel & Colonel Curt Ames
Marine Colonel Curt Ames toasting our Fallen and deployed Marines.