April 2015 eBridge - Christ Lutheran Church


April 2015 eBridge - Christ Lutheran Church
April 2015 e-Bridge
Hippity Hoppity!
Good morning, y'all! I hope
everyone is having a meaningful
and contemplative Holy Week, in
preparation for celebrating Easter
Sunday just two days away.
It has been super busy around
CLC! Our traditional Easter lilies
arrived, all of the bulletins were
put where they need to be, this
edition of our e-Bridge was
started our special holiday
service schedule.
Our Christ Lutheran Preschool
performed for a packed house
earlier in the week, and they were
From Pastor Dave
"Easter -- God's Final Statement"
Easter morning injects a single
conviction: THE TOMB IS EMPTY!
unexpectedly empty tomb is God's
statement to a questioning world.
what does it mean? What is
significance of an empty tomb?
There was nothing in Jesus' burial or gravesite to indicate
he lived a unique life. No cave drawings told his story. No
painted casket offered last words or images to convey the
teachings or the healings. No golden trinkets were buried
with him to indicate his royal lineage or his divine
power. He was placed in a fresh cave in a garden. A
large rock sealed the opening. The grave and
entombment were perfectly common and ordinary. At
least it seemed ordinary.
soooo cute! It is hard to believe
it's been three years since
Taylor's last show here. She still
talks fondly of her experiences at
CLP, and our teachers will likely
always be among her favorites.
On Easter morning, however, God made a final statement
that trumps any final statement we aspire to declare: THE
Upon this they all agree. The women. The disciples. The
authorities. The scholars. The skeptics. All agree that
Jesus would not be caught dead in that cave! Death
simply could not hold him. God said, "Enough!" and gave
His Son a glorious, unheard of, never-to-be-repeated by
any imposter-Resurrection! In the cross, the burial, the
stone rolled away, the empty tomb, and the resurrection of
Jesus Christ, God has finally swallowed up death in
The Easter victory over death is a given. God freely gives
it to you and me. And Jesus now calls us by name and
leads us into the way of life that is beyond any lasting
catch of death.
Jesus would not be caught dead in that tomb. He prefers
to be caught alive outside the tomb - seen in the garden,
along the road to Emmaus, in the faces of people who
have experience resurrection and know it comes from
God. Caught alive - in you and in me!
Mrs. Betts reports that the
Preschool far surpassed last
year's contributions in the Birdies
for Charity and is only 25 pennies
- one quarter! - away from
topping their new goal. They want
to express a HUGE THANK YOU!
to everyone who has already
been so supportive in this
mission. There is one week left
to donate. Click the link in the
CL Preschool section of this eBridge to donate online (be
This Sunday we will celebrate life. We will celebrate with
bright colors, new clothes, candy eggs, Easter Lilies. We
will send cards, sing hymns of hope, wish each other well,
and smile a lot. We will have a song in our hearts as we
will sing and shout, "Hosannas!" We will lift our voices in
"Jesus Christ is Risen Today" and "Christ is Risen,
Alleluia!" as we celebrate once again being caught alive in
Jesus Christ our Lord.
Because He lives, we can face tomorrow. Because He
lives, all fear is gone. Because He lives, we shall live
also. After all, Easter is the day death died! Alleluia! And
that's God's final statement!
Happy Easter,
Pastor Dave
Much-Enjoyed Second Annual
Lutheran Preschool as your
choice), or just call Nancy at
the school next week at 843785-6570.
There are still many events
scheduled in celebration of
Easter. Today there are two
Good Friday Services, one at
noon and one at 7:00 pm and of
course our Easter Day services.
The weather forecast for Sunday
is beautiful but if you're planning
on attending the Sunrise
Service at 6:30 AM at the
Palmetto Dunes Marriott, bring
a jacket as it's only supposed
to be in the low 40's.
And on the eighth day, the Pastor
rests. Please make a note that
the office is closed all day
I can't wrap this edition up without
a big cheer -- GO GREEN!!!! In
Spartan country, that's where you
would respond with a GO
WHITE!!!! There will be a lot of
that shouting at our house
Saturday starting at 6:00 PM and,
God willing, Monday at 9:15 PM. I
will actually say a little prayer
before the game (I hope that's
OK, Pastor?). After this, no MSU
talk until September 4 (that's only
144 days away).
I hope everyone has a truly
miraculous Easter,
Easter Egg Hunt
(March 28) the bunny was
very busy hiding about 1000
THANK YOU to all of our
faithful bunny helpers who
came out in the chilly morning air to set up, hide, greet
families, love on the children, help with the hunt, food,
drinks and to break down! A successful event like this
would not be able without you!
Our preschool families and visitors loved the hunt, our
warm welcome and the many eggs they were able to
find! As one preschool mom noted "We love the CLC
Easter Egg Hunt. My kids know the grounds, they are
friends with most of the other kids, and it is small
enough for them to feel safe to participate. They won't
get run over by older, rude children!" It would seem
our Outreach Mission was a success! See more cute
pictures below ...
Celebrating April Birthdays
4/1: Joan Gormley, Elizabeth Murray, Annemarie
4/2: Sandy Heins
4/3: Janet Garnjost
4/4: Billy Howe
4/6: Jan Heugel
4/8: Linda Kondor, Brittany Olesh, Ernst Pfrunder
4/10: Kathy Oleson
4/13: Jennifer Bayer & Helen Osborne
4/15: Edie Marth
4/17: Dorcus Leibold & Kelly Schibler
4/18: Joyce Keller & Amy Aurelio
4/19: Ed Davis, Anita Gwin, and Mike Sloan
4/20: Benjamin & Kent Eddy
4/23: Cherie Taylor
4/24: Eileen Grove
4/26: Matthew Burleson
Celebrating April Birthdays
4/14: John & Janet Garnjost, 42 years
4/14: Gary & Kathy Reynolds, 42 years
4/17: Elizabeth & Joseph Murray, 44 years
4/17: Connie & Joseph Simon, 44 years
4/19: Doug & Ann Hamnes, 29 years
4/19: Dick & Edie Marth, 62 years
4/28: Alan & Deanna Coyne, 42 years
If your information is incorrect or not included, please
email the Church Office at info@clchhi.com with any
Easter Sunday School
This Easter Sunday at 9:40 AM
we will share the Easter Story
with our children in Heinrichs
Hall. Have your children follow
"The Story of the Resurrection
Eggs - Benjamin's Box" with us as
they will be able to gather Easter
symbols in their own little box.
Like always, our storytime will be
preceded by music. Mark your
calendar for the next 1st Sunday
of the month and Youth Sunday
School, May 3.
Sign up for your photo session here. One
day only, April 7!
This is your last chance to be included in the new
photo directory. Call John Babbitts with any
questions at 341-2465.
Quick Links for You:
Church Homepage
Church Calendar
Facebook Page
Easter Egg Hunt
Our bilingual bunny - Alan Coyne
CLPreschoolers and visitors on the hunt!
Taylor filling her basket
The Pyrlik's, family and god children
Chloe & Eli Bredeson
Registration Open Now!
Early registration is open for friends and family of
Christ Lutheran Preschool for the next school
year. CLP enjoyed a full house of children eager to learn
this year, and spots are limited for next year. If you know
of anyone with children of preschool age and would like to
know more about our state-accredited program, have them
contact Nancy Conder at 843-785-6570.
Hurry! Spaces are filling up quickly!
Birdies for Charity - Now through April 10
The Preschool is in its final fundraising week with Birdies for Charity. They are only 25 pennies
away from their goal of $600! That's $100 more than last year. They would like to express their
gratitude toward the church members who have already generously supported this mission. If
anyone would like to help with the last 25 pennies, you can do so by clicking the link below, drop
a check in the offering tray (made out to Heritage Classic Foundation) or call the school
next week at 843.785.6570. The deadline for giving is April 10.
(Be sure to designate Christ Lutheran Preschool as your charity choice)
Calling All Artists and Art Lovers - April 28
The Christ Lutheran Preschool Children's Art Show and Silent Auction is April 28, at 6:00
PM in Heinrichs Hall. Children of CLP will have two pieces each of their art included in the show.
In addition, we include the works of local artists for a silent auction, and we are hopeful our
preschool parents and church members will help in this important fundraiser for the school. There
are two ways to help right now: You can donate your personal artwork, or contact your
talented friends for them to donate. All types of art/crafts are welcome. Please let us know if
you will have something to contribute. Secondly, you can attend the show and bid on the
items. It's always a great time and a fun way to support the school. So, save the date!
Mission Activities
St. James Baptist Church Soup Kitchen - April 9
Every second Thursday of the month, we support the St. James Baptist Church Soup Kitchen by
providing desserts and helping with distribution. Our next opportunity to serve is April
9. Preferred treats include brownies and cookies (packed in individual bags, because most lunches
will be "take-out"). We also can provide fresh fruit (best options are apples, oranges, bananas).
Whenever the kitchen has fruit (usually not a lot), the fruit always goes FIRST! There seems to be
great desire to have something fresh!
We are also looking for volunteers willing to help pack lunch boxes from 9:30 to 10-ish and
distribute meals around noon. If you would like to help in any way, please contact Silke at
silkepyrlik@clchhi.com first to see what is currently needed and how you can serve. We welcome
our newest volunteers, Charles and Carol Lader and Dianne Hillyer! Thank you!
Backpack Buddies - April 9
We are winding down our school year with Backpack Buddies. Our last packing here at the
church will be Thursday, April 9, at 10:30 AM in Heinrich's Hall. Susan Buck's 3rd grade class
from Hilton Head Christian Academy will join us this last time. Our Friday Buddies will continue to
give food to kids through the end of the school year. Thank you to everyone who helped make this
a very successful mission.
Family Promise - April 19-26
Christ Lutheran Church supports All Saints Episcopal Church with Family Promise. They have a
well-developed program to serve their guests with meals, shelter and loving care. We need
volunteers to cook a meal or be an overnight guest at the church. The specific weeks are
April 19-26, 2015; Aug. 23-30, 2015; and Oct. 11-18, 2015. Please call Alan Coyne, Christ
Lutheran's coordinator for Family Promise, for more details. His office number is 843-682-8106;
Cell is 843-290-2124; Home is 843-681-9747. Email is alan@alancoyne.com.
Congregational Activities
Fore! Golf Group - NEW DATE April 11
Our next CLC golf outing will be on Saturday, April 11. Due to the scheduled HERITAGE
GOLF TOURNMENT, our schedule has been moved up one week. Remember, these golf
outings are for CLC members and friends who would like to play golf with our group. We always
play a team scramble so everyone can enjoy the game and assist their team. This month we will
be playing the Pinecrest Golf Course in Bluffton. If you are not already on our golf e-mail list
and would like to play, please contact Nolan Hanson at NhansonN@aol.com. Come join the fun!
CLC Book Club - April 11
The April meeting of Book Group will be April 11 at 1:30 pm, at Chris Wilcox's house. Please
let her know if you will attend at Christineewilcox@aol.com or 342-9711. We will be
discussing The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin
Olympics by Daniel James Brown and Elsa Felten will be our discussion leader. This is a very
good read that men will also enjoy.
May 9 - Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande
June 13 - The Time Between by Karen White
A Musical Fellowship Event - May 2
Mark your calendar now for the first Saturday in May, May 2, and plan to join us inHeinrich's
Hall at 6:30 PM for a wonderful Christian concert presented by Tim Malchak. Tim Malchak is
an American country music singer/songwriter. He partnered with Dwight Rucker in 1982 to form
the country music duo Malchak & Rucker. They became the first black/white duo in country music
history. Tim moved to South Carolina in 1992. In 2001, he released his first Christian album,
Pathway to Glory, on his own Parable Records. Later that year, he launched Tim Malchak
Ministries. To date he has released 7 Christian CD's. We encourage you to bring family and
friends. A free will offering will be collected at the door. This event is brought to you by CLC's
Fellowship Committee.
American Heart Association Heart Walk - May 9 at Shelter Cove Park
Once again, Wayne Sebulsky is our Team Captain for Christ Lutheran Church. Why the Heart
Walk? Did you know 1 in 3 Americans have some form of cardiovascular disease and that heart
disease kills more women than all forms of cancer combined? We can change these statistics by
joining together to walk and fundraise for Heart Walk. We had such a great time last year as a
team in Bluffton. Let's strive for another great turnout and represent CLC!
An online team page to sign up for the walk or to donate is:
Team CLC!. The ID is CLC2015 and the password is Lutheran. You can help by walking or
donating. Or you can donate by check in the offering plate. Make it out to American Heart
Association and put Heart Walk in the memo. For more information, contact Wayne
Sebulsky at 715-3287.
Christ's Loyal Chefs Feed Souls ... Many Thanks!
Thank you to Christ Loyal Chefs who prepared the soups for our Soup and Salad Lenten
Kirk Taylor, Carl Lynn, Doug Felten, Don Bethman, Manfred Pyrlik and Ed Barrett
(rumor has it Ed's wife Judy was actually the one who made the pea soup). You outdid yourselves
again this year. Thank you, also, to Neil Springer, Nolan Hanson, Jim Breland, Don Bethman,
Bill Putrino, Ed Barrett, Larry Hicks, Nancy Englund and Helen Babbitts for all your help.
Once again, attendance was amazing; our record dinner turnout for this year was 87!
To the congregation and visitors: Thank you for your generous contributions of salads, desserts,
bread, deviled eggs and so much more. However, your presence was what really counted the
most. The worship that followed the Lenten dinners was beautiful, inspirational services of song,
prayer and praise.
John Babbitts
Men's Fellowship
"Roots" Bible Study
Our "roots" Bible Study meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 10 - 11:15 AM in the
CONFERENCE ROOM just off the church sanctuary. Our study is an in-depth look at the Book
of Daniel. Would you like to understand Bible prophecy concerning the end of the world? Would
you like to study Bible prophecy that predicted exactly when the Jewish Messiah (Jesus) would
appear the first time? Would you like to be inspired by a man of faith? Would you like to know that
God is in control, even though you are going through suffering or persecution for your faith? These
are all reasons to study the book of Daniel. Come and be inspired and, at the same time, lifted up!
Adult Sunday School
The leaders and members of the Adult Sunday School Class invite you to come and join us
every Sunday morning at 9:45 AM in Heinrich's Hall. We use the Augsburg Bible Studies, a
quarterly dated Bible Study, which covers a wide range of biblical books and themes. Come share
the fellowship of our members, our open and sincere discussion, and a study of how these
scriptures relate to us in our lives today. We look forward to seeing you.
Leader: Emily & Jim Breland
Location: Heinrich's Hall
Thank you for continuing to read and support
our e-Bridge. If you haven't already, please
take a moment to update your subscription
Profile/Email Address" link at the bottom of this
page. This will ensure you only receive
communications from us that are pertinent to
your interests. If you would like to contribute to
the content of CLC e-Bridge, please email
Mardy with your picture, quote, or article (ready
to cut and paste electronically) by the 25th of
the preceding month.
welcome all
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Christ Lutheran Church | 829 William Hilton Parkway | Hilton Head Island | SC | 29928