Bulletin Easter Sunday - Morrisville Presbyterian Church
Bulletin Easter Sunday - Morrisville Presbyterian Church
E A S T E R S U N DAY APRIL 5, 2015 | 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM Welcome to Morrisville Presbyterian Church CONTACT U S M O RR ISV ILLE P R ES B YT ER IA N C H UR CH 771 North Pennsylvania Ave. | Morrisville, PA 19067 215.295.4191 | Office@MPCusa.net WE WELCOME GUESTS AND VISITORS to our worship service today. If you are not a member, we invite you to consider membership with us. If you would like more information about how we can serve you, please speak to a pastor. CHURCH STAFF Bruce Ballantine ............................. BruceBallantine@MPCusa.net Interim Pastor & Head of Staff (extension 234) FRIENDSHIP PAD: During the Words of Welcome, please pass the Friendship Pad to the outside aisle and back again to the center. This allows worshipers to recognize other people in their pew, and helps staff members identify individuals who may need attention. Deborah Heffernan .................... DebbieHeffernan@MPCusa.net Interim Associate Pastor (extension 225) Linda Seaman...................................... LindaSeaman@MPCusa.net Director of Older Adult Ministry (extension 232) Steve McBride .................................... SteveMcBride@MPCusa.net Director of Music & Communications Coordinator USHERING AT TODAY’S SERVICE: Head Deacon Jim Gaston, Angela Horan, Jeff Fariday, Marilyn Schoenthaler, Lisa Zazzu, Karen Cooley, Tom Evans and Jr. Deacons Emily Zazzu, Sarah Zazzu, and Cara Evans. Rich Drabb.............................................. RichDrabb@MPCusa.net Property Manager (extension 231) Laurie Jacobson .............................. LaurieJacobson@MPCusa.net Bookkeeper (extension 226) TODAY’S ACOLYTE AT 10:30 A.M. is Evan Wadley. Elizabeth Scully........................................... LizScully@MPCusa.net Administrative Assistant (extension 0) CHILDCARE FOR CHILDREN UP TO AGE 4 is provided in the Nursery/Pre-School room from 10:15–11:45 a.m.. Infants and toddlers are also welcome in worship. Visitors, please feel free to worship with your children for as long as they are able. If he or she gets wiggly and needs a stretch break, audio from the service is available in the chapel, until your child is ready to return to the sanctuary for you to continue to worship together. HEARING ASSISTANCE DEVICES are available for use anywhere in the sanctuary during worship. These pocket-sized receivers are available from Deacons in either Narthex and are to be returned after the service. HYMNALS, BIBLES, & BULLETINS WITH LARGE PRINT are available during worship each Sunday morning from a Deacon in the Narthex. Please return the Hymnal and/or Bible after the service. PASTORAL CARE REMINDER—Members of the staff truly want to be attentive when members or friends of MPC are experiencing health difficulties. If you (or a family member) have been admitted to a hospital, please let us know by contacting the church office, and one of the pastors will be pleased to visit. You may also reach the pastors on their mobile phones–Bruce Ballantine at 304-914-2108 and Debbie Heffernan at 267-3420089. Thank you for your assistance. WORSHIP NOTE * The asterisk indicates that those who are able, may please stand. Please forward any announcements you would like included in the Bulletin by Tuesday of each week to Office@MPCusa.net Articles for “Currents” are due by the 1st day of the preceding month. Send articles to Currents@MPCusa.net. 2 Resurrection of the Lord—EASTER SUNDAY G A T H E R I N G PRELUDE Easter Quodlibet (ARR. SCHRAMM) An Easter Celebration (ARR. RANEY) Steve McBride & Brass WORDS of WELCOME Pastor Heffernan INTROIT—Alleluia (THOMPSON) The Chancel Choir RESPONSIVE PRAYER for EASTER Ruth Workman (8:30); Dee Ann Martin (10:30) One: O Christ, in your resurrection, the heavens and the earth rejoice. Alleluia! By your resurrection you broke open the gates of hell, and destroyed sin and death. All: Keep us victorious over sin. One: By your resurrection you raised the dead, and brought us from death to life. All: Guide us in the way of eternal life. One: By your resurrection you confounded your guards and executioners, and filled the disciples with joy. All: Give us joy in your service. One: By your resurrection you proclaimed good news to the women and apostles, and brought salvation to the whole world. All: Direct our lives as your new creation. One: God of mercy, we no longer look for Jesus among the dead, for he is alive and has become the Lord of life. From the waters of death you raise us with him and renew your gift of life within us. Increase in our minds and hearts the risen life we share with Christ, and help us to grow as your people toward the fullness of eternal life with you, through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. All: Amen. *HYMN 123—Jesus Christ Is Risen Today EASTER HYMN *PRAYER of CONFESSION—Unison Almighty God, in raising Jesus from the grave, you shattered the power of sin and death. We confess that we remain captive to doubt and fear, bound by the ways that lead to death. We overlook the poor and the hungry, and pass by those who mourn; we are deaf to the cries of the oppressed, and indifferent to calls for peace; we despise the weak, and abuse the earth you made. Forgive 3 us, God of mercy. Help us to trust your power to change our lives and make us new, that we may know the joy of life abundant given in Jesus Christ, the risen Lord. *SILENT PRAYERS of CONFESSION Here each worshiper may offer silent prayers of confession. *RESPONSE—Amen (RUTTER) The Chancel Choir *PROMISE of FORGIVENESS One: Hear the good news! Who is in a position to condemn? Only Christ, and Christ died for us, Christ rose for us, Christ reigns in power for us, Christ prays for us. Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation. The old life has gone; a new life has begun. Know that you are forgiven and be at peace. All: Amen. *RESPONSE to GOD’S PARDON 567—Glory Be to the Father GLORIA PATRI *THE PEACE One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And also with you. One: Let us greet one another with the peace of Christ. As a sign of their reconciliation in Christ, the people share the peace of Christ, greeting one another with these or similar words: “The peace of Christ be with you,” “Peace be with you,” or simply, “Peace.” L I T U R GY of the W OR D PRAYER for ILLUMINATION OLD TESTAMENT READING—Isaiah 25: 6–9 One: This is the Word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. ANTHEM—One Faith, One Hope, One Lord (COURTNEY) (Old Testament, page 613) The Chancel Choir One faith, one hope, one Lord, one church for which he died, One voice, one song we lift in praise to him who was and is and shall be evermore. There is one body, one spirit, as you were called to one hope, one Lord, baptism and faith, one God and Father of all who is in you all. Though we be many people, diverse with various gifts, we are given to each other for the unity of faith, that we grow in the knowledge of the Son of God, in the fullness of Christ. TIME for YOUNG DISCIPLES All children may return to their parents. 4 GOSPEL READING—Mark 16: 1–8 One: This is the Gospel of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. SERMON (New Testament, page 51) The Last Laugh Pastor Ballantine *HYMN 108—Christ Is Alive! TRURO PRAYERS of INTERCESSION and THANKSGIVING OFFERING Invitation to Give Presentation of Gifts Offertory Anthem—When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (ARR. MARTIN) The Chancel Choir When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of glory died, my richest gain I count but loss, and pour contempt on all my pride. Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast save in the death of Christ, my God! All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his blood. See, from his head, his hands, his feet, sorrow and love flow mingled down. Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, or thorns compose so rich a crown? Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were a present far too small. Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all. *Doxology—There Is A Redeemer (Music Supplement #443, all verses) S E N D I N G *HYMN 122—Thine Is The Glory JUDAS MACCABEAUS *CHARGE and BLESSING *CHORAL BENEDICTION—Hallelujah! From “The Messiah” (HANDEL) *POSTLUDE—Lift High the Cross (ARR. TUCKER) Thank you to our instrumentalists for joining us in worship today! Francis Carpino, Trumpet; Stacey Felker, Trumpet Ken Stoudenmire, Horn; Brian Pastor, Trombone Lara Miller, Tuba; Ryan McHenry, Timpani 5 Congregation Easter Memorial Contributions—Tulips IN LOVING MEMORY OF: Our Parents William Borden Richard H. Evans Gladys and Don Cook Loved Ones Walter & Doris Knouse and Kay Beidler My sister, Kaye Patterson Ray and Aggie Slover The Brunton Family The Krol Family Eleanor Krysiuk Gillingham Loved Ones William Gardner Our Moms, Martha Habersatt and Clementine Dorothea C. Rimler and Jack Rimler Our parents, Mary and Charles Keys and Elaine and John Clayton John V. & Olive Mae Ellis and Harry J. & Loretta Ratchliffe James and Grace Doster Loved Ones Esther and Luther Frey and Frances and Orval Cope Our Parents Merrill and Carolyn Smith Mr. Matsuda Tony Storaci Ann and Eugene Kutch, our Grandparents Martha and Guy Blewett, Martha and Philip Faridy, Elize Thomas & Amic Abdoulin 6 BY: Carol and Roberta Carroll & Margaret C. Callihan Helen Borden His wife, Carol Daughter, Nancy Stoner and Grandchildren Maddy, Jordan, & Lizzie Jan Rae Cook Sallie Lloyd Jane Randall The Beidler Family Jan Mendrey Nancy, John, Erin, and Sarah Kernan Alastair and Stella Brunton Alastair and Stella Brunton Alastair and Stella Brunton Paul and Linda Cossaboon Jean Gardner Barbara and Anthony Scarano Curtis Rimler Beth and Travis Keys John V. and Marilyn R. Ellis Dotty Hunger David and Nancy Powers Sheldon, Joan, Steve, & John Cope Dave and Marilyn Schoenthaler Tom, David,and Karen Smith Lisa, Dave, and Vincent Kutch Lisa, Dave, and Vincent Kutch Lisa, Dave, and Vincent Kutch Lisa, Dave, and Vincent Kutch Easter Memorial Contributions—Tulips IN LOVING MEMORY OF: Our Family members: James & Marie Mallory, Ott Ward, Joy Deem, and Hunter Mallory Bill & Pat Stoner and Richard Evans BY: Gary and Susan Ward My husband, William R. Jorgensen and Loved Ones My grandmother, Elizabeth Morris, my grandfather, Earl Rousseau, my grandmother, Elizabeth Rousseau My parents, Douglas & Virginia Purdy and my siblings, Carol and Garvin My parents, Earl and Elizabeth Rousseau My Dad, Kempton L. Franke; Lee Forsyth, grandparents Forsyth and George Hallowell Paul A. Sterling Albert & Mae Roberts; Don & Florence Roberts; Tom, Darlene & Billy Roberts, we love and miss you “All” so very much! Scott, Nancy, Madellyn, Jordan and Elizabeth Stoner Marilyn Jorgensen and family Robert Morris Nancy Ackerman Dolores Morris Shirley A. DeAngelis Anne and Laurie Sterling The Danbury’s, Roberts’, Herman & Spart Families IN CELEBRATION OF: My grandsons– Kai and Luke Our grandchildren, Brandon and Isabella Keys BY: Kathleen Foster Beth and Travis Keys TO GIVE THANKS FOR: In honor of sons, Chad and Chris and other loved ones In Appreciation For Linda Seaman Our Granddaughters– Ashley, Sarah, Stephanie and Erica BY: Nancy Ackerman Anne and Laurie Sterling Ross and Alice Gray 7 Easter Memorial Contributions—Music IN LOVING MEMORY OF: My parents, Charles T. & M. Frances B. Burgess Our Parents John Brambley Richard H. Evans Chester Sunderland My parents, Ruth and Al Wismar Elaine Kreiling and Bonnie Werline Our Mother and Father, Frances and Russell Allen Walter & Doris Knouse and Kay Beidler My husband, Frances Mendrey Loved Ones William Gardner My son, John C. Moyer and my parents, Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wittekind Rebecca Leaigh Marseglia Betty Ellsworth and Cecilia Cilletti Loved Ones John C. Moyer Charles and Frances Bunting Burgess, Uncle & Aunt Esther and Luther Frey and Frances and Orval Cope Merrill and Carolyn Smith Richard R. Alexander and William H. and Loraine G. Linton Parents and grandparents, Lewis and Peggy Kohn and Earl and Sarah Levan Remembering Ginny Our Parents IN CELEBRATION OF: Our grandchildren, Layla Grace & James Andrew MaryAnn Johnson and Anne Orazi TO GIVE THANKS FOR: In appreciation of our church’s beautiful music program The prayers of our MPC family 8 BY: Betsy Burgess Jurey Carol and Roberta Carroll & Margaret C. Callihan Dorothy Brambley His wife, Carol, daughter, Nancy Stoner and Grandchildren Maddy, Jordan, & Lizzie Sarah Sunderland Carol Carpenter Bill Anderson Bernice Donini and Edwin Allen The Beidler Family Jan Mendrey Paul and Linda Cossaboon Jean Gardner Mary W. Moyer John V. and Marilyn R. Ellis Jamie and Greg Neiman David and Nancy Powers Rae B. Bennett Rae Frances Sheldon, Joan, Steve, & John Cope Tom, David, and Karen Smith Jeannie, Curtis, and Denise Alexander The Levan Family Dick Scott Clark and Dee Ann Martin BY: Gail and Drew Hunger Bill Anderson BY: Carolle Maust J’Ann Ellis and Beth DiTulio Easter Memorial Contributions - Food Baskets IN LOVING MEMORY OF: Our Parents My dear friend, Mary Ann Johnson Our parents, Grace & James Doster and Sally & George Hunger Our parents, John & Etta Whiteside and Lewis & Margaret Hart My parents, Ruth and Al Wismar Family and Dear Friends Elaine Kreiling and Bonnie Werline My parents, Frank and Myrtle Crawford My parents, Fritz and Betty Ertwine Jerry Ashmen, Mina Masine, Dot and Gerald Ashmen Loved Ones William Gardner John V. Ellis III Family and Friends George A. Hunger Sr. Betty Ellsworth and Cecilia Cilletti Harry and Edith Bunting, parents Raymond and Bessie Bunting, grandparents Dot Scheidemantel Our Sisters and Brothers Esther and Luther Frey and Frances and Orval Cope Family members and friends My husband, William R. Jorgensen and Loved Ones My parents, Earl and Elizabeth Rousseau My husband, Bill and son, Wm. III Our Family members: James & Marie Mollory, Ott Ward, Joy Deem, and Hunter Mallory My Dad, Kempton L. Franke; Lee Forsyth, grandparents Forsyth and George Hallowell IN CELEBRATION OF: MaryAnn Johnson and Anne Orazi 9 BY: Carol and Roberta Carroll & Margaret C. Callihan Kathleen Foster Gail and Drew Hunger Keith and Loretta Whiteside Carol Carpenter Bob and Sandy Foster Bill Anderson Jan Mendrey Sue Long The Ashmen’s (Joan, Jerry, Amy, Jeff, Jill, Jackie) Roger Anderson Paul and Linda Cossaboon Jean Gardner John V. and Marilyn R. Ellis Dorothy Barker Dotty Hunger Jamie and Greg Neiman Rae B. Bennett Rae B. Bennett Rae B. Bennett Barbara and Anthony Scarano Sheldon, Joan, Steve, & John Cope Carolle Maust Marilyn Jorgensen and family Dolores Morris Shirley May Gary and Susan Ward Shirley A. DeAngelis BY: Bill Anderson John C. Johnson Worship Notes & Announcements ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING TODAY By supporting One Great Hour of Sharing, you’re sustaining programs that provide disaster relief, food, clean water, training, and resources to people all over the world. When you give, you’re changing lives. Your giving goes to the following PC(USA) programs and some of last year’s outcomes were: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (40 countries and 24 states have received help for natural and humancaused disasters); Presbyterian Hunger Program (154,731 people who were living in extreme poverty have increased food security and livelihoods through international development work); SelfDevelopment of People (4,619 children/parents received improved educational opportunities). Remember to bring in your fish box on Palm Sunday or Easter. Thank you. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING APRIL 12 There will be a meeting of the congregation immediately following the 10:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, April 12, 2015, for the purpose of electing Elders, Deacons, Trustees and members of the Congregational Nominating Committee. All active members of the congregation are encouraged to attend. No other business will be conducted at this meeting. BOOK GROUP MEETINGS The Gilead Group will begin discussing Marilynne Robinson's Lila next week on Tuesday, April 7 in the MPC Lounge at 7:00 p.m. The Narnia Group will discuss The Voyage of the Dawn Treader on Wednesday, April 22 in the MPC Lounge at 7:30 p.m. All Are Welcome! The day-time meetings for Sue Monk Kidd's The Invention of Wings will begin at the end of April or early in May. 3RD ANNUAL BOY SCOUT SPAGHETTI DINNER Come enjoy homemade spaghetti sauce with pasta, meatballs, salad, Italian bread, beverages and dessert on Saturday April 25 at 5:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. seatings in MPC Fellowship Hall. Also there will be a 50/50 and silent auctions at every seating. Cost for the dinner is $6.00 (pre-sale) or $7.00 at the door. Children ages 2-8 years old are $5.00. For questions please contact troop3morrisville@outlook.com. THE VILLAGE The Village, formerly Presbyterian Children’s Village, invites you to join us to celebrate our Founders’ Day Brunch on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at the Radnor Hotel 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cost: $25.00. Register by March 31 by calling Betty Wu at 610-519-1615 or rsvp@village1877.org. BONHOEFFER’S COST Invite your friends to attend a performance of Bonhoeffer’s Cost at the Olivet Presbyterian Church Theatre, 608 N. 22nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Performance dates are April 10, 11, 17, 18, 24 & 25 at 8 p.m. and April 12 and 19 at 2 p.m. You can get tickets at beacontheatreproductions.org. Find out more about Dietrich Bonhoeffer by going to http://www.pbs.org/bonhoeffer/timeline.html. Beacon Theatre is an outreach of the Presbyterian Church (USA). 10 Be Informed An Informational Series offered by the Congregational Ministry Committee SUNDAYS – APRIL 19, 26, AND MAY 3 In Fellowship Hall immediately following worship. Complimentary Luncheon Offered Each Week April 19 - IDENTITY THEFT Your speakers are Karen Sica and Stella Brunton, managers from TD Bank on Trenton Ave. in Morrisville. Join us as we learn more about this hot topic. April 26 – WHAT IS NEW IN CARDIAC TREATMENT? Dr. Charles Paraboschi joins us to bring us up to date on new treatments in his field. May 3 – MAKING SENSE OF FINAL ARRANGEMENTS Rev. Bruce Ballantine is joined by Steve Ullrich from Hooper Funeral Home to provide valuable insight from their respective positions. This is information we all need to have. To reserve your spot for lunch, please email LindaSeaman@mpcusa.net, sign up in Communication Center or call Linda at 215-295-4191 ext. 232 MPC Weekly Calendar EASTER SUNDAY, April 5 8:00am Chancel Choir 8:30 Worship 9:00 Teen Choir 9:30 Easter Breakfast 10:30 Worship Music Room Sanctuary Music Room Fellowship Hall Sanctuary MONDAY, April 6 Church Office Closed 7:00pm Boy Scout Troop 3 Fellowship Hall 7:00 Cub Scouts Room 220, 122, 210 7:00 Food Packing Room 4 7:00 Troop 3 parents Music Room 7:30 Youth Ministry Comm. Conference Room TUESDAY, April 7 10:00am Clothing Center Room 4 10:00 Food Center Set-up Fellowship Hall 3:00pm Staff Meeting Conference Room 6:00 Girl Scouts Room 122 7:00 Food Center Fellowship Hall 7:00 Gilead Book Group Lounge 7:30 Alcoholics Anonymous Room 220 WEDNESDAY, April 8 9:00am Food Center Noon Brown Bag and Bible 6:00pm Youth Club 7:00 Finance Committee Fellowship Hall Conference Room Conf. Room THURSDAY, April 9 11:00am Food Stocking Noon Alcoholics Anonymous 6:00pm God’s Thunder 6:30 Oakville Girl Scouts 6:30 Personnel Committee 7:00 Chancel Choir 7:00 Ivins Outreach Center 7:00 To Live Again 7:00 WNS Board Meeting 8:30 Chancel Ringers Room 4 Room 222 Chapel Room 220 Room 210 Music Room Conf. Room Fellowship Hall Lounge Chapel FRIDAY, April 10 7:30pm Alcoholics Anonymous Room 122 SATURDAY, April 11 10:00am Congregational Min. Comm. Soup Day Fell. Hall SUNDAY, April 12 8:30am Weekly Prayer Meeting Conference Room 9:00 Teen Choir Music Room 9:30 Education Conference Room 10:00 Chancel Choir Music Room 10:30 Worship Sanctuary 11:00 Cherub Choir Room 104 11:30 Congregational Meeting Sanctuary 11:30 Fellowship Time Lounge Deacons Host 11:45 Agape Choir Room 104 Noon Worship Committee Music Room 5:30 pm Deacon Event Fellowship Hall 7:00 Deacon Conference Room CHANGE OF ADDRESS When sending mail to the church, please be advised we no longer have mail delivered to Post Office Box 240. Please mail all correspondence to our street address: 771 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Morrisville, PA 19067. Our phone number, fax and email address remain the same. Thanks! M O R R I S V I L L E P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H 771 N OR TH P ENNSY LVANI A A VENUE | M OR RIS VILLE , P A 19067 215.295. 4191 | W W W .MPC US A . NE T PASTORS & PROGRAM STAFF Bruce Ballantine, Interim Pastor & Head of Staff | Deborah Heffernan, Interim Associate Pastor Louise Shoemaker, Parish Associate | Linda Seaman, Director of Older Adult Ministry Steve McBride, Director of Music and Principal Organist