FLIR Concept - MyTown Center


FLIR Concept - MyTown Center
 ABSTRACT Residential and commercial buildings
consume over 40 percent of the overall
energy usage in the United States.
These buildings represent a huge
opportunity not only to reduce our
nation’s overall energy usage but also
to energize local economic
Presented is a proposed business
model with specific economic benefits
for individuals, government, NGO,
researchers, non-profits & alliance
business partners.
Energy Management App: Thermal imaging & energy data acquisition integrating FLIR Thermal One & LocalData with MTC Thomas E. Simon Originator of the iOffice® Founder MyTown.Center Confidential Introduction MyTown.Center (MTC) is a cloud-based portal with focus on small & mid-size towns and cities.
The objective is to use models, methods and tools originally developed for web-based
collaborative project management to provide citizens in small and mid-size towns and cities with
access to people, products, knowledge, tools & ideas to make our communities economically,
environmentally, socially & culturally healthy and resilient. It introduces an independent selfsustaining model to accomplish three essential Sustainable Community objectives:
Open Government Data Acquisition & Visualization
Models, methods & tools to foster citizen activism for more transparent
open government. Identify data resources to integrate with the following…
Green Habitat
Resources for energy management. Cost justification tools and simplification of the
process to certify, submit and receive economic incentives to repair, restore,
renew, & reduce the carbon footprint for homes and buildings.
Sustainable Economy
Connect certification professionals, product suppliers, financing resources and
installers with home and building owners based on above data acquisition.
Provide cost-justification, visualization & analytic tools, models and methods
along with associated incentives to speed transaction decisions.
Our Approach Though there are applications that address each of these categories independently, there is
nothing that seamlessly integrates required applications in a single cloud-based portal with both
public access and secure single-sign-on (SSO) for practice members and alliance partners. Our
2 decades experience developing a collaborative project management platform called the
iOffice® gives us both insight and resources to achieve the outlined objectives with significant
cost and time-to-market advantages.
We have sourced LocalData as an ideal partner with complimentary technology & focus. We
also identified government and private organizations with mutual objectives and potential
economic advantages.
Plan Overview Project Stage: Partner Alignment: Beta Build: Beta Launch: Objec ves & Deadlines Agreements in place and iden fy method to finance project – June 15th LocalData/FLIR Thermal One Integra on With MTC - September POC implementa on in selec ve test markets – 4th Qtr. 2015 Objective is to have commercial product and go-to-market strategy in place for 1st Qtr. 2016
©2015 Thomas E. Simon, originator of the iOffice® and founder MyTown.Center Confidential _________________________________________________________ POC Process Beta Development Requirements
Location Data Acquisition Adapt existing LocalData smart phone app to work with FLIR Thermal One to capture thermal image and data at specific street addresses. Beta Practitioner Recruiting Recruit students in small towns and cities to Beta Training Model canvass neighborhoods for thermal imaging. Could be way to fundraise. Can detail upon request. Online iOffice® workroom provides web based tutorial using FLIR training content. Interactive forms provide method to associate thermal image capture with additional address specific info. Thermal Imaging Form relationship with FLIR to gain access to API and Thermal One products. FLIR already has in place data integration method. Cost is minimal. Anticipate many ways to cost‐justify. Data Dashboard Adapt existing LocalData Dashboard as admin console to integrate with MTC. Primary use is to associate info window content including FLIR image & data with map marker. Align map point with alliance partner contacts as primary lead alerts method. Automate email alerts with onboarding to collaboration IM. (Rough concept: Geo Mapping Technique ©2015 Thomas E. Simon, originator of the iOffice® and founder MyTown.Center Confidential Partner Coordination Audit Certification Product Information
Product Suppliers Financing Installers Collaboration Model ( HERS, Habitat for Humanity, Energy Star, HUD (PATH), Utility Companies, MTC e-commerce provides product info, rebate, coupons & transaction process Selective green manufacturers/suppliers Credit Union/Banks Green Mortgage providers Recruited contractors ( Habitat for Humanity & from supplier eco system ) Collaborative IM Collaborative PM Transaction Enablement Rebates/Incentives Forms submission Finance Coordination See e‐commerce example: See rough conceptual plan: Final plan detailing will be provided
after agreements and project financing initiated. Project will be detailed as Statement of Work
from MTC coordinated with LocalData.
Please see this example of alliance manufacturing partner collaborating with HERS rater. Active links provide information on HERS Resnet. There is
also a link to a research paper showing cost justification for energy management retrofit with
Low-E window panels.
For pilot we have financing provider, HERS rater, Installer lined up as well as students ready to
canvass neighborhoods to build POC in Linn County, Iowa. We have a local council member
ready to support the project and have strong ties to local economic development to assist.
Method to scale is to use local newspapers to recruit homeowners and students. Detailed
commercialization model will be provided when agreements and project financing is initiated.
This is a draft document provided as context for recent email and phone discussions.
©2015 Thomas E. Simon, originator of the iOffice® and founder MyTown.Center