Treatment Locator Information Sheet
Treatment Locator Information Sheet
The NH Alcohol and Drug Treatment Locator,, is a new website directory now available for locating alcohol and drug treatment service providers in New Hampshire who offer assessments, withdrawal management, outpatient counseling, residential treatment, recovery supports and other services. The on‐line locator allows providers and the general public to identify services and narrow search results by location, service type, population/specialties served, and/or payer. Search results may be printed to include provider contact information for referral organizations to share. Additionally, current listings may be updated and new listings can be added to the directory. Promotional materials are also available to share with colleagues, patients and in waiting rooms including flyers, business cards, and magnets. Please consider using this resource to help your patients get the help they may need. How Do I Search for Treatment Options? Type your address or zipcode in the Address field. You may also indicate a range within 10 to 250 miles. Filter by clicking on the Service Types, Populations/Specialties Served, and/or Payer radio buttons. Click on the points on the map within the location of interest to obtain provider contact information. Scroll down the page for a full list of providers specific to the service type(s) selected. How Do I Update A Listing Or Add A New Listing? Click on the Submit Edits tab at the top of the home page and complete form as indicated. Edits/new listings will be updated within two weeks of a submitted request. How Can I Obtain Promotional Materials? Click on the Promotional Materials tab located at the top of the home page to access all available materials. Who Can I Contact for Help Navigating the Site and for More Information? Lisa Mure 603‐573‐3311 Rekha Sreedhara 603‐573‐3342
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