Post-doctoral fellowship in Economics Impact of extractive industries


Post-doctoral fellowship in Economics Impact of extractive industries
Post-doctoral fellowship in Economics
Impact of extractive industries on local development in Africa: the role of CSR
The project aims at investigating the impact of extractive industries on local development and poverty
in Africa. There is an important literature focusing on the ambiguous effects of natural resources on
development (the ‘resource curve’). The impact of multinational firms is discussed especially in this
sector. Corporate Social Responsibility has been seen as an attempt to improve public image and foster
local development.
The aim of the project is to study the impact of the location of extractive industries on poverty at the
local level. The post-doctoral research fellow will be supervised and will collaborate with researchers
in Economics. He/She will work at the Laboratoire d’Economie d’Orléans, in the research team
International Economics and Sustainable Development. The project will be conducted in the frame of
the Labex Voltaire, and the Research fellow will benefit from interactions with ta network of
economists, geologists and energy engineers engaged on an interdisciplinary research program
sponsored by CNRS and involving the University of Orléans, CNRS, BRGM and INRA.
The post-doctoral research fellow will have to:
Geo-locate the extractive industries in selected countries of Africa. A focus will be given to
French Firms in the oil and uranium sectors primarily. The geographical scope will be defined
together with the research team.
Collect information on level of production and employment in selected extractive industries
Assess the level of Corporate Social Responsibility
Construct a database at the household level with household characteristics, level of income
and distance to different extractive industries
Make an econometric analysis to assess the causal impact of location and production of
extractive industries on poverty at the local level.
Sound background in economics, and more specifically in empirical economics, is required. A
specialization in Development Economics and/or Corporate Social Responsibility will be valuable and
the candidate should have some experience in the collection and use of large datasets. The fellow
should be familiar with statistics and econometrics and the candidate should have some experience in
STATA. Experience in geolocation software such as arcGIS is valuable. It is important that the
candidate be curious and open to scientific and practical issues related to the study of energy and
mining sectors.
One year contract starting September 1st, potentially renewable at most once.
� Net wage 2065€/month.
� The research fellow is affiliated to the research center LEO of the University of Orléans
� The position is based at the Economics Department of the University of Orléans
� Supervisor : Rémi Bazillier (Univ. Orléans)
� Procedure:
- Candidates must send before July 4 their application by email (to
- The application should include a curriculum vitae, copy of the PhD diploma, a cover letter and one
recommendation letter. The whole either in French or in English.
Candidates may want to contact Rémi Bazillier at