UBM plc creates new UBM Life Sciences product group
UBM plc creates new UBM Life Sciences product group
24 March 2015 UBM Americas forms new UBM Life Sciences product group UBM Americas today announces the formation of UBM Life Sciences, a new product group which brings together medical, dental, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and veterinary brands from UBM Advanstar and UBM Medica, and the Nutritional Outlook brand from UBM Canon. The new business will operate within the UBM Americas division. The UBM Life Sciences product group provides information and connects professional communities in human healthcare, veterinary medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. It provides a range of connected services to its customers: UBM Life Sciences is the largest medical publisher in the US in terms of print advertising revenue* and is a leading source of professional information for healthcare providers of all types, with over 1.5 million monthly online visitors and over 500,000 print subscribers. The medical publishing group contains leading online and print brands in numerous key therapeutic areas including: primary care, women’s health, pediatrics, psychiatry, oncology, ophthalmology, dentistry, dermatology, urology, endocrinology and radiology. UBM Life Sciences also produces over 100 pharmaceutical conferences annually, covering the entire pharmaceutical value chain, from drug discovery and development through clinical trials, manufacturing, marketing and distribution. UBM Life Sciences hosts three continuing education-based veterinary tradeshows which attract around 7,000 professionals, 60% of whom attend no other national continuing education events. UBM Life Sciences operates the leading print and online media properties for veterinarians and pharmaceutical professionals in the United States, reaching nearly 100% of US-based veterinarians and over 300,000 pharmaceutical industry professionals. UBM Life Sciences generates revenues of approximately $120m and is led by EVP & Senior Managing Director Tom Ehardt, formerly EVP of Life Sciences at UBM Advanstar. The business is headquartered in Iselin, New Jersey and employs 300 staff in ten US locations, as well as a European office in Chester, UK. Tom will be supported by a combined management team drawn from UBM Advanstar and UBM Medica. Tom Ehardt, Senior Managing Director of UBM Life Sciences said: “We are combining incredibly strong, market-leading face-to-face, online and print brands to create UBM Life Sciences. Our teams bring together a mix of expertise in print, digital, events, and marketing services that is unparalleled in this marketplace. Our combined brands serve over two million professionals monthly, and provide our customers with an unparalleled ability to reach multiple target markets with a single partner.” Sally Shankland, CEO of UBM Americas said: ““The formation of UBM Life Sciences creates one of the largest media businesses serving medical, dental, veterinary and pharma markets in the United States and beyond. UBM Life Sciences is a great addition to the UBM Americas business and I’m very pleased to welcome Tom Ehardt and his new management team which draws on talent from our UBM Advanstar, 1 UBM Medica and UBM Canon businesses. The consolidation of our life sciences activities into a single business will enable us to drive operational excellence, especially in the media teams, while improving our commercial teams’ ability to develop deep customer insight and innovation, and also allowing us to adopt standardised technology and data platforms across the business.” - Ends - * Source - Kantar Media, Journal Ad Review Data, 2015 Contacts UBM plc Peter Bancroft Director of Communications communications@ubm.com +44 207 921 5961 Kate Postans Head of Investor Relations kate.postans@ubm.com +44 207 921 5023 Brunswick Craig Breheny, Imran Jina ubm@brunswickgroup.com +44 207 404 5959 Notes to Editors 1. About UBM plc UBM plc is a leading global events-led marketing services and communications company. We help businesses do business, bringing the world’s buyers and sellers together at events, online and in print. Our 5,000 staff in more than 20 countries are organised into specialist teams which serve commercial and professional communities, helping them to do business and their markets to work effectively and efficiently. For more information, go to www.ubm.com; for UBM corporate news, follow us on Twitter at @UBM_plc and go to http://media.ubm.com/social for more UBM social media options. 2. About UBM Americas Through a range of aligned interactive environments, both physical and digital, UBM Americas increases business effectiveness for both customers and audiences through meaningful experiences, knowledge and connections. Headquartered in New York, UBM Americas brings together UBM Advanstar’s event and marketing services business serving the fashion, licensing, automotive, and powersports industries; UBM Tech’s technology communities, live events, online brands and custom services; UBM Canon's advanced design and manufacturing event, online and print brands; UBM Connect’s catering, cruise shipping, contact center management, and fine, specialty and custom chemical communities; UBM's healthcare, veterinary and pharmaceutical business, UBM Life Sciences; UBM Brazil’s events in concrete, cargo transportation, logistics & international trade, agricultural production, among others; and UBM Mexico's concrete, construction and hospitality services shows. 3. About UBM Life Sciences UBM Life Sciences, part of UBM Americas, is a US-based event, information, and marketing services business serving professional communities in the healthcare, veterinary, and pharmaceutical industries. The business includes 3 trade shows, over 100 conferences, 30 2 publications, and over 100 digital products and websites. Reaching over 2 million life sciences professionals monthly, UBM Life Sciences provides opportunities for the professional communities it serves to connect learn, and conduct business. 3