Weekly Bulletin


Weekly Bulletin
John the Baptist
John the Baptist was the son of Zachary, a
priest of the Temple in Jerusalem, and
Elizabeth, a kinswoman of Mary who
visited her. He was probably born at AinKarim southwest of Jerusalem after the
Angel Gabriel had told Zachary that his wife
would bear a child even though she was an
old woman. He lived as a hermit in the desert
of Judea until about A.D. 27. When he was
thirty, he began to preach on the banks of the
Jordan against the evils of the times and
called men to penance and baptism "for the
Kingdom of Heaven is close at hand". He attracted large crowds, and when Christ came
to him, John recognized Him as the Messiah
and baptized Him, saying, "It is I who need
baptism from You".
When Christ left to preach in Galilee, John
continued preaching in the Jordan valley.
Fearful of his great power with the people,
Herod Antipas, Tetrarch of Perea and Galilee,
had him arrested and imprisoned at
Machaerus Fortress on the Dead Sea when
John denounced his adulterous and incestuous
marriage with Herodias, wife of his half
brother Philip. John was beheaded at the request of Salome, daughter of Herodias, who
asked for his head at the instigation of her
John inspired many of his followers to
follow Christ when he designated Him "the
Lamb of God," among them Andrew and
John, who came to know Christ through
John's preaching. John is presented in the
New Testament as the last of the Old Testament prophets and the precursor of the Messiah. His feast day is June 24th and the feast
for his beheading is August 29th.
June 2015: A Home for the Wounded
Jesus set a high standard for chastity, asking
his followers to live differently from the rest of
the world. Jesus taught things about sexuality
and marriage which we may find difficult to
accept and live, both in ancient times and today. But Jesus asked us to live sacrificially for
good reason. Jesus tells us the truth about how
to love, and so if we respect marriage vows,
practice self-control, and treat each other
chastely, communion and freedom of spirit
will dawn in our hearts and in our communities. Of course, we all stumble and sin, hurting
ourselves and others in the process. Sin causes
profound pain in family life. That is why Pope
Francis once famously likened the Church to
“a field hospital after battle.” Pope Benedict
called each parish a “family of families.” In
our ordinary parish life, each of us fulfills our
mission when we bear one another’s burdens
and help each other heal the wounds. No one
should be lonely or forgotten in a parish. The
Church is a family of those who have encountered Jesus, who confess that he is Lord, who
desire his grace to shape their lives, and so
help each other respond to him. Jesus’s way
enables patience, forgiveness, and trust, so that
we can convert and renew our hearts in ways
that would otherwise seem impossible. Whatever controversies might arise in our culture,
whatever others might do or fail to do, Jesus
and his Sacraments are always with us, and
love is always our mission. See this month’s
catechism chapter for more details.
Monthly Reflections on Family Life In
Preparation for the World Meeting of Families and Pope Francis’s visit to Pittsburgh in
September. Previous monthly reflections are
online at PhillyEvang.org/wmof.
St. Philip’s, Falun
Join Real Presence Radio for our 4-day
pilgrimage this September 23-26. We will be
travelling to Holy Hill in Hubertus, WI,
Marytown in Libertyville, IL, and Our Lady of
Guadalupe in LaCrosse, WI.
Cost: $525, includes lodging (double room),
food, & transportation. Contact Lisa at 877-795
-0122 or lisa@yourcatholicradiostation.com for
more information. Reg. deadline: August 24th.
This year's Fortnight for Freedom themed:
Freedom to Bear Witness takes place from
June 21st to July 4th.
Bishop Hoeppner has
invited every parish in the
diocese to give thanks to
God for the gift of religious freedom and to hold
up this gift in the life of marriages, families and
parish communities.
We have been invited specifically to pray
the Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament and
at home for the following intentions: Peace
throughout the world; our men and women
serving in the military; and world leaders.
Learn more at: www.crookston.org/justice.
2015 Fortnight for Freedom
The goal isn’t just to finish the race of life, but to finish with nothing left to give. If you are what
you should be, you will set the whole world ablaze!”
—- St. Catherine of Siena —-
LifeCare Hospice is sponsoring an Adult Grief
This group is open to all adults who have experienced the loss of a loved one, not only those who
have been served by Hospice. The group will meet
on Thursdays at 6pm—7:30pm on June 4th, June
11th, June 18th & July 9th.
Meetings will be held in the Main Conference Room
at LifeCare Medical Center. For more information call
463-2500 & ask for Pam ext 4198 or Karen ext 4199.
This Week — June 28th— July 5th
Sunday June 28th
· Irene Schultz Auction—11 AM
· Sunday by Sunday—6:30 PM— Roseau
Monday June 29th
· Charism Study Group -6:30– 8PM-Roseau
Tuesday June 30
· Mass —— Roseau —— 5:15PM
Wednesday July 1st
· Mass —- 9 AM —- Badger
Thursday July 2nd
· Euch. Ador/ Conf— 6:15— 8 PM—Roseau
Friday July 3rd
· 1st FridayMass — 5:15PM —- Roseau
Saturday July 4th
· Happy Independence Day!
Sunday July 5th
· Sunday by Sunday—-6:30 PM—Roseau
Phone: 452-1386
WEBSITE: www.roseaucatholicchurch.org
Phone: 463-2441
Secretary: Tracy Borowicz
RE Coordinator.: Beckie Erdmann
Office: 403 Main Ave. N — Roseau—56751
Phone: 463-2441
Pastor: Fr. John Kleinwachter
Sacred Heart, Roseau
St. Mary’s, Badger
Lunch List: July
· July 5th—Carla & Toni
· July 12th— Judy & Sharon M.
· July 19th— Christy & Irene
· July 26th— Bernie & Jennifer
** if you can’t work on your designated date,
please find a replacement.
St. Philips Parish, Falun
Sun. July 19 —Love and Life Celebration
Bishop Folda will celebrate Holy Mass at St.
Michael’s Church in Grand Forks at 5 p.m. He
will join us for dinner, followed by a talk for
married and engaged couples (childcare will be
provided). It will be a great opportunity to interact with Bishop Folda and other couples. Mark your calendars for this event which
is sponsored by the Couple to Couple League
chapters of Grand Forks and Crookston as part
of Natural Family Planning Awareness Week—
July 19-25.
· Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
July 17-19 Buffalo, MN.
September 11-13 International Falls, MN
Please consider these retreats as a way to deepen
your faith. The church is willing to pay half of
your registration fee up to $100 if you go on a
retreat. See bulletin boards for more retreats.
Marriages and Banns — Please join us in
praying for all newly married couples and those
preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage:
Kyle Horntvedt and Erin Foley — Exchange of
vow at 3 PM on July 11 at Sacred Heart.
St. Philips
(38)$1,103.00 (19)$390.00
St. Mary’s
June 21st Sacred Heart
Call: 763-682-1394 or go to their
website: http://www.kingshouse.com
·“The Joy of the Gospel" —Women's Silent MidWeek Retreat Presented by: The King's House
Preaching Team July 14 - 16, 2015
· Mens & Womens Retreat presented by Father
Larry Gillick Theme: “The Low-Tech Jesus meets
The High-Tech Me” July 10th—12th
Retreats — Christ the King Retreat Center
in Buffalo, MN
Tuesday, June 30th……….Roseau …5:15 PM ……++ Jan & Jana Ladlislaw // P & I Gocik
Wednesday, July 1st… Badger .. .9 AM…+ Leon Schultz // Irene Schultz
Thursday, July 2nd … Roseau . . . . . 6:30 PM . . . .. For Spiritual Renewal of our Parishes
Friday, July 3rd ……….. Life Care……10 AM……... For the People
(First Friday) Roseau . . . . . 5:15 PM . . . . For Spirtual Renewal of Parishes
Saturday, July 4th……… Roseau …...5:00 PM ……. For Peace in the World
Sunday, July 5th…Falun .7:15 AM …++ Albert & Veronica Piotrowski // Darield & Judy Moser
Badger…...9:00 AM……… + Roy Hlucny // John & Delores Walsh
Roseau …10:30 AM……. ... + Ann Bernat // Steve & Linda Panek
Building Planning Process
A request for permission to go ahead with the
process was sent in to the bishop. We are
waiting to hear from him. If approved, we will
begin preparing for a formal presentation of
our plans to the parish in the month of Sept.
Help Needed for the Food
Stand at the Roseau County
Fair —Tuesday July 21st to
FridayJuly 24th from 10am to
Also need Cleanup Help on Saturday Morning
July 25 .
Sign up sheets are in the back of the Church.
The Sacred Heart Vacation
Bible School
is scheduled for Sunday Aug. 9
through Thursday, Aug. 13.
Time is 6 Pm to 7:30 PM each night.
Registration begins at 5:30PM on the first
night. Pre-K through Gr. 5 . This is free and
Open to All. Mark your calendars. Greenbush has theirs scheduled Aug. 3-6.
Badger Community Picnic is scheduled for Tuesday,
July 14 at 6 PM at Durgin Park (city hall in case of
rain). Our parish will be responsible for sweet salads
for up to 200. Each parish will provide meat and buns
for (hamburgers/hot dogs or brats) for parishioners attending plus 1 dozen more. Also each parish will bring
approximately 50 paper plates with tableware. This
event is sponsored by the Badger churches and will include a short closing time of prayer for the needs of our
Sacred Heart Finance Council Meeting Notes
from June 22
1. Finances are in balance, but difficult to see in
report until year-end because of split expenses
with other parishes.
2. Fr. John and Marlene are working on next
year’s budget. Next year’s split will be 67% 24%- 9% with Badger and Falun as we have a
slight increase in households at Sacred Heart.
3. Because of the health insurance complications,
the diocese is putting all parish payrolls into a
new payroll system run by an outside firm. The
transfer will hopefully be complete in October.
This will involve a charge for each person on payroll but should lessen work of bookkeeper although salaries will still needed to be recorded
monthly in the bookkeeping as well as hours sent
in monthly for some employees.
4. Diocesan property and liability insurance
should be slightly lowered this year.
5. Finance council voted unanimously to go ahead
with the building planning process.
6. Fr. John is working on a possible combined
financial planning seminar and end-of-life issues
seminar sometime the first of August.
7. Work on sound system (new speakers) should
happen in two weeks.
8. Next meeting: Tues. Aug. 11 at 5:00 PM
unless permission to go ahead on building planning process is okayed and we need to get started
on that and will need to meet sooner.