SunTimes – Spring 2015


SunTimes – Spring 2015
SunTimes – Spring 2015
Anne Auguste, CTR
Greetings fellow registrars,
Spring is upon us and it
symbolizes change, transformation,
Throughout our life we must each
cope with various changes whether
they be professional, social,
financial, physical, or emotional. In
order for us to experience the
upside of change we need to keep
in mind the following:
Anne Auguste, CTR
Walter Sanford, CTR
Immediate Past President
Carol Hutchison, CTR
Dinah Merrill, CTR
Chairman Nominating Committee
Elizabeth Elrod, BS, RHIA, CTR
Ana Ruiz, CTR
FCDS Liaison
Joyce Allan, MPH, CTR
C-CRAB Liaison
Helen Lewis, BS, CTR
Mayra Espino, BA, RHIT, CTR
Gloria Underhill, LPN, CTR
Jennifer Sanky, CTR
FCRA Education Foundation Liaison
Jamie Suarez, RHIT, BS, CTR
Public Relations/Editor
Janet Vogel, CTR
Web Master
Walter Sanford, CTR
Physician Liaison
Pedro Heinz Diaz Pow Sang, MD, CTR
Presidential Assistant
Sally Kruse, CTR
2015 Program Chairs
Barbara DeArmon, BS, CTR
Sally Kruse, CTR
FCRA SunTimes–Spring 2015
 Change is inevitable. If we
can accept that it will come then it
won’t be such a shock to us when it happens
 Attitude determines how high we can rise above the negativity.
There’s a saying that goes “you will have what you say.” If we can keep a
positive attitude and dialogue then eventually things will turn around.
 Yielding is much easier than resisting. Just like we use less muscles
for smiling versus frowning, embracing change is more graceful than
fighting against the inevitable.
In our profession we are often
faced with mounting and everchanging deadlines. The pressure
can make us lose sight of our high
purpose and even steal the zest out
of our zeal. In those moments, how
do we keep from losing it? My
answer to you is: Remember all of
the above and rise to the occasion. Regardless of the difficulty we can still
do a good job. Let us never lose sight that our role is critical. We are
dealing with people’s lives. We may feel overwhelmed but in fact we are
the gate keepers for cancer research and the catalyst to the awaiting cures.
Look forward to seeing you at the Annual Conference in July.
Keep on sharing your story.
SunTimes – Spring 2015
Sally Kruse, CTR
I was working at the Museum of Science and Industry as a Clerk and in order to receive a
promotion I had to pass a typing test. After four tries I passed – I was very happy to advance to a Clerk
Typist II. Now this may not seem very important, but this was the turning point in my life. With my
new found credentials I was able to transfer to Tampa General Hospital Tumor Registry. I had no idea
what a tumor registry was or even what I would be typing, but it was only a ten minute drive from my
home saving gas and time. I never dreamed it would be the start of a growing profession.
To say I was overwhelmed as a Tumor Registrar would be an understatement. There was so much
to learn and I didn’t know who to call to answer my questions. As luck would have it, I was in the
right place at the right time. “FCDS was legislatively mandated in 1978 to collect incidence data on all
cases seen in Florida since 1981” and coincidently I began my career in the tumor registry that same
year. Everyone that reported to the state had to be trained and FCDS provided the training. I
discovered there were SEER Instructional Manuals, FCRA and NCRA. I began by studying the
manuals and taking advantage of the educational programs given by FCRA and NCRA. I’ll have to
admit that main source of my everyday questions came from other
registrars and FCDS.
“In 1983 the National Tumor Registrars Association, Incorporated
(NTRA) established the first certification examination for tumor registry
professionals. Successful candidates earned the credential of Certified
Tumor Registrar (CTR).” I was excited that the tumor registrars would
have credentials, but frightened that I would not pass. My first year of
eligibility was 1984 and much to my surprise I passed the exam. For the
first time in my life I was credentialed and was no longer a Clerk Typist,
but a Certified Tumor Registrar. The Cancer Committee surprised me
with a party and Harvey Greenberg, M.D., the Cancer Committee Chair,
presented me with the CTR certificate.
My CTR opened doors for me that I would never have dreamed on knocking. My confidence level
was zooming – there wassn’t anything I couldn’t do. I enrolled in college and took courses in English
Essays, Accounting and Statistics. I learned how to communicate with the written word and began to
write. I discovered I could teach what I had learned and was eager to share my new found knowledge
in the tumor registry.
I began volunteering for FCRA and NCRA – this was the catalyst for my future success and made
me what I am today - a professional Cancer Registrar. Since receiving my CTR, I served on the board
of FCRA and NCRA in multiple positions culminating in the position of President in both
I began as a Clerk Typist, promoted to a Manager of a large hospital Cancer Registry, and then
became Manager of Education Services for Electronic Registry System, Inc. I was able to write
educational training programs and present webinars – doing what I loved best, sharing the information
I learned with other registrars. I’m now semi-retired working from home three days a week. I wonder
where I would be without the CTR.
FCRA SunTimes–Spring 2015
SunTimes – Spring 2015
FCRA SunTimes–Spring 2015
SunTimes – Spring 2015
These candidates passed the exam and formally became Certified Tumor Registrars.
Please congratulate these New CTRs.
Heather Benson, Honey-in-the Hills
Alicia Bock, Orlando
Nicole Burmeister-Lintz, Pensacola
Lurcretia Garman, Jacksonville
Rachel Hatch, Pinellas Park
Elizabeth Jernigan, The Villages
Jenny Martinez, Lauderhill
Lori Massa, Coral Springs
Nektarios Pappas, Lake Worth
Uma Vempati, Miami
June 20 – July 11; application deadline = May 29
October 17 – November 7; application deadline = September 18
The main purpose of this task force is to allow for an easy method of
communicating various issues at both the Cancer Registrars and Central
Registry level. This task force will tackle problems such as issue resolution,
improvement of processes (with the hope of increasing efficiency), and assist in
identifying areas of educational needs. The task force direct e-mail is please feel free to contact them with any issues you would
like the task force to address.
FCRA SunTimes–Spring 2015
SunTimes – Spring 2015
FCRA SunTimes–Spring 2015
SunTimes – Spring 2015
Barbara J. Dearmon, BS, CTR & Sally Kruse, CTR
The program committee is ready to greet all of you at
TradeWinds Island Resort on St. Pete Beach, Florida
in July. Our theme is “Surfing the Waves of
Knowledge.” We have great speakers and topics for
this year’s meeting.
The FCRA Education
Foundation will host an auction and social networking on Monday, July 27, 2015 from 5:30 to 7:00
pm. The program brochures will be mailed out by the end of the month and information will be
at for hotel reservations. The annual meeting will be held
the last week of July in 2015.
The annual meeting dates are:
Monday, July 27, 2015
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Members $200.00
Non-members $250.00 HIM Students: $150.00
The Standard Hotel Room rate for Single/Double is $149.00 plus applicable taxes and fees. To ensure
availability, rooms must be reserved by June 27, 2015. Below are additional room rates based on
availability at time of reservations.
Tropical View Hotel Room $169.00 per room, per night
Gulf front Hotel Room $199.00 per room, per night
Tropical View One Bedroom Suites $224.00 per night
Gulf Front One Bedroom Suites with Balcony $249.00 per night
Rooms are based on double occupancy per night and children under 18 are complimentary when
sharing a room. All vendors are welcome- if you would like to request information about exhibitor
space, please e-mail the program chairs. We look forward to greeting all of you this year.
Please contact program chairs for additional questions or concerns.
2015 FCRA Program Chairs
Barbara J. Dearmon, BS, CTR
St. Vincent’s Medical Center
3 Shircliff Way, Dillon Bldg #207
Jacksonville, FL 32210
FCRA SunTimes–Spring 2015
Sally Kruse, CTR
Electronic Registry Systems Inc.
4080 Mainlands Blvd North
Pinellas Park, FL 33782
SunTimes – Spring 2015
FCRA SunTimes–Spring 2015
SunTimes – Spring 2015
Jamie Suarez, RHIT, CTR
Your FCRA Education Foundation is holding a Silent Auction on Monday July 27, 2015, during
the FCRA Annual Meeting. We invite you to bring an item to be donated. This could include gift
certificates, coupons, or items from any friend or local establishment. Let your imagination soar! If you
and your cancer registrar friends would like to make and donate a gift basket these are very popular
with your fellow registrars.
DONATE YOUR UNWANTED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Do you have items that you no longer
want or that no longer fit your current décor such as gently used household items which might include
wall decorations, lamps, tablecloths, or items you’d like to re-gift? Consider donating a few of these
items to the FCRA Auction.
SOLICIT DONATIONS: When you are at your favorite restaurants or store or if you know the
owner or manager, consider asking them to make a donation. Examples include:
 Retail Donations: Local boutiques, gift stores, grocery stores, independent toy or drug
stores, hardware stores and state-wide movie theaters. Don’t forget the wine & cheese stores or
accessories such as wine glasses, glass markers, bottle openers, etc. Auction items may also
include sports equipment, building supplies, tools, and non-perishable grocery items: really
anyone who sells goods can be asked to donate actual items and/or gift certificates
 Restaurant Donations: Statewide restaurant chains may provide gift certificates or coupons
 Does your hospital have give-aways? These items may be grouped together with others to
make one interesting “collection”. Maybe an “Office packet” of pens, pencils, letter openers, etc.
Check with your Marketing Department to see if they have any “left-over” promotional items
they can part with.
No donation is too small!! Several small items may be “bundled” together with other like items
to make an interesting basket.
This is a great fund raiser for the FCRA Foundation. Money raised will be used for educational
activities for FCRA Members. All donations can be brought to the meeting or mailed to Gayle Clutter
at 9764 Lake Seminole Dr E., Largo, FL 33770. The FCRA Fundraising committee will inventory the
donation with the name of the member making the donation & the person/organization making the
donation. For additional information, assistance or helpful information on identifying donations, call or
email Gayle Clutter at 727-954-6221 or
Gloria Underhill, LPN, CTR
We are looking for photos from the past FCRA meetings! We would like to have a
display of past FCRA members and events at the Annual Meeting. Please send them
to me and be sure to date each picture and event. Thank you for your help!
Gloria A Underhill
810 E Amelia Street
Orlando, FL 32803
FCRA SunTimes–Spring 2015
SunTimes – Spring 2015
FCRA SunTimes–Spring 2015
SunTimes – Spring 2015
Mayra Espino, BA, RHIA, CTR
Any FCRA member interested in submitting a proposal for a
new bylaw or to update or amend an existing bylaw should submit
it in writing with the recommendations and include the appropriate
section and page number from the bylaws manual. These changes
can be sent to me in an email, in a word document attached to an
email, or by regular mail. The updates of these bylaws will be
made available on the FCRA website. Please send any
recommendations to my email
Elizabeth Elrod, RHIT, CTR
As the 2014/2015 Nominating Chair, I want to thank all the members
who have already expressed an interest in becoming involved, but we
are not done yet! Now is the time for you to consider taking an extra
step and running for one of the open positions with your State
Association. Please show your commitment and interest by volunteering to run for
one of the following open positions:
 Nominating Chair - 2015/2016
 President Elect/Secretary - 2015/ 2016
Remember – We need everyone to participate in making our FCRA Board a success - Please
volunteer to run for office or participate in a committee. Your voice is important and essential for the
achievement of our goals!
Please provide me your name and a brief profile to be put on the ballot, if you are interested in
running for office. Thank you!
Elizabeth Elrod
FCRA Nominating Chair
FCRA SunTimes–Spring 2015
SunTimes – Spring 2015
FCRA SunTimes–Spring 2015
SunTimes – Spring 2015
FCRA Education Fundraising Committee Chair/Program Co Chair
Barbara J. Dearmon, BS
This month we will celebrate National Cancer Registrars Week which is a great way to promote the
importance of our profession. We are always in need of more cancer registrars to mentor, to guide, and
to share knowledge in the cancer registry profession which will help with reducing the shortage of
CTRs today. This can be achieved in several ways listed below:
 Become a NCRA Mentor
o Visit NCRA website at to learn more about this program
 Volunteer on the HIM Advisory Committee at your local community colleges
 Participate in Health Information Management students’ forum promoting job opportunities
available in the cancer registration profession
 Volunteer on the state or national association
 Become a NCRA Clinical site to host a future CTRs obtaining 160 hours of on the job
o Acquire support from Senior Management
o Check with your education Department
o Obtain Business Affiliation Agreements
o Students will be required to complete orientation, background screening and be up to date
on immunizations
 Participate on various subcommittees that use registry data throughout hospital
 Develop a PowerPoint on ”Introduction to Cancer Registry” to share with new Cancer
Committee Members and other allied health professionals
 Submit an article to the hospital newsletter promoting the importance and value of being a CTR
 Promote National Cancer Registrars’ Week on the hospital intranet with a photo of staff
I am honored to be in a position to represent our profession, share the importance of our role and my
experience as a cancer registrar. Someone took time to mentor and inspire me in this profession to be
successful. Taking time to share your knowledge and skills whenever the opportunity exists to discuss
cancer registry profession it makes a difference!
Special Note: This NCRW theme was submitted by Dinah Merrill, CTR.
FCRA SunTimes–Spring 2015
SunTimes – Spring 2015
FCRA SunTimes–Spring 2015