here - NEW AITP - Association of Information Technology
here - NEW AITP - Association of Information Technology
The Northeastern Wisconsin Chapter of the Association of Information Technology Professionals presents The 39th Annual Golf Outing benefiting the Sherry Anklam Memorial Award Wednesday, July 15th, 2015 | Mid Vallee Golf Course, De Pere WI The Sherry Anklam Memorial Award (SAMA) provides scholarships to students and student chapters to offset the cost of IT education. The SAMA is primarily funded by the proceeds of the annual golf outing, which boasts an annual attendance of 150+ IT professionals. Sponsorship Opportunities: Eagle Sponsor (Limit One) | $1500 • Recognition as Eagle Sponsor on our website, event photo folders, & the event schedule • Signage with your company identification at your sponsored hole • Speaking opportunity at a 2015 NEW AITP monthly meeting • 18 holes of golf for a four-some, including 4 dinner tickets • Logo printed on a souvenir bag given to each golfer • Logo showcased twice in the event’s multimedia presentation • Verbal recognition during dinner Birdie Sponsor | $1000 • Recognition as Birdie Sponsor on our website, event photo folders, & the event schedule • Signage with your company identification at your sponsored hole • Speaking opportunity at a 2015 NEW AITP monthly meeting • 18 holes of golf for a two-some, including 2 dinner tickets • Logo showcased twice in the event’s multimedia presentation • Verbal recognition during dinner Hole Sponsor | $275 • Recognition at your sponsored hole, on our website, event photo folders, & the event schedule • Logo showcased once in the event’s multimedia presentation • Verbal recognition during dinner Lunch Patron | $850 • Recognition at the serving area, on our website, event photo folders, & the event schedule • Your representatives or our staff can greet golfers and hand out lunch boxes at the clubhouse • Logo showcased once in the event’s multimedia presentation • Verbal recognition during dinner Breakfast Patron | $550 • Recognition at the serving area, on our website, event photo folders, & the event schedule • Greet our golfers as they prepare for the day’s activities • Logo showcased once in the event’s multimedia presentation • Verbal recognition during dinner For more information or to reserve your sponsorship, contact Carrie Drephal, Event Chair, at 920.915.2166 or Donations are Tax Deductible. Visit us online at The Northeastern Wisconsin Chapter of the Association of Information Technology Professionals presents The 39th Annual Golf Outing benefiting the Sherry Anklam Memorial Award Mid Vallee Golf Course, De Pere WI | Wednesday, July 15th, 2015 The Sherry Anklam Memorial Award (SAMA) provides scholarships to students and student chapters to offset the cost of IT education. The SAMA is primarily funded by the proceeds of the annual golf outing, which boasts an annual attendance of 150+ IT professionals. Sponsorship Opportunities: Hole-in-One Patron (Limit Two) | $300 Get the excitement going by sponsoring the Hole-in-One challenge at one of our traditional betting holes! One spot available on each nine. Includes all the benefits listed for Hole Sponsor. Driving Range Patron | $300 Help the golfers prepare for the day’s event by sponsoring the driving range from 8:00-9:15am. This is a great opportunity to greet the golfers and promote your company. You will receive recognition through signage with your company logo, as well as having your logo in the multimedia presentation, inclusion of logo on the photo folders, and verbal recognition at dinner. Photo Folder Patron | $300 Have your logo showcased with the team pictures on our Photo Folders! Your company will also be verbal recognized at dinner as a Photo Folder Patron. Hospitality Package Patron Hospitality patronages provide a unique opportunity to promote your company by providing items such as golf balls, towels, t-shirts, and other promotional items to be included in the souvenir bags to our 144 golfers. Additionaly, you will receive verbal recognition at dinner. Door Prize Patron Promote your company as a winner by contributing a door prize. Receive verbal recognition as a Door Prize Patron during dinner as your prize is given away. Other Sponsorships We have a few other sponsorships available that are not listed here. If you are interested in finding out the details of these sponsorships, please contact our Event Chair. For more information or to reserve your sponsorship, contact Carrie Drephal, Event Chair, at 920.915.2166 or Donations are Tax Deductible. Visit us online at
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