abstract submission t&c`s 7 & 8 september 2015


abstract submission t&c`s 7 & 8 september 2015
Submission Period:
Closing date for abstract submission:
The closing date for all abstract submissions is midnight on 31st March 2015. Abstracts submitted after this
time/date will not be considered.
Changes and corrections:
Once submitted, it is not possible to make any corrections to the abstract content or information (such as presenter
details, topic, etc.)
To correct your abstract you must withdraw it and submit a new corrected version prior to the deadline (see below
for withdrawal procedure).
Replacement of your abstract is not possible after the deadline. In the case of errors in your abstract discovered
after the deadline, you may indicate the correction during the presentation at the event. However, changes will not
be included in the publications.
If you want to withdraw an abstract already submitted, please notify us as quickly as possible at
abstracts@meibioeng.org stating the abstract authors and abstract title to be withdrawn.
Step 1 Abstract Submission Form: Your information
The abstract submission form will not allow any formatting; please do not try to use HTML
code. You may find it helpful to copy and paste your text into Notepad and then copy and
paste from here into the form, this will ensure that all formatting is removed.
Your information:
The information you put into this part of the form will be used to contact you if you are
chosen to present in a session. Please ensure it is correct and up to date.
Select the track(s) that best describes the content for which you wish to be evaluated
against. Your choice of tracks will determine which abstract evaluators will review your
abstract. View the track list and profiles here: http://meibioeng.org/track-profiles/
Presentation type:
Select the appropriate box for whether you would like your abstract to be considered for
oral presentation, poster presentation or if you are happy to be considered for both.
Short biography:
A short biography is required (600 characters max) for oral presenters which will be
displayed on both the website and in the published conference programme/abstract book.
High resolution image: This image will be used alongside your short biography in the published conference
programme/abstracts book. Follow the guidelines on the form to ensure compliance.
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Step 2 Abstract Submission Form: Abstract authors and institutions
Maximum 200 characters typed in lower-case letters, except for abbreviations and study
names. Your title may be truncated if you copy and paste it into the field.
Your abstract must list at least 1 author in order to be submitted.
Authors list:
The first author should be the abstract presenter by default.
The submitter certifies that he has permission from all persons he enters as co-authors to be
listed in this abstract and that they are aware that their names will appear in all publications.
The names of authors will be published as listed on the submission form. Make sure the
information given for each author is correct, as no changes will be possible after the abstract
is submitted (see paragraph on changes and corrections above).
Abstracts should be submitted on the basis that the abstract presenter/first author is
available to present on the dates of the conference.
Enter the institution information for all authors - this information will be used in the
published conference programme/ abstract book.
Step 3 Abstract Submission Form: Abstract content
All abstracts must be submitted in English with accurate grammar and spelling suitable for publication. If in doubt,
please arrange for the review of your abstract by a native English speaker, by a university scientific publications
office (or other similar facility) prior to submission. Do not cut and paste symbols into your text. Do not include
tables or pictures in your abstract content.
We recommend you structure your abstract: Purpose - Methods - Results – Conclusions
There is a 3000 character limit on the abstract content part of the form; there is a countdown facility just
underneath the box to inform you of how many characters you have left. Character count is also available in Word
(select ‘Review’ tab, then ‘Word Count’ on the ribbon). The character limit does not include the title and the
authors, only the abstract text.
As the grading and selection process is blinded, the title and body text MUST NOT contain information such as:
Names (authors or other) / Names of institute / Institute city name / Trademarks (Generic names and terms must be
used when available) / Company Names and location / Web site and email addresses
Step 4 Abstract Submission Form: Abstract preview and submission
Please read through your abstract carefully before submitting it, as you cannot change it once submitted.
Do not forget to click on the Submit Form button to validate your abstract submission. You will receive an automatic
confirmation by email. If you do not receive this confirmation contact at abstracts@meibioeng.org
There is no limit to the number of abstracts an author may submit, however, you should not submit the same
research twice, even under a different track, please select the Track(s) you wish your abstract to be considered for at
the top of the form.
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Abstract results
All abstracts will be reviewed by the nominated Track Lead and an academic team of their choosing.
All accepted abstracts will be scheduled either as 15 minutes oral presentations or poster presentations. The Track
Leads and Event Committee will determine the format, day and time of presentation.
An email message will be sent to the Abstract Submitter in early May 2015 to confirm whether they have been
chosen to give an oral presentation.
If the abstract is accepted, instructions concerning the presentation and its format will be sent via email. If an
author does not receive an email with this information, then they have not been selected and should expect to
present a poster.
The same presenter cannot be assigned to more than 1 abstract - co-authors should then be assigned as presenters.
Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present if accepted. Failure to present
and register for the conference may jeopardise future acceptance of abstracts.
Publication of abstracts
All accepted abstracts will be published in the ISBN-numbered conference programme/abstracts book.
Affirmation of originality and copyright transfer statement
By submitting your work to the MEIbioeng15, you consent to have authors’ names, affiliation and biographical
material used in connection with the publication of your work.
Author(s) represents and warrants that he/she/they is/are sole author(s) of the work, that all authors have
participated in and agree with the content and conclusions of the work, and that the work is original and does not
infringe upon any copyright, proprietary, or personal right of any third party.
The submitter hereby affirms that the work submitted is original, except for extracts from copyrighted works fully
authorised by the copyright holders, and that all statements declared as facts are based on thorough examination
and investigation for accurateness.
The content belongs to the author(s). However, if the abstract is accepted the submitter agrees, on behalf of all coauthors, to transfer and assign to the MEIbioeng15 the rights to edit, publish, reproduce, distribute copies and
prepare derivative works such as press releases. This includes use in indexes or search databases in print, electronic,
or other media.
Author(s) retain the right, after presentation at the MEIbioeng15, to subsequently include the work in articles,
books, or derivative works that he/she authors or edits, provided said use does not imply the endorsement of the
The submitter signs for all co-authors. He/she accepts responsibility for the present rules for submission and
presentation on behalf of all co-authors.
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Conflict of interest
The MEIbioeng15 requests all presenters to disclose potential conflict of interest. This will allow the audience to take
potential conflicts of interest into account when assessing the objectivity of the presentation.
Oral abstract Presenters are requested to disclose potential conflicts of interest regarding their presentation in the
first slide.
Poster presenters are requested to disclose potential conflicts of interest regarding poster presentation at the
bottom of their poster.
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