Meeting of the Executive Committee, 10th – 12th April 2015 Present


Meeting of the Executive Committee, 10th – 12th April 2015 Present
WMF is a
member of:
Members of the Executive Committee of
the WMF
WMF Active Members
WMF Headquarters
WMF Development Office
WMF Technical Committee
WMF Youth Committee
WMF Media & Marketing Committee
Eching, 12th April 2015
Meeting of the Executive Committee, 10th – 12th April 2015
Golden Tulip, Hotel Olymp
Wielandstrasse 3, DE – 85386 München-Eching
Friday, 10th April 2015, 17.00 hrs (local time)
Sunday, 12th April 2015, 13.00 hrs (local time)
Meeting ends:
Dr. Gerhard Zimmermann
Peter Joost Middag
Pasi Aho
Evgeny Kaplun
Victor Condeço
André Savaré
Finance Manager
Sport Director
Media Manager
Representative Europe
Representative Asia
GZ (Chairman)
PM (Minutes)
PA (Action list)
Secretary General
Representative America
Hans Bergström
Bob Detwiler
World Minigolf Sport Federation, office manager Bengt Svensson, P.O. Box 13141, SE-402 52 Gothenburg, Sweden
Legal seat:
registered with seat in Sweden, registration number 802469-2041
Bank account:
SEB, SE-106 40 Stockholm, Sweden
IBAN SE80 5000 0000 0593 0828 6683; BIC ESSESESS
Website: /
World Minigolf Sport Federation
Meeting of the Executive Committee 10th – 12th April 2015, page 2
Friday 10.04.2015, 17.00 – 20.30
1. Greetings, establishment of the quorum, voting rights
GZ wishes all Board members a very warm welcome. In total 6 (six) Board members are
present, each having one vote. Special guest is WMF Development Officer Oleg Klassen.
Thanks to PM for arranging a folder structure on WMF Dropbox for all documents needed at
this Board meeting, which should have helped everybody to prepare for the meeting.
The Board has the power to decide upon every topic as the quorum required by the Statutes
(Art. 25.2; minimum of 4 (four) members present) of WMF is fulfilled. Simple majority for voting
is 4 (four). OK is not a member of the Board and therefore has no voting rights.
2. Final approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee
at 28.-30.03.2014
The Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the 28th until 30th of March 2014 are
approved unanimously. Thanks to the writers of the Minutes HB and PM. In 2014 there was
only 1 (one) Board meeting, but the Board is working very close together and during the year
there were enough meetings to handle all topics in a proper way.
3. Election of writer of the Minutes and second signatory for approval
PM is elected as writer of the Minutes. GZ is elected for approval of the Minutes as second
signatory. PA will be writer of the action list.
4. Additional topics and approval of the Agenda
There are no changes in the Agenda and is approved unanimously.
5. Open issues from last Meeting as far as not listed in the agenda – action list
Action list in WMF Dropbox should always be updated by responsible Board member(s) after
task is ready. A copy in Word-format will be available to do this.
Some open issues from last Meeting (28/30.03.2014):
1. Updating SportAccord website with International Championships, login failed in new
SportAccord website (EK will take care of it, deadline 30.04.2015)
2. WMF Anthem rights are settled, but WMF Anthem should be uploaded to WMF Dropbox so
it is available for all (PA will take care of it, deadline 15.04.2015)
6. Publish a definition of ”obstacle” on the website (PA will take care of it, deadline
7. Using the EMF-system or similar for online registering of participants in WMF
Championships in future (PA will take care of it, deadline before 2016)
8. AMF legal seat still not settled, political situation in Thailand is more difficult than expected,
more discussion in topic 16.1 of this Meeting (GZ responsible, deadline 30.06.2015)
11. Final check of Rule and Regulation changes, are they all changed in the Rulebook? (GZ
will take care of it, deadline 30.06.2015)
32. Make a survey of sports recognition of our active Members (GZ will take care of it, deadline
35. Update Legal procedures (GZ will take care of it, deadline 15.06.2015)
41. Approval fee for individual golf balls. Make a draft of short agreement form. Also a motion
for Rules / Regulations should be prepared (PA and PM will take care of it, deadline
World Minigolf Sport Federation
Meeting of the Executive Committee 10th – 12th April 2015, page 3
6. Future of WMF – office of the President and brainstorming
6.1 Perspectives of WMF
All Board members present support the leadership of GZ fully on the road we are on and are
willing to help GZ in his huge work to develop minigolf as a sport for the full 100%. We have
some big historical opportunities ahead and this is a chance we must not miss.
First of all we are working on our own World Championship in 2017, organized by WMF. Also
we are trying to setup a worldwide Grand Prix circuit, which is going to be used as qualification
for another new chance, the upcoming World Urban Games and World Beach Games.
We should create more networks and use the existing networks better, find friends and
volunteers who can help us to achieve our goals. One of these goals is getting IOC recognition.
But we must also find a way to convince our Members that WMF can have a bright future
If all upcoming opportunities will come true we can professionalize our organisation in a way
that minigolf makes a big step forward in the world. Finding new (candidate) Members, building
the remaining 2 Continental Federations (Oceania and Africa), setup of new committees like for
example an athlete's committee, a “sport for all” development committee, setting up a
professional Office, renewal of our website and other IT-solutions.
Discussion about where are we now, where we want to go and what problems we face in the
meantime was done.
For all of these developments we will prepare a report about the progress to our partner
SportAccord, who makes a lot of things happen and helps WMF in the ongoing development of
our great sport.
6.2 Headquarters and legal seat
Current Secretary General Hans Bergström will resign in August 2015 and Bengt Svensson
chose to step back as Office Manager. This could mean no officials from Sweden will be
present in the Board after the upcoming Delegates’ Conference in Lahti and nobody will work in
WMF Office in Gothenburg anymore, if no new candidate from Sweden is coming up. Board
discusses about different options for the Headquarters and the legal seat, if WMF DC would
decide to change it.
SportAccord made some suggestions regarding the legal seat:
Changing the seat to Austria could bring money from government support
Also Malaysia could be an option because of promising contacts there (also for AMF seat?)
Lausanne too, but that could become expensive after some years of financial support
We should seek for the country which is willing to pay money for having the seat in their
country, OK will take care of this. There is no need to force it before August (DC). Bengt
Svensson promised to manage our P.O. box in Gothenburg also after DC until a new solution
is found.
6.3 Development Office
OK likes his work and is willing to continue after August (if additional funds will be available). In
June 2015 WMF is able to say more about the perspectives after August, it all depends on
finding additional funds with help from SportAccord or other sponsors.
OK will visit Poland for education of players, accommodation will be offered by Poland, other
expenses will be paid from Member projects.
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Meeting of the Executive Committee 10th – 12th April 2015, page 4
6.4 Salary for other supporters
In order to professionalize our organisation we need a media specialist to film and photograph
the actions during events (World Championships, World Urban Games and World Beach
Some candidates are discussed, EK (together with OK) will take contact with all of them.
Before final decisions are made additional funds must be found first.
6.5 Grand Prix tournaments
WMF will get the possibility to be part of World Urban Games 2016 and World Beach Games
2017, both multisport-events organized by SportAccord. Therefore WMF is looking for existing
international tournaments to be upgraded to WMF Grand Prix tournament. Also newly created
tournaments can be awarded the Grand Prix status. This set of tournaments will be used as
qualification for World Urban Games and World Beach Games.
A draft of a contract with such organizers is prepared and contacts with current and new
organizers are planned or already made. All Board members have no remarks about the draft
of the contract.
6.6 World Championships from 2017 on / WMF calendar
Possible candidates to host the 2017 World Championships organized by WMF are situated in
following countries:
More information is expected next week at SportAccord Convention in Sochi (RUS).
WMF World Championships will be on the calendar in 2017, then 2019 and after that each
A draft of a contract with such organizers is prepared and contacts with organizers are planned
or already made. All Board members have no remarks about the draft of the contract.
6.7 IWGA membership
WMF continues the promotion campaign for membership of International World Games
Association. Work inside IWGA is delayed through Olympic Agenda 2020, timeline is to be
elected as Member of IWGA in 2016.
6.8 IOC recognition
To meet the increased workload and project magnitude resulting from the incumbent IOC
recognition procedure for WMF and in order to propel the necessary tasks WMF was able to
find advise and support by an external consultant and expert in this field who will help us to
identify the gaps in our bid and consult on the strategic approach to be taken. The consultant is
a proven expert on the field of IOC recognition and relationships having worked in such
capacity for several International Federations in the past.
WMF needs to build several committees and build the right structure inside WMF. For example
adding more women inside the Board and all committees and lot of other tasks have to be
Considering the workload to get IOC recognized there was a discussion if we must continue
with the process at all, Board decided “yes” unanimously.
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6.9 Finances / commission for acquisition of sponsoring money
Postponed to topic 12
6.10 Changes of Statutes and requested committees / concepts
membership application procedure
In order to be more effective in our operations to attract (candidate) Members WMF
needs to change the Statutes to make the process for application for WMF membership
more easy and quick. Proposal is to add the possibility to use postal vote inside the
Statutes to allow new applicants as full Member sooner. Expulsion of Members remains
to be decided by Delegates’ Conference, GZ will prepare a motion for DC.
liability term
Text in Statutes about liability is insufficient. GZ will prepare a motion for DC using an
example of AIMS Statutes
new committees and concepts
In order to get IOC recognized additional committees are necessary. GZ will prepare a
proposal or motion for DC (see also topic 6.8 and 6.10.d)
acquisition of committee members
WMF needs to build up a team of 5-6 persons who will work intensively on IOC
recognition in 2015.
List of recommended committees for IOC recognition:
Athlete´s Committee
Entourage Committee
Ethic Committee
Medical Committee
Sport For All Committee
Women and Sport Committee
WMF Board will decide about establishment of these committees, where the “Sport For
All Committee” (Development of the sport for all people) seems to be the most important.
We have to inform WMF members about the benefits of IOC recognition, WMF vision
(with goals) and find qualified persons for these committees. Rules: Each committee
should consist of minimum 3 members, committees should be made up of minimum 2
continents, if 3 members in committee = from 2 continents, 4 members = from 3
continents, etc.
GZ and EK will ask our Members to take positions inside the committees
Saturday 11.04.2015, 09.00 – 12.30
6.11 International coaching license
We have to setup a system for licensing and registration of qualified coaches educated
by WMF. Licensed coaches obtain a certificate that they are WMF recognized. OK will
take care of it (helped by PA and PM), deadline end of July 2015.
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6.12 International player license
We have to setup a system for licensing and registration of players to play at International
Championships (starting with the Grand Prix tournaments). The Board establishes a
working group to work out the procedure (VC/PA/PM). GZ will forward a link of a system
which can be used. Included in the International Player License could be an insurance for
players at International Championships. VC asks for the offer for this insurance to
compare it to system of insurance of the Portuguese Federation.
6.13 Improvement of IT-tools for administration
VC presents a system to make the work around course approval easier through a
custom-built IT-solution. Development will be done by 2 Portuguese students. The Board
establish at working group (VC/GZ/PA/PM). PM makes a draft of a contract to transfer the
ownership of the source code to WMF (like the format for Bangolf Arena). Proposal for
expenses will be 550 Euro.
6.14 Others
Nothing was discussed
7. Sport
7.1 Championships
a. Final awarding WAGM 2016 Prishtina (KOS):
Application received, at first declined because of open debts, after settlement no
financial barriers are left to proceed. Awarding fee must be decided. Awarding fee
was set at € 650,- (same as Continental Championships). Sharing of sponsoring
income was set at € 3.000,- (same as Continental Championships). If they also want
Grand Prix status € 1.000,- extra (this could mean more participants because of
qualification for World Urban Games and World Beach Games)
Board decided to award WAGM 2016 to Prishtina, PA will inform them
PA will update the “championships contract master file” and the fee catalogue
b. Applications Youth World Championships 2018:
First to YC in regular order, more applications will be requested.
Information only: 1 application from Cheb, postponed to next YC-meeting, request
for other applications will be sent out by PA.
c. Status WC 2017 – time frame for decisions:
Different options are open (Malaysia, China, Turkey), decision to be made latest at
DC 2015.
d. Multisport games – time frame for decisions in relation to dates of 2016 and 2017
World Urban Games in 2016, World Beach Games in 2017. World Urban Games
2016 is the most urgent, PA hopes to hear something in Sochi about dates and
venue of 2016. No deadline is set, monitor closely to act quickly after decision /
announcement by SportAccord.
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(remark from SportAccord Convention: For 2017 Beach Games are planned, but
can’t be fixed until today caused by a big sport political fight between IOC and SA.)
e. Status of the organizer contracts:
Contracts for YEC 2015 Ostrava (CZE) and WAGM 2015 Hastings (GBR) signed by
PA asks if changes are needed to the draft of the contract, VC and PA will make
final update and spread it.
Wildcards for World Championship 2015 Lahti (FIN):
Board decided to give the possibility to appoint wildcards to players to World
Championships 2015 in Lahti (FIN) for other countries (candidate Members) or
inactive Members, with try to first get the inactive Members active again (Australia
for example)
7.2 WMF equipment
a. WMF sponsor wall update and new solution  final decisions:
Final decision needed to use PVC banner 2 m high x 4 m wide, banners are ordered
by MT, one banner per organizer, max. 2, proper structure to be arranged by
organizer in cooperation with the tournament director concerned.
Discussion about what logo’s need to be on? Board decided to add:
Name of the Championship
Logo SportAccord
Logo WMF
Logo EMF
Logo AMF
Logo’s Gold sponsors
Decision 5 yes, 1 no (EK)
b. Money in budget 2016 for wind shield purchases?
No money in the budget, decision: we are not going to buy WMF windshields (Voting
6 yes)
c. Handling championship equipment
To be handled between EMF and WMF, decision to make a process who does what
7.3 TC motions to WMF Board:
a. Update of Standing Orders (3.1)
* Change of travel days for head referee at championships
Agreed by the Board, because of close cooperation between Sport Director,
Youth Officer and Finance Manager the budget for 2016-2017 was already
updated accordingly (see topic 12.1)
* Adding the travelling rules for officials to WAGM
Agreed by the Board, because of close cooperation between Sport Director,
Youth Officer and Finance Manager the budget for 2016-2017 was already
updated accordingly (see topic 12.1)
World Minigolf Sport Federation
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* Change of daily allowance for officials outside competitions
Not agreed, Board decided to keep the <12.00 rule, PA will update the
motion accordingly
Changes will take effect on October 1, 2015 (after DC)
b. Update of general sport regulations (3.3)
Sports clothing Regulation has to be taken out of the Regulations, it will be
part of the Rules.
Agreed by the Board
c. Update of Championships regulations (3.5 – 3.7) for later approval
(task of updating given to EMF)
* Including WMF YC proposal for U23 NC
* Possibility to cancel the warm-up time on first lane for time reasons
* Harmonizing of the different regulations where appropriate
Topic c is only informational, PA asks Ermes Franchini
d. Update of the Championships checklist (3.8)
* Restructuring by Martin Tománek
Many thanks to MT for the huge work of restructuring the checklist, the readability is
way better than before.
Board agrees with the update, with 1 abstention by EK.
EK will make suggestions for further improvements.
EK will work a media guideline for Championships.
7.4 TC motions for DC 2015 (information & discussion)
a. Update of the fee catalogue (2.2)
* Registration fee WAGM to be included (70 EUR)
Agreed by the Board
* Awarding fee WAGM to be included (650 EUR)
Agreed by the Board
* Daily allowance for full travel days (currently referees -1, officials -0,5)
Agreed by the Board
* Proposal for registration fee of international player transfers (25 EUR)
Agreed by the Board, with the remarks the fee should be paid by the
receiving Member
Changes will take effect on October 1, 2015 (after DC)
b. Update of the general sport rules (2.3)
* Regulating the toilet leaves
Agreed by the Board
* Penalties for coaches
Agreed by the Board, with addition of defining what rules apply for coaches
(same as players)
* Substitution only after a completed lane in team competition
Agreed by the Board
* Referee’s right to split a pairing
Agreed by the Board
* Correcting wrong total of lane results (miscalculation)
Agreed by the Board
World Minigolf Sport Federation
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* Five as maximum score per lane
No decision was made, PA will discuss further with CZE before DC
* Coin flip to decide the playing order in sudden death playoffs
Agreed by the Board
c. Update of miniaturegolf rules (2.5)
* Two small changes in the drawings  no changes in existing rules  not
necessary to bring to the DC for decision
No decision was made, information only
d. Update of felt rules (2.6)
* Review of the rules and new drawings (harmonizing in Sweden to follow
international rules)
No decision was made, information only, PA will work on DC proposal (on
behalf of TC)
* Definition of the target on lane 23 Ace box
Agreed by the Board
* Repositioning lines on Middle hill and German ledge
Agreed by the Board
7.5 Others
Design of Grand Prix logos are needed, VC has contacts to design a logo, VC and OK work
together on a proposal. EK will contact Willy Bauer too.
8. Youth Committee
8.1. Minutes YC meeting 2014:
Cancelled, Minutes of YC-meeting not ready yet
8.2. Others
Proposal to change the mode of YNC and open it for players up to 23 years of age.
Board decided to open the registration for YNC 2016 for up to 23 years and evaluate
Saturday 11.04.2015, 14.00 – 18.00
9. Anti-doping
Current development
New WADA code says it seems possible IRTP can be cancelled.
Discussion with WADA in Sochi about the possibilities.
No testing pool existing in 2015 but prepared in case by Bengt.
Only tests should be done during Championships. Confirmation WADA not yet.
AMF assigned anti-doping responsibilities to WMF by signed contract.
WMF should prepare education material for Junior Championships regarding antidoping issues. GZ mentions that on German WADA website there might be an online
education tool about anti-doping, but maybe only in German. MT should be asked to
integrate education regarding anti-doping in the Junior Championships. GZ asks Martin
to integrate it (if it exist).
Meeting of the Executive Committee 10th – 12th April 2015, page 10
World Minigolf Sport Federation
We have to find a new person to be Anti-Doping Officer because Bengt Svensson
resigns after DC. Different options are discussed. No solution was found, please check
your contacts (all).
10. Membership WMF
National sport recognition of existing WMF active members / timeline
Cancelled, handled in 11.3
Member projects 2015
WMF received already applications for Member projects from the following Members:
France (improved version of the 2014 application)
Poland (education players by OK)
PM asks: No application from the Netherlands? PM will ask NED if the application is
done for the minigolf promotional event in Hilversum
We must send a new annual call to active Members for new projects (by BS). PA will
send the last version of the conditions as agreed in Board meeting 2-3 years ago, so all
requirements (especially for the report after the project is finished) are mentioned.
GZ and VC will handle additional applications for 2015 (if there are any)
Remaining money available for Member projects:
Remaining money available for Member support:
€ 9.212,€ 2.348,-
Membership applications
WMF received Membership applications from the following countries:
Dubai (United Arabic Emirates)
OK will handle all communications (guided by GZ)
List of candidate members
WMF is working very hard to get more Members inside WMF. Also WMF is trying to
reactivate some inactive Members. WMF has contacts in, or WMF is trying to become
in contact with, the following countries:
South Africa
Togo (registered)
Nigeria (registered)
Moldova (inactive)
Romania (inactive)
Slovenia (inactive)
New Zealand (activated)
Australia (inactive)
South America
South America
South America
South America
Meeting of the Executive Committee 10th – 12th April 2015, page 11
World Minigolf Sport Federation
All Board members should update the list on Dropbox with their contacts to potential
Discussion was done about the procedure how to make contacts and what happens
after that. Contacts with new candidates for WMF membership will be guided by GZ
with the help of OK.
Nothing was discussed
11. Headquarters
Member statistics 2015
After the deadline of March 16, 2015 there are still some Member statistics from 2015
missing. All missing Members will be ask again by:
New Zealand
Draft of the reminder will be made by OK, deadline April 30 (for delivering the data by
the Member).
WMF Dropbox
Because of the resignation of Bengt Svensson as Office manager after the Delegates’
Conference the “ownership” of the WMF Dropbox account has to be transferred to
somebody else. Board also decided to upgrade to a Pro account in order to get more
possibilities and storage. Also responsibilities has to be set.
Ownership to PM
Then upgrade to (paid) Dropbox Pro account
After upgrade change settings and work out new structure
Finally responsibilities will be set
PM will take contact with Bengt about further procedure.
Tip PM: Everybody should install Dropbox on his computer (faster, more safe, more
reliable and easier than the online version).
Survey national sport recognition of our active Members
GZ will prepare the content of the survey and OK will send it to our active Members.
Insurance policy (D&O and others)
GZ received an offer for an insurance policy from a Swiss insurance company
recommended by SportAccord. The offer unfortunately was not according to our needs.
GZ found a specialist to help us getting the right insurance. A new offer is coming in
around 4 weeks, GZ will forward it to the Board.
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Update of Rulebook: responsibilities decided after DC (has to be done by PA and new
Secretary General). Some chapters already needs an update (for example Chapter 4:
Championship venues, results, WMF officials, country codes)
12. Finances
Budget 2016 - 2017
A draft of the budget for 2016 and 2017 was prepared by PM. Creating a realistic
budget was his starting point. Finishing the budget without a loss in 2017 was not
possible in the current circumstances, income of WMF is under pressure. Expenses are
based on averages of previous years or detailed calculations and were reduced to a
Board agrees to bring the following results to Delegates’ Conference:
2016 € 0,2017 € 8.000,- loss
Because of upcoming chances to create more income for WMF (by Grand Prix
tournaments, World Adventure Golf Masters, World Urban and Beach Games, World
Championship 2017, etc.) GZ proposes to make a more progressive budget. After some
discussion it was decided to stay with the realistic budget, but to add “Prospects
income” and “Prospects expenses” to the budget. If the prospected income will be lower
also the prospect expenses have to be lowered accordingly.
Prospects income (current status):
World Adventure Golf Masters
World Adventure Golf Masters
World Urban Games
Grand Prix tournaments (2x)
Support development by SportAccord
World Championship
World Championship
World Adventure Golf Masters
World Adventure Golf Masters
World Beach Games
Grand Prix tournaments (5x)
€ 650,€ 3.000,€ 20.000,€ 11.000,€ 50.000,€ 84.650,-
Championship awarding fee
Sharing of sponsoring income
Sharing of revenues SA
Awarding fee
Same as received in 2014
€ 50.000,€ 50.000,€ 650,€ 3.000,€ 20.000,€ 14.000,€
Championship awarding fee
Media rights and Sponsoring
Championship awarding fee
Sharing of sponsoring income
Sharing of revenues SA
Awarding fee
Prospects expenses (current status):
Continuing Development Officer
Professionalizing IT-solutions
Hiring additional staff
New design website (CMS based)
€ 40.000,€ 20.000,€ 40.000,€ 10.000,-
Per year (part-time)
Per year
Per year (part-time)
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All Board members will sent their wishes + costs for additional expenses if the projected
income is generated. PM will add these wishes to the “Prospects expenses” and
prepares the materials to present to Delegates’ Conference. After the extra income is
generated the Board has to prioritize the different expenses.
Fair split of sponsor income with Continental federations
a. Proposal to change split
In order to calculate the split of sponsor income between WMF and the Continental
Federations in a more reasonable way (based on the number of Members and
active players) WMF wants to change the split as it is used until now. AMSA is a
very small Continental Federation, but until now they receive the same amount of
money as AMF receives.
PM prepared a proposal to the Board (on a base calculated by Members and active
players) to change the split of sponsor income with Continental Federations to 50%
WMF, 42% EMF, 7% AMF and 1% AMSA.
Board agreed to the proposal unanimously.
b. Draft of new agreement WMF- EMF
PM prepared a draft of a updated Agreement between WMF and EMF in order to
confirm the new split of sponsor income. The updated Agreement with AMF was
signed last year during AMF Delegates’ Conference in Thailand. With AMSA no
such contract exists.
Board agreed to the new agreement unanimously.
c. Signing by WMF and EMF
During the Board meeting the updated Agreement “Assignment of marketing/media
rights and income split” between WMF and EMF was signed by VC, GZ and PM.
Additional signing by EMF Finance Manager Michael Rasmussen Sølling will be
done in August during the World Championships in Lahti (FIN).
Fair split of ball approval income with Active Members under 101 active players
a. Proposal to change calculation
Members with 100 active players pay a lump sum of € 200,- for member fee WMF;
Members with 101 active players pay a lump sum of € 300,- for member fee of
Members with 100 active players receive the same amount of money from ball
approval income as a Member with 101 active players.
Because of this 1 active player more or less means a difference of € 100,- on the
invoice. which is not fair.
PM prepared a proposal to change the method of calculation of the split of ball
approval income with Members.
Board agreed to the new method of calculation unanimously.
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Financial report 2014
a. Draft financial report 2014
PM prepared a draft of the financial report for 2014, which was already sent to the
Auditors too. GZ thanks PM for this very clear and thorough document about the
financial status of WMF in 2014.
Board approved the report unanimously.
b. Audit 2013-2014
Audit for the financial years 2013 - 2014 is scheduled for May 11th-12th 2015 in
Tilburg, the Netherlands. Bookkeeping of 2013 was done by the former Finance
Manager Said Morell (SWE) until December 31st 2013 as agreed during Delegate’s
Conference in Bad Münder.
New expense form
a. Presentation new expense form, active as of January 1st 2016
PM is working on a new expense form in pdf format, what should make the
administration of expenses more easy. Goal is to prevent documents on paper has
to be sent all around the world in order to get approved by 2 WMF Officials (4 eyes
principle). New expense form can be approved by digital signing and can be
handled by email. New form has to be tested first and will be active as of January 1st
2016. PM will arrange the tests and spread the form as soon it is final.
Penalties of EMF Championships to EMF
a. Penalties on EMF Championships to be paid to EMF (late registration and/or late
In WMF Rules (or anywhere else) nothing is decided where the money from
penalties for late registration and/or late payment, penalized on behalf of EMF
should go. For 2014 WMF Finance Manager agreed with EMF to transfer this
money to EMF, because they are the responsible Continental Federation.
Money from penalties for late registration and/or late payment, penalized on behalf
of EMF, will be transferred to EMF-account together with the transfer of collected
member fee EMF.
Responsibilities budgets
a. Follow-up on proposal of last board meeting
PM prepared a proposal to set responsibilities for all budgets inside WMF
bookkeeping. Situation until now was unclear who was responsible for the different
budget, who should approve expenses for these budget positions, etc.
Document will be added as Annex 2 to Chapter 3.1 of the Rulebook (Standing
World Minigolf Sport Federation
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Open debts
a. Current situation debts
PM explains the current situation
b. Actions taken to solve debts
PM explains which actions are taken to solve the current debts
c. Decision to write off remaining debt of Hotel Olympiysky Dagomis
Agreed by the Board
d. Decision cancellation contract WGW (Silver sponsor)
Agreed by the Board
Registration fee for new candidates
Registration fee for applicants who want to become Member of WMF will remain € 100,GZ gets the authorisation to cancel the registration fee in special cases, if more
important goals have to be reached (e.g. new member from Africa .... needed for IOC
12.10. Others
Nothing was discussed
Sunday 12.04.2015, 09.00 – 13.00
13. SportAccord (SA)
Reports from meetings with SportAccord during last months
GZ gives detailed reports of the meetings he had during the last months with
SportAccord. WMF is honoured about the willingness of SportAccord, his President Mr.
Marius Vizer and his staff to help WMF with all kinds of topics to develop our Federation
and our sport.
Detailed reports were given about:
IF Forum Lausanne (SUI)
Meeting with Mr. Marius Vizer during Judo Grand Prix in Düsseldorf (GER)
Meeting with NOC-President Alesandro Blanco on recommendation of SA
together with VC and the Spanish Member in Madrid (ESP)
Trip to Chelyabinsk (RUS) to Judo World Championships
Several meetings in Budapest with SportAccord President Marius Vizer
Trip to South Korea to meet NOC President, to visit Asian Games and to
arrange an education program with the WMF Active Member
Trip SportAccord World Mind Games in Peking (CHN) and to Taishan Sports, a
Chinese producer of sports materials
Trip to Malaysia to support the Member candidate, to meet important people
from government and potential organizer of World Championship 2017
Workshop Marketing and Development with help from IJF in Budapest (HUN)
Travelling expenses of most of the trips were paid by SportAccord or GZ in private.
The Board supports these activities for the full 100% because it opens the door for a
better future for minigolf and thanks GZ for his hard work building a big network. All this
work resulted in funds of USD 50.000 to employ OK as Development Officer, possible
World Minigolf Sport Federation
Meeting of the Executive Committee 10th – 12th April 2015, page 16
participation on multisport events like World Urban Games and World Beach Games,
free participation at SportAccord Convention in Sochi (RUS) and probably much more
in future.
The Board is also very thankful for the help we get from SportAccord and International
Judo Federation IJF. Without this help WMF wouldn’t be as far as we are right now.
Urban Games and Beach Games / authorisation for decisions in accordance with SA
Bid books are shown for 4 multisport events (World Mind, Combat, Beach and Urban
Games) organized by SportAccord. WMF is strong candidate to participate in World
Urban Games and World Beach Games.
Before we can proceed we have to wait until everything is decided and announced by
SportAccord, but when decided we have to act quick on several things. GZ asks the
Board to be authorized (together with PA and OK) to act on behalf of WMF.
Agreed by the Board.
Fields of cooperation
IOC recognition
AIMS (Alliance of Independent Members of SportAccord = SA body of all nonOlympic IF’s, where also the IOC recognition is missing)
Financial support to establish a Minigolf Development Office
IWGA membership
Media - Euronews
Multisport Events
Building networks
Preparation SportAccord Convention Sochi 19th -24th April 2015
13.4.1. Minigolf Zone preparations and branding
WMF has 50 m2 demo zone available, EK will take care of the preparations.
Expenses of around € 100,- is expected for electricity and carpet for demo zone
Gold sponsor Technosoyuzservis Ltd. Co. provides 3 demo lanes.
Some Russian minigolf players will be there for demonstration.
13.4.2. Brochures layout and printing
Extra brochures will be printed in English and Russian.
13.4.3. Floor, TV and furniture
EK will take care of the preparations.
13.4.4. Schedule, others
GZ, EK, OK are the official WMF representatives, PA and PM will also be there. PA
asks for a clear task list for him and PM.
Other participants are Verners Kirss and Alberto Pirovano.
Discussion about the strategy and who does what
World Minigolf Sport Federation
Meeting of the Executive Committee 10th – 12th April 2015, page 17
India also wants to come to SAC with 4 persons. Oleg ask them for the names, they
first have to pay the old debt to AMF 2014 and should be able to arrange a visa before
we can approve.
WMF must send a letter to SportAccord that our Secretary General has resigned from
August 2015 and will be replaced in August during DC. All communications should go to
GZ in the meantime.
14. Media & Marketing
Sponsor wall update
See topic 7.2 for more information
New PVC banner of 2 m high x 4 m wide with 14 logo’s included
EK will contact Willy Bauer to prepare the final design
Deadline design 10 days from now
MT will order the banners in CZE
PA and MT will arrange transportation to the organizers and make sure a proper
structure for the banners is available
Members Media & Marketing Committee
Richard Gottfried resigned (must be deleted from website), Board thanks him for his
New member Jon Drexler (USA) is nominated by Board
Other possible candidate is Pat Sheridan (USA), Board decides to meet him first in
person and proceed from there.
Website design and advertisement on website and in social media
Discussion about the renewing of WMF-website. VC offers connections for provisional
layout “offers”. Discussion on possible timelines regarding the renewing of the
homepage. Nothing can be done until additional funds are available.
Advertising on WMF-website: EK will ask the current WMF sponsors if they are
interested in paying extra money for advertising on the website.
Support through Member projects 2015
Cancelled, already discussed in topic 10.2
Ball approval – approval fee for individual golf balls
Included in the action list under open issues, see topic 5
Update anthems of new members
We need the anthems of the new members to complete our collection. GZ will contact
them and ask. Delivering the anthem will also be taken as part of the registration
World Minigolf Sport Federation
Meeting of the Executive Committee 10th – 12th April 2015, page 18
Reprinting brochure Starting Out in Minigolf in national languages
EK asks for approval of the remake of brochures by Willy Bauer, WMF will also pay for
printing the brochures in Russian, EK is responsible for the proper text and content (not
to prefer Technosoyuzservis Ltd. Co. above other sponsors), payment from
“publication” budget.
Approved by the Board
PA/GZ will check the situation with rights for the brochure with Danish Federation
Video internet broadcasting of our events – to be included into contracts with organizers
EK proposes to include Internet broadcasting as “recommended” in the Championship
contracts and checklist, the duty to organize at least a webcam transmission or even
professional livestream.
Sportcal subscription prolongation or not
Decision on prolongation after discussion/consultation with different decision makers
and SportAccord professionals at SAC in Sochi.
14.10. Buy out of rights of all minigolf brochures?
See 14.7
14.11. Others
EK proposes to rent space for WMF videos on Vimeo, EK is taking care of the strategy
how to handle the video channels.
15. European Minigolfsport Federation (EMF)
No topics from EMF
16. Asia Minigolf Sport Federation (AMF)
AMF legal seat
AS explain that the political situation in Thailand causes problems to place the AMF
seat in Thailand. AS thinks Malaysia maybe could be a better candidate. GZ will check
the situation in Malaysia.
Signed contracts AMF – WMF
The updated Agreement “Assignment of marketing/media rights and income split”
between WMF and AMF was signed last year during AMF Delegates’ Conference in
Bangkok, Thailand. In Bangkok also contracts were signed regarding the transfer of
member fee and old debt collection by WMF Finance Manager on behalf of AMF and
for the transfer of the Anti-doping responsibilities from AMF to WMF.
Report about Members AMF
China, India, Iran, Japan, Mongolia, South Korea, R.O.C. Taiwan and Thailand are
active Members with payment, address and member declaration.
World Minigolf Sport Federation
Meeting of the Executive Committee 10th – 12th April 2015, page 19
Inactive Member:
Singapore – no contact and no payment since several years.
Malaysia, Dubai
Interested countries:
Payment membership fee from India for 2014 is still not transferred to AMF. Since AMFmember fees now will be collected by WMF, Finance Manager WMF may issue the
invoice and if payment will be still missing may decide about further steps.
Singapore does not reply and can’t be contacted. WMF may decide about further steps.
South Korea and Mongolia have still no clubs or players. AMF should support them in
their efforts to establish at least one club and one course. Perhaps there is the chance
to use SportAccord as intermediate if they have connections to these countries?
Forecast and news:
In China is the world biggest minigolf plant right now under construction. It is located in
Gauangzhou (better known as “Kanton” in the South of China): 1 x Feltgolf, 1 x
Miniaturegolf and 2 x MOS – each with 18 holes.
Report about registrars and candidates
a. Malaysia
AMF-board accepts the application and advice WMF to prepare full membership for
b. United Arabic Emirates
No news available
c. Vietnam
In Vietnam is another plant under construction. Details are not yet known. WMF
President is in contact since the AMF Delegates Conference in Bangkok (THA).
d. Others
No more plants under construction or planned in other Asian member-nations as far
as AMF is knowing.
Open Asian Championships 2016 Japan
Open Asian Championships will be held 2016 in Japan. Japanese Federation reported
to AMF in November 2014 that all is on the way. Date has to be decided in connection
with multisport events of SportAccord.
AMF Delegates’ Conference and AMF Board meeting in Lahti / Finland
President of AMF Arash Pooyanmehr will not come to Lahti for AMF DC and Board
WMF is very disappointed about this decision, GZ will talk to Bruno about this.
Nothing was discussed
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Meeting of the Executive Committee 10th – 12th April 2015, page 20
17. American’s Minigolf Sport Association (AMSA)
No topics from AMSA
18. Preparation Delegates’ Conference 16th August 2015 Lahti / Finland
Meeting room for Delegates’ Conference is reserved (will be paid by organizer), GZ
arranged a contract with a small coffee break with the organizer (paid by WMF).
GZ will ask BS for administration of Delegates’ Conference, voting rights and as writer
of the Minutes, etc.
PA will make reservations for hotel rooms for Board members (PA already booked)
Thursday 13.08.2015
Friday 14.08.2015
Friday 14.08.2015
Friday 14.08.2015
Saturday 15.08.2015
Saturday 15.08.2015
Sunday 23.08.2015
Tuesday 18.08.2015
Tuesday 18.08.2015
Tuesday 18.08.2015
Sunday 16.08.2015
Sunday 16.08.2015
Motions for changing WMF Statutes
Cancelled, see topic 10
Motions for changing rules
Cancelled, see topic 7
Other motions
Cancelled, other motions will be prepared by GZ and spread to the Board for
Candidates for elections
GZ ask the present Board members if they are prepared to continue their position. PA,
PM and GZ would like to continue, EK would like to continue under provision of
personal issues.
All Board members should prepare a report for the Materials until June 14th 2015.
Nothing was discussed
19. Various
Nothing was discussed
World Minigolf Sport Federation
Meeting of the Executive Committee 10th – 12th April 2015, page 21
20. Next Meeting
1. Before Delegates’ Conference (Saturday August 15th from 16.00-18.00)
2. After Delegates’ Conference (Monday August 17th 9.00 – 11.00)
3. Next general Board meeting (Spring 2016 or earlier) to be decided later, depending on
In the next meeting we should add a time plan for every topic + nominate responsible person
for every topic. Skype meetings during the year shall be planned.
21. Allowances for expenses
Everybody 1,5 daily allowances, VC 2,5 daily allowances
Writer of the minutes
2nd signatory
Peter Joost Middag
Finance Manager
Dr. Gerhard Zimmermann