G3 March 2015 Newsletter


G3 March 2015 Newsletter
What’s going on in Grade Three…
Can you believe it is almost spring? The students have been working hard as we finish up
our second term. We have had a busy couple of weeks that have included activities like
attending the symphony and participating in Science Challenge. The month of March
continues to be busy with preparing for Lent, report cards and Spring Break.
I would like to give my sincere thanks to all Grade 3 families for the consistent support
you provide the children, teachers and school community, it is truly appreciated.
Mrs. Nikki Charanin
Curriculum Focus for the Month of March
Religion: Students continue to work on their Lenten sacrifices/gestures, learning about the Easter
Triduum and stations of the cross. They will also be reviewing the Act of Contrition to
prepare for confession before Easter.
Reading: Students continue to work on choosing challenging books and reading a variety of
different genres. When reading at home students’ needs to remember to look up the
meaning of unfamiliar words.
Writing: Students will continue to work on paragraph writing and comprehension and grammar
Students will be starting a unit on fractions. Students continue to have a weekly math
quiz on concepts we have already covered (addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division). Students should work on memorizing their times tables 0-8x (by the end of
Science: Students are finishing up our unit on structures and will be having an in class field trip
about building structures following spring break!
Students are completing their unit on urban, suburban and rural areas as well as their BC
communities research brochure. Later this month students will start a new unit on
pioneer life in B.C.
French: Students are learning words for different members of their family. They will also be
learning the “Glory Be”.
Please continue to read EVERY night for home reading
Don’t forget to fill in your Hooked on Books log and have your mom or dad sign each night
Students should continue to memorize their multiplication facts until the end of the year
There continue to be weekly pop quizzes to review multiplication, and division
Questions or concerns? Contact me at:
nikki@charanin.com or www.mrsc.ca
Mrs. Nikki Charanin