- Madurai Kamaraj University


- Madurai Kamaraj University
Date of Commencement of downloading of applications
Last date for Receipt for duly filled in application without penalty
Last date for receipt of application with a penalty of Rs.200/-
: 04.02.2015
: 04.03.2015
: 06.04.2015
(University with Potential for Excellence)
Application for obtaining Exemption from attendance for improvement
of performance in P.G. Degree Courses
Place of Bank:
Date of Remittance:
Examination for which
He/She proposes to appear
PG Degree
One photo duly
signed by the
candidate and
attested by a
Name of the applicant(in Block Letters)
Male / Female
3. Date of Birth
Name of the Father / Guardian
Residential Address with pincode,
mobile number
Mention the higher study if any, now
Details of Qualifying examinations passed in the Madurai Kamaraj University
(Attested Xerox copy of the relevant certificate should be enclosed).
Name of the Examination
Month and Year % of marks obtained
Mention the number and
First Chance
Second chance
Third Chance
Year of appearance (Tick
Which ever is applicable)
I do hereby declare that the above particulars are true to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of the Applicant
Signature of the Attesting Gazetted Officer with Seal
(Mode of payment only by way of Demand Draft in favour of “The Registrar, Madurai Kamaraj
University payable at Madurai)
Terms and Conditions to apply for P.G. Improvement Examination:
1. The PG students who have passed all the subjects and secured below55% will be allowed
to appear for a maximum of five papers of their choice.
2. The students who have passed their P.G. Examinations in April 2009 and afterwards will
be permitted to sit for improvement examination for the courses with the same syllabi that
they have appeared finally.
3. The improvement provision is applicable only for the humanities and language subjects
and for the theory papers only for the science subjects at P.G. Level.
4. Degree certificate and Consolidated Mark Statement incorporating the effect of
improvement will be issued. If there is no increase of marks, fresh mark sheet will not be
5. The performance in the improvement examination will not affect the rank list already
published in the University.
6. Students who have joined any higher studies are not eligible to apply for improvement of
7. The students should apply for appearing the improvement examination by paying the fees
i.e First chance of Rs.3,000/-. In addition to this, the examination fee and other fees have
to be remitted by the students.
The previous Degree certificate & Provisional Certificate should be surrendered to the
Candidates appearing for II &III improvement examinations will not be permitted to
choose papers other than that of selected in 1st improvement appearance; If a candidate
selected maximum of five papers for improvement in 1st improvement appearance, he can
select those five papers only for II & III improvement examinations also. If a candidate had
already selected less than five papers, for 1st improvement examinations and if he is willing
to appear for II & III improvement examinations, he can select four papers including already
selected two papers.
The usual examination process should be followed in each and every case. No revaluation
should be permitted. If a candidate has to appear for II & III chance for improvement
examinations, he should come for subsequent examinations, without any break. The
following fee may be collected from the student.
1. First chance
2. Second Chance
3. Third Chance
- Rs.3,000/- (For P.G.Course)
- Rs.5,000/- (For P.G.Course)
- Rs.7,000/- (For P.G.Course)
Date of Commencement of downloading of applications
Last date for Receipt for duly filled in application without penalty
Last date for receipt of application with a penalty of Rs.200/-
: 04.02.2015
: 04.03.2015
: 06.04.2015