Trinity Tidings


Trinity Tidings
Trinity United Methodist Church
PO BOX 373
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
Trinity Tidings
Trinity United Methodist Church
706 14th Avenue South
North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29582
Phone: 843-272-5236 Fax: 843-272-0926
April, 2015 Newsletter
Or current resident
Betty & Frank Autry
Loraine & Jack Callaghan
Elizabeth & Bear Cheezem
Nancy & Keith Floyd
Linda & Louis Eichenbaum
Betsy & N. F. Nixon, Jr.
Rebecca & John Wilson
Martie & Bruce Campbell
Jo & Marion Teeguarden
Mary & Clarence Cunningham
Terry & Marty Slapnik
Larry Davis
Brenda Stewart
Arlene Leskowicz
Renee Beach
Michelle Moss
Pam Tarter
Edmond Daniel
Loraine Callaghan
Cindy Jones
Bill Blackburn
Phyllis Rountree
Neal Krumme
Kay Sherin
George Snead
Jack Callaghan
Laure Nunnery
Brooke Powers
Taylor Collins
Estelle Barentine
Keith Nixon
Page Burns
Ruby Curry
Grace Lonsdale
Janelle Floyd
Rick Rickert
Gail Hitchcock
Ruth Aiken
Kenny Milligan
Brenda Brewster
Terry Slapnik
Margaret Martin
Kathryn Keziah
John Prugar
Michael Dickson
Betty Stewart
Edie Yothers
Earlier this year the circus was in town, and a television reporter was interviewing one of
the performers, a young man who worked on the trapeze. He was a "flyer," he explained, the
one who flew gracefully through the air, high above the ground into the strong arms of a
"catcher." "I'm the one everyone in the audience watches," the young athlete stated, "but I'm
not the star. The real star is the catcher who hangs by his knees and catches me and keeps me
from falling. I just fly through the air and put my trust in the catcher."
Watching the interview reminded me that in some ways we are very much like this
acrobat. Each of us who "leaps" into a difficult situation can put our trust in God. We know the
Lord is always there for us when we're in fear of falling or failing.
During the last several weeks we have been focusing on our relationship with God. Lent
tends to draw us in and reflect on the riches that God has bestowed on us. What scares us is, as
we reflect, we realize how we have continued to be unfaithful and have failed on our short
journey. Thankfully Jesus did not fail on his. In essence, Jesus is our “Catcher”. When we fall
and fail, he is there to catch us. That is the celebration of Easter; when we fall, fail, or have
difficult times, God is there for us.
Throughout the Bible we find numerous instances of God reaching out to people as they
faced difficulties. Abraham, Moses, Ruth, Joseph, Esther, David, and all the true believers had
faith that was unshakable and complete. God's strong arms would never fail them. Their trust in
God's faithfulness was their security, and our trust can be our security. As we move from a
season of reflection to a season of celebration, let us forever be thankful for one who gave his
life for us all, our “Catcher”!
Love you guys, Michael
On Sunday, April 26th we are celebrating the day by
Welcoming anyone who wants to become a part of the Trinity
family to come forward and join our church.
If you have been thinking about becoming a part of our church
you may contact Pastor Michael for more information.
Our office number is 843-272-5236.
THE GIVING CHURCH . . . a Financial Update
As of March 2014
Total Income YTD:
Income Under Budget
$ 74,548
$ 78,087
$ 3,539
Total Expenses YTD:
Total Expenses YTD Budgeted:
Expenses UNDER Budget YTD:
$ 82,907
$ 98,907
$ 15,137
Apportionments Budgeted YTD:
Apportionments Actual Paid YTD:
$ 8,748
$ 8,748
Weekly needs average budgeted:
Weekly actual average giving:
Spring Craft show
Fri, May 15th 10am - 3pm, Saturday, May 16th10 - 3pm
Spring & Gardening Gifts * Jewelry
Florals & Plants
$ 9,010
$ 9,318
Mothers’ & Fathers’ Day Cards
Graduation Cards * All Occasion Cards
Trustees Meeting is the second Tuesday of
each month at 5:30 pm in the A. G. Greene
Proceeds Benefit Trinity New Projects Fund
These are the only words that I can find to describe the incredible concert that we had in March. The
sanctuary was full with music, and a large number of people and most of all the spirit of God.
I want to give I give special thanks to Albert, Melody, Bill, the choir, the bell choir, our orchestra, and
Kathleen Gambrell ,who played piano) Michael and Matthew and all of our special guests.
What a great time that was had by all.
Top this off with light snacks and refreshments after the program the evening was simply fantastic. We had
the highest attendance ever for a concert series program. I also want to thank all those who attended and
supported this wonderful event. The next program will be our Memorial Day on the lawn concert featuring
Festive Brass of Myrtle Beach on Monday May 25th.
Many blessings, Rev. Ed
We're happy to report that the proceeds from the recent Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper have been
given to the Relay for Life team. The net amount was $1,076.85 and without your support this would
not have been possible. This is such a worthy cause and we're so thankful that we are able to
help. Again, we thank you!
Emily Sharp for the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper team
Did you know that we have “Gideon” cards for purchase for a number of different
occasions? You can purchase a card to have a Bible donated in honor or memory of
someone special. Cards are in the Hallway leading to the A G Greene building behind
the Sanctuary. This is a worthy cause to help others receive Bibles.
Missions Corner
by Frank Autry, chair
Thank you to all the wonderful ladies (and men) who
baked goodies for the ASAP bake sale. Thank you
to all of our church family for buying those goodies
and supporting this program. And thank you to
those that said they didn’t need the sweets, but
gave money anyway. Your generous support is what
allows us to continue to serve our veterans.
Christmas Boxes
I’m sure many of you remember the boxes we took,
in October/November, and filled with a long list of
supplies needed by children in other parts of the
world. We just received some staggering numbers
that I wanted to share with you. In Coastal SC, we
collected 19,066 boxes. In the United States we
collected 7,991,643 boxes and in the World we
collected 10,440,333 boxes. Over 10 million
children‘s lives were impacted, and we were part of
that. Trinity collected 114 boxes last year and I
know we can beat that this year. Please pray for
this ministry and plan to participate when the time
April 2015 SCHEDULE
Missions Corner continued
April 2nd (Maundy Thursday) 7 pm Dow Ritter, Emma Ritter, Crucifer
5th Isabelle Stewart; Crucifer: Michael Stewart
Bryan Fields; Crucifer: Avery Fields
12th Hayley Hughes
Jada Coates; Crucifer: Brayden Powers
19th Dillon Prince: Crucifer: Jacob Slapnik
Hayley Hughes: Crucifer: Kaitlyn Williams
26th Madison Woods
Abraham White: Crucifer: Dow Ritter
Helping Hand Peanut Better &
Jelly Challenge
April is the month that we collect PB&J for
Helping Hand. This is a relatively low cost
staple and a great way for you to support
Helping Hand. Please help support this organization by bring PB&J to the church during
the month. You can place them in the same
bins you would for ASAP. We will collect up
and take out to Helping Hand several times
during the month.
Thank you for all that YOU do to support the
mission projects of our Church.
If you have any questions about what your
Missions Committee is doing or would like to
8:30 AM
help, please see Frank Autry (843-685-1190)
Bobby Lewis (Captain)
Aubrey Apple
Pam Apple
Mike Walters
Deborah Rhyne (Captain)
Elaine Berard
Joyce Davis
Bob Hall
Scott Keziah
Margaret Martin
April 12th
Steve Huggins, (Capt.)
Lucy Huggins
Tom Kelser
Jeannie Reeder
Scott Keziah, (Captain)
Bob Hall
Margaret Philemon
Deborah Rhyne
Susan Warbutton
bottles. They will be sent to The Malawi Project.
one of the least developed countries in the world,
with a high infant mortality rate and low life
entirely and rinse the bottle out before you bring
Flowers are blooming
The sun is bright,
Our flamingos are brooding
because they can't take flight,
Unless you rent them
to the church. They will be collected and mailed on
for a day and a night!
expectancy. Most of the time medicine is dispensed
in a piece of paper because they have no medicine
bottles. We can help! Please remove the labels
a regular basis.
Call Jeannie or Emily today to make someone’s day! Jeannie at (843) 390-2377 and
Emily at (910) 579-0055.
April 5th
Medicine Bottles
We are again going to collect empty medicine
Malawi is a small landlocked country in Africa. It is
10 AM Beth & Jim Curtis Betty & Frank Autry
April 19th
April 26th
Lucy Huggins, (Captain)
Steve Huggins
Jill Krumme
Betty Wyles
Jane Marinacci,( Captain)
Jeannie DeAngelo
Kenneth McIver
George Snead
Herman Holmes (Captain)
Joyce Davis
Elaine Berard
Jackie Stanley
Deborah Rhyne
Margaret Martin, (Captain)
Frank Autry
Jane Cole
Deborah Rhyne
Sue Warbutton
Betty & Frank Autry
The Worship Committee will
meet the second Tuesday of the
month, April 14th at 10 a.m. in
the A G Greene Building.
Please mark your calendars
Applications for the Tuition Assistance
Program awards are now available on the
church website ( or
in the church office. Graduating seniors,
prior applicants, and others pursuing higher
education are urged to apply. A maximum
scholarship of $500.00 is awarded to each
successful applicant. Criteria include
membership at Trinity, involvement in
church activities, and regular church
The deadline for submission to the church
office is April 30. Please take advantage of
this opportunity to seek assistance in your
higher education pursuits.
The 8:30 service has lost a few ushers lately
and is looking for some new ones to fill the
empty places! This is a very easy job and
doesn’t require much time or expertise - a five
minute explanation of duties is all you need to
get started!
If you could devote at least one Sunday a month
(or more) please call Lucy Huggins (cell: 804938-5362) or (home 843-449-4121). !
Spiritual Task Force
The purpose of the spiritual formation task group
is to evaluate current ministries and programs for
spiritual formation of all age groups, so that Trinity
can fulfill its call to make disciples for Christ.
Presently the group has developed an evaluation
form to survey all existing age level ministries to be
sure they are giving opportunities to increase
discipleship. Also a survey will be given to the
congregation in April to survey the interest in
Sunday School and Bible studies. This information
will be used to address the needs for new groups
and new interest to be offered to our fellow
members. The group is working hard to do a true
assessment of the spiritual health of trinity, and how
to improve the offerings to accommodate more
people and their interest.
Heartfelt thanks to all of you here at Trinity for
your kind words of sympathy and condolences to
me after my mother passed away. I am deeply
grateful for your support and sympathy during
this sad time in my life and it comforted me
I know just how blessed I am to be surrounded
by such a caring and loving Church family.
Much love and prayers,
Lucy Huggins
What a wonderful time of the year. I say that about other seasons as well but coming into spring is so wonderful.
The colors are showing up, in the flowers, trees and grass. The birds are singing and their music is beautiful. Speaking of
beautiful music, the music Sunday was a wonderful day.
The Hymn Sing services were full of music that was all chosen pieces from the request made by the congregation.
The evening concert allowed the orchestra, hand bell choir, and the chancel choir to play music in a more casual setting
than the normal church service. Thanks to everyone who either participated in any way or just came to listen.
The following list is the top voted selections for the hymn sing:
A tie for first place with 9 votes each:
In the Garden
Amazing Grace
Then in order
How Great Thou Art
Because He Lives
Here I Am Lord
Spirit Song
Hymn of Promise
Let There Be Peace on Earth
Lord of the Dance
He Touched Me
Victory in Jesus
The Old Rugged Cross
There were 79 different songs suggested with a total of 172 votes. We have done, or will have done by Easter Sunday,
34 of these songs. I will continue to use your suggestions. Some of them are in the plans.
Holy week will be a very busy week. Please make plans to attend as many of the services as you can. They will be very
meaningful and each one leads us to Easter morning. That day alone will be exciting and busy. The Service at the beach
with communion is amazing. The services at our normal times will involve putting the church back together and the
lilies. In between those services at about 10:00, we will gather at the living cross for what should be another exciting
time. The cross should be covered with beautiful color and we will share communion. Also we will bring back the
"Alleluias" and release the butterflies. I hope you are there for each of these special services and that they are very
meaningful to you.
Melody Evans/ Director of Music
March was a quiet month for the Methodist Men's group; and our monthly breakfast meeting was not well
attended. This was unfortunate because we had a terrific speaker. Mr. Dick Tinsley, the administrator for McLeod
Loris Seacoast Hospital, and also a member of Trinity; spoke on the history of McLeod. He stated that Seacoast is
committed to improving and expanding it's services in our area. Additionally, they will continue to transform Seacoast
into a state-of-the-art medical facility over the next five years.
April is shaping up to be a busy month for the men's club:
April 3rd- we are smoking and selling Boston Butts and Turkey as a fund raiser
April 5, Easter Sunday we are serving breakfast at 7:30 for the choir and staff
April 19 is the TUMM monthly breakfast meeting at 9:30 (between services)
April 29 We are providing the Wednesday night meal.
We are looking forward to an active participation of our men in April, and a good turn out at our meeting. Please mark
your calendars for the Third Sunday every month.
See you in Church!
Jack Callaghan, President
Monday, April 27, 2015. We would love to
have you join us for an exciting day for a
tour of Historic Hobcaw Barony and have
lunch at Bisqit restaurant in the Pawley’s
Island Hammock Shops complex.
THURSDAY, APRIL 9th, 2015 9 A.M. TO 2 P.M.
Fellowship Hall of the church
Call Carolyn Marker at (943) 361-1942 to sign up
or sign up on clipboard in
The Hallway of the church by the back door.
The cost for the tour is $20/person and
everyone will be responsible for her own
lunch. Please call me to make a reservation (910 649-7312 leave a message) and
mail your tour money to me (Esther Scott)
Can we count on you?
Someone’s life depends on you!
Time is getting closer to the date of the drive so
PLEASE sign up today!
at POB 97, Fair Bluff, NC 28439. We will
meet at the Church at 8:00AM to carpool.
The introductory presentation will be at
9:50 am and the Historic Tour will be from
10 am—12 noon. Lunch will be at 12:30 at
Bisqit Restaurant.
Dot Jordan Circle will meet on Tues, April 14th
7pm at Diana Faulkenberry’s Home.
Love Circle will meet at 9:30am on Thurs, April 2nd at
9:30am in the AG Greene Building.
Susanna Wesley Circle will meet in the Fellowship Hall on
Tues, April 7th at 9:30am for fellowship and a 10am
Membership is open to any woman who indicates her desire
to belong and to participate in the global mission of the
church through United Methodist Women.
Purpose: The organized unit of UNITED METHO-DIST
WOMEN shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE
is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons
through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the Church.
Monday April 27, 2015
A Day Apart has been planned for
Upcoming Circle Meetings:
Sunday, April 12th
Between the services
Pick out a meeting time that fits your schedule and be
warmly welcomed by wonderful UMW women!
Trinity Call to Prayer and Self Denial – Several ladies from
Little River UMW joined a nice Trinity group for a wonderful time of reflection, a lovely salad luncheon, and
‘hospitality’ bread.
Marion District Day Apart – Saturday, April 18th
9:30 – 2pm Trinity UMC Bennettsville, SC. Registration
forms are posted. See Linda for carpooling.
Trinity UMW Day Apart -- Monday, April 27th
Details about the Hobcaw Barony Escapade will be available
through Circle Meetings and posted on the UMW Board.
Spiritual Growth Retreat at Lake Junaluska,
May 3-4 Information posted on UMW board or speak to
Catherine Smith.
SC UMW 2015 Legislative Day
Almost 400 women attended the annual Legislative Day
co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters, Church
Women United, the American Association of University
Women, and SCCADVASA (SC Coalition Against Domestic
Violence and Sexual Assault)
The social action focus of UMW this year is quality public
education for all our children and the elimination of violence. Our keynote speakers addressed domestic violence
and the startling statistics that have made SC the most
dangerous state in the country for domestic violence
murders! Our Senator Greg Hembree sponsored and
spearheaded the passage of Senate Bill #3 that defines
gradations and account-ability of domestic violence,
creates permanent no-contact orders protecting victims,
and includes a firearms prohibition that mirrors Federal
law. The House is now debating HB#3433 that contains
all of the Senate’s features, EXCEPT it does not prohibit
firearms possession to convicted perpetrators. Conventional political wisdom says that one personal contact =
1,000 silent voters – Speak up and send a postcard to
Representative Greg Duckworth at 432D Blatt Building,
Columbia, SC 29201, phone to (803)212-6918 or send
an email through
On a Federal level, our Senator Lindsay Graham is on the
Judiciary Committee that is studying #S262 ‘Enhancing
Services for Runaway and Homeless Victims of Youth
Trafficking Act of 2015’ and our Christian caring voices
are needed to encourage that passage. Postcards should
be directed to him at 290 Russell Senate Office Building,
Washington, DC 20510 and to our other Senator Tim
Scott at 167 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington,
DC. The most effective means of registering support is by
a postcard that includes your name, your constituency (SC
or Horry County voter) your UMW affiliation, the bill
number and your support or opposition. Hand-written,
personal postcards from constituents are tallied with a
much greater value than any other form of
communication. Follow progress of any bill/action through
Next Meeting Monday, April 6th 9 – 10am
Plantation Pancake House, NMB
Dutch Treat Breakfast
The ladies and Joe shared breakfast and a discussion of
good books, in general, and An Invisible Thread, in particular. We recommended other good books including
Boys in the Boat – Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest
for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, Longbourn by
Jo Baker, and All the Light We Cannot See by
Anthony Doerr.
Also, watch for the screen adaptation of Alice
Hoffman’s historical novel of the Siege of Hasada,
The DoveKeepers on television beginning March 31st.
See you for breakfast!
I would like to sincerely thank the Susanna
Wesley Circle for their presentation at the
Call to Prayer & Self Denial
gathering. And, thank you, Love Circle and
Dot Jordan ladies for the work they
did...decorating, the delicious food and
clean up. And, last, but not least, Arlene
Leskowicz for her lovely solo, and Albert
Evans for giving his time, playing the piano,
and Pastor Ed for his welcoming words
and prayer. It was a lovely day and our
guests from the Little River UMW have
expressed just how very much they enjoyed
being with us. Yes, it was a lovely day and
I so appreciate all of you.
Emily Sharp, Trinity UMW Spiritual Growth
Pastor/Congregation Prayer Program
The pastor and we as the congregation are always in prayer for others. Now
we have the opportunity to pray for other members of our congregation every
week. Six names of members will be drawn at random and Pastor Michael
Ritter, along with all of us, will pray for the individuals and their family.
Below are the names of the members selected for this month
April 5
Anne Miller
Deborah Rhyne
Jan Mosley
John and Sylvia Breeden
Marie Peacock
Trish Lucas
April 12
Doris Pollock
Hilton and Helen Gause
Janet Osgood
Willy and Pam Hobson
Donald and Lenora Flynn
C. T. Wolf
April 19
Dorothy Ard
Grace Eckstrom
Julia Rives
John and Rose Wagoner
Marty, Samantha, Jacob, & Katie Slapnik
George and Karen Rose
April 26
John and Anita Menafra
Chick and Carolyn Marker
Raymond and Linda Sessions
Lawrence and Marian Mace
Bruce and Martie Campbell
Dixon and Mahala Pearsall
Upcoming Bible Studies
Living Beyond Yourself, a Beth Moore Bible Study was
completed by thirty five participants this past month.
The group explored the Fruits of the Spirit, love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness
and self control.
For the fall session the group selected anther Beth
Moore study, Children of the Day, based on 1 & 2
Thessalonians and the challenges that face families in
daily life. The Bible study will start on September 15th
and last through November 13th.
For the winter study starting January 12, 2016,
Believing in God, a study about faith was selected And
gentlemen, although Beth Moore is a leader of women
studies, the information presented applies to you as
well. We had several men in the group and they found
the sessions quite informative. Come join us.
Agape Sunday School Class invites you to come join
us in the study of the Holy Spirit and how it impacts
our lives. The month of April through May 3rd we
will be delving into the Community of the Beloved
disciple, John. Come and find out what he has to tell
us to strengthen our Christian beliefs.
Marie Peacock
Please meet....
Courtney and Jason Miller and children - Finn and
Piper. The family has been in the area just over a
year. Courtney is originally from Pennsylvania and
Jason from Florida. Courtney works for Eli Lily and
Jason is a DOD Contractor. In her spare time we're
told Courtney enjoys tennis, beach days and playing
with their children. Jason enjoys golf, fishing and
anything outdoors. After visiting other churches in
the area, they chose Trinity and we're glad they did!
Beulah and Tavener Threatte have lived in NMB for
four years but have been coming to the beach since
the late l980s. Over the years, while at the beach,
they attended Trinity and became members late last
year. The parents of a son (deceased) and daughter,
they have 3 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren, Beulah and Tavener celebrated 66 years of
marriage in January of this year. Tavener enjoyed
playing golf and fishing in the past, while Beulah's
hobby is her home. These days, Be4ulah tells us
they just enjoy being together. We're told they really
enjoy Trinity.
Mary and Edward Cunningham transferred here from
Rolesville Baptist Church in North Carolina. They
have been here 2-1/2 years and Edward is employed
by Rent-a-Tool. Mary is retired. Mary enjoys walking and reading while Edward enjoys riding motorcycles and restoring them. They love to travel. Edward was raised a Methodist and after visiting several area churches they joined Trinity.
We offer a warm welcome to all of you and look forward to getting to know you.
Wednesday Night Dinner
6:00 pm
Join us for a meal in the fellowship hall each Wednesday evening in
April. Don’t forget to sign-up in the church office or the bulletin!
Beginning in April, we will have 4 new bread bakers. We give tremendous thanks to the present
bakers who have baked for the ministry for the past 4 months. When you next see them, please
give a big thanks to: Alan Faulkenberry, Georgia Jackson, Gerry Ferguson, & Marti Little. They
have been very conscientious in keeping the ministry ongoing. Our new bakers beginning in April
are: Linda Herman, Rita Ledbetter, Donna Dodrill, & Susan Warbutton.
(I pick up the 5th week of the month + any extra that is needed.)
A reminder to the new bakers: Try to consistently check the youth room freezer for current bread
supply. Some times you need to bake early & sometimes later, depending on the number of visitors
& current count.
Thank you.
Carolyn Marker
MAY 19
7 pm
7 pm
(138 minutes)
(Rated PG 13)
Honor begins
At Home
(120 minutes)
(Rated PG)
The life story of Jesus is told from his
humble birth through his teachings,
crucifixion and ultimate resurrection.
Four men, one calling: To serve & protect. These brave men are well
equipped to deal with hardened criminals. But when they remove their
badges, they face a more daunting
challenge—fatherhood. When tragedy
strikes home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, fears, faith, &
fathering. Can a new- found urgency
help these dads
draw closer to God & their kids.
On Wednesday, April 15th, Pastor Michael will host a gathering
for all interested in attending the Family Weekend retreat at
Santee State Park, which is planned for Friday, September
I8th-Sunday, September 20th. Bring your questions, and the
group will meet after the Wednesday fellowship meal!
TIME: 11:00-1:00
WHERE: Trinity UMC Fellowship Hall
WHO: Children 6th grade and younger
We will serve a pancake brunch with the Easter Bunny at
11:00. Crafts, games, and of course, the egg hunt will follow, so bring your basket
and a friend! Sign-up your family by calling (843) 272-5236!
$5.00 adult
Children eat free
Phone Number:_______________
# Adults________
# Children_____________
The PEP Club will meet on Thursday, April 16th, at noon in the
Fellowship Hall. The meal will be covered dish and members are
asked to bring an entrée, side dish, or dessert to share.
All are invited to meet at Chick-fil-A of North Myrtle Beach (690
Hwy 17 North) on Thursday, April 16th, at 6:00 pm. We will
share in Family Night, enjoying supper and some quality time!
Christian Movie Night
Please come and join us for a showing of “Son of God” on Tuesday
evening, April 21st, at 7:00 pm in the church Fellowship Hall.
Lunch with the Staff
Sunday, April 19th
Immediately following the 11:00 worship service, all are
invited to Wild Wing Café (4706 Hwy 17 South) Come get to know
each other better over a great lunch!
The Evangelism and Congregational Care Team Sharing Trinity’s Programs
St. Patrick’s Day saw dedicated members of Trinity at our booth during the St. Patrick’s Day
festival with our new red Trinity t shirts. Unfortunately, we were blown away and rain upon, so we had
to leave early. But, we had the opportunity to reach out to some of the festival goers before we left.
Well, Mother Nature chose not to cooperate and we were rained out at Nevertheless, we want to thank
those volunteers that came and helped Marie set up the booth and took it down. We also want to
thank the volunteers that were willing to work that day....Betty Autry,
Roxanne Baumann, Martha Free, Patty and Wayne Grove, Scott Keziah, Jill Krumme, Rita and Ken
Ledbetter, Chick Marker, Linda Neely, Doris Pollock, Betsy and Gene Wahl. Thanks again!
Our In Reach team, for short term needs, is busy keeping up with people we learn about. If you know
of someone, or you are someone with a need for a ride, meals coming home for the
hospital, or the caretaker who needs a few hours to do errands, contact Debbie Snow.
The Caring Hearts team headed by Marianne VandaWalker, is concerned with the group of people who
may need visitations, phone calls, and various kinds of care needs over the long run. Give her a call if
you need someone to talk to, or know of someone who needs a visit or long term need to be sure
they know Trinity remembers them.
New Visitor and Attendance team is looking at better ways to keep track of needs of people through
our attendance pads. Dee Rickert is our guide in this outreach. And there is also the group who
does outreach with the Congregational Prayer Program. Betty Autry is heading up that group.
We have just about prayed for all the members in the Trinity directory by the end of next month, and
will start over again. To pray for everyone takes a little over a year. We hope if you have an update
to your information n the directory that you have submitted it to the office.
Wonder if you could fit in, or like to learn more, come to our meetings on the fourth Tuesday of the
month, or give Marie Peacock or one of the other leaders a call. Have a new idea for outreach, or
spiritual growth, share it with one of the team leaders. May God bless our efforts, and with everyone’s
help we shall be able to service our church community and our neighbors outside of our doors.
Don’t forget to get your articles in by the 20th of the month if you
want it published in the newsletter. The 20th is always the deadline,
each and every month!
As there will be more going on at the church it is so important to
get your stuff in on time! Thanks, Sandra
Methodist Children’s Fellowship (MCF) and Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF)
will meet on Sunday evenings from 4:30-6:00 PM.
MYF and MCF will not meet on Easter Sunday, April 5th, and MYF will not meet on Sunday,
April 19th, due to Youth Sunday!
Confirmation is an intentional time of education and growth. Students will
have an opportunity to deepen their faith as we learn more about the church
and what Christians believe. Confirmation will continue each Sunday
afternoon during April from 2:30-4:30. Confirmation Sunday will be
May 24th. Please be in prayer for this group of youth and mentors.
National Day of Prayer Thursday, May 7th
To observe the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 7th, the
Sanctuary will be open for prayer from 7:00 am-7:00 pm; all are welcome to
come pray for our country and the needs of its people. There will also be a
service of worship with Holy Communion at noon.
Relay for Life of North Myrtle Beach/Little River will be held at Barefoot Landing
from 10:00 am-10:00 pm on Saturday, May 2nd. If you are interested in planning for
Team Trinity’s support of this great cause, please speak to Frank Autry or Elizabeth
Cheezem. Cancer hits everyone; together our communities are hitting back!
Team Trinity will meet in the Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, April 7th, at 4:00 pm.
Anyone interested in participating in Relay for Life is welcome to attend!
“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”-Romans 12:21
The children and youth of Trinity will participate in a Rock-A-Thon on Sunday, April 26th, to
benefit Relay for Life! During both morning worship services and Sunday school, children and
youth will be in rocking chairs, accepting donations to continue the fight against cancer and fund
future research. Parents, please sign your child up for their time to “rock!”
A team of workers will travel to Penn Center Salkehatchie on
St. Helena Island June 13th-20th and will represent
Trinity during a week of service repairing homes.
A group of children and youth will be traveling to summer camp at
Asbury Hills, the South Carolina United Methodist Camp
located in the upstate. A group is scheduled to go June 7th-12th, but other weeks are
available! The United Methodist Men have generously established a fund to help make
participation more affordable for our campers!
SAVE THE DATE: Vacation Bible School: G-FORCE
VBS will be held Sunday, July 12th-Thursday, July 16th,
from 5:30-8:00 pm. Trinity is excited for this week of music, games,
crafts, and more, where children will feel God’s Love in Action!
On Tuesday, June 9th, all ages are invited to take a day trip to Annual
Conference in Florence, SC., to attend the Stop Hunger Now meal packaging
event! We will leave the church at 9:00, pack meals, share lunch, tour
Conference, and be back in the early evening.