10 Apr2015 - North Hendon Synagogue


10 Apr2015 - North Hendon Synagogue
10 APRIL 2015 – ISSUE 636
‫שבת  ח׳  פסח –  כ״ב ניסן תשע״ה‬
Chag Sameach
The Rav, Baal Tefillah and Shul adminstators wish all members a
Chag Kosher V’Sameach and a good Yom Tov.
We wish to welcome all visitors and guests who are davening with
us over Yom Tov. Sholom Aleichem to all our students, those on gap
year schemes in Israel, Yeshivah Bochurim, Avreichim and Sem
Students who are home for the holidays.
Ba’alei Kriyah – Organised by Gershon Hepner
‫שחרית ז׳‬
Seventh Day
Dan Artman
‫שחרית ח׳‬
Eighth Day
Michael Lebrett
‫הפטרה ז׳‬
‫( שמואל א׳‬Samuel 1)22:1 – 51
‫הפטרה ח׳‬
‫( ישעיה‬Isaiah) 23:1 – 10:32 – 12:6
 ‫ש׳ר השירים‬
Yeshaya Nosson Hepner
Gershon has mislaid his Krias Hatorah diary. If you have agreed to
lein on any Shabbos or Yom Tov through the summer and beyond,
please remind Gerson of your booking.
The Gabbous and calling up is in the hands of a number of members
who are assisting in the running of the Shul. Anyone who wishes to be
called up (other than for a Yahrzeit) should speak to Henry Ehreich
Children’s Programme over Shabbos
u5S: Service for children under five (accompanied by one parent)
from 10.45am to 11.10am in the downstairs Shiur room.
cS: Children’s Service for children over five will be at 10.30am for 45
minutes in the Beis Hamedrash.
cK: Children’s Kiddush will be at 11.15am in the Beis Hamedrash.
The Children’s activities will resume on Shabbos Shemini (18 April)
Hashkomoh Shiur on Shabbos
Michael Lebrett’s Shiur after the Hashkomoh Service has
commenced learning the Dinim of Birchas Cohanim.
Security Arrangements in the Shul
Bernhard Bergman, our security Officer, has carried out a review of
security arrangements in the Shul in the light of recent events. A
screen has been fitted in the foyer which displays a real time image
from four of our security cameras, including the front gates. It has
been decided that the member on security duty will remain in the
foyer and watch the CCTV images to see anyone entering the Shul
and to note any unusual activity around the Shul. There are some
Halachic ramifications which Bernhard can explain to anyone
Sunday Morning Shiurim
The next Beigel Breakfast Shiur will be on 26th April. Gershon
Hepner’s Tehillim Shiurim will resume after Yom Tov. He will be
commencing Chapter 21.
Women’s Shiurim
The two women’s Shiurim – on Monday and Tuesday – will resume
after Yom Tov.
Siyum for Yahrzeit for Rabbi Cooper‫זצ״ל‬
We will be making a Siyum on Gemorah Chagiga on the Shabbos
before the Yahrzeit for Rabbi Cooper. Distribution of the learning
will commence on Sunday.
Annual General Meeting
The AGM of the Shul will take place on Sunday 26 April. Every
eligible member should have received a Nomination Form with their
Pesach mailing. Should you not have received the Form, please
request a copy from Henry Ehreich
Shiva Details
We are sorry to advise members of the death of Mrs Hannah
Herman, wife of the late Dayan Shimon Herman. The Shiva
commences after Yom Tov at 20 Eagle Lodge, Golders Green Road
and ends on Friday morning 17 April. Sitting Shiva are Rabbi
Avrohom Tzvi Herman, Mrs Judy Cooper, Rabbi Malcolm Herman,
Mrs Naomi Levenson & Mrs Rachel Stern. Davening times etc. are in
a separate e-mail or on our website.
Publication of North Hendon Shul Website: www.northhendon.co.uk
Newsletter Editors: Phil Gilbert and Henry Ehreich (020 8203 0797)
Subscribe to the Newsletter: webmaster@northhendon.co.uk
Content and Info by Thursday AM to newsletter@northhendon.co.uk
Contact the Board of Management: boardmembers@northhendon.co.uk
FRIDAY 10 APRIL – Seventh Day Pesach
o ‫( שחרית‬Shacharis)
o Latest time for ‫( קריאת שמע‬Krias Shema)
o Latest time for ‫( קריאת שמע‬Krias Shema) ‫בדיעבד‬
o Amud Yomi Shiur
o  ‫ שבת‬/ ‫( מנחה‬Mincha/Shabbos)
o Krias Shema & Sefiras Ha’omer from
‫ שבת‬11 APRIL – Eighth Day Pesach
o ‫( שחרית‬Shacharis)
o Latest time for ‫( קריאת שמע‬Krias Shema)
o Latest time for ‫( קריאת שמע‬Krias Shema) ‫בדיעבד‬
o ‫( יזכור‬Yizkor) after
o Amud Yomi Shiur
o ‫( מנחה‬Mincha) & Topical Shiur-Y C Hepner
o Nightfall & ‫( מעריב‬Maariv)
o Sold Chometz not to be used before
o Amud Yomi Shiur
o ‫( שחרית‬Shacharis)
o Sunday Morning Shiurim resume
Women’s Tehillim Group – 51 Holders Hill Ave.
o ‫ מעריב‬/ ‫( מנחה‬Mincha/Maariv)
o Amud Yomi Shiur
o ‫( שחרית‬Shacharis) - 1
o ‫( שחרית‬Shacharis) - 2
o ‫ מעריב‬/ ‫( מנחה‬Mincha/Maariv)
o Nechemia Broch Monday Night Shiur – Megilla
o Amud Yomi Shiur
o ‫( שחרית‬Shacharis) – 1
o ‫( שחרית‬Shacharis) – 2
o Shiur on Mishlei Shiur – Rabbi Cohn
o ‫ מעריב‬/ ‫( מנחה‬Mincha/Maariv)
o Amud Yomi Shiur
o ‫( שחרית‬Shacharis) – 1
o ‫( שחרית‬Shacharis) – 2
o ‫ מעריב‬/ ‫( מנחה‬Mincha/Maariv)
o Chavrusa Programme
o Amud Yomi Shiur
o ‫( שחרית‬Shacharis) – 1
o ‫( שחרית‬Shacharis) – 2
o ‫ מעריב‬/ ‫( מנחה‬Mincha/Maariv)
o Amud Yomi Shiur
o ‫( שחרית‬Shacharis) – 1
o ‫( שחרית‬Shacharis) – 2
o Mincha & Shabbos
o Krias Shema & Sefiras Ha’omer from
21 ‫ניסן‬
9.00 am
9.03 am
9.39 am
6.20 pm
7.20 pm
8.41 pm
22 ‫ניסן‬
9.00 am
9.02 am
9.38 am
10.30 am
6.20 pm
7.30 pm
8.43 pm
10.00 pm
23 ‫ניסן‬
7.00 am
8.00 am
next week
5.00 pm
7.30 pm
24 ‫ניסן‬
6.00 am
6.30 am
7.50 am
7.30 pm
8.00 pm
25 ‫ניסן‬
6.00 am
6.30 am
7.00 am
10.15 am
7.30 pm
26 ‫ניסן‬
6.00 am
6.30 am
7.00 am
7.30 pm
8.00 pm
27 ‫ניסן‬
6.00 am
6.30 am
6.50 am
7.30 pm
28 ‫ניסן‬
6.00 am
6.30 am
7.00 am
7.20 pm
8.55 pm
YAHRZEITS We wish these members a Chayim Aruchim
22 ‫ניסן‬
11 Apr
Mr Tony Artman
22 ‫ניסן‬
11 Apr
Mrs Sophie Weiniger
22 ‫ניסן‬
11 Apr
Mrs Hayley Douek
23 ‫ניסן‬
12 Apr
Mr Jack Cooper
23 ‫ניסן‬
12 Apr
Mrs I Skolnek
24 ‫ניסן‬
13 Apr
Mrs Amanda Freedman
24 ‫ניסן‬
13 Apr
Mr Sidney Goschalk
25 ‫ניסן‬
14 Apr
Mrs Sophie Weiniger
26 ‫ניסן‬
15 Apr
Mr David Levy
26 ‫ניסן‬
15 Apr
Mr Martin Barnett
27 ‫ניסן‬
16 Apr
Dr Jeffrey Freilich
IMPORTANT APPEAL: If you have been bereaved in the past year or so, please
ensure that the details of your departed relative are passed to me for inclusion
in the Shul Yahrzeit file. Without these details we can not make a Hazkoroh
on the Shabbos before the Yahrzeit.
Henry Ehreich