
Vol. 22 No. 7. Serving “Men In Transition” July 2015
Available at:
Meeting at the Rochester Jewish Community Center
1200 Edgewood Avenue
Rochester, NY 14618
issue MIT
Oct 1, Duties of the District
DA Sandra
Doorly, Coordinator:
Henry Metzger.
Tuesday Weekly Meetings
Programs for July 2015
Jul 7, History of Musical Broadway, Part 6 , Coordinator: Howard Golove.
Jul 14, Broadway Perspectives presentation/discussion with Ralph Meranto, Director of the Theatre at the JCC,
Coordinator: Howard Golove.
Jul 21, Center for Youth, Elaine Spaull, Coordinator: Henry Metzger.
Jul 21, Movie, "A Wing and a Prayer", at 10:15 AM to about 11:15 AM, Coordinator: Les Blumberg.
Jul 28, Monroe County Library System, Patty Uttaro, Coordinator: Henry Metzger.
Programs for August 2015
Aug 4, Open Discussion.
Aug 11, Monroe County Public Defender, Timothy Donaker, Coordinator: Henry Metzger.
Aug 18, Physical Therapy Helping Seniors, Ron Wood, Coordinator: Henry Metzger.
Aug 25, Overview and Changes at the Memorial Art Gallery, Jonathan Binstock. new director, Coordinator: Henry
Programs for September 2015
Sep 29, Caring for Digital Prints, Gene Slasin, Coordinator: Henry Metzger.
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MIT Matters
Published monthly for
“Men In Transition”
at the Rochester (NY) Jewish Community
Wayne Smith, Chairman
Mort Epstein (acting)
Sam Waldman, Treasurer
Neal Tobochnik, Program Coordinator
Art Kuh Jokester
Neal Tobochnik, MIT Matters Editor
BAGEL LIST: Note Changes
NOTE: Bagel Land in the 12 Corners Plaza (4423080) will slice and deliver bagels at no charge, no
tax. Make arrangements and prepay. Suggested
bagel selection is included in bagel procedure on line
at Bagel Bin has resurfaced
as Kingston Wholesale Bagels and will deliver sliced
bagels; call (or fax) the order 436-1377 (436-1778)
before 2 PM (email:; they
are located on Mount Read Blvd. Balsam Bagels will
also slice and deliver bagels.
July 7
July 14
July 21
July 28
Aug 4
Aug 11
Aug 18
Aug 25
Smith, Wayne
Monk, Abe
Ressel, Leonard
Wertheimer, Alan
Baglin, Tom
Krebs, Paul
Parmigiani, Charlie
Platt, Alan
at the meeting the week before
your assigned date to pick up condiments and
utensils (or arrange for someone to pick it up for
you). If you are unable to bring bagels on the
assigned date, please arrange an exchange with
July 2015
needed; he will provide it. A complete set of
instructions & the list of providers are available
from Stu or at
MIT Member Address List
Requests by new member for inclusion in the
list should be sent to Bob Schoenfeld’s email address,, along with the
following information:
 Name
 Address
 Telephone number
 E-mail address
 Spouse’s name
Requests for changes to existing listings should
also be sent to Bob’s email address. The requests
should list the items requiring change.
All requests will be acted on and a copy of the
revised list will be e-mailed back to the requestor.
PROGRAM: History of Musical Broadway- Pt. 5
May 26, 2015
Presenter/Coordinator- Howard Golove
In the late 1950's and early 60's, Broadway continued
producing musical hits including the groundbreaking
West Side Story that used performers sing, dance and
act. Other important musicals of that era included
Cabaret, Hair, Company Fiddler on the Roof(with a
record at the time of 3,242 performances), Chicago, A
Chorus Line and Sweeny Todd. Musical Broadway
during the 1957-69 period was influenced by rock 'n'
roll, civil rights and Vietnam.
Please be present
Submitted by Howard Golove
another member and notify the MIT "bagel
chairman" Stu Berger preferably by e-mail at or by phone at 473-3603.
Notify Sam Waldman if jam and peanut butter is
6/9 summary. Tom Parrish, Executive Director of
Geva Theater, spoke to us. He is the business
manager. However, all aspects of the operation were
covered. Geva stands for Genesse Valley which
where Rochester is located. Most people are not
aware of that. Mark Cuddy is the Artistic Director.
He chooses the plays and is responsible for the
productions. Known plays and musicals as well as
Page 3
world premieres are presented each season. Little
Shop of Horrors is the known musical for the next
season. More than 450 performances occur each
year. Geva is the largest regional theater between
NYC and Chicago. Over 10000 subscription
members means mostly sold out shows. Two theatres
make up the complex. The Main Stage and the Next
stage. Readings and more avant guard shows are
presented on the Next stage. Many outreach
programs are part of the season. Over 16000 students
took part last year. Tom provided a great deal of
information. It was a very informative talk.
Submitted by Henry Metzger
PROGRAM: Sage Rutty Financial Group on Trusts
& Estate Taxes
June 16, 2015
Presenter- Kris Dowejko, Vice President/Financial
Coordinator- Howard Golove
July 2015
were chosen during the 2013-14 school year to be
recipients of the Quad A basics: Academics,Arts,
Athletics and Achieving Life Skills. With a budget of
1.1 Million Dollars Quad A provides significant help
to over 675 children for after school programs in
partnership with The Rochester School District. In
addition to the schools mentioned , 120 children in
School 5 were provided with programs The
programs are provided 5 days a week in an effort to
help the children and to give them meaning ful life
experiences. The Soap Box Derby was added during
the school year, That is a significant program which
teaches math, science carpentry and other skills. The
students build the cars and race them.
The MIT group learned a great deal about Quad A as
an important organization helping Rochester school
Submitted by Henry Metzger
As we begin to age, it is critical for husbands and
wives to create in writing an investment plan, a
longevity plan and a legacy/estate plan. A trust should
be set up for control and protection. Two primary
trusts are a evocable Trust where you can change
your mind and an Irrevocable Trust where you give
up control of all your assets but get tax savings and
could possibly qualify for nursing home on Medicaid.
There are no tax savings with the Revocable Trust but
you retain control of your assets. The taxable part of
an estate can be reduced by considering the following
options: gifting $14,000/yr. per person(family
member/children, grandchild), paying healthcare for
family members directly, paying education expenses
directly or in a 529 education plan and/or donating a
% of assets to a charity. In summary, get your affairs
in order and make sure family members know where
you are keeping your documents (avoid using a
bank's safe deposit box to store these documents).
Submitted by Howard Golove
6/23 summary. Sean Tracey Executive Director of
Quad A for Kids spoke to MIT about the efforts they
make in after school activities. Schools 4, 16 and 34
Facilitators: Chuck Kaplan & Stu Berger
A small group of us came together for a FIG meeting
on June 9th. He had requested that you a stock,
mutual fund or index fund be chosen that you expect
to do well over the next several months.The
discussion centered around the stock market and the
idea of stock picking for your portfolio. We all talked
about various stock ideas and then discussed a list of
stocks that would provide increasing value to
continue having enough money to insure our life
The stocks that we picked were:
3 M, JNJ, O- a real estate trust , ARP -Atlas
Resource Partners, NSR – Nestle BP - Petroleum,
DIS - Walt Disney AEP - American Electric Power
All of these stocks have shown continued growth and
pay good dividends. We will watch these stocks over
the next couple of months to see how our picks
Submitted by Chuck Kaplan
Page 4
July 2015
Future Meetings:
July 7 Follow up on the selected investments. Look
at and discuss the success of Dividend Growth
Future Meetings:
July 14
Windows 10.
Computer CIG News
From Art Kuh
Apple has introduced the iWatch, that makes life
simpler for many. The features are powerful. But if
you don’t want to part with $350 to $1,000 or more,
you can get 25% of the functions for 6% of the price.
The 20 Worst Jokes Ever!
Two antennas met on a roof, fell in
love and got married. The Ceremony wasn't much,
but the reception was excellent.
A jumper cable walks into a bar. The
bartender says, "I'll serve You, but don't start
Two peanuts walk into a bar, and one
was a salted.
A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
A man walks into a bar with a slab of
asphalt under his arm and says: "A beer please, and
one for the road."
Two cannibals are eating a clown. One
says to the other: "Does this taste funny to you?"
"Doc, I can't stop singing 'The Green,
Green Grass of Home.'" "That sounds like Tom Jones
Syndrome." "Is it common?" Well, "It's Not
Two cows are standing next to each
other in a field. Daisy says to Dolly, "I was
artificially inseminated this morning." "I don't believe
you," says Dolly. "It's true, no bull!" exclaims Daisy.
An invisible man marries an invisible
woman. The kids were nothing to look at either.
Deja Moo: The feeling that you've
heard this bull before.
I went to buy some camouflage
trousers the other day but I couldn’t find any.
A man woke up in a hospital after a
serious accident. He shouted, Doctor, doctor, I can't
feel my legs!" The doctor replied, "I know you can't
I've cut off your arms!"
I went to a seafood disco last week...
and pulled a mussel.
What do you call a fish with no eyes?
A fsh.
Two fish swim into a concrete wall.
The one turns to the other and says Dam!"
Dave Lum demonstrated how the U8 watch
(available from Amazon and on eBay) can perform
many functions for a price of under $25. If you want
to wait, you can get for under $20 from China. It
connects with most recent iPhones and Android
Smartphones via Bluetooth (this is a one-time
The U8 lets you:
Call easily: Make and receive phone calls
right from the watch, thanks to the built in
microphone and speaker.
Relax and listen to music: songs stored on your
watch can be played (not in Hi Fi) right on the watch
Keep healthy with the built in pedometer
Check the weather with the built in pedometer
thermometer and altimeter
Don’t be late, with the clever watch (digital
and analog options) right on the phone
There’s really no guarantee unless you buy from
Amazon, who will refund your $$ if it doesn’t work.
What do you give up? You lose any fancy functions
like Siri, or voice control of the phone with this
We concluded with a live demonstration of making a
call from the U8 to another CIG participants cell
phone. It actually worked!
So to have some fun, and see if it’s right for you, go
shopping for a “U8 smartwatch”.
Submitted by Dave Lum
Discuss latest situation with
Page 5
Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were
chilly, so they lit a fire in the craft. Unsurprisingly it
sank, proving once again that you can't have your
kayak and heat it too.
A group of chess enthusiasts checked
into a hotel and were standing in the lobby discussing
their recent tournament victories. After about an hour,
the manager came out of the office and asked them to
disperse. "But why," they asked, as they moved off.
"Because," he said, "I can't stand chess-nuts boasting
in an open foyer."
A woman has twins and gives them up
for adoption. One of them goes to a family in Egypt
and is named "Ahmal." The other goes to a family in
Spain ; they name him "Juan." Years later, Juan sends
a picture of himself to his birth mother. Upon
receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she
wishes she also had a picture of Ahmal. Her husband
responds, "They're twins! If you've seen Juan, you've
seen Ahmal."
Mahatma Gandhi, as you know,
walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an
impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very
little, which made him rather frail and with his odd
diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made him.
(Oh, man, this is so bad, it's good. . .) A super
calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.
And finally, there was the person who
sent twenty different puns to his friends, with the
hope that at least ten of the puns would make them
laugh. No pun in ten did!!!!!!!!
July 2015
Happy Fourth of July