March 2015 Newsletter - Antigo Middle School


March 2015 Newsletter - Antigo Middle School
Antigo Pride
Be Ready
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
Be Safe
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I wanted to send home information regarding the new state-wide assessment, the Badger Exam. The
testing window for the Badger Exam will open on March 30th and will allow us to run the tests through
May 22nd. Students will be taking the exam throughout the month of April in their English Language
Arts, Math, and Science classes. Testing will be spread out throughout the month so that students are
not overwhelmed. However, to give our students the opportunity to perform at their best, it is
important for us all to make attendance a priority during this time to help eliminate the stress of make
ups. Some factors that can help increase results on a test day involve proper sleep and nourishment to
keep the body and mind functioning on all levels throughout the day. We are asking that everyone try to
get a good night’s sleep, eat a good breakfast and try our hardest to show what we have learned
throughout the year.
This exam is different than in years past as now it will be done on the computer. Students have been
practicing the elements of the exam they will need to know in order to navigate the system and complete
the test. I have listed some information below to hopefully answer any questions you may have.
What is the Badger Exam 3-8? Students will take the Badger Exam 3-8: A Wisconsin Smarter Balanced
Summative Assessment in grades 3-8 during the last eight weeks of the school year. This new assessment
will be used to gauge how well students are mastering the Wisconsin College and Career Ready
Standards in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics.
What does this mean for my child? The Badger Exam 3-8 is a summative measure which gauges your
child’s achievement compared to other students in the state and against other students in states who use
similar Smarter Balanced Assessments. Along with local measures such as report cards, school wide
assessments, and other information about your child’s progress in school, the results from the Badger
Exam 3-8 provide insight into how well your child is doing on a broad measure of achievement.
How are the test results used? Timely and meaningful assessment information about student
performance allows: teachers to target instruction to individual student needs; students to better target
their own efforts; administrators to more fully understand what students know and can do to guide
curriculum and professional development decisions; and parents to understand what their child knows
and is able to do in ELA and Mathematics.
Please discuss this assessment with your student(s) and encourage them to do their best!
Thank you,
Mr. Misfeldt
McTeacher Night
The staff at the Antigo Middle School would like to invite you to McTeacher
Night at McDonald’s. Come see some of our staff work the drive thru,
cashier, make cones, and serve your meal. This is a great way to support the
middle school. This event will be held April 9th from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.
McDonald’s will donate 20% of all proceeds during this event to the Antigo
Middle School.
Brewer Trip
This is a reminder that the Antigo Middle School sixth grade students are
going to Miller Park for a Brewer game on April 23. Permission slips, t-shirt
size, and a $10.00 deposit were due this past Friday, March 20. Students
should turn in the permission slip, deposit and t-shirt size to their ER teacher
if they have not done so already. If you have any questions, please contact
your child’s ER teacher.
Antigo Middle School Offers Open Computer Lab Hours
To ensure that all students and families have access to high-speed internet
and are able to benefit from these resources the Antigo Middle School in
conjunction with the Middle School After School program will be providing
open computer lab hours in the Middle School IMC. Lab hours will be open
to all families in the district and will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays
from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
End of Year Incentive Trips
Permission slips will be available starting the beginning of April in the office for the
incentive trips on June 3rd. All permission slips are due on or before May 8th. All
forms must be returned to the office. No late slips will be accepted due to the need to
get bussing ordered and notify businesses of numbers coming for the day. There are
four choices available for students to pick from.
Mt. Olympus indoor and outdoor waterpark and activities in the Wisconsin Dells. Cost
is $33.00 and includes transportation, lunch (hot dog, chips, and soda), and admission to
park. Students will leave at 8:00 a.m. sharp and will return at 7:00 p.m. and will need a
ride home from the middle school.
Fishing at Post Lake Dam will be available to the first 15 students that return their
permission slip and money. Students will be going in private staff vehicles and will leave
at 8:00 a.m. and return by the end of the school day. Cost is $5.00 and bait is included.
Students have the choice of bringing their own lunch or have a school lunch packed.
Golf at Bass Lake includes golf lesson, lunch, and students will have a chance to golf a
few holes (depending on time will depend on how many holes). Students will be going
in private staff vehicles. Cost at this time is $15 and students will return by the end of
the school day.
Lake Park and/or Movie Students will be walking to Lake Park and will have different
activities to choose from including sidewalk art, tie dying (must bring own shirt), roller
blading and skateboarding (bring own equipment), walking trail, kickball, and fishing
(must bring equipment). This activity is free if the student stays all day and does not go
to the movie. Students that wish to go to a movie at the Palace Theater in the
afternoon may do so for a cost of $6.00 which includes a small popcorn and drink.
Movie is yet to be determined. Students will be walking from Lake Park to the movie.
Students will have a choice of bringing their own lunch or having a school lunch
provided. A small amount of concessions for a minimal fee will be provided in the
afternoon at Lake Park for students that are not going to the movie.
This is a school day and students are expected to be in school this day.
Any questions please call the middle school.
Summer School 2015
Main Sessions
Monday – Thursdays
June 15 – 25
*See course book for date exceptions
Courses Include:
~Freshmen Focus
~Kick Start Your School Year
~Making Connections
~Art, Recess, Gym and Science
Walk-In Registration
Antigo Middle School – IMC
Thursday, April 30 & Tuesday, May 5
4:00 – 6:00 PM
Online Registration
Monday, April 20 – Friday, May 22
To register, visit the District webpage under the heading “District” select
“Summer School.” Beginning mid-April, after books are distributed to schools,
you will find an online course catalog, forms and information.
Use your same log-in information as 2014.
Please contact Amber Resch if you need this information.
715-627-4355 ext. 1239 or
Dates to Remember
April 1-6
No School-Spring Break
May 1
Red Robin Reward drawings for free incentive trips.
May 8
End of Year Incentive Permission slips due!
May 18
Band Concert
May 22
Band Trip (7th and 8th Grade to Six Flags)
Depart at 6:00 a.m. and return at 10:00 p.m.
May 25
Memorial Day Parade
Meet in band room at 8:00 a.m.
May 28
Choir Concert
June 3
End of Year Incentive Trips
June 4
Eighth Grade Graduation
One winner for each trip will be awarded in each grade!
7:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Volm Theatre
8th Grade Graduation
June 4th
10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Dessert Bar for students and parents to follow!
8th graders will be allowed to go home with parent permission after the ceremony!
Antigo Pride ensuring academic and behavior expectations and success!
Every day the Robin way!
WHAT IS PBIS? PBIS is a positive behavior support system designed to help students grow
academically, socially and emotionally.
R-E-S-P-E-C-T during fourth quarter. Antigo Middle School will continue to focus on Being
Respectful! Respect means showing consideration for others, for yourself, and for property. When
you act in a respectful way it shows you care. Here are some ways to show you are respectful:
share, take turns, wait patiently, be polite, solve disagreements peacefully, treat everyone the
same, and treat others the way they would want to be treated.
Remember...when you give respect, you get respect!
Red Robin Rewards!! We encourage our students to be follow the 4 Be’s (Ready, Safe,
Respectful, Responsible) by following The Robin Way! If someone catches someone being
Responsible, Respectful or Safe, they fill out a Red Robin Reward or an Antigo Pride
Recognition form. Students that have Red Robin Rewards can use them at our Pride Store or for
the Golden Egg ER raffle as well as other incentives. Students that are recognized for Antigo
Pride have a letter sent home with a window cling, picture in the Antigo Journal, and on the
recognition bulletin board.
The link between families and positive behavioral interventions and
supports is an important one. When families are meaningfully involved in
educational activities their children do better in schools. Families play an
important part in their child's education and social development!
12 Power Words for Badger Testing
Please go over the following words and definitions
with your student(s).
Trace-outline, list the steps
Analyze-break apart, study the pieces
Infer-read between the lines
Evaluate-judge, give value (in math it means solve the
Formulate-put together, create
Describe-tell about, 5W’s and the H (who, what, where,
when, why, and how)
Support-back-up with details, give reasons
Explain-tell how, tell a story
Summarize-sum it up, give the main points
Predict-make a guess, what will happen next