OD&T Sponsored Training - Organization Development & Training


OD&T Sponsored Training - Organization Development & Training
OD&T Sponsored Training
Summer Quarter 2015
OD&T will sponsor UW Medicine employees to take the courses listed below from
Professional & Organizational Development (POD).
These courses and their descriptions are listed on POD’s online course catalog:
Communication Style: Creating Positive Relationships & Results
Thursday, June 25, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – Q0030
Eighty percent of those who fail at work do so for one reason: they do not relate well with others. This
course provides powerful and practical tools for better relationships at work. Learn to understand
communication styles—how they affect others, and ways they can build trust and achieve goals. Gain
techniques to develop relationships and influence others without using manipulation or pressure
Supervising in a Diverse Workplace
Monday & Tuesday, June 29 & 30, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day – Q0240
Participants in this course explore the organizational benefits gained by working with people from a
variety of backgrounds and helping employees adjust to the requirements of the organization.
Discussion addresses how communication styles are influenced by differences in generation, national
origin, ethnic background, personality, and varying physical and mental abilities. Content includes
motivating, rewarding, and coaching a diverse work force; instruction provides models for effective
Difficult People and Difficult Behavior: Tips, Tactics, and Tools
Thursday, July 9, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Q0050
This tool-based workshop teaches participants how to separate out emotion and deal with difficult
situations assertively and rationally. Participants gain insights into the roots of everyday difficult
behavior, learn how to benefit from the illusion of control, explore their own conflict resolution style,
and find ways to maintain professionalism in all difficult, conflicting, and even angry situations.
Overcoming Barriers to Care
Wednesday, August 12, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – Q1340
Participants in this course will explore the Barriers to Care Map, a tool that guides health care workers
and providers through the health care system from a patient's point of view with a goal of revising
common processes to better serve patients. This course explains the conceptual approach and gives
many real-life patient stories of encountering barriers in their interactions with health care teams.
NOTE: Continuing education credit for nurses completing this program is provided. Please contact
Karen Moe (598-4432) for more information about contact hours.
Name (Last)
UW Net ID/Email Address (required)
Job Title
Employee ID (required – 9 digit staff ID)
Box #
Work Phone
Supervisor Name
odtreg@uw.edu, UW Mailbox 359422, or fax to (206) 598-9169.
Registrations must be received at least 5 days before class.
For questions regarding content or registration status of the above classes, contact (POD) at (206) 543-1957 or POD@uw.edu.