ECOES R02.0 Release Note
ECOES R02.0 Release Note
ECOES Release R02.0 Report Change History Version Number Status Date of Issue Reason for Change 0.1 DRAFT 25/03/2015 Initial Draft of pre-release note, issued for internal review 0.2 DRAFT 26/03/2015 Internal review of initial drafting 1.0 FINAL 26/03/2015 Updated finalised document Contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 2 2. Change Summary .......................................................................................................... 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.2 2.2.1 3. VAR136 – Limiting ECOES users to a pre-defined number of searches .................. 2 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 2 Test planning........................................................................................................... 2 Testing................................................................................................................. 3 Other Release Deliverables ............................................................................................ 3 3.1.1 3.2 3.2.1 ECOES User Requirement Specification (URS) .................................................. 3 Other Documents provided by MRASCo ................................................................. 4 ECOES User Guide ............................................................................................. 4 4. Pre-release Activities ...................................................................................................... 4 5. “GO” Decision ................................................................................................................ 4 6. Contacting MRASCo ...................................................................................................... 4 7. Appendix A – Test Summary .......................................................................................... 5 Page 1 of 5 1. Introduction This document provides an overview of the changes in scope for release R02.0 of the Electricity Central Online Enquiry Service (ECOES). As such, this paper sets out a range of information for stakeholders, including: The agreed changes to ECOES functionality to be delivered within the release; The User Acceptance Testing carried out before out in the period leading up to the planned golive date; Any problems and resolutions raised during the testing phase; Recommendation for release to “live” commencing 26th March 2015. The purpose of this document is to confirm that the system is fit for purpose and will not disrupt the market. 2. Change Summary This release delivers one functional change from the previous ECOES baseline. Details on this change are provided below. Reference VAR136 2.1 Title Description Following on from the recent ECOES extreme usage Limiting ECOES users to a (13/08/2014) the MRA Executive Committee (MEC) pre-defined number of requested imposing a limitation of MPAN views on users. This Variation adds a restriction on the number of searches views (600) per user per day of the MPAN Details page. VAR136 – Limiting ECOES users to a pre-defined number of searches 2.1.1 Introduction Following on from the recent ECOES extreme usage, the MRA Executive Committee (MEC) suggested imposing a limitation on users to ensure the ECOES web interface does not temporarily become offline. Users will have the number MPAN Details page views limited to 600 per calendar day. Users will be blocked for the remainder of the calendar day if they attempt to exceed the threshold. 2.2 Test planning The Functional Specification for VAR 136 provided by the Technical Service Provider (TSP) was signed off on 3rd March 2015 according to which the testing plans were prepared by the tester. To allow for testing of the variation the TSP set up and provided access to a User Acceptance Testing (UAT) environment. The ECOES Functional Specification and Variation documentation were reviewed and from this exercise, the following key tests were identified for UAT: Page 2 of 5 Checking that daily MPAN view limit can be set and changed; Exceeding a limit of MPAN Details page views per user per day; Checking if warning and informational notifications are displayed correctly; Checking users exceeding daily MPAN Details page views limit are automatically logged out and their user accounts are locked; Evaluating the format and contents of MPAN view breach report delivered to CAS, 2.2.1 Testing The ECOES UAT environment provided consisted of an instance of data from the live database. The testing was carried out by performing MPAN searches, viewing MPAN Details pages and checking if the limitation rules specified in the Functional and Requirements specifications are fulfilled. Usability relating to the change was also tested to ensure that the user experience was not negatively impacted as a result of the change. One usability issue was identified at the beginning of testing. This issue resolved with assistance from the TSP and is explained below: Issue 1.0: Additional view counts being registered after clicking “Show unsuccessful registrations” button. Description: When a user is viewing the MPAN details screen and clicks “Show unsuccessful registrations”, it re-loads the MPAN Details page, adding a count towards the search limit. Resolution: The TSP amended this issue so that when both the “Show unsuccessful registrations” and the “More history details” link was clicked ECOES treated this as the same MPAN detail view and the count was not increased. In total 16 tests were undertaken of which all 16 passed; these are summarised in Appendix A. 3. Other Release Deliverables In addition to the changes outlined above, a number of new or revised documents will be released to coincide with the release of the ECOES. 3.1.1 ECOES User Requirement Specification (URS) ECOES URS has been aligned for ECOES Release 2.0 covering all variations listed in Section 2 of this document. A draft of this document is available on the MRASCo website. This revised version will have effect from 26th March 2015, subject to MRA parties’ agreement. Page 3 of 5 3.2 Other Documents provided by MRASCo 3.2.1 ECOES User Guide The User Guide for the ECOES web interface gives information on how to navigate the screens in the web interface and provides guidance on which parties can view particular sub-sets of data. This document has been updated prior to go-live to reflect the latest ECOES variations that involve changes to screens visible to users. 4. Pre-release Activities There have been a number of activities carried out in the lead up to the release. Many of these have been carried out by MRASCo in order to ensure a successful release. These events are summarised in the table below. Activity Date Owner Updated version of User Guide for ECOES Web Interface published on ECOES website 26/03/2015 MRASCo Updated version of ECOES User Requirement Specification published on MRASCo website 26/03/2015 MRASCo Final Release Note published on MRASCo website 26/03/2015 MRASCo Formal confirmation of go-live for ECOES by MRASCo Development Board (MDB) 00/03/2015 MDB ECOES R02.0 live and available for use by market participants 26/03/2015 MRASCo 5. “GO” Decision It is the acknowledged that the ECOES Variation VAR 136 outlined in this document has successfully passed UAT and therefore a decision to “GO” with the delivery and deployment of this Variation into the live operation environment has been reached. 6. Contacting MRASCo For any queries relating to the ECOES, please contact the dedicated MRASCo CAS team: Email: Telephone: 020 7090 1068 Further information regarding ECOES can also be found via the ECOES pages on the MRASCo website at Regrettably, the MRA cannot assist with any ECOES queries that are not under its governance, including those relating to the change of Meter data on ECOES. Page 4 of 5 7. Appendix A – Test Summary VAR 136 - Limiting ECOES users to a pre-defined number of searches Ref Test Expected Result Outcome 1.01 Request TSP to change the parameter to 15 and view 15 MPANs and exceed the MPAN view limit Log in as two different ECOES users and check the limit displayed on the remaining views counter Exceed the limit of MPAN views and try to log in the same day Maximum number of MPAN views a user can perform per day is 15 PASS Both users are initially limited to the same number of MPAN views, but the views are counted for each user individually User is blocked from accessing their user account PASS Exceed the limit of MPAN views and try to log in the next day Search and open a number of MPANs User account is unlocked next day PASS With each MPAN view the remaining views number decreases by one Views are restored to the maximum limit the next day "Further attempts to view MPAN Details will result in you being locked out of ECOES for the remainder of the day" warning message is displayed when remaining views number reaches zero "Account locked. Daily limit of MPAN views has been reached. You will now be locked out for the remainder of the day. Your account will automatically be re-enabled at midnight." message is displayed Logging in not permitted, a message is displayed: "User could not be logged in (Daily MPAN views exceeded) The attachment contains the following columns: UserID; Date; MPAN Views; User Name; Last Name; First Name; CompanyName All columns are populated with relevant data PASS Only breaches of that have exceeded the MPAN view limit for 2 calendar days are listed. Users that have exceeded the view limits once are excluded from the report MPAN Views column contains a count of views per day of the attempts to view MPAN details PASS All searches performed are recorded correctly PASS 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 Reach the limit of MPAN views and check the number of remaining views Reach the limit of MPAN views and check the number of remaining views 1.08 Exceed the limit of MPAN views 1.09 Exceed the limit of MPAN views, log out of ECOES and try to log in again 1.10 Request TSP to provide MPAN view breach report and check the format and contents of the report Request TSP to provide MPAN view breach report and check the format and contents of the report Request TSP to provide MPAN view breach report and check the format and contents of the report 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 Request TSP to provide MPAN view breach report and check the format and contents of the report Request TSP to provide extract of the MPAN Detail views database table PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS 1.15 Open multiple MPANs in multiple browser tabs Remaining MPAN view number decreases PASS 1.16 Exceed search limits using different web browsers Warning notices are displayed in the same way on major browsers PASS – End of report – Page 5 of 5