Link to PDF of Web Minutes for April 2015


Link to PDF of Web Minutes for April 2015
New York City Area Service Committee Meeting
Minutes of April 19, 2015
NYCASC Post Office Address:
PMB #329
70-A Greenwich Avenue
New York City 10011
Contact: Area Secretary:
NYCASC Area meeting held at:
Greater New York Regional Service Office
154 Christopher Street, Suite 1A (basement)
Next meeting – May 17, 2015 at 2:00pm
Or Area Chair:
Call to order and Opening Prayer read at 2:15PM
The 12 Traditions were read; The 12 Concepts were read; and The NYCASC Purpose was read.
Roll Call:
– Elected
Vice Chair
Literature Dist. Chair
Events and Activities
Public Relations
Meeting List Coordinator
Website Technical Coord.
Website Content Coord.
Acting GSR
Acting GSR
Alt. GSR
Acting GSR
Alt. GSR
NYCASC (Act. GSR Glad In Recovry)
NYCASC (Alt. GSR Rec In The Low)
NYCASC (GSR Freedom Group)
NYCASC (Act. GSR Bleeker St. Tues)
9AM Wake-Up
Bleeker St. Tuesday
Breaking The Chains
Finally Found A Home
Freedom Group
Glad In Recovery
Its About Change
Living Free
Midtown Matinee
NA Unity
No Authority
Practicing Principles
Recovery From The Heart
Recovery In The 80’s
Recovery In The Lower
Recuperacion For Today
Recurring Themes
Serenity Sunday
SoHo Serenity
Solid Foundation
Steps On Pitt
Steps To Life
You Get What You Need
Recognition of New Groups and/or New Trusted Servants:
Acting GSR
Alt. GSR
Bleeker St. Tuesday
Midtown Matinee
Practicing Principles
Recovery From The Heart
Recuperacion For Today
Recurring Themes
Steps On Pitt
Recognition of Visitors to the NYCASC Meeting
Chairperson took Quorum count.
The unanimous voting and ratification of the Literature Distribution Policy was omitted.
The Ad Hoc Committee for Meeting Spaces should be removed from NYCASC monthly Agenda.
List of Open Commitments should have included Web Coordinators.
Greetings Section of Minutes should have listed NA Birthday Bash Ad Hoc Committee meeting 4/19 at 11AM.
Chair Report:
Steering Committee met at @12:30pm. All Administrative Body and Subcommittee Chairs were present except
H&I Chairperson (Vice Chair was present).
Reported update on return of Area’s $500 security deposit from Cardinal Spellman. Clarified issue of W9 = not
needed as NA is not a business. A check was promised but informed facility that no check was received.
Facility has been supportive for many years but is rumored to close in the future and Area may need to secure
other options for its holiday marathon events.
Continued to ask for volunteers for an NA Birthday Bash WorkGroup: No one attended meeting scheduled for
today. Rescheduled for May prior to Steering Committee Meeting.
Area Chair can be reached at 646-342-5831.
Informed that funds generated from events support Area services, i.e., insurance payments, holiday marathons.
A flyer will be created to gain WorkGroup support. And Area Chair will continue to reach out to NA members
that have been involved in previous Birthday Bash events.
Reminded Groups that elections will be held in May for all Area Trusted Servants except RCM and Assistant
Nominations will be taken today; and will continue to be taken for commitments that remain open. A
Nomination Form will be included in this month’s minutes (Form can be copied), and can be downloaded from
the website:
Area Vice Chair will facilitate PR Subcommittee meeting today at 5PM
Vice-Chair Report:
Last month (March), I chaired the PR Committee meeting. There were only 4 people present. There wasn't
much to discuss since I am not experienced with PR. I said I would reach out to the former Regional PR chair
for assistance. I will also get in touch with Frank, the former NYCASC PR chair, for the materials in his
possession. I am asking the groups to please send a rep to the meeting on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 5pm.
We meet at the Regional Office, 154 Christopher St. There will NOT be a PR meeting in May.
I will be chairing E&A starting May 6th at 7pm. Until that committee is off the ground and sets their own time,
all meetings will be the first Wed of every month at the Regional Office at 7pm. I am also asking the groups to
send a rep to this meeting.
In loving service,
RCM Report:
Greater NY Regional Service Committee meets on the 2nd Saturday of odd numbered months:
There was no RSC meeting this month; last meeting was March 14, 2015
Next Meeting: May 9, 2015
Has NA History in NY book for sale (10 books).
Book was created by the Regional Literature Committee; and copyrights were turned over to the RSO.
Is hopeful that NYC Area will make an insurance premium payment to the GNYRC.
In loving service,
Treasurer's Report and Bank Statement ( ) attached:
Working balance: $343.04 (does not include funds collected at today’s meeting.)
Prudent Reserve $2000
Reminded Area that an Insurance premium needs to be paid.
Also that the Birthday Bash funds are needed to support Area treasury.
Area Chair will facilitate picking up some checks from Treasurer as checkbook was not available at today’s meeting.
Note: Group donations that are mailed to the Area are collected on the day of the current Area Meeting and will be
listed in the Minutes of the following month.
Submitted receipts for $46.66 for copying and mailing expenses for March.
Does not include receipt from post office; Steering Committee agreed to add $7.00 for a total reimbursement of
February and March Minutes were posted to website.
Open Area commitments were posted to website.
Area Chair has requested that Minutes be taken for Steering Committee meetings.
Chair announced that GSR packets will be made to include new Literature Distribution Policy, and distributed
to new GSRs.
GSRs reminded to sign in to meeting and to make corrections to their e-mail address in the GSR Contact List
GSRs informed of area website and some of the website contents.
Open Nominations: Web Content Coordinator, PR Subcommittee Chair, and E&A
Subcommittee Chair, Alternate RCM.
Every-Month report:
Please hand in a “Group Report Form” with any information you want to appear in the minutes or posted on the
NYCASC website.
Please Sign-In your e-mail address and/or indicate your request for regular mailing.
NYCASC Minutes, Forms, and Area updates are on-line at
•12pm Mens Meeting: last report 11/09
•208 Group: last report 6/11
•ABC Steps to Recovery: Last Report 7/14.
•A Greater Consciousness: (last report 11/12)
•ABC’s to Recovery: last report 12/12
•Angels With Dirty Faces: Last Report 12/14
• (formerly known as) Bleecker St. Thursday: last report 5/11
•CleanPoint: Last Report 1/15.
•Clubhouse Recovery: Last Report 1/15
•Cover to Cover: Last Report 1/15.
•Fresh Air Group: last report 4/10
•Courage to F.E.A.R.: Last Report 3/14
•Friday Focus: last report 1/13
•Green & Gold: Last Reported 9/13
•Home Away From Home: Last Report 12/14. •In Times of Illness: Last report 4/11
•Just For Today: Last report 11/14. •Just Steps: last report 1/09 •Lunchtime Recovery: last report 7/09
•Meditation in Practice: Last report 09/10
•Meditation Lunch: last report 6/12
•Midtown Meditation: Last Report 8/14
•Miracle on 33rd Street: Last Report 6/14
•New Beginnings: last report 6/09
•No Matter What: Last Reported 10/13
•Our Whole Lives Ahead Of Us: Last Report 1/15.
•Recovery After Hours: Last Report 1/15
•Recovery at Dusk: last report 11/08.
•Recovery off the Wall: last report 11/08
•Recuperacion for Today: Last Report 12/14
•Recuperacion on the L.E.S.: last report 12/12
•Seize the Day: last report 12/12
•South Side Steps 1-2-3: Last Report 1/15
•Spiritual Connection: last report 3/09
•Three O'Clock Group: last report 3/13
•Women on the Journey: Last report 11/14
•9am Wakeup: Multi-format Group. –
•Bleecker St. (Tuesday): Donation $400. –
•Breaking the Chains: Member is celebrating 30 years clean on Wed the 29th. Donation $30.00 –
•(We) Finally Found A Home: No changes. We need a new meeting space in July or August. –
•Freedom Group: Attendance is good. Policy is being formed. It was decided that the meeting would gain 15
minutes and end at 8:30. The meeting’s time is 7-8:30pm. Donation $34.00 –
•Glad In Recovery: Attendance seems to be improving, but can still use support. Brooklyn’s only LGBT meeting.
(In keeping with 3rd Tradition: All are welcome.) Downtown Brooklyn. Mondays 7pm. Round-Robin Closed
Discussion of the Just For Today meditation. –
•It’s About Change: Looking for a new meeting space. Donation $80.00 –
•Living Free: All is well. Donation $73.00 –
•Midtown Matinee: Attendance has been extremely poor! Needs much more support!! –
•N.A. Unity: Nothing to report. Donation $200.00 –
•No Authority: All is well. Donation $105.68 –
•Only Game in Town: Last Report 3/15. Chair –; Treasurer – ; Secretary – ; GSR. –
•Practicing Principles: A small group with 5-6 regulars. I’ve been told we haven’t had a GSR for some time.—
•Recovery From the Heart: This Group is in need of support. It meets every Tuesday at 6:30PM to help each
other stay clean. Located at 200 Madison St. Still have not found a meeting space for this meeting, nor have we set a
date for the Group’s Anniversary. –
•Recovery In The 80’s: Attendance was fallen. Financially the Group didn’t do too good. –
•Recovery in the Lower: Group collecting for our Group Anniversary. Member will be celebrating 8 years on
Thursday April 30. Group is still searching for a new meeting space. Donation $31.00 –
•Recuperacion For Today: No Report submitted. –
•Recurring Themes: Group in need of a Tuesday Chairperson. Chairperson duties = Getting speakers qualified to
share on NA topics. –
•Second Lives: All is well. Donation $40.00 –
•Serenity Sunday: Group is making rent and is well attended, but is not able to donate to Area. –
•Soho Serenity: No report submitted. –
•Solid Foundation: Rotating Format: 1st Sunday – Beginners Meeting; 2nd Sun – 90 Day Panel; 3rd Sun –
Anniversary; 4th Sun – Rotating 1,2,3 Step; 5th Sun – IP Meeting. Donation $62.00 –
• Steps to Pitt: Group is lacking attendance and needs support. –
•Steps to Life: Step Meeting 1-12. Well-attended. Group in search of a location for its 3rd Speaker Jam “Doing
Our Best on the LES.” –
•Valley of the Dolls: Last Report 2/15. None. –
•Village Spiritual Workshop: Last Report 3/15. No donation because we will have to be moving at end of July,
so Group is building up reserve in expectation that rent will be much higher than it is now. –
•You Get What You Need: Attendance adequate, can always have more people. –
(provided by Subcommittee Chair unless noted)
Literature Distribution:
All literature orders were filled and some incomplete orders are in back order.
Copies were made and printed of all the NYCASC literature orders sales and returned to GSRs that ordered
RSO supposed to give the literature order invoice and did not do so.
Total balance sold since January 18, 2015 = $164.16
Literature purchases for today = $130.28.
All literature orders that get filled have to be given with money orders.
In loving service,
Hospitals and Institutions:
Meets 2nd Saturday, 1PM at the Regional Service Office – Next meeting May 9, 2015
Subcommittee had Learning Day on April 4 – it was a huge success!! Over 70 people were in
attendance. A receipt was submitted to account for the $150 the Area provided for the event. 3 new
people were recruited from the event.
Subcommittee has open positions on the Admin Body to be filled and anticipate filling them in May:
Subcommittee Vice-Chair and Secretary.
Subcommittee had 24 attendees at the April meeting.
World Service Committee rejected the Project idea for update of H&I handbook. NYC Area voted to
not move forward with the motion to the World Service Committee.
Subcommittee has 32 commitments, 6 are open.
In loving service,
Meets 1st Monday, 7PM at the Regional Service Office – Next meeting May 4, 2015
HelpLine may set up Orientations on-line, so people won’t have to come to the office to do them. They would
still first have to come to the monthly committee meeting to introduce themselves and schedule the orientation.
In loving service,
Events and Activities: vacant
Will begin meeting on Wednesday, May 6, 5PM at the RSO
See Area Vice-Chair report.
Public Relations:
Meets 3rd Sunday, 5PM at the Regional Service Office
Next Meeting scheduled for June 21.
See Area Vice-Chair report.
Meeting List Coordinator:
Area Meeting Lists sell at $3.50 for 25, and $7.00 for 50
Still have more Meeting Lists for sale.
Regional Lists are being printed. Considering stocking Regional Lists.
Will see how much we need to pay for Regional Lists & then calculate how much we can sell them for to the
Let Coordinator know of any meeting changes ASAP. Contact:
$69.00 of Area Meeting Lists sold as of 3:50PM.
In loving service,
Website Coordinators:
Technical Coordinator:
Attending meeting to ascertain that Area wants to continue with website
Needs $120/year hosting costs; $20/year domain name cost.
Lou will be reimbursed for bill payment.
Informed Area Trusted Servants that email addressed can be assigned: contact
Content Coordinator:
- Everything running smoothly. Will continue to update the website.
- To post to NYCASC website contact Kay G at
Group Concerns
One Group is missing funds submitted for literature, GSR directed to meet with Treasurer to locate.
Discussion re: NYCASC being involved to coordinate with MASC Convention.
Chair stated that it is difficult to coordinate events, as Areas are territorial.
Area events and activities can be found on-line:
Conclusion of Old Business
GSR Packets: Add Literature Policy and print 25 copies of the revised policy with folders and a cover sheet.
Decorum Statement read by the Vice-Chair.
New Business:
Working Balance: $343.04
Elected by acclamation for H&I Chairperson
Resumes attached.
- Chairperson –
- Vice Chair –
- Treasurer –
- Secretary –
- Literature Distribution Chair - HelpLine Chair –
- Website Technical Coordinator –
- Meeting List Coordinator –
Open Commitments:
- Nominations are still open for E&A Subcommittee Chairperson; Public Relations
Subcommittee Chairperson; Website Content Coordinator, and Alternate RCM
Report of Funds Collected at today’s Meeting: Donations $1508.68, Literature Sales $130.28,
Meeting Lists $69.00
To allot funds to pay insurance at an amount to be voted on each month, with To meet Area obligation to reimburse
$300 this month.
GNYR for insurance coverage for the
Mover: Area Secretary
In favor: _14_ Opposed: _0__ Abstain: _1__ - (Passed)
Meeting Closed at 4:30PM.
Second: GSR, SoHo Serenity