DRAFT PROGRAM - National Adaptation Forum
DRAFT PROGRAM - National Adaptation Forum
DRAFT PROGRAM (AS OF APRIL 30, 2015) Monday, 11 May 2015 0800 – 1700 Partner Organization Side Events 0800 – 1600 National Disaster Preparedness Training Center presents “AWR‐228: Coastal Community Resilience One‐Day Training Session,” New York Central Open to all National Adaptation Forum participants (no‐cost registration required). Additional information available online at https://ndptc.hawaii.edu/training/delivery/1076. Please contact gough.bob@gmail.com for additional information 1400 – 1730 United Nations Environment Programme presents “Building and Sustaining Effective Adaptation Networks – From Global to Local,” Frisco Burlington Open to all National Adaptation Forum participants (no‐cost registration required). Additional information available online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/united‐nations‐ environment‐programme‐workshop‐building‐and‐sustaining‐ effective‐adaptation‐networks‐tickets‐16043208669. Please contact rona5@unep.org for additional information 1500 – 1700 Association of Climate Change Officers presents “CCO Certification Program Forum: Strategies for Contributing to Curriculum Development, Earning Credentials and Improving Decision Making across the Workforce,” Midway II Open to the public (no‐cost registration encouraged). Additional information and registration available online at http://community.accoonline.org/events/event_details.asp?i d=629722. Please contact dkreeger@ACCOonline.org or jradice@ACCOonline.org for additional information 1600 – 1700 Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) present “LCC Community Meet‐and‐Greet Catalyzer,” Texas Special Open to all involved in LCCs. Please RSVP to Brady.Phillips@noaa.gov or Megan_Cook@FWS.gov Greenway Network, Inc. presents “Adaptation Strategies to Reduce Flooding in the Greater St. Louis Region,” Midway IV Open to the public. Please contact mgarvey@garveyteam.com for additional information Notre‐Dame Global Adaptation Index presents “Kresge‐ND‐ GAIN Urban Adaptation Assessment Advisors Meeting” Private NOAA Sea Grant presents “Joint Meeting of the Sea Grant Sustainable Coastal Communities and Sea Grant Climate Networks: Building Sea Grant’s Resilience Toolbox” Private SAGE presents “SAGE Regional Approach” Private Urban Sustainability Directors Network presents “Collaborating for Climate Preparedness Workshop” Private Water Utility Climate Alliance presents “Water Utility Climate Alliance” Private 1200 – 1730 Registration, The Depot National Adaptation Forum Registration 1 1730 – 1930 Meet‐and‐Greet Sponsored by the American Society of Adaptation Professionals, EcoAdapt, Institute for Sustainable Communities, The Switzer Foundation, United Nations Environment Programme, Grand Hall Refreshments Tuesday, 12 May 2015 0700 – 1730 Registration, The Depot National Adaptation Forum Registration 0700 – 0800 Breakfast, Foyer A, B, and C Continental Breakfast 0800 – 1000 Opening Plenary Session, Grand Ballroom 0800 – 0805 Welcome, Amber Pairis, Lead, San Diego Climate Science Alliance, California Department of Fish and Wildlife 0805 – 0945 Opening Plenary Session, Dr. Lara Hansen, Steering Committee Chair, National Adaptation Forum 0945 – 1000 Welcome to St. Louis, The Honorable Francis G. Slay, Mayor, St. Louis, Missouri Break, Midway 1000 – 1030 Refreshments 1000 Exhibit Grand Opening, Midway 1. American Society of Adaptation Professionals 2. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 3. EcoAdapt 4. Defenders of Wildlife 5. ISET International 6. ICLEI/DOE Solar SunShot Program 7. Path for Positive Communities 8. Climate Adaptation Scholars 9. Buoyant Foundation Project 10. US Fish and Wildlife Service/Landscape Conservation Cooperatives 11. Conservation Biology Institute 12. Cascadia Consulting Group 13. Union of Concerned Scientists 14. RAND Corporation 15. Climate Planning 16. Anheuser‐Busch 17. Climate Change Art – Climate Change Action 18. United Nations Environmental Programme 19. The Nature Conservancy 20. Adaptation International 21. Abt Associates 22. Natural Hazard Mitigation Association 23. Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index 24. Local St. Louis Adaptation Partners 25. Anheuser‐Busch 26. ICF International 27. Greenway Network 28. University of South Carolina / Carolinas Integrated Sciences and Assessments 29. Georgetown Climate Center 30. AECOM 31. ClimateWise 32. US EPA Office of Sustainable Communities 33. Model Forest Policy Program 34. Association of Climate Change Officers 35. City of St. Louis 1030 – 1200 Symposia, Parallel Sessions Symposium Session 1, Regency A Gough (Souza, Burke, Thomas) | Disaster Risk Reduction and Planning for Tribes Symposium Session 2, Regency B Pairis (Litton, Reuter, Fleischmann‐Brewer, Bradford) | Answering the Call: The Rise of Art and Artists to Support Climate Adaptation Actions Symposium Session 3, Regency C Matson (Bush, Davidson, McCormick, Moser, Sawislak) | Climate Adaptation: National Policy Landscape Symposium Session 4, Midway I Raab (Ferguson) | Lessons Learned from Planning and Implementing State Level Health‐related Climate Adaptation Strategies Symposium Session 5, Midway II Adams (Garfin, Ray, Bennett) | Regional Learning Networks to Build Urban Resilience: The Case of the Western Adaptation Alliance Symposium Session 6, Midway III Anderson (Hall) | Conserving the Stage: Planning for the Resilience of Terrestrial Ecosystems Symposium Session 7, Midway IV Asam (Julius, Robinson, Allen) | Climate Change Impacts and Potential Stormwater Responses: Barriers and Opportunities for Local‐level Action Symposium Session 8, Illinois Central Baughman (Myslivy, Edelson) | Connecting Faith and Community to Build Resilience Symposium Session 9, New York Central May (Curtis, Verity, Goodfriend) | Building Resilience in the San Francisco Bay Area Symposium Session 10, Jeffersonian/Kickerbocker Behar (Adams, Fleming, Heyn, Anandhi, Hamlet, Buckenmeyer, Phillips) | The Co‐Production of Actionable Science for Assessment and Adaptation: Six Case Studies from the Water and Clean Water Communities 1200 – 1330 Lunch, Midway Buffet Lunch 2 1330 – 1530 Training Sessions and Working Groups, Parallel Sessions Training Session 1, Grand A Moser (Snover, Gosnell, Adams, Whitley Binder) | Successful Adaptation to Climate Change: Defining, Measuring and Tracking Effectiveness Training Session 2, Grand B Barry (Speiser) | Practical Climate Communications: From Research to Implementation Training Session 3, Regency A Patterson | Incorporating Equity Measures Into Disaster Planning Training Session 4, Regency B Thomas (Skakel) | Is Half Done is Well Begun? Creatively Finding Funds to Adapt to a Changing Climate Training Session 5, Illinois Central Venkateswaran (Fox, MacClune) | Using Games to Demystify Complexity Training Session 6, New York Central Kershner (Hutto, Reynier) | Integrating Climate‐Smart Conservation into Marine Protected Area Management Training Session 7, Frisco Burlington Flessner (Whelchel, Faust, Allen, Shaughnessy) | Navigating How Online Decision Support Tools Coupled with Community Engagement Workshops Can Help Guide Communities Towards Resilience Working Group 1, Grand C Lascurain (Dow, Fouladbash, Morris, Wootten, Krantz, Furiness, Figg, Gould, Whitehead, Jones, Gregg) | Identifying Decision‐Focused Climate Adaptation Activities and Aligning Priorities across Multiple Sectors and Scales in the Southeast United States Working Group 2, Grand E Grannis (Markowitz, Bedsworth, Holsinger, Curtis, Bush, Barron, Miller) | Continuing the Momentum of the Climate Preparedness Task Force Working Group 3, Regency C Wotkyns (Voggesser, Hart, Bell‐Sheeter, Hopkins, Morishima, O'Malley) | Tribal Climate Adaptation: Working Together, Making Progress, and Charting the Course Forward Working Group 4, Midway I Moss (Hamilton, Manning) | Individual Actions to Catalyze Climate Adaptation Working Group 5, Midway II Grace (Scheuer, Walton, Brennan) | Organizing and Coordinating Regional Adaptation Forums Working Group 6, Midway III Magness (Fisichelli, Hoffman, Morton, Robertson, Rowland) | Ecological Transformation: Is It Time for a New Conservation Ethic? Working Group 7, Midway IV McCoy (Rasmussen, Baja) | Identifying Gaps in Federal Climate Change Adaptation Resources for State, Regional, and Local Transportation Practitioners Working Group 8, Wabash Cannonball Mease (Bennett‐Mintz, Score) | Adapting to Acidified Waters: Communication, Management, and Action Working Group 9, Jeffersonian Knickerbocker Goodhue (Eslinger, McPherson) | Developing a Guide of Coastal Community Resilience Indicators 1530 – 1600 Break, Midway Refreshments 1600 – 1730 Symposia, Parallel Sessions Symposium Session 11, Grand A Love (Dix, May, Hart, Boudreau, Mak) | The Secret of Sea Level Success: Bi‐Coastal Best Practices and Lessons Learned from Assessment and Adaptation Projects Symposium Session 12, Grand B Wotkyns (Hostler, Hardison, Morishima) | Guidelines for Considering Traditional Knowledge in Climate Change Initiatives Symposium Session 13, Grand C Blumberg (Seville, Flax, DeLaRosa, Anderson, Hellmann) | Measuring Resilience: How Will We Know When We're There? Symposium Session 14, Regency A Grannis (Naud, Hempen, Sanders, Williamson) | Innovative Models for Funding and Financing Adaptation Symposium Session 15, Regency B Pace (Daigle, Jones, Ruppert, Schiavinato) | Did Anyone Call the Lawyers? Utilizing the Sea Grant Legal Network to Assist You with Your Climate Adaptation Strategies on the Ground Symposium Session 16, Midway I Markham (Wiser, Rockman, Craig, Burke, Roos) | Strategies and Priorities for Preserving Cultural Heritage Resources in a Changing Climate Symposium Session 17, Midway II Baussan (Knott Hill, Martinez, Fitzgerald, Verchick) | Social Cohesion: The Secret Weapons in the Fight for Equity and Resilience 3 1600 – 1730 Symposia (continued), Parallel Sessions Symposium Session 18, Midway III Cheng (Fly, Mooney, Sorensen) | Building Resilient Communities in the U.S. through Natural Hazard Vulnerability Assessment Symposium Session 19, Midway IV Stein (Hawkins‐Hoffman, West, Parker, Glick, Johnson) | Climate‐Smart Conservation in Action Symposium Session 20, Illinois Central Walsh (Wu, Porteshawver, Crowe)| Why City Resilience Matters for Business Symposium Session 21, New York Central Moench (Caspari, Moench, Goldstein, Howard) | Resilience and Adaptation: Using Narrative and Art to Communicate Complex Concepts, Practical Strategies, and Catalyze Action Symposium Session 22, Jeffersonian/Kickerbocker Gregg (Cross, Carlson, Lipsky, Enquist, Kenney, Morgan) | Is it Doing Any Good? Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Adaptation Activities Symposium Session 23, Frisco Burlington Hoverter (Koetter, Branosky, Johnson, Stack, Simpson) | Innovations in Urban Adaptation 1730 – 1830 Poster Presentations, Pegram (adjacent to Midway) Poster Presentations Alaska: 1. The Role of Climate Webinars in Supporting Boundary Organization Networks in Alaska (Kettle, Trainor) 2. Climate Change Implications in the Northern Coastal Temperate Rainforest of North America (Goldstein) Great Plains: 3. Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Policy Guidance: Green Infrastructure and Urban Energy (Staley) International: 4. Mainstreaming Climate Considerations into Urban Planning: A Decision‐Support Tool Case Study in Vietnam (Martin) 5. Incorporating Uncertain Climate Assessment Data into the Planning and Decision Making Process: Case study Insights (Raucher, Kaatz, Brown) 6. A Curated Dataset to Minimize the Practitioner's Dilemma (Ammann, Yates, Guentchev) 7. Climate Change Adaptation Governance: Triggers for Change, Big Data and Multi‐scale Impact (Burton) 8. Strategies to Foster Learning in Participatory Adaptation Processes (Dow, Tuler, Whitehead) 9. Vulnerable Populations and Adaptation‐‐Lessons from Developing Countries (Durden) 10. Communicating About Climate Adaptation: Opportunities and Potential Pitfalls (Markowitz, Guckian) 11. Prioritizing Departmental Decision Making Needs under Future Climate (Nelitz) 12. Coastal Blue Carbon: Breaking Out of Silos to Create Durable Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Solutions and Increase Coastal Conservation (Sutton‐Grier, Moore, McCarty, Muth) 13. Using Public‐Private Partnerships (PPPs) to Advance Climate Adaptation Implementation (Feldman) Mid‐Atlantic 14. Virginia Sea Grant Climate Adaptation and Resilience Program at Old Dominion University: Engaging Community Stakeholders through Partnerships (Covi) 15. What Will Adaptation Cost? An Economic Framework for Coastal Community Infrastructure (Goodhue, Stiller) Midwest 16. Connecting Climate to Communities (Ask, Schwarz, Ballard, Hirsch, Larson, Leir) 17. Michigan DOT Climate Vulnerability Assessment (DeFlorio) 18. From the Fed to the Ground: Leveraging Federal Resources to Enable Local Action (Brown, Gibbons, Rood) 19. Enhancing Manager and Stakeholder Awareness of and Responses to Changing Climatic Conditions and Their Impacts on Lake Erie (Murray, Kirchhoff) 20. Reducing the Impacts of Extreme Precipitation Using Green Infrastructure: What’s the Cost? An Economic Assessment (Sorensen, Schomberg) 21. Climate Adaptation Outreach Highlights from Illinois‐ Indiana Sea Grant (Woloszyn) 22. Model for Building Strategic Partnership to Implement Sustainability and Community Development Principles (Taylor Williams, Fahadi) National: 23. Developing Web‐Based Decision Support to “Stack” Multi‐Benefit Green Infrastructure (Elwell, Daley, Lu, Szukalski, Stone) 24. Innovations in Geographic Information System for Urban Resilience Planning (Elwell, Robertson) 25. Climate‐Smart Cities: Geographic Information Systems Decision Support Tools for Multi‐Benefit Green Infrastructure (Elwell, Robertson) 26. Operationalizing Climate‐Informed Coastal and Marine Planning (Gregg) 27. CAKE Dashboards: The Next Generation Adaptation Support Tools (Hitt) 28. Climate Registry for the Assessment of Vulnerability (CRAVe): A Tool to Track Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments (O’Malley, Thompson) 29. Moving Past the Awkward Disconnect between Climate and Social Sciences to Integrate and Create Adaptation Science (Seyller, McNeeley) 30. Smart Growth Code Fixes for Climate Adaptation (Susman) 31. Climate‐Smart Agriculture with Agroforestry: Providing Adaptation Releaf (Bentrup, Dosskey) 4 1730 – 1830 Poster Presentations (continued), Pegram 32. Resilience in the Utility Sector and Clean Energy as Climate Adaptation (Carnevale) 33. Providing Long‐Term Data to Understand Continental‐ Scale Change (Dethloff) 34. Adaptation Storytelling: Communicating About Community Resilience (Goldstein, Howard) 35. Great Cities: A National Traveling Exhibit About the Past, Present and Future of Cities (Hamilton) 36. The Landscape of Local Government Adaptation Policy: Results From a National Survey of Climate Policies Across the United States (Kauneckis) 37. Psychological Tools for Ecological and Economic Adaptation (Leahy) 38. Preparing for a Hotter World: Saving Lives Now and in the Future with Extreme Temperature Notification and Response Programs (Mills) 39. Adaptation Lessons from NASA and NREL: Advancing science to conduct site‐level vulnerability assessments and develop resiliency plans. (O'Grady, Myers, Daw, Bader) 40. Adaptation of Superfund Cleanup to Climate Change (Pachon, Dailey) 41. Alignment of Interests in Environmental Water Resources and Infrastructure Protection: Innovation in Intelligent Adaptive Control of Existing Infrastructure Interfacing with Volatile Natural Systems (Quigley) 42. Trends in U.S. Climate Adaptation Governance: Results from a Survey of 298 Cities (Shi, Chu, Carmin) 43. USDA Climate Hubs: Developing and Delivering Science‐based, Region‐specific Information and Technologies to Agricultural and Natural Resource Managers, and Communities (Steele, Hollinger, McNulty, Hatfield, Derner, Rango, Van Horne) 44. Private Sector Engagement for Resilience Building in Cities (Steinberg) Northeast 45. Staying Connected: Science to Action Across Scales (Hilke) 46. Climate Adaptation Academy (Barrett, Hyde) 47. Linking Adaptation and Mitigation in Local Climate Change Planning (Goldwasser) 48. The New Hampshire Coastal Adaptation Workgroup: A Collaborative Model for Advancing Local Climate Preparedness (Howard) 49. Tool for Shoreline Adaptation Response Planning (TSARP) (Jones) 50. What Drives Climate Preparedness: An Assessment of State Climate Adaptation Planning in the United States (Miao) 51. Storm‐resilient and Critter‐friendly Culverts: Assessing the Vulnerability of Critical Transportation Infrastructure (Ocana, McArthur, Jackson, Mabee, Rees) 52. Adapting to climate change impacts across the Northeast and Midwestern United States: Case studies from the Northeast Climate Science Center (Staudinger) 53. Leveraging Downscaled Global Circulation Model (GCM) Output to Inform the Development of Regional Climate Adaptation Strategies (Torres‐Cooban) 54. Identifying Rural Character's Climate Vulnerabilities (Wozniak‐Brown) Northwest 55. Role of the State in Coastal and Marine Adaptation: An Example from California (Kim, Kuhlman) 56. A Climate Change Risk Assessment for Water Quality and Salmon Recovery in the South Fork Nooksack River, WA (Klein) 57. Planning for Adaptation Resiliency: A case study of City of Palo Alto (Van Orsdol, Friend, Caton) 58. Lifting All Boats: Community Engagement and Climate Resilience (Yoshitani) Southeast: 59. The State of Adaptation in the Southeast United States: Resilient Water Resources (Gregg) 60. Scorecards for Sustainable Success: An Analysis of the Climate Change Action Plan for the Florida Reef System 2010‐2015 (Morgan, Score) 61. Facilitating Dialogue About Coastal Climate Risks in Hyde County, NC (Whitehead, Evans) 62. Preparing Plymouth, North Carolina for Future Flood Risks (Whitehead, Covi) 63. Stakeholder‐Generated Climate Adaptation Recommendations for a Coastal County Comprehensive Plan (Bath) 64. Regional Sea Level Rise Adaptation Planning in Tampa Bay, Florida (Carnahan, Burke) 65. Regional Public‐Private Partnerships that are working to Build Resilience: A Southeast Example (Fox, Nierengarten) 66. Beyond Early Warning and Monitoring for Coral Bleaching: Examining Emergency Response Policies and Actions (Courtney, Parker) Southwest 67. Developing Guidance for Climate Informed Spring Ecosystem Restoration (Misztal, Campbell) 68. Resilient Communities Starter Kit ‐ Building Adaptive Capacity in the West (Oliver) 69. Rules of Engagement: Keys to Success at Science/Stakeholder Events (Pawlowski, Woodhouse) 70. Flagstaff Watershed Protection Project ‐ A Multi‐ Agency Approach to Reducing Vulnerability to Wildfire and Flooding While Protecting Future Water Supply (Woodman, Brehl) 71. Keeping the Bay Area Moving as the Tides Rise (Qian, Goodfriend, Feng, Hom) 72. Santa Clara Climate‐Smart Habitat Adaptation Strategies (Verity, Tremain, Donovan) 73. Bringing Clarity to Sea Level Rise and Shoreline Change Models and Tools: The Lifting the Fog Project (Nutters, Goodrich, Higgason, Rozum, Psaros, Boudreau, Newkirk) 5 1730 – 1830 Poster Presentations (continued), Pegram 74. Resilient Small Cities: Preparing for Climate Change Impacts by Leveraging Existing Programs and Integrating Adaptation Strategies in City Plans (Porteshawver) 75. Coastal Vulnerability Modeling to Support Climate Adaptation Planning (Wedding) 76. Quantifying the Role of Natural Habitat in Increasing Coastal Resilience and Protection (Wedding) 1730 – 2000 Networking Reception, Midway Refreshments and Hors D’oeuvres 1730 –2030 Networking Reception, Midway 1800 – 1810 ASAP Prize for Progress, Sascha Peterson, American Society of Adaptation Professionals 1810 – 1820 Environmental Offset Contribution Presentation to M‐SLICE, Romona Taylor Williams, Metro St. Louis Coalition for Inclusion and Equity 1820 – 1830 Anheuser‐Busch Endeavors, George Reisch, Anheuser‐Busch Brand Ambassador 1830 – 2030 CAKE Tools Cafe, Midway Tool Presentations 1. Using the weTable to Engage Citizens in the Climate Conversation (Carrasco) 2. A Data‐Driven Assessment Tool of Vulnerability and Preparedness to Climate Change Adaptation (Chen) 3. A Guide to Tools for Landscape Level Climate Adaptation and Planning (Crist) 4. The SPACES Portal for Climatic Niche Modeling: Promoting Innovation By Deploying Multiple Algorithms in a Web‐based Collaborative Platform (Dzurisin) 5. University of Michigan's Great Lakes Climate Atlas (Gibbons) 6. CIAT: A Home for Climate Data, Peer Mapping, and Adaptation Strategies for Great Lakes Cities (Grace) 7. Introducing the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit: Helping Communities and Businesses Plan and Prepare for Climate‐Related Impacts (Herring) 8. Climate Data Initiative: Empowering America’s Communities to Prepare for the Effects of Climate Change (Pinheiro Privette) 9. Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE) (Hitt) 10. Tools and Methods for Assessing Climate Vulnerability of Transportation and Other Assets (Kafalenos, Bhat) 11. The Climate Impacts ‐ Decision Support Tool (CIMPACT‐DST): Facilitation of Cross‐Sectoral Climate Mainstreaming and Action (Martin, Ferm) 12. U2U: Split Nitrogen Feasibility and Economic Tool (Massey) 13. The South Atlantic LCC Conservation Blueprint: A Shared Vision for Conservation Action (Morris) 14. Climate Registry for the Assessment of Vulnerability (CRAVe): A Tool to Track Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments (O’Malley, Thompson) 15. Integrated Framework for Urban Climate Adaptation Tool (Urban‐Cat) (Parrish) 16. Tracking the Progress of State Adaptation (Ray) 17. Climate Central's Surging Seas Risk Finder: A Coastal Flood and Sea Level Risk Web Tool for the U.S. (Rizza) 18. Linking Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment to Adaptation Strategy for Species, Ecosystems, and Landscapes (Young, Crist) Wednesday, 13 May 2015 0730 – 1730 Registration, The Depot National Adaptation Forum Registration 0730 – 0830 Breakfast, Midway Continental Breakfast 0830 – 1000 Symposia, Parallel Sessions Symposium Session 24, Grand A Patterson (Verma, Hanshaw, Abdul Rahman) | EcoDistricts in Action: Implementation of Equity Based Community Adaptation Planning Symposium Session 25, Grand B Skoglund (McKearnan, de Mooy) | Multiple Ports in the Storm: Three Distinct Approaches to State Adaptation Planning in Delaware, New Hampshire, and Vermont Symposium Session 26, Grand C Yeung (Ellis, Peters) | Analytical Techniques for Improving Community Resilience to Flooding in the Chicago Region Symposium Session 27, Regency A Wotkyns (Hart, Pollock, Andrews, Rozum) | Rising Seas: Tribal Coastal Communities at Risk Symposium Session 28, Regency B Cross (Korb, Misztal, Humke, Neely) | A Few Good Ideas for On‐the‐ground Wildlife and Ecosystem Adaptation Symposium Session 29, Midway I Mowery (Goulette, Kertland, McMahon, Dean) | Working Together: Tools, Approaches and Frameworks for Collaborative Climate Adaptation Symposium Session 30, Midway III Krosby (Carroll, Snover, Gregg) | Supporting Climate‐ Informed Decision‐Making in Natural Resource Management: Innovative New Tools and Approaches from Western North America Symposium Session 31, Illinois Central Susman (McConville, Greeley, Brooks, Scott) | Building Economic Resilience to Climate Change Symposium Session 32, New York Central KenCairn (Becker‐Birck, MacClune, Allan) | Addressing Mitigation and Adaptation Needs Through Resilient Energy 6 0830 – 1000 Symposia (continued), Parallel Sessions Symposium Session 33, Jeffersonian/Knickerbocker Quinn (Coffee, Howard, Smith, Parker, Quintela) | A Conversation: Climate Change Adaptation and International Development Symposium Session 34, Frisco Burlington Bonham‐Carter (Morris, Goodfriend, Melius, Hartge) | Moving From Planning to Action: Multi‐scale Examples of Resilient Coastal Planning 1000 – 1030 Break, Midway Refreshments 1030 – 1200 Symposia, Parallel Sessions Symposium Session 35, Grand B Delach (Matson, Somma, Green, Schuurman) | Climate Change Adaptation for Endangered Species Recovery Symposium Session 36, Grand C Hart (Moser, Coffee, Steinberg, Patton) | The Adaptation Blind Spot: Distant Climate Change Risks That Matter Locally Symposium Session 37, Regency A Jerolleman (Klima, Gough) | Just Resilience Symposium Session 38, Regency B Parsons (Fortune Isham, Swanston) | Adaptable Me: The Critical Role of Training in Adaptation Planning, Future Training Needs, and On‐the‐Ground Case Studies Symposium Session 39, Midway I Allan (Vogel, Becker‐Birck) | Community Adaptation: Practical Action from Across the Country Symposium Session 40, Illinois Central Reuling (Johnson, Durglo, Bixler) | The Roundtable on the Crown of the Continents Adaptive Management Initiative: Looking at the Social and Ecological Impact of a Large Scale Collaborative Symposium Session 41, New York Central Coudert (DeFlorio, Stephens, Rasmussen) | Planning for an Uncertain Future: Results and Lessons Learned from Four Regional Climate Change Adaptation Planning Projects Symposium Session 42, Jeffersonian/Knickerbocker Asam (Gye, Suder, Julius, Jones, Gregor) | Developing and Applying Vulnerability Indicators: A Cost‐effective Approach to Assess Vulnerability and Facilitate the Adaptation Planning Dialogue Symposium Session 43, Frisco Burlington Schiavinato (Mitchell, Renaud, Jones) | Principles, Legal Issues, and Other Considerations For Social Vulnerability Mapping 1200 – 1300 Lunch, Midway Buffet Lunch 1300 – 1500 Training Sessions and Working Groups, Parallel Sessions Training Session 8, Grand A Lempert (Kalra, Kaatz) | Making Good Decisions in a Changing Climate: Serious Games, Hands on Exercises, and Robust Plans Training Session 9, Grand B Abrash Walton (Patterson) | Collaborating for Resilience: Reaching the Most Vulnerable Populations Training Session 10, Grand C Graham (Koopman, Leister) | Whole Community Adaptation in the Real World: A Framework for Creating Lasting Solutions Training Session 11, Grand D Hitt (Young, Rizza, Dzurusin, Martin, Parish, Carrasco) | CAKE Tools Café: Get Trained to Use Some of the Field’s Leading and Emerging Tools and Resources Training Session 12, Grand E Mease | New Tools for New Problems: Using Design Thinking to Tackle Adaptation Challenges Training Session 13, Regency A Holsinger (Smith, Kafalenos, Arnold, Bonham‐Carter, DeFlorio) | Moving From Awareness to Implementation: Integrating Climate Risk in the Built Environment Training Session 14, Regency B Hoppe (Raab) | Health Impact Assessment: A Tool for Advancing Health, Equity, and Climate Adaptation Opportunities Related to Real World Decisions Training Session 15, Frisco Burlington Taylor (Knoedler, McPherson, Winton) | Climate Science Grant Writing Workshop for Tribes Working Group 10, Midway I Lackstrom (Bathke, Smith, Wall, Wilhite, Deheza, Finnessey) | Building Drought Resilience Across Scales and Sectors Working Group 11, Midway II Seville (Ave, Hellmann, Hempen, Zamuda) | Public Private Partnerships to Build Resilience: Rules of Engagement, Models, and Guidance Working Group 12, Midway III Allen (Stults, Carlisle) | State and Local Hazard Mitigation Planning and Climate Change Adaptation Working Group 13, Midway IV Mooney (Whitehead, Hart, Stancioff) | Engaging Coastal Communities: Success and Lessons Learned from Sea Grant Climate Extension 7 1300 – 1500 Training Sessions and Working Groups (continued), Parallel Sessions Working Group 14, Illinois Central Gibbons | Coordinating Across Federal Agencies in the Great Lakes and Midwest Regions Working Group 15, New York Central Hoverter (Branosky) | Green Infrastructure Working Group Working Group 16, Jeffersonian Kickerbocker Hansen (Zollitsch, Edelson, Veloz, Mielbrecht, Ballard, Reynier) | Don't Get Stuck in the Mud: Managing Wetlands in a Changing Climate Working Group 17, Missouri Pacific Shaughnessy (Fauver) | Beyond Economics ‐‐ How Can We Consider Social, Environmental, Legal and Political Feasibility in Assessing Adaptation Options? 1500 – 1530 Break, Midway Refreshments 1530 – 1730 Symposia, Parallel Sessions Symposium Session 44, Grand B Edelson (Burks‐Copes, Taylor, Bennett, Wagner, Penn) | Natural and Nature Based Features ‐‐ Do They Work? Symposium Session 45, Grand C Garzon (Malloy, Gordon, Andrews‐Schwind, Kostin,) | Building Community Resilience to Climate Change: Insights from the Oakland Climate Action Coalition Symposium Session 46, Regency A Groves (Fischbach, Hilke, Baja, Engeman, Hoal) | Cross‐Sector Climate Adaptation in Practice: Learning from Innovative Approaches Symposium Session 47, Regency B Hawkins Hoffman (Rowland, Garfin, Neely, Murphy) | Scenario Planning and Case Studies of Applications for Climate Change Adaptation Symposium Session 48, Midway I Wiener (Hatfield, Honeycutt, Franzluebbers, Kruger, Fraisse, Crimmins, Wilson) | The Roots of Agricultural Adaptation: US Policy Issues Now Symposium Session 49, Midway III Friedrich (Alverson, Guannel, Griffis, Penn, Glick) | Ecosystem‐based Adaptation (EbA): Investing in Natural Infrastructure as a Key Element of our Adaptation Solutions Symposium Session 50, Midway IV Hitt (O'Malley, Thompson, Herring, Chen, Crist, Kafalenos) | CAKE Tools Café: Emerging Adaptation Tools and Resources From Around the Field Symposium Session 51, Wabash Cannonball Gassman (Torriente, Morejon, Knowles, Griner, Mannix) | Fort Lauderdale Women's Climate Club ‐ Adapting to Man‐ Made Climate Change Symposium Session 52, Illinois Central Ray (Markowitz, Johnson, Millberg, Bedsworth, Moss) | Moving from Plans to Action: State Adaptation Progress Symposium Session 53, New York Central Petersen (Wu, Guibert, Dickson, Burroughs, Baumer) | Lessons from the Front Lines: Cities, Climate Thresholds, and Action 1730 – 1930 WCS Climate Adaptation Fund Meet‐and‐Greet, Grand Hall Balcony The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Climate Adaptation Fund invites all current and former grant recipients and applicants to a small meet and greet reception. Come meet the staff of the Climate Adaptation Fund, discuss your current or future application, and learn more about the climate adaptation goals of the Wildlife Conservation Society. Refreshments will be served. For more information about the Climate Adaptation Fund: http://www.wcsnorthamerica.org/ClimateAdaptationFund Thursday, 14 May 2015 0730 – 1530 Registration, The Depot National Adaptation Forum Registration 0730 – 0830 Breakfast, Midway Continental Breakfast 0830 – 1000 Symposia, Parallel Sessions Symposium Session 54, Regency A Murray (Behl, Murray, Barnes) | Learning Communities as Living Laboratories: Preparing the Next Generation Through Education and Engagement Symposium Session 55, Regency B Fink (Shickman, Johnson, Zinsmeister) | Keeping Cool Symposium Session 56, Grand B Engel (Grannis, Johnson, Englander, McConville) | Planning for Climate Change in Rural Coastal Communities Symposium Session 57, Grand C Engeman (Hooven, Wood , Boudreau, Pairis) | Building Community Resiliency From The Ground Up: The San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative’s Role as a Catalyst for Adaptation Actions 8 0830 – 1000 Symposia (continued), Parallel Sessions Symposium Session 58, Midway I Murdock (Levine, Ferdana, Peoples) | Can’t See the Coast/River for the Seawall/Levee? Adaptation Takes a Village of Science, Tools, Partnerships and Policy Symposium Session 59, Midway III Myslivy (Cox, Cruse) | Making Progress with Water, Energy, and Soil Health Symposium Session 60, Illinois Central Adams (Hefty, Liechty, Bergh, Jurado) | Building Regional Adaptation Capacity in Southeast Florida: The Compact as the Tide That Raises All Boats Symposium Session 61, New York Central Posey (Yeung, Schmidt) | How Does Climate Change Affect Urban Infrastructure in the Midwest? Symposium Session 62, Jeffersonian/Knickerbocker Palmeri (Glazer, Griffis. Winnestaffer, duBrock) | Taking Action to Safeguard Fish, Wildlife, and Plants in a Changing Climate Symposium Session 63, Frisco Burlington Schlafmann (Kershner, Hutto, Howell) | Translating Climate‐ Smart Conservation to Resource Managers: Case Studies from the California Landscape Conservation Cooperative 1000 – 1030 Break, Midway Refreshments 1030 – 1230 Symposia, Parallel Sessions Symposium Session 64, Grand B Wotkyns (Kuslikis, White, Caldwell, Leighton, Cohen, Ralston) | Tribal and Community Colleges: Education, Equity, and Climate Change Symposium Session 69, Midway III Tuler (Griffis, Whitehead, Stanicoff, Glazer, Arnold, Score) | Challenges and Opportunities for Climate Adaptation in Marine Fisheries: Reflections on the Use of Tools and Processes to Facilitate Planning Symposium Session 70, Illinois Central Wiener (Sassenrath, Dosskey, Gough, Chief Souza, Thomas) | Transformational Change in Agriculture and Land Use: Old and New Tribes: Why and How Symposium Session 71, Frisco Burlington Enquist (Jackson, Gould, Jacobs) | Federal climate science and adaptation programs in the US: Identifying Pathways for Synergistic Coordination and Collaboration Symposium Session 65, Grand C Arroyo (Gough, White‐Newsome, Baussan, Souza, Blanchard) | From Vulnerable Populations to Resilient Communities: A Conversation about Enhancing Preparedness to Climate Impacts for All Symposium Session 66, Grand E Kwok (Rajkovich, Holmes, Passe, English, Roedel, Hoal) | Redressing Resiliency in Buildings Symposium Session 67, Midway I Boswell (Greve, Herrod, Erickson, Fischer, Pike, Read, Fauver) | Creating Adaptive Communities: Lessons in Planning and Communication Symposium Session 68, Midway II Wotkyns (Cozzetto, Johnson, Durglo, Grah, Kaspar, Hart) | Tribal Vulnerability Assessments and Adaptation Planning: A Variety of Approaches 1230 – 1330 Lunch, Midway Buffet Lunch 1330 – 1530 Training Sessions and Working Groups, Parallel Sessions Training Session 16, Grand A Malloy (Fazeli, Andrews‐Schwind, Van Hook, Miller, Anthony, Pavel) | Community Engaged and Equity Rooted Adaptation Planning Training Session 17, Grand B McBride (Quinn, Bonham‐Carter, McCormick, Gross) | Utilizing a Geo‐Economic Approach and Tools to Overcome Adaptation Engagement and Implementation Barriers Training Session 18, Grand C Rajkovich (Kwok) | Building Adaptive Capacity into Buildings Training Session 19, Illinois Central Shirer (France) | Getting Unstuck: Applying a Spatially Explicit Decision Support Framework to Climate Adaptation Planning Training Session 20, New York Central Rhoades (Godwin) | Engaging Your Staff in Climate Action Planning and Building Workforce Capacity Training Session 21, Frisco Burlington Raucher (Covington) | Learn How to Develop Long‐term Communication Strategies That Build Support for Adaptation Across Silos Working Group 18, Grand D Garfin (Rowland, Cross, Hartmann, Murphy, Williams) | Scenario Mashup: Using Mixed Methods in Scenario Planning for Effective Adaptation Working Group 19, Midway I Griffith (Kroopf, Kleinman, Blumberg, Bryan, Myer) | The Real Deal: Linking Urban and Rural Adaptation for Regional Climate Resilience 9 1330 – 1530 Training Sessions and Working Groups (continued), Parallel Sessions Working Group 20, Midway II Holland (Baja, Stults) | Breaking Down Sectoral and Disciplinary Divides: Whole‐System Collaboration for Climate Adaptation Working Group 21, Midway III Koopman (Christian‐Smith, Palmeri) | First, Do No Harm: Recognizing and Preventing Maladaptation Working Group 22, Midway IV Bedsworth (DeLaRosa, Franco, McCormick, Parfrey, McPherson, Rosendahl, Wootten) | Speaking Truth to Power and Power to Truth: Building a Two‐Way Street in Climate Change Assessments Working Group 23, Wabash Cannonball Winter Wheelan (Mintz, Gregg) | Strategies for the Future: Adaptation and the National Ocean Policy Working Group 24, Missouri Pacific Scheuer (Grace, Kline, Adams, Jurado) | Better Together: Building Regional Adaptation Networks to Accelerate Progress 1530 – 1600 Break, Midway Refreshments 1600 – 1730 Closing Plenary Session, Regency Ballroom 1600 – 1610 Highlights from the Forum, Dr. Lara Hansen, Steering Committee Chair, National Adaptation Forum 1610 – 1630 Tim Kabat, Mayor of La Crosse, Wisconsin and MRCTI Executive Committee Member 1630 – 1730 Town Hall and Adjourn 10