(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Decision Notices, 31/03/2015 00
(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Decision Notices, 31/03/2015 00
Public Document Pack Democratic Services White Cliffs Business Park Dover Kent CT16 3PJ Telephone: Fax: DX: Minicom: Website: e-mail: (01304) 821199 (01304) 872453 6312 (01304) 820115 www.dover.gov.uk democraticservices @dover.gov.uk 27 March 2015 Dear Councillor NOTICE OF DELEGATION DECISION – (DD26 14) AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE OF FIRE ALARMS 2015-2017 Please find attached details of a decision taken by the Director of Finance, Housing and Community in relation to the award of a contract for the servicing and maintenance of fire alarms within the Council’s social housing stock. As a non-key Officer decision, call-in does not apply (paragraph 18(a) of Part 4 (Rules of Procedure) of the Constitution). The appendix to this decision notice is exempt under paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. Members of the public who require further information are asked to contact Kate Batty-Smith on 01304 872303 or by e-mail at kate.batty-smith@dover.gov.uk. Yours sincerely Democratic Support Officer ENCL 1 DD26 14 - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE OF FIRE ALARMS (Pages 2-3) 1 Decision Notice Agenda Item No 1 Decision No: DD26 Subject: Award of a Contract for the Servicing and Maintenance of Fire Alarms 2015–2017 Notification Date: 27 March 2015 Implementation Date: 27 March 2015 Decision taken by: Director of Finance, Housing and Community Delegated Authority: Authority delegated to Chief Officers under Paragraph 5 of Section 6 of Part 3 of the Constitution Decision Type: Executive Decision Non-Key Decision Call-In to Apply? No (Call-in does not apply to Non-Key Officer Decisions) Classification: Unrestricted Reason for the Decision: To enable the award of a contract to PJC Electrical for the servicing and maintenance of fire alarms within the Council’s housing stock Decision: To accept the tender price received from PJC Electrical and to enter into a two-year contract with them for the servicing and maintenance of fire alarms within the Council’s housing stock 1 Consideration and Alternatives (if applicable) 1.1 A competitive procurement exercise has been undertaken so that a new contract can be in place when the existing contract for the servicing and maintenance of fire alarms comes to an end on 31 March 2015. The decision is therefore required to enable the Council to appoint a suitably qualified contractor following a competitive tendering exercise. 1.3 A notice was issued on the Council’s website for expressions of interest from contractors and invitations to tender were issued after this process was complete. 1.4 Four tenders were received by East Kent Housing but one contractor failed to submit a completed Form of Tender and therefore the tender was deemed invalid. 1.5 The tender submitted by PJC Electrical was the lowest priced tender and has been assessed as representing value for money. 1.6 The service is currently provided by PJC Electrical, who carry out the work to a good standard and work well with the Council and East Kent Housing. 2 Any Conflicts of Interest Declared? 2.1 None 3 Supporting Information (as applicable) 3.1 The attached (exempt) appendix provides details of the tenders received. Dover District Council 2 By virtue of paragraph(s) 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. Document is Restricted 3