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 Emerging Filmmakers Fund Guidelines
What is the Emerging Filmmakers Fund? The Emerging Filmmakers Fund (EFF), established in 1995 by Screen NSW, provides career development pathways for talented teams in the highly competitive screen industry. From 2015, the EFF will be managed by Metro Screen in partnership with Screen NSW. The EFF encourages exploration, experimentation, and mastery of storytelling skills. Each year, three projects will receive grants of up to $30,000 for the production of a short form screen project. There is one round annually. This year we will provide funding for up to three projects. This year, Causeway Films will act as the mentor and Executive Producer (EP) for all the EFF projects. Causeway Films is a partnership between Kristina Ceyton, who produced The Babadook (selected for Sundance 2014) and The Ground Beneath (short-­‐listed for an Academy Awards nomination and winner of the Rouben Mamoulian Dendy Award), and respected developer Sam Jennings whose short Deluge won the Grand Jury Prix at Clermont-­‐ Ferrand. Applications for this round of EFF must be uploaded to the Metro Screen website by COB on Friday 31st July 2015. Successful teams will be announced in October 2015. Who can apply? • The Applicant must be the producer and must have a valid ABN and, if required by law, be registered for GST. The Applicant may be an individual or a production company. • The Applicant must own or control the rights in the script and all other rights necessary to carry out the project. • Teams comprising writer, director and producer are eligible. A team must comprise at least two members, and all teams must include a 1 EFF Guidelines 2015 •
producer. One person cannot be both the producer and director on the project. However, writer/director or writer/producer are acceptable. Both the Director and Producer must have at least one eligible credit in their respective role on a short film. An eligible credit is defined as a credit on a film that has either had substantive internet success (over 100,000 views and/or Vimeo Staff Pick or Short of the Week), or has screened at one of the film festivals listed below. The key creative team may include only one person who has substantial previous professional (i.e. paid) film or television experience as a writer, director or producer. The “key creative team” normally means a writer, director and producer. A different set of key creatives may apply on non-­‐linear projects, digital media or animation. The same team may be part of only one project in each round. Individual key creatives may be attached to up to two applications. Each project must include a separate application form and all required attachments. The key creatives must be permanent residents of NSW. Previous EFF recipients are eligible to apply to the Fund. However, the application must include at least one person on the key creative team (writer, director, or producer) who has not been a previous EFF grant recipient. All key creatives must demonstrate an intention to develop a career in screen content creation. The objective of the Fund is to assist emerging filmmakers and provide career pathways. Therefore we encourage previously funded recipients to apply and explore new ideas and subjects. 2 EFF Guidelines 2015 List of Eligible Festivals Dendy Awards for Short Films Melbourne International Film Festival Adelaide Film Festival Brisbane International Film Festival St Kilda Film Festival Flickerfest Any of the festivals listed on the Screen Australia International Profiles Page: If equivalent success can be demonstrated outside of these lists, Metro Screen will take the track record of the key creative team into consideration. Please provide information on the team’s track record to support your application, should the team’s success fall outside the boundaries of our suggested festival list and our guide to online success. What will we fund? Projects can be narrative, documentary, animation, experimental, multiplatform or webisodes (2 to 3 webisodes), and must be: • A maximum of 15 minutes in length (up to 20 mins in length in exceptional circumstances); • Fully developed and ready to shoot on the application closing date; • Produced entirely in NSW; • Able to be broadcast via theatrical release, television, Internet, or wireless or handheld technologies. There is no restriction on shooting or release format, or subject matter. What kind of projects are NOT eligible? • Infotainment/lifestyle/travel/magazine/sports/education/game shows. • Current affairs/news programs. 3 EFF Guidelines 2015 • Community television programs. • Projects that have received production funding from Screen NSW, Screen Australia, or other government funding bodies. • Existing student films or projects that formed or will form part of any assessment at any educational or training institution. How much money can I request and can the project have additional financing? Metro Screen funding may not necessarily constitute the full budget for the production. We encourage applicants to approach industry facilities and negotiate deals to benefit their project. Please note projects which receive funding through the EFF cannot apply for Screen Australia Short Film Completion Funds. • The maximum request for any one project is $30,000. • Requests can be made for production related costs only. Grant monies cannot be used for retrospective funding or to purchase equipment. • Third-­‐party investment is allowed. • Sponsorship and product placement is allowed in the form of a grant, not an investment (it cannot be recoupable). • Projects that have a pre-­‐sale from a broadcaster can be submitted. If your project has been offered a pre-­‐sale, a letter of offer must be provided with the application. How are applications assessed and how long does it take? We aim to finalise the funding decisions within nine weeks of the application closing date. Applications will be assessed against the assessment criteria listed below. The EFF EP for the round will read all applications and compile a shortlist that will be read by a member of the Metro Screen Projects Team. Metro 4 EFF Guidelines 2015 Screen, Screen NSW, and Industry representatives assess projects. Shortlisted teams will be interviewed by the EFF EP, a Screen NSW representative, and a member of the Metro Screen Projects Team, who will jointly make a recommendation on the final selections. NB: Staff members of Metro Screen, Screen NSW, and Causeway Films are not eligible to apply for the Emerging Filmmakers Fund. The criteria against which your application will be assessed are: 1. The originality and distinctiveness of the idea and/or story. 2. The quality of the script, the director’s vision, and other creative materials. 3. The talent and potential of the team, their unity of vision, and their balance of experience along with a potential for skills development. 4. The appropriateness of the budget and schedule, and the team’s ability to realize the project. 5. Evidence that the project/story is fully developed and ready for production. What happens if my application is approved? Selected teams will have a briefing with the EFF EP. At that point we will discuss Metro Screen requirements, provide feedback, and go over any questions you may have. You will need to finalise and execute the Metro Screen grant agreement within 2 months from the date of the briefing, unless otherwise agreed by Metro Screen. If this does not occur, Metro Screen’s decision to financially support the project may lapse. Obligations to Metro Screen will include the following: 1. Metro Screen will contract only with the Applicant. 2. Projects must be completed in accordance with Metro Screen’s contractual requirements. 5 EFF Guidelines 2015 3. The Applicant will need to enter into a service agreement with each member of the key creative team and enter into any other agreements required in order for the applicant to own or control of the rights in the project. 4. Metro Screen will need to approve these agreements noted above prior to issuing its grant agreement to the Applicant. 5. Grant funds cannot be drawn down until a grant agreement with Metro Screen has been executed and specific conditions met. 6. The EFF EP will receive the following credit: “Emerging Film Fund Executive Producer”. 7. Principal photography must begin within four months of approval, and be completed and delivered by 30th May, 2016. What happens if my application is NOT approved? Projects that have not been successful when applying for production funding cannot be resubmitted unless invited to do so. For further information contact: David Opitz Productions and Projects Manager, Metro Screen 9356 1818 6 EFF Guidelines 2015