HB Focus Mar 15 - East Kent Coast Liberal Democrats


HB Focus Mar 15 - East Kent Coast Liberal Democrats
Heron Ward
Meet the candidates
Ken Hando
Ken was a Lib Dem councillor for 15 years
up to 2011. He is a member and supporter
of the Pier Trust ,Clock Tower Trust and
Museum Trust and many other voluntary
organisations in the town. “As a father and
grandfather myself I am particularly keen
on helping young families with their
housing problems and supporting them to
help in getting get their first foot on the
housing ladder. I am also Chair of the East
Kent European Movement and I believe
that the UK must not become a peripheral
country on the edge of Europe.”
Sam Mahrouche
Nigel Oakes
Sam is a full time student studying Politics
and International Relations at Canterbury
Christ Church University. “At 17, I
represented the East of England in the
United Kingdom Youth Parliament with an
underlying determination to improve the
lives of disadvantaged children all over the
country. I joined the Lib Dems not only for
their stance on the economy and fairer
taxation but for our shared view on the
democratic deficit in this country and our
mission to tackle poverty and mental
health issues head on.”
Nigel is a retired teacher who also worked
in industry and commerce. Prior to this he
served in the Army in the Cheshire
Regiment. He was a Lib Dem councillor
from 2000 - 2007. “I am interested in all
aspects of local government, but I feel my
main strengths are in supporting and
advising the disadvantaged sector of the
community. I am involved in voluntary
charity work for the Soldiers, Sailors and
Air Force Association and am also a
trustee for The Kent Family Mediation
● We will fight for a Town Council for Herne Bay to devolve decision making and give local people a greater say
● We will ensure that increased investment is made for repair and maintenance of pavements in the town centre
● We will investigate better controls of traffic using the pedestrianised town centre area during restricted hours
● We will seek to increase the allowed parking time in restricted town centre areas from 1 to 2 hours and to extend sea front
parking for up to 4 hours all year round
● We will campaign for more affordable housing for young families
● We will work with local Youth Support groups, Community Wardens and PCSO’s to contrao anti-social behaviour in the Memorial Park, town centre and sea front area
Only the Lib Dems can turn Herne Bay around and make the council more open and democratic
Vote Lib Dem on May 7TH and we will give you a voice throughout the year, not just at election time
Introducing George Cunningham
I’m George Cunningham and I’m your Liberal Democrat candidate
for North Thanet, Herne Bay.
I’ve been a soldier in the British Army, worked for two of Britain’s
most successful global companies, run a charity and been a United
Nations and European diplomat. I know how to bring new
investment, jobs and opportunities to Thanet and Herne Bay. I’ve
worked hard all my life to serve my family and my country. I’ve also
known unemployment. I know how it feels to need work.
Like you, I live in the real world. For too long the local political
establishment has sat on its hands. They’ve had their time. If you
elect me to Parliament, I will be your champion.
I will bring all my experience of business and the European Union
to bear on improving the local economy. You need a champion,
not a eurosceptic spectator.
The Liberal Democrats are proud of their record in government. We stood up for the ordinary families of Britain.
And the Lib Dems have stopped the Tory party from destroying our public services. The Lib Dems have taken
tough decisions to help get Britain back to growth. The Conservatives have not succeeded in Thanet. In fact,
they have failed. The area has experienced decline relative to the rest of Kent. It has often been ignored. Now
is the time for the people to speak. Now is the time to say enough is enough and to vote for a better future.
Allow me to be your MP. Make me your choice, for your postal vote and on Thursday 7th May.
Contact George:
: eastkentcoastlibdems.org.uk/George
George Cunningham for North Thanet
What does Herne Bay need?
20 mph speed limit on the seafront?
Revised junction layout giving safer pedestrian crossing
in the Kings Rd/Dering Rd/Park Rd area?
Better pedestrian access from the seafront through to
the town and Memorial park?
We welcome your views on these and any other topics.
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....................................................... Postcode: .......................
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you think!
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q I can help by delivering FOCUS in my area
q I can help by giving a donation. I enclose a
cheque payable to “Canterbury Lib Dems”*
q I will be voting Lib Dem at the next election
q I will display a poster at election time.
* A donation of £12 or more entitles you to membership
of the Lib Dems. Please tick the box if you wish to
donate, but not become a member.
Please return to: Canterbury Lib Dems, FREEPOST RRLJ-CXSC-CLRC, Canterbury CT1 2QU or email us at info@cantlibdem.org.uk
Published and promoted by Nigel Whitburn on behalf of Canterbury Liberal Democrats, all at 1 New Street, Ash, Canterbury. Printed by SSLD. 1 Minterne Avenue, Sittingbourne