New Zealand Ecological Society 2015 Conference


New Zealand Ecological Society 2015 Conference
New Zealand Ecological Society
2015 Conference
15-19 November, Christchurch
Call for symposia and workshop proposals
Held at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, conference activities kick off with
a Student Day on Sunday November 15th. All conference delegates are invited to attend
the day of workshops and fieldtrips which precede the conference on Monday
November 16th. The conference proper will open with a Welcome Reception on Monday
evening with the full conference programme to take place from Tuesday through
Thursday (November 17th - 19th). A writer’s retreat will follow the event.
The New Zealand Ecological Society invites proposals for symposia sessions for the
2015 annual conference. Symposia will generally involve one session with between five
and eight 15 minute talks (longer symposia will be considered under exceptional
circumstances). There is no specific theme for the conference this year and this presents
a neat opportunity to host a wide range of symposium topics.
Symposia proposals should be sent to no
later than 20th March 2015. Each proposal should include the following information:
Specific symposium title (not a general topic)
Organiser(s) names and email addresses
Overview of symposium including why it is important and what contribution it
will make to ecology (500 words max)
List of potential speakers and their topics (including one keynote speaker if
applicable – keynote speakers can have 30 minutes)
An indication of potential outcomes from the symposium e.g. a review paper for
NZ Journal of Ecology or other associated events such as a workshop to be run in
association with NZES2015 conference
A 140 character summary of symposium suitable for Twitter
Timely and well-organised submissions relevant to New Zealand ecology, including
clearly identified outputs, are encouraged. All proposals will be evaluated by the local
organising committee. Space is limited; in the event of your proposal not being accepted
other options may be presented – e.g. organisation of a workshop.
There is also the opportunity to run workshops associated with the conference (before,
during and after) and we invite proposals for these at the same time. Workshops can be
of variable length and we would be happy to discuss proposals – please send
expressions of interest to by 30th April