CLG Services -
CLG Services -
AUTOPSY Office: Regional Crime Laboratory Office 02(Medico-Legal Section) Duration: 6-8 working days Documentary Requirements: 1. Three (3) copies of Letter of Request 2. Certification of Identification and consent for autopsy from the direct relatives of the victim 3. Pertinent documents which can be submitted before release of Final Report such as clinical abstract (if it is a hospital death) or SOCO report (if attended by the SOCO) How to Avail the Service: Step 1. 2. 3. Applicant Submit Letter of Request. a. If relative of the victim or any private individual or Company. Fill-out and sign the certification of identification, consent for autopsy, and other documents such as clinical abstract or hospital records (if hospital death). Claim the death certificate from Municipal Health Office (MHO). 4. Sign the laboratory report. 5. Claim Autopsy Report. Service Provider Office/Person Responsible Forms Fees Processing Time Checks completeness of documentary requirements then receives letter of request. a. Go to Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) and pay the necessary fees. Informs the requesting party on the procedure to be conducted to include, if necessary, a histopathological exam in which case the requesting party will be informed that the final result will be released in 22 to 30 days. a. If exact cause of death can be determined grossly, no need for further microscopic tissue examination. b. If exact cause of death can be determined grossly, microscopic tissue examination is necessary. (MHO) Prepares signs and issues Death Certificate. Medico Legal Officer will sign and state the cause of death. Prepares, reviews and signs laboratory report. Releases the laboratory report. Any duty personnel None None 15 min LBP personnel - 1,200 LBP - Duty Medico Legal Officer Certification of Identification, consent for autopsy 15 min None None MHO/Medico Legal Officer Medico Legal Officer Any duty personnel 5-7days 1 hour 45 min None 15 min DRUG TEST Office: Regional Crime Laboratory Office 02 (Chemistry Section) Documentary Requirements: 1. Two (2) copies of Letter of Request from the applicant for Firearms Licensing 2. Three copies of Letter of Request for PNP Schooling 3. Valid Identification Card How to Avail the Service: Step Applicant 1. Submit Letter of Request. 2. (For Firearms Licensing and PNP Schooling) Go to Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) and pay the necessary fees. (For Firearms Licensing) Submit two (2) photocopy of the Special Bank Receipt (SBR) and Order of Payment (OP); (For PNP Schooling) Submit original copy of OP and SBR. Present personal identification card. Fill-out the Chain and Custody Form (CCF). Submit urine specimen. Seal/tape and sign of the specimen bottle. Get personal copy of Letter of Request. (to be presented when claiming the result) 3. 4. 5. 6. Claim Laboratory Report. Duration: 4 hours per subject (if negative) 16 working days (if positive) Service Provider Office/Person Responsible Forms Fees Processing Time Checks completeness of documentary requirements then receives Letter of Request. Issues Order of Payment (OP). LBP is an entity outside of the PNP Organization (work time not included). Any duty personnel None None 20 min LBP Action Officer - P300.00 LBP - Prepares logbook to be filled up by the subject. Label, collect and assist in the sealing of urine specimen. Submit to duty examiner. Releases the requesting party’s copy of the request. Any duty personnel/ Duty Forensic Chemist None 15 min CCF 1 hour None 10 min Performs Screening test. 1 hour If negative: Prepares and signs laboratory report If positive: 1. Prepares initial laboratory report. 2. Performs confirmatory test on urine sample. Prepares and signs final Lab Report. Reviews, approves and signs lab report. 30 min Releases laboratory report. Duty Forensic Chemist None 15 days 20 min 15 min Any duty personnel 10 min FINGERPRINTING SERVICES Office: Regional Crime Laboratory Office 02 (Fingerprint Identification Section) Documentary Requirements: Duration: 4-16 working days (Depending on the number of specimen and standard submitted) 1. Three (3) copies of Letter of Request from the Police Station 2. Two (2) copies of Letter of Request from the applicant for Firearms Licensing 3. One (1) piece of 2X2 ID picture for Firearms Licensing 4. One (1) copy of fingerprint card (personal) provided by PNPCL How to Avail the Service: Step Applicant Service Provider 1. Submit Letter of Request; for Firearms Licensing submit photocopy of Order of payment (OP) (issued by PNPCL) and Special Bank receipt (SBR) (issued by any branch of Land Bank of the Philippines); For PNP Schooling submit letter of request, original copy of OP and SBR. Get personal copy of Letter of Request. For Firearms Licensing only. Checks completeness of documentary requirements then receives letter of request. If the request specimen is not labeled, the receiver returns to the requesting party for correction. 2. 3. 4. Releases the requesting party’s personal copy of the request. Performs fingerprinting. Attach 2x2 ID picture on the FP card and affix signature. Advises the subject to make photocopy of fingerprint card. Claim Fingerprint Card. Releases one (1) copy of accomplished fingerprint card. For Fingerprint Examination 1. Examine, identify question latent prints Identification. evidence with standard fingerprint. If no available standard specimen submitted, render reports in relation to examination conducted. 2. Photograph the question and standard prints for comparison & court presentation. 3. Prepares and signs report in relation to examination perform/conducted. Claim the result of Fingerprint Releases the report. Examination Identification Report. Office/Person Responsible Forms Fees Processing Time Any Duty personnel/ Fingerprint Examiner None P200.00 LBP 1 hour 20 min Any duty personnel/ Fingerprint Examiner 30 min None Duty Fingerprint Examiner Any duty personnel/ fingerprint examiner None 3-15 days (Depending on the number of specimen and standard submitted) 10 min BALLISTIC EXAMINATION Office: Regional Crime Laboratory Office 02 (Firearms Identification Section) Documentary Requirement: 1. Three (3) copies of Letter of Request from the Police Station How to Avail the Service: Step Applicant 1. Submit Request. Letter Service Provider of Checks proper markings of the specimen submitted. For cross matching of all ballistic cases. Duration: 2-4 days (Depending on the status and number of specimen submitted) Office/Person Responsible Any duty personnel/ FA’s Examiner/Tech Forms None Firearms examiners only 2. 3. For serviceability and determination of caliber. For FA’s PTCFOR/ Checks completeness of requirements, LEA/LTOPF (complete Issue Order of payment to LBP, return to all the requirements) CL after payment to LBP and submit photocopy of Special Bank Receipt (SBR), stencil and test firing of firearms and issued FA’s certificate. Claim Laboratory Releases laboratory report. Report. Fees Processing Time 15-20 min 3 days and up 1day None Firearms examiner/FAs Technician P350.00 in every FA’s 1-2 days Any duty personnel/ Firearms Examiner None 10 min For your inquiries, suggestions or comments, please call 078-304-9442. POLYGRAPH EXAMINATION Office: Regional Crime Laboratory Office 02 (Polygraph Section) Documentary Requirements: 1. Three (3) copies of Letter of Request from the Police Station 2. Facts/background of the case/synopsis 3. Affidavit of Complainant or Suspect 4. Valid ID of the subject on the day of examination 5. Authorization Letter (for representatives) Duration: 7 hours (per subject) How to Avail the Service: Step 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Applicant Submit Request. Letter Service Provider of Checks completeness of documentary requirements then receives Letter of Request. Go to Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) and pay the necessary fees. Fill-out polygraph request form then return on the scheduled date of polygraph exam. Present special bank receipt and present subject for examination. Claim the result polygraph report. of LBP is an entity outside of the PNP Organization (work time not included). Advises requesting party to report on the scheduled date of examination together with the subject. (Processing time will resume upon return of the requesting party and subject(s) for examination on the scheduled date). (Transportation fee of the Polygraph Machine shall be shouldered by the requesting party). Conducts polygraph examination (Pre-test interview, instrumental test, collection of charts. Analysis/interpretation of chart. Prepares polygraph report. Reviews polygraph report. Signs the report Releases the report to requesting party. Office/Person Responsible Any Duty personnel / Polygraph Examiner LBP Action Officer Forms Fees Processing Time None None 10 min - P600.00 - Polygraph Request Form 30 min Polygraph Examiner Statement of Consent Any duty personnel/ polygraph examiner None None 3 hours 2 hours 20 min 30 min 10 min 10 min COMPUTERIZE FACIAL COMPOSITE Office: Regional Crime Laboratory Office 02 (CFC Illustrator) Documentary Requirements: 1. Three (3) copies of Letter of Request from the Police Station Duration: 3 hours (Depending on the recollection of the describer) How to Avail the Service: Step 1. 2. 3. 4. Applicant Service Provider Submit three (3) copies of Checks completeness of Letter of Request. documentary requirements then receives Letter of Request and records it into the central logbook. Present the copies of the Accepts, assesses the Letter of Request. requirements and records it into the CFC logbook. Describe/illustrate the subject. Conducts facial composite. Claim copy composite. of Office/Person Responsible Forms Fees Any duty personnel Processing Time 20 min 20 min None Duty CFC Illustrator Prepares and signs copy of facial facial composite. Releases the report. For your inquiries, suggestions or comments, please call 078-304-9442. None 2 hours (Depending on the recollection of the describer) 20 min MACRO-ETCHING EXAMINATION FOR MOTOR VEHICLE APPLIED FOR PNP CLEARANCE AT HIGHWAY PATROL GROUP Office: Regional Crime Laboratory Office 02 (Physical Identification Section) Documentary Requirement: Duration: 3 hours 1. One (1) copy of referral slip for Macro-Etching Examination Additional Requirements: a. If Change of Ownership 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. One (1) copy of referral slip for macro-etching examination Special bank receipt Official receipt Certificate of Registration Deed of Sale b. If Change of Color 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. One (1) copy of referral slip for macro-etching examination Special bank receipt Official receipt Certificate of Registration Affidavit change of Color (Painter) c. If Change Body Design 1. One (1) copy of referral slip for macro-etching examination 2. Special bank receipt 3. Official receipt 4. Certificate of Registration 5. Affidavit of Change Body Design (Mechanic) d. If Change Engine 1. One (1) copy of referral slip for macro-etching examination 2. Special bank receipt 3. Official receipt 4. Certificate of Registration 5. Affidavit of Change Engine 6. LTO Engine Number Calibration 7. Sales Certification of new engine - Sales Invoice - Certificate of Stock Reported - LTO Sales Report How to Avail the Service: Step Applicant 1. Submit the referral slip and photocopies of special bank receipt, official receipt, and Certificate of Registration. Submit the motor vehicle for examination. 2. 3. Claim the Certificate. Service Provider Checks the completeness documentary requirements. Office/Person Responsible of the Fees the Conducts stencil of engine and chassis number of motor vehicle. Photographs the vehicle. Applies chemicals on the metal surface where the engine and chassis number is normally located. Prepares and signs the Macro-Etching Certificate. Reviews and approves the certificate. Macro-Etching Releases Certificate. Forms Macro-Etching Processing Time 20 min Duty Laboratory Technician/PI examiner 2 hours None Chief, Physical Identification Section Duty Laboratory Technician For your inquiries, suggestions or comments, please call 078-304-9442. None 20 min 20 min MACRO-ETCHING EXAMINATION FOR LIFTING OF ALARM, VERIFICATION AND RE-STAMPING Office: Regional Crime Laboratory Office 02 (Physical Identification Section) Documentary Requirements: 1. Three (3) Copies of Letter of Request 2. Photocopy of official receipt and Certificate of Registration of Motor Vehicle How to Avail the Service: Step Applicant Service Provider 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Submit three (3) copies of Letter of Request. Submit Letter of Request to the Duty Personnel of Physical Identification Section. Go to Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) and pay the necessary fees. Present special bank receipt to Physical Identification Section and submit the photocopy of official receipt and Certificate of Registration of the vehicle and get the duplicate copy of the Letter of Request as a proof of receipt and claim stub. Submit the motor vehicle for examination. Claim the laboratory report. Checks the completeness of the documentary requirements. Issues order of payment. Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) is an entity outside of the PNP organization (work time not included). Duration: 4 hours Office/Person Responsible Forms Fees Duty Personnel/PI Examiner/Technician None None LBP Action officer - Processing Time 10 min 15 min P200.00 - 10 min Accepts and checks the documents. Conducts stencil of engine and chassis number of the motor vehicle. Photographs the vehicle. Applies chemicals on the metal surface where the engine and chassis number is normally located. Prepares and sign the laboratory report. Reviews and approves the laboratory report. Signs the lab report. Releases the laboratory report. Duty Personnel/PI Examiner/Technician 30 min None Duty Examiner None 2 hours 15 min Chief, Physical Identification Examiner Duty Personnel/PI Examiner/Technician 10 min 30 min 10 min