Newport BridgeFest 2015 Intern Application


Newport BridgeFest 2015 Intern Application
Arts & Cultural Alliance of Newport County
Newport BridgeFest Intern Application
Entering its 7th year, Newport BridgeFest is a local, live music and music education festival that "bridges" the gap
between the prestigious Newport Folk and Jazz Festivals for a continuous 10 days of music in our community.
This year’s festival dates are Monday July 27 through Thursday July 30, 2015.
This brand new Newport BridgeFest internship is designed to provide students and recent graduates with an
opportunity to learn about careers in the arts, event planning, media relations, artist relations, and supporting
areas of Newport BridgeFest. The experience will grant candidates a first hand behind-the-scenes look into event
planning/promotion, networking in the arts and music scene. Primary responsibilities will be to attend meetings
with Newport BridgeFest Director, assist in festival planning, run errands as needed, and help staff the BridgeFest
information booth at the Art Fair during the week of Newport BridgeFest. Workload will be light until July 2015,
with the heaviest hours during the week of BridgeFest July 27-30, 2015. Internship starts on May 1st and ends by
August 15, 2015.
At the end of the program, each intern will be provided with insightful letters of recommendation from both the
BridgeFest director and the President of the Arts & Cultural Alliance of Newport County for his/her portfolio and
résumé. Interns will each receive a small stipend to help cover travel expenses during the week of Newport
Eligibility: Candidates should be high school, college or graduate students (or recent graduates) who are at least
18 years of age by May 1, 2015, have access to transportation during the month of July 2015, and be readily
accessible by phone and/or internet correspondence.
Applicant Name: __________________________ Email:
Address: ________________________________ Phone:
City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________________
Date of Birth: _________/_________/_________ High School: _____________________________
College: ________________________________ Major/Degree Program: _____________________
List any awards/honors:
List Employment History (Includes paid, volunteer, and intern positions)
Why you would like to work as a Newport BridgeFest intern?
How did you find out about the position for which you are applying?
Most Recent Employer:
Supervisor (Name & Title):
Position Title:
Start Date:
Description of duties:
Telephone Number:
End Date:
Professional Reference*
Telephone Number:
Nature of Relationship:
Length of Relationship:
Personal Reference*
Telephone Number:
Nature of Relationship:
Length of Relationship:
* References may not be family members.
Application Procedures: Candidates must submit a signed and completed application form with a one-page
resume. All application items must be submitted as a complete package. In support of acceptance, candidates
may choose to submit a one-page letter of reference from a professional contact such as an employer or educator.
Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Email applications to Newport BridgeFest Director Aaron
Abrahamson Cote at To be considered, all materials must be received by April 1,
Visit for more information.