Student QProducer Journey


Student QProducer Journey
Student QProducer Journey
This diagram illustrates the typical stages a QProducer project goes through
Pathway 1
Students propose
QProducer project
Pathway 2
Academic proposes
QProducer project
Student(s) invited to
participate by academic
Project overview meeting
- discuss objectives,
support and timing with
Digital Learning Specalist
Focus group to discuss
potential QProducer
* Academic lead may wish to attend this meeting
Production begins on
QProducer resource
Project review meeting(s)
with academic lead – to
review content
Project review meeting(s)
with project coordinator
– to review objectives,
support and timing
Project delivered by midJuly. Reviewed and signed
off by academic lead
Payment made and
resource published online
e.g. QMplus
Example projects can be seen at:
For more info contact Tim Morgan (Digital
Learning Specialist and Project Coordinator):