- Kew Gardens Synagogue
- Kew Gardens Synagogue
Kew Gardens Synagogue Adath Yeshurun טז אדר תשע"ה- פרשת כי תשא- March 6 - 7, 2015 Shabbos Schedule Candle lighting .......................................................5:34 pm Mincha ...................................................................5:39 pm Parsha Shiur (Rabbi Moshe Sokoloff)....................8:40 am Shacharis ...........................................7:45, 8:30 & 9:00 am סוף זמן קריאת שמע....................................................9:13 am Topics in Halacha...................................................4:25 pm Are women obligated in tefillah of Musaf? Shiurim during the week Shiur for Men – Beginner’s Gemara – Rabbi Sokoloff Monday (Rabbi’s home)....................................... 9:00 pm Shiur for Women – Rabbi Sokoloff Tuesday ................................................................ 8:00 pm Shiur for Men – Mesilas Yesharim – Rabbi Sokoloff Monday - Friday....................................................7:40 am Judaica Lending Library Sundays 10:30-12 pm & Fridays 1:30-2:45 pm Chumash Shiur (Dr. Bondi) .................................cancelled Mincha ...................................................................5:25 pm שלש סעודותfollowed by Ma’ariv Ma’ariv/End of Shabbos.........................................6:44 pm פרשת השבוע/ Rabbi Sokoloff The Parashas Hashavua Shiur Motzaei Shabbos 8:15 PM An audio recording of all the shiurim are available on our website at www.kewgardenssynagogue.org Weekday Schedule Shacharis Sunday...............................................7:00, 8:00 & 9:00 am Schedule for Daf Yomi Shiur given by Rabbi Elchanan Kasnett Sunday – 8:45 am (Lower Beis Midrash) Monday-Friday – 7:15 am (Upper Beis Midrash) & 8:45 am (Lower Beis Midrash) Shabbos – 2:20 pm (Main Shul) Nediv Yom The shiurim this week are dedicated in memory of: Dov Ber ben Akiva, Z”L beloved father of Mrs. Phyllis Lisker Mrs. Charlotte Frohlinger wishes to express her appreciation to all those who supported her during her period of mourning. Monday & Thursday ..................................6:45 & 8:00 am Weekly D’var Torah on the parsha by Dr. Shulie Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday ..................6:50 & 8:00 am Plawes now available on our website. The D’var Torah Mincha - Sunday - Thursday. .................................6:45 pm is dedicated in memory of his beloved father, R’ Yisroel Menachem ben Shalom, Z”L Ma’ariv - Sunday - Thursday .................................7:15 pm Next Shabbos Candle Lighting/Mincha ........ 6:42/6:47 pm TO SPONSOR SHALOSH SEUDOS, PLEASE CALL THE SHUL OFFICE If parking in the driveway next to Shul on Abingdon Rd., please pull up as far as possible to allow others to use the area as well. If you must leave early, please park elsewhere. We appreciate your kind consideration. Don’t forget to set clocks forward one hour, Motzaei Shabbos, March 7th after 2 AM. Community Events SHIUR HA’CHODESH FOR WOMEN BY WOMEN A Monthly Program of Advanced Shiurim Wednesday, March 11 at 7:45 PM Dr. Deena Rabinovich Queens Simcha Gown Gmach is looking for gowns in good condition for teens, young ladies, and women. Please contact Sara at 718.268.0485 or Lenore at 718.268.3962 for more information. Stern College Instructor in Limudei Kodesh; Director, Legacy Heritage Fund Jewish Educator’s Project The Enabling of Cain Congregation Etz Chaim • 147-19 73 Avenue, KGH Kew Gardens Synagogue Adath Yeshurun • 82-17 Lefferts Boulevard • Kew Gardens, NY 11415 Phone: 718-849-7988 • Fax 718-847-2673 • E-mail: kgs@nyc.rr.com • Web: www.kewgardenssynagogue.org