North Heaton Focus April 2015


North Heaton Focus April 2015
A record of action from Doreen & Greg
A promise of even more from Christine!
A message from Christine Morrissey
As I’ve been working my way round the doorsteps during the campaign and meeting local residents, I know how many local people really value the work
of the local Lib Dem councillors and their FOCUS newsletters - and just how hard Greg and Doreen work for our area. The Labour councillor standing down
at this election has done very little by comparison during his four year term. If I’m elected on May 7th, I look forward to being part of a FOCUS team of 3
Lib Dem councillors that works even harder and gets even more done for our area.
I’m a former nurse and now work as a special needs teacher (I trained at the Freeman and Coach Lane) - I know the area very well and am currently
looking to buy a house locally. I’ve been working closely with Doreen and Greg on local campaigns such as extending residents parking on the High
Heaton estate, fighting to save local crossing patrols from council cuts, tackling speeding problems, securing funding for more local street cleaning and
road and pavement repairs, and supporting the introduction of a local Farmers Market. I’m also keen to use my professional experience to work to
improve local provision for children and for older people.
If elected, I pledge to work closely with my colleagues and with the local community to improve quality of life for everyone in North Heaton. I hope
you’ll consider supporting me on May 7th - if you put your confidence and trust in me, I won’t let you down!
Greg and Doreen add:
07726 594928
Working hard all year round and reporting back to local residents regularly through
FOCUS, local neighbourhood newsletters, email updates, resident surveys, and
surgeries - it sounds basic but we’re the only party who does this in North Heaton.
Working hard to make North Heaton cleaner, greener, and safer by prioritising quality
of life and campaigning for improvements to street cleaning, park maintenance, and
restoring the NH ward budget for road and pavement repairs - Labour have diverted
this to city centre “vanity projects”
Working with residents to tackle local neighbourhood priorities like commuter parking congestion on the High Heaton estate, speeding and rat-running problems on
Cochrane Park, safer routes to schools in Heaton, and litter and dumping in back
lanes in the Terraces
Working to protect local quality of life by supporting “walkable neighbourhoods”,
cycle improvements, safeguarding the character of local shopping areas by
opposing more takeaways, and opposing inappropriate development
Safeguarding Woodlands and the Library and improving provision for young & old
Never forgetting that we work on your behalf - we are always mindful of the need to
keep council tax & waste under control. Our priorities are pavements, street cleaning,
& local services, not Labour’s multi-million refurbishment of the Civic Centre.
Dr Wendy Taylor lives in High Heaton and is well known as a long serving Dene ward councillor and a cancer
specialist working in Tyneside hospitals. She was recently awarded an MBE for service to the local community.
She contested Newcastle East at the last General Election , where she won 33% of the vote and reduced the
Labour MP’s majority to 4453. She is deputy leader of the Opposition on Newcastle City Council and former
council cabinet member for the environment. She represented High Heaton and Cochrane Park areas of the
ward from 1988 until boundary changes in 2004 and is a school governor at Cragside and Heaton Manor.
She is making the NHS, mental health, care for the elderly, and the environment key themes of her campaign
and is a committed champion of liberal values, human rights, & international aid. In terms of national policy,
the Lib Dems will prioritise £8 billion a year of extra spending on the NHS and £2.5 billion on schools, and
will further reform the tax system so that anyone earning the fullt-ime national minimum wage will be taken
out of paying income tax. We want 300,000 new homes built, and will work to create a thriving high-growth
low-carbon economy alongside 5 new flagship Green Laws - Zero Carbon, Zero Waste, Green Transport,
Heat and Energy Efifiency, and Nature Protection.
It’s Lib Dem
or Labour here…
2014 NH Local Election result
Printed by Novoprint, 17 Denmark Street, Heaton Published & Promoted by G Stone on behalf of C Morrissey and W Taylor (Lib Dems) all at 4 Dene Crescent, South Gosforth, NE3 1QS
Can’t win here
Not shown:
Trade Union Socialists - 3.6%