Link to PDF of Web Minutes for March2015


Link to PDF of Web Minutes for March2015
New York City Area Service Committee Meeting
Minutes of March 19, 2015
NYCASC Post Office Address:
PMB #329
70-A Greenwich Avenue
New York City 10011
Contact: Area Secretary:
NYCASC Area meeting held at:
Greater New York Regional Service Office
154 Christopher Street, Suite 1A (basement)
Next meeting – April 19, 2015 at 2:00pm
Or Area Chair:
Call to order and Opening Prayer read at 2:04PM
The 12 Traditions were read; The 12 Concepts were read; and The NYCASC Purpose was read.
Roll Call:
Vice Chair
Literature Dist. Chair
Events and Activities
Public Relations
Meeting List Coordinator
Website Technical Coord.
Website Content Coord.
Acting GSR
Alt. GSR
NYCASC (Act. GSR Glad In Recovry)
NYCASC (Alt. GSR Rec In The Low)
NYCASC (GSR Freedom Group)
NYCASC (Act. GSR Bleeker St. Tues)
9AM Wake-Up
Bleeker St. Tuesday
Finally Found A Home
Freedom Group
Glad In Recovery
Living Free
No Authority
Only Game In Town
Recovery In The 80’s
Recovery In The Lower
Recurring Themes
Second Lives
Serenity Sunday
SoHo Serenity
Solid Foundation
Village Spiritual Workshop
You Get What You Need
Recognition of New Groups and/or New Trusted Servants:
Alt. GSR
Acting GSR
Bleeker St. Tuesday
Serenity Sunday
Recognition of Visitors to the NYCASC Meeting
Chairperson took Quorum count.
The next Area meeting should have been listed as April 19, 2015 on the March 15, 2015 Agenda
Chair Report:
Steering Committee met at @12:30pm
All Administrative and Subcommittee Chairs were present except: Treasurer, Vice Treasurer, Web Technical
Coordinator and Web Content Coordinator.
Recovery After Hours: Meeting took place with facility to make amends and resolve issues. Meeting space is
off-limits for NA Groups—will be revisited at a future time. Area Chair asks that NA members conduct
themselves appropriately at facilities where our Groups meet.
Received e-mail from Cardinal Spellman re: explaining delay in returning deposit.
Facility has been supportive for many years but is rumored to close in the future.
WorkGroup for NA Birthday Bash: No one attended meeting scheduled for today. Rescheduled for next
month prior to Steering Committee Meeting.
Area Chair will reach out to former NA members that have been involved in previous Area Birthday Bashes.
Reminded Groups that elections will be held in May for all Area Trusted Servants except RCM.
Bring Nominations in April. A form will be included in this month’s minutes (Form can be copied).
Area Secretary will send open commitments for posting on NYCASC website:
Area Vice Chair will facilitate PR Subcommittee meeting today at 4PM
Former PR Chair was contacted for PR materials he has.
Vice-Chair Report:
No Report.
In loving service,
RCM Report:
Greater NY Regional Service Committee meets on the 2nd Saturday of odd numbered months:
RSC met March 14, 2015
Next Meeting: May 9, 2015
2 Areas were not in attendance.
History of NA in New York book is available: $50 Gift edition (hardcover)/$15 softcover.
Books are for sale at our Regional Service Office; Book Launch Speaker Jam Saturday 405 W. 59th St.
$10,400 in presales was turned over to RSC Treasurer—Balance on hand $13,062 (after financial motions and
prudent reserve: $500 contribution to World Services; $3,100 was paid to our & Regional Service Office.
BOD Report to be posted on NYC Area websiste.
Raffle drawing: One winner: 2 Registrations, 4 room nites = $875.00
Insurance: NYC Area must make a payment or Group coverage will be dropped as per our Board of Director
(BOD) report. If insurance not paid waivers for events will cost $50 per event.
There is an August deadline before Areas will be dropped from coverage if Region receives no payment
Need to clarify premium as $1564 or $1700.
Regional Outreach: Has service that can be done from home: Letter writing to NA members from “Behind The
Walls.” Contact Robert D. (347) 405-3992, GNYR Outreach Chair.
Regional Delegates report will be submitted: The 2nd draft of the Traditions Working Guide Book was
distributed and posted on website.
Regional Delegate Alt: Gina B. will attend N.E. Zonal Event April 25
Helpline Chair reported an increase in volunteer hours, he asked if a member is homebound, that member can
also receive orientation.
Regional nominees: Kerry, RSC Vice Chair; Tony, RSC Public Information Chair.
Regional Pool Form attached.
In loving service,
Report made via phone in Treasurer’s absence.
Treasurer's Report (February/March); and Bank Statement (January/February) attached:
Working balance: $89.71 (does not include funds collected at today’s meeting.)
Prudent Reserve has reached $2000
Current expenses reported:
$390.00 – meeting lists
$39.25 – Secretary
$154.00 – H&I
$150.00 – H&I
Area Chair will pick up checks and make available for H&I and Secretary.
Note: Group donations that are mailed to the Area are collected on the day of the current Area Meeting and will be
listed in the Minutes of the following month.
Submitted receipts for $39.25 for copying and mailing expenses February’s expenses.
February’s Minutes have not been posted to website.
Will also send list of the open Area commitments for posting to website.
H&I flyer made available in a second mailing this month – was not sent to GSRs without e-mail.
Stated that distribution of the Minutes could not be held up, but felt that Minutes were incomplete without the
Treasury Reports.
GSRs reminded to sign in at entrance and make corrections to their e-mail address in the list circulated.
All Commitments except RCM are open.
Every-Month report:
Please hand in a “Group Report Form” with any information you want to appear in the minutes or posted on the
NYCASC website.
Please Sign-In your e-mail address and/or indicate your request for regular mailing.
NYCASC Minutes, Forms, and Area updates are on-line at
•12pm Mens Meeting: last report 11/09
•208 Group: last report 6/11
•ABC Steps to Recovery: Last Report 7/14.
•A Greater Consciousness: (last report 11/12)
•ABC’s to Recovery: last report 12/12
•Angels With Dirty Faces: Last Report 12/14
• (formerly known as) Bleecker St. Thursday: last report 5/11
•Fresh Air Group: last report 4/10
•Courage to F.E.A.R.: Last Report 3/14 •Friday Focus: last report 1/13 •Green & Gold: Last Reported 9/13
•Home Away From Home: Last Report 12/14. •In Times of Illness: Last report 4/11
•Just For Today: Last report 11/14. •Just Steps: last report 1/09 •Lunchtime Recovery: last report 7/09
•Meditation in Practice: Last report 09/10
•Meditation Lunch: last report 6/12
•Midtown Meditation: Last Report 8/14
•Miracle on 33rd Street: Last Report 6/14
•New Beginnings: last report 6/09
•No Matter What: Last Reported 10/13
•Practicing Principles: last report 3/12
•Recovery After Hours: Last Report 1/15
•Recovery at Dusk: last report 11/08.
•Recovery From the Heart: Last Report 10/14
•Recovery off the Wall: last report 11/08
•Recuperacion for Today: Last Report 12/14
•Recuperacion on the L.E.S.: last report 12/12
•Seize the Day: last report 12/12
•Spiritual Connection: last report 3/09
•Steps to Pitt: Last Report 7/14
•Three O'Clock Group: last report 3/13
•Women on the Journey: Last report 11/14.
•9am Wakeup: Multi-format Group. Celebrating Mar 27: 8 yrs., 22 yrs., 28 yrs. –
•Bleecker St. (Tuesday): Meeting is going well in the new location. All positions are filled with great attendance.
Thinking of throwing a party—still speculating. –
•Breaking the Chains: Last Report 2/15. Group is accepting donations for our 18th year anniversary in July.
The actual date is still pending. –
•CleanPoint: Last Report 1/15. Group is a one-hour Living Clean study meeting located in Greenpoint Brooklyn.
We have a small but steady core group and are currently building a Prudent Reserve so we do not have any donation at
this time. –
•Clubhouse Recovery: Last Report 1/15. Open BT meeting. Needs Trusted Servants and Home Group
members. –
•Cover to Cover: Last Report 1/15. Meeting continues to grow and thrive. –
•(We) Finally Found A Home: Newcomers every week attend. Group is doing well. We need to find a new
meeting space beginning August 1, 2015. –
•Freedom Group: Our attendance has been small but steady. We can always use more support. We hope to
review our new Policy soon. –
•Glad In Recovery: Group is now listed in Meeting Lists for Brooklyn Area (geographic), Kings Bay Area
(geographic) and New York City Area (member). Attendance seems to be improving, but can still use support.
Brooklyn’s only LGBT meeting. Mondays 7pm. (In keeping with 3rd Tradition: All are welcome.) Round-Robin
Closed Discussion of the Just For Today meditation. –
•It’s About Change: Last Report 1/15. No report submitted. –
•Living Free: Donation $100.00 –
•Midtown Matinee: Last Report 1/15. None. All good. All Service positions filled. –
•N.A. Unity: Last Report 1/15. Nothing to report. –
•No Authority: The Group is doing well. We just elected a new Hospitality person since the previous member
couldn’t show. Donation $36.77 –
•Only Game in Town: Chair – Drew; Treasurer – Larry; Secretary – Michelle; GSR – Rich. – Richard P.
•Our Whole Lives Ahead Of Us: Last Report 1/15. We are a Special Interest Group catered toward young
addicts. –
•Recovery In The 80’s: Because of inclement weather, not too many members showed up at our meeting.
Attendance was very poor. –
•Recovery in the Lower: Group is still looking for a space to move. Celebrating Mach 26: 11 yrs; 25 yrs; at
7:00pm. Donation $43.06 –
•Recurring Themes: Group is a topic meeting that meets twice weekly Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7PM. All are
welcome. Please come and enjoy our wonderful fellowship. –
•Second Lives: All is well. Donation $40.00 –
•Serenity Sunday: No report submitted. –
•Soho Serenity: Meeting running smoothly, nothing to report. –
•Solid Foundation: All is well. Donation $46.90 –
•South Side Steps 1-2-3: Last Report 1/15. Everything is running smoothly. The Group is still in need of
support—we need a Co-Chair. This week’s policy meeting is expected to have big changes. –
•Steps to Life: Last Report 1/15. Group well-attended. 1-12 Step meeting. All positions filled. –
•Valley of the Dolls: Last Report 2/15. None. –
•Village Spiritual Workshop: No donation because we will have to be moving at end of July, so Group is
building up reserve in expectation that rent will be much higher than it is now. –
•You Get What You Need: Meeting has decent attendance. Donation $40.00. –
(provided by Subcommittee Chair unless noted)
Literature Distribution:
Area to vote on Literature Distribution Policy
Reminded GSRs to make Area Meeting List purchases separately from the Meeting List Coordinator and not
include the purchase in their Literature Order.
Meeting List Coord. Stated that, when necessary, she will honor purchases included in Literature Orders.
Explained the process of literature orders made through the Area.
Stated that he will making copies of everything.
Literature purchases = $82.43.
In loving service,
Hospitals and Institutions:
Meets 2nd Saturday, 1PM at the Regional Service Office – Next meeting April 11, 2015
16 members attended March 14 Subcommittee meeting – Literature amount was $154.00
The Motion for workshop to revise H&I Handbook pending notice from NAWS; tabled at the Regional
Nominated by Subcommittee for H&I Chairperson. Nomination to be read at Area and included in the Minutes.
April 4 will be hosting our H&I Learning Day from 12-4 in this room – there will be lots of information,
fellowship and food.
In loving service,
Meets 1st Monday, 7PM at the Regional Service Office – Next meeting April 6, 2015
Volunteer orientation package will be updated twice –a-year.
Committee has a budget now so may be able to have learning days, flyers, etc.
The clean-time requirement is 6 months.
In loving service,
Events and Activities: vacant
Public Relations:
Meets 3rd Sunday, 5PM at the Regional Service Office
Area Vice-Chair will facilitate today’s PR meeting at 4PM
Meeting List Coordinator:
Area Meeting Lists sell at 25 for $3.50, and 50 for $7.00
New Meeting Lists published.
Meeting Lists given to H&I box; receipts filed with Area Chair to give to Secretary.
In loving service,
Meeting Space Ad Hoc Committee - Absent
In Loving Service,
Website Coordinators:
Technical Coordinator: Absent
Content Coordinator: Absent
All submissions for posting to the NYCASC website can be sent to Web Content Coordinator.
Group Concerns
Member raised issue of the behavior of NA members.
Question was raised re: There is no designation in the Greater New York Region Meeting Lists for “special
interest” meetings – Groups are listed as G/L Meeting; Men’s Meeting; Women’s Meeting; etc.
Conclusion of Old Business
Decorum Statement read by the Chair.
New Business:
Working Balance: $89.71
No ASC elections.
Nomination Form attached for H&I Subcommittee Chairperson
Open Commitments:
- Nominations are open for all NYCASC Trusted Servants (except RCM)
Nomination Form (blank) attached.
Report of Funds Collected at today’s Meeting: Unavailable. (Including literature sales.)
Members discussed the issue of the Area’s Insurance premium and a Motion was made (see below).
Questions re: RCM’s reporting that Region will accept payment until August, also whether partial payment
would be acceptable by that time.
RCM suggested that a partial payment be made immediately to secure insurance for the Area’s meetings.
That the NYC Area in good faith make a payment of $200 towards our
insurance balance to the Region – starting in April.
Mover: GSR-9AM Wakeup
In favor: _5_ Opposed: _1__ Abstain: _10__ - (Failed)
Meeting Closed at 3:58PM.
Second: RCM
To prevent the Area from losing
insurance coverage for the Groups.