A-PQ lug)? - Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
A-PQ lug)? - Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
A-PQ lug)? F. No. 8/65/2010-NSC Government of India Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation National Statistical Commission Secretariat II Floor, Sardar Patel Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001. Dated the 19th August, 2014, ORDER Subject: Constitution of Working Group for formulating methodology etc., for the 73rd Round of NSS. The National Statistical Commission (NSC) in its 68th meeting held during 30th June and 1st July, 2014 decided that the 73r round of NSS would be devoted to surveying unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises in manufacturing, trade and other services (excluding construction), as was the case in the 67th NSS round, to get estimates of various economic and operational characteristics at the national and State levels, besides estimates of important characteristics at district level through pooling of data of central and state samples. The NSC also decided that the data of the VI Economic Census may be used as a Source for_evoivirig_the, sampling design for the 73rd round. Composition 2. The NSC further decided that a Working Group shall be constituted to assist it in laying down sampling design, methodology and strategies to reduce non-sampling errors for the 73 rd Round of NSS, keeping in view comparability and time-frame. The field work for the 73rd Round shall be carried out during July 2015 to June 2016 and the results of the survey need to be placed in the public domain latest by June 2017. The Working Group would assist the NSC in the entire gamut of activities within this time frame. The NSC constitutes the Working Group to formulate the methodology etc., for the survey as under: Prof. K. L. Krishna, Retd. Professor, Delhi School of Economics, 97, Munirka Enclave, Nelson Mandela Road, New Delhi-110 067 E-Mail: krishnaOecondse.orq Tele: 011-26192768 Mob: +919871086770 (2) Dr. Jeemol Unni, Director, Institute of Rural Management, Post Box No. 60, Anand — 388 001 E-Mail: LeemolOamail.com (3) ± Dr. A.C. Kulshrestha, ( ) avt te9 Chairman Non-official Member Non-official Former Addl. DG, CSO (NAD) 208 E, M.I.G. Flats Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110027 Tel: 011-2597 2191 E-Mail: ackulshreshthaft_yahoo.com Prof. Pulakesh Maiti, (4) Indian Statistical Institute (Economic Research Unit), 6th floor, Library Building, 203, Barrackpore Trunk Road, Kolkata — 700 108 E-Mail: pulakesh@isical.ac.in (5) Prof. Nachikta Chattopadhyay, Indian Statistical Institute (Sampling and Official Statistics Unit), 2nd Floor, A.N. Kolmogorov Bhavan (New Acedemic Building), 203, Barrackpore Trunk Road, Kolkata — 700 108 E-Mail: nachiketa@isical.ac.in Dr. Pulak Ghosh, (6) Professor (Quantitative Methods Information Systems) B-003, Indian Institute of Management, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore - 560 076 E-Mail: pulak.ghosh@iimb.ernet.in Tele: 080-26993136 Dr. Rajiv Mehta, (7) Former Addl. DG, NSSO (SDRD) Flat No. 307, Prateek Kunj, GH-11, Sector 21-C, Part-III, Faridabad — 121 001. E-Mail: rajivmehta2@gmail.com Mob: +919643845247 (when in India) ) Shri Alok Kar, Visiting Scientist, Indian Statistical Institute (Sampling and Official Statistics Unit), 2nd Floor, A.N. Kolmogorov Bhavan (New Acedemic Building), 203, Barrackpore Trunk Road, Kolkata — 700 108 E-mail: alokekarPgmail.com Mob: +91- 90380 03368 (9) j Prof. B.N. Goldar, Member, NSC E-Mail: bncdpieqindia.orq 2 Member Non-official Member Non-official Member Non-official Member Non-official Member Non-official Member Special Invitee (10) T Director General, Central Statistics Office (11) Director General, National Sample Surve_y Office (12) Representative of the Reserve Bank of India (13) Representative of the Planning Commission (14) j Representative of the DIPP (15J Representative of the DGCI&S, Kolkata (16) Representative of the Mbo MSME (17) Representative of the CBEC (18) Representative of the Labour Bureau (19) ! Representative of the M/o Food Processing Industries (20) ; Representative of the 0/o Development Commissioner (Handlooms) (21) ' Representative of the 0/o Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) (22)4 Representative of CSO (ESD) (23) j Representative of CSO (NAD) (24) j Representative of NSSO (FOD) (25) ReEresentative of NSSO (DPD) (26) Representative of NSSO (CPD) (27) Directors, States DESs of Uttar Pradesh, to Rajasthan, Maharashtra, West Bengal, (32) Assam, Andhra Pradesh (33 , Addl. DG NSSO (SDRD) Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Members Member Secretary Terms of Reference 3. The NSC laid down the terms of reference for the Working Group as under: (1) Enlisting the requirement of estimates/ indicators/ tables to be generated out of the survey (2) Reviewing the past data in respect of the estimates/ indicators/ tables to be generated and previous field experiences in data collection (3) Based on the findings of the aforesaid reviews, their own experience and interactions with field officers (including those during All India Training of Trainers), preparing all the survey instruments relating to the 73rd Round Survey, namely, the tabulation plan, data collection schedules, manner of data collection, sampling design, estimation procedure, examining the sampling frames and drawing of samples for survey, scrutiny & validation procedure, instruction manuals, and submission of the methodological instruments to the NSC for approval (4) Conducting pilot survey, if necessary, before finalizing schedules for data collection (5) reviewing and monitoring, from time to time, of — (a) the training of field staff, (b) the progress of the survey, (c) processing and validation of data, (d) generation of tables in compliance with the tabulation plan, and (e) preparation of data and reports for release (6) providing technical guidance to the Central and State level agencies in respect of the survey (7) Preparing an action plan and monitoring the progress as per the action plan and taking corrective steps where necessary (8) Furnishing all the survey instruments to NSC, as and when ready 4. The tenure of the Working Group will be till the release of main reports of the survey by the NSSO, by which time the unit level data of the 73rd round becomes ready for release. The Working Group shall submit to the National Statistical Commission, survey instruments such as methodology, tabulation plan and publication plan, and any other intermediate output or any other issue/ problem as it deems fit, for approval/ directions. Secretarial assistance to the Working Group will be provided by the Survey Design and Research Division (SDRD) of the NSSO, Kolkata. The Hqrs office of the Field Operations Division (FOD) of the NSSO will provide necessary assistance to the Chairman of the Working Group. 5. With the approval of the Chief Statistician of India, the Working Group may also enlist the assistance of subject matter experts within and/ or outside the Government and may co-opt them as members according to necessity. 6. The expenditure on TA/ DA of the official members will be borne by their respective Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations. 7. The Chairman of the Working Group is entitled for a lump sum payment of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh only) and each of the other non-official Members would be entitled for a lump sum payment of Rs.90,000/- (Rupees ninety thousand only) towards honorarium and clerical assistance for the entire tenure of the Working Group, for attending meetings of the Working Group and for other work that they have to undertake in connection with this assignment on nonmeeting days. The non-official Members shall not be entitled for any sitting fee for attending meetings of the Working Group. 8. The payments of the lump sum amount to the Chairman and other nonofficial members shall be released in two installments, fifty percent on submission of the report of the Working Group on sampling design and other methodological instruments to the NSC and the remaining fifty percent on completion of tenure of the Working Group. 9. The non-official members will be entitled to transport or transport cnarges for local travel in discharge of the functions of the Working Group. The nonofficial Members will also be eligible to travel by air in economy class (in Air India Flights) or by rail in air-conditioned first class while undertaking tours in connection with the work of the Working Group. The room rent and DA for outstation non-official members will be regulated in accordance with the instructions contained in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) OM No. 19020/2/94/E.IV dated 10th August 1994 (enclosed). The expenditure on conducting the meetings of the Working Group and on 10. payments/ reimbursements to be made to the non-official Members will, under the relevant heads, be debitable to non-plan budget allocated to the NSC under the non-plan grant of the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation (MOSPI). This issues with the concurrence of AS&FA vide Dy. No. 856/AS&FA dated 11. 14-8-2014. 12. This order comes into immediate effect. (Dee•yal) Director NSC Secretariat Tele: 011-23367127 Mob: 919818083936 E-Mail: dirsndOyahoo.co.in Copy to: (1) (2) (4) (5) Chairman & Members of the Working Group Chairman & Members of the NSC Director General, CSO Director General, NSSO Ail State/ UT Directorates of Economics & Statistics Copy with a request to nominate a representative, to: (6) Governor, Reserve Bank of India (7) Secretary, Planning Commission (8) Secretary, Govt. of India, Dept, of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) (9) Secretary, Govt. of India, Dept. of Commerce to nominate a representative from the DGCI&S (10) Secretary, Govt. of India, M/o Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises ( MSM E) (11) Chairman, Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) to nominate a representative handling service tax returns (12) Secretary, M/o Labour and Employment to nominate a representative from the Labour Bureau (13) Secretary, Govt. of India, Mbo, Food Processing Industries (14) Secretary, Govt. of India, M/o Textiles (15) Chief Secretary, Government of Uttar Pradesh/ Rajasthan/ Maharashtra/ West Bengal/ Assam; Andhra Pradesh (16) Addl. DG, CSC) (ESC) 5 (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) Addl. DG, CSO (NAD) Addl. DG, NSSO (FOD) Addl. DG, NSSO (DPD) Addl. DG, NSSO (SDRD) DDG, NSSO (CPD) Copy for information to: (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) Sr. PPS to Secretary (MOSPI) PPS to AS & FA Director & HOD, MOSPI Director (Coord), MOSPI Director (IFD), MOSPI Principal Pay & Accounts Officer Deputy Controller of Accounts, MOSPI Pay & Accounts Officer, MOSPI, New Delhi/ Kolkata/ Nagpur Section Officer, MOSPI, Cash Section/ General Section/ Admn. I Section Hindi Section for translation 411111.41 ,.... 1141.4 al (Dee Director NSC Secretariat 6