Newsletter 7 29 April 2015
Newsletter 7 29 April 2015
Monymusk School Monymusk Inverurie Aberdeenshire AB51 7HJ Telephone: 01467 651254 Fax: 01467 651254 Newsletter 7 2014-15 28th April 2015 Dear Parents and Carers, Just when we thought Spring was well and truly underway the snow arrived! “Ne’er cast a cloot till May is oot!” as my Nana used to say! By this time of the year, you would usually have had your child’s written report and parent/pupil/ teacher meetings would be taking place this week. Throughout this session we have been sharing the pupils’ learning in a variety of ways. We held open events for Health and Wellbeing in term one, Literacy in term two and Maths & Science in term three. This term the focus will be ‘Next Steps’. With that in mind, the parent/pupil/teacher meetings will take place during the week beginning Monday 8th June and will be 15 minutes long for each pupil. A letter will be sent home, so that a day and time can be allocated to each pupil. A ‘Sharing My Learning’ document will come home with each pupil on Wednesday 3rd June. In addition, in order to share the learning and teaching at school more frequently with parents, the staff have created a school blog. The blog will have an overview of the learning and teaching of each class posted every week. This will help to prompt ‘learning conversations’ at home. If you wish to have access to the blog please complete the form at the end of this newsletter. On Thursday, 7th May at 2pm, we hope you will join us for the ‘Grand Opening’ of the school playground. Myles Edwards, 1500m indoor Scottish champion, will be our special guest. He will also tell us about his charity, the Gathimba Edwards Foundation. Monymusk and Kolol Schools (one of the schools linked to GEF) are fast becoming friends. The P4 – 7 pupils have shared videos, letters and photos and the P1 - 3 pupils plan to draw pictures and write letters this term. Myles will share some of what GEF has done so far to support children in Kenya. Our school roll is rising and when I meet new families I am often asked if we have a Before/After School club. It is something I think is worth considering as I do believe there is a need. Cluny School is also currently considering this option. Forming a joint After School Club for Monymusk and Cluny pupils would benefit both communities. Please contact me directly if you would be interested in using a Before/After School Club and/or if you would be interested in setting one up. A new addition to our staff is Woodwind instructor, Christine Cheyne, who is giving weekly flute tuition to two of our pupils. With many of the older pupils already learning guitar, piano and recorder we will have lots to listen to at our Christmas concert this year! We also welcome Jo Riley, who is our Art specialist this term. I look forward to seeing everyone at the various events planned for the term ahead. Gillian Watt Unicef have announced a “Bring-a-Pound-Day for Nepal” appeal in aid of the earthquake victims. We would like to contribute to this appeal and would be grateful if your child could bring a pound to school on Friday, 1st May. Generation Science Workshops – Wednesday 25th March 2015 P1,2,3 learned about “Marvellous Magnets”….. .... and P4,5,6,7 studied “Power from the People” Internet Safety Workshops – Tuesday 21st April 2015 These workshops offered by UNICEF (because we are a Rights Respecting School) were well attended and helpful for everyone. The internet is a fascinating place but it is so important that we make sure we all know how to be safe. We have passed your evaluations to the volunteers who spent the afternoon with us. P6 & 7 pupils from Monymusk, Craigievar and Tough Schools visited Burn O’Vat last week. Bikeability P6 & 7 pupils will be receiving Bikeability training on Thursday afternoons for the next few weeks. If you can help for an afternoon, please let us know. A weekly commitment is not necessary. Muddy Monymusk Run: Sunday, 24th May (A.M.) All the pupils are encouraged to either run or come and support this event. Thank you to Monymusk School Parent Council for planning this children’s fun run to raise funds for the school. Volunteers to marshal, provide first aid and serve the teas, cakes and soup are required! As a practice for the Monymusk Run, children and parents could run in the Dunecht Dash on Sunday, 10th May. Race entry and information available from: Sports Day Sports Day will be on Wednesday, 27th May at 1:30pm. We look forward to seeing you there. Fingers crossed for a dry day! RRSA Level 2 We are in the final stages of applying for the Rights Respecting Schools Award - Level 2 and will be assessed later this term. For families new to the school, “the Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) recognises achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at the heart of a school’s planning, policies, practice and ethos. A rights-respecting school not only teaches about children’s rights but also models rights and respect in all its relationships: between pupils and adults, between adults and between pupils. Our focus for this award has been to continue to learn about the rights of children and the responsibilities that go along with those rights.” Our focus for Level 2 was to form meaningful links with children and communities in other parts of the world, through our link with Kolol School, as well as building on relationships within our own community. Parent Council Next meeting: Thursday, 4th June 2015. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting. The school very much appreciates the support given by the Parent Council but are aware that some parents will be moving on, as their children will be going to Alford Academy after the summer holidays. Monymusk School Parent Council needs YOU! Sharing Our Learning: Next Steps Week beginning Monday, 8th June 4:00 – 8:00pm Parents & pupils will be allocated 15-minute slots to meet with the class teacher to discuss progress made by the pupil this session. A ‘Sharing My Learning’ document, sharing your child’s levels, will be sent home before the meeting. In addition, Learning Logs and Profile Folders will be used as a focus during the discussion. School sweatshirts As most of you will be aware, school sweatshirts have in the past been ordered once a year and issued before the Summer holidays. This year, as the result of a lot of hard work by the Parent Council, we have changed our sweatshirt provider and you can now buy them direct from David’s Fashion Sports in Inverurie. They are already available in the store and prices will be £9.50 up to age 12 and £13.50 for larger sizes. School Transport Premier should be informed directly if there are any changes to daily arrangements. Extra-curricular activities Running training has started again and will be every Thursday after school for interested Primary 3-7 pupils. Enviro Group is to be linked more to the whole school, as part of our affiliation to Eco Schools. In term 4 we plan to work as a whole school outdoors during school time on a Wednesday afternoon. Please note that there will be no Envirogroup after school this term. Netball/Football: We are still hoping that someone/a few people will come forward to help coaching netball and/or football. Pupils are playing netball in PE this term and are very keen to get started again but we do not have the adults in place to support the practices. Sharing the responsibility works well so if a few people come forward together that would be ideal. Tennis coaching sessions: Millbank Tennis Club are offering coaching sessions for Beginners (7 – 10 years) and Improvers (over 10 years with some experience) beginning Tuesday, 5th May. For more information contact Simon Allerton on 01224 303748 (daytime) or 01330 833706 (evenings). Dates for your Diary Session 2014 – 2015 Friday 1st May 2015 Monday, 4th May 2015 Thursday 7th May 2015 Monday 11th May 2015 Tuesday 12th May 2015 Monday 18th May 2015 Tuesday 19th May 2015 Wednesday 20th May 2015 Sunday 24th May 2015 Wednesday 27th May 2015 Thursday 28th May 2015 Friday 29th May – Sunday 31st May 2015 Monday, 1st June 2015 Thursday 4th June 2015 Thursday 4th June 2015 Monday 8th June, Tuesday 9th June & Wednesday 10th June Monday 15th June – Friday 19th June 2015 Thursday 18th June 2015 Friday 19th June 2015 Friday, 3rd July, 2015 Bring-a-Pound-Day for Nepal Holiday 2pm ‘Grand Opening’ of Playground & Gathimba Edwards Foundation presentation P7 Transition event – Instrumental Tutor Day P7 Link Day at Alford Academy P7 Transition event – Forest Schools Day, Dunecht 6:15–7:30pm Induction Meeting 2 – Literacy & Numeracy Walk 9:00am Bag2School Collection Monymusk Muddy Run - 10am Registration at School (am) School Photographer – details to follow 1:30pm Sports Day - 1st attempt, weather permitting P4-7 Drugs Action (Session 1 of 2) Cullen residential Trip P6,7 Holiday P4-7 Drugs Action (Session 2 of 2) 7:15pm Parent Council Meeting. All parents welcome. Parent/Pupil/Teacher meetings – details to follow P7 Link Week, Alford Academy 1:40 – 2:30pm Induction Meeting 3 (Parents with Head Teacher, new P1s in class) 9:15 – 11:30am New P1s in class 11:40am Trial School Lunch for new P1s and parents School closes Useful Telephone Numbers Alford Academy 019755 62251 Alford Community Ed (Gymnastics) 01467 628283 Monymusk School Kitchen 01467 651574 Child Protection Line 0800 0223222 Grampian Police (Non-Emergencies) 08456 005 700 Premier Coaches 01467 642409 Useful Websites: Monymusk School Website Glow ................................................................................... Eco Schools Scotland ............................................. GridClub–Safe Online Educational Fun for 7–11 year olds (user name: mon011p, password: ab517hj) Nature Detectives (user name:monypris;password: pupil) School Meals Service web page Curriculum for Excellence ….............................. Up-to-date information on early years Internet Safety (e-mail, Chat, File-sharing) .......................................................................... Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOPS)..................................................... Parentzone ‘Books -what’s in them for me and my child?...… Parents and Carers Website Section National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) Aberdeenshire Council Book Review website ................ Culture and Heritage of North East Scotland ........................................................................................ Parenting Across Scotland …………………………..............…………………..…… Return completed forms to Monymusk School Please grant me access to the Monymusk School Blog Name…………………………………………………. e-mail address………………………………………. Signed…………………………… Name of child/ren…………………………… Date………………………..