In This Issue - Fremont Ohio


In This Issue - Fremont Ohio
Fremont Trinity United Methodist Church Newsletter
April 2015
Office Hours:
Monday—Friday 8am—noon
Telephone: 419-332-5032
- Online Church Services
- Online Giving
Facebook: Fremont, Ohio
—Trinity United Methodist Church
In This Issue
Trinity Blessings Closet
Holy Thursday
Easter Sunday
Community Good Friday
Discipleship Classes
Graduation Form
Thank You’s
Friendship Day
In Our Prayers
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Acolyte Schedule
Flower Schedule
Sunday Warriors
Kroger Rewards
Trinity Calendar
Ashley Carrie, Kaylee and Pastor Ben Wallick
My name is Ben Wallick and I am beyond thrilled to be your new
Pastor! In my previous conversations with Pastor H, I can tell that this
congregation is a close-knit, gifted, missional and family-oriented group
of people that love God and each other. I am encouraged by the many
areas of growth experienced over the past few years, and I know God
has amazing things planned for the future of Trinity UMC!
Just a little about myself, I am a native of Pataskala, Ohio which is
about 30 miles east of Columbus. I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree
in Psychology and Minor in Music from The Ohio State University in
Columbus. I am currently a Licensed Local Pastor in the United
Methodist Church. Over the past four years I have pursued a Master of
Divinity degree at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, and expect to
graduate in May. During this time I have also served as the Associate
Pastor at Hayes Memorial UMC right here in Fremont. My wife Carrie is
the Assistant Band Director at the Fremont Ross Middle and High
Schools. My step-daughter Ashley is in the fourth grade and attends
Hayes Elementary. I also have a two-year-old daughter Kaylee.
My first official Sunday isn't until June 28th, but you may see me
around here and there until then. My family and I are look forward to
reconnecting, meeting and getting to know everyone very soon!
Many blessings,
Pastor Ben
Laurie Black
The Lenten Challenge is going very well! As of March 20th we have
collected 92 laundry soaps and 100 packs of toilet paper! We have collected
our goal, but I will keep collecting until Easter Sunday and then will report the
grand total.
Each Wednesday in order to keep the Blessings Closet supplied, I have
removed some laundry soap and toilet paper from the display at the front of
the sanctuary. What you see is not all that we have collected. I believe 92
laundry soaps and 100 packs of toilet paper would have been an overflowing
sight! I may be the coordinator of the Blessings Closet, but you, Trinity
Church, made the Lenten Challenge a huge success! All of the items help
families which come through our doors each week.
Even though donations have been wonderful, the Blessings Closet is in
need of constant supply. Suggested items to donate are:
toilet paper, laundry detergent, dish soap, fabric softener, paper
towels, shampoo, conditioner, facial tissue, bar soap, shower gel,
toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant (men & women), disposable
razors, shaving cream, toilet bowl cleaner, Q-Tips, any household
cleaning products.
Tons of donations!
Thank you!!
Donations can be brought to the church on Sunday mornings or during
church office hours Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Please
put in the shopping cart at the back of the church or in the Missions Room.
For monetary donations, please make a check out to Trinity United Methodist
church (Memo: Blessing Closet). Mail/drop off the check to the church office or
put it in the Sunday service offering plate.
I would like to thank Bev Whisler, who helps in the Blessing Closet most
every week. Even though it was cold or snowy out, she still tried to come in.
Bev is a big help to me.
Questions or like to help in any way, please stop by the Mission Room on
any Wednesday morning from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon or give me a call at
Thursday, April 2, 2015, 7:30pm
Holy Thursday commemorates the Last
Passover meal with his disciples on the night
before he was crucified. In contrast to the joy
of Easter morning when we worship our
risen Savior, the Holy Thursday service is
solemn, marked by the shadow of Jesus’
betrayal. Two events are the focus of Holy
Rev. Ken DeChant, Journey Church
“Father Forgive Them…” Psalm 32 and Luke 23:32-34
Keri DeChant singing “You Are my King (Amazing Love)
Pr. Jody Rice, Grace Lutheran Church
“This Day You Will Be With Me In Paradise.”
Psalm 28 and Luke 23:39-43
Rev. Solomon Woodson, Mount Pleasant Baptist Church
“Woman Behold Your Son…”
Psalm 109:21-31 and John 19:23-27
Earlene Woodson singing “The Lord’s Prayer”
Pr. Jose Rios, Iglesias Camino De Vida Church
“My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?”
Psalm 22:1-9 and Mark 15:33-36
Pastor-Bishop, Andy Robert, The Church Of God
“I Thirst” Psalm 22:11-21a and John 19:28-29
Pr. Bob Young
“Father Into Your Hands”
Psalm 31:1-5, 9-15 and Luke 23:44-49
Pr. Ed Miller, First Brethren Church
“It Is Finished”
Psalm 130 and John 19:3
Before the Passover meal, Jesus
washed the feet of his disciples. By
performing this lowly act, Jesus
demonstrated how Christians are to
love one another through humble
During the Passover meal, Jesus
took bread and wine and asked God
to bless it. He broke the bread into
pieces, gave it to his disciples and
said, “This is my body which is given
for you. Do this in remembrance of
me.” Then he took the cup of wine,
shared it with his disciples and said,
“This cup which is poured out for you
is the new covenant in my
blood.” (RSV Luke 22:19-20)
Please join us Holy Thursday evening
at 7:30 pm, here at Trinity. We will be
observing our traditional service with
readings and Holy Communion.
Easter Sunday
At Trinity
Please join us Easter Sunday at
10:15am for our Celebration Service.
There will be special music and
Praying the Way of the Cross To
Remember The Sacrificial Death Of
Christ On The Cross
After the Community Good Friday Service
April 3rd—Noon -3pm
Processing From The Front Steps of
Grace Lutheran To St Ann Church And Back
Discipleship Classes 9:00am—10:00am
 Nursery, Birth to age 3, Main Floor
 “HOT” Time, Age 4 to 6th Grade,
Children’s Worship Room, Main Floor.
 CCC Christ, Coffee & Conversation,
Young -Middle Age Adults, Off Fellowship Hall.
 Discovery Class,
Middle Age Adults, Discovery Room, Main Floor.
 Fellowship Class,
Retirees and Middle Age, Lounge, Main Floor.
Fusion Youth 6:30pm—8:00pm, Youth Room
If you are graduating this
spring or have already
graduated in the past
year, Trinity would like to
recognize you in the June
Outlook and invite you
participate in graduation
recognition, Sunday, May
31st at the 10:15am
reception will be held after
the service.
Please fill out the form
and include a photo if you
wish and mail/drop off to
the church office or email
trinty@midohio.twcb. com
by May 15th. Thank you!
(Mailed & dropped off
photos will be mailed back
to address on form.)
Include my Information in June Outlook newsletter:
I will attend church for graduate Sunday, May 31, 2015:
Yes / No
Yes / No
(Please Print)
Phone#: ____________________________ Email: _________________________________________
Parent’s/Spouse/Grandparent’s Name(s)
School Graduating From
Date of Graduation _______________________ Degree____________________________________
Activities, Honors, Awards, Scholarships Earned _________________________________________
Dear Trinity Members & Friends,
Rainbow Circle would like to
thank everyone for making the
soup sale a huge success! We
hope you enjoyed the soup and goodies. Thank
you for your support.
Dear Friends of Fremont City Schools,
At its regular meeting the Fremont City Schools
Board of Education your donation of scarves, hats
and gloves to Atkinson, Croghan, Hayes, Lutz,
Otis and Stamm Elementary Schools..
Your involvement in our schools is a positive
step in making good schools even better. We are
extremely fortunate to have congregations, such
as yours, who are willing to share their talents
and resources with our students.
Thank you for your contribution.
Sincerely, Traci McCaudy, Ed.D,
Superintendent of Schools
Shirley Mullholand—419-332-1877
Dear Friends,
Each year, we work to achieve a world free of
malaria deaths and debilitating sickness.
Because of your generous gift of $308.15, in
2014, we moved closer toward accomplishing this
dream. Thank you. We have joined hands with
worldwide partners. We have made tremendous
progress. But the fight is not over. Please
continue to give generously and to pray for
success. Together we will carry the light to the
end of the road home.
Peace and Blessings,
Bishop Thomas Bickerton, Chair
Global Health Initiative,
The United Methodist Church
Members and Friends In Our Prayers
Brennen Reineck, Kaitiln Baker, Richard
Baker, Michael Lightner, Dick Hufford,
Jean Black, Linda Faraday, Ted Wadsworth,
Richard Jeanette, Donna Shively,
Coletta Rutherford,
Michael Kent—brother of Tamara
Damschroder, Beth Lewis, Sandy Sage,
Kent Cartwright, Joyce Lauridsen,
Larry Picciuto, Frank Trevino,
Laura Andecover, Rick King, Bill Wyss,
Ginny Secrist, Joyce Knipp, Katie Peterson
(Missionary), Bev Andecover, Pat Zyski,
Jen Randolph, Roxanne Gabel,
Shannon (Donna Thatcher’s niece),
Christopher Smith, Phil Smart, John Williams,
Yvonne Price, Betty Heflinger,
Peggy Reed, Steve Secrist, Laurie Black,
Howard Reineck, Linda Mosser
April 5
Oliver Ellis & Sophia Rohm
April 12
Devenn Reineck
April 19
Sean & Andrew Thurston
April 26
Erin & Alex Thatcher
April 1
Erin Thatcher
April 3
Madeline Reed
April 4
Cory Kohlenberg
April 8
Matthew Black
April 10
John Stull, III
April 11
Charlie Harris
April 12
John Peterson
April 5
Maury & Sandy Gnepper
Rick & Luella Smith
April 15
Daniel Clouse
Russell Stuckey
April 12
Open Date—Call Office To Provide
April 16
Kyler Zyski
April 19
Jenny Wagner
April 19
Dennis Klinski
April 26
Open Date—Call Office To Provide
April 23
Julia Clouse
April 14
Dan & Ginny Secrist
Flower Helper For April: Sheila Rohm
April 5
No Children’s Church
April 12
Andrea Thurston
April 19
Chris Farson & Beth Farson
April 26
Annette Swartz
Kroger’s Community Rewards
Krogers will make a contribution to Trinity United Methodist Church every time you
shop! No extra cost to you. To do this please enroll/re-enroll. Let’s continue
receiving the quarterly check made out to Trinity!
Already Member In The Program?
Every past participant must renew the program, starting April 1st.
Go to web site below and follow instructions below to re-enroll.
New To The Program? You need to have a Kroger Rewards Card first.
(Get card at Krogers) Then, go to the web address below. Follow instructions.
Create an account/sign in email address, create/enter password,
Click Enroll—Organizations #84985
Click Trinity United Methodist Church (204 N. Wayne St., Fremont)
Click Enroll
Questions or need help? Call church office 419-332-5032, M-F 8:00am—Noon