Final Nechama with JFS(1)
Final Nechama with JFS(1)
NechamaComfort Services NechamaComfort is the brainchild of founder Reva Judas. - Immediate attention when the situation Thirty years ago, Reva suffered the loss of her first son 12 hours after his birth. She and husband Danny experienced 6 miscarriages. As a rabbi's daughter, she was fortunate to get support during the initial time. But she found that resources and information about infant and pregnancy loss were difficult to find. arises. - Helping all family members at the time of loss with individual counseling, resource referrals, working to create lasting memories. - Help with burial. - Regular support groups. - Advice during subsequent pregnancies. - Phone/ Skype counseling for distant clients. - Resources and education for medical staff and clergy. - Community education programs. - Assisting families to find meaningful ways to move beyond the loss. Nechama Means Comfort in Hebrew. Reva and Danny now have four healthy children and are doting grandparents. Reva earned chaplaincy certification from Hackensack Medical Center and is a certified Infant Pregnancy Loss Facilitator from the Resolve through Share program. NechamaComfort is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping all family members who have experienced infant or pregnancy loss at any time in their lives. Hope Comfort 642 M aitland Avenue Support Teaneck, NJ 07666 Nech am aCom for t Helping when help is needed most. When a pregnancy ends before birth or when the child does not survive, the sense of loss is profound. Where can the family turn? NechamaComfort is there from the moment of loss to years later...offering counseling, resources, support groups and community education about the difficulties of infant or pregnancy loss. 201-692-9302 Can you h el p u s with ou r im por tan t wor k ? Do you know someone who has experienced infant or pregnancy loss? We understand it can be difficult to know what to say or do to support people who are going through this tragedy. That's why we've created a downloadable guide of Do's and Don'ts to learn how you can be a comfort to the family at this difficult time. Find the PDF and other valuable resources on our website: NechamaComfort was founded in 2008 and is hosted by the Jewish Family Service of Bergen and North Hudson. Our Advisory Board includes medical personnel, therapists and clergy. All services are free to anyone in need. Expenses to date have been absorbed by our founder. Turning memories into blessings. We are seeking donations to: - Expand outreach. Apply for grant funding. Develop a Child Burial needs fund. Create a family Memory Box . Conduct annual Memorial Service. Publish a guide for clergy & medical personnel. - Healing trip to Israel. Givin g Level s DONOR: $36 SUPPORTER: $100 FRIEND $180 BENEFACTOR: $360 PATRON: $1,000 Cont ribut ions of any amount are wel come. For any contribution over $36, we can send an acknowledgement & memorial card to a family you designate. We are also always looking for volunteers, advisors and professionals who can help us in our mission. Please contact founder Reva Judas to help NechamaComfort: 201-692-9302.