NSC`s MOMS program is starting up again on September 30. Moms


NSC`s MOMS program is starting up again on September 30. Moms
DVD series with presenters Nicky & Sila Lee
DVD series with presenters Nicky & Sila Lee
» Hosts
- Ken and Carolee Neufeld
» Cost for participating: $20 per person. (includes manuals/
» Each household is asked to bring cookies once
» It will be more beneficial for couples if both are able to come
» Hosts
» Location
» Location
3rd; possible on sight childcare
» Course begins Sept 25 and held weekly on Friday nights for 6
» Time: 7:00 to 9:15 pm
Contact Keith & Lorilee for details: keithandlorilee@gmail.com
ram is starting up
NSC’s MOMS prog
r 30. Moms are
again on Septembe
group which will
invited to join the
sday morning from
meet every Wedne
e 3rd floor. We ar
9:15-11:30am on th
lunteers to help w
also looking for vo
ill be offered on
childcare, which w
s looking to join
2nd floor. For Mom
contact Katie at
the group, please
r volunteers
204-475-2976. Fo
essa at
please contact Van
- Ken and Carolee Neufeld
» Cost for participating: $20 per person. (includes manuals/
» Each household is asked to bring cookies once
» It will be more beneficial for couples if both are able to come
3rd; possible on sight childcare
» Course begins Sept 25 and held weekly on Friday nights for 6
» Time: 7:00 to 9:15 pm
Contact Keith & Lorilee for details: keithandlorilee@gmail.com
ram is starting up
NSC’s MOMS prog
r 30. Moms are
again on Septembe
group which will
invited to join the
sday morning from
meet every Wedne
e 3rd floor. We ar
9:15-11:30am on th
lunteers to help w
also looking for vo
ill be offered on
childcare, which w
s looking to join
2nd floor. For Mom
contact Katie at
the group, please
r volunteers
204-475-2976. Fo
essa at
please contact Van
We will be updating our church directory early by making a Fall
2015 NSC Photo Directory. Please pick up and fill out the information sheets at info central and send a current family photo to
admin@nassauastreetchurch.com. The deadline for submitting to
the directory is October 30. If you need assistance taking a new
photo, email the office and we will schedule a photo day.
Do you have a family me
mber or friend who is anx
ious? Come and gain so
me tools for helping the
m. Better yet, ask that person
to join you for this event
, and
be a support to them as
they deal with this proble
m. If
you worry a lot or are an
Consider bringing a mento ious person please come!
r who can encourage yo
u in
your recovery journey.
Location: Nassau Street
Date: Saturday, Novemb
er 7, 2015
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm
Registration: $35 (early bir
d/before Nov 2 is $30)
For info or to register, cal
l the NSC office or Living
Ministries at 204-284-197
The next Men’s Bible Study is on Saturday, October 3 at 8:00am on
the 3rd floor of Nassau Street Church. The studies will run every
two weeks and the dates are listed on the website calendar.
For more info, contact Mike Pasveer at
204-415-1821 or mjpasveer@hotmail.com
We will be updating our church directory early by making a Fall
2015 NSC Photo Directory. Please pick up and fill out the information sheets at info central and send a current family photo to
admin@nassauastreetchurch.com. The deadline for submitting to
the directory is October 30. If you need assistance taking a new
photo, email the office and we will schedule a photo day.
Do you have a family me
mber or friend who is anx
ious? Come and gain so
me tools for helping the
m. Better yet, ask that person
to join you for this event
, and
be a support to them as
they deal with this proble
m. If
you worry a lot or are an
Consider bringing a mento ious person please come!
r who can encourage yo
u in
your recovery journey.
Location: Nassau Street
Date: Saturday, Novemb
er 7, 2015
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm
Registration: $35 (early bir
d/before Nov 2 is $30)
For info or to register, cal
l the NSC office or Living
Ministries at 204-284-197
The next Men’s Bible Study is on Saturday, October 3 at 8:00am on
the 3rd floor of Nassau Street Church. The studies will run every
two weeks and the dates are listed on the website calendar.
For more info, contact Mike Pasveer at
204-415-1821 or mjpasveer@hotmail.com