this case study


this case study
Customer Challenge
About Raiffeisen
Raiffeisen Leasing, which has
been operating since 1993, is
a member of the Hungarian
Leasing Association, and is
now one of the leading leasing
firms in Hungary, as well
as a dominant player in the
Hungarian financing market.
Raiffeisen Leasing is part
of the Austrian Raiffeisen
Banking Group that operates
a banking network around the
globe, covering 17 markets
with subsidiary banks, leasing
companies and representative
offices, serving more than 14
million customers via roughly
3,000 branch offices.
About MPS
vendor and consultancy with
broad experience in ECM.
We offer flexible award
winning software solutions
for document and forms
entry, system integrations
and business data clean-up
to raise business efficiency,
lower operating costs and
create a unified, secure
business IT environment.
Raiffeisen Leasing manages all Raiffeisen’s
leasing and a wide range of financing operations.
Their intensive day to day document flow
produced more than 300.000 various documents,
approximately 300+ GB of data, all stored
in an aging, unmanaged ECM system - EMC
Documentum 5.3. At the same time a large part
of the initial data was still stored in its original
paper form creating heavy burden of additional
storage costs. Raiffeisen Leasing decided to
decrease operations and storage costs and
improve document consolidate its electronic
and physical document storage with its mother
company Raiffeisen Bank. However, the latter
at the time was already using a different, 6.5
version of the same ECM system as well as a
different repository structure for physical record
keeping and the migration solution offered by
the EMC required multiple migrations to bridge
the version gap between the two systems. This
approach did not fit the necessary requirements,
since any possible business downtime was a
critical issue for the customer.
Solution – migration with
While Raiffeisen Leasing had EMC Documentum
version 5.3, the parent company was already
using version 6.5, and had a unique document
cataloging requirement which was impossible
to fulfill with only the documents and metadata
available in Raiffeisen Leasing’s repository.
This issue was solved, by extracting the
necessary customer and contract data from
a proprietary core system using MPS Voyager
prior to the migration. This extracted data was
used to restructure the content of the source
system to fit the target repository structure.
Multiple migration performance tests were
made to see if Raifeissen Leasing’s the new
system had enough resources to manage the
document flows of the old system. Then using
MPS Voyager’s built in migration logic and
the numerous factory system connectors (in
this case connectors to both version of EMC
Documentum) all the necessary content was
gathered and extracted from the old source
systems and migrated to the new target system
with the smallest possible downtime.
During the migration all the missing metadata
was automatically added to the content querying
third party systems while all the descriptive
data was also transformed to the proper format.
Due to the successful migration Raiffeisen
Leasing was relieved of all the IT operation
burdens, and was able to consolidate its physical
record storage into the unified system structure
of the central archive, enabling harmonized
document flow between the two companies
ECM systems. The consolidation also meant
another step towards cost reductions while also
raising the levels of work efficiency.
„„ Migrating from
EMC Documentum 5.3 to
EMC Documentum 6.5
„„ App. 300 GB data
(300.000+ documents) reorganized and migrated
„„ Migration with literally no business downtime
„„ Achieving unified business processes between Raiffeisen Leasing and the mother company
„„ Document management consolidated into a single, same version ECM system
„„ Lowering IT operation and document handling costs
„„ Optimizing human resource usage
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