March - NAMI North Coastal San Diego County


March - NAMI North Coastal San Diego County
Your Local Voice on Mental Illness
NAMI North Coastal San Diego County
President Emeritus—Bob Brooks
The mission of NAMI North Coastal San Diego County is to:
Inspire and support those with brain disorders and their families.
Educate and inform the community. Work to erase the stigma of brain disorders.
Presidents—Mark Sensano
Vice President—Eric Revere
Secretary — Sharon O’Leary
Treasurer—Marilyn Kasperick
March Educational Event
Ask the Doctor
Program Directors
Director of Operations—Open
Director of Programs—Open
Director of Multicultural Program—Adriana Costa
Director of Education—Open
Director of Ways Means—Mike Wade
Director of Consumer Programs - Karen Godfrey
Director of Community Relations & Outreach - Liz Kruidenier
NAMI Affiliate Offices
NAMI North Coastal San Diego County
P.O. Box 2235
Carlsbad, CA 92018
ph (760) 722-3754
E: - W:
NAMI San Diego
5095 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 320
San Diego CA 92123
ph (619) 543-1434/ 800 523-5933
E: - W:
Copper Hill Living & Learning Center
Creative Arts Consortium
Advocacy Works
144 Copper Avenue, Vista, CA 92084
ph (858) 481-7069
In this Issue
Notes from Our Board............................ 2
Program News........................................... 2
IHOT North................................................. 3
La Depresión - Parte III
¿Qué es la depresión? ........................... 4
Mariposa Clubhouse News................ 5
Meeting Treatment and
Support Group Resources..................... 7
NAMI California 2015
Annual Conference.................................. 6
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Place: St. Michael’s Episcopal Church Hall
2775 Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad
Speaker: Dr. Thomas Jensen, MD
NAMI’s educational meetings are free and open to the public. Everyone is welcome.
Dr. Jensen has been a practicing psychiatrist for the past 24 years. He graduated
summa cum laude from USD with a degree in chemistry in 1982 and from
the UCLA School of Medicine in 1986. He completed a pediatric internship
and adult psychiatry residency at UCSD and a child psychiatry fellowship at
Stanford University. He is board certified in Child, Adolescent and Adult
Psychiatry, Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychiatry and a Distinguished
Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association (APA). From 1991 until
1999, he ran a private psychiatry practice specializing in psychopharmacology
in Maine and held several positions in administrative psychiatry. In 1999, he
relocated to San Diego where he is currently engaged in the private practice
of psychiatry assisting adults, children and adolescents with both therapy and
psychopharmacology with an office in Sorrento Mesa. He is especially esteemed
for his work with patients with bipolar disorder.
Dr. Jensen is an assistant clinical professor in the UCSD Department of
Psychiatry and medical director of the California Bipolar Foundation. He has
received awards from advocacy organizations such as LDA and CHADD. In
2000, he received a Profile in Courage award from the California Psychiatric
Association; and Special Presidential Commendation from the APA in
recognition of his advocacy for high quality care. He has received Patients’
Choice awards in 2008, 2009 and 2012. He is also the current medical director
for the International Bipolar Foundation.
After a short refreshment break, our NAMI family support group will meet in
the church library from 8:30—10 pm. The NAMI Connection peer support
group will meet from 5:30 to 6:30 pm in the parish library before this meeting.
NAMI North Coastal News
Notes from Your Board
Volume 15 No. 3
Our president, Mark Sensano, has been on vacation, so here are some happenings reported to
the board or incidents of concern to our NAMI
March 2015
yy Mike Wade and Beck Wade reported that
their Oceanside home caught fire and was
nearly a total loss. Mike is our outgoing
treasurer and current board member. All of
us are deeply saddened to hear of the loss of
Mike and Becky’s home. Mike has been an
active member and frequent event volunteer of
NAMI North Coastal.
yy St. Michael’s Church was recently burglarized
and many precious church vessels were stole.
St. Michael’s is our largest faith-based donor
and supporter. We are also deeply saddened
to hear of this incident. We sent a letter from
our affiliate to Father Doran Stambaugh
expressing our sympathy.
yy Dr. Jim Fix has just announced his resignation as Executive Director of PERT, Inc. Dr.
Fix will be working Palomar Health in their
Inpatient Behavioral Health units. Jim has led
PERT, Inc. for the last 9 years and has done an
exemplary directing the growth and effectiveness of PERT in San Diego County.
yy Eric Revere will be conducting a 2-day NAMI
Family Support Group facilitator training in
San Marcos on March 13-14. There are only
one or 2 openings for this training. If you
would like to take it, please e-mail Eric ASAP
at This training
is sponsored by NAMI San Diego as part of
the Family Support Specialist training. This
training is free and is an extremely valuable
Continued on page 5
Program News
Peer-to-Peer Starting Soon
The Peer-to-Peer Recovery Course scheduled
to begin March 2 is postponed. The next Peerto-Peer course begins on April 20, 2015. This 5
week, 10 session free recovery course is for any
individual 18 or older living with mental illness
who is interested in establishing their wellness
and recovery. To register email: or call the office
at 760 722-3754. Registration is required to
participate in Peer-to-Peer.
Family-to-Family News
Did you benefit from your Family to Family
12-week course? Would you like to share your
knowledge with others as well as stay current
with the latest mental health topics?
A second NAMI Family to Family teacher
training will take place May 8-10 at the Mission
San Luis Rey in Oceanside. This training is
free. NAMI North Coastal provides training
materials, lodging and meals.
This is a rare and great opportunity for North
Coastal. Please contact Rita at our office for an
application and more information. The office
email is and the
phone number is 760-722-3754.
Friends in the Lobby News
We continue with our shifts at Tri-City
Behavioral Health Unit lobby as often as
possible. We are desperately in need of more
Family Support Group
Our family support groups occur after our
monthly general meetings. The participants are
very appreciative of any help we can provide.
More support group facilitators are needed.
There will be weekend training in the San
Diego area on March 20-22. To sign up, call the
NAMI North Coastal office.
NAMI North Coastal News
IHOT North
More information may be found on Mental Health
System Inc.’s website at under the
Programs tab. IHOT North’s address and phone
number is 365 South Rancho Santa Fe Road, Suite
100, San Marcos, CA 92078, 760-591-0100.
11th Annual San Diego
County NAMI 5k Walk
Saturday, May 2, 2015
8 am—Noon
NTC/Liberty Station
Registration is free. Donations are welcomed.
Join the NAMI North Coastal Beach Walkers Team to
bring awareness and celebrate recovery!
For more information email
or call 760 722 3754.
March 2015
This program serves adults at least 18 years of
age or older (including Transition Age Youth and
Referrals are accepted from a variety of community
agencies and individuals, including families and
friends, emergency response services, hospitals, jails,
and recovery and advocacy organizations. Referrals
to other community resources are provided to those
who are ineligible for the IHOT North Program.
The IHOT program is a Mental Health Service
Act (MHSA) funded service through the San
Diego County Health and Human Services Agency
(HHSA), Behavioral Health Services Department.
It is a service that is directed to help individuals who
are not currently engaged in mental health treatment
services. The team usually consists of a clinician,
peer specialist and family support specialist that are
mobile and can meet clients/families at a location
that is most convenient to them; this may be their
home, a park, restaurant, etc. The purpose of the
program is to assist clients and/or family members
get services that help them achieve their goals.
Older Adults) who are eligible for, but not currently
engaged in, mental health services. We also provide
support and education to family members and/or
caretakers of IHOT North participants. Our mobile
teams serve the North Central, North Inland, and
North Coastal regions of the County of San Diego.
Eligible participants must be residents of or identify
as homeless within one of the three North County
Volume 15 No. 3
IHOT (In-Home Outreach Team) now has a location in the north county area – specifically in San
Marcos. It is currently operated by Mental Health
Systems, Inc.
NAMI North Coastal News
Volume 15 No. 3
La Depresión - Parte III
¿Qué es la depresión?
cuando los cambios hormonales y físicos junto con la nueva
responsabilidad por el recién nacido, pueden resultar muy
No existe una causa única conocida de la depresión.
Más bien, esta parece ser el resultado de una
combinación de factores genéticos, bioquímicos, y
Muchas mujeres que acaban de dar a luz padecen un
episodio breve de tristeza transitoria, pero algunas sufren
de depresión posparto, una enfermedad mucho más grave
que requiere un tratamiento activo y apoyo emocional para
la nueva madre. Algunos estudios sugieren que las mujeres
que padecen depresión posparto, a menudo han padecido
previos episodios de depresión.
March 2015
Investigaciones indican que las enfermedades
depresivas son trastornos del cerebro. Las
tecnologías para obtener imágenes del cerebro,
tales como las imágenes por resonancia magnética,
han demostrado que el cerebro de las personas
con depresión luce diferente del de quienes no
la padecen. Las áreas del cerebro responsables de
la regulación del ánimo, pensamiento, apetito, y
comportamiento parecen no funcionar con normalidad. Además, hay importantes neurotransmisores,
sustancias químicas que las células del cerebro
utilizan para comunicarse, que parecen no estar en
equilibrio. Pero estas imágenes no revelan las causas
de la depresión.
Algunos tipos de depresión tienden a transmitirse
de generación en generación, lo que sugiere una
relación genética. Sin embargo, la depresión
también puede presentarse en personas sin
antecedentes familiares de depresión. La investigación genética indica que el riesgo de desarrollar depresión es consecuencia de la influencia
de múltiples genes que actúan junto con factores
ambientales u otros.
Además, los traumas, la pérdida de un ser querido,
una relación dificultosa, o cualquier situación
estresante puede provocar un episodio de depresión.
Episodios de depresión subsiguientes pueden ocurrir con o sin una provocación evidente.
¿Cómo experimentan las mujeres la depresión?
La depresión es más común en mujeres que en
hombres. Hay factores biológicos, de ciclo de vida,
hormonales, y psicosociales que son únicos de la
mujer, que pueden ser relacionados con que las tasas
de depresión sean más elevadas entre las mujeres.
Investigadores han demostrado que las hormonas
afectan directamente las sustancias químicas del
cerebro que regulan las emociones y los estados
de ánimo. Por ejemplo, las mujeres son particularmente vulnerables a la depresión luego de dar a luz,
Algunas mujeres también pueden ser susceptibles a sufrir
una forma grave del síndrome premenstrual, a veces
llamado trastorno disfórico premenstrual. Esta es una enfermedad producida por cambios hormonales que ocurren
cerca del periodo de la ovulación y antes de que comience
la menstruación. Durante la transición a la menopausia,
algunas mujeres experimentan un mayor riesgo de sufrir
depresión. Científicos están explorando la forma en la que
la elevación y la disminución cíclicas del estrógeno y de
otras hormonas pueden afectar la química del cerebro que
está relacionada con la enfermedad depresiva.
Finalmente, muchas mujeres enfrentan el estrés adicional
del trabajo y de las responsabilidades del hogar, cuidado de
los hijos y padres ancianos, maltrato, pobreza, y tensiones
de las relaciones. Aún no está claro por qué algunas mujeres
que enfrentan desafíos inmensos padecen de depresión,
mientras que otras con desafíos similares no la padecen.
¿Cómo experimentan los hombres la depresión?
Los hombres experimentan la depresión de manera
distinta que las mujeres y pueden enfrentar los síntomas de
diferentes modos. Los hombres tienden más a reconocer
que sienten fatiga, irritabilidad, pérdida de interés en las
actividades que antes resultaban placenteras, y que tienen
el sueño alterado, mientras que las mujeres tienden más a
admitir sentimientos de tristeza, inutilidad, o culpa excesiva.
Los hombres tienen más probabilidades que las mujeres
de acudir al alcohol o a las drogas cuando están deprimidos, frustrados, desalentados, irritados, enojados, o a veces
abusivos. Algunos hombres se envician al trabajo para
evitar hablar acerca de su depresión con la familia o amigos
o comienzan a mostrar un comportamiento imprudente
o riesgoso. Y aunque en los Estados Unidos, son más las
mujeres que intentan suicidarse, son más los hombres que
mueren por suicidio.
En el mes de abril publicaremos ¿Cómo se detecta y trata la
NAMI North Coastal News
From Our Board
learning experience of the techniques used in
facilitating support groups. We are also very short of
facilitators for both our Spanish and English support
yy San Diego County Mental Health Department
has just issued an RFP (Request for Proposal) to
mental health service providers to operate a 24
Join NAMI North Coastal San Diego County
When you join now, you become a member of your NAMI Affiliate, Mail to: NAMI NCSD, P.O. Box 2235, Carlsbad, CA 92018
NAMI Sate Organization and the national NAMI organization.
OR pay online using your credit or debit card at our website
Yes, I want to: (please check one)
Title: Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr.
Primary Member Last Name:
Primary Member First Name:
______ $50 Regular Membership
($35 plus $15 donation)
_______$3 Open Door (for low income)
Member benefits include NAMI’s flagship magazine, the Advocate,
as well as NAMI’s monthly e-newsletter, NAMI Now, if you
subscribe at: All members receive the
same benefits. NAMI membership is valid for one year.
Payment Information
 Cash Enclosed
Credit Card Payment
Charge my:
Name as it Appears on Card:
Account No.:
Expiration Date:
Validation Code:
Master Card
Amercian Express
March 2015
yy Consumers continue to identify homelessness,
affordable housing/shelter and employment as their
top three greatest concerns.
yy Marie Revere has established a new Mental Health
Ministry Group at St. James Catholic Church in
Solana Beach. The group held its first meeting on
Tuesday, March 3. The Catholic Diocese of San
Diego County has launched a mental health outreach program for all Catholic churches so that
church members can serve as local mental health
resources for church pastors and parishes.
hour hospital-based crisis stabilization unit
CSU) in the North Inland or North Coastal
regions of San Diego County for adult and
older adult residents who may be experiencing a psychiatric emergency due to a mental
health condition that requires a more timely
response than a regularly scheduled doctor
visit. This CSU will provide mental health
services lasting less than 24 hours that may
also include co-morbid alcohol or druginduced problems and will eliminate lengthy
waits at hospital emergency rooms or even
eliminate hospitalization. The unit will provide linkages to ongoing community services
and supports. The RFP is due by March 20.
More details can be found on the county’s
BuyNet website at www.buynet.sdcounty. Viewers must establish a login name
and password to access this site.
Volume 15 No. 3
Continued from Page 2
NAMI North Coastal News
Volume 15 No. 3
Mariposa Clubhouse News
Gearing Up for Spring
By Dan Kasperick
It was a cold and brisk Sunday afternoon in
Carlsbad and the weather report predicted rain.
Nevertheless, a fist full of Mariposa Clubhouse
members braved the chill at Frazee Park.
March 2015
Some stayed on the grassy area above the beach,
while others went down to the sand and sea. It
was colder than chilly but not as bad as the rest
of the country; frozen as they were seemingly
everywhere else. The sky was dark with clouds
and there were only a few other folks at the shore
both to the north and to the south. Occasionally
the sun would peek through the billows leaving
heavenly streams of silver reflecting out of the
sky and onto the marine.
The shoreline was virtually ours. We set up our
chairs and stared into the waves. They were small
and choppy, too measly for surfers to partake
but fine for onlookers. There was some debate
as to what shade of green the water was; some
said emerald, some said malachite and some
said olive. All could agree that it was stunning.
We joked about how the brine was more fun to
watch than TV or the dryers at the local laundromat. All was at peace and all was well. We
lingered on till it got too cold for us, then we
beat a hasty retreat back up to the street. On the
way back through Carlsbad Village, we stopped
by Cessy’s Mexican restaurant to get a bit of
food in our growling bellies then meandered
up Carlsbad Boulevard. Just as we were headed up the
avenue, it began to sprinkle. We jogged to comfort and
dryness, barely escaping the storm.
Everyone agreed that it was a wonderful day – one we
would always remember. There was a hint of spring,
even in February, a suggestion of coming days ahead,
where the beach would be warmer and crowded with
people. Until then, we would make the best of what the
shoreline had to offer, grateful for the display of Mother
Nature which makes life more enjoyable even in the
NAMI North Coastal News
24 Hour Domestic Violence Hotline
1-888-DVLINKS (385-4657)
Posters and safe cards advertising this number are
available for distribution.
Please contact Aneesha Bharwani at
(858) 272-5777 or
Crisis Team
(888)-724-7240 & (800) 479-3339
In-Home Outreach Team (IHOT)
NAMI San Diego
(619) 961-2120
3rd Thursdays 8:30 – 10 pm
NAMI North Coastal Family Support Group
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
2775 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad
Tuesdays from 4-6 pm
NAMI North Inland Family Support Group
Jocelyn Senior Center
210 East Park Escondido
3rd Thursdays 5:30 – 6:30 pm
NAMI Connection
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
2775 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad
Wednesdays from 1:00-2:30 pm
NAMI Connection
Mariposa Clubhouse
560 Greenbrier Road, Oceanside
Every Friday, from 12:15-1:00 pm
Fridays from 1:00-2:00 pm
Dual Recovery Anonymous
Mariposa Clubhouse
Contact Keith Reuter (760) 277-7660
Second Wednesdays 7-9 pm
Sibling & Adult Children’s Support Group
Scripps-Mende Well Being Center
Adjacent to the Westfield (UTC) Mall
Contact Michelle at (858) 756-3140
First Friday of Every Month
6:30-8:30 pm
BPDGlobal Support Group
1st Thursdays 6:30 – 9:00 pm
Borderline Personality Disorder
Gifford Clinic, UCSD Outpatient Psychiatric
140 Arbor Dr., San Diego,
2nd Floor, Room 247
Bipolar Support Group
4th Tuesdays 10 am - Noon
Poway - Facilitated by Karen
2nd Thursdays, 7:00 pm
NAMI North Coastal
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
2775 Carlsbad Blvd. (library)
Carlsbad, CA (760) 722-3754
2nd Mondays, 4:30 pm
NAMI SIT. Board of Directors
144 Copper Avenue, Vista
(858) 481-7069
MEETINGS (Public Invited)
3rd Thursday, 7:00 -8:30 pm
NAMI North Coastal
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church 2775
Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA
(760) 722-3754
2nd Thursday at 12:30 pm
North County Forum for Mental Health
Tri City Medical Center, Room #6
4002 West Vista Way, Oceanside, CA
(760) 940-5050
First Thursday 6:30 – 9:30 pm
NAMI San Diego Meeting
Universal Christian Church
3900 Cleveland San Diego, CA
(619) 543-1434
Call (858) 274-4650 for next class
Tuesdays from 1:30-3:30 PM
WRAP Well Meds for Success
Escondido Clubhouse
474 Vermont Ave. #105
(858) 274-4650
Monday-Friday 9:00 am-3:00 pm
Aurora Behavioral Health
11878 Avenue of Industry
San Diego, CA (858) 675- 4285
Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Tri City Medical Center Outpatient
Behavioral Health
510 West Vista Way, Vista, CA
(760) 940-5050
Palomar Outpatient Behavioral Health
125 Vallecitos del Oro, Ste 125
San Marcos
(760) 739-2988 (760) 510-8352
Monday-Friday 8 – 4 pm
Kinesis North/Inland BPSR Center
474 West Vermont, Escondido, CA
Monday-Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm.
1st Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 pm
Escondido Clubhouse
474 West Vermont Escondido, CA
(760)737-7125 FAX (760) 737-8348
Sarah Bowdoin-Jones
Friends at Copper Hill
144 Copper Avenue., Vista,
Activities temporarily suspended
(858) 481-7069
Monday-Friday, 8:00 am - 4:00pm
Mariposa Clubhouse
560 Greenbrier Dr., Suite D
Oceanside, CA (760) 439-2785
Katie Gil, Director
Exodus Recovery
Walk-In Assessment Centers
524 West Vista Way
Vista (760) 758-1150
Monday-Friday 10:30 am-6:30 pm
1520 S. Escondido Blvd
Escondido (760) 758-1150
Monday-Friday 8 am-4:30 pm
Mental Health Systems
1701 Mission Avenue Suite A
Oceanside, CA 92058
Tri-City Hospital Behavioral Health Unit
(877) 299-0664
Palomar Center for Behavioral Health
555 E. Valley Parkway, Escondido
(760) 739-3000
March 2015
SSI Consumer Advocates
Chelsea Lopez,, is available at
the Mariposa Clubhouse to answer SSI questions
or to provide help in completing
and filing SSI applications
(760) 439-2785
Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance
VA San Diego Medical Center
Mondays – Room 2011 – 6 PM
Thursdays – Room 2436 – 6 PM
Wednesday, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
510 W. Vista Way, Vista
Bobbie Hamilton—760-439-3500
Aurora Behavioral Hospital
Rancho Bernardo
Contact Mark (858) 538-8450
Suicide Prevention
(888) 784-2433
Warm Line (Consumer Support)
800-930-9276 & 619-295-1055
5 PM – 11 PM daily
Familia a Familia Grupo de Apoyo
Tri City Medical Center Room #7
(760) 722-3754
Volume 15 No. 3
Meetings, Treatment and
Support Group Resources
Your Local Voice on Mental Illness
P.O. Box 2235
Carlsbad, CA 92018
Nonprofit org.
US Postage
Permit #45
Address Services Requested
Phone: 760 722 3754
VOLUME 15 No. 3
March 2015
NAMI California 2015 Annual Conference
Bringing Communities Together
August 21st & 22nd 2015
Marriott Newport Beach Hotel and Spa
900 Newport Center Drive
Newport Beach, California 92660
Register Today!
For more information visit
This newsletter is published by NAMI NCSDC,
an affiliate of NAMI California and NAMI.
Any opinions expressed in this newsletter do
not necessarily reflect those of NAMI NCSDC.
Editorial contributions, humorous non-copyrighted stories, personal recovery stories and
articles on mental health are invited and may be
sent via e-mail by the 20th of each month for
publication consideration in the following month’s
edition to:
NAMI-NCSDC Carlsbad, CA 92018
(760) 722-3754 (phone and fax)
Incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
corporation in 1983